r '.''S' t- jr>," 5gp't[3f^ M #• / W' 5?^! l" The State Bispatcli. Public Health Di^t. of w. c L a Edited by Mks. R. L. B0¥D, :: Supt. Advk« to the Heai^y. ty, Mr. G. Paul Phillips of Chat ham county to Miss Minnie Hud son. The wedding was very qui^it, only near relatives and friends being present. The num ber of beautiful and useful pres ents testified the love of friends. We wish for the happy young couple a long and happy life. •—#— Don't be afraid of the -©areful consumptive. Don’t hesitate to tell a- oon- sumptive that is his duty to pro tect his fellowman* Don’t, under any eircumstan- es, sleep with a cosnsumplave. Don’t occupy a house where a consumptive has Hved without first having the house properly disinfected. When a hotsseiis properly disinfected it is noiong- . er dangerous. Don't spit on floors or «ide- waiks —Set the cofisumptitspe^a good example. When you ^it, spit into the gutters m int© a spittoon. Don’t stay in a room with tthe windows closed. Keep them ospen summer and winter, athonae aBd at work. Sleep with the wda-i, dews open; but be sure that tihfe| entire bodjr is warmly clad. | Don’t be afraid of nij?ht aar^l Fresh air, whether night or ^^y,i moist or dry, warm or cold, kj, good for you. Don’t drink milk frtwn cow«, ‘ not tuberculin tested withouti boilir^g it, for the disease is often', contracted in this way. Don’t ever stir up a dust by ; dry ^^eeping. Sprinkle water or moist sawdust, or moist bits of pai^r over the floor before sweeping. Dusting should be done with a moist cloth. Don.ft^ver neglect a cold or cough, and be especially careful to protect yourself from consump tion wh^ convalescing from ^ppe .ami pneumonia, and when in a ruD-«down coodition from .any cause. There is nothing worse than a rainy washday except two rainy washdays. ACCIDENIALLY sum HERSELF At least it must be adiiiitted that R.is not going kround the couhtiY explaining anything. Fiifty Young Men Wanted. Fifty more young men ai’e wanted to Team Telegraphy and accept positions as telegniph op erators on the L. & N. Rsilroad. Address E. H. ROY, Nashville, Tenn. Disj>atch has lai^ of any pa|)er in Alaraanc^^^^ Merchant and be Gonvineedi circulation- - \ ■ Winston-Salem, N.C.Oct. 13.— News was received here today that Mrs. Bruce Craven, of Nortkf Wilkesboro, accidentally shot her se^f Wednesday with a pistol and that while the wound is regarded as quite serious, her condition is favorable. The attending phy sician thinks she will recover. It appears that Mrs. Craven was making up the bed in her room when her husband’s pistol, which was under a pillow, drop- iPed out on the floor, and fired, the ball taking ejffect in Mrs. (Craven’s abdomen. Married at 6 p. m., October 11, by Bev. Mr. Townsend, at the hon^e of the foriae's father, Mr. W. 1*. Hudson of Alamance coun- FLY LIKE THEIinniS Wilbur OWiile Mew York, Oct. 13.' W^ig:ht, whose brothers, and Lorin, are about to experi- oaeitet on the North Carolina coast with a new flying machine saM today that he had no doubt in the wotrid that man eventually will fly like the bird fies. He said it nmght take years to work out plana. When birds start from thegonottnd they go with flapping wings. Once in the air the^ are able to eustairi themselves with out effort, The Wrights expect to develop the machine so that after getting away from the ground by means of a motor it will be able to remain in the air without power. -SOUTMERIV RAIUWAV North Carolina State Fair jRALEIGH, N. C. October 16-21, 1911. Account North Carolina, State Pair, Raleigh, N. C., October 16th to 21st, the SOUTHERN RAILWAY will sell round trip tickets from all points in North Carolina, also from Norfolk, Richmond, Lynchburg, Danville and aii intermediate points inclusive, with fi nal return limit October 23rd, 1911. In addition to the excellent regular train service the SOUTHERN RAILWAY will operate the following Special Trains into Raleigh account the above occasion. Special Train, Greensboro to Raleigh and return October 19th. Leave Greensboro 6:15 a. m. Returning Leave Raleigh at 6:30 p. m. Special Train, Oxford to Raleigh and return October 18th and 19. Lea\^e Oxford 7:00 a. m. Returning leave Raleigh 5r45 p. m. Special Train, Goldsboro to I^leigh and return Oct. 18th and 19. Leave Goldsboro 7:45 a. m. Returning leave Raleigh at 6:00 p. m. For further detailed information call on any Ticket Agent or ad dress the undersigned. J. 0. Jones, Traveling Passenger Agent, 215 Fayetteville, St., Raldgh, N. C. C. V. SELLARS ART STORE, i BURLINGTON, N. C.> Carries in stock ov&ri 300 different paterna I Wallpaper No use to order ,. go, see it. - —the—.— • ^ : Baltunore American EttaUnhed 1773 The Daily Ame>ticaii Tcras by M«il Postage Prepa'i. P»ily, One Honth f .25 Daily and Sunday, One Month .40 Daily, Tkree Months 75 Duly ajid Sunday, Three Mont'is 1.15 Dailyj Six Months, 1.50 Dajly^a,nd Sunday Six MoBths 2.25 Daily One Year Daily, with Sundaj Edition, Oi« Year Sunday Edition, One Year. 3,00 1.50 l^l^ .in mi mi' n to a4vis|; you that ready for your approval ■s & BOYS' The Twice-a*Week Amedcan The Cheapest and Beet Familj Sews. paper Published. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Six MoDthe. 50 Cent*. THE TWICE.A-WEEK AMERICAN is psib Ushed i^ tffp issues, Tctt^eday c«.nd and Friday «iho]^ings, with the nev. s of the week in icpQipa^t shapie. It a^so con tains intereMng. special correspondence, entertaining. roKpances, .good pi>etry, lo cal matter of general interest »ad f^sh miscellany suitable for the home circle. A carefully edited Agricultural Depart- ment and a full and reliable Hnancia) and Mdrket Reports are special /eaturfc». CHAS. C. FULTON & CO. FELIX AGNUS, Manager and’ J nbliehc Anencu Office, Balti'aore, Md , THE Charbtte Observer The Largest and Best News paper in North Garolina. Every day in Year, $8.00 a Year. ee^vniOHT It. beliQpvcs every man arid boy ihter^sted in good clothes^THE Best Clothes-—to Gcnae here to see ' our showing. Suits ot Merit, Suits of Characteri Suits of Indlmdiial>' ity. ^ Our prices are alwavs in keeping with our Values and you’ll find they’re never inflated; they’re right priced.' Suits $7.00 to $25.00 Boys« Suites l.$0 tO $iO.OO; Ve carry a big line of Men's; LadiesV and Chit dren’s fine Shoes, Dry Goods, Hats and Gents’ Fur* ;nishings.; y Home of Oood Pains All Overt **You are welcome,” says Mrs. Nora Guffey, of Broken Arrow, Okla., “to use my letter in any way you wanrto, if it will induce some suffering woman to try C^iii 1 had pains all oyer, and suffered with an abscess. Three phyt siciahs failed to relieve me. Since taking Cardul, 1 am in better health than ever before, and that means much to me, because 1 suffered many years with womanly troubles, of different kinds. What other treatments I Iriedj helped for a few days only.'' ‘ ; TAKE The The Obsbkver consists oI.lO to Iv pages daily and 20 to 32 pages Sunday 7t handles more news matl«?, local; State, national and foreign than an;^ other North Garolina .lewspapor. THE SUNDAY OBSERVER I is uneseeiled as a news medium, and i^ ; also filled with excellent tristtter of a p»i» | eellaneous nature. Address THE OBSERVER CO.. Chai’lotte. N. CJ. Ddn’t wai^ until you are taken downt8i*,'befbi^ ing crare Of yourself. The small aches and paiiis; symptoms of womanly weakness and diseasie, al^ys mei^f worse to follow, unless given quick treatments^ You would always keejp Cardui handy^: if yoa^ what quick and permanent reliiBf it glves^ Whefe weakn^ ij imd diseaM of the wpmaniy system mi^es life ha^d, to bear. , C^^ui iha§. helped over :a;raiUioa wdmefli Tiy.%i; TBUTHFUL ADVERTISING THE BES OF SUCCESS. Since tbelagn^m Penum Are Kn wi^ Iti Power m a Catairli Remedy |M Tonio it 'COLUMBi'3, OHIO.—The ac- ' five fngrediehts entering the most, ! pQpuliar household remedy In the { w6rld have been rpade knowin to ' the public. This meani anewera In the advei^is’ g of popular fam* ily medicines^Pci^iLina iead^ Peruna. contairfs among other things, golden seat, powerful in Its effect upon the mucous mem branes. Cedron selsd, a rare ^ medicine and, unsurpasse'' tonic. GubebS, valuable in nasal catarrh ' and afFectfohs of the kidneys and bladder. Stone root, valuable for the nerves, mucous rhembranes as well as In dropsy and Indi* ■ gestion.':;' ' A Chicago architect is said to have arrived at ^e corclusioii af ter careful ^t tidy of the subject, that the capitol at Washington cannot last more than 500 years. Colonel Bryan would better get a is print on. ’ The Dispatch a year for $1.00. w V ACRE FARM, 2 miles Southwe;st of Burling ton, 6>room dwelling, 2 wells of good water, all necessary out houses, good .orchard, good meadow, 30 acres in open cultivation and 15 acres in woodland. We will sell for $1,350. ACRE FARM, 11-2 miles west of Burling ton, N. C., 30 acres in cultivation, 20 acres in woodland, small dwelling and barn. We will sell this for flSOO. If you have a farm or city property for sale, list it witli us. It will cost you noth ing to sell through our company. If you have money place it with us. We pay 6 per cent interest, We write Fii e, Life and Live Stock In surance. ACRE FARM, 2 miles northwest of Burling ton, 7-room cottage, large feed and sU^ck barn, over one thousand fruit trc^s. This is the best orchard in the county, soil mostly gray. Wc will sdl this J^m for ACRE FARM, 3 miles northw^t of Bur lington, rS-room cottage, 6 aCTCS under || • square mash hog wirie fence, all gray soil. We will sell this plaee for $1000. The Oentral L»pan & Trust Company CAPITAL, S'fOCK $50,000.00 J. A. Davidson, Pres. W. W. Brown, Manager John R. Hoifi^ahv DIRECTORS: J. A. Davidson J. A. Picket W.JV.Brown J. Ei Moore CV.Sellars RrT. Kernodle C/R ' , J. A. Isley John R, fostei J. Bedford Thompson, J. M. Browning 'M ' f' * ,r I

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