,. -r- r-K State Dispj tcih. •YTiaHMaHwi ;i::ss:'2; '..Wlr'n ■■.:) h-9H 11''o i . For $35 # Beats the %ld. Save your wife by pufchMng one of those beautif ul nges. 1 he Akmance is the cheapest and best range 111 the market. Come and inspect and be convinced e wiil gladly show you through. For your Christmas Buying In the Houseful nishing line come to see US. We have some of the prettiest bed room town if interested visit our store. suits in ipy /i 9,1 Si Mgr. f f-tv V ii3i : For Tranks aa»j, etc, (ihe'iis a Call. THE FURNIT COMPANY Burlinsfoo, N. C km t M^eek v^e can at will ou caji as r;- I buy. Co. iQUmiiS, M.9^ 1C A company has been formed in Vinston-Salem for the manufac- Ture of furnace ore from iron pyrites, the by-product obtained n the manufacture of commer- £ia] fertilizer. The plant will etilize the pyrite cinders from the fertilizer plants at Winston- l&\em, Durham, Greenville, S. J'., and other points, and will i-ave an output of 50,000 tons of ’ve per year. A yange exploding in Mrs. M. K. Howie’s kitchen, of Asheville, ast Thucrsday, created great ex- '-'itement and caused the lire silarm to be turned in. The kit chen was wrecked and a great fiole was blown in the wall, the 2'ange shattered and the kitchen utensils, Mrs. Howie had' built a fu’e and just left the room when the explosion came, due to a frozen waterback to the range. ilaster Luther Collins, w^o ’yas injured at the Training School, at Concord, by a pile of Ri'avo! falling on him, died Wed- ne.';iay night. His parents from Hiileigh, were with him before end came. The remains were ti'kon to Raleigh this morning the inte'^ment will be made i :ie country, near Apex. Dr. j^ ' ster, trustee, will attend the ^ ■neral as a representative of the ^^■^iitution. S!;rcveport, La., Dec. 1.—Di5j- Court Judge A. J. Murff M that the kiss of a young ;^ '>v was worth $500. _ The i^fc'i'ion was rendered in the Mortgage Sale. "■ '0 of Mrs Grace Hunter against ■j- Norrnan, former postmas- ' > Oil City, La., this parish. ^ at the postoffice that the cturers on& needed." or model fof' vas forrtieriy uli charge of BE 0- -:d offence was committed. . Hunter alleged that Norman her while she was in the She sued for $2,000. Murf admonished Norman he looked old enough to better. i he last spike has been driven s-Ci ihe Southbound railroad is This great undertaking, V;Tiieh promises so much forj central portion of North ,; ''oh'na, is the joint property of Atlantic Coast Line and the oik and Western railroads, ihiv gives Winston and other pvns along its route a compet- ■h line of railroad, and joins part of the stste with :‘‘?^iiestown on the e'ast and tenati on the west. Under and by virture of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed on the 1st day of April, 1897, by J. P. Westmoreland, L. H. Loyand y. M. Westmorland, as Trustees of the Christian Disciples church, of Elon College, North Carolina, to E. P. Graves, Trustee, for the American Christian Missionary Society and recorded in the office of Re^dster of Deeds for Alamance, county, in Book No. 21 of Mortgage Deeds, pages 201- 207. The said E. P, Graves, Trustee, through his attorney, will offer for sale at public out cry to the highest bidder, for cash at the court house door, in Graham, Alamance County, N. Carolina, at noon, Monday, Dec. 19, 1910j the following described tract of land lying and being in Alamance County and State of North Carolina, to wit: Beginning at a holly bush on the west side of the Shallowford road, said Patton’s corner, run ning thence with the line of the said Patton, south 8 deg. E. 1 ■ch, to a stone on said line, thence north 85 deg. W; 2 chs. and 50 links to a stone, thence north 8 deg., W. 1 Qh. to a stone in the said Patton's line, thence with said line S. 95 deg. E. 2 chs. and j 50 links to the beginning, contain ing one-quarter (1-4) of an acre, more or less. . On which is situa ted a frame church building in good repair. This the 15th bay of Nov. 1910 American Christian Missionary Society, E. P. Graves, Trustee Jno. R. Hoffman, Attorney Anyhow, it appears that Mr. Bryan got cowboy Jim Dahlman,s scalp. Mortgage ° Sale. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage deed executed on the 20th day of June, 1905, by D. B. Tickle and wife, Selie Tickle, to Lindon Wagoner, and recorded in the public registry of Alamance County, in Book 33 6f Mortgage Deeds, pages 61, 62, 63, inclusive, the said Lindon Wagoner will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder, for cash', at the court house door in Graham, Alamance County, North Caro lina, at 12 noon, Friday, Decem ber 23d, 1910, the following des- . cribed tracts of land, lying and being in Alamance County, North Carolina, Mortons Township, and described and defined as follows, to-wit. Lot 1. Beginning at a stone In Peter Troxler's line, running thence vdth the line 6f said Trox- ler, south 17 1-2 degrees west, 115 feet to a stone on said line; thence north 67 1-5 degrees west; 6 chaips 66-2-3 links to a stone; thence north 17 1-2 degrees east, 115 feet to a stone; thence south 67 1-2 degrees ea^t 6 chains, 66 2-3 links to thi^ beginning, con taining one and one-half acres, more or less. Lot 2. ' Bounded on the north by Henry Troicler, on the west by Jas. N, Williamson, on the south by the same, on the east by Henry Troxler, containing one-fourth acre, niore or less, This property will .be sold to- satisfy the payment of the debt for the security of' which said mortgage deed was executed by the said D. B. Tickle and wife, I Se'ie Tickle,: of Morton's Town-! ship, Alamance County, N. C, This the 23d day of November,. 1910. Lindon Wagoner. THE DOW Charlotte Observer The Largest and Best News paper in North Garolina. Every day in Year, $8.00 a Year, Ihe Obsehvbb consists of 10 to l"J pages daily and 20 to 82 pages Sunday, It handles more news matter, looal State, national and foreign than any othflr North Carolina newspaper. THE SUNDAY OBSERVER ie unexcelled hh a news medium, and' is also fillwl with excellent matter of a mis cellaineous nature. AddresH THj:'OBSERVER CO.. Charlotte. N. C. Write to Santa Clatts. Tell him what you want. He will be at the 5, 10 and 25c. Store! We will give to the boy and girl, under 12 years of age a $3.» Present each, for the Best Letter t6 Santa Ciaiis^ , ^ ^ A Handsome Dressed Doll to the Girl and a leal Magic Lantern to ^he Boy. All letters must Jbe ^ad dressed to SANTA CLAlJS, care the 5 and 10c, Store* Burlington, N. G./ They will all be opened and judged on Friday and Saturday before Xmas, by uninterested’ parties and at 10 o’clock Xmas eye-night the lucky boy and girl will be announced. Get your letters in early, for some body is going to get a doU and magic lantern Wilson & Buchanan, Subscribe for The Dispatch S KILL the COUCH AND CURE the. LtlS^CS WITH Or. ling’s Hit Uimmtf Some w^|i irietain beauty, to au advane»Kl age. Eut wdMeii; Mo regularly eiidu^^ i rapidly, for siilferaiig Iea¥es- its lasting marks on ! ^ Nearly ^J^men suffer more or less with some lonn of femaie fepuble. It shouW neglected. |,io^oid; the paiil^reat home .by taMng Cardiii, as thou^aiid^ of other womeii have done, I Begin at give €ajpdui a fai^ trial, - FOR Q^mm paicE ^ 01SR3 O S -Tfflal Bottle ! AF3D ALL THROAT AND LUNSTROUBLES. i 6 (TABANTSSB SATlSFAOIOKl j OR MONEY BEEUNDED. Electric Bitters Succeed whun everything else feils. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. rOR KiDNEY^IVERAND STOMIACH TIROUBI.E it is the bast medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter. mmmrnmmmmmmmm ANYTHING fIV TAILORING. Also the Home of Satisfaction ia Cleahing, Pressing, and Dying. Burlingion Tailoring anil Cleaning Wufks. Jas. M. Leath, Prop. , Katie Biirlisbny (Jore111.,: tried Cardm aii3 writes: suffered withrfemale troublesii and ■was so siclt.I could,not fitaiod on my feei Einally I began to take Cardui, and mon to M mend. JSTow I am able to do ail my housework and asi in muc^ ■ j better hfeaitlii tiiaji I before.” Try it. ;■ BTOEES '' : ■ ,: French Cleaning a Specialty. Dr. Franklin H. Martin, of the PostrGraduate Hosj^i^l, Chicago admitting that corsets are aneces sary evi I nowadays, holds that they ou^ht to be fitted Oh all wor The Woman's Christian Tem perance Union of Kansiaa has made an appropriation to bagr enough Bibles and hymn botfts " ijrovidfe one of each for evesjr