St ite Dispatch. I Made In NORTH CAROLINA. ABSOLUTELY PURE. BEST BLOOD MEDICINE ON EARTH HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE IN ALAMANCE COUNTY have used our remedy and are thankful for having done so. Ask youi- neighbor about it. T ONIC - BLOOD Indigestion-Rheimatism-Eczema. ALL KINDS OP ITCHING HUMORS. iW ARE ABSOLUTELY CURED IP A THOROUGH TRIAL IS GIVEN. V: DHOGGISI- If you would like one of our Lady Representatives to Gallon you. are now MRS. JOE PERSON REMEDY CO. F ack to the Soil. A definite effort to. cheek the drift of American population to crowded cities will perhaps ^ be inaugurated throu^yh the confer ence of govemoi‘8 now _ being held at Frankfort and Louisville, Ky, A committee from New York city has addi’essed such 0n appeal to the governors, pointing out that this desirable movement must be undertaken in large measure by the individual states. A weightier problem does not exist in this country, A decade ago there were in tlie Uuited States only one hundred and sixty cities of a population of two hundred and fifty thousand or more. This year, however^ that number is almost dH3bl^ making a total urban popwiation of about twenty-eight miilions. This means that within the past y«ars the American citi^ have grown almost three and a half times as mpidly as the country cMnmvinlties. Such congestion sows and reaps an inevntabie harvest of poverty, suffering, dise^e and death ana, what is perhaps most deplorable, of servitude as well. If the ma-^ jority of Americans are to l>e really independent citizens, there must eome a turning b%ek to the soil. The difference between the man who holds a job in a great city and the one who owns a fami is the difEei?eioce between econo mic freedom and economic slav ery. Tlie nastictti itself cannot continue virle progressive if its people ar« continually living from hand to mouih. Most of tys unfoHunate con gestion exists in the east. In the south there is an abundance of land, yet to be turhe^ to pro ductiveness. When this is set tled, foodstuffs will be cheaper, our death rate will be lower; we Bhal! have healthier ehi-kiren, happier men and women, and in tivery sense a more robust arid hopeful Jiation, — Atlanta Journal mm cm V. V. Haynie, who runs a small grocery store on North Main street, Asheville, had a horrible experience Wednesday, when he opened a bunch of ba nanas to find coiled under one of tlie banana ends a large tropical snake, some two and one-half ft. in length. Piifijp4es Disappear and Cosipk^ion Cleared Over-aigy. New York; -Thou'sands :are ifcaking advantage of the gener ous offer made by the Woodworth €o. 11^1 Broadway, New York City requesting an experimenta.i package of Lemola, the new ^in discovery, which is mail ad free of charge to all who write for it. It alone is sufficient to dear the complexion over-night and rdd the face of pimples in a few hours. On the first appli cation of Lemola the itching will stop. It has cured thous- andsaMictedwith Ecssema, Teet- evB, lushes. Itching and Crust ing of skin scalps of infants, chilk-©nand adults. It is jgood for the preservation and purifi cation of the skin.seaip, hair and hajnds lor the preventacm of the clo3g:gliaf of the pores tJae usual emse of pimples, biaeklieads, r^nessatid roughness aiiid also the trealaaient of bums, ficaild,s, wounds, sores, chapping as welll as the toilette and nursery^ it Awful, Mal»ei? Oa my way home from a tittle trip the otte day I heard some thing that’s too good to keep. Two giris got on the train, and each one of them had vM«e en«>ugh for six women, and they kept up such a chatter that they attracted the attention of every- boiy in the car. One said: ‘1 just simply em,t do anything with my hair after I have washed it” “Neither can I,” rephed the It seemed that both of the dear things had recently shampooed their hair, and they talked and talked about shampoos until everyone in the car was actually bored. ; , A gentleman m the rear rose to leave the car. On the way out he stumbled over Mabel s foot* “Oh, I beg your pardon/’ he said, tipping his hat, “but, don t you know, I washed my feet last night, and I just simply can't do anything with my feet after 1 have washed them." As Ideal issbasid is patient, even with a nagging wife, for he knows she needs help. She may be so nervous, land run down in hesilth that tri-' fles annoy her. If she is melan- •choiy, excitable, troubled vrith loss of appetiti^ headache, sleep lessness, eonstipatjon or fainting and diiszy spells, she needs Elee- tric Bitters-^he most wondeirful •remedy for ailing women. Thou sands of sufferea* from female troubles, nervous troubles, bei^^sk* ache and weak kidneys have used them and become heailthy and happy. Try them. Only ciOe. 'Satisfaction guaranteed by Freeman Drug Co. N. C U. S. A. The ReT. W, R. Hicks 1911 Al^ masac. The Rev, Irl R. Hicks Alma nac for 1911, that guardian An gel in a hundred thousand homes ,is now ready. Not many are now willing to’ fee without it and the Rev. Iri R. Hicks Magaz ine, WORD AND WORKS. The two are only ONE DOLLAR a year. The Almanac is SSe prepaid, Nf home or office should fail to send for them, to WORD and WORKS PUBLISHING COMPANY, St Louis, Mo, was Susie“"ClihilMng trees ami fences, jumping itches, wfeiti ■ iing, always getting scratches, (Cuts, sprains, bruins, bruises, ibumps, bums or sealda. But laws! Her mother ju&t applied Eueklen’s Arnica Salve and ciur- ed her qiiick. Heals everytMng healable—Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Old Sores. Sores, Corns or Piles. Try it. 25c at Freeman Drug Co, Two boys were tried at Lenoir, Wednesday afternoon, before 'Squire J. A., Burch, charged with burning the Lenoir Chair Company^s factory, which was destroyed by fire about two weeks ago. Neither of them looks to be more than eighteeu years of age, and the evidence! against them was sufficient to bind them over to court. The boys are Luther Bowman anti Richard Shumaker. Mother’s Joy. One bottle of your Mother’s Joy Quickly relieved my little ’feor, Who, in delight exclaimed. Oh Mother Please send down town and get another. I complied at once with his re- And relieved all pains in back aind chest, Should pneumonia hold ,y©u as st vice Jmst send at once to R. Fv Rice His Mother’s Joy will -^irie ym too With this advice I will say adieu. ForSak tej A.:^Kadl€!F- 1o Isk3 Gandhil, for 3^ fennale trct£blss» b^us0 ve ttte sure it viS you. Rbmenib^ this grealjfe^^ r^edy*- brotii^ reKdT % thous^ds of «ther^k women, so vhy not to .'jFou? For headai^o, iperlodteal psOm^ lemate ness, iiave said tt is Iwfit tiiedic&M) it 1 Sl^ ill XUA Ci^ Mow fbe 2 I BEST FOR fMi If o£t;'h'fU bowels every iJirtS'ji you^r* ill or will be. jtom} bowels ■openylMidf b9 well.. Force, in the vIo)i>4t'physJe or pin pois6n, is ^aneerone. siuobt&'eist, .easiest, qioet perfectof ^ 'the bt>w^lB'cle»rand ipleaiviE i.0 take OANDY CATMaRTSO CAT /'EM JOANDY QooA.. Itw; 10. ■■ Go,od} Never Bickon'i wenken or Ortp«i - tO'cotJti ’Wn;t6fdrtr6eawmplOr*>>4S let oa heiiUh. ’ Addroai , . 43> ^Hn# RMMdy Company, €l»l«afle «r ft«« V«ki lEEP mtt BLOOD mm in ^£m.acfl Ifee oggs.' flow, mtm luwe wcT' animfcr The farmer who has a telephone in his home can meet a business situation whether he be at home or in town. Can you call your home on the telephone like this farmer is doing ? ? If not you are losing nrioney by no using the greatest convenience of niodern times. The cost is so small that telephone service is within reach of every one. Write for our free booklet which tells all about this economical service. Address JFarmers Line Deparfineiit SOUTHEHN BELL TELEPHONE & iTELEGRAPH COMPANY 200 South VtyoT Atlanta* Ga» ''IW two; years I had pain hii my heart, back and left side Could not draw a deep breatk or lie on left side, and any little exertion would catise palpitak^ tion, . Un^ advice I toolr. Dr. Miles^ ;Hea^^^ Remedy ani Nfervine. I j-toolt about tltirtce* bottldi, an: it) better health liiaiii I ever ;iyas> fand have gais«(l 14 pourtds;^^* MRS. LILLIE THOMAS, I7ppir Sandusky/ Ohick, '.MiW 'Hekrt; been very «nccessful ih the treatment of he^ troubles, b^ause of it* toiiic effect lipon the heart ncryed and muscles. Eveit^^: iv cases of loftg staridiag It lias frequiently prolQnjg^ed life for many years after doctors I»i4| g^veh up ail lwpc,,Jis proven b]^ thousands of lettirs :we have re ceived-from people. ^ Op. Heart jtehiwdy Is «ofol by aK druBB»st«. W the liwit' bottle fat» benefit, your ttr^idsiaf r will rdtum your money;. . ■