for your money is wnat we give. Our White Fine and Tar Cough Syrup is unsurpassed for that tig’ht feeling. BURLINGTON It- Local tt Personai Fresh cakes Coble’s Grocery. The best that money can buy, Melrose and Dan Valley. Keep cool with one of E. L. Bbwland's kimonas. Miss Mabel Lea spent Sunday ift the country at McCrays. Miss Addie Ray spent Saturday night at her home near Graham the guest of her parents. Miss Estelle Jones, of Whitsett, spent Saturday night and Sunday in town the ^est of Miss Bertha Hoffman and other friends. WANTED “ Second hand bags and burlap: Write for prices. jRichmond Bag Company. Richmond, Va. Mr. Orvey Hodgin of Liber ty, R. F. D. No. 3, spent Satur day in town the guest of relatives and friends. WANTED—Intelligent, accu rate office boy 15 or 16 years old. Must be quick with figures. Ap ply to W. E. Hay, Burlington, N. C. Every member of the Junior Order is requested to be present at the meeting next Friday night, Oct. 20, as an important question will be decided. Large crowd fi*om here attend ed the fair at Greensboro the past week. Thn airship was the chief center of discussion. Sev eral went Saturday to see the flight over the c«ty. Hon. E. S. W. Dameron. who has been chosen as one of the marshalls at the State fair at Raleigh this week, will attend Tuesday and Wednesday. We are proud to have Hon. Dameron represent our town. Miss Florine Robertson «pent Saturday and Sunday in town the guest of her sister, Miss Ella Robertson and friend. Miss Jen-^ nie Vaughn, who accompanied her on her return to her work Sunday evening. LOST — Somewhere between Alamance bridge and Snow Camp, N. C., a ladle’s size watch 20 years’ case and Waltham works. Liberal reward given tf> one that finds it. William Me Pherson, Snow Camp, N. C. Rev. E. C. Glenn, an evangel ist of Greensboro assisted by his wife, Mrs. Glenn, who will lead the music, are assisting Rev. J. A. Hornaday in a ten days meet ing at Front Street Methodist Church, which began Sunday morning. The meeting at the Reformed church closed Sunday night. The house was well filled each night to listen to, inspiring sermons de livered by Rev. Wo^s. Two ad ditions were added to the church at the confirmation service Sun day night. - FOR QUICK S ALE-Mclntyre Auto Buggy. Two cylinder. Ten Horse. Complete with top, lamps etc. Good running order. Also 21-2 Horse gasoline engine. Fine condition. Both going very cheap to quick purchaser. B. E. Teague, Burlington, N. C. Misses Swannie Paterson and Lottie Tilly took a flving trip to Graham Sunday. 100,000 FINEST straw berry plants, tw€|lve varieties. 50 cents per hundred. *fos. A. laley. Misses Cassie Hodgin and Inez Way spent Sunday and Monday the guests of relatives and friends on Liberty, R. F. D. No. 3. Now that reciprocity has been disposed of, the counth?' can once more revert to the consideration of the tariff, the whole tariff and nothing but the tariff. Is Tlie World (tirowing Better? . Many things go to prove that it is. The way thousands are trying to help others is proof. Among them is Mrs. W. W. Gould, of Pittsfield, N. H. Find ing good health by taking Elec tric Bitters, she now advises oth er sufferers, everywhere, to take them. “For years I suffered with stomach and kidney trou ble, she writes. “Every medi cine I used failed till I took Elec tric Bitters. But thisgTeat rem edy helped me wonderfully.” They’ll help any woman. They are the best tonic and fiinest liv er and kidney remedy made. Try them. You’ll 50c at Freeman Drug Co. lANew Back for i it b Done in Boctiiiglii^ " the back ach6sh^t tim^ with a dull, indescribable feeling,, making you, weiwry and restless;: piercing pains slioot across the region of the kidneys,, and tigain the loins are s© lame to stoop is agoriy, No iise to cub or; apply k plaster to the back in this con dition. You cannot reach the cause. Exchi^nge the bad. back for a new aind stronger one. Follow the example of this Bur lington'citizen. C. F. Oakley, Davi» St.,, Bur lington, N. C., feays;. ‘Usuffer- from kidney complaint for two or three years, brought on by hard work and. h^avy lifting. The trouble be^in with sharp©- twinges in my rifiht side,, extend ing into my limbsj and, at times I became so lame ®.nd sore across ihy loins that I could not sleea My kidneys were al^ disordered and I was miseral')le isa every way. As; soon as 1 began taking Doan > Kidney Pills, I felt better an4 before long this re^dy cm*ed me.'*’ For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. FostCT’-Milburn Co.^ Buffalo, New Y«:k, sole; agents for the United States. Remember the n,*une—Doan’» —and take no otlwer. •■up- a.B 2&rSonS‘: kiiid you want. HoirsyXIiIs? We offer f!>Qlla»Ktewa**d: for any case of Catarrh eannpt be cured by Hsall’s Catan h Cur*, We, the imdersigaed', have liiip'W'h F, Ji Gheney for th6 laett l*S‘yea^, iMad be lieve him peifectly bonbraBle i» ai! biisi- nes» tiiaasaedons and ficanoia^ able /to carry out anv obligati6ii» ma«Je by; his flirmi. ^ r , ^ , Whol^le Braggiste, Tfeledpi 0; Hall's Catanrh Cure i» t»ken! internal^ ly, actihgt directly upon the bfeod mucou9'»urfiwes of the systeiai, Testl mPnialB sent free. Price 75> c«iW per bottle, Sold all Dlru^ste. i Qlall’» Family Pillte fbr«on»iipa* tion. Italy is anxious to have iits Turkey done brown. J. p.. Spooflr S; W.. A„ li«NB|iadfiiy Spoon lb Hornawlay Vctecinaoam Office andi Bospital Oflfee* jpfcpoe' S7T 4rl5 Main St, Besldenee Phoo» 2^2,. that's see. ECZEMU CORED Pimples Disappear and Compleition Cleared Over-niglit. New York:-Thousands are taking advantag:e of the gener ous offer made by the Woodworth Co. 1161 Broadv/ay, New York City requesting an experimental package of I-iemola, the new skin discovery, which is mailed free of charge to all who write for it. It alone is sufficient to clear the complexion over-night and rid the face of pimples in a few hours. On the first cation of Lemola the will stop. It has cured thoiis ands afflicted with Eczema, Teet ers, Rashes, Itching and Crust ing of skin scalps of infants, children and adults. It is good for the preservation and purifi^ cation of the skin, scalp, hair and hands for the prevention of the clogging of the pores the usual cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness and also the treatment of burns, scalds, wounds, sores, chapping as well as the toilette and nursery. Averts AwiKl Tragedy. Timely advice given Mi^. C. Willoughby, of Marengo-, Wis.,. (R. No. 1) prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. Doc tors had said her frightful cough was a “consumption'^’ cough and could do little to help her. Af ter many remedies failed, her aunt urged her to take Dr, King’s New Discovery. ‘1 have b^n using it for some time,’^ she wrote, “and the awful cough has almost gone. It also sav^ my little boy when taken with a se vere bronchial trouble.” This matchless medicine has no equal for throat and lund "troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Freeman Drug Co, C A. Aadenm M. D. Ofleehousrs 1 to»2p. m,7 U>Sp.m. First Natioiial B^k Buildmg. Leave day calls at Bradleys Drug Store. , A LIBERAL OFFER. Wo Stopped Tbose Pains. Timberville, Miss.—Miss Ger trude Gutlin of Timberville wri tes: “I did not know anything could stop those womanly pains, from which I suffered for two years, until I tried Cardui. I had been troubled with various female ailments, but they were cured in a little while, thanks to Cardui,” Cardui is especially adapted for use by ailing women It relieves headrche, backacke, dragging feeling, irregularily, nervousness, misery and woman ly weakness. It is safe. It is reliable. It does the work. Will you try it? Plea-se do. Qu»rante« to Dys|Mp«ia. If W« Pikil th« Mectiein* Costa Nothing. To unquestionably prove to the peo ple that Indigestion and dyspepsia can be pertnaneutly reii#ved and that Re? •11 Dyspepsia Tablets will bring about this result, we will furnish the medi ajppli- j cine absolutely free if it fails to givw itcning I satiisfactibn to any one nsing it. The remarkable success of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets Is due to the high degree of scientiac skill used in de vising their formula as well as to the care exercised in their manufacture, whereby the weli-known properties of Bismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin have been combined with Carminatives and other agents. Bismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recognized by the entire medical profession as in- valua.ble In the treatment of indiges tion and dyspepsia. The Pepsin used in Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets is carefully prepared so as to. lievelop its greatest efficiency. Petwin supplies to the digestive ap paratus one of the most important ele> ments of the digestive fluid. Withoat it the digestion and assimilation of food are impossible. The Carminatives possess properties which aid in relieving the disturb ances and pain caused by undigested food. This combination of these In gredients makes a remedy invaluable for the complete relief of indigestion and dyspep.sia. We are so certain of this that we urge you to try Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets on our own persona! iguarantee. Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and Remember, yon can obtaip Rexall Remedies only at our s:tore — The Rexall Store. Freeman Drug Co. Dr. W. D Moser Practicing Physician, BURLINGTON, N. C. Day calls at Freeman Drug Co, 'phone 20. Night calls, Mrs, S. M. Hornaday's. 'phone 282. Dr. F. G. Gower, DENTAL SURGEON National Bank Building. mm, - . NORTH €ASOLm Dameron & Long ATTORNEYS AT LAW John H. Vernon, t ■ ■ ■ ■ r Attorney and Counst^lior at Law, Burlington, N. G. Office over Bradlev’s Druj? Store. Phone *>5, John R. Hoffman, AttoTD^y-at-iAWy Burlington, North Carolina. OfBce, Second Floor First National Bank Buildisg. . J. H. BROOKS Surgeon DcntistJ * _ Foster Building BURLINGTON, N. C. J. N. Taylor, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Office in Piedinont Building. Office Hours: 8:00 to 10:00 4:00 to 6:00 X-RAY WORK. Be sure and prepared for a sUrpri)«e. You wffl be amazed aiV life frneafe variety tor yoi^ ins|)e^ You^vriil be deliglitei with the TO^uty atjd gopd tast s;o evidekit* ervet^whei'e. And you^wilr be mo$t a^reebly surprised iat our prices which enable you to buy better dr moite^* titaw you* tBMmjtht possible. just recei ji^ve some beautiful on^ at $25I)aftai^ & BURLINGlIOIMw N. C W. BAHESOill IDOmi l Oll fi HnrHngton . Or&h&m udlce ia cffiMin Pladnd&t BttUdiag* lilt>SilcIi(tlsaD BMg, Pbose • 250 Pboae fOO^B This tacti^makes avet^ DAY eiii works 111$^ b E ill s also handles BUStt & LANE/HpBART M. CABLE, CROWN, jEiid oilier piiUios iromi or H. ■j ; 1 ) anythinq in tailoring. ••!_,■ i I, .* J S’ '■ ' .i ■ '• - . ■ ■ ■ Also the eif Sa^a«tion in Cleaninl, Qeinlig Worts. . l.eiStti, Prop. r R, SNC» eii E AMINS A iS PEC I At T Y You Have If you have the am bition and energy, to- ther wiA an honest purpose Itp e^n it We Will Help You. The first step toward financia^ndependence is to own your own home. Begin now. Don't wait. You have waited all these years and you are still paying rent. RIGHT ABOUT and try ‘‘The PIEDMONT WAY.” Invest a few doII^s saved each week or month, together with the interest, taxes^ in surance and maintenance money---namely. Rent -!“that you have be^n paying to the ■ ^pther Fet low*^ ajid ^oon it be house to rent. Others by the score have tried the “Piedmont Way” and fouiid it easy. WiQ you? it ovea- with us. J'l, iL ni NoiA Carolina. ‘PQ 'Hi.; V ^ I L- t.,.-. ‘'’.I fv.*- . •. \ 'V ■V of BtRLffiGTO% S. fc. Aie AgeQtS‘ &r ■'-i; i vfJVif ^ ■ >.■' .'/i U) i) jmrs. a Ad Don’t , consump DonH 1 sumptive tect his f Don't, es, sleep- Don’t d coiisumpj , first havil . disinfect^ properly , er dangej Don't walks - . r good exai ; spit into .spittoon. .Don't d ' windows f f suxiimer i at ^ork. dowB ope .entire bo iDon’t 1 F^sh air motet or ,gocNd for Eten’t not ?tube: boiling it, /contmcte Don’t € idly -swe or moist i of paper ^sweeping done witi Don^t-e tcough, eei ’to protect tion whe ip!! in a run Any causie ^Marrieq liy Be v , hQi£K« of W . UB4 PIANO II l.i i Accoun to 2lBt, t from all 3 jLynchbui iial retun In addi RAILWA account t Special Leave Gr Special Leave O3 Special I«ave Go Forfui dress the I iU •«