A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVO'I'ED TO THE UPBUILDING GF AMERICAN HOMES'AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. VOL. IV. BURLINGTON. N. C, NOVEMBER 15 191L : N0..^.27 ffll BROTHEftS DiE AT THR8TTLE Greensboro, N. C., Nov. 13.— £n>^ineer VV. A. Kinney, the last oi file four brothers to be claimed in the railway wrecks, was killed and several trainmen and passen- o-ers were slightly injured near here today when the southbound XeNV York, Atlanta and New Or leans limited on the Southern Railway, was derailed. Seven cars left the track and turned on their sides. " The escape of the passengers is attributed to the fact that all ihe cars were of steel construct ion. The accident occured while the irain w^as running about sixtV'five miles an hour and was caused by a spreading rail. For tunately the cars turned toward an enibanl>ment. Had they turn ed to the other side they would have toppled into a ravine and the loss of life undoubtt'ully woulci have been great Among the most seriously in jured are: Ed Towns, fireman, of Spencer, X. C. A. Shaw, of Charlotte. D. Line, Baltimore. Henry Mowyer, Greensboro. R. F. Arrington, a negro por ter. These, with the passengers were brought here on a special train. Wia* Piaro in Coote.st, Little Miss Joyde Phillip?, of Graham, was the happiest little girl in that place last Friday morning when Mr. SimmLons, proprietor of the Alamance Phar macy, presented her with a very handsome piano. Mr. Simmons purchased the piano and put it in the drug store to be given away to the most popular girl in Gra ham, the customer voting for any of the contestants at the purchase of drugs, etc. And when the time came round for counting the votes it was found that this little girl had won the piano over the other two contestants by a majority of two million votes. Miss Joyce is about 13 y age, and when she goes . thing she never fails ^ faithful and persev^: girl will do. Go r ' ■ time and let Miss J - you how she can play. ars of any- V I'.sa 1 Lae f .me ' rhw m SET FOH TSIAL Of mim PREACHER Death of a Baby Bjen Horiiaday Love the seven teen month old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Love died Tuesday at four o’clock at their home dri Broad Street after an illness of about a month. The funeral v/as conducted "Wed nesday by Rev. J. A. Hornaday at the home. Burial at Pine Hill Cemetery. Mr. and ^Irs. Love have the deepest sympathy of their many friends during their hours of be reavement. Thus a precious flower has been plucked from the ^~^ver garden of earth and a place in the home made vacant. Boston, Mass., Nov. 13,—The Rev. Uiarci.ce V. T. Richeson will be placed on trial on the charge of murdering Miss Avis Linnell, on January 12, 1912. This date was set late today when Richeson was an’aigned. Without emotion and in a clear voicfe the preacher pleaded ‘ ‘not gull O'-” was then returned to the Charles street jail to await the trial. The date of January 15, proi^s- ed by District Attorney FeUitier, was strenuously opposed by W. A. Morse, the pastor’s council. He declared that the defendant’s council had not been able to hold a single meeting and asked a con tinuance of six months. Mr. Morse said that John D. Lee, of Lynchbui'g, Va., who is to be the chief council for the de fendant, would be unable to meet the lawyers until the latter part of this month at the earliest. Considering that Mr. Lee repres ents the accused man's family he felt that the council should con fer before the date of the trial was set. District Attorney Pellitier urg ed an early trial and Judge San derson who presided, sided with him. In fixing January 15, as the date the court said that two months was ample time for the defence to prepare its case. Escorted by a court officer, the a cused minister came into court today appearing calm and confi- ot^nt. His month in jail had efr leeted him but little. He showed no signs of nervousness and his plea of “not guilty*’ could heard distinctly in all parts room. ResolutlODS oi Respect. Whereas, on the 19th day of October, 11>11, Bro. R. J. Askew was called f rom earth to eternity Be it resolved: vi . First, That North State Coun cil No. 34, Jr. 0, U. A. M., bow> in humbie submission to the will oi iiin ihatdoeth all things we|l' Second, 'i'hat this council has lost one among its oldest mem- be^. ' Hiird, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the widow of the deceased brother, and a copy to each of the city papers' for publication. J. 0. Shepard, B. M. Clapp, R. A. Freeman, Committee. 0! AHIE MUST DIE By reiusing- ?4ondi\y to grant an appei-t in cube of Henry Ci;>; Jiv, convicted in. t h' Mvrlif ld cG!:i,cyon September for i ] ,(.* n,m) ) uer of his wile, the \iigiriif’ :■'.i.r'ii e Court takes a- v\ ay i:. ilv.. condemned man his Ir.st b.jK: of escf'pe from execu tion un Ncvember 24,- uiilehs Guvt-iji-rv should intei-iere. Vvhiie utciining to comment on‘ the courfs ruling Govornor Mann announced that.iie v;ili issue a statemer'-t after a. conference With Beattie’y lawyers, who are si.iil fighting' desperately in his behalf. Ti.erv; is a bare possibil ity that tlie gcverncr will grant a brief respite, althcugh this by no means certain. Contl'ary to the expectation^ of lawyers generally, the Supreme court filed no written opinion, giv ing its reason for not allowing an appeal. In the presence or the entire court Chief Justice James Keith made this official state ment to the clerk: “In the Beattie case, the court being of the opinion thac the judgement of the lower court is plainly right, doth refuse the pe- tition df a writ of error. ” .Seventeen bills of exceptions were filed with the higher court by Beattie’s council. Cases were cited in an attempt to show that in the closing address to the'jury Prosecutor Wendenburg had err ed in his command that Virginia should open the graves of all murderers hanged heretofore and ^ipologize to their bones if Beattie should be permitted to go free. Early Monday, H. C. Beattie, Sr., went to the penitentary and was escorted to the death cham ber where lie in a faltering voice, notified his son that the appeal was denied. The prisoner’s iron nerve did not desert him. He He did not seem to feel or com prehend its meaning, but endea vored manfully to comfort his old, father) whcse,gi*ief was intense EPiSCflPAl !n tie tliiircfe of 11.6 Kc ';v To Be Con'ducted by the liBV- erend Jolio 8. Mathew.^, His$ioner, and tbe Reverend John Ben ners Gibbie, Rector. I, Nov. Tuesday Nisht^ Nav; 28, 2ht, to 1911. Stephenson-Hornaday. ; In»taJBation pf _In Front Street Methodist ! Christian Cksrcli; Church oh the mofnihg of Wed- xtI »i> j* 4.u ^ gnesday November 8th, at ten • If Pastor of the Christ ian Church arnves this week and will be installed into his new pastorate next Sunday, Novem- bfei- 19th, 1911^ 11 o^clbck,A. M. The following is an outline pragram of the services:— Sermon by Rev. J. 0. Atkin son, D.D. Night Subjects: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . . Saturday . ... "Four attiiudes towai'ds the si I) her” , “Denial and HtisLcr- ation of St. Peter” . . . “Ten Commandr ments” ,. . “What shall I do then with Jesus?” . “The woman of Sa maria” Sunday a.m. “Psalm 23.” • Sunday night “Conversion.” fvTonday night ‘*Lot-s wife.” Tuesday “ “John the Bap tist.” Every morning there will be a study of the*Bible, foi everybody who will come. Public cordially invited. All pews free. NEW WOMAN WITNESS IN THE RiCHESON CASE A Preacher’s Appreciatioa. Mr. Editor:— My congregation at Long’s Chapel sent me a load of good things last Friday, consisting of ■wheat, flour, sugar, coffee, chick ens, o’possums, &c,, amounting to between twenty and twenty- five dollars in value. Last Sun day I was held up at the close of the services at Union church by brother W. J. Graham, after the congregation had arisen to receiv tbe benediction, and in behalf of JTiy friends presented me a purse amounting to $41.75 expressive of their sympathy for me in my late serious sickness. Aly wife .loins me in thanking these dear friends for this great kindness, Jeremiah W. Holt. Marv E. Holt. PeDahy of the Franchise. New York Times. A woman who was asked whether the fact that registra tion as a voter usually involves the disclosure and recording of the age of the person registered would not prevent many women from exercising the elective fran chise, even if it were offered to them, frankly,admitted that this was probable. She declared how ever, that the requirement to tell age waa wholly unnecessary as a means of identification, and of no practical utility in cases of doubt. She also said that not a few men are kept from the polls by the disinclination which is supposed ^ i to be a characteristic exclusively feminine. The men, according to this au thority, conceal their ages, after reaching the fourth decade, as carefully as do women, and do it because of the increased difficul ty of Ketaining, and especially of getting, employment that comes with advancing years. That as many men as women are thus le- ticent is, of course, not true, but it may be true that in some men the fear of the age handicap is so great that they disfranchise themselves rather than intrust their secret to the registration clerks. That wo\ild be carrying caution absurdly far, but per haps it is done—by how many it would be interesting to know. Boston, Nov. 10.—Anew wo man witness is being sought in the ciase against Rev. C. V. T. Richeson for the murder of Miss Avis Linnell to give the details of the dead girl’s character. Sen ator William A. Morse, an ex pert criminal lawyer, has been added to the list of attorneys to defend the minister, who will be arraigned Monday. John L. Lee, of Lynchburg, continues as sen ior counsel for the defense. Agreement is Reached by Sontbern And Telegraphers Don’t Neglect Your Eyes. The prudent pei’son does not wait until his or her vision be comes perceptably weakened be fore attending to it. Yet some people will persist in believing 4\elr eyes to be the exception 'to the rule; and will never be oblig ed to wear glasses. Don't take chances with your eyes. Dr. N. Rosenstein will be in Burlington, Tuesday, Nov. 21st at the Bur lington Drug To,, arid Wednes day, Nov. 22nd at Mebaneat the White house. Come to him and he will give your eyes a thorough examination and advise you to their condition. His prices are very moderate, from $2.00 up. Met Death Instantiy. Great things, these railroads. They lower rates in order to get people to live in the country and then raise ‘em ‘cause surburban traffic ‘ ‘doesn ’t pay. ^ ’ Washington, Nov, agreement was reached between the Southern Railway officials and their two thousand telegraphers and station agents today. By the terms of Agreement the men get an increase of approximately $80,000 a year, which, if divided ducted by Rev. J equally among the men, would amount to about $40 a man. But the matter for increase has not yet been decided. The commit tee and the officials of the rail road are at work on this phase of the proposition and will reach an agreement within the next few' days. Other concessions made to the men include a reduction of hours at Greensboro and Charlotte from nine to eight a day and an annual vacation of fifteen days for all Vernon Hart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Hart of Hillsboro, met death in a peculiar way last Saturday Npv, 11th. He belong ed to the cornet band and was walking up the steps to the prac tice ^11 when he slipped and fell ' striking his chin with such force jthat death resulted in a few 7.—All minutes. Vernon was 12 years, 6 months and 8 ^ys old. His remains were brought to the home of his uncle, John Foglemanin Burling ton where at 2 p. m, on Monday Nov. 13tk,.the funeral was con- D. Andrew and the body was laid to rest in Pine Hill Cemetery. The deceased was a grandson of Mr. Albert Long of east Burlington. He will be greatly missed in the home as he was the only child. , , , . . , at ten o clock was solemnized the mai*-' riage of Mr. Georgy D. Stephen son, of Ralrfgh, and Miisis A._ Hornaday, of this place, this occasion the, dhurch had been: beautifully and tastefully decorated with palms, ferns and other potted plants. The chancel railing was intertwinM with green and the chancel itself was banked with verdure in which yellow and white chrisanther muhis blended harmoniously.; During the moments just be fore the arrival 'bf the bridal party a musical pirbgram was rehdered by Miss Siisannaji Lin- thicum, of Durham, and Miss Myrtle Muse, of Carthaige. “Oh Fair, Oh Sweet and Holy, by Cahtor, was' beautifully sung by Miss Linthicunl, while Miss Muse skillfully presided at the organ. Just before the entrancie of the bridal party Miss Linthiqum sang Because” a.nd then the ^trains of the great weddini^ march an nounced the bridal party. V Slowly up opposite aisles came Mr, E. S. W. Dameron and Miss Sarah Stephenson, Mr. John A. Hornaday, Jr., and Miss N^ Dailey, Mr. John W. Lasky, Jr., and Miss Ida Edwards, Mr. Z.. V, J udd arid Miss.Lola Lasley. |Pre- ceding the datne of honpE, Mris. C. L. Hornaday, came the little flower girls, Misses Katherine Buchanan and Mildred Sharpe, and then came the bride wjith her lister Miss Berdice Hornaday, maid of honor, and the groom with Mr. J. Ed. Pegrarh, best man. During the c^sj^emony , Schu-' bert’s Serenade was softly played and upon the completion of the solemn niaiTiage vows the .gireat organ pealed out thes strains of Mendfelssohh’s wedding macslfc while the wedding party retir(ra in the order of entrance. The bride was tastefully, gowned in white creepie silk irie- tepr and carried a bouqitet of IjU ies of the valley and 'th^ bridal veil was caught back with lilies of thevalley. The ihaid of honor wore white silk marquisette over blue, satin, hand- embroidered, and white picture hat, and carried a bou quet of yellow chriisanthemums, The dame of. honor wore blue marquisette over blue satin and black picture hat, also carrying a bouquet of yellow chrisahthe- mums. The bridesmades wore white marquisette over white with pink cords. ThereSSwere many beautiful aivi valuable presents, attesting the esteem in which the bride and groom are held by their nu merous friends.. . . The groom is a successful young business man of Raleigh, and the bride is the popular daughter of the pastor of the Front Street Methodist church. Immediately after the ceremo ny the happy couple left bn the northbound train for Richmond, Washington and other points north for an absence of severial days. After Noviember 25th they will be at home in Raleigh. Scripture. (1) The Lord’s messenger. , (2) The Fiaithful Minister. Prayer. Hymn. -k Address tb the new pastor and to the Church by the officiating minister. * , Prayer. '' \ ^ ' (1) Words of welcome on be half of the ministerial assotcia- tion. " (2) On the part of the Church by Hon. VV. H. Carrolt . (3) On the paft of the city by J. H. Vernon,; Esqi Response by Bey. A. Bi dall. " . Behediction. Death JamM £. Coleman. James E. Xol^ah diie^ his home near Elmira ptiblie school house Nov. 10th 1911, aged 69 years and 15 days,'" aftfer a brief illness^with pneumonia, Mr Cole man had been c^m’piaining for sometime but to' moat of his friends his death was a great surprise. He wa^ married three times. From the first union he leaves five sons and one daugh^ ter, from the 2nd Only one child was born and this is dead; frotti the 3rd he leaves a widow,, one son and one daughter. In the late war between the Stiites :he be longed to Company r6 of the ■ North Carolina Volunteers and gave four y^rs. of th'fe best of his life to his Country'■ His church preferencje was the Primitive Baptist. funeral was conducted from the home and inv Ut)ion:iRid^ Church,.on Saturday afternoon by Revs. J. I). Andrew and Wiley Jones. Thus another of the old soldiers has crossed the river and; answered the last roll call. l LIST OF UNCLAIMED LEHERS Remaining in Burlington, N. C. Gentlemen: telegraphers who work as much * j^obert H Hicks’ as four hour's on Sundays and le: Knight, Robt Loman, Cauley Post Office at Nov. 11, 1911. B. E. Dukes, J. A. Ingle, G. gal holidays. It is also provided in the agreement that employes who have beeft in the service 5 pherson & Thompson, years wiil be given an annual pass over one general superintendent’w«s division ; 10 years, over four di visions ; 15 years, an annual pass for the employe and his wife over the entire system. Prescott, King Phillips. C. Ad am Ross, Fani Trambutu, Me Ladies: Mids Maggie Allan, Miss Moore, Miss Nora Rogers, Mrs, Hermon Smith. ■■in; , , , ^ ^, ! It, looks as if McNamara 'wiil u«fh Mr. 1 aft may not have j old to care much about the tisu;ct3on ot Ixinj;; a mem-| j^y ijrne the jury t jie bupreme Court, he has; on one in that Lt ^ exercising exceptional ^ igg dynamiting case. ;iS!on over its organization wav of ; ppointmentp. Persons calling for any of these Both sides are satisfied with tne | letters will please say “Advertis- agreernentandCbairnian Alexan-|ed,” and give date of advertised der and his men tonight are sing-; list, ing the praises of General Mana-' olored teachers A$$ociatiofli» Will Be at Bnrlington, Tnesdaf i Not. 21st/andi at Mebwe, Wed., Nov. 22ndv Dr. N. Rosenstein, the eye specialist, of Durham will be at Burlington, Tuesday; Novi 21st at the Burlington Drug: Co., and Wednesday, Nov. 22nd at Meb- ane at the White House, for the purpose of exaiijMhing eyes and fitting glasses. You should have them examined now arid glasses fitted. Don’t take chances with your eyes. Charges very moder ate, as low as $2.00, includihg exaiiiination. Expression o£ Thanks. 14, 1911. s Ange- ger Coapman for the fair manner m which he treated the commit tee. J. Zeb Waller, Post Master. For headache Dr, MHps' Antj-PaiT: PUIj. i AdvcrtlSe in the Dlspatch. Begins to look like they'd have to investigate the Lorimer inves tigation. Editor Dispatch: Will you please grant m,e a lit tle space in your valuable columns to express my sincere thanks for the kindness show^ii me by my friends and neighbors during my; late ■ spell of sickness. May Goa bless them all is my prayer. J, W. Temple. Also in starting a imoveinent for a republic the Chinese may have taken the queue from for mer European monarchies. The Alamahce County ^ Teach er-3 Association (col.) will meet" Saturday Nov. ^,1911 at tbe Court House in Graliiam at 11 oV clock a. m. All the teachers of the»aid as? sociatioh are eicpected to attend, as it is a duty that they owe to their ppofession^ and the law rd?* quires it. A short, but ih^reBting pro^ gram will be rendered. 1. A paper by Miss B. M. Gra ves. Best methed for tea«hiiig beginners. ^ ^ 2. — A paj^r by Mss Moore, Best method to get all the class to give attention during the reci tation. \ 3.—Best method to get |>af ents to supply their children with nJI the necessary t^xt books. It is desir ed that all tochers come pr^r- ed to discuss the Subject, wv. J. C. Core will lead the discussr ion.: - ' ’ Prof. J. B. Robertson County Supt. will be present and give a talk. ' ■■■ W. R. HalU Vii^ors Who Atieadi^ CoBseora- tioB Serrices. • Among those who were pres ent to attend the consecration servi:!^s %f the Church of the Holy C^w^orter were: Hoi^ J. S. Carr, of Durham; Hon. John S. Cunningham; Mrs. Collins of Hillsboro; Mrs. Wall of Durham; Col. Wm. IE. Holt ef Charlotte; Mrs. Robert M. Oats of Flat Rock; Mrs. Thomas Moore of South Carolina; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Poe of Durham; Mr. and Mrs. Will Erwin and Misses Erwin of Durham; and Mrs. J. Harpe?* Erwiii and daughters of Durham; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Loweiw of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks of Detroit; and Mr, and Mrs. Rufus Clarke also of Detroit; Lawrence S. Holt, Jr. of Norfolk;' Miss Penelope Davis of Raleigh; Mr. Bruce Wright of Raleigh, Sujbscribe . The ijiSP-^TCH. f

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