w^!c>^''^.}:^^'^~::-' ■••■■• • ''.ri'-’rV ''■*'■.■'■ ‘ ■.; ■ ■ e ii|i :A!% m W:' P>r The State Dispatch f ! ■ i Church Directory. 4 Atbanu!^itu$ Episcopal Churcli. Rev, Edward L* Ogi5by, Rector. .■-Ujnior Warden >oi Warden 'At. Erwio A. Holt, Ar, S. A. Steele, - ^ Ve$irp . 'Messrs. Eilg^tie llolt, JN. jaofi, Jr. Lawre"ce8 Holt;, jr., Kiuh." 3L/. WilliahiMoU, jnH\ie C. Squires, I^ewis J, Carter, w*;-Haii, Servkesf /Sunday, 11.oo a. m.~t.30 p. M. ■^Wi^nesdav, 8.0^1 Sunday iSchool, S>.45 A- M- ^ Holy Couiinunion, ^irst bun(lay, ll.i'U . M, Thin? Suuday, 8,O0 A . M. ^'fOoi&§ THE PRINCE OF LIFE CRUCIFIED JVlatthew 27j33-5O~~Dee0mfefej* 11 •*H$ itiCiS vouiuhii for ir^nsffresHdns; hi , • I Si:$. *oas hrmscti jot our HE trial of Jesus really toolf- pla’ce shortly after arrest, but, ou account of the LaW r®' death sentence to be passed tZ error, of the wicked—Into vloiatlng the rights of others asad thus - fighting I against Cod. I Piiate heard the accusations, reaUzeli : that there was uo truth iii ■ theu gave his decidiyji; i tSa^ no fault 'in JesuiJ, but, seeing that such.a com- i inotiou hus been created, I coilslUer it ' Becesssiiry in the iutereslis of peace to leati.sfy the uiingiiteous deiBaudsi of ; the clamoring multitude; 1 wiU there* hnve -;:5Pl,vr TVfeiPF?d> f- 1 though" i acknowitage he 15 iiut ^^8' 'serviiig of puui.'?hmei)t XJie ta ping wiU 1>& lu his own interest, as Weii as io the iuterei^ts of the peace cf the city, for by adllstyiiis the clam or of the uuultit,udc* the llte of Jesus, wiil he spared. ,As yofcVtical decisions ynuiBii \ ! ta'Slrtrrmoratarioetlig*^ tlio jso. tWs. W,.s a very (air Map ■ in a ! trates *^cog'mze that abso^uLe justice is always possible iu tleailug’'with impt'i'fect oouditlous. :vi. K, Christian Churchv Ck>rQer Chun-h and Davis Streets. Rev. P. H. Flemmg> Pastor. Sfeirwm; Preaching every Bunday, 11.00 A ,.,J 8.00 F. M. Sunday SSchoos,-9 45 A. M. John t^'oster, Buyt. Christian Endeavor yerviet-s, Sunday ■»?6ningfl at 8.O0. Mid-^ve«k 1‘ra.vor Service, evory . •s-^dav at S.00 M. . ,> • indies Aid and MisJBioiiary bocicty on Monday after the bficoud biUi" la wch uiWjTb, i i . A conl'rdl jnvitatioiii to Pdy. v»d. Church Hon«^ for Vinityrs (ii"* ■J^sngers. . Simhedi'iii was appointed, which, pei'ifliuctoi'y uaanner, coujii’nied the high priest’s Oeei.s.ion of the night be' fore, that Jesus had l>Jaspb«mfed the Creator when he eloimed that he had come into the world in accord with the Creator's long-ps.TijtDi.sed plan that he should redeotn Israel nud the world from the ds«lU sentence, tliat in Go-l’s due time fro mjght e.stablish the Mgs- i sianic Ivtogduiu for the bSesslng of Is rael nil tho families of the earth. But the iuiei‘3 would iioi b« satisfied with .anything short o:i' Jesus' deatu. 'fhe rabble was exhorted %tp .shout, Crucify him! Cruelly Lim: It seemed impossible for i'iiate to appreciate chat such a freU2y oo\ild be aroused against so iunoceut. a ^ he jpquired, What feVU iiaui lie dohtij But .tb# niis\?er wait, Crucify hlrui The matter vv’as rushed through lest j ioumau passion caa igaore th'(i gathered uraltiSudes, who had «Wuted, “Hopanna tQ the Son of 5Da- Vid.” when .Tesus rode Upoh the ass with this just person, f,pr 1 havi had a horrible dream wlu«h'couaects itself with him. As a iasr. re.sort Piiate caused Jesus every piinciple of I'iglileousniess! . -I'o addl to Pilate’s perpiwxjty,. his wife ^ , , , , ,, • , liQW-seut him word, Have nothing tQ av? ■ days betor&, auotiiiJ undei-take | figiiih to procialJh Ulm king. "Nii ' cation could jjiSce 'itiriug the Passover We have some bafgafes in Real Estate at tfiis time and below submit a few of our hpldin^: alDOut 21-2 miles north of Burimgtori, 3-ItocTO Cvril:> and §-t8dm l»^tory dwelling on Broad streetv lot 120x300, this is one of the beist residence streets in city, will seU for ^ quick buyer at , . v . » ^ 6 room coifag6i lat ^Ox225» fclirn, chicken hduse; weii> ftiei ^hadse, brbhal*d,ienced ali rou^nd» on JPark Ave. twin 2^tbry tlWelling, fine eliVation, good shade, >I{1 West Bavis ^ttieet, will sell ill next 30 days at > aeirfe farm about 2 miles from Burlington on ^rShani dale ro^d, weU wooded, fine grey arid sandy soil, iio hou^s l>ut- is- a bai^il';at- ',..'' , v >: , • " ..v n (fi oi Bnrliagtfia Ciiurcii* Oonier Froht and Aijdernon Rtreetr. 5;ey. 3. D. Andrew, Pastor. ^ttndaj School every .Salibath, y.8J 4 M. Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sabbath, X A. .M. and H.OO P. , 3(4id-v,'eek Service every Ihureday, i 4 / M. A cordial welcome to all. P»rsc‘naj?e 2nd door east of churcn. jUid if Jesus were prisoner they knew uot what ^Aght happ^'u to 1'itT.i or to tliem. They had,, thprefui'ft, but a few hours in which to curry out the plan which they believed '^'ovild rid their country of a Presbyterian Church. Rev. Donald Mdver, Pattw. Services every Sunday at 11.00 A, fl,t S.00 «d 8 00 P. M. , , „ . „ Sunday School aty.4;> A. M. Prayer Me!tin(;5, ^VednesdHy ITie public is cortiialiy invited to all iwirvices. ^mt Street M. E. Church, South. Rev, j. A. Honsaday, Paitor. Preaching every Sunday, nioming aini vrwiitig. Bimday School, 9.;50 A. M. Prayer Service, Wednesday evening. Macedonia Lutheran Church. Front Street. Ret. C. Brown Cox, Paitor. (Keaidence next door to Church.) Morning Service at 11.00 A. M. V.Bpers at 8.00 P. M. (No services ou third Sundays.) ;$snday School, 9.45 A.M..every Sunduv fMchers Meeting, Wednrsday, 8,00 P. M. (At Parsonage.) W'oraan’s Missionary 8ocie^ty ^aft«r t&orning service ou fourth Sundays.; u. p. HSm .Saturda/y before third Sun days, ;3.0(J V. ,M- L. L. L.. third Sundays at 3.00 P. M. asiHiriaJoffle refusing fo se/?ferce Jesu^y/yijs^f/, dncf-orrcK/p/np for fiun to before ^ercx/for fna/ ^/fst/s, 6e/ore //^rccf, arrp-ec/ ir> f/ie parlous /vie, a/}:/dewy y/ny of^e Jews. to be brought to a promineut place I where the multituc^K could-all see him I and then he tried out to theni, "Behold i tlie Mac!’' See the character of the I man you iire, willing to cj’ucify. Note i that he has most kiugly featur,^s, such 'as aoue of yoar race yossess—uor oth ers, Would you crucify the very best sample o£ your raceV Gousidei:; ije reas't)nable. Behoki the Man! It has for years been a ijustum with ycoa that the Government at tliis sm^on release a prisoner. So, theii, consider that .tesus has been condaffiued and that your conception of jastice has been satisfied and that now I r^ease him to you. But the multitadti cried out so much the more. Crucify him! Release unto us Barabbag (a robher and dan* gerou,s character). Thou Art Not C&‘>skr% Friend The Jewish leaders were shrewd. They knew th:it treason to Rome waw one of the most serious offendes and in the fact that Jeyus iiad spoken of h!m.self as a king they had the lever wherewith to compel his cruoifixiou. They used itv ivssuring Piiate that if he let the pnsoner go they would report him to the Emperor. Pilate knew that be would have diflicultj in explaining such a case and that the iioman Gov- I emment would ngree whh the decision I of Caiaphas that one man should die ; rather than have aay commotion in I their dominion. Tims compelied. Pi- ; late finally acceded anj wrote the pa pers of execution, hiit uefore doing so he took a pitcher of Wiiter and In the «betw^% Haw Eiver aftd MfebaM bh two |)iiblie ifdads; this is a fine 'farm and Will cut into two farms if de.^ired, making about 147 acres on -Mbane Eo4d and 23a on Cross Roads; this is knowft as Constance Sellars Iplace, wil^^eKl at a bargain to quick biiyerv sold IlfOOO worth of the Molt farms and are having many inquiries sjf you want a good farm that will produce a large crop this is the place. Over 4000 bushels of grain threshed bn 150 acres of this farm in 1910. $ Alamance insurance & Rea! Estate CompV 62 BURLINGTON, N. C. W. H. HALT, Pres. R. M. MOHROW, Vfee-Pfes. W. E. SHARPE, Mgr. Baptist Church. Rev. S. L. Morgan, Pa*t®r. Morning Service?, 33.Oj) A. M. ■yangeiistic Services. 7.30 p. .m- WedneBday night prayr^r meeting 3P^S88, 8.00 P M. Business meeting, tirst Wwlnesdav #7«oiiig oi the month at S.l r> P.' M. 8cnday School. 1).3() A. J. L. Seott, Supt^ wer- Hms Methodist Protestant Church Rev. J. D. Williams, Pastor. ^#Tjnday Services, 11 a,m. and S.OOp.n". Ssoday School, ^>;3r5 a. m. J. 0. KiirtBtian Rndj-uvttr, Wetlnewday S p ■fj. W. Holt, [’rf!S. man whom they considered .si deceiver and one likely to get th6m into trou ble v/ith the Government at Rome. ThoSanhedrin had authority to judge the people jilong the lines of their reli gion, but was prohibited Irom execut- j gjgijt of tjjf. people iv.'ished hi.'9 hands, iiig the deatli penalty. Hence it was sayiug, “I am guiUk'SS of t he blood of necessary, after the condoinnation of tjjjg jug^- person.” the Sanhedrin, to take the ca.se before, execution proceiided. The sol- Pilate, the Roman Governor. Keallz- a]Veady had tivo thieves to cru- Ing tlisit IMlate wiuld not recognise (.jjy merely ud'led another cross blasphemy as a cause for death, the gjj^j ;}jg procossiou suirted for (iol- charge against Je,sus, before Pilate, gotha. u hiJisido near where the face w. K. HOLT, W. E. HAY, R.M; MORROW, JAS. N. WILLIMSON, Jr., J. C. STALEY, , J. M. FIX^ R. J. MEBANE. J. L. SCOTT, J. ZEB WALLER, B. R. SELLARS, J. A. ISLEY, W. E. SHARPE, J. W. CATES, was a totally different one, namely, that Jesus was a seditionist and raiser of disturbance; that he claimed to be a king and tliat his freedom was in imical to the intere.sts of the Roman Empire. The foolishness and the hy- pwrisy of such a charge were too transparent to need assertion. Pilate I>erceived that for env^ they were de livering him—b(K?ause he and his teach ings were having more influence with the Jews. of the rock , much, resembles a skull— Golgotha signifying /Ac pJf/ce uf a sknU. It is just to the north of the city, outside the wall.. New huilding.'S and a wall recently drticted hinder vis itor,? at the present time fro-ui getting the skull elTect as fctrrsierly, 'J’he crime of each culprit was, by Law. iuscril^od over his head. Above the Master’s head was his criuif;>-"Jesus, iviug oi; Satan and hi.s deluded dupes evident ly thought th:it thay had finall.y dis posed of Jesus. The priests and elder.'j mocked his declaration that he was the Son of (jod :uid demanded that, if he were .such, he should demonstrate it.by leaving the eross: They realiz^ni not the truth, that jt was nece.ssary for him to die for man’s sin, in order Webb Avenue M. E. Church, Rev, T. G. Vickeri Pftitor. l^jfetiching every first Sunday at 11 » H&. and every m'ond Sunday at 11 .a. m. 8 p. m. Snn(}ny*«chool evej*y Sun- iMT at 10 a. ni, ^ .ttihn P. tdo!, Snpt, Ereftbody vveicoihe. mWORUiS fiRanST SEWIIS IMWt .LIGHT RUNNIN& H f want either a iuttleor aKini Sewing mt NEW HOME SEWiKG M&GH!NE COMPANY Orange, K^ass. Sfisny sewStiKmachines are m:ide !o sell reeardiess ol Kitalijy, but Uie Kew S£t>ime is made to wfcai- Our giiarantsr never runs out. *»jr a.n«hQ:rixel dealeirs only* . rOH SALS BY the common people than could be exer-' cised by the chief priests and sscribes. ' Pilate relievt'd himself of responsibili ty by deciariug that since the liome of Jesus was iu Galilee, King llerod. the Governor of Galilee, should have thof Jurisdiction of the ca.se, v.hiciv lie wa.s ^Jad to gt^t rid of. j Jesus Sef&re King Herod 1 ... ... This was an unexpected difficulty, by and by. he ruight have right- but Herocl’s palace was not far dis.: authority, Iu b.s giormii.s rvlngdom, tant. He wa.=t giad of the opptortuuity (o see Jesiw, of Whose miraeles h(» had heard much. As he looked at the Xlas‘, ter’s noble features and beheld Iu birti*'^; purity and gentle digi>lty, it must have seemed ridiculou.? that sil&h a person, should be arraigned aa 6 sedltloriist' and a uiau dangerous to the iiit^i^st^ of the' peace of liie country. After a’: few^ tauating \von\s and jests, 'the pal ace guards took a hand with the one whem their master treated flippantly. They put upon him a purple robe and a crowa of thorns and »ri6cked at hJl§ Uttklngly a:ppearance. Theti llerod de clined to act in the case and sent the ' prisoaer back to Pilate, perhaps feel- in'g that be had had a sufflcinacy of tfdtible lti connection with the behead:-; iug of John the Baptist a year or so : befdre. The matter was a jok^ ber tween Herod and r^ihite—dealing with ■ the case of a man claimed to be so dangerous that he nmst die thus, when he matdfestly was bo pure and iuno- cent that the weakest would be .safe with him. Pilate's Perplexity Inoreaeed Pilate was di^ppoiuted when Jesus was brought back to his court. The case was an unpleasant one to-.Settle. The prisoner manifestly was innocent of any crime, yet his accusers were the most prominent men In the uatJon and city over which he had chaise. Their good will must be preserved, if possible, and they were evidently bent on the murder of their innocent cap tive under the form of legality. What « pity it is that religion has beeif^ao often misrepresented by her votaries in every age of the world! A lesson which we all should learn is to search the motives and intentions of our own hearts,, that we be not led into tiie Lion Foodies .4 Ciilld. In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled the hand that a child thrust into his cage. Danger to' a child is sometimes great., when least regarded, Often it comes through Colds, Croup, and Whooping Cough. They slay thousands that Dr. King's New Discovery could have saved. ‘ 'A few doses cured our baby of a very bad case of Croup,” writes Mrs. George B* Dayis, of Flat Rock, N. C., "We always give it to him when he talkes cold. Its a wonderful medicine for babies. Best for Coughs^ Cold, LaGrippe, Asthma, Hemon’hages, W^k Lungs. 50c. $1.00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Freemain Drug Co. N 0f^ai£> y/ehi- v'^strts mucA "Sti mnce ofif}fk sxr/fjc/af tfeaf^ Is there no way for the Federal government to stop that Texas county from making war oil iMexlco?. , \| Norfolk & afesterri . ■■■'OL ■No, 7 :10 a . ipd&f ■ 7:61 avimi: 8:2:S a. m 8:27 H. hi. 9:2t$ 11.-45 a. W No. aa,';; m TidOpitUs 8';22p, m 8;26 8:52p. ni>' tx) restore ail mnnkind to full perfec tion and life undcir the terms of the New ■ Covenant, of which he will be the Mediator. {.7ei*. 31:31.) At the sixth hour, noon, darkness .settled down for three hears and then .Tesus: died, crying, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken nae?’' ln*.order that he might fully esyerience the weight of Divine Justice which belonged to *^he sinner, it was necessary that the Father should bide himself from him, as though be had been the sinner. This -MAY 15, l‘»10. : 22 Lv. Charlotte 11:00 a, m. Lv. Winston 5J:40 p. m. Lv. Walnut C. 3:15 p. m. Lv. Madieon .H:43 pi ra. Lv. Mayodan B:46 p. m. Lv, M’rt’nv'Ue, 4:4-* p. m, Ap Roanoke 7-00 p.m., ■■.No. 21. . ■. tiv. Boanoke . 9:15 a. m. Lvi M irt’nv'Ile 11:40 a. na. Lt. Miayo^aB 12:52 p. tn, LV. MMison 12:^5 p. lo: Lv. Walnnt C. 1:27 p. im, Ar. iWiuaton 2:10 p. m. , Cbarlpttet 5;30 p, m, Noa. 21 nadSS daily^ Kos. 3.'J n»J and 24 daily except Conuectjonis at Eoanobelor'all points North, East and W^e«t; PulJTMau iParlior sleeping «»to, dlatng ears; Tneals a la yai te. : ■. if yoii are thiuMog of trtkfhg a ti-ip, you want quotations, csheepegt, fairesj reliable and correct inf^riida'tlon, as to route, train gehelules the most comloi^ able and quickest way, write anf the ii). formation is yours for the asking 'Witb. one of our map folders. , Trains leave Durham for Eoxboro,. on Company, New car load of stock will arrive next weeli from the Valley of Virginia. In this load we can furnish you first class stock at a price that will ineet you approval. If you desire to purchase stock that you can depend on, see us. Ail stock guar^teed as re* .presented, Let us show you our stock before; you buy. It costs nothing ^ look Stock Co. A M. CWIt, Pras, see. J; e» S^IKRES, MSf. T Prize Offers Leading Maiiiutfacturer^ Eliis Machine a Music Co. temporary separation from the Father LyncKb^g rO0 it nl. wa, eviaentlj tte s.ev,r»t bto« to nH I !,'■ m.d».ly«,!epta«.d»j, of the Master’s experience, B, BEVILL, (^en. A^. , * M. F, BEAGG-, Pa*, iigt. ^. R«tat>k9,.Va, m patents. ^‘Hints to inventora.”‘Inventions neadeii; ^‘Why soiiie invetrtm S^nd rough skjetch or mode! s^rch of Psatwt Office records; Our Mr» Oreeley was form® J Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge the iJ; 3; Patent Offices, RotsntAttobnevs Vy;\sniNGTON, d. c. A compaij finston-Se ire of fui [pyrites, the the naanl [ial fertilii ktilize the ’le fertilii ilem, Du| and ot ive an ou1 re per yet A jange, Howle*s| St Thiarac ptement klarm to . f hen was , pole was bl Hnge shatt ftensils. IL i fire and j] |he explosj frozen wat^ I Master 'T&s injurt pehool, at ( favel fallij jesday nigi Raleigh, w^ fne end cai pken to , the int. 1^ the.counj wyster, trj fuiieral as / |*^stitution.l Sbrevepc *“ict Court! peJd that ^idow Wc tecisioft w| l^so of Mr: If* K. Non at Oii C ■ft Was at th m^Sed offi ^*“s. Huntel ^sed her ,^ce. Sh J^djce MuH l^at he Id bette] The last q |l*'f the Sol Pmshed. Ti I j^ich prol central fe^rolina, iaf Atlantic fe'folk am gives aloni g Kne oi