Local *t Personal Why not Consult thority on SEEDS. an Aa- Ferry’s Seeds, Coble’s C,i’Oceiy» Ck)tton Hulls and Meal, Gobie’s Grocery. Editor J. 0. Foy of The Meb- ano Leader, was the gues t of our town Friday. oak stove- Phoae No. FOR SALE-Good wood. Will deliver. 221. H. F. Bass. Miss Mamie Holt spent ^ Sun day at Graham the guest of rel atives. Fresh Buckwheat Flour, Coble’s Grocery. Will deliver for cash f;o6d oak stove wood. Phone 358L, way Store Co,, Burlington, N.C. His many friends were d-slight- ed to see J)r. E. L. Moilitt of Asheboro, N. C. in ourrr idst one day last week. Automobiles, yes,''v:rite to Ford Garage Co.. Greensi:«or6, N. C., for 1912 catalog of the ne^v- ost Ford Cars. Rvrd McClure v;rio has b:;en visiting r:.Iattves af Iiig:b Point returned to this ci>y last week. Buy a Ford because it i s a Bet ter Car, not because it chear- e See large display ?.d,. in to day’s issue. Mr. Edward Murray a .«tudent of Oak Ridge High Scbi3ol is in town the guest of relati ?es for a few days. Miss Ruth Hall of Eloil College spent Saturday and Suu,i.dav the STuest of her parents Mr, and Mr?. II. J. Hall. Mr. J. Alson Holmes, a mer chant of Mebane, R. F„ p., wjw a business visitor in ouif bity Fri day. Miss Katherine Bryai,!., a mem ber of the Graded SchocI facnlty 't Friday for her horae at Dur- liam to be the guest cf: her pa rents Saturday and Suaday. Miss Nellie Davis who is a stu dent at Elon College, came home Friday to be the gfuei'it of her parents, Rev. and Mrsi, T. E. Bavis Sunday. FOR SALE-One seS eia horse power gasoline engine, good as new. Too Hgbt for my use. Phone 611 Snow Camp, or ad dress F. L. Spoon, Kartshom, :n. c. Esq. R. J. Hall has recently ^opened an office in connection with the Burke-Williams Under taking establishment. He will be pleased to have his friends call at his office. Miss Ella Howard of Yancey- ville, N. C. came by Gleiicoe last Saturday and accompanied her sister who teaches the: e to this city to be the guest of !^!iiss Ruth Dameron Saturday -and Sunday. Wanted, to , trade Treasury stock for second hand 2X> or 25 H. P. furnace boiler fov machine shop. Call or address. Holt-Engine Co., BurlingtAij, N. C. Gardenmg tjjne _ will soon be here. BURLING TON DRUG Co. have iust received a fresh sup ply of Woods, Seeds and can furnish what you need. Buy early and get Nvhat you want. BwMnnhgCo. GIVING OUT The Struggle Discourages Many a Citizen of Burlington. Around all day with an aching Can’t rest at night; , Enough to make any one give out.” , Doan’s Kidney Pills have giv en renewed life to thousands. They are ^or kidney backache; For other kidney ills. Here is convincing proof,, of their worth. N. Foster, JNIarket St., Gra ham, N. C., says: “I am in a position to recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills highly. They cured me of a bad case of kidney com plaint besides helping two other members of my family who were similarly afflicted. My kidneys acted so frequently that I was obliged to get up often during the night and ihus my rest was broken. There was a severe pain in my back and my head ached a great deal. When I heard one of my neighbors speak highly of Doan’s Kidney Pills, 1 got a box and after using ther^. a short time, I was compleielj cured.” t or sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents [for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. Mortgagee Sale of Personal Properly Under and by virtue of the pow , er of sale contained in a certain j chattel mortgage executed by B.: H. Henderson on the 28th day | of July, 1911, to L. E. Gattis.^to secure the payment of .a note for $75.00, and interest thereon. I will offer for sale at public auc tion, at the First National Build- slSrURDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1912, at 12 o’clock M., in the City of Burlington, the following describ ed property: One Jersey Cow, One Bay Mule and One Gray Terms of Sale Cash. X.A.Gattis, Mortgagee. iRdtan XiliBd On Tra€k. Near Rochelle, 111., an Indian went to sleep on a raih*oad track and was killed by the fast ex press. He paid for his careless ness with his life. Often its that way when people neglect coughs pnd colds. Don't risk your life when prompt use of Dr. Kiri'r’s :^ew Discovery will t-.em and so prevent a dan- «rous throat or lung trouble. It completely cured me, in a short time, of a terrible cough that followed a severe attack of Grip,’' writes J. R. Watts, Floy- dada, Tex., “and I regained 15 pounds in weight that I had lost.” Quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Freeman Drug Co. 'T M i - ‘•I. / { Life IS just one dinjred blizzard after another. FOR DYCPcPSIA. Vou Risk No Money if You Try Thia Remedy. We want every one troubled wiUi indigestion .and-dyspepsia to come to tour store and obtain a box of Kexnll Dyspepsia Tablets. They contain Bi.-iy mnth-Subnitrate and Pepsin carefiiH.v comblned so as to develop theU' gresir est power to oTercome dlgestiVe dis turbance. Rexall DyapcpiSla Tablets are very pleasant to take. They tend to soot|ic> the irritable, weak stomach, to strengthen and invigorate the dig^tive organs, to relieve nausea and inflges- tion, thus promoting nutrition and btlnging about a fepllng of comfort. If you give Bexail Dyspepsia Tab lets a reasonable trial we will retunj your money if you are not satisfied; with the result. Three sizes, 25: cents, 50 cents, and |1.00. Bemem-. bet, you can obtain Rexall Remedleas only at our store—The Bexail Store. FREEMAN DRUG CO. gjjf fiip ;;a:{ wwemmm A Difference fi be R. F. D. No. 1. We said the weather would better in Feb. W. L. Spoon of Winston spent a few days on No. 1 last week. J. J. Sharpe and wife who have been sick for sometime is able to be out again. Also Dad dy Moser who has been confinea for several months with a sore leg is getting better. Miss Blanch Groves of Graham is spending some time on No. 1 visiting J. J. Sharpe. A. P. Bryan who fell and broke a rib when the sleet was is well again. L. L. Isiey and Hazel Fatter- soh done some good work on our road with a split log drag last week. Let others do likewise. Prof. Taylor, of Mt. Airy, took charge of Friendship school Monday. Prof. Homaday goes home to begin his spring farm ing. This writer wants to buy 2 or 3 setting hens at once, aiso we are in position to supply a num ber of settings of white Orping tons eggs. Shoule any one be in terested see Or write us. No public official, sworn to do his duty, should await public sentiment to give him a stiff backbone. He should have a backbone of his own and move vigoroiisly against violators of the law.^ This is good advice to the officials of Burlington. If you see one of these ‘ ‘hand- me-down” stores all plastered over with great ‘ ‘fire smoke and water” bargain sale signs. It is a sign some folks are going to be roasted. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of the power con tained in a certain deed in trust executed H) the Piedmont Trust Co., on the 25th day of June, 1910 by Y. W. Lee and wife, Fannie Lee, arid dtiiy rog-isterer; in the office of the register o! ..leei;s of Cuunty, it, Book No, 49 01 inertgHge deeds, pages 117-124, to se'-uj e the pay ment of a certain bond, and the holder thereof having applied t» the Piedmont Trust Co., to niake sale of the real estate there in conveyed in accordance with the conditions contained in said deed in trust, we will expose to public sale at the highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door oi the County cf Alamance, N. C., on Sat. Mar. 9th, 1912 at e» leven o’clock A. M., the land con veyed in said deed in trust, to wit; Two certain lots or parcels of land adjoining each other and the lands of S. E. Jeffrey, W. B. Ma lone, Joe McAdams, Sarah Coble and others, lying and being in Burlington Township, Alamance County. North Carolina, delscrib- ed as follows: No. 1. Beginning at a stone on Joe McAdam's line, and W. B. Maloneys corner, thence N. 84 3-4 deg. W. with W. B, Ma lone's line, IS..^^ chs. to middle of public road from Burlington to Glencoe, N. , C., thence with said road towards Glencoe 270 ft. to a comer in middle of said road, thence S. 84 3-4 deg. E. 18.57 chs. to Joe McAdams’ line, thence with said McAdam’s line S. 10 deg. W. and parallel with first line to the beginning, Ma lone’s corner, containing seven and four tenths (7.4) [acres, more or less. WlKMWiM No. 2. Beginning at a stake in Glencoe road, thence S. 80 3-4 deg. E. 10.67 chs. to a stake, thence N. 10 1-2 deg. E. i.88 chs. to a stake 8 ft. from Jos. Christopher’s line, thence N. 83 8-4 deg. W. 10.67 chs. to a stake in Glencoe road 8 ft from Christopher’s corner, thence S. 10 1-2 deg. W. 1.88 chs to the be ginning, containing two acres, more or less, being all of the land conveyed by W. B. Malone and wife to W. T. Walker Nov. 26, 1904. This the 3rd day of Feb., 1912. Piedmont Trust Co., Mortgag-pe Spit, Quit, Fit. 1 Hines, Ala.—In a letter from; this place, Mrs. Eula Mae Brad-j ley says: “I used to spit up all I| ate. I was tired and sleepy all’ the time. My head ached, andi I could hardly drag around. Since taking Cardui, this has entirely; quit, and now I feel quite fit. ” Mrs, Bradley suffered from ner vous indigestion. Cardui builds up the nervous system, and strengthens the womanly consti tution. That’s why Cardui help ed Mrs. Bradley and why it will help you. Try it. , Frofessional Cards |l W W, A. llornaday ipouti iloiiidaay Veterinarians OHIcearid IlcspitH.l Ollice iMione S77 415 Main St. H(’sifl**nce Phone '282, between the stock speculator and the real estate in vestor. rhe stock buyer fe rich today and dead broke to-njcM^w^ Ttbc real estate; investor has something that (iahnpt. get a way; SQmething that in creases in value all the tithe. We have some real estate bargains that mfeaQ big money to quick buy ers. Got a little money you'd like; to double with out ALAMi^NCE ^ V ^ INSURANCE AND RE AL ESTATE COMP’Y Burlington, -North Garolina . • T. For Results, advertise in The State C. A. Anderson M. D. « ' Office hours 1 to 2p. m. 7 to8 p.m. First National Sank Building. Leave day calls at Bradleys Drug Store. Dameron & Long ATTORNEYS AT LAV' P. S. W. DAMERON otfee in Pledmoot BslMing Pbone • 250 ADOLPH LONG rr;ihtnit in lalt-Nlchslses BMg. Plione 100'S John H. Vernon, Attorney aua Counsellor at Law, Burlington, N. C. Office over Bradley’s Dru^ Store. Phone 6d. Of Land. Merchandise, Household Goods, &c. I, H. C. Ciuii^lman, witt seU at PiribLc at my j^ee in 1^^ Alkmance John R. Hof£tnan, Attomey-at-Law Burlington, North Cairolina. Office. Second Floor r'irst N»tiona! BaiJt Building. Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BQRLIlNGTGN.gN. C. J. N. Taylor, M.D. Physician & Surgeon. Ufficc in Piedmont" Building. Office Hours. ;8:00 to 10:00 4:G0 to 6:00 X-RAY WORK. ■ (Last Friday m February, 1912) The following property, to-wit: F^-three and one-hajr acres of Luiij, with good bnild- ings, good prchard and good w^ of waten Entire stock of Merchandi^, Farming Tods: One Threshing Machine: Otte Wh^ Dr% good as new; One 1-horse Wagon and Har ness; One Bliggy and Harness; Set of Black smith Tools; One lot of Cat Feed; Houselwld and Kitchen Fnmitare; and many other artides too numerous to mention. All sitnat^ in Pat terson Tp. Also all my outstanding accounts if not settled by that day, will be offered for sale te the highest bidder. H. C. COUNSELMAN. R. No. 1, Rock Greek, N. G. I You Have a Right to Independence ^ If you have the am- § bition and energy, to- 6 f gether with an honest § purpose to earn it We Will Help You. The first stepftoward financial indepen4ence is to own your own home. Begin now. Don't wait. You have waited all these years and you are still paying rent. RIGHTABOUT and try ‘The PIEDMONT WAY.” Invest a few dollars saved each week or month, together with the interest, taxes, in surance and maintenance money—-namely. Rent -that you have been paying to the “Other Fel low" and soon it will be YOUR VERY OWN HOME And not the some body’s ^ house to rent. Others by the a score have tried the “Piednnont g Way” and found it easy. Will you? v Call and talk it over with us, % I keal Ettate Jepsitaent. Bturlington, North Carolma. J Phone No. 76 to Tli |>rei»ident Taft I i^hting dottra on been iinposBibio,” sb SiMfton correspond ;lJew York Tftbune, the President to ass jights or to resentr ^he machMsations . Ibeen P’ nonainatioij ' That it was a pei^onal i continues this writ two developments stirred combot him at last Everj toward ufiderminin of and respect uue t arouses all the Presi tisni tfli«, white hea second ^ace, tne evidenoe that a comi by Frank A. Munsc an enoinnousanti-Ti those wiio regard t anti'tMst law with ; •ercised upon him tl» is undoubted Taft ■« Teocint utten actemed by a vig?a a'quality of popui he had n^ver sli This-is why word from the White H theiBoosevelt boor blows as any coimr Me. Tafthas eait the«pirit of the f not roll UP his ^1 voiee to whoop «iioi issue or fad as GSd3o Senstor LaFolletTte whoopers can* vi4io love of itandwlioo] are«qually ancdngt He has not that dian-like gift of moze or lesscoirvic wave of popular sei bear him to the for heiis weak as »K ; andas a practlal j 8?roog as a man. reason that docs n( con fictions of pitbl his poHtical initere confase them:«'£h or unconsciously, i convictions dear, for what he deei*ns ciple, totally regar er it is popular c He will fight hard comes gravely en( he feels stirred. indignaLion has comaativeness whi endangered prir^e he is showing ti: anger of the paiksFJ the revived spirit suppocters every President has be fightii^ leader, an for tlie,country, tt which he upholds so-ttlicsd Progrei their .hold upon th ity of the people in yet. Rock Creek R ^ Rev. X F. An otaley attended qui at Cane Creek Sati day and visited rel ‘Community. T Stagg and,, IS visitiing at 1 i^n's. He is ac( Grant Hinsha ville Ind., who will days meeting .at Ca Miss Rodema ) night with I N P. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. of Burlington are JatiTes on this rout* Mr and Mrs. X ] or Chatam spent Fi •plwood Thompson'^i Palmer Scott »8 visiting his chi 'Community. ^ Mr Garland T ^*^ay night at J . Mr. Law«on Pik and Mrs. Rufus Tb t M^ Cleo WrighI bother, Mr, K P. w ^ nij^ht, Mr, Rufus Thomp Sit Thui^ Jjs brother, Mr. L. fiftn***’ ?• Stephei Elwooc evening. Thom] visited relativ Sunday. ■R>e Trials Of A ’ traveling E. E. Young kiK®* yt., “and was gestion till l began JJg s KewLife Pi dv^ an exa ™all stoma troubles they dy cents

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