iii The St lie Dispatch. ii If' m gfc ■•» V IrM-f : sr- fei |A.. ii? RURAL CARRIER ITEMS I Saw Rirer ites&s. The pendlum of time has swung aiound another Thanksgiving Day and found the country irs Quietitude and plenty, abundant reasons to be thankful to tnt gcod Lord for his goodness. Mrs. Grover Bivens of Hills boro is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McClure we kind ly remember Nettie. On November the 23rd >lr. Arthur Neese of Lexington came to Haw Kiver and took one of our esteemed ladies Miss Bessie Stuart and went' to Durham in the presence of Rev. Barrett who spoke t he words that made them one. She was the daughter of Jvir. arid Mis, J. JFC. Stuart of Haw Kiver they returned to Havv River Friaay where Mrs. Stuart had prepared a good dinn er lor tiitrii and some friends. Mr. Neese is a bookkeeper in Lexington, thiey left Saturday mornii.g for iLexingtcn wliere thev Will make their home lor a while. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Smith of Salisbury spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Smiths parents Mr. j and Mrs. H. H. Smith c-ifid leitj Friday morning for Salisbury. | Mrs. Sniirii remained until Sun- i ^ay. . I Aiiss Ruth Hughes visited Miss I Blanch Fauceit of Brown Summit Saturday and returned Monday anU reports a must pleasant visit. Capt. and Mrs. S. A. Vest and Master bam visited his parents and spent Thanksgiving with them they reported the old people in gocci hc-alih and enjoying their visit. Our esteemed operator C. R. Fauceit left Saturday morning to visit his parents and returned MoiiUay, There seems to have been ^(.me good attraction_ for Chiton near Brown’s Summit. Mr. and Mrs. Lea Henderson were in town bright and cheefui. The Ladies of the M. P. Church gave ari o\ ster supper Saturday evening at the Y. M. C. A;;; for the heiiefit of their church. They report quite a success Vvith it. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Long en tertained the teachers of the Graded School and Miss Mary Brown of Burlington and J. E. Lashley of Burlington. Alter some cf.'ntest and excersises on the blackboard they were invited to the di..ning room where a’table was spread with as good things as e>e could covet or appetite could crave and the occasion was enjoyed to the fullest extent. Mrs. Long knows exactly how to prepare a good meal. After supp er §omo time was spent guesing at the counties this ended an en joyable thanksgiving evening and all returned to their homes. W-e took off our hat and made cur test bcw to Mrs. H. H. Simp son for a nice mess of backbones and ribs, thanks to you sistex*. Several of ot.-r people made v;ar on the feathered tribe. Ask Major Brocks ii killed any birds. Miss lola Franklin accompanied Miss Bell Murry home last Wea- nescay tvtning spent the night next moining gieai preparaticn iN£s n £.de for a big hunt Thurs day, theie "weie £cme tired people whtn they arrived at Haw River just in time to catch the train for Greensboro. Rev, T. G. Vickers preached his farewell sermon Sunday and left iiojiuay tor Elizabeth City vvlnr^ the eastern annual confer ence convenes, R. F. D. NO. 7. No toby was left out this time Jor if there v/as nothing else to ue thai.kful over you could come in good and strong on the ideal weather that greeted you on that ^ Brice Garrett has enlarged his customary smile until it has sDread about all over his face. It is caused by the arrival of a new daughter at his house. Mr. M. F. Culler and daughter Miss Maude were both right sick last week but bioth are about well again. Mr. Clarence Ingol(| had the misfortune to lose hisparg# while out hunting last Saturday, con taining about $15 in money. He was out searching for it to-day but it was like searching for a “needle in a hay stack" to hunt for it but we hope he will succeed in recovering it for it is quite a loss to him, Esq. John Dixon and his wife ’ went over near Liberty a few days ago to visit Mrs, Dixons sister, Mrs. Maurce Stuart who was quite sick but was better when they returned home. By the way Esq. ■ Dixon wdll have no excuse this fall for kill ing such small hogs for Claude Moser has raised an extra fine crop of corn for him this year. If he kills such small pigs this time we will all understand that he is saving his corn for some other purpose than making meat. Landy Watkins is limping from a sprained ankle He was in a crovi?d of thirteen that went rab bit hunting last week and they got forty three rabbits one of them taking thirteen shots to kill Landy must have had to run his share of the rabbits down to sprain his andle hke he did. Our people must be tired of these items as they have about quite telhng us any thing that happens. Mr. Percy Isley has moved from No 7 to No 10. We are sorry to loose Mr. Isley as a patron but hope he will do well over on 10. Mrs. L. E.. Shaw' from Raleigh is visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Albright Mr3. Thomason Henderson of Pocomoke City Md, is i visiting her niece Mrs. T. R. Harden this week. Eloo COIleqe lUo I. Most of those old timy corn g];’jckings are over i;i ttiis sec- tion. - . . 1 TV Mr. Boston Coble visited at P, M. Cobles Sunday. Mrs. Ava Apple and daughter Lalah and Miss He Hiiirris visited at Mr, Henry Baldwins Saturday night and Sunday, they report & fine time come again. Jacob Patton was on Mo 1 Sun day. We think there must be some attraction for him over the way, Claud Cabl^ expects to move into his new house this week. Mrs. Mag Gable has moved -a part of her furniture to Greens- Wo, where ^he expects to make her home. Who can beat this;? Sunday, Nov. 27th, 1910, as Mrs. Ava Apple, Misses jla Harris and Molhe Baldwin went out to hunt tooth brushes, they came across the strawberry patch, vi Henry Baldwin and found enoagh good ripe strawberries to make a pan pie. They were full grown. 3. D. Cook was a visitor at Henry Baldwin's Sunday. The home of Henry Whitsel! was saddened Sunday morning when they awoke and found their one month old baby dead in bed. Christmas is drawing hear and the wedding bells are ringing. A number of young' people at tended the party at Mrs. Annie Faucette’s Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Kindrick spent Saturday night with for mers parents at Gibsonville, Miss Georgia Summers visited Miss Emma Summers Sunday. Miss Lydia Low and brother Berlie visited their sister Mrs, Ed Whitt Thanksgiving' night near Whitseit. Mrs. Kate Patton and daugh ter, Genie visited at D. h Tick les last Thursday. Notice af Annofti Meeting. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The State Dis patch Publishing Co. , will be held on the 6th day of December, 1910, at 2:00 o'do{;k, in the afternoon, at the office of the company in the Waller Building, Burlington, N. C., for the purpose of electing a board of directors, and receive- ing and acting upon the re ports of the pfficers, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. In accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina, no stock can be voted upon which has be transferred on the books of the company, within twenty days next preceding this election. November 23, 1910, Dr, J, A, Pickett, Pres, A Man Wants To Die only when a lazy liver and slug gish bowels cause frightful des pondency, But Dr. King’s New Life Pills expel poisons from the system, bring hope and courage; cure all Liver. Stomach and Kid ney troubles; impart health and vigor to the weak, nervous and ailing, 25c at Freeman Drug Co. JustReceived Christmas is coming deliver the jopds. we arc prepared to For the benefit of our customers we carry a complete Hne ot up-to-date jewelry. But at this season of the year we have added much new and pretty jewelry, Rings, Watches, etc,, we have them all, ; CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Some of the most elaborate toilet sets you ever saw. See us for nice Ghrtstmas presents. Toys! Toys! Just the thing the children want Santa Claus to bring, Dolls, Wagons, and toys of 111 kinds. Give us a call and you will be pleased. C. F. Bnrlington North Car. ■■nnmspitl MtiMua A Call For A Good Roads Meeting. A call for a Good Roads meet ing at Graham Courthouse Fri day Dec. 24910 at 1: o'clock. In calling thismeetmg it is my object to discuss the road situa tion In Alamance and try to help improve the common roads. Everybody is invited. W. L. Spoon, State Highway Engineer. We have just received a full line ot China Ware, Glass Ware Toys and novelties. Will light cur store by elec tricity Christmas week. A fresh supply of nice Oran ges Rasins and Candy for our Xmas trade. ^ We give below a few sales made by us this week. This will show you what I can do for you in Danville. Sherman Corn, Watson, C» 36v 17 46 88 124 m .50 Average 8.25 10.75 18.00. 31.00 20.50 16.00 5,75, R. W. 1HNS8N & GO. Slier Gily, N. C. Roote 2. 23 12 00 86 20.00 72 50 00 130 80.00 142 16 00 74 8.50 Average $23.53. / Come i to see me Ckude Barter, Corbett. N 72 10.50 136 25.00 90 25.00 130 19.50 62 14.50 Average $20.08. Harrelson & Murphy, Cort N. C. 78 13.50 133 19.50 43.00 - 192 . 25.00 124 20.00 182 12.50 Average $12.50 J.C. PLANTER^ WAREHGUSE, Davis and Myers, Managers, . Call on J. A. Wyatt for empity, bogheads. Holiday Announcement FREE 9St«t»on i ill Mos( men who come to our stor« simply say: I “ I & Stetson ” They get it, and go away Katisfisdl bare the Steitoo Mt «sd Derby H*ta In *U the Ictett iiylefW JUST RECEIVED A .NEW LOT OF TiiESE II/5K im" mn I la. I“ijtil 1/3 iiii, ... HAfSBSOME HOLIDAY SPOON The cut BhoTgrs an elegant Coffee Spooa tiiat Is noTeX in design and sure to please. On the front appcarsthe open fireplace and ' » stocking, without which no ChH^tma^is complete. The tree loaded with good things Js distinctly ecen nbovethe narrov/ part of the handle, i:.a which appear sin plain ietters tbe words “Merry ChristmrxS." In the gold bow) \vc eee old Santa Claus with tiis flowing locks and his grey beard, swinging his whip threateningly over the back of his fleet rein deer. Altogether it is a most pleasing picture and a proi>er embleaa of Merry Christmas., On the back of the handle nre the glad bells whicU “ring out the old and “ring iii the new,” and under neath old Father Time with his crtiel scythe, "Happy New Year” completes the decor ation on the back of hBJJdle. Altogether It !» a most beautiful nrtif^le 9uitable for a holiday present for one’s eelf or n friend. The col- lection of handsome spoons hns assumed lo many localities tbe proportion of a huge fad and this spoon is good enough to piace beside any of them. This Rpoon is the most suitable Christ mas gift you could make toladies.Sunday school fihildren. or children in the public or day sichools. ComnieDcing iec. 5th We will give away free while they last (supply limited) with each pur chase of $5.00, or more Only one Sf>oon to a customer. WE are just in receipt of the most com plete and up-to-date line of Watche?, Silver- Ware, Cut Glass, China and Gold and Silver Jewelry Victor and Edison Talking Machines Our goodb are the newest and latest style Quality the BEST. Every piece of goods sold by us is put up in nice boxes. STEWARTS JEWELRY STORE, Burlington 5 Three Carloads of Furniture and Housefurhishings. n ' v:---——' I ^ We are going to make things lively for the next>30 pMfie$ we are mak- I ^he immense stock from which to select wiil certainly interest any one desiring to buy goods at a saving. Art rkx I Heavy probody Brussels art squares 9 x 12 ft. $6.75. Fancy Brussels art squares floral and oriental designs 9 x 12 ft. $10.00 to $12.50, these are squares would be cheap at pl5.00. $1.25 and $1.50 Brussels rugs at $1.00, $1.75 arid $2.00. Axminister rugs $1.50. $5.00 and $6.00.axminister rugs 36x72 $3.85. $20.00 and $25.00 velvet art squares 9x12 ft very artistic designs $15.00 to $1S, 00 $25.00 and $30, Op axminister art squares 9x12 floral and oriental designs special at $19.50. PKESCRipi m fi CiSpff..-- ■■ i form. Each package I contains enough to cure I one bad case. It is a pre- I scription given b]r most I of our best doctors, and I cost you only lOcts. I Dont wait till pneu- i monia gets you. Send in I your order at once, 1 will I mail it to you. Great Line of rockers for Christmas presents, any style you may need at special prices $1.25 to $10.00. A great line of chairs 50c. to $1.50. Great- line of beds $2.00 to $10.00. Great line of dressers $5.00 to $20.00. Don’t forget to see our im mense stock of China ware, decorated ware, fancy ware, glass ware, crockery, enamel ed ware, tin ware, everything that will beautify the table of the hom« or make a pretty present for Christmas. The stock is here and you can make your selection without going further. Our Offerings in this department alone is worth coming many miles to secure bargains. Just received a great line of Ladies coat suits We can please you if you have a want in this line. We have some very at- I ttcCall Pattmu M.*. S731-W«rt. lfe. 3735~SkW A BEAUTlFUt AFITRNOON GOWN tractive patterns, and pri ces are exceedingly low. Boys’ i^ults and overcoats If yoii have a boy that needs a suit or over coat it wiU pay you to see our stock. We have some great values and can please the most exacting. Don't foiiget onr Milli nery Dippartment. La dies you can supply your hat wants right here at a . V . . Some wecial Mferings in ffienfs Clothing and ovrr coa^. See the stock and sm money. Conte to our store for what you want. We have the most complete .. f«r. • - • Ime m BADcoLDs^ ,*9«slnsBnilley,ft.8. I have a real good remedy | PBESCBIPTION DRUfiGISL _fe_coIds,_ put, upUn,;tabk^^ , : .v;- : ■ Jos. A. Isley & Co. Burlington, DEPARTlWraT STORE , ^ 'i^aarolina.