W- ^■■Uv;':;:-v ■„ v^sr-— •?r :-^i- r’v WE IION’T WAI^T MllM bad ciiouj^h to palrn oil' |.)0or drii!.i'K iip^’H v()U. \''^y (-loi)’t \V;;|,f. ill iOf,'! rv.’.-'l'(>i'’:-i * >!{' !(,M‘ 1! c :•'(rC;-uns ItiNt o'ten i'ollow tile use of in i'crioi" yST OF liN{il«iKEi) LETTERS itinung in iSuriirigton, N. C I'ost Oj'iice a , i.)ec 3i, 1910. -{Fl^ •? ii tttn ■■rir±."5u^'-i' ''vV*'-' t T ‘; J- ■ i£ ■. /•>' 7 3-US. i'.i'Oj;! 1’ aV il](M'/>]!e>i (O' il:i:o 'u ■■(v-t]u-: br. ‘'Vi-'i'p vour';':--- ,ff'; 0 >u ■ ,^- or rntdici" l.li 0‘. i;^';;i.il h; (.sENTLKivrSN; . Masl;ei \Y, i.>a'’ic i v, '..Jllpj' , 'Jones, yV, ke!i,Oii Voi H. Dan croft, G. ii!c. iio.ncroft, . Inin ?ii, vV. i:iU^\i\,'J. J. W al !'-C i’v. I iiti;j k.03a ■ -^v. .;V;V n n; ■ Gisii J'l i * V'; ' : >1 m U'i d t 'T'* O- O.. . s'v)ent’SaT.'d::i':y t]:.e-gu'e^t of frieiids. : j C. Garrison ■' ret iirn t-:d;'| MurHHit;' iTOBi''■.ilocxnok^'j ■ ■:.■.■■ . 1 copy. Oi 1 ! lisl’icd ; . T. F;-:Cx?bl« spent. Saturday:5,,,. ^he aV i ■ ' eeTisboro and Fbmona on' •buSi t-!G&S, i\;r. J. A. Pettigrew is spend- m:4 i he! w i:ek in tiie rural district bu.-ting. ]\Iiss Vailie Gross is spending the v/eek the guest of her broth- ;3r at Goldsboro. Mrs. W. D. Bowman returned liome Sunday from a weeks visit to friends at Lexington. Mr. ,and Mrs, R. A. Goble :.pent Sunday the. guest of his sister Mrs. John Fonvitlein the country Mrs. J. Zeb Waller spent Fri- rj.ay Saturbay and Sunday at Hillsboro the guest of relatives. Mr. Albert Heritage of Greens fcoro spent Sunday the guest of Bis parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Heritage. Miss Allie Pattprson who spent the past two we. with friends :and relatives as Chapel Hill re- tui ned Sunday. FOR RENT;—Several good of- €ce rooms in Waller Building. For tei'ms etc. Apply to J. Zeb. Waller Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Foster of Altamahaw spent Sunday the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs II. G. Foster Sr. 111'. 7.ri Mis. Theodoro Vv^’Hiams of Greensboro spent Saturday .laight and Sunday the guest of ^ ler parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Teaga 3. Mr. Jim Lynn who has been working at Danvill e during the summer returned Saturday to resume his work with Scott-Me- feane Co. ^ -I'.l ! , ■ iu il i 's' \ ^ iV;:’'-!, Nct-^ io ;!rro\v;t>'v Hu ,.rs!. I.uua Jj'o jiidoM ra'^o, .‘vUii in'VoCC^.'.i; pv'"';l ’DfJHrK-CHJ t C>)VUn.^'xVr>, Ky, frofitru^n--' .tv.M!',‘\v'' 11.', com 1'^113fi'-ii(y TioticG of a fo'"iier eiiizc'iL "^ir' Reams is wenk :own in tliis -ri'-y and, tl'ie corapiiment is a deserv ing one. The bridge of the Decoursey pike over Bnnklick creek has been completed so far as to jjemiit heavily loaded wagons to pa^'.s in safety over it. There are some additional features to be addecl to the structure and all in all it is the best bridge ever built by Kenton county. The foreman of the work L. E. Reams, of Bur lington, N. C., has been assidi- ous in pushing the work and in making conveniences for pedes- trains to cross the creek \yhile the work was going on. It js to his foresight that not a single accident has happened to any of the workmen during the building of the bridge, although some of them were working from 75 to 100 feet above the bottom of the creek upon what seemed a hazar dous height on frail footing. The bridge is not only a handsome structure but a substantial one. The county commissioners at a meeting Thursday morning de cided to purchase a steam roller and will buikl a modern pike one mile in length from the south end of the bridge over the De- couisey pike. The road will be made up-to-date in every particular, and will le rolled Bora I i:i acci Kaic le! Cos' ''if.-'riy: iv, 'Grace 'Uis'.; APiry Pipper, 11 i.a V HI Ivii iSasio r;'. :\i. kS. SIi oil lief. J tnese i',.;-“A'iverris- ;0.i' a'i^;'ertlsecj. ■ ■■ ■■■■• f/" '■J/Zbb Walleth-, • V, Post :^asLer. Wori. •Dcski-n'^5. Va. — Mrs. ?Mary_ A. Vandyke, in n )*'‘t''er froivi Des- tviiis, says: '‘I had sei'ious fe- niaie troubleis, lasting 40 days at ;i time. I was so weak I could hardly vvalk, so I tried Oardui. Soon I was betteer. Now- I am well." If you suffer from any form of womanly pain or weak ness, take Cardui, the woman’s tonic, Cardui will lift you out the misery and Vk^eariness, caused by womanly weakness, and help you to see the bright side o^ife. Try it. Your druggist sells it. Statk of Ohio, City ok Tomcdo, LtJCAH L’OU^fTy . 88. Frank .J. Cheney rnniies oalJi tliat lie is Her.ilir ijai'fuei’ of tlie firm cl I'\ ,J. ' heriey & (')., doiiiji' husini>S!8 in of (lo.rrriiity andTolciUi, L'onnty n,iid Stlate .iioi’psaifl niid that Bjud (inn vrill pay the Hinn of Onmo 11pnui!KI> l)oiii:.-vi{> for e;r,ch . and ovei'v Cii.se.of rii fcarrli tho L entuidt be.' eiircii the u.so t>j llii.il ,s (,'nre. ■ Fl^^''■'K J , )'i.'KNKY. Swocn to hoTore ii'p H.i'l'.-:i'.rU>ed in li.'T j>ri-s(?nce, tlii’p (Ohtf)v oV iM'V^mher,' Af n.,,!H8f). ■ y . . (SKaL) A. -.fLKA.sON,. • ■ IkY i’(’iii./rr, ; ■! i.'iiPv. VA-ibarrh::CJui! it i , niuPrict.s .sin*.c;ti.v (i!i iIm: and ■ tnu- Hiirt’iiCrs ol thfe syslc-m lo.'iiifUiMiiii'i.-; free, . ' ' F. J. CTiioNi^y- & k;„ rfi.ild T>y all '{-k . 'i'akK Hnll''w Fuiiiily rilli-i i'ur c.oi ti'Jti. ' , A ■ .i ill : 1' sysloiti. for 0, 'I? O '■ China is borrowing bioney to ' 3trej>gthen'her mivy, and Hra^^il aas a navy'she . would • no doubt ]^e ..w 11U ng to gi ve a w ay. 1 icEGEeEiifi .Starf-Ri FHEE A Ex-Senator Smith, of New Jersey, appears to be having dif ficulty in getting things so ar ranged that his re-election to the Senate will be assured. E vident ly he has not succeeded in get ting all the Smiths to support him« oiled. The taxpayers then will have an example of the best roadbed ever laid in the county. Resolutions of Respect. Whereas, it has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to remove from' our midst our sister Mary G. Kenney and whereas the intimate relations long held by our deceased sister, with the members of the D. of L. Therefore w’^e think it proper that we should place on record nd our appreciation of her Gervlces PiieKomeDal Offer Made by a New York Firm. Thousands all over the United States are taking advantage of a generous offer of the Gotham Company 1161 Broadway, N. Y. City, making request for a beau tiful gold-plated scarf-pin for lady or gentlemen, which is mail ed to any one sending name and address free of charge. This offer is made to introduce their catalague of general mer chandise, household goods, jewel ry, novelties, &c. Readers of this paper are requested to send name' and address immediately, inclosing five two-cent stamps to cover packing and postage. Send to-day and receive with out cost a piece of jewelry that you will be proud of. Professional Cards Dr. W. D. Moser Practicing Physician, BURLINGTON, N. G. c;s a member of this order. Therefore be it reselved. First,—That while we bow in humble submission to '^.hf will of , . „ Him, who doeth all things well, Pretty hard on a frenzied nn- j -^^0 not the iess mourn for our ancier when even the insane as- sister who has been called from sylums refuse to admit him. Mr. W. D. Bowman of the City Barber Shop spent Sunday at Gibsonville the guest of his sist er accompanying his mother to ^larlington Sunday evening. Rev. Swain of Asheboro Presi dent of the North Carolina Con ference of the ]\1. P. Church A Mothers Gratitude. Day e.. I’s at' Freeman D 'phone 20. Night calls, Mrs M. Hornaday’s. 'phone 232. Co. S. u( r and a satis&ctory security are the tivaipyixae \ Con derations,of ever5?" iiwestor-^ V: cefit net.. Our security in I ^;^yyh ■ the law Tequircs-. of . Swin^l .Baak^^y L--;/,'^ ■ ;/ Companies ant) a.fl Conservatiive 'Iy . . . .• ' ' *•- i * ■' «. J -■ .1 .-to exefe^d^pO;per cent of'the .caf-H v‘f:.i..-.'.5y.y./,jv'r. in- AiaMrice' Gminty aiid guaraDt‘;v;d • 0.' ciir ,r ■pan^v^ v'-Saakdj^ anti:'' other i . .doir% so, b&Huse there is rio c>‘:^'crjvveyf.ri'‘:nt ly^vy „ that. .the money saver siicii rC.u ’ > absoUue sociirity. . Why.not, get a fair what ,ypur'ncioney :earns. If it ..iy,. ..■i£,s ...tis-'ii . cent,It. is not“ eiiough, Unle^y :has /|rown in proportion to the increay?:;^ . you are losing'ground. ,y.We c'an'po.ir;i:'vyay^ to a large return with equal or greater 'saieiy> May v^e send you descriptive literature. We tball be giad to tell you our plan and leave the dicisiun v/ith you. We buy and SELL REAL ESTATE. >vrite LIVE STOCK, FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT iNSURANCE and loan you money. The Central Loan & Trust Ca BURLINGTON, .N. .CAROLINA, y Gapital $50,000, J, A. DAVIDSON, I>re», JNG.R H)FirMAN,Sw.‘& Tr«a,$. >f! W. BJtOWN, Mgr ■■(i. ■ .:n w! iss«scssesc3sss-^tscs Many a Mother in Burlington Will Appreciate the Following. Many a strong man and many a healthy woman has much for , , which to thank mother. The , preached an able sermon at the j care taken during their childhood' nnhHpntmn M p i i.*. 4.^ 4-x,^ j , puplication. her labor to rest. Second.—That Purity Council No 22 D. ofL. tender their heart felt sympathy to the bereaved husband relatives and friends of our deceased sister in their sad bereavement. Third.—That a copy of these resolutions be entered upon our minutes and a copy be sent to the bereaved husband and a copy to each of the city papers for Dameron & Long y ATTORNEYS AT LAW £. S. W. DAMERON ADOLPH LONG BiirUnjS'ton Grahum ofiBcc in office in PiedmoDt BuildiDg SolMVicholsoa Pbooe • 250 Phooe lOO-B 5 THAT OLD SQUARE Piano was called “FINE” in the old times, but you want to trade it to us and get a fine upright piano now, we will allow you all it?? woHh. Call in and see our fiJie latest style pianos and lets, “talk it over, ” Organs and Sew ing Machines at all prices cash or on easy terms. 20 years in Bu lington. ELUS MACHINE & MUSIC GO. BURLINGTON,yNORTH CAROLINA. S3 8 S M. P. Church Sunday night. Messrs. S. A. Horne and R. H. iStokes left Monday to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. brought them past the danger point and made them healthy men and women. Children are generally bothered at some period C; King on No 5 hunting. Mr. Ed i with inbontinence of urine, and Holt joined the crowd Tuesday, 1 i^abihty to retain it is of times called a habit, it is not the ,,George Trymle the Canadian | children’s fault—the difficulty hampion Wrestler and the lies with the kidneys, and can be 'Cr Champion wrestler of Greens- iboro inet Friday night in the hall over the Bowling Alley in a three point, wrestling match. Trymle readily righted if taken in the proper way. ■ Mrj. H. S. Patterson, 211 Humphrey St., Greensboro N. C. :won tne two best out of three.! says; “I am giving Doan’s Kid- Proceeds benefit of Graded ; ney Pills my endorsement in the SciToor baH team. hope that other suffers from kid ney complaint will be led to try this remedy. My son suffered i for several years from weak kid-^ A1 I neys. 1 finally procured a box of ‘ ParsoD^s Poem A Gem. From Rev. H. Stubenvoil , rr-i ^-n j? i.- j lison, la., in praise of Dr. King’s I Doan’s Kidney Pills for him and New Life Pills. “They’re such" say that they proved a health necessity. In every home the.se pills should be. If| For sale by all dealers. Price other kinds you’ve tried in vain, 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., USE DR, KING’S j Buffalo, New York, sole agents And be well again. Only 2.5c at ; for the United State. Mebane Drug Company, Mebane |—Remember the name—Doan’s 3s'o.rth Carolina. and take no other. Daisy Barbee Florine Thompson Nannie Crawford Committee. Purity Council No 22 Daughters of Liberty. January 6th 1911. Kill More Than Wild Beasts. The number of people killed yearly by wild beasts don’t ap proach the vast number killed by disease gerrns. No life is safe from their attacks. They’re in air, water, dust, even food. But grand protection is afforded by Electric Bitters, which destroy and expel these deadly:, disease germs from the system. 'That’s why chills, fever and aguis. all. malarial and many blood diseases yield proniiptly to this wonderful blood purifier. Try them, and enjoy the glorious health and new strength, they’ll give you. , Mo ney back, if npt satisfied. Only 50c at Mebane Drug Co., Mebane North Carolina. John H. Vernon, Attorney and Coun.sellor at Law, Burlington, N. C. Office over Bradley’s Drug Store. Phone 65. John R, Hoffman, Attomey-at'Law, Burlington, North Carolina. Office, Second Floor First National Bank Bnildinji. r BHHkl DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist F )8tei* Building BURLINGTON, N. C... Jas. N. Taylor, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Office Piedmont, Building, two front rooms, up stairs PHONES: Office 218A, Residence 395. Hours 9 to 12 a. ni. 4 to 5 p, SpecialUt Diseasfs of Children and Woned ^ and X-Ray Work. Are You Saving as 'is to Do you want to go to house keeping and havn’t enough money to start on? We can help you in either case. ' We buy in Car Load Lots and get all the discount to be had. We do our own work as far as possible. Our rents arid expenses are smalL For these reasons and others we eah sell at very low prices and save you iiioney on 5 our furniture and house furnishings. All we ask is that you give us a chance to prove to you our statements by inspecting our line and getting prices. We sell for cash or easy payment plan. & GRAHAM, ftlRNlTURE fitMPAflY. NORTH CAROLINA. You Have a Riglitto Independence If you have the am bition and energy, to gether with an honest purpose to earn it We Will Help You. The first ?tep toward financial independence is to t>wn your own home. Begin now. Don’t wait; You have waited all these years and you are still paying rent, RIGHT ABOUT and try ^‘The PIEDMONT WAY.” Invest a few dollars saved each week or month, together with the interest, taxes, in surance and maintenance money—namely, Rent —that you have been paying to the “Other Fel- low’’ and soon it will be YOUR VERY OWN HOME And not the some body’s house to rent. Others by the score have tried th e ‘‘Piednaont Way” and found it easy. Will you? :Call and talk it over with us. M I; heal Estate Department. Binrlingtoai Phone No. 76 ■I.:

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