?■ r: ;i' ^■ / ^.-'iK';-V'-.., RURAL OA.RRIER ITEMS SfloK^ Camp irenis. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dixon of Roanoke, Va. spent last Saturday nigfht at Milo Dixon’s, Mr. Lyndon Stuart of Guilford ^llolleg'e visited his parents, Mr. and ]Mrs. N. C. Stuart, last week. Mr. Vern Hinshaw and Miss Roxie Teague visited relatives at Hawfield last Saturday and Sun- ^y. Mr. Lo?an Durham of Spencer made a short visit with relatives here last week. Mr- and Mrs. Charlie Durham and Messrs. 0. C. Stuart, Alfred Stuart and C. H. Thompson, at tended the fair at Greensboro last week. Mr.-W. P. Henley spent a few days in this community recently. Messrs. Styles and Fioyd Jones and Clem Coble visited their grandmother Mrs. Peebe Coble last Saturday night. Mr. Ben Dixon and Miss Ber tie Griffin were united in marri age at the home of J. C. Griffin l^t Sunday. They have our best wishes fora long and happy life. R. h U. No. 8. Thanks to our good patrons for work on the roads. We appreci ate it very much. B. L. Simpson of No. 8, who is our up-to-date paniter, has» finish ed his work in Gibsonville and will now paint the new hotel in Burlington. Thanks to our patrons for veg etables and nice new home-made molasses; alsopnmpkins for pies. J. F. Taylor, of Durham spent Sunday at our house. He is our wife’s brother and a good fellow. Rev. Neal Roland, who is con ducting a protracted meeting at l^rea, spent Sunday night at W. S. Sutton's. We had the pleas ure of meeting Rev. Roland. They are having a splendid meet ing. The teachers for Maywood High School arrived Saturday and Sunday by installments as it were. They started up the school Monday. They are boarding at C. E. Tapscotts. Farmers are busy hauling out guano and sowing wheat. Not much news this week. (Continued from page Four) Steel, W S Steel, A C Stockard, A R Davis, W C Dameron, J M Cook, Agt, Demott, G A Wright, W D Wright, J W York, W J Young, C L Young, Mrs Alice Thomas, G W Cormack, R C Andrews, Mrs J W Andrews, Charles H Baynes, J D Bason, Mrs Vandora Barber, A A Sutton, H M Steele, B B Terrell, Mrs Annie Teer, A G Thompson, Her bert E. Thompson’ Chas 0 Wal ker, Miss Dixie Ward, J H Wheel er, C S Whitt, James H Williard, C P Williamson, Mrs D M Elder, W R Garrat, James Gerringer, William Grey, Mrs W E 5^ay, W E Hay, J E Hart, Mrs Susan Hall, J M Hayden, G S Hobbs, J H Blalock, Mrs Rebecca Brad ley, G B Bridges, R L Love, W S Loy, W M Loy, Mrs M A Loy, S J Letterlough, L A Letter- lough, T H Letterloug, Rev W S Long, J M Marlette, H F Mit chell, M C Moore, MrsOllie Mos er, E H McPherson, P G Neese, Bosie Neese, W C Noble, C F Oakley, Rev E L Ogilby, Lonnie Owen, Geo. W Pattei’son, W J Pearson, Pickard & Trogden, Homeward & Bryant, L. B. Horn- aday, H T Isley, 0 L Jones, W T Jones, John B Jones, J H Kerno- dle, Ei M King, Henry B King, A t Bridges, W G Bridges, V B Brewer, Mack Brooks, L D Brooks, J C Burton, R M Burke, J F Quakenbush, K R Raimer, J W Rice, C K Rosts, Sanitary Barber Shop, Miss Mamie Scott, W K Scott, R L Shatterly, W S Sharpe & Co., W S Sharpe, L A Shepherd, F Z Snell. Cale Thomp son, W L Thornburg. C D Till man, Charles B Thomas, B J Vestal, T W Vincent Sam Vin cent, Burlington News Co., Bruce Caway, A H Gates, Joseph A Campbell, Mrs W H Conklin, Z V Cole, C H Conklin, COLORED. Felix Bowes, Jim Leath, Char'- lie Leath, Will Lea, George Lam beth, Thomas Jordon, Maxie Johnson, Elmo James> Roger Hardy, Roy Harvey, Jobnttaizel, George Foster, John Fuller, Wel» den Fohville, Richard Duck, Tom Banes, W F Brookshire, Dixie Brooks, Jack Brannock, L B Wil son, Miss Annie Williamson, Hay wood Allen, Harrison Allen, Charles H Bethel, Charles E Banks, Letitica Banks, John Mar tin, Silos McAin, Henry Johnson, W M Neel Holt, Walter Isley, J S Albright, John Heathcock, J C Burnett, Thad Heathcock, Mar shall Heathcock, Frank Cooper, Leonard Clapp, Bob Benton, W M Tate, Dave Auston, Dave Al len, Nancy Teague, Haywood Walker, J S Thompson, G L Stan field, Ben Chaves, Pink Reynolds, J T Rankin, Thomas Perry, Elick McKay, Sam McCauley, John H McCauley, Burie Moore. A. A. RUSSEEL, City Tax Collector. PLANTERS’ Danville, Va. I am glad to tell you that all tobacco with character and color are higher with us than they have been for years. Bring me a load and I will prove to you that this is true. We have more bujerson the Danville Market thi i reason than we have had in sevei;al years, and your tobacco wil) sell for satisfactory^prices. Come to see me. Your Friend, J.O. IHoime I—-—- — i how have In stock one of the prettiest lines of millinery ever seen in Graham, which is ad- ibd to by weekly invoices. I only invite you to cdl and see me and I will convince you that, for, quality and style I am offering goods lower than any rthcr regular milliner in the county. ISS argaret Graham, N. C. A Constant ProtectioK A telepho le on the Farm affords the Farmer's family freedom from isolation i.s well as protection in the absence of the men. Mr. S. S. Lee, of Blanch, N. C., writes; “Some time ago one of our friends’ husband was compelled to be off until ten o'clock at sight. Durin}; th^t time no one was in the house but his wife. She talked to us all up and down the line, and each family was ready to go to *ier at a minute’s notice. She said she was so glad she had a phor.e, as she would not feel at all lonely.” Write for our free booklet and,see how little it costs to have a telephone on your Farm. Adi]ress y' Faii^aers Line Department SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELF.GR4PH COMPANY Soffistlk or St,, AUanta» Ga. Banes Dry Goods Co. M IN STREET $7,00.00 of merch is damaged by fire will be sold at 10, 15 and 20 cents on the dol lar. This stock consists of Clothing, Drv Goods, Underwear, Hats,^ Overalls, Trunks, Shpes^ Flan- nels, Otitings, Paint Cloth, Woolen Dress Goods, Sewing Silk, and Dress Silks. A golden oppor tunity to secure your winter goods for almost nothing. This stock will be sold quick, as we must vacate the building at once. All come in a hurry, as this stock will not last long; Sale begins Friday Morning, October 20th, 8:00 pclock sharp ” * or Shine, At 1 Main Street [. e. I- % K.. i Who loves a good fit in a Coat Suit should look our line over before buying. Our suits are made of best material. BOLAND Book on patents, **1111115 to inyen^rs^V ^invfentions needed.” ‘‘Why some inventoi^ fdl.** Send rough $Itetch or model for search of Patent ^Of^ce records. Our Mn Qreel^ was formerly. Acting Commissioner of Patents, wd as such had full charge of the U. S. Patent Office. Roten^ Attorneys WASHINGTON, I>. c. THE SEWING MACHINE OP QUAUTY*^ NOT SOLD under ANY OTHER name. warranted FOR ALL TIMR If purchase the KEW HOMIS yoii irlQ have a life aract at the price you pay, atkl will not have a« endless chain of repain. Qua^ CcHoadeied iti# Qiea^pe4 inl}ie eo4 lo fcijy, rtrJf.fr ♦ ^ «eWng’niachin.ii^rtt« pur lat^t catalogue before you purch^^' I w«»mQv’0bfaiiie& in na conntrtM, or *-•> I TItUHt-MAIIKS, CAVfrnMant Iteted. Sen) gfevtell, Model or yhoto, jrw Itepott oa pateiittttilily, ALL BUCHftS* STRiOTLV POMFIOCNTIAI.. piacli®* I Tentionsinll loirHa iiartnc-r.-ando--^ , TMiiablelBforntt^ou. ^>ci!t^^eetoallyaauf'■* 0. r ySOrSb'tnlJ! £t.f V/s.3hin{jtoR, 0- Cj killthi couch CURB 'me LUI^ WITH Dr^ King’s Neir Dis60?enf FORCSifgr® -- Alio AIL THROAT AMD lU*GT52iE^ 80s * trial BoW* GUARANTEED SATIEFACTO^^ OB MONMY BEFUIfD^ VOL. iM Boston, 01 Virifil Emanuel arrested ti ,topic«^ 4aoin iwith I of ItfiM A) of th® Bo [ Ml ayfeg in iaig&t aft 3S jNMirp 01 the borne I wh^ he 31,n Sever ha^ibeen iuiditkefte by Ihe fatl: Bounds. Adrugj hatf:Commi spc^r Di infi^ thathc Ricfaardsoi cynadieof I poison thaii llie purci five nours ed home fi C. A. Girl took the pc med;eine. pumber of j en£^£ Ridiardsoi girrs deat^ ardi»>n ws aroused frd of his final the police.J ting him gree, deck ler the ch^ him. B(»ton, jKichardBoil fable Baptiif was fot murder thj than a foi to the altei Miss VioleJ Linnell, w| b9f the biT minister, noon, her used as tK warrant fc issued by inal eourtj the Newt tively id« the man son last known th| Linnell at lion iast‘I_ she loved] There ar murder, Linnell marriage] Edmunds the drug akill gav& beadachel ,pat th«5 ( Miss Ltni herself .. of the w_ was mad| that thei linst Ril »g W8 I^ely at the poisoj ache m( HiUUi Dock ‘Who wei before with day moi held un ance at at Greei $500.00 Mr. HeL wid Mr. I King. Post ^cted •'Ones, p. S. *, King byj place. Was bei^ fw>£>ken -fomia. ^ume( Parade What I you havJ KODAK S'ATETY