A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERIC>U INDUSTRIES. VOL. IV- BURLINGTON. N. C, OCTOBER 4 191L NO. 21 ijim mi SHOULB IE HCADW cald. Xosv that the bonds have been " the money paid, and con- iet lor street Mcadam and wali^ paving. The question vuilvavises, what streets and should receive atten- first. Now to the people who iygViii-ectiy interested of course t^ch one thinks that his street “p,-j\]de walk should be the first. ]?’jt 10 disinterested, then^ it t tiie streets and side \valks most frevquently used sK’d be the ones. Now 'what siivei this. The first thought jipai k Avenue or KailRoad street Cc>ik-id by some. I learri 'Vvn': gooti authority that the ei:;z:ns and propei tv owners up on tiiis street in order to get this are willing to give a tiieir beautiful front lawn \o widen .and beautify j vineipal street of the '.is act would be p„ great for who done, 01 ,e ■ I cu f' K;n rneir pari: does 1:01 covet these uwns, aud excuse them n the ground tbut irso does rioc say, anything vns. Unh':'ss v\;.Ik is ini- I the conclusion of the address, a Baby Show will take place. \ purse of $10,00 has been offerea for the prettiest baby between the age of one and fifteen months. The $10.00 will be divided into three prizes. 1st $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00. Thursday will be Farmers Day. All farmers are especially in vited to be present on that day. Pres. J. B. Dudley of A. & M. college will deliver an address on that day along the lines of agri culture. Friday will be society day. There has been a priz6 offered of $15.00 to the best looking equip ped society ladies or gentlemen, that will turn odt in their regal- iers at 1 p. m. The prize has been diviced into 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The first prize $10.00, 2nd $3,00 and 3rd $2.00. RemembeT there will be a great many more attractions not mentioned, each day. Parties from a distance, visit ing the fair call for reduced rates as they have been granted over the roads. VV. R. Hall, Stc’y- ESMCOLLECTEO -oiing_ a^ .d Wiv, Ward Locates Here. HRST SIR® CM OMTEtf Bt PIEOMW I ELEaRIG CIL FliON BUTOr T(F HAW RIVEB, TUESDAY EVEMNli, flC1i.3R0 h - .V ' The first street Car w^as^ ted from Burlington to Riv er yesterday, Tuesday evening. I, J. R. Hoffriian, Gapt. J. A. Turrentine, J. Zeb Waller, J. Q. Jr Chas; A, I As soon as the mateWal arrives Scott; Shei^ff Jkel. I lOT.crossmg the railroad track, I berger of;Richmond, who said ; wbicb has been lost: or nM |he thought It goc^ to be here j the cars will be put in Ml force^ the language of the ——^ good book; thou^t Banquets PdfseDjer '‘instrib’’ Nickel iisto Coliectiiig Ssiiie os Dsed ia tharloUe-—The . Most Modern Sysfem, i V iUl • W. Ira Ward, of Swepson- viVle, v.dio ■completed the law course at the University ]at--t , 'Spring', has locat ed in our midst r';;v yiever be | for tiie practice of bis profession ic> ciaii'ii Ula. ih's I:' CU’ I He is located in the OiTico wifh I ;V].}', VV. II. CaiToil in the First I Nation;:;! Bain^ Building, fie is a .-aciinR-! young man of excellent qualities 're iii. i and our town is to i.'ie congi'atu- hiivinjr him ioc«te I i;! I II at. I’Lt' os makin^T u.-?ng tins, iv 'I of in- hT\u'a I Ic.tefi r haul- i witl'i us. Li'!, I'-r 0 ! f M * tmt ft ^ .i.r H b AV.i,'S it IL IK t I f 6 At considerable expen-^e the officials of the Piedniont Rt^ilvvay & Electric Co. have decided to gather in the “njmble nickels’^ by using th‘^ mast wo-to-date method. It is the ingenious Rooke System as used in a score of large cities ^;nd recenHy in stalled in Chjrrlnt^e. The idea is solely to simplify the conck ctors’ duties, relieve him . of rnentol cievicf)! work in w^hich evro-s and suspicions alwac.s attack a id (o avoid the vv'o-'k rvi] eonfasion cident to tlie oi>ej‘f:\iion of the old the eoncluctor’s hnn;l--a bell rings, one r.umei ical point n',oves totaliziny- CvHi.oter A iU) Hndl )’03:]ste the I '■■I. ;C'u li'f f- Ti-.: hi. of tho c- 'Uh; {] 1. 1 'O Vi H O'.;;'- J U? JC>Uf)7. : FP' f-r i f h;”' fo:C( which ‘.•j\ to ■ ihe ^vh;;: V. h i ;'or ' 0:, ; 1 ■■ c r:i- A 'J. n:r. ! for'; i IV^ ■ i ■.'V :! ( vohr r hi'i :■ hK!, mans Drug' Sioro. ng sixteen firms in bidiTi rmd ijeJ'sor:; yjyy (3o , of Pbilf-d*-’!';h'iP, "^.;IcCarJess «;>f Brbf^-hufy, Ihul CL M. Brooks, ■n^u\y\ Krv hnyt'Wi. iJ.ithy Co’V'j:ruc A.A bee B& rliei-ory, !■'. .i-lveltEngineer •d (’f--f:'!rectiori Co., V.'-'ison T'M.'riv.fi(.ri»jg Co. i'U'n- c C-‘? -Akro}!, 0. style neatly framed si|.i‘n within, car explains thpt fy;a'' are to iv paid in niclcelw o:nl.\'. If yoa lack the exact ch-'iige the eon(iiK-lor wiU supply If, yiivinv yoM change, and ^ pu m'uat tho**i '“ia~ vseri” ilie nickel (Jie v-r v\ hicli is pn:.sei!i.tH! u.r lect'iVctS The hir, Seit U^e CO;U. it/ Is i J1 p I U, 11' ( Ia’J. i. :'u tr.bj.)}jtC'-', iVi i ‘ 0^1 I. p ''Vi u,.,. P'-ciuivir'y i.iUi.i.M neec;;; ot coiit-ctii:;y kry cury. .i. jJ*- i'-v cont;;.ir or-it Of^cb money, iiie in;-u.i i\i a.'VieK'- siightiv t-ntei'S iLu ^iOl inoi i rhe'ny/c In it ippt up on the shown on register-, on action is completely. ' Tu« tering'ol the fare is iiositively. accomplished at thf instant of payment andvJt is ini::tediately. available to >l'ie conductor' .for examination for change-making piu'poses, ■ The conductor has nothing, to do. with .regts-f’ering fares. All fares ai’e . registered i'.utdmaticaily the insta,nt of pay ment. The j')?u'senger nccents full CiUiiige for alhcoin s or bills of de- .nor! ination larger tha^i tho n/ck- eh The occntni'nah ru.fi^’C{i^xev with five 'peipi'es'Vi hi be i'uvnded a nickel in exciiangc for them well to erect three tabernacles one at Burlington, one at Gra in honor of Mr.' J. W; Murray, ham, and one Mr. J. M. Cook' M Hon. Gentleman and poHte JoW Mr. J. H.' Harden, Mr Hatch M. Cook wa$ next called oil who and friends and associates who told of the struggles and hard- have been the founders and conV ships theJonas and structors of the eight miles of in a befitting way told how not on street car line in our county a )y he and had stood banquet was given in the Mason-^ by the undertaking but the three ic Hail Tuesday night at which office girls v/ho had worked many more than; two hundred pi’ofes-, hours by the Candle without sional and business men of our murmur.- Hon. Ned Parker of ‘ county, including^' a number of. Graham introduced Senator F.M. visitors, were present. Mr. 0. Simmo^is who spoke at some F. Crowson originator of the ban- length. Every word that feS quet acted as toast -master. In a from- the.v Senator's Jips wa fuU ver5^ - pleasant, ancl humorous of might which; was buried deep manner speeches were made by into the hearts of his hearer. I\Iayor Freeiand of Burlington, After/extending a rising vofee. Mayor I^ong of Graham, and Col Al.'W. Haywood, Haw Rivers Mr.; L.B, Williamson represented the Board of Aluermen. : ' ■ Esq. W -a: Hah, VMr, .. W. E. for the increase of the appropm tion for bui: federal buildihg from $75000 to $125000 and devouring the pleasant; repast ■ the crowd' disperS ' HhTli ii * » GGLOENh SEPTEMBER ' ON' tm will then insert tliot. nickei -.) .1 into th^ register,. Ai! cash fares v-rre i'j paiddn nickei.sonly' and insei toil by tho.'pas';K'nger hmi- sehr ’’Vhe oiih t'n.tni.h;ir ['uiidr-a new } n: iOi> xO\ (>}- if01 A MSt i n, ha,, Sept.-~-;I):un.: of the Bayless 'Pulp and Paper Company lu i rt;o?ve m:.at«l ■ a. -ha 1 f ■ j i-prth. of io-.vn. 40(^5OC,!.:CO; gaUon? of water ?ii3hed dovvii 'npQH.dhe-town, ■ Cetvv een SoO^'and 1.000 persons wer.y ui (ie. ed'to death.. . to drawn tureuiyii irgistej I; mil i;'i f: .. V i V fUtve .Br! :o J i:le li-1\ ■.- ane low n, ■? |l-:. J}; ett:( .st Y-.-hi!e1he fnl) ■ ’■'c dec- '•’.1 Caroiij'H! h'4:C‘ eh': Cc>. Groen~'boro j p. L i'.-icC.pjer. 'Norfolk. .1. Vv, \ Kfd;, C’.havlAttc, Rcbt. G. IMfiRsey | n- -* -1 • T ! The corii I'j’ct given to A bee I Ri'Ov. Hait- of Kickory wl](;»se r-. rr' l:Eii ind, I: n,- "e.- i.st 'i'ii rvu:k’ A’r hi?!; yn UuiS ;'''yi'Wv'd h\' e-e; . SBIQMS i> mem- ‘V'o tu'"^ mat Li;p';p'p;y^'f ihe , ; ■'..rui’ion I ! ■' : ;'i ice is ';u! roficd ac- crusbeci dr. barn- odea’ d's of others’ .believed: fi Hows bursting Qf .natur- iriaiiiS. , , ■ h'-' ' ■ h of pi'i'«soRs 5';iiight be- ncaut dchi'is'and slowly eremat- i’ch • Over 1,000-buildings ^wrecked. A Tribute.. t o ..{he .Faithfiil,Watchfjc of tke Besi^l'e-ihe;:- - ..- :'w'- \Tobacco..-' BarKv■ . ■; -The purple f ox-gfapes are elus* tering in : the- hedges,, aihd %be' fat ca;t.d)ird jake^a.iinal feast be« ■ fore ■starting' on hiE long journey to Warmer climes.;. ''r ' . I)owB in the;bottom- the ' Corn • stnppeu^H^ tius^pujtipkih' in. .>£■; itsVtegak ''r®gRiSeehca b;:;>ld :S,vi'ay. . .The rattlesnake and ihemocca^ sin-one ,blinds Vindicti ve, b&is-. •»;U F .:avy 1-1 tO Isited ss- and Green, ' w ih'.y, J. D. & L. o:' -Lt P, :- ■ t: CA lw . ’ ■ t ^ ci J.j* ‘ ‘ V-- I .yrlane, '-'' ' i' (h'ahrp!; rX J C X i;• if'.y. way to all who exteP'l- attepf.h . v.'iiO vi.A^s thcr ■X' ; vi find a hat certainly nevei nigrry. e .she is unquestionable to 0 please, and has our sym- ■'^1 A Program for the Colored Fair, ihe first annual fair of the Pieclmont Carolina Association ^nll open Tues. Oct. 10th, 1911. -^lany attractions are expected during the wk. namaly—horse racing and midway attractions. A procession will be formed in front of the court house at 10 a. m. Some good music v/ill be rendered by the cornet band of A. & M. college, Greensboro, af ter which the procession will a- board the street car and go to junction near the fair ground, and from there we will go to the ground, where the opening ad dress will be delivered by Hon. J. Adolph Long, Mayor of Gra ham. Atteactions for 'Wednesday Oct. 11. . Wed will be known as educa tional day all children and parents are invited to attend that day. br. .Jas. E. Shepard of Durham, ^res, and founder of the Train- school will deliver an address aiong the lines of education. At tiid 5 inch 7nriCRriai:n 'r.1,20 6 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1.08 yd . curb and gutter .GO 4 inch side .90 6 inch side 1.08 Excavation _ , .27 Large Catch basin 40.00 Bmat! catch basin 32.00 12 inch pipe. .45 15 inch pipe * .55 18 inch pipe .^5 24 in ch. pipe 125 Cubic work _ 7.00 General satisfaction was ex pressed by all, hovTOver the bids were very close and, five or six of them being little difference. The work is to begin in ten days and to be completed in five work ing months. The engineer is very busj^ getting estimates ^ of the proposed streets and side walks to be used. While equal amount is to be spent in each ward, the number of citizens benefited their inter est and willingness will to a cer tain degree determine the streets to be used. iriCeti'v.'. ApT'le, W-i; I'^^rnson, ■J-O!- W. P. T. 3. 1^- A. A. Lynn H. C. J^itout, J. G„ Rr).rer^, Eugene Holt, J. 'L. Scott, Jas, P.. Montaomery h ^or. .n!eii.iic.m, yJdtrinan, Ah'ctraMn, Aldernian, Ai'let'rnan, I'U'St '*-v :'i j't.i, Ward .Varfh Fii Second ,Second Third Third Yv;:U‘d. Fotu’idi Ward. Fourth Ward. Treasurer. Street Can Runnmg Street Cars are* being operated each day from Bellevue Mill to Haw River and will be extended thro Burlington and Graham as soon as possible. Wii! Be Here Tuesday Why be bothered with inf«rior glasses when you can get first class spectacles or eye glasses correctly adjusted at a moderate price from Dr. Rapport, at Dr. Monows Dental Office, Tuesday Oct. 10th. E. 'S. V7. Dameron. Dr, L. A. VVaixer, J. L. PatiHo, A. A. Russel], W. F. A.mick, L. P. Shepherd, 'Jerry Sellers, John A. King, R. J. Hall, Aioern'iar!, Ahievman, Alaennan, Secretary & C;h.y Attorney. City Health Officer, Chief Police. Tax Collectv)r .and Police. Night Police. Cern'etery Keener—White Cemetery Cemetery Keeper-Coh Cemetery. Street Commissioner. City Scavenger. . ^’aias^of pas't two weeks _,aiseJ .i'c;-ciA'oir ' to:; ih’ ■ ■^or- rhe ilrsl tiiho i'hicc ir'wa.;y erected t,\''0: yes'uy- ngo-,. .. . 'heed :-ny'ply has been swept away. ■' ,y ' Physicians, narses and suppli es being rushed' from.. 'Eurround-- towns over the nionntains,to Au;;tin. - ' ■ ^ Governor. Ten-er h.as: ordered ■stfite liealth and charity^^officials to the scene, together" with ' Ad jutant-General Stevvart and a vge,force of stale'p .;\iislin,has''a afcidn 3, BOARD OF EDllCATION. J. W. Cates, Eugene Holt, T. S. Faucette, Jos. A. Isley, Jas. P. Montgomery. B. R. Sellers, 0. P. Shelton, WATER-LIGHT & POWER COMMISSION. R,.M. Monw, Eugene Holt, J. L. Scott No. 112 No. 108 No. 144 No. 22 Southern Railway Passenger Schedule, West East iit 1:32 a. m. 8:12 A. M., 10:25 A. M. 5:00 P. M. No. Ill No. 21 No. 139 No. 131 5:32 A. M. 11:18 A. M. 6:29 P. M. 9:17 p. M. Post-Office Hours. General Delivery of Mail , Money-order and Registration Hours Sunday Hours. 7:00 A. M. 7:00 A. m; to 7:30 P. M. to 6:00 P. M. i20l). ■. ' . > ■ Costello, town of .450 pqpnl^i- tion, below Austin',' also.S'wept'a-: way. Two-thirds of citizens believed to have perished. This is perhaps, the largest flood, history has recorded., since the J oh nston: flood \yhich occurr ed on Friday, May 3.1, 1886, the big dam suppdrtiiig : Conemaugh lake and reservoir 10 iiiiles above; Johnstown, Pa., burst without warning, and the immense vol-- ume of water swept down upon the 30,000 inhabitants of the thriv ing Conemaugh river valley, leav ing death and destruction in its wake.' Houses, churches and factories were sweipt like toys in to a tangled mass of wreckage, which,finally pilediip againsfc.the railway bridge at Johnstown and its destruction completed by an outbreak of fire. Altogether 9, 000 persons perished. St. Athanasius’ Fiarish. 7:00 P. M. to 7:30 P. M. General Delivery Lobby open all hours to box renters. J, Zeb Waller, Postmaster. I can place your idle money in amounts from $100 to $5,000 where it will net you 8 per cent, very best security. No taxes. Address, Box 42, Greensboro, N. C. Abe Ruef is said to be working hard in prison to reform other criminals. Strange that reform always begins with the other fellow. The Seventeerith Sunday after Trinity, October the eitoh, * ser vices will be conducted at St. A thanasius’ Church, ^ follows: Sunday SchooV 9:30 A, M. Morning Prayer, 11:00 A. M. with sermon. Confirmation Lecture. 4:30 p. m. - - A- Evening Prayer, 7:30 p. m. with sermon. Every one cordially invited. te rodt.he s w y i treaiiherAjs.---;'.!ilink -hack in.to';-the deepest. gladeS.. .0£; dhe 'fire&t'- sharehing fortheir ■ winter;-den;s.- ;v honae of tjse. violetand the fie'ur-d:e;r.H^^ ife-esbi peri, where gay goldenreds fkrt with black-eyed: ..i>usansA-'' ' Aa..the./.'Septenjbcf- sCfn .sinkB, arid ;the: shades of on, bright; eyes' gt ea^ ' and &.round..iBecr2lc?wl^-fu-rna^ the boys ^:allier ■ to spin yarns and deti jokes, eat watermelons, roast ■ ’talers,' and iiai^en id the-.banjo-' .ta]king';out;there-'in ' the moon.-- light. .. :'A''. " . Till a late hour ■ of • ih.e. revelry floats over the hill.* the company^ leaves,. and .. /the farmer is left alone, with Ms blariket iiPd': bis cod-ee.;; Guard ing the safety of; hi^ iyear^s w^ he smokea: his lonely pipe, watch-, es the seven-stars rise, and stud- ■•ies the .giory of the harvest moon as it; rolls like a wheel of. gold, spreading; .oyer. ;tb.e old planta- ■tidn>a ^he6n of: :,siiyer. ' On . the mountain-side a fox bark dis mally, as it cha,ses Bre'r Rabbit to his rocky home. JYoin the .dead pine on the outskirts of the wood, a big- ovvl eails like a lone some Mntinel. ' Insignificant, unthought-of, brownrhanded,' toil-bent and weather-beathen, this humble, silent watcher of the night is the master-wheel of the whole piece Of machinery, and on his faith fulness depend commerce, cr^ it, society and prosperity. And where is brie wo has proved faithless to his task? Comei weather, he must renmin at his post awidce and strong:, while those wl^ pix>fit f rbm his toil and self-deni^ repose upon soft mattresses asi dream of 47 per cent dividena.-* Danbury Reporter. Nice line of Aerokery Grocery. “There is nothing more ixeb- satisfactory than a boarding house beef-steak,*^ growled the chronic grambler. “Oh, I don't know, ” rejoined the impr^i^ionable young man. “Did you ever get ^ kiss &om e pretty girl over the telephone’^ •^Tit-Bits.

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