ly 0 0 e I- 'e :o e re s, IS jr # e in ts ;ry > Itlj lO- we Stop That Cough, By using our Cough Syrups and Cold Cures. Brin^ your prescriptions to us if you want the purest DRUGS and save MONEY by so doing. Tell your Doctor where YOU want them filled. No commission paid any one at our STORE. That your money FOOD for THOUGHT. FRESH LOT OP HUYLERS. Hudnuts Toilet Articles, Tung-ston and other Electric ] iuiVt Bulbs. The best assortment of Toilet Soap and Toilet Articles in the CITY. 1-IIEEMA.^n drug go. A. F. BARRETT, Manager. Phone 20 - Burlington, N. C. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. r>i\ Bradley has a change of i Rev. D. Mclver preached Sun- a-i this week. Something new. day at Chapel Hill i\lr. W. R. Hall reports the Mr. Russel Garvin returned ’ vo-est hog of th.e season weight Sunday from an extended trip to 4:'’,.ri)oimds. | Lynchburg. Don’t forget the 10 days sale’ Mrs. Mattie Dorsett will sell c ds after l)ec. 3rd, at W. E. her entire millinery stock the 9th H S. and 10 th of December. Mx*. Blake Isley who spent' Mr, Wilbur and Sam Newlin of Th:inksgiving at home returned Saxapahaw were shopping visi- Punday to Chapel Hill. . tors in town Saturday. Mr. J. H. Freeland left this! Miss Effie Smith of Hillsboro or Hillsboro to spend is the guest of her aunt 'Jack Price for a few days. Mrs iinernoon fesv days on business, The Planters Warehouse of! Have you seen the new ladies i^anviile have changed their ad. i hats, just received at W. E. ,Sc:e what they have to say. | Hay’s? Mr. Maynard Vincent and sis-, Mr, F. A. Jarrett o| Spencer :er of Stainback were shopping spent Su-!iday in the city the visitors in town last Friday. Mr. Stainback Ex. Postmaster .^nd merchant of Stainback was s shopping visitor in town Fri- •flay. Mr. Ches. A, Hughes a prom- guest of friends and relatives, Miss Helen Bolton returned Friday from Cedar Grove where she spent several days the guest of friends. Mrs, Eugene Long and wife of ' Sheet Mi*sic and 25c store. Mr. B. 0. Burch of Chapel Hill spent Sunday the guest of hijs wife. Ben Sykes spent Sunday ai; Greensboro and reports a nice time. Fashioriable corresopndence stationery at Stewart‘s Jewelry Store, Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Wago ner are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine large boy. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Walker of Oxford are the guest of his brot her C. 0. Walker. Cut Glass, Silver Ware, Clocks and Jewelry in profusion at Stewart’s Jewelry Store. Oakdale Nursery has thousands of nice trees to sell. They must go. A. T. Spoon. Hartshorn N. C. The Stokes Furniture Company are telling you of their Alamance Range. See their half page ad. C. B. Elhs is arranging to move his Piano and organs one doQi’i east from his present loca tion. Miss Roshelle Russell of Saxa pahaw spent last night the guest of her friend Miss Ruth Dameron. Just received a fresh supply of Fudge Candy and Fig New tons 10c a pound. , The 5, 10 and 25c store. Remember, only fifteen more days until the Cote’s Piano of the Cooper Dry Good Co., will be given away. Make your pur- chasejjthere and save your cou pons. nent citizen of Elon College was; Swepsonville and Miss Brooks of shopping visitor in town Wed nesday. Just received 50 Ladies Coats Suits in all colors. $5.98 to $14.98 3ooper Dry Goods Company. Dr. Stanfield wife and son of Eosebud Texas are stopping oyer in town with a prospective view of locating. Poi'f. J. Roxboro were shopping visitors in town Saturday. Misses Emogene and Ruth Thurston are at home for a few days from Littleton where they have been in school Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Johnson of Ramseur spent a day in town i last week the guest of Mr. Walt- 0, Atkinson of Elon College Editor of The Christian Sun was a business visitor in '.own today, Jno. R. Hoffman left on' the early train this morning for Winston-Salem to spend a few days on business. Our friend C, F, Neese has-, taken space with us this week and is telling you of his nice Christmas presents. Uncle Bud feas the goods. R. W. Johnson & Co. of Siler City No. 2 have an ad in this issue telliug of their arrival _ of new guods. Look it up and give them a call. Miss Fannie Kilgo daughter of Bishop Kilgo of Durham spent Thanksgiving the guest of Miss Ada Beiie Isley retarning Sun day to Trinity Collegov Wilson & Buchanon the 5-10 & 25 cent store are offering some sice presents to the i>oy and girl who will write the best letter to Santa Claus. Look up their ad. Have you seen the new coat suits and jackets atW. E. Hay’s? Mrs. Jno. M. Holt of Lynch burg, Va. sister of Mrs, Jas. P. Albright and Mrs. Joseph Holt returned home Monday ^ after “^pending reveral days in our midst. Don’t fail to see Mirandy’s Ministrel at the Grotto Friday, Saturday night’s December 2nd and 3rd. Given by the Stonewall Any particular signifiiance iti the coincidence that as soon asi Portugal passed that easy divorce lay, a line of steamships between New York and Lisbon was in augurated. Position. Can be had by ambitiotis young men and ladies in the field of “Wirelessor Railway telegra phy. Since the 8-hour law be- canie effective, and sincfe the Wireless companies are esteblish- ing stations throughout the coun try there is a gTeat shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay be ginners from |70 to $90 per month, with good chance of ad vancement. The National Tele- gTaph Institute operates six offi cial institutes in America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details at Menriphis, Tenn.,, or Columbia, SQuth Carolina. , ' ' FOR RENT—Good five room house with electric lights on Ire land street. W. Luther Cates, IWW»>e»aWTimOKJWMWWI»IY,’'T'CI FURS WANTED. MINK FURS, Large No. 1, $5.00 Medium No. 1, 4.00 Small No. 1, 3.00 J. D. Payne Office in Waller Building, on Spring St.Burlington, N. C. B. H. Payne, Manager. ackson Chapter Children of onfederacy Chapter. The decisioh in the case of the Ciry versus the Southern Railway in which the City demanded the right of way to open Worth Street across the west of the depot will be decided by the Judge Monday f)ecernber oth. The Public school teachers of Newiin’s Township will meet at Spring School House Saturday December 3rd, Owing to this !iieeting the County Superinten dent P. H. Fleming will not be hisoffice at Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mebane spent Thanksgiving with her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Garrison of R. F. D. No. 2. Mr. Mebane reports the day spent 5^quirrel hunting in which twenty one of the bushy tails were killed. Rev. and Mrs, Gibble of ^'indsor N. C. are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin A. Holt this u/eek, with a view of accepting the work as minister of the Episcopal Church made vacant by the resignation of Rev. E. L. Ogilby. I er Cates and others, For Wedding presents see our, , . , . . line of Cut Glass and Silver-ware] relations held Stewart‘s Jewelry Store. Miss Pearl Fogleman of Elon College spent Friday and Satur- day at home with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fogleman. Mr. George D. Crawford of Saxapahaw gave us a pleasant call yesterday and had his name enrolled upon our mailing list. Mrs. Carl Cox and Mrs. Hazel Tomilson of Greensboro spent a few days last week the guest of their aunt Mrs. S. C. Patterson. Misses Blanche Burton and Myrtie Isley accompanied by Messrs Ross Walker and June Hu'-die spent Sunday the guest of M iss Annie Hurdle of Union Ridge. During the summer months a slight impurity existed in our city water. This has been improv ing as was proved by the State analysis, until now the water is pure and no polution exists. W. E. Hay’s Sale is on 10 yds. white cloth given ever customer who trades $10.00. To every one trading |5.00 we will give 5 yds. white sheeting. Sale begins the 23rd, Wednesday. Rev. J. A. Hornaday and dele gate W. C. Thurston left Monday for Elizabeth City to attend the M. E. Conference in session there Mr. Jos. A. Isley, alternate will probably go later. Mrs. H. R. May had the mis fortune of falling from the back porch Sunday evening and fracturing her lower limb be tween the knee and ankle. Her sister Mrs. Lewter of: Durham is with her. Resolutions of Respect In the midst of life there is death, and whereas, the Great and Supreme Ruler of the Uni verse has, in his infinite wisdom, removed from among us, one of our worthy and esteemed fellow- laborers, William M. Loy, and whereas, the long and in timat^ with him in the faithful discharge of his duties in the Burlington Methodist Pro testant Sunday School make it eminently fitting that we record our appreciation of him, there fore, be it resolved: First; That the sudden removal of such a life from our midst leaves a vacancy, and a shadow that will be deeply realized by all the members and friends of this school, and will prove a serious to the community and its people. Second: That the wisdom and ability which he has exercised in the aid of our school by ser vice, contribution and counsel will be held in grateful rememb- erance. Third: That the deep sympathy for the bereaved relatives of the deceased, we express our hope that ever so great a loss to us may be overruled for good by Him who doeth all things well. Fourth: That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of this school, that a copy be sent to the family of the de ceased, and copies sent to the Methodist Protestant Herald, and the local papers for publica tion. Burlington Methodist Protestant Sunday School. H. M. Scott Frank Sykes W. F. GrifPeth Committee. SANITARY PRESSING CLUB I represent the COLUM^ BIA STEAM LAUNDRY of Greensboro for dyeing and cleaning. Let me have your work. Sanitary Pressing Glul) S. ALLEN HORNE, Mgr. BURLINdToN, N. C. ’Phone 342 Don^t Fw^et the Date. Promptly at 11 o’clofk. We will give a\vay the beatiuful COTE PIANO to the one holdi ng the largest amount ot COlJPONS in DOLL\RS and GENTS. 0e sure to bring them in by Nine o’clock so the Judges will have time to Count them. From now until the 15th of December we will give DOUBLE CtJPONS for every dollars worth of goods you ipurehase now is the time to get your friends to help you WIN the Dry Goods Co. BURLINGTON. NO. C. V. SELLARS ART STORE, BURLINGTON, N. G. Carries in stock over 300 different paterns WALLPAPER No use to order go see it. Borlington Drag Gonip’y FANCY NOBBY LINE OF STEERES CANDY FOR Ciirlstmas Presents. BURLINGTON DRUGS^O. mm Resolutions of Respect. Adiel J. Moncrief, preacher, teacher and lecturer who is con ducting a ten days series of evangelistic services at the Bap-; things well. We, the membei's of the H. W. Dixon Baraca Class, of Cane Creek Sunday School, feeling the loss of our teacher, Mr. Thos. F. McVey, who departed this life the 9th day, the 11th month, 1910, Therefore be it resolved, : 1st, that we bow in humble submission to the will of our Heavenly Father, who doeth all Report of the eonditioa of Aloiance Loan & Trust Co. At Burlington, in the State of North Carolina, at tbe cloee of business Nov. 10 th, 1910. BE6OUHCK8 ^ ■Loans anl discounts f255,735.09 Ov3rdrafts sescured & unsecured 6,708.86 Fvirniture and Fixtures .5,200.00 Due from Banks and Bankera 66,799.34 Canfa items 13,408.88 Guld coin 262.50 Silver coin, including all minor coin cnrrency 488.63 Netipnal bank not«8 and other D. S. notes 4,813.00 TotaTj f.353,41L30 tist Church, preached a masterly sermon Sunday night on the sub ject "Is Thy Heart right with God.’' $80.00 per month straight sa- and ijxpenses, to men with rig, to introduce our Poultry Reme dies. Don’t answer unless you mean business. Eureka Poultry Ffxd Mfg. Co. (Incorporated,) East St, Louis, III. Mr, J. H. Matkins, wife and baby leave today for Roanoke Rapids N, C. where they will make their future home. Mr. Madkins has purchased and will conduct a three Chair barber shop at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Matkins are good citizens hence our t;0wn j:vegreta to loose them. 2nd, that the class is in sadness feeling one of its brighest and best members has been taken. We shall miss him as the days go by, and will strive to imitate the Christian graces which adorned his life. 3rd, that we extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy and bid them look to Him, who supports and comforts. 4th, that a copy of these reso lutions be placed on our minutes, one be sent to tne family and om be published in our county paper. C. H. Thompson, J. M. Thompson, A^ B. McVey, Committee F. R. Yoder, Pres. A, R. Wells, Sec. UAHIIJTIBS Cfi pital stock SurphiH fund TTiidivideri profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid # Dindends unpaid Notes and bills redieouated Tirtie Certificates of Deposit Deposits subfect to check Sayings deposits Dae to Banks and Bankers Cashiers Checks outstading Aceured int^rast doe deposit'rs Totai. State of North Carolina. County of Alamance, • SS: I, J. M. Fix, Ca.shiet‘ of tbe above named bank, do solemnly swear that the aljove statement is true to the best of my fcaowledare and {>elief, J, M. FIX, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before we, this 19th, day of Nov, 1910. J. C. STALEY, Notary Public. Correct Att*sst; F. L. WILLL\M80N, W.K.HOLT. J. H. HOLT Directors, 173,700.00 20,480.00 8.510.10 10.00 20,000.00 76,025.26 103,345.62 45,223.28 932.43 629.05 555.56 “|3^}.41L30 FOIIRENT: fice rooms in For terms etc. • J. Graham We have just received a carload of V Crimp Gaiva- nize Rooting with prices to suit the close buyer. Our Stock is ftill and cornplete and we are going to move same if fwices will be any in ducement. Coiiie and see us. ■■ BURLlNSToN, N. BE ON THE for remark ably values Fall here at our store, a ■ ■, . ■ you’ll see some bargains will please you. The pnce are low-r-but thafs not th only advantage. The fit, the finish, the, fabric, ALL are just as you like them. StYUsh grays blue, browns and mixed eftects at to $.,. and worth MUCH more, A. M. Haley, —Several good of- Waller Building. Apply to Zeb. Waller The Sunday World will be on Sale at the Dispateh office ^very Monday. Place your order and same will be defivered IK rvn A K i*arrTY m. fjlm

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