tton and > Trimm- ■ i i'c^rens that icrintic ^s he Valu- Dress or you want ice away tson. lality at complete d dainty of the No two 11 take alii 5 of offered, b, some ihep:\nrd his is a ■Jtly the .! ney 7if Ffiiniess OD. [0 imer with ira'gia? Dis- tceth, and 1 ors nervous^ :ss Dx weight hi. grd taste 1 thich means- In twomonths [able ease. Itj [t up to datej ig plates en-j iet. ROLINA.I Ine 374-L. pleasant call Sunda| s Bert was ^ irew's ’ ■ • •' ' • ■ -i. -.. V ■" y’"' ' ’'■*/'■ ' I'V'-.*v;- • VOL. in. A ^EPUBI-ICAN NEWSPAPER DE^ OTED TO THE UPBUjlDING OF AMERICA^ HOWES AND AMERICAN; JNiRISTBIHl&: BURLINGTON, N. C., APRIL 5, 1911 SW YOliS’S CSPITOL is ODltEB Bl' Fi! m IL Albany. N. Y., March 29.—The i nterior of New York’s magn ifi- cent $27,000,000 Capitol was rain- -ed this morning-. Fire started in the assembly library and spread through almost the entire build ing, destroying prieel-iss records, books, doeiinients, etc. iPhe fire proof doors proved no obstacle to the fiames. The entire fire de partment alter five hours of hard fighting, subdued the fiames. Oi naie hangings and rich ma hogany furnishings were food for the flames. The million dol-^ !ar ceiling of the western stair- cafee, coni^idered one of tl',e finest examples of mural art in the world way destroyed, and falling' stones and chips from the marble pillars and walls endaiigeivd the firemen. The assembly libiVi’v was gut ted, destroying' valuable"p?H:fcrs,^ some dating- as iar ^ack as BEAIB K IC RErais VAsr KTFOmiETMCEffi- „ SP PREACHffl New York, March 26;~~A littl^ | ^ _ old woman', who lived : aiope in a j Washiiigton, March 30. --In or- bare and dingy East Side yoom|| der to deal successfully with t^he was found d^ad last night with; | Ghiniese, Japanese and negroes bank books in her han4 bag show| j we wiil have to forget raee pFe- ing deposits of more than $25|vOQ|^; judic©, declared Rev, Dr^ Ji 0; Hemmed in : her petticoat wer^; bilis: totaling $311. Two tTtinM locked and strapped, which th|^ SpeftMi*, o£ BaHimqre. ;at : to- , ni^ht’ s' gessio-h of Baltimore Metiir odist'Epis«g6pal conference, whi'ch 177^. All docume-jts and codes of .the judiciary committee of the pres ent session were destroyed. The "lames destroyed all the English Colonial records. There were many valiuible coilecdons in the State library,.. Fifteen ilf'erjieri vVC;)’e OVercoirte by smoke, when part of the north roof fell in tvvo hours after the fire ;^tarted.. , The loss to the building is about $6^000,900, This doesn’t include the Costly fur nishings, paintings, contents, and library, moi’e than half of which sannot be replaced. A defective electric wire is believed to be the ciauset •jA groat scandal attended tbe progress of the constrlldtion of tihe building since the ftrst exca- ‘vation was starte'd 15) 1867,,: char-: ges of graft, often being made, but despite the numerous inves- ■iJigiations nothing was uncover^'jd. jiiiE J.l.¥s».s BH DIHAM DISTRIBUTINO t-'; Durham, March 31,—The loca- tion of the distributing station of the Southern Power Company has been announced and a four acre lot bought, from Brodie L. Duke will be the piaee. The colii- sideratipn , ■; ^ ? This tan' ^quarter ^ ihillicj|i • to be made.into^a steam ejt^'srgency plant when bluecoats brought to light ifroni! is ih sessioiv here. Dr. :Spencer the dusty depths of, ,a sjp^ciou|;| was the'dhly, speaker of tte closet, are believed tocontaih othi-'i Ihg iand he ’dealt^ with;: t^ rtM er valuables. Her fortune is es|!iquestion throughout, timated at $72,000"by. .the Hanf) ,At tress bf the biitldihg, who claims that the recluse confided in her. I; The dead woman wa^ Mrs; Aui gUsta 'A. Friet^g. - Fortwo ^eai^ neighbors say no visitor',has |ros^^ ed her- thres'hol4 ■ She‘ has kera ^le- two rooms for- five/years ano| until two years ■'ago- hef hu?ban' lived, vvith her.^ The;^^ separate tihd'he' went no one knows w^er^^ A,d-iali\'^bed,)ac^ble and an c|} lamp, air bf the cheapest mak^ji were the only articles in the roonj^ At the “mornihg session the amalgamation into one great c6n- gregMon of i the' Baltiihbre •; ccfii fefehee of the Methodist Episco pal Churcft' South, ; the Baltimore conference r of; the r ^ Methodist Church .and; the, M^aryland conferT ence of' the ^Methodist' iProteB^nt Church was diseased with op timism. Several noted membeirs of. the. conferen.oe made, adYpcatipg the proposed^ UllSrger, The3Varibvigr’district siiperintend- entare^^'their reports ^at, the af tefr^ri fees'sioft,’ kM'of ;\^hicK made a fayorabl impression, . : r; MttUABLE CASE • ■ OF SKIN GRjETINS n L/ VDi . ! ^ . , ^7^ ( I i V ka(3i^hj.Apj-il3'--T^i^ bi JU'Uv'^ Joseph S. Adamb of Bjncoinbsj. court ,.:A'.ei;e... .here, tVfeeri' fmins V’eni#ig^:*;fea," route from W^irrenton to Ashe ville, 'Cjiis ab’e and much esteem ed member of the North-Garolina- ?'.'r>erior court .judiciary having pomt, for all current., t|ni|t comes t:o tov^ii.., '^here v\^ill { p other pbirtts, 'of ’ course, sevdtill sub-stations ,and these willl |>e scattered oyer the community. | Available for the company tHe|e will be found something like 000 horse power, .V^hat pro»'|t"- tion of tliis the new ' corporaji^n “vviH-receiveis^'-not'-'known. ]|c|is 'expected ^tlpat m?|(ny of ,, tlrose mi.lis]an.dJo^"^r bu^hesses. tihat riin by their own efeetricity, and those furnished by the Dur}j;mi ;^rg.,Gtion. .Compa.nyj, new powei' Tlie'date'bfttt'^^^^^ in,g hasn’t been Einnounced. ;^ed suddenly ox apoplexy this orenoor*. Pie eoncluded the"War- rcn superior: court Saturday^^nd was ito ail afjpearanceii in .hiS iUS- aal health this morning and p,ai:v took of breakfast heartily. ' in Judge Adams \yas elected, to the superior court bench for the fii teenth district in 1905, succeed- Judged. D. Murphy of^Ashe- viile, who was appointed in Au- >just of that year by Governor Glenn to fill out the unexpired term of Judge Fred Moore, de ceased. The news of the death of Judge Adams brought deep SO- row to many friends here. A number of the members of the Ha;eigh bar and judges of the Supreme Court were with the re- inains at the union station here. Seutherii Railway Promotions. [n accordance with their policy 01 promoting their men in line the Southern Railway announces ihe following promotions effec- ■ive April 1st, 1911; Mr. W. H. Parnell who was Ticket Agent at Winston-Salem, N. C. for a number of years, and v'ho succeeded Mr. II. H. De- WELDON OFFICERS AKBEST Richmond Va., April 1.-*-The old .story of Isaac and Rebecca w as recalled by surgeons at ^e- mp?i,$r; hOSpifel, -Wben i they( ex tracted skin from the back of Re becca Coleman and patched it on the side ,of fbaac ^ummerville, a youht' hel^rd fi?om Warifentoil; N. Gf, whp was severely scorched by iightni^j^'geveral montiii^iy^ol, near his 'heme the Old - North jf I'SmiualerS^ile \ to the Richmond :,hospital ; about a ra.onth ago/ By Dr. , Feet, of War- renioii, anai'smce'^t'thMtHimfe .ieA- eral skin grafting operations have ■been perform.^d by the,, surgeons Tn £in. eiTp.r€ td pl^c0 him' 'dn'tj^e high roadto recclVery. ' ! -'4r-tippears4hat‘iifteF“the>light- ning. seared-.and Jjurned diiSfleft siid^Jt&K-^otmd .did ^Mlh^ai as .rapidly as.,Dr. Peet; y/ould ha]/e preferred,, so he, br9|i,ght his patient^oKiclifh'c^hd,' hoping that by the process lof :skin , grafting better result,s mi^b't be obtained. Several patients in the hospital Vdl tt‘n ts;i*rrr^aTe' *up *-isections- ■-of ( / , Weldon, March 30.—On aberi^h warrant issued by PresidMg^ J udge Jv S; Adams of the Haliiax Superior Court, Chief of Police^^. M. Dickens and his brother, f^o- liceman Lonny Dickens^ bothi^pf Weldon, were arrested and taken before the court today to ansv^fer to the charge of assaulting a-hd causing the death of Geo%e Jones an old citizen whose friends say he was inoflfensive. Judge Adams held the chief under $5,- 000 bond and his brother under $2,500 bond for the next term; of court. The arrests caused a big sensation and the court room was crowded. !■; Millinery Openings. The beautiful milHnery open ings of Jos. A. Isley & Co, and Mrs. Mattie Dorsett B'riday and Saturday attracted much atten tion by the mothers and 'fair daughters of our city. The dec- brations for the pccasion were . ;Va^, ^pni: B. Davis^ "who ^ves on the Pe? tersburg turnpike,, has a brood ^»;dsome Rhode jlslahd chi^Xr he, has handsome daugliter,,; |^plf-;e; ^ /MoHie' Ims a oi rafcr ef It, xipto lasfcSuhr day; ;^e i was .y^lue4 at I tot SuMayiMQiiie.rwenfe ie#d: the .chickens;: i hoi afraid;^;chicke*i® ^nd the ehicl^-r ens, ^e hot afraid of^MoUie,' XhejT \yillrp^^ains?:oi:tt of beJ'Mnd^ '; MolHe^A^^as: allowing her chickr ensjtofed righit out of he^i hand when #ie felf a sharp pe,ek->on the back,;ol her .fourth; fihgerv t ,i$fe turnedat lover i hastily and vioJ where-bnce; the.; $200.' diamond flashed; from,: its: i setting was a hole,) had pocked out *^e 'Siamoh4}olh: ::^ E lght;piece)0$ip?avel. 06 Mollies lookedf around to identiir fy the thief,- but all the chickens were grouped around her and they all look, alike. Farmer Da^ vie, is still figuring whether it is cheaper to have a surgical opera tion on all the chickens, cut their heads pfi and clean their craws or let the diambnd stick in: the craw of the thieving chicken, : SUPREME COURT JUSTICE O’GORMAN SUCCEEDS DEPEW ing the l^^t part* >vith a section r^T mp>t* ftKiyi ’ Althoiigtf'' b^ievihg' thkt''' lie ;was:a victim- of the-V wra"th of God, and, therefore CQuld not pos- sibly recover, Summerville is now niore hopeful and shareis the opiniiob |i5s ^cictor's tjiat he may yet return to the cotton fields of his native State and ply his vocation as of yore. The doctors say that the case is a most remarkable one and it is a wonder to them that the man? was.^, not.. killed instantly when the electrical bolt bore him dowm ; An unusually severe electrical storm passed over the Warren- ton section the, day of the acci dent to Summerville, and if re ports be true more than one per son was killed. Broken Into Sunday Night. SiJt or eig'ht revolvers" and a number of flash lights •were the articles missed by bur clet# and congenial friend Mr. K, T. Horne utts as Traveling Passenger!evergreens and fe:rns which'gire-1 which mysteriously^',disappeared id Bennie R|‘. Joore atiendej It at Silk Hopf 1 time considfiij kher. I JCurl. Eu^l Ims, Floyd C/j Tssell atteneai fmas Walter] report a Ig by airship j Inn of spoq ^e airman, fiia, intent w tty bears pm his ^ient Raleigh, N. G. April. 1910, •Mr. DeButts having be?^n promot ed to Traveling Passenger Agent, ‘.'hai’lotte, N. ,C., will be trans-^ ’erred to Norfolk, Va. as Travel-: ng Passenger Agent for South- 'rn Rail Vv ay Chesapeake 'steamship Company. Mr, J. 0. Jones who has serv^ :;'l the public in Raleigh as Union i icket Agent at ..the,' Raleigh; 'U- ■"■lion Station and’ as\ City/ Ticket Agent, Raleigh, for foiir yhars '•vill succeed Mr. Parnell as T^*a- : f • H vfiing Passeng'er Agent‘.'■ m Mr. M. M. Schell who has been s’enographer in the City Ticket (,!f.\ - 1 ! -i-. . 1. 1 , ‘Rateigh, 'for' the; past year •jll succeed Mr. Jones, as City iicket Agent, Raleigh.'"' ^Ir. R. A. .Garyin ,.o,f,..;3HrUn.^- stenographer. sented a very mvitmgrappearance, to,the spectator. The head vfear which is comi)osed / Ach,iefly' r of White and Black Milabd, 'Tu?cah shapes, i ^laek ;Nepolitai3,/ Braid, Lace Hats, Mahrie trimm ed ini black chiffon 4^4 %ce ; ,are elassy, hobby ahd' vei*y^attradpve. giving a, smiling appearance: tb the beautiful complexion fhe^ sha^e,' ^Tlie Plfe^fblei' ^at sl^uld not'i% J*(|MMtte(^j f|aS;; you'|tan' toble it:’ ahd itrek'it'into |our ,pocket if pockets you wear. ^ - I ■; iTheiearly spring hats are if ed| ^ ium in circumference andno|the ^e M kind that make, the-ladii^ sii in Jas. >lf a Sep’arate ^fStircp by, ^ themselves. While we are toll by j if^Pi'dse who know as the sunriner i’aridiFri during, the night Sunday " night. Bntrancei i:aine4 throiigh ithe^ windov/ the door opened vt'hich wasileiftjuftshut^'"J ^ .,0 Dieli at Durhanj, Mrs. Callie Andrews died Sat- .4rHW'iii&fitl^ h'ei*f|ibnie atfDuif-^ ham. The rei%ins were broijight "h^ ah’d^ PrbVi^t^^;^ day . Funeral services conducted [bj^lReyl (^oxr of ? She leavp>three ^;ns,, and. was Albanyi^jlfe )fw^V(;^rch 31.-' Supreme’ jGo^t Justice James Aloysus 0'^^a.n j Demberat, of New i Yopfc^i^f was elected Uni ted Statest’^^^^tor tonight: by ^ the Legislatiire after the most v pro tracted strnj^le over this por tion ‘ f^er ; iril the- .Empire State. Oh'th^' finah' ballat; - tSie final sikty‘-fourth, V he rec^ v ii'ilil^voteis.: to, ‘SO.east" fpr :Chauncey-M.iBepeW, whose terto ■expired:''March4. ■ v'^- . The result was in doubt-aimost iV3: t^ie minute; bf recoi’din^the -'votes,- owing to tlie;U'ncertaiiity; as to how rna« f. ^of the - D^ocratic 1hsurgeritS;,; >w^(>5 for ^ '6ver'''two ^bhths had p¥ev^ntei ie^kc- tion because of their/oppositten to Willi,am .F.^S'heehynv; Would'en- ter' the 'seebhd' ^ucus 'which had heeb adjburn^^d ^ frbm' iiay to day since Monday.-;'''’--'V'-v.' '' : ' As the clbsb 'of a day of alhiost continuous ^ hegotiatibhsJ ithe" !in- sui^ents capitulated and Justice G’(^rman'was . elected. A few minutes before • the ballot vC’as cast Jukice O’Gormanresigna tion from the bench was filed at the .office of the Secretary of State, as a constitutional provis ion would have prohibited his election while holding the office of Justice of the Supreme Court. Wild applause marked the end of the long contest and the legis lature, di’^ven from the State Capitol by WedneMays fire, iquickly adopted a resolution ad journing until April 17. Daisy Hosiery Mill Robbed. Eearly Monday morning, when the firemah at the Daisy Hosiery Mill went to start up his heat he heard some one in the oiBce and after arousing some one who lives near it was found that the combinatibn on the safe had been worked and the safe rebbed -ofj between $41 and $42. On Sun day three strange men were in itb^n v^itK a camera taking views .; and made some views near tbis , place.;) J Where they came from: and how lar 'mey remains- ;t\j;(0; ^;|ys,terjesj - ^ ?f; t^ey- a/e i the parties ^ ^ >^of’ Mrsi-t 3P£tMe#64i '4hd.j Long. V ia: and the flower beds will bloom. i»W5 and explaining the mer- orthern capitalists. ill IE JlERURBAN Belton, s:*. :6:i 00,-At exactly 2:15 o’elbck this after noon- ground was‘^%’bken f^^ the nr&t tMe oh 'thfe; ^roadl^d of thb 1q^ end rf' tp' Piedmont and Northern ^l^israyt The work #a&'.feeguh abbUttwo mile^' belbW to IboK Very imibh* Hfeeia hien, ;tb several (to but,'It' 'Was-t ■ ^hly^ -t ernpon- mg Wim':Shel^^'Whb er of dli*t; butltjintp:' ^ b j\ ,:, ^re.s;nsb.oi^p,,1-i M)frci|" negroes':.esc^pe'|i(-c^: the Guilford county jail eai*ly morning: by sa,\^|n^ - an of'^e^.emer'steel a^sjp taken from the bottp]|i>bi(a and by digging, thrpugb^ ah iS- in^|i .brick; ,vfia 11’. wiilr; 30-in,eh jsteeVbed' slat.-. ,■ .l^e^i^egr^s, e.s^pihg f rpni|heir csiges-vcfa^ edfthroi^lji a 0x12^ by 'sowing /.ttie.'-; iteel’ V ;-T|ie Jailer discovei’€^ tn|^ ^^:hen hPrJ^i^e -his^.: ;U^l^pray,nd^^ o’cwk:this-,-]^^3fn^^^ ' irge,; Shexyiy,, leg full,,o.tjibup^^.^ece|y,ed wh^n ■h,^,vya.s 'r (;^t^re4,p:and:, ^;'|ie , :,bf ;|he..paih:i;' .'biiS;,) com^l^’i^lis;: bjeJ-Qg .especialjy? .4 pvj tibe^blp^.,^^ -None ;>pf’, the' retaken.' ’ •J-,- '3 11 VI.’ i.J (; High ^ai*ch iju.—iJ\'ego- t^tionslwhjch have been ress f®r several months: l^afcinif to the repreanissation, of Vihe infufe of Mrge Nf:^eS capi- ^1 have been coh^toated^ J. Bii ©dice, Jii^d Df tKe^ Arhieneaft Tofeaccp: GPiSipiiiiy i thei South? ern Power Company,* %hieli iha* recently; begun tj^e cp^t^tio« |>f ra^ ;e3^l^ive, fci^l- ley i4tni|isectie^^^ 6. Brokayv,^ New' ybi-k’ mil^ jQ|iiai^,^are the ii^ihg &pMts iis; th^ ^Otljets^ Abraliam'66bk^%!Bd- 'Ri- ^ jias©p,:‘b0tbbf beeo aisaoci^j^ . ^-ojy #6ar .CbiiipstjQiy •iorrmSihyK •3j^apf.,:^Aph«: cajpi^l stock will be a^equ^fey |nc:fe^d'an^ . ,^adie*"thS'iirf ^st' the" ifissisiifipf. Ht?^’r:- ■ - • with these plans the concei^^s ei'atlS ^^ioinangi r^^^ :\[vfbich.;ia^taii^^:-t^ .tjlaist^ be ereetedf,,; T|>^v with' me reorigai^izitioh. bf sthi corporation by t^ie JDpke/jntereste !comesAh4!repart tlk0:t ,.t|t|i^ $hbps: f bfrrthe ^ ^putihern , :C)bm|)aasiy’s I enterurb^f 4^ be |oca,tedin thisdty^ the aei^tral pbint, i^i^acticany betvfee» G^:^n- WoPdi S, i^f ,^ahd D^r?iarH;>N^ the termihalfe 'oi' bulldiiig. -■ - it Skw ^ x4.^hlVilie,.. AipiSl Witb - .bnlj Shy^i^ah; and^^^ -:idw -wi^h hilh- 'ato-ihte- ;enel'; James H. Tillman^; once4feutefe^ an|;'^bve,¥np,rv $tf i vCaijcilinat d|j^d3,h«!r^: tpn'lf • fau i Se hus been heMfe ' l,;AsheV]ffe,'A^M1^2.^ ,'tb'ward fri's Wd' tb*iii^'d^^^h’,-'’i]^v., C.''''6v»/'e'ri '6^' 'piihdler',‘yesteitday lell Wt 'Str'etehed'^ '^r*b^t^ie=b%d. dead: ' He 'Md'^bmpI^fnbiJ' of- feelitig uhWell lhd:: Ka,d¥ehiaSh;ed in his room ^ while other -members of the family went' 'todinner. ‘Hearihg: the' hoise, bf a; fall;-’:MsJ wife rushed into the* rPbm tP fihd,' her husband dead. He was a prominent;; Bapta^t; m^iister of this county and secretary of the county,Farmei's Cb; operative;and Educational Union. Surviving are his wife and several child ren . Death is said to have been due to an attack of apoplexy. to take hourishMi^nld'j'*' Late! .'t!5i3 ?aftern(^tiji(e.h^,^£^^ te^a.k* ■eri iahd.^bput--^;3p// K&oB.t^mmediitefe. was one of t-he pohtic)^li>l,qa^|^-s in S.outh ;.GKoJin-a,^; to x‘ne Hinc’ifc;UhitM ^ ' fe'eriator Benj^ih':'R;'T*inhMi;■' - In 1903, following' edi^bi^ai eriticigm in the iVC-olumbia :he Ishot-s^ndi k^iled: bn thevstreetis of Columbia the > leditori of that ?paper,>'N:; Gii..Gonzales...! A jury later acquitted him of the^chai^e. of murder. ; The body wifi, ."be .taken today to the old Tillman homeat Edge field, $. C., ,for burial. Resolutions of Respect. Will , ,.Why be botl3ier^j'Vfit)i(inf:!tj^^ glksse.s'lvnew yPU 'irst class ispec^«lef i^nd' '^m/^ssesi correctly iadjus^ted: at, a m^erate fVr surprise birtna.ay amner at the children coul .0 unxiayl ty#ourtl| i?.e fac| not an ge Whereas in His infinite wisdom, the Supreme Counciller of the universe has seen fit to ball from labor to reward the soul of our brother, William F. Griffeth, ^hd, Whereas, the depair ted brother has, by bis cBeerful ^is^ositibh and strict adhbrbnce to the right, endeared himseli tpthej^em of. Purity Cpuncil, Npi. 22,1)au|h^ ters of Liberty, of vvhich.h© Was a member, Therefore be it Resolved: Firsts ";POhat!^Jn . the death,; oi- stamed ^ great loss, ahd a seat is vacant which never cap be filled. ^Second: That we realize fully ^>'lp^;^to th^iamil5ip|.bi^^de-, pa«tefi Mbthet, -and:? extend ^ theji^pui|»#st M momshing thbm 'IveW: Ibolffo^> consolation and guidance to Him, who err§ not and t^ Whose will we hoMi'£ iJwet&i^il ‘^'ui^issferK' Third: that a copy bf these resolutibnt be -^Pl'ead ,-upoii. the minuteW this ® rfc® M v«^p£ be sent to the grief stricken fa- ro^Llfp®aSP»m (X Mrs. S. W. Stafford, ■il Connty StinciiiV Schbol Conveotio&. The semiannual meeting: jf the:- Alamance County Sunday;^chopl Coriyention was hbld ih the M- K Church at Qrahain Batuf d^y and. Sunday. Rev. J' ■ D. Andrew, President resigned vacancy Ailed by the election of iL, 'W. iHolt The office of Ylee Presiflent'wa^» hiade vai^S^nt by the death pi Thos McVey> Rev. Andrew was elecA* ed Vice President and made chair ifl^h bf the'Eitecutive Gi^^ ifeir'Vie^^^ ship was selected as the-phne for the ne% regular ^semjannt3^al meeting to be heM Ai^uest 27 ,ai^.d 28^11ie:boi##tipn;was iai^ ay %ttended^ Mfer few w03^ of welcome by Rev. Vickers th.^ following addresses, were deliver ed:Rev. J. 0.: Andrew* .im«ian€ ef ^ " ' srs ' Larie Boys and Girls"*, ,^v. ,W. C. Wicker ■‘Home Dewt- D ^WilUams Sh€ NohMi^(j*ch? feoer, Rey- Curry ' ‘Soul ^Winning” Proifep. garj|i‘||[ij^ii} Study^’&jf (Sicr^Generai.^^ $ei(iifciB^..|^ining -Q^s “Rev. E. C. MurrayD. DJ'^dh eil^MWPf iBipl W. T. sett^W^Se'Comliunity*’ %b. offman ‘ ‘To the Churcjjat

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