% dc hs.ve and )ie ms every S.. ri'ectiy e mo- erv we t shoes Get It At Freeman^s Fresh Lot Huylefs’ and Lowney Candies If you can’t come phone us. Jfe deliyer promptly any v,iiei;e in the city or R. 1', D. Route by Uncle Sam; cost norliing extr^^ ana satisfactory if you trade with us. Prescriptions Aspeciaity. imiD'EMAM T3R-{Ja~5or vViiolesaie and KetaiL I LOCAL AND personal. 4 r'iu et Music 10c at the 5, 10 hi'ivt £>roiG, Mr, Heenen Hughes of Graham in lown yesterday. Bii'" your Xmas gifts at the 5-H^&25 cent Store. i'reeman's Sell and recommend Mi s. Joe Persons Remedy. Mr. W. R, Sellars was a busi- r ; s6 visitor at Greensboro Tues- ’ .'i; \ • Fashionable corresopndence >iaiione]y at Stewart's Jewelry Dr. J. A. Pickett of R, F. D. Ko. 1 was in town Tuesday on .-.isiriess. Misses Netta and Elsie Cook -■; ent Sunday at Elon College the L'uest of friends. Santa Claus mail box. 1 have my mail box in the '(!elO cent store. Mrs. Mattie Dorsett will sell h(.T entire millinery stock the 9th fjid lOih of December, Mr. Strayhorn our postal jperator spent Sunday the guest >f friends at Graham. For Wedding presents see our me of Cut Glass and Silver-ware Stewart's Jewelry Store.^ Just received 50 Ladies Coats Suits in all coloi*s. $5.98 to ^14.98 Ojoper Dry Goods Company. Cut Glass, Silver Ware, Clocks and Jewelry in profusion at Siewart's Jewelry Store. Xmas Tree decorations Gift- boxes; Tags and Stickers, Dolls and Toys at the 5-10&25 cent store Miss Flossie Hitchens one of our popular milliners left Tues day for her home at Pocomoca City Md. WANTED—The weight of every hog or as near as possible killed ‘n the city, there is a reason. A. F. Barrstt. Mr. Betts of Raleigh has been assisting in the music at the Baptist Church during the past '■^^eek. Miss Eula Dlxfn of Snow Camp was a business visitor in town Friday, giving the Dispatch a velcome call. Mr. Russell Garvin accompani ed by Carey Isley spent Saturday and Sunday at Raleigh the guest of friends. R. W. Johnson&Co. of Siler City have an ad in this issue showing the coming of Santa Claus. Read the ad. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hayden of Danville Ya. who returned Sun day evening with Mr. Hart returned heme Tuesday. Mrs. W. C. Bain of Greensboro ^pent a few days in the city last week the guest of her daughter Mrs. S. M. Hornaday. Mr. Merit Robinson of Leaks- ' ille spent a few days in town the past week the guest of his daugh ter Miss Hattie Robinson. LOST—Strayed or Stolen, Small noaad, white and blaek speckled •Lp of both ears split. Liberal revvard if returnee^ ta State Dispatch office. J. M. Hayden. In the Burlington Sunday Schools Simday, Dec. 4t!i 19!0, Sunday School Totals, Attendance Collection M. E. 134 $9.36 Baptist 161 7.40 Presbyterian, 75 3.51 German Ref. 70 1,74 Christian, 145 6,11 Webb Ave. 47 1.62 M, P. 135 2.18 747 $32.10 Mr. A. G. Amick returned Saturday to his home at Kimes- ville after spending the week the guest of his sons. s.nd Mrs. Cornelius Williams of Greensboro arrived Monday to be the guest of her sister Mrs. W. K. Holt. . ^ Rev. S. h. Moi'gan spent Sun day at Raleigh preaching at the Baptist Tabernacle, filling the appointn^ent of Rev. Moncrief. Mr. Ralph Boring spent Satur day and Sunday at Lexington the guest of his'brother Mr. Hal Boring who returned with him. Arrangements are being made for an old time fiddlers meeting at some date in the near future which will be announced later. Oakdale Nursery has thousands of nice trees to sell. They must go. A. T. Spoon. Hartshorn N. C. Mr. William Warren and Mrs. Lizzie Warren of Hightower spent Saturday and Sunday in town the guest of friends. Mr. A. P. Tilley of Winston- Salem came down Monday to ac company his wife, who has been guest the of Mr. L. B, Whitted home. The bady opera at the Grotto, M®nday night came near being a I’ainy opera owing to the down pore only a S'Tsall crowd w”as present. Rev. J. W. Morgan came Sun day to accompany his wife, who has been the guest of his brother Rev. S. L, Morgan to their home at Henderson. Mrs. Lewter of Durham who, spent last week nursing her sister Mrs. H. R, May returned home Sunday. We are glad to learn Mrs. May is improving. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Walker R. F. D. Carrier from Union Ridge were shopping visitors in town Monday, purchasing furni ture for their new home . they have, recently erected. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. } ’. (3hurch will meet Thursday afi.ernoon December 8rh at three o’clock with Mrs. J. B. Cheek. vJ.i I'lo iTtenibers are urged to be r)re:-eriL Remember, only fifteen more days until the Cote's Piano of the vJooper Dry Good Co., will be given away. Make your pur- chase!|there and save your cou-, pons, . ^i$80.00 per month straight sa~ and expenses, to men with rig, to introduce pur Poultry Reme dies. Don’t answer unless you mean?business. EuHreka Poultry FoodiMfg. Co. (Incorporated,) East St. Louis, III. Mr, C. H. Cates^returned last week from ^Tallahassee Fla., where he and "Mrs. Cates spent several weeks visiting. Mrs, Cates Spent a few days at Whit- estone Springs S. C. the guest of her sister. I Mr. A. L. Davis Cashier of tiie First National Bank who under went an operation at Salisbury last week is getting along nicely and is expected home Sunday or Monday. MEN’S BIBLE AND BARACA CLASSES TOTALS. Attendance. Collection. M. E. 23 $4,06 3aptist 50 4.09 Presbyterian 13 L65 Christian 26 2.10 M. P.- 21 .80 German Ref. 16 .79 Webb Avenue 16 ,80 Total today 165 $14,29 ' • A Good Poiition. Can be had by ambitious young in the field of W or Railway telegra phy, Since the ^hour law be- cgRie effective, and since the Wireless companies are establish ing stations throughout the coun try there is a great shortage of t;elrgraphers. Positions pay be? gmners from $70 to $90 per month, with good chanciB of ad- '/aheement. The National Tele graph Institute operates six offi cial institutes in America, under BUj[)ervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positiolis. It will pay you i;o write them for full details at Alefiiphis/ Tenn., or Columbia, bocith Carolina.. OR RENT—Good five room house with electric lights on Ire land street. W. Luther Cates. ^ BE W THE LOOKOUT renaark i in suits pi store. (i f i & A beautiful Sunday with beau tiful sunshine and snow biit a miserable attendance and \»ffer- ing at all of the classes in Bur lington. Now, don’t you think it is a sharne? Think about it. Men afraid of a httle snow on Sunday morning. Let it never be truthfully said again. Let us be brave, courageous, true and st£ible in all things worth w'hile at all times and under all eircum- ti-Awiigy nc0S. Our motto; “We Do Things.” Our platform: Young men at vV.ork for young men, all standing by the Bible and Bible School. T. D. Dupuy, President. John H. Vernon, Secretary FURS WANTED. ^ L MINK 'furs, Large No. 1, $5.00 Medium No. 1, 4.00 Small No. 1, 3.00 J. D. Payne Office in Waller Building, on ( | Sj ijing St. Burlington, N. C. I B. H. Payne, Manager. I The home of Mrs, William Blanchard of R. F. D. 3 was destroyed by fire Saturday night. While the family was at supper the fire caught in a room upstairs, which was occupied by the lady who teaches the Blanchard School Little furniture was sav ed. Only a small insurance was carried. ‘ ‘A Massachusetts man has in herited a farm, with the provi sion that he is to forfeit it if he gets drunk.” Considering the aridity of the average Massachu setts farm, he will probably de cide to forfeit. SANiTARY PRESSING CLUB I represent the COLUM BIA STEAM LAUNDRY of Greensboro for dyeing ahd cleaning. Let me have your work. you’H see: some baifg^ins tha Will please';’you. ' price : .are low^^^ut -that’s[ .:not th ■, only a3va;ntage.. ^ ^ finish, the fiibric, ALL are just as you like th /Stylish grays blue, browns effects at to $... kad wortii FANCY NOBBY lINE OF STEERES WY Sanitinf Pressing IM S. ALLEN HORNE, Mgr. 5URLIN6TON, N. C. ’Phone 342 C: V. SELUARS ' ART STORE, BHKLISGTQNi N.VC. Carries in -stock oyer 30(i> different paterns Mtmos fresents, BURLINGTON BRife'CO. Ko use to order 'go ■ see'it. I' 3 , :■■■■ _ ;f'■ . ..■■ ■ ■, C ' -v: ■■ ll is roi^roli r Sib BAD COLDS. I have a real good remedy for colds, put up in tablet form. Each package contains enough to cure one bad case. It is a pre scription given by most of our best doctors, and cost you only lOcts. Dont wait till pneu monia gets you. Send in your order at once, I will mail it to you. Aupstus Bradley, Pii. G, FtmiFTIUN DR6061ST. B. A. Sellars & MAKE READY LET us HELP YOU TO BE PREPARED FOR THAT JOYOUS OC CASION. .We have hundreds of useful articles suit able for Christmas preseits. The very thing your friends and loved ones will appreciate not only are we prepared to fur~ nish you with Christmas presents here s^re making big reductions in wearing apparel so yoii can be properly clothed for the joyous Christmas holi- days, ■ ' s. . Ladies Man Tailored CoatSuits. We have just received a lot" of beautiful suits from a well known manufaeture one and two of a kind which we bought at a big reduction and will offer them with all suits now in stock at the big gest reduction of the season, $10.66 Suits at $8.00 “ “ $10.00 ' $12.&D $15.W $16.50 $18.75 $22.00 $24.00 . Ladies and Children’s Coats. • Sales in this department have been the largest oh record but'many arrivals have kept pur sel^tion in excellent shape. ' - ' ■ ■ ExceptiohaV values and many reduetions; through the entire line will* mean dollars to you if you will pur chase that coat lier^. ‘ ^ m I i Furs I The handsome heck pieces and sets for both ladieg and children in the first shipment went so fast we hard ly had ppportunity to show them. The second ship* ment comes in this week and will be on display Friday the 9th. This showing viriH be the largest and best values of the season. Don’t fail to see them as there is no better Christmas present than a , Fbr Set or Neck piece. Ladies Neck Furs $1.25 to $10.00, Muffs $1.00 to $22.50, lilies Sets $3.50 to $30.00, ^ Childrens Sets,, $1.25 to $4.00. $12.50 $15.00 $18.50 $20.00 $21.50 25.00 27.50 Of one hundred of other useful can motion here only a: few. at ni; other pfece can yc^ find a select^ lar^^nd^^ thin# suitable for usdfui (^wstmas j^ Here are some of them, j£mbrpidered Linen, Center Pieces, Table Covers, Bureau Scarfs, Irish Crocket, (enter Pieces and D(^lies, Hundr^ed5 of New things in Neck wear, Hat Pin shdlders; shop ping Bags, Bombs. Belt Pins, fiteauty Pins, Hun dred of Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Himd^me Um- brellas with mission and Silver Handles, Towels Napkins and Tablis Linen to match Rugs and etc. ■■ /V.' ■ V; 4] ’a ' I .. B. A. Sellars & Son BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. I !, . ’ '..-’.J