M III Ml' :.-■' ■' ' v.'fei j|> >p ,^;| if lift fil S’" ' :|fc|«- J !f|"i^: |l''K m %W'i tm m 1'^ p •-* ,•?;' ' Tac Stue Dh«P?n h. RURAL CARRIER ITEMS D Baw River Items. Mr. A. S. Cates of Greensboro spent a few days in the country last week making war on the feathered tribe we did not learn of his success. Miss Minnie Bryan of Burling ton was in town last week in the interest of some men^hantiie business. She left Saturday morning for Mebane and Hills boro Tiiere has been a series oi meetings at the Holiness Church - , n v the past week. Rev. Way and! companied us in a httle live hour Mines, doing the preaching. The | hunt durir.g which time preaching was plain, sirnple and I*. F. il. RIO. I. Milton Loy who belongs to the United States Navy is at home on a furlough for a few days. Mrs. J. A. Loy is still at Elon College nursing her son who has been quite sick, but is improving now. This writer went over to ,\lortons Saturday expecting to join a crowd from Plil'sboro in a big bird hunt, but as they failed to show up, G. L. Simpson ac- Rock Creek was expected to take dinner with them. They finally got the r^bit and we suppose wewe abte to fix Esq. a nice bowl of soup that day for ni& dinner. jmpressive. ceeded in catting down about forty birds and every riiolly-hare and" Mrs. Thomas Paucett | that showed itself, of HiilBboro, who buried their Wonder if Burton Shoffner darling babe here Saturday have j has gone back home yet it was a the sympathy of their many; boy. friends. It v\as tenderly laid to rest until the ressurection morn. Weep not dear parents the Lord hag it unto himself you can go to it Rev. J. D. Arnett preached at the -Baptist Church Sunday morn ing to the editicacion of 'his people. Mr. Henry Sinjpson told us las^week that he wove the first cut*of cloth that was made in SweDson factory. He lives here novi^. Miss Minerva Crutchfield wove the first yard qf cloth that was wove at Haw River (will give dates later) she is living here now and in fine health and a ,good wdmath We regret to learn that uncle Lucian Williams, one of the old est men here is very feeble, we hope for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, and Master Guy Crutchneld visited Mrs. Crutch fields parents near C. L last week reiurned Sunday and report a fine trip and ail well. The M. E. Baraca Class gave their oyster supper Saturday night and it was quite an enjoy able occasion. Miss Fannie Woods had a light stroke of paralysis last week she remained speechless a few days her many friends will be glad to learn she is better at this writ ing. iVliss Julia Thompson one of the popular teachers in the Graded School spent Saturday and Sunday and was detained Monday from school owing to the extreme illness of her uncle Mr. Steve Forest. Mrs. S. A. Vest and Master Sam accomj)anied by her sister Miss iola i^'ranklin left Saturday morning for Goldsboro to spend Sunday with their sisters Mrs. Philips they returned .Vlonday morning on the early train and report a pleasant ts*ip. Our esteemed B. S. Robertson is a Juror in the Fedral Court at Greensboro this week. J. L, Vest was in town one night last week on business he left the next day for Duke where he resume his work. The much wanted rain has come and we should be so thank ful to the good Lord for all his benefits to us. Well the newly elected officers of the county went in and took the responsibility we hope they will meet the demands of the people. Heirtshorii Ko, I items Mrs. Joe Coble is seriously ill at this writing, little hope is en tertained for her recovery. Mr. William Hedson of Siler City has moved on this route at Dr. Foster’s old house, we are glad to have them on the route. Mr. and Mrs. William Cairoll visited friends Sunday here they h.ad a grand old time. Miss Ola Foster has been visit ing her cousin Dr. J. D. Greggo€ Li berty during the past few days, and reports a nice timc. Jo’in Hedson has been visiting on No, 1 the girls No. l&iwrays like to see the boys come. And the boys on No. 1 ahv;%vs like to see the girls ome in on No, 1. Ja^i. No. 1 who was hurt, is better we are glad to repor t , We would like to know of that young man from Kimesviile who got in that wreck has called to see that girl any more Wc ai:c glad to rc|>ort that the men through here are building a new st;h(.1ui house at old Cross Roatis. Mr. VVilliam Foster wa)i visit- ii'j.u‘ friends vSunday, look out for Will. Miss Ora Foster spent last week the ;.;uest of her aunt, Mrs. Fan nie kim.Gry. hnpe she had a fine time. NoUce of S*le* This will notify ihe public that the undersigined has pur chased the undertaking business heretofore belonging to A. R. Davis on Front Street, and all debts due said business will be paid to said J. A. R. Davis and that all debts owing by said business will he paid by said Davis. This December 1st, 1910. PATES UNDERTAKING ^COMPANY. CLAUD CATES. UgV, Wiil! Change Charter. At a meeting of the Board of Aldermen Monday pjght steps were taken to change the charter of our town so as to give us the right of way to cross the Railroad track at any place we desire. Thp^ far nothing has been learn ed' of the ^epigjon to hayfe been rendered |by iJuds§ Boyd at Aftc-r being in the country Saturday and g'sti'.ing home late Saturday night we ip>:pected to take a little extra nap Supday morning',, hut behold about si|n up we were disturbed by one of the most frigiitlLil noises that we have heard for rhgrefqre ,;r we hurridly got up and prepared : ouisslf for an iirvestigation,' but hard!j’ had we ' got. to the door ’till vvc Vv^ere satisfied be cause out there in the old field was our neighbor J, M. man wife and five or six of his children just going it through the snow after an old “molly hare” we then started an investi gation why they should be carry- ! for little girls, ingonso on Sunday, but that Dec. 7 1910, was soon explained when 'Harry' Singer Sewing Machine Go. told us that Esq. W. A. Tinnin of Q. J. Denny Manager. Sewing MaciHiie Redatlbn. I Special prices on Singer Sevv- Work-. ing Machines for December. " ' ' Call at our store»oni Main Street where you will find Miss Edn;t Graves who will make prices and terms. See our toy machines K trri nf ioy*iaw»\v.-. •. iafcn Anything you are looking for in TOYS will be Found at, Cooper Dry Goods Company. We have the largest line of Toys we have ever shown before. Come early and make your selections our tremendous stock of Dolls, Doll Furniture, Wagons, Carts, Horns, eic.y before the choice iS sold. ——-Remember that on— DECEMBER 15th, -we will give away the- $450.00 Beautiful Piano free to the one holing the greatest amount of coupons in dollars and cents. Cooper Dry Goods Co, BURLINGTON. N. C. Holiday Atitiouticeinent FREE HOLIDAY SPOON liiQ Dec. Stir , Lister; for the wedding beil.s t ring Ciiristmas. o Texas came in with 2', 000,000 lTiari_kf^v_mgJ;urkeys. We’ , ai- elegant Coffee 8pooa that to novel la desi^ and sere to please. On Appcdrathe o{>en£rcplace%ndl a staking, without which no Christmas Is complete. The tree loaded with eood things la diatl^ctlx •een above th« narrow Piirt of thie handle, on vuichappearslh plain fetters the word a ‘ Merry Chri>.tnia«." In the gold bowl we see old Santa Claus ■with his flowing locks and hie g;reY D«ard, awinging " h»* whip threateningly o-»er the back of his Beet rein deer. Altogether it is a most pleasing picture emblem of Merry Christmas. ^ pn the back of the jaandie are the glad bells which “ring ont old and “ring In the new/’ and nnder. neath oid FatherTIme with his cruel scythe. Happy New Year" completes the decor ation on the back of handle. Altogether It |» & most beautifnl article suitable for a holidar present for one’s self or a friend. The col- Section of handsome spoons has assumed In m.'sny locolitiee the proportion of a hage fad and this spoon Is pood enough to place beside any of them. This ■ spoon isr {-.he most suitable Christ- n>afs grift yon cotsld make toladic^sSnndftT school children, or children in the public orday Bchoole. We will give away free while they last (supply limited) with each pur chase of $5.00, or more Only one Spoon to a customer. WE are just in receipt of the most com plete and up to-date line of Watches, SUver- Ware, Cut Glass, China and Gold and Silver Jewelry Victor and Edison Talking Machines Our goodi), are the newest and latest style Quality the BEST. Every piece of goods sold by us is put up in nice boxes. STEWARTS JEWELRY I8E Burlington THE KEY OF Kf^tOWLEDGE. Things You Ought to Knovv—E«pf- o!»Hy Why God Has Permitted Ev». Every Chrlstiau Bitole Stad^t SfiOUiiD KNOW the satisfactory proofs that the Bible is a Divine Eer- elation—reasonabie and trustworthy— revealing a Plan wiilcb is systematic, foil of Justice, Wisdom and Lot©. The Key of Knowledge of the Scrli^- tures, long lost (Lplte 11:52), Is found, and gives God’s faithful people access to the “Hidden Mystery”. (Coi. 1^20.) you SHOULD KNOW that the Lord Jesus and his faiiliful are to be adt only Priests but Kingss. YOU SHOULD ENOW that tW« Kingdom is to come and God's will be done at the Second Advent. YOU SHOULD KNOW that God’8 Plan is to select and save the Church In the Gospel Age, and to use tM« Church in tolessi.ug tiie world diiriag the MediatoriaJ reign on eartJi.' : you SHOULP KNOW that a “Eansom for all’’ impjie^ ,an ppporta* nlty for Restitution to all, you SHOULD KNOW that the Day of Judgment Is 1,000 years loftg —the world’s Tftal Day. YOU SHOULD KNOW that thf Spiritual’an^l Humaii natures are sep arate an4 4lstlnot. YOU jSHOULD KNOW that toe “Narrpw Way” of soif-sacrltice wiU cease with this age. YOU SHOULD IvNOW that th* “lilghway of Righteousness” withopt suffering will be open to all of the re>! Seemed race during the Messianic reiga on earli. YOU SHOULD KNOW that th« Kingdoms of This Wovld are but for an'ordained peviod and must then fiv« place to the “Kingdofli of flTeavea”"- "Thy Kingdom Come.” Especially YOU OUOIiT TO KNOW Fhy God has permitted evil for six * drears, and the relationship of God’ii people to this reign of sin and death and to the results. These subjects ftud many others of deep interest to all of God's people are discussed fully and in language eiasy of comprehension in “THK DIVI,NBl PLAN OF THE A«ES/’ , 386 pages, cloth bound, thirty-flve cents postpaid. Address orders to Publishers, Blblt and Tract Society, 17 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, N. ¥. PROCJRtTD AMD DEFENDED. SendmodoS, j ilrawiii'j orp.Uoi.o. iuii' oxi,u;i'i; starch luvd free repoj-t I Fj'OO li.U’ioe, how to obt«.i-o patCTCs, tiniio mtirka, I copyriglit.3, etc., inj ^lL COUWTRI ES. I J7rt.^i)i,'ss dirfgi v'Sk V/a.f'jhi^ion xav^s I mxvity and ofUn thepalmt. r^pnt and lnfrln?sment Practice Exduslvely. vv n js or cprae iv i« et TIO EjhtU Street, noav TTni+fld StJitei Po.toat ] v/ASHmaroN, d, c. Christmas is coxaini and we are pfcinared tn deliver the goods, i * For thie benefit of bur customers we carry a complete Hne ot ui)-to*date jewelry. But at this season of the year We have added niuch new and pretty jeWeiry, Riii|s> Watehcs,^^^^e^^^ we have ■■ them,all, , v--'.. CHRIStmS PRESENTS. Some of the most elaborate toilet sets you ever saW. $ee us for nice Ghr^ ! to Just the thing the children want Santa Claus bring. Dolls, Wagons, and toys of all kinds. Give us a caU and you will be pleased. ene Wd are now ready to serve you at our jQ]d stc nrl, with iall kinds of nice fresh mt ats. Phone us your order or call and see us. You will find a Wg reduction in the prices of at Mrs. Nellie B. Gi‘eeD, At Coopers Dry Goods Store, Burlington, N. C. Three Car Loads of Furniture and Housefiirafshings We are going to make things lively for the next 30; days. The are ,mak ing and the immense stock from which to select will certainly interest any one desiring to buy gojbds at a saving. ^ :J Art Siiuares-— ^ Heavy prbbody Brussels art squar# 9 x12 ft $6.75. Fancy Brussels art squares floral and oriental designs 9 x 12 ft. $10.00 ito $12.50, these are squares would be cheap at ^15.00. $1.25 and $1.50 Brussels rugs at^1.00, ll.'ts and $2.00. Axminister rugs $1.50. $6.00 and $6.00 axminister rugs 36x72 $3.85. $20.00 and $25.00 velvet art squares 9x12 ft. very artistic designs $15.00 to $18,00 $25.00 ?md $30,00 axminister art squares 9x12 floral and oriental designs special at $19.si). Great Line of rockers for Christmas presents, any style you may need at special prices $1.25 to $10.00. A great line of chairs 50c. to $1.50. Great line of beds $2.00 to $10.00. Great lirie of dressers $5.00 to $20.00. Don't fojrget to see our im mense stock of China war^, decorated ware, fancy ware, .¥lass ware, crockery, enamel ed warCj, tin ware, everything that will beautify the table of the home or make a pretty present for Christmas, The stock is here and you can make your selection without going further. Our 6fl!erings in this department alone is worth coming many miles to secure bargains. Just received a great line of Ladies coat suits We can please you if you have a wantm this line. We have some very at- 1 IficCaB PattMiM li^ 3331 II*. 373S~^SUrt A BEAUTIFUL AFTERNpON tractive patterns, and pri ces are exceedins^ly low. Boys' suits and overcoats If yon have a boy that needs a snit or over coat if will pay yon to see our stock. We have some great vdues and can please tlie most exacting. Don't iorget onr Milli nery Depcjtment. La dles you cim supply your kat wants right here at a Some ^cial offerings in men's Qolhing wd over c6at& See the stock ano «ive money. store for what you want. We have the most complete DEPARTMENT STORE N. Carolina.

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