wed for variety ted with ■e. And BS which thought *nd have 0. na. ch will eaning. . P. HE1TH t a FAIL gestibility or sheli-fish/or liabili ty to colds, 4. Never lose consciousness of the proportion of the talk you are usurping, and, if you talking I Five Rules for Wftmea Talkers. I In the November Woman's , ] Home Companion a contributor ’advises women on talk. Five Salisbury, Oct. 23—In Federal; rules are laid down: court here late this afternoon, 0. | 1. Don’t teil long stories, or p Heath & Co., one of the larg-jeven short ones, unless you have est cotton firms in the South with! an especial gift for it headquarters in Charlotte and j 2. Remember that talking branch offices in a number of citi-; about yourself is an indulgence, es throughout the cotton belt,; and, as such, should be strictly filed a petition in voluntary bank; limited. ruptc.v. Judge James E. Boyd i 3. If another woman tells you promptly adjudged the petitioner! of some sensation or experience a bankrupt and^referred the pe- lof her own, don't immediately tition to W. S. O’B. Robinson Jr. i cap it with one of yours. “Swap- Qi Charlotte, referee in bank~| ping tastes''is one of the lowest yuptcy. Maxwall & Keerans of i order of conversation. I have Charlotte represented the peti- jbeen in circles where the talk tioner. The liabilities of the j consisted in each woman's taking bankrupt firm, as given in the | her turn in telling how she petition exceed $1,000,000, while| thought or felt about some corn- tlie assets are only ^about $200, {monplace subject^ such as the di- Carpenter, Baggott & Co. of New York has a suit against 0. P. Heath for $15,463.90 ^ which to liave been heard in Fed eral eoiirt here tomorrow, and'more than your share be sure ihis suit probably hastened the, that the quality mathes thequan- bankruptcy proceedings. Theitity. suit was first instituted in Char-j 5. Discriminate always be- lotte and v^as later removed to tween talk for own pleasure and Salisbury. ^ | talk for your friends'. People Bankruptcy proceedings were j constantly tell the stupidest an-- evidently anticipated by the cre-iecdotes because these have be- diiors, as Carpenter, Baggott & come charged with some, extran- Co.. the plaintiff in the above suit I eous charm impossible to trans- v. ired to the clerk of the Federal I mit. Perhaps the occassion court today to know if bankrupt- [when it took place was important cy papers had been filed. Clerk ; because some particular person H. C. Cowles wired back that was there, and every detail of it thev had not, and only a few j has tak^n oii ^radiancei "visible minutes later the papers were only to the narrator.- riled. Aviation Meet in Salisbury. Spencer, Oct. 26.—A big avia tion meet has been arranged for Salisbury November 17 and 18, when exhibitions will be :giyen by the Gurtiss Aviation company The Curtis machine will be used and the daily flights will be made frym Fair park under the auspi ces of the Salisbury-Spencer company. It is several hundred in Salisbui-y for Balked At Cold Steel. “I wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot off,” said H. D. J^Iy, Bantam, Oliio, “although a hor rible ulcer had been the plague of my life for four years. In stead I used Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and my foot was soon com pletely cured." Heals Burns, Boils, Sores, Bruises, Eczema, Pimples, Corns. Surest Pile Cure 25c at Freeman Drug Co.- -Ss- The Dispatch a year for $1.00. Werktd tbf Manning (>ame. " A db^ieh pi^a^era are jondol- ing with each other over the loss of good money, of which they were defrauded by a conu terfeit- er and a womon accomplice^ who repeatedly presented thewselves for marriage and also pr^^sented fai^e $20 bill in payment cf a $10 fee.-;^Hi' OB Under the names of Custave Foster and Amanda Thon as, an elderly but apparently loving pair, at various times pre sented themselvea at the parson ige of the several preachers and lesired to be married. ' After the ceremony ha(^ been preformed the man said: * “I wish, sir, that I co ild re-, ward you with $20 for thi s kind act of yours, which maker-; a hap py ending to a courtship lasting many years, but my p^irse is somewhat slim and I car afford but $10." So saying, he tendered a $20; bill and the clergyma i, well pleased to have perform,d this noble office, as well as t( get a windfall of $;10, gave hi) i back $10 in real money. , “Itried to' buy a book 'jf ser mons with my $20bill," i aid the preacher who tolti story | “but vvas repulsed by ^n angrv ^ sales man; who threatelned tO liaveme arrested;''—Chicago Disi atch". Ei^ Di%3a|cii'|hafit any p^er in Aiainahce Nierchant and be convihced^ £ Street Railway expected that visitors will be the event. Read the ads in the Dispat ch SOUTHERN RAIjUWAY North;; GaroJijii^i State Fail* :V,;.V . :R4LEIGtt’N/G.;- . October 16^21, 1911. , i ■ i Account North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, N. C., October 16th to 21st, the SOUTHERN RAILWAY will 1 sell. round tiip tickets from all points in,North Carolina, also, from Norfolk, Richmond,: Lynchburg-, Danville and all intermediate points inclusive, with fi nal return limit October 23rd, 1911. ; In addition to the excellent regulair train service the SOUTHERN PvAILWAY will operate the following Special Trains into Raleigh account the above occasion. Special Train, Greensboro to Raleigh and return October 19th. Leave Greensboro 6:15 a, m. Returning Leave Raleigh at 6:30 p. m. Special Train, Oxford to Raleigh and return October 18th and 19. Leave Oxfdrd 7:00 a. m. Returning leave Raleigh 5:45 p. m. Special Train, Goldsboro to Raleigh and return Oct. 18th and 19. Leave Goldsboro 7:45 a. m. Returning leave Raleigh at 6:00 p. m. For further detailed information call on any Ticket Agent or ad dress the undersigned. J. 0. Jones, Traveling Passenger Agent, 215 Fayetteville, St., Raleigh, N. C. Saved Many Froni Dcat i. W.-L. Mock, of Mock, :Ark., believes he has saved ma iy lives in his 25 years, of experi mce in the drug business., “.What I al ways, like to do," he writes, “is to recommend Dr. .King s New Discovery for weak, sore lungs^ Eard colds, hoarseness, o^ ®tinate coughs, lagrippe, croupe, asthma or other bronchial affecti >n, for I feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive and \.'ell to day because they took my advice to use it. I honestly bel-eve its the best throat and lung medi cine that's made." Eisy to jprove hp' s right. Get a b ial bot tle iree, or regular 50c ( r $1.00 bottle. Guaranteed by Free man Drug Co. }jU lin uti lilt mi We wish to advise you that we ha ve season’s-'' ' MEN’S & BOYS’ and • COPvi8r}MT’l^6^ Hom©^ Qf Qopci It behooves eviery inafi iahd boy int€i6^ clothes-—Best CLOTHES-rtd.ccme here to see ■;.:^ur ,showing;l.i;M:^- ..j >uSuits at Merit; Suits >f Cbafa/cter.lSuits of O u r pnces are alwavs ill kee^i;n|.^i^ . d y ou’ll in«l4hey’re M e ri’s Suits ' $kG4*'|df' $25,00'" . (jarry ia of Men’s, ; ^ ^di^jVSr'lin^J:Sh6^, Bl3^GoGds;\Hat Hw** BtirlingtOKij. MUCH D1SE1S&^ and. Advice Aijout Stomach •'TrouH** . . Hovy to.Relieve Them. ; Do not neglect'indigestion maT lead to ail softs' of ills ancT'c impltca- tlons. An eminent physician cnee said that ninety-Srp per cent of al! jthe ill«: of the hiiman body hav./s their 'rijiin In a dii?ordered stotn'ach. ' , * i ■ ' Our experience' with jiyspcp- sia Tablets leads us toJpelieTe, '.hem^tf be among the most dependab o reifa^' dies knoTSTi for the relief of iodlges > -tion and chi^b'uic dyspepsia.- 'Iheir in gtediepts fire soothing and "'ling tc the Inflamed membrnnes of tliv? stem adli They are rich In pepsin one ol the greatest digestive aids iiiiOwn to medicine. The relief they isTord is rery prompt. Their use wit!/ persis- ti^cy and regularity for a sh >rt time tends to bring abont a cessatic ;i of the imins caused by stomach disor ^ers. Bexall Dyspepsia Tablets he p to in sure healthy appetite, to aid dilation, at»a thus promote nntrition. Ais evi dence of our sincere faith ix. Rexall Dyspep^a Tablets, we ask you to try them at our rlsfc If they do not give you entire satisfaction, fe will return you the money :y6a ,;>aid us for them, without question or formal ity. They come In three sizeiprices 25 ceritis. 60 cents, and Re member, you can obtain th m only tt ouir store ~ The Rexall Store. Freeman Drug Co. Mrs. R. of W,5LSv;'-U|;^,r. t^? _ L. Phillips, of Indian^ nounced my case,^a vefyj^^stub^rn ,d)iie, . li^s. I no|. able' |o sit up, ’ wHerij "dohii^^h^ed^ioi ^ 1 ,take .i' • * . ■’-JS, -T • : ‘•-•'V ' T-'i: . "Ai-. I used It Now, the severe pain," IMt had ■'iW' my ^’^ide" has gone^ and I ,dpn!4 suffer at ialt ; I a:m feeling better im in a long time,, and. cannf>t highly df Af you are one of those ailing yroiirien who suffer from ahy of the troubles so common to ' CardUi is a biiilder of woi?ianly strength. Composed of purely vegetable Ingredients, it acts quickly '6ni ' tiifii - womanly system, building up} Ivonianly strength^ toftirtgtup^ womanly nerves, and iregulatlnjt the woiijarily Jiysteiit ^jCardui has been in successful jusie for mpre than 50; years, fthousands of ladies hav^W^tt^n to tdl of tbc benefit thiiy k Try it tor ycjur^ twifc 0;’ ' recieived from c ljidi«t‘ Advisory Det*t. Gha «iidMrPaii,l—' cufativ'e powersv But fetr drujg carry se^j owip^ tb.-thjB h^h op^t of the^jlicle. .; This country a large consumer of this costly seed it into the ,^apous, ^ataririi iremed^, Penm% 8oldthewo?M^ Fifty Voipng; Fift>' more jouogi men- are wanted to iearn Telegi-f piiy: .^ind aceepr positions tettgrpph op-» ^eratoi S on the L. & N. Railroad. Address E: H. K0Y, " Nashville, Tenn. ■ '-‘i I - ,V f v'- TTTpjrr^T- .. t. \ i'' orks. ry V the ^ mont I you? IS. 6 ACRE FARM, 2 miles Southwesit of Burling ton, 6-room dwelling, 2 wells of goo^'Water, all necessary out hous^, good orchard, good meadow, 30 acres in open cuIti'V'atiori and 15 acres in woodland. We will sell for $3: ,350. ACRE FARM, 112 miles west of Burling ton, N. C., 30 acres in cultivation, 20 acres in woodland, small dwelling and barn. We will sell this for $1500. W. W. Brown. Manager J. A. Davidson, Pres DIRECTORS: J. A. Davidson arolina. a If you have a farm or city property for sale, list it witli us. It will cost you noth ing to sell through our company. If you Have money place it with us. We pay 6 per cent interest, We write I i re. Life and Live Stpck In surance. 'l.-v ACRE ?ARM> J2 njiles northwest of JBjUrling- ton, 7eroo«i cottage, larie feed and .stuck bto,,ov«:;^^jr^ thousand fruit This is the best prfe|iiE^ ^e (purity; soil mostly gray^ We will seU jt^fitrm^ The Central Loan dSr Trust Company capital, STOCK 350,000.00 John R. Hoffman, Sec. & Treas. J. A. Pickett W. W. Brown J. Ed. Moore J. A. Islev John R. Foster C. V. Sellars R. T. Kemodle C. D. Johnson J. Bedford Thompson. - ACRE FAR .VI, 3 miles, northwest of Pur- lington, 5-rOom cottage, 6 acres under Jj|| square mash hog wire fencci all gray soil. We will sdl this place for $1000. > J. M. BrpWning .. - 7--:- ;.v . ;k