RURAL CARRIER ITEMS 8. F. D. Ho. 7. To-day, Oct, 17th was the day we set to quit fishing- pennies out of mail boxes to pay postage unless they were properly arrang ed so we could handle them con veniently. We caught several of our patrons napping not with standing that we warned them all three weeks ago that we ex pected to abide from now on by the ruling of the Post Office de partment in regard to pennies and 4oose coins in mail boxes. There are three easy ways to use coins for postage. Hand the money to your carrier personally put it in a tin cup or other recep tacle, in your box or put it in an envelope in the rack in the mail box. Most mail boxes have a tin box arranged to hold letters and loose coins and if yours has not you had better get a hali- pint 'cup and put in your box and always put the money in it and if your box ha,s no rack to hold the letters you had better put your letters on top of the tin cup so the caiTier can handle them easi ly. Please lemember this and abide by it and there will be no trouble at all. Mr. E. B. Meachem will move to Graham before long and a Mr. Thompson will succeed him as manager of the Holt farm near Bellemont. We are sorry to lose Ed from No. 7 but hope he will like his new place all right. Mr. S. A. Sharpe and several young ladies from Graham atten ded the Greensboro Fair last week and all had a very pleasant and interesting time. Some “old maids’’ who reside on No.7 went 'possum hunting Saturday night and got lost Then to ma^e ‘ ‘good matters better they heard a terrible racket that came very near scaring them in to “hysterics” It is said they had a most exciting time trying to get away. Graham Isley; Abe Graves and Will Isley also went hunting Sat urday night and they only caught one ’possum so small they could not aftord to divide it into three parts and neither one would agree to let the other one have it so they decided to build a fire and cook and eat it right there under the tree whei’e they caught it. That crowd must have hunted aboutali night and had g'ot hun gry or fresh was scarce at home one. “Dan’’ scored another victory Saturday night at Bellemont when he persuaded Pete Steel and Miss Zora Clapp to “jump the broom”. ■Rev. J. A. Burgess tied the offici al knot. We congratulate them and wish tl^em much happiness. Dan has his eye on another couple or two over there and we may be able to tell more about it before long. Master Garrison Isley is visit ing his grandfather J. W. H Isley Mr. J R Randolph is no better today. Mr. and Mrs. J W H Isley and daughter Virgie visited on No 1 Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Permelia 1/i is ^tay ingwith Mrs. J. iy ;|argess this Week. Mr. Paul Isley spliSt Saturday night and Sunday st Jiome. Our patrons are feyisy now sow ing Wheat and gatl#*ing com. Mr. John A Dwlg^s was a pleasant visitor otfejr at Rock Greek Friday and Saturday tak ing in the picnic at JPri^ndship, Mr, 0 E Culler at home the ilatter part of last week to attend the picnic, There will be all lay , services at Rock Creek Chvtf^i next Sun day in connection sdlh the Sun day School Convdhtion to be held there that day;. R;f. D. m. I : The County canelidates spoke at J. F. Coble’s ^-idssy, all pres ent enloved the o;H2E;Mon. Also a crowd of our Bur iirigton people headed by J. M; Gcak enjoyed hunting someone to‘pull their automobile out of :,6at: bad mud hole at Stinking Qa&i*ter creek. The Fair FriendsMp- was a per fect success, nearly four hundred present and enjoyed ;Jhe day to the fullest extent. . ,tie exhibits were good and quitt- neat little sum was turned in the school fund. Mrs. J. Zeb Walfe’jl^nd: Miss Hortense Rimmer -oJ the city took in the fair and ;fipent'Satur day night and Sunday at G. W. Patterson’s. Ernest Cheek left sdyeral days ago for Stainback -.vh'ire he has a position. : G. W. Patterson fe^siided us a blackberry brier Tn;i?£.i4ay from a patch on S tin kin g;v creek that contained well devefoped ripe berries. ^ Quite a ciii’csity to see ripe berries after frGSt. SO LUTELY To everybody an eqiial opportunity to get 1 Mebane Best Brass Bed, 1 Majestic Spring, 1 Kingsdown Mattress, $40.00 8.00 18.00 $66.00 You get one chance at these for each $3.00 paid us for goods or on old account. These Goods are now on exhibition at our store in Gra ham and will be until delivered to the lucky customer. SEE US FOR FUI^L PARTICULARS. We buy furniture in car lots. We buy right. We can save you money. Come and inspect our line. We follow the golden rule. GRAHAM, C FURNITURE ^COMPANY. NORTH CAROLINA. The Friendshj|i Fair. The Friendship lair which was held at Frieji&liip High School last Saturday some thing new in that cenlinunity and in fact the first of the kind ever he Id in this section of 'the state._ The idea originated ip the mind of Prof. J. A. Hornafiay who was principal of the Friemishipschool during the past yeai', and this idea backed by the progressive citizens of that comiiiiihity made the fair not only possible but a grand success. The fiiii’ .>was car ried Out on a similar p(an of the State and County fairs- and the exnibits which were limny, con- . sisting of farm and kitchen pro- ' ducts were better thar\ we often i see at a county fair. The racing ! and amusements of day w^e ■ good and in fact the. fair as" a I whole was a decided success. It Ogives enthusiasm and new ideas to the farmers each o«e desiring to see who can excel.. It is the ; intention of the fair Dii.’ectors to : repeat the fair each ye?Ar. Misses Blanche Thompson and Mary White McAdamsi^iio spent the past week with their-parents returned Sunday to Greensborn. LADIES COAt SUITS~JUitir^|eiv^d gr^^ from the manufacturers a Hhe Su^s pure wo:^ested ranging in va lue from $12,50 to $15.00, in black, naval blue, grey and brown; Special at $10.Qo and $12.50. These suits haven’t an equal fdr the money will pay you to investigate them carefully. V A of Ladiies’ Goat Suits ranging in prices from $8,00 to $10,00^ spedal tor ft lew days fc^^ $7:50, Ladies’ long coats $3.50^ $5,00, $7,00, $9.00, $12,50^nd 8fl5,00. See our line of Children’s Bear Skin Coats, white, red, navy and old rose at $2,00 each. Cur ly bear skins at $2.25. MILLINERY. We want you to see offering in our millinery 0epartment, for style, beu- ty and taste, we believe we can show you the most complete line of millinery in the City. We want yo u to see our offerings in mil- iinery. Children’s and misses’ a great variety. Baby caps in silk, fur. etc. 20c to $1.50. ' Boy's Clothing. If you have a boy that needs a suit of cloths, and you want to buy it at a saving, come right to our place. We have a 1 arge and complete line. New and detirable prices that will I McCall Pattero No. 3667^ : STRIKING COAT SUIT i certainly interest you. Boys knee pants, plain and knic- kerbocker 2( c tp $ 1.50. IfecoBiid Floor Furni- We have just received a large lot of House Furnish ings and can certainly beau tify youit home at a saving. Anythih^ you need in your home can be found in this department. Lounges, lino leum, carpets, art sqares, all kinds of furniture; daven ports, lounges, parlor suits, iron beds, mattresses and spings. Prepare for the cold--Get your heaters here for wood or coal, grate or open stoves, they are here and the prices. will please you. Come to ISLEYS GREAT DEPARTMENT . STORE for what you want. Jos. A. DEPARTMENT STORE Burlington, ^ , N. C^arolina. Attention Rep ublicans. The registration books will close on Saturday Oct. 29th. at sundown, see that you^ name is on the regristration books or you cannot vote in November. If you have chan ged township or precincts since you voted last you will have to register again. Attend to this at once do it today Will Hurdle of Danville was in %own Saturday k)oking over the tobacco market. The Alamance Hospital. To the Chirman of the Solicit ing Committees for the Alamance Hospital Inc. The Central Committee for Alamance Hospital Inc. will meet in Graham N. C. on Saturday, Oct. 22nd 1910 at eleven o’clock A. M. and wish to get in all sub scriptions at that time, in order to organize and elect officers as soon as possible. J. A. Pickett M. D. Chairman Central Committee. Thos. Stout Killed by Train. Thomas Stout of Gibsonville, was run over and.instantly killed by a Southern Railway freight train one-half mile west of Elon College Monday night. Stout had been at Elon College in the afternoon and was drinking. It is supposed he sat down on the cross ties and went to sleep. He leaves a widow and several chil dren. He was an expert carpen- er and cabinetmaker. % WE ARE ALL READY FOR BUSINESS Tl Mi Mif Spi Syll Mi^ Mi Uii Mil inti Rej at 19] thij CoJ m£ asl cor ph hei all^ en! ■its I mel uni offil ba{ m£ fic^ pai coi of pe:l thi mt cht tic ev. of St pt pv er All equipped with the finest and best line of fabiics creations, and style innovations that ever amazed the buyer. This is siiftple truth. The Fall line of for Men, Young Men and Children is now ready I!# your inspection and approval. They demand ihe careful study of the man who wants, to do the best he can. IT’S liOT OUR PRACTICE TO BLOW, There are many reasons whylwe are prepared to deliver the greatest possibM value for the least possible cost. WE PROMISE IViUCH, WEWILL DELIVER MORE. 215 Men’s Suits sold at $12^50 and [ 205 Men’s «o!d at $15,00 and I 220 of Children Suits sold at , $15.00 our price - - - . $10.50 | $18.00, our p|ice - ^ - - - $12.25 | $3.50 to $4.00 our price ^.75 All this clothing is strictly pure Worsted, the latest shades and of the very best workmanship. Ddnt fail to get one of those suits now. Men’s Woman’s and Childrens’ Shoes, The Bostonian, for style, fitand weai‘, $3.^ and $4.00 also THE MAY MANTON SHOES FOR LADIES’ $3.00 and $3.50. 500 Men’s Collars in different styles all sizes we are offering at a special reduction regular 15c value at 3 for 25c as long as they last. . If you are in need of Dry Goods and Ladies’ Wear, we will save you Some money. We have a complete line of them our prices are lower than elsewhere, Anything ne Araut you will find it here. We keep in touch with the new crea- tionstin each department, and you are sure to get the correct thing here. AT ANY RATE, COME IN, MAKE YOUR SELF AT HOME. YOU ^ WELCOME. Comer Main and Davis st. ISHMAN JNGTON, Nortlt Carolina X, s 8 S thi fi( ti« tii lai hi C( tlf