ce To TTie lie pen a first-'lass tablishment 15th, 1912 t, next to The Company North Car. red to execute and to guaran- nianship. We ur order away ; do the work n shop, where I. Popular pric- suit everyb^y. ago also all kind ressing [>mptly and cor- , at the lowest nted. Tailors uate Oitter ALTHTO IIBTHEllAt?3CHILIL u-’s SooT;nxo Fykvp iias betra \ry Yii.-.; 1, iiituous of r thcjT CiilLUREN 'WKILH '■'.I'n PI-RI KCT SL'CCEt;s. It CiHLU. SOFTENS the GUMS CUKES WIND COLIC, scd ■C.V (■ T DIARRHCEA. It is ab- re fjTf and ask for ‘ Mrs j:i ' and take so atbe* Cfu;s v boit'.e. Jatch a year for $1.00. al. Magnifi- ntlemar>, but )aper in the >00.00 250.00 250.00 75.00 75.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 0 $1870.00 ke up your mind at adopted. T he price years 10.000 votes >ff, who win '-'sf'' REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BURLINGTON. N. C., FEBRUARY 28. i912. i MO, 41 Cc’int' Union Meeting, Daughters Annual Janior Reception I Roosevelt’s Statement. of Liberty The annual Junior Reception at “Gentlemen: i deeply appreciate County Union Meeting: of whi’ih the Juniors of the Graded of Lihprrv h^ln in School entertained the Senior I’uvity C. uhci! No, i2. was held Friday night in "’■the jMuin Auditorium of the ^ Graded, School. About seventy- I five were i>resent to enjoy the ; r.e the .la! , i ■■ iri;h!sci5j, ■ n i---t r.n arday o -?*i-n [•cb, 2L. ^.iecided sixcr HJ'.d v.as highly eigoyt'd py wliu a',tended. VVe were at least 300 members of 01 der to meet with as, hut odiig to the unfavorable weath er many were kept away. It \vas a regrettable fact thut ear State Councilor, Chas. A. Pt e.jei oi Salisbury was unable to t^e present, owing to sickness. Al so, Bro. J. D. Andrew of tais eitv who was toJihave deiiverisd the address of weieonie, was fire vented from being present. The address of Mr. J. N. .\liax- ^vel!, Jr. Ex- National Counci.ur. was highly enjoyed by all pre sent. This address was on ihe order, its origin, its growth, .••ind its work, Mr. Maxwell is '.vteli posted on the doings of the order all over the Cou.-try. The reports from the Council of the Gounry show that .iVla- mance is stili growing in mornyer '-Tr ship. Purity Counc the largest i.j Counry, aiid has more on tiie iias ;h- /ay The Coup."!! was u;si:itiite ,pon June o iic-vnb^r: sh'W a has;;. 1 aiv ! t';ry of t'': 10'*G, '.vith-G-i Todhv 1 .io Cn.u-ter :Xu:‘Cij''ds of ::!04, Z,!- :n ne: T:: !.■, ru! s oeen expended,. ■?(1 with our pas!,: rowth, ij'-’ thvi t.y pi'''.'vai’S, ui'iM i.[ octs oi ih . 1 Oi 'lo Pvoaiote Socia sna Mu:ua: In:})!‘oN th^ sick ■:nd peiu:;ie Anierican ,1 disircjsed, to I IiKe*’c-'\^rsc eir;fc£it, '.-.isi! ey institi;iion.s and pnnciD’.e?. to maintain, i the A'.r.cricEin Pubiic Scliool Sy^Kiiera, and 10 preventsectanan intsrfer- enee thertv.i .b. to upholci :tho reading' (,t ;.he r’ibleinthe'se'hoolf TO promote the prosperity and and iiappiness of the oi'dek' in general. I The initiation fee is $3.00 w ail Dues are 10 cents per week, and eiuitles the member to $.200.00 Insurance at death, and $3,00 per weeK for sickness or accideiK. Any member ot the Jr. Order UniteJ American Meehaftks or any white lady born in the Unit ed States of America or tiinder the protection of its flag, 1'5 tears of age or' over, of go^ moral character, and not engaged in the manufacture or sale of .intoxi cating liquors as a bevera;sfe is eligible to membership m the Daughters of Liberty, Purity Council No. 22 is one of the largest in the State and stands well in the State Council. Among its members are ojie Ex- State Councilor, two Ex-Asso ciate State Councilors, ohe Nat ional Representative, arid two ^embers of. the present State j'Oard of Officers. On it& i evening. ‘ The reception committee com posed of Messrs. Edwin 'Morgan and Erwin Montgomery, and Misses Pauline Qoble and Ruth Lee Holt delightfully received. The first feature of enjoyment of the evening w^ a contest at which papers were pussed to each O'le present, on which were written five topics, First Seniors, Second, My Partner in the Con test, Third, Fashion Fadf’, Fourth Juniors, Fifth, Love. Each par tners were ask to con iuct athree minute conversation ou each t >p- ic, changing partners when each topic had been discussed. When all topice had«been discussed, the judges who had been watching the entire procedure awarded the prize a “Book’' to Miss Pearl Ellis having done the most lalking. The i^ooby was award ed iM Mr. Clarance Freeman who couid not chew the r-rjg and was given a package oi gum to cKew. At the conclusion of this inter esting contest, each one matched for partners after which refresli menis v\ere ssrvetl. Punch wa;' servod during the entire enter- t:ainmei!t. Tlius several hours ut I’ea! er!joyi;i‘,'i!t spent. Services «t ihe Chrkst'sAii ChurcK Ac t'le '..hiistian Church Suti- day morning at .11 o'clock the parft'.>r presch on tlie sub ject: “Temptation, How to over- jome if, ?tnd its blessings. 1 What it is? Eve’s, David's, Ad~ am’s ter;'ii)taiion. Is it sin? De sire for riciies, political power, social success. Christ’s tempta tion and ours.. All temptation under three classes. Two kinds of temptations. The boiler test. .Parent teaching child to walk, 2. Are any exempt? The man who has gotten beyond tempta tion. Satan and the shining mark. 3. How overcome? Be lieve, Athletics. Your peculiar temptations. The Spirit's help. Recognized presence of Christ, I^ngfellow. Roman girl and statue. Reward. Word. Christ’s help. Robbers and small-boy. Prince and bee. Dead reckon ing. Jin-jitsu. Realize eternal issues. Some blessed results. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Ser mon especially to young- men. Theme: “The Young Man and Religion," Everybody invited. your letter and I realize to the full the heavy responsibility it puts upon me expressing as it does the carefully considered convic tions of the men elected by pop ular vote-to stand as the heads of govfernmerit in their sevferaV States. : I absolutely agree with you that this matter is not one to be decided with any reference to the personal preference^ or interests of any man, but purely from the standpoint of the interests of the people as a whole. I will accept the nomination for Presidei^t if it is tendered to me and I will adhere to this decision until the convention has expressed its pre ference. One of the chief prin ciples for which I have stood and for which I now stand and which I have always endeavored and always shall to reduce to action is the genuine rule of the people: and therefore I hope that so far as possible the people may be given the chance, through direct primaries, to express their pre ference as to who shall be the .;,,:.vnep of the Republican pre- cv-nvention.”' truly yours'' e Roosevelt.” very ‘‘Theod' April 19, Guiiford at Elon. Api*il 25, Wake Forest at Bur lington. April; 30, Catawba at NeWton. May 1, Lenoir at Hickory. Red Men Celebrate George Wash Dgton’s Birthday. The Keywansee Tribe No New Ordinance. ‘ORDERED,'That the Secretary tiu '•Treasurer of the City oi lin.wtun is hereby ordered and to pay the sum of Tvvc ie; snip rolls are mininiste.rs, t>. Superintendents, Doctors, ^'ierchants, Salesmen, Farmers, ^Mechanics, and quite a; large number of other good an(i, patri- '^tic men and women as ever trod the soil of our country. It' you are interested Daughters of Liberty, we be glad to have you cor 'expend with the undersigned whr) vviil giS'ijy ,=;up}iiy you with a eypy of the Constitution and by-aivvs of the order. ;■ A. VV. Coie, Ex-State Cciiiicilor, Burlington, N;;. C. Leap Year Episode. Some of the ^rls in Wilkes be lieve in exercising their leap year privileges. Out on the Brushies last week a 16 year old girl decided she wanted a hus- bard and she also decided exact ly who she wanted. So she put ,on her “Meeting clothes" and a- bout dark went over to where he trrvrted ty :;v.- i$25.00) Dollars to any pei'soi: shall discover, report und secure conviction in the Sup erior Court of Alamance County any person selling Spiritous or Fermented Liquors in the City of Burlington , contrary to law; Said sum to be paid to such per son or persons upon the recom mendation and approval of the Finance Committee; Provided, that in no case shall a greater sum be paid for a single eonvic- tion, and it shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to'decide and determine the person or persons entitled to such reward cr any part thereof, Lecture on the Passion Play. Considerable interest is taken in the Passion Play at Oberam- mergan, but few can see that. You are cordially invited to the Lutheran Church, Friday night at 7:30, when Rev. C. L Morgan will tell of his seeing it, and il lustrate it with radioption views. Tell your friends. A silver offer ing wrill be asked and this will be put in the Church Building Fund. I. 0, R. M., Twenty-first Sun, SnoW Moon G. S. D., 421 cele brated Washih^on's Birthday in their Hall in the Page-Freeman buildiiig last Wednesday night. The following programme was rendered: Addiress of Welcome—Heenan Hughes. Itespcnseto Address of Wel come—J61in H. Vernon, The Iinmoital Washington— Past Sachem Geo. B. Florence. To mark this day—0. P. Dick erson. Facts in the History of the A- merican Revolution—Sr. Saga more (Adolphus Cheek). Declaration of Independence— Heesian Hughes, member G. C. of N. C. Brother unto Brother—J. H. Freeland. “The Sign of Hope and Tri- umiah High—Sannap. The Standard of a Brave Peo- ply-Jr. Sagamore, J. A. Ireland. Tlie Wreath of Freedom--San nap. True Fraternity—C. A. Walk er. The Man v/ho Loves his Fel- lownmn—Sannap. The World is -Better Por Our 0;.-der—K. of VV. (Past Sach^jm, E. L. Murray). The Red Man as a Character Builder—Great Sachem, Wm. J. Lowry, Senior, Edenton, N. C. The Degree oi' Pocahontas— N. B. Martin, (Fast Sachem and Member of G. C. of N. C.). Closing Remarks—Sachem. Scouts—H. II. Buckner R. E McCauley, S. Allen Horne, Ed Ausley, W. J. Brooks. ^y*0bmmitte on Arrangements-^- C. H. Walker, J. G. Pritchett, J. A. I: eland. A large crowd of invited friends was present to enjoy the splendid exercise, after the ren- dation of which imprompti speech es were made by Messrs. J. Zeb Waller, R. J. Hall Prof. J. B. Robortson, Ben May, Minter Co ble and others. During the con cluding speeches refreshments were served which was very much enjoyed. The crowd dis persed feeling very friendly to ward the Red Men, wishing them happiness and prosperity, and triisting to have the pleasure of spending many more happy oc casions in their midst. Ride With The Yoiiiig Lady Cph- dnctors. The Civic League of Burling ton ajnd The IDiaugihi^ ctfi r^e: Gonfederaey of AlariianceWilJ 6^ erate, for the benefit of the res pective organizatipns, the cars: of the ^Piedmont Rail way & Electric Company on Tuesdays an4 Fri days, of each week until the first .of April,"; The Civic L«agueon^ewiayis; Daughters of Oohfe^era^y .on Fridays.' ■ ■'■'y' These organizations hive each undertaken a great work. Let those who would hdnortheth^lv- es by honoring t!^e Co«1^erate dead contribute to thie erectioa of the monunient in this Cbdjity, which wc^k has beiE^ un^i^t{£k- en and wjll be successfully ea "' ed out The Daughters of the Con federacy, and those who would like to see Burlington a bettiBr, cleaner and more beautiful city, patronize liberally, foir ^business and pleasure, the Str^t Gars on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week till the first of April. Organize trolley parties. Let Sund^ School teachera take their classes for, a trolley ride. Let managers o^ business houses give their employees an evening off and a ride over the car line at the expense of the house. ' On Tuesdays and Fridays, Lady Conductors will be on each car to say “Thank You” and to collect your Fare. Namet of Tkm Wli» ler»d the iKsiHdi^^^ . NArtE NO. VOTES lizzie Ch««k lOQO Bettie Lyde May . lobo Addle Ray - 1000 Mrs. B. L. Shoifner, R. 10, 1000 W. 'J. ^rooks ,1000 Waller Workmi^ lOOO May Carr Hall lOOOy MiEirgie Ch^k lOOO Doyle Herita^ ;• • 1000 .Quite a number have spokeii to us about the eontirat batliavenot definitely decided if they will en* ter. The list probably be much increased nexjt week/ We have giyen ohe thbufiand voteist p;rattis to e^h (^testant. Oet m the circle, how is the beist time to enter. If you cannot see us wri :e us for information. Get busy. We have diecided to thelndian Motor Cycle, the best machine in the world. A’* •Hip r' Gifanam Loan 8c Trust Co,, Cliatter* ed. V, ■m Loav' V lived, found him alone and un protected, kidnapped him by “force of arms” carried^ him^ to Rowan county and married him. The girl’s name was Ola Hub bard and the boy’s is Vernon , Childers. May their lives be fill- rn the j -^rjth happiness. — Wilkes would j Chronicle. I ** I Building Being Remodeled. ■ The Dr. Morrow Building re- : cently vacated by A. Bradley is ibeiDg repaired and when finish- ied v.ill present the rippearance i of a new building. A large glass : front will be put in and a floor , of tiling. It is the aim of the ’ 0‘vner to rnake it one of the nic- ;e:st bui!ding’.s in town. There is ' a. raovcmer.t afloat to pi'ganixe a i HUtiKifizCt ' \\ h O' :ist Co. ij’tes’ed ■ St-i’’ : fiiock ;'i' the r; v\’; I /1-. u.'.r lirrA to occupy ■!;on linishod, whicrt f'v:' y}': Elon College Baseball Squad. Elon College, N. C., Feb. 26— The Elon College Baseball squad is hard at work at every moment possible, and despite the unfavor able weather conditions durinp: the past rnonth, they have been kept in good training' by Couch Doak and are entering into the spring practice with a vim and vigor never before seen here. The various positions are being hotly contested and as yet it is very problematical as to who will make the varsity squad. The pitching force this year is excep tionally strong, with Barron, At kinson, Malone,,and Rand doing the best work perhaps. Ralph Thompson an eastern Carolina lad and Joyner are the most prob able candidates on the receiving end of the line. Ingle and South ard are working head and neck together on first, white Johnson, Poythrena and Woods are scram bling around second. Five mem bers of last year’s team are out every day for practice. They are Howman, Dickey, McCauley, and Johnson, and with these as a working basis, the prospects seem very brigh^-. Manager the: pjeming has arranged a strong schedule and is very optiraistic N. C. Judge Hall’s Cburl. Feb. 13.'—Ji Zeb Waller vs Southern Railway Co,^ for over charge in freight. . Ju-dgement in f av or of plain tiff. Def en dent appeals to court. ' ’ . Hayner Distilling Co. vs - Sam Boggs for whiskey. Judgement and execution in favor of plain tiff for $9.12 and cost. Feb. i 14.—Chatham Lunjber Co. ys Ged.' W? ATBtbony Co. Judgement in 2 cases for $100 & $124 and cost in favor of plain tiff. Feb. 15, — Piedniont Hdw. Co. vs Gao. W. Anthony Co. Judge ment in favor of plaintiff for $74- 90 and cost. Same was paid. Feb. 19.—Holt & May vg Ben Covington. Judgernent ih favor of plaintiff for $2^.49. Same was paid. Feb. 20. — J. R. Mebane vs John Cheshire for board. $3.$0 and cost Siame was paid. Feb. 21. —Burlington HdW; Co. vs Ross Cheek, the barber. Judgement in favor of plaintiff for $5 and cost. u; April. .,4 A Jr. ii: rht ^.'1; M, Tiie :ti\d ■V tihc lO L;-,’ nna (in;) i.i'Llyl l..i: i.SiP]t’sir.. i:;! 1L L' i' j i J1 Ui C h, i:i;K)ney, •ieneral yj'e wisrdi feliccess. Wi nu of ‘r O ‘.jX U- 1 appi’uciation to Ijuriiiif^tori and i 0 so kindiy o:m’ tho jK peu fire on the i,>Kin;'S people ! inilis j since over the possible results : games. The scfiedule is y lows: March 18, Cavawi^a and the Ibi- yion. 10,15)12, . Smith ''•et in the Dispatch C:..i;]:test! March 21, Tnnity at- Durham. .. , March 27, .Atlantic Christian rni College at Burl.ngton, uo Since I 28, A. C. C. at Elon. m.orning: Easter College at Eton. April 8, Oak Ridge at Burling ton. , April 12, Horner Military Acad- ^ Almost ritny for the faint far emy at Elon. _ I smell of the returning'moth ball | Ayril 15, Bingham (Asheville) ; to v/aft itself upon the oil factor-; at Elon. ies as a harbinger of spring. • i April 17, Lenoir at Elon. and family Sunday School Association Convention. Among the speakers will be Rev. Franklin McElfresh, D, p. Teacher Training Superinten dent of the international Sunday School Association: Rev. Chas. D. Bulla, Superintendent Wesley Adult Bible Class Department of the M. E. Church, South: Judge Joseph Carthel, General Secre tary of the Tennessee Sunday School Association, Each County is entitled to as many delegates as there are township in the Countj. This does not mean that every town ship must be represented, but that the basis of delegation shall be the number of townships in the County. Delegates shall be chosen by the county officers or Executive Committee. Those uesiring to be appointed should send their names to their County Sunday Sdhool Secretary, or to J. Van Carter, Raleigh, N. C. Entertainment will bepro/ided all delegates by the citizens of Asheville. Every delegate will pay a re gistration fee of $1.00. This will be' paid at Asheville,when assignment to ’home is made. All registejred delegates will re- ceive: Entertainmen fc during the con v,'iniio.n, a reserved ' seat in the convention vv 1th county ■ de- r.egation, a convention badge, a Iconvention. program, a right to a voice and vote in a!i-. the deliber ations of the body, . The railroad.-5 will gr.ant re duced rates. These will be an. Dounccd Alamance Sons at University. S hould the historic did county of Alamance not feel proud that she has seventeen of her illustri ous sons in school at the Univer sity of North Carolina. Few other counties in the state have more. These in connection Wit)i the many sons and daughters in school at other places should make us feel proud. Hoffman-McDowell. . We have just receiyed the fol lowing announcerient which we gladly publish: | y Jl/r. and Mrs. Frtiiik Ii. .McDowell rnquosts- thi! honor of your iims- i^rice at tJw Jnarr'iaf^(i . of thtiir (Janglitei'^y Aomi A. - Mr. HiirimaVC: Hotfijian on ■ '■ r. V/- ThiirMliiy. Mim-h FoutUeniii^ Nhw1‘en huntfreih ;in.(l twvlvti •At .Four o’}iock P. ,M. Uarriiigton, N/^vy York' Miss McDowell is very fajniiili- arly remenib^rM in 'our midst having been music instructor at the Graded Schoql for sometime. Her many friends here v\^li has ten to extend ,congratulations. Docs it PayV Many people, ah, far too many perforin their tsisks in a half* hearted careless manner, and y^t" seem to “get oh in the world" ‘ and hold th% positions, s^ming- ly better sometimes thett those who are iiiore concientious, but do you think .it pays? By no, means. ;No one ever shirked' honest obligations and retained their self-respect and no one can' lose their self-respect and long retain that of others, Thefe are many w'ho have won fame and '• fortune which they did not de- serve,. and enjoyed it for aytime y but none have escaped a time of reckoning. It noiattersiiot wsthe^. that reckoning comes in the sight- 6f men dr before’the All-wise Maker of men. Today perhaps you are an employe at the beck and call of other riien, yet you ^ are master of your own destiny, ‘ What you do now, and how you do it shall deterftiitte w^ will be tomorrow. Be not afraid to do your work well nor to ac complish all of it that you can. It will pay. True there are peo ple who are glad to recMve it matters not how much for as small wages as possible. If you , are working-* for isuch, stay no longer with them then possible" but while you are do ycJur levd best. Tliey may congratulate themselves on what they are re ceiving, but you are really re ceiving more. You are laying the foundation stones for some thing that can never be theiri. Sowing seeds of selfishness and greed in the soil of life. They « shall reap but a harvest of weeids., Aim high ! hit the mark and ■iraise it. Despise no ring of the y- ladder by which you ascend. ; ^Thoroughness, conscientious-^:. ness, tact, sy stem dependablness. are keys which wlU open th^sy doors of good reputation and ' character. Perhaps there is someone near you who is just drifting along , working in a half-way mariner, and doing as little of that as pos sible, no high aim, a questionable character, yet apparently gaining more then yourself. Never for get, for a nioment, the time will come though it -may be a long' time coming but it will come nevertheless, when the penalty must be paid. Don't be satisfied 5viththe thftig that shows only on thesurface, it does’nt pay. God wants our best. Do not be tempted to travel the half-heart ed slip-shod'way because somieone else is. It is easy to go with the Cl rrent, and hard to go against it, the direction that we take is in a sense a test of strength or w'eakness. k matters not what cur occupation is so long as it is an honest one, but it dw s matter a great deal if vve do our . v/ork well. \ y.. . ■ ' Ruby Evemn. ■Ii r'm Literary Address at Graded Scbool. Judge J. C. Pntchard, of Ashe ville, or the Fourth Clrcui.t of the IJnited States Circuit Court has been secured by Proi;. Singletary to deliver the regular Literar,v ' Missouri has decided to cohtent herself vvith furnishing one Pres ident at a time. 'ess at. the closing of the Graded School , May 24.. Judge Pritijhard is a fine orator and the s.ehqfel is to he congratulated . on secu/Mng hi's';ser,vi;e. The names of the other speakers to take part in this closing exercise will be an? nourjced later, , Mr.yahd Mrs; A. M.; Cheek of Durham are visiting.in towm. tliip. week.y ' , . ■ Mr.. S.. T. W'iisoii of Orrum' * spent Saturday here.y Miss Mary Petty of Ramseur * and Mis.s Verna Cates of Oxford: w'ere here last week with Mr.''J. M. Cates who is iihproved. ■ The National Treasurer of the Baraca^Philathea work will s^ak at Greensboro to night at eight o’clock..■ H/-