ipply 1 .■^.’. '-■ i?lr- '• vfZK.- 'h^.. .-•iJifrtJL-v-. SEFUBUCAW NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMifRiCil^ INDUSTRIES. gVRtlNGtON, N, C, APRK. 10, 1812. aseiM fiOA$ TAKING HIS FIRST LESSON Xlie of the News took ujs fii'st lesson in Akmance coun ty democmtic politics in last and out Heroded to b0t*r0w sevjsnteefl thousand two hundred dollars to pay a nine thousand dollar debt? And again you sav that when the republie- REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. (he i'aft kest democratic politician j ans came into power in this coim in the State, all because The Dis- ty the last time that there was and not a penny of indebtedness, and there was where you was imposed upon again. Do you know, that the democratic board county commissioners wf)om the republican ,board succeeded be» fore going out of office got the legislature to authorize a bond is sue of fifty thousand dollars 'without submitting it to‘the tax payers for their approval and that they sold them to ihis same C. A. Webb & Co., who are now so kind as to loan this present board fifteen thousand dollars more, with the -hope of getting another bond issue. This fifty thousand dollars worth of bonds issued without submitting it to the voters of Alamance county for their approval was used to pay off the open indebtedness of the county, every cent of which was made by the democratic board of cou’ity commissioners, and yet you would allow yoar political advisers to guide you in to telling you;’ readers that when the repv^blicans came into power that there v,^as not a ,penny, of indebtedness. Will you now mtea I--"! a previous issue told the tax payers of Alamance county that ^ County Commissioners had borrowed within the past tfetv days, Seventeen Thousand f-nd tW'? hundred dollars to pay the running expenses of the county. Instead of trying to show the tax payers how and where the money was spent, he indulged in great tirade of the usual democratic argument, in these words; “The way ?f the Ward politician is hke the trans gressor, it is hard.’' He must vent his spleen, spit g.iU, and sling mud whether he feels like it or not, because his living de- per/ds upon it; so whenever his ravelings get low or the pros pects of his party get dim, he hies himself back to his old avo cation, like the hog that returns to the wallow, he retai ns to his poiiiioal tricks and lernis. NOW is there a sensible man in either parry in the couMty who can see such ternrxs are applicable to the c'se at ail We Vvill ad mit that we would not have ex pected any better argument frgm the former editor of the Xews. hut we were shocked and! since you know better tell your Lhat badly at such a silly defense' readers that you were misinform- ot tiie L’onniy administration,- by j ed and that they have a debt of a man who had just stepped into j fifty thousand dollars in bonds the ixiiitical Newspaper arena, ' upon them, that they and their from 1 he ssacred and lofty calling | posterity will never live to see of a from his language I paid, TO SAY NOTHING OF THE one wuviid think that he was an | FORTY" THOUSAND DOLLARS OF okl and h-'i'dened political ward' OPEN indebtedness THAT the: heelei’ and spellbinder, whose | COUNTY now owes, all of sole occupation«v/as to abuse and WHICH WAS put upon thecoun- be\\TA\y those who dared to oppose ^ ty by the democratic party, EXCEPT THE PALTRY NINE THOU SAND WHICH WAS CONTRACTED BY THE REPUBLICAN BOARD. This does not include the two hund red thousand dollar bond issue voted and used for good roads. The people voted these good road bonds and they are responsible for the making of the debt, but they did not vote the fifty tlwu- The Republicans of Alamance County are hereby called to meet in the town of Graham, Saturday, April 13.1912 at 2:00 p, m for the purpose of electing delegates and alternat es to the Stete, Congressional, Judicial and Senatorial Con ventions, . ^ The precifiet primaries will be held in all the precints in the county on Friday, April 12th, at 2 p. m., except Mebane,, Haw Rivei*, Grahain, North and South Burliiigton and Swep- sonville, which will be held at 7:30 Pi in. April 12th. ^ W. W. BROWN, E. S. W. DAMERON, See. Chairman. PUNS INPIKilESS FOR BIG COilim COmiEIIICaiENT Republican Fifth North Carolina CoDgr«ssioaaI Cpnveiitioii Called For May The 14th. 1912. By virtue of the authority of the Republican Executive Com mittee of the 5th. North Cai^olina .Cbn^esMohal District, a Conven' tion is hereby called to meetj at the Couijty Court-house, in the City of Greensboro, North Caro- liha, oh the 14th;? day'6f May, 1&12, at 1:30 o'clock, P. for the purpose of electiing two dele gates and two alternates to the Republicaii National Convention, which is called to convene in the city of Chicago, Illinois, on' the 18th, day of June, 1912, to nomi-) the party who gave him succor. We expeereti a dignified and masterly defense of the demo- eratic party and good govern-' ment. But alas, we fear that he' took the advice of some unscru pulous partisan, instead of fol lowing his own idea of political warfare and fair play. Now the News says that our article was designed to mislead somebody, that it was desired to -mislead many. Will the News tell us and its readers how it is possible for the plain unvarnished truth to misiead any one. The truth is that the News is trying to mis lead the taxpayers of Alamance county, and after seeing what a neat trap his political councellors nave put him in will admit it in the next issue of the News. We believe at heart the Editor of the News is a high-toned, God fearing Christian man, and that in his anxiety and zeal to serve sand dollar bond issue, and they did not vote the forty thousand that the county now owes, whidi the tax payers will soon b^ called upon to pay, either by another bond issue or increased taxes. The people have had their prop erty assesraent increased which means increased taxes. It s^ma to be a new d^ocratie wriokle to increase a man’s property as sessment, thereby trying to make him believe that he is richer, in order to filch him for more taxes, ail of which as done in the naisiie of democracv and good gov^aa- his party he took the fatal step ment. Again you said that when printing what his counsellors told him to, without investing its truthfulness or the merits of his argument. We ask the editor ot the News if it is not a fact that upon the night of the first ap pearance of our article, if he aid not meet the former edi tor of the News in a certain drug store or place of busi ness in the city of Burlington and tell or show him our ar- ticie, and ask him what to do i loaned: the republicans went out of ^w €r they not only left a nine thoaa- sand doliardebt but there was not a ddlar out upon interest There again you were misled, When the republican party went out of ofBce the last time in this county there was loaned out $6,- 000.00, six thousand dollars or just twice as much as was, loaned out when they took charge. In order that you may not err a- gain, or mislead by your counsel lors we give the amounts that were loaned out and to whom about it, and did he nbt tell you that you were up against It. and the only thin^ to do yas to out lie us. And judg ing from your argument did you not take his advice? Ktit knowing you as we do, it ^ould be more charitable to say tnat you were imposed upon, and tnat you will now hasten to set yourself right, not only in justice to us, but in justice to your read- ^5, the majority of whom are «one&t fairminded men, even if ^•^ey do be partisans. The re- Publican party has not hM the nnancial management of the county in about five years. Do you mean to tell your readers tnat this democratic board of county commissioners is just now borrowing seventeen thous- ^ncl two hundred dollars to pay 1 nine thousand two hundred debt made five yeafris ago oy the republican county admin- stration, and why do they hav^ White Williamson .& Co., $1,000.00 L. Banks Williamson, $1,000.00 Dr. R. A. Freeman, $1,000.00 Christian Orphanage, $3,000.00 Total, $6,000.00 Now Mr. Editor, you say that this record, ought to be known to the remotest corners of the coun ty. WE ARE WILLING. You say speak it out upon the, house tops. THAT IS AGREEABLE TO US. You say declare it on the street cor ners. WE WILL TRY TO OBEY OR DERS. Now won’t you do your part by reproducing this article as a whole, with such apology as your conscience dictates ^ for b^ ing bamboozled into making such a grave error, but to make your apology complete you should as sure your readers that you will not get caught napping again. WANTED—Position as book keeper best of reference. Ad-i dress X care State Dispatch. The Entire Coui^ lBterested>-»-Pa> , rade and Songs By Thousands | of Sdiool Children—Firsti([aradtt-! etion From the Public Schools —Able Address—“Good Music. What promises to be the Iai*g- est educational e’athering in the entire history of Alamance is the county commencement on Satur day, April 27th, or the last Sat urday in April. Plans are being made and developed for a large gathering of people from all over the county to come together in one grand demonstration and educatioijal rally. A Marshall has been appointed for every tovynship, who with the commit tee and other friends of educa tion will materialize arrange ments for bringing in groups and in entir§ schools and otherwise the students of each township. Some will come in droves of wag ons, others in large floats and some who are near enough will charter Street cars for convey ance. The street car company is joining the movement by offer ing a percentage of the entire proceeds of the company for that day. The following letter has been received by the Superinten dent of the schools from the President of the company: Burliiagton, N. C„ Mar. 12. Prof. J. B. Eobertsoia, , Graham, N. C. Dear Sin— ‘ Referring to the Countj Com- menceisient or Educational Pair which yoaa propose to hold at GrahsuEKOi fM* all the public and grad^ schools of Abiiaance Coun ty in April, next, wi4i say that in as much .as there wiii be some ex pense iraeident to the enterprise, and considering the fact that your pla«^ if successfully carri ed out, will be of benefit to our company, we propose to donate to the enterprise twenty percent of all faees collected on the day that the commencement is held. We trust that the amount thus receiv^ maay to a large extent defray any expense which you and your associates in the enter prise may incur. Y3urs very truly, J. W. Murray, President. Township banners are being made for each township and school penants are being made for each school in the county by the Superintendeni and Chief Marshall. These will be furnish ed from ^the Superintendent's of fice or by the township marshaiJ, so they can be used for colors oy the schools coming to the coru- mencement as well as in the pa- The parade will be the largest army of school children ever wit nessed in this county in one body. liate Candidates for President, st f Matkin« and Vice-President of the United States, and for the transaiition i>f such other business a^ may pro* perly come before the Con vifentipn This the 30th. day of March 1911. JOHN T. BENBOW Chairman. J.ZEB WALLER, Secretary. f{ames of Hiose Wlio Have Ec> terejd the EKspatdh Contest. 23000 18600 NAME NO. VOTES Aurelia Ellington, Mebane, R. No. 4, W. J. Brooks Addie Ray Bertha May Horne 1770 Mary Lee Goble, R No.l 15700 Lizzie Cheek 8105 Bettie Lyde May - 8000 Waller Workman 560Q/ WM. Braxton, Snow Camp, 3700 Mrs. B. L. Shoffner, R. 10, 3000 Thepro^m will be printed soon. Every itena on it will be of interest, iThousands of voices of school children in one chorus singing our best and sweetest Patriot!songs will intersperce the entire program. Some cathey renditions by a few of the small est children of the first grade will be given. Prof. M. H. Sta cy of the Department ol Mathe matics in our State University, will make the address. Prof. Stacy is one of the most winning speakers of today. The Mayor of one of our growing dties m- cently said of one of Prof. Stacy’s speeches: “I have heard only a i few speeches in my life time that; were worthy to be compared i with that.” The first certificates of ^adu- co^d^g taSug Smith?who livVs May Carr Hall Margie Cheek Doyle Heritage / i2,arrie Albrigh^ Haw River. Gibsonville. J, R. King, Greensboro.^ Martin L. Coble, R. 1. 1000 ■ 1000 1000 2000 1100 2000 ■ i,-'. Organization Completed. 1 The new corporation, TheDix- i ie Construction Go.; mention of [which was made sometime a- go in the columns of the Dis- ' patch, met ini the law office of ^ ...n. «.' Mr. J. H. Vernon last Monday rillFn iT rjRIWiand completed the organization Ufll^LLu n\ lllu UilUlli by electing the following officers: _____ Mr. W. K. Holt, President; A» IF. Hart, Fir^t Vice President; R. Hiilsville, Va., April 5.--Ac-!^ Hall, Second Vi^ 'Resident; sum m wrruws ation ever awarded in the history of the public school system of our county will be presented on that day. This feature of the day’s exercise v/ill be a marker in the development of our educa tional system. Because of its significance in standardizing the. work of the P ubil2 Schools. This, item will be observed with more than passing interest. The Oneida Brass Band will furai^ivrrtusic throughout the en tire day. The Superintendent 'asks the cooperation of every well wisher and worker in this splendid cause. Come and bring your children and your neighbors children that they may all con tribute their part and receive their part. oyer Mt. Airy - way tovvard the Carolina line, Siidna Allen and Wesley Edwards, the two court house assassitis, came to his H. H, Abee, Geiieral With j. D. Hart and W. N. Thomp son, Assistant Slanagers; M. A» Coble, Sec. & Treas., with the fol lowing board of directors: W, K. Will Be «t Burlington Tuesday, April 16th. Dr. N, Ro^enstein, the Eye Specialist of Durham, will make his regular monthly call to Bur lington next Tuesday, April the I6th, stepping at the Burlington C^g Co., for the purpose of ex amining eyes and fitting glasses. Dr. Rosenstein is an Expert in the Optical line, and he guaran tees his work to give satisfac tion. So if you are in need of glasses, don’t fail to see him Tuesday, April 16th. cabin last night and begged for Holt, A.,. Barrett, H. H. Ab^» f oodl Allen came to his door, he J. Zeb. Waller, ^ J. R. A^e, J. D. said, and Edwards stood guard. Harr, W. P. Ireland, f C. Staley, Allen declared neither had taken W. N, Thompson, D. E. ■ Ab^, and Dr. J. A. Pickett, The offi^. ces of the. company will be in the Alamance Jt'Oah' & Trust Co. Building.; Thi$ is a strong or ganization and will he a factor; to be reckohed vvith in their line of work. The company is compos ed Of some of tlje best business men in Burlington, and some of the best business men in the county are \stockh6iders. Im mediate!:^ upon completion of the oi"gani!sation the managers and assistant managers left for Char- lottfe to bid upon a large 'i^iece of work that will be let within a few days. We wish them suc cess with a big S. , • 'I ’■'1 ‘ a •• - J food that day. They, got none from Smith, and took to the mountains. The mountaineer feared to tell the detectives until miidnight and it was morning when a posse took up the trail. Sheriff Hayne, of Mt. Aii*y, took the blood-hounds, but they refus ed to scent the trail and , the posse went/*if on Smith's direc tion. The pOsses are posting copies of Governor Mann’s proclamation calling upon all citizens to With hold aid from the fugitive out laws. Allen and Edwards are the only free men of the gang of eight which on March 14 raided Carroll county courthouse and murdered five people—three of them officers of the court. . Pfecinct Primary.. "nie Republicans of South Bur lington Precinct will meet in pri mary eoHvention at Dorsett’s old ’ store building on Davis Street, Thumiay night, April 11th, at 8 o’'dock, for the purpose of elect ing del^ates and alternates to the Republican County Convene tion to be held at Graham, Sat urday, April 13th. W. J. Horn, Chairman, F. S. Cheek, Secretary. Mr. Cameron Francis Tew and Miss Lelia Poterfield of Haw River drove up to the Reformed parscnagci in Burlington last Wednesday April 3rd. and were happily united ir* the bonds of holy wedlock by Rev. J. D. An drew, Only a few friends ac companied the happy young couple. The Dispatch a year for $1.00. Hillsville; Va., April .^6.—Reu ben Edwards, another ^kinsmen of Sidna Allen, the fugitive, was arrested today charged with aid ing the outlaws to elude capture. He was locked up here ^onight with Jordan Edwards, a second cousin, who was taken into cus tody on the same charge two days ago. He is 17 years old. The detectives claim young Edwards is the mysterious white, horseman they have seen dashing about at night ip the mountains. Edwards declares he has not seen his unde Sidna or Wesley Ed wards since March 14, the day of the court house tragedy. More arrests are looked for on a charge of aiding and abetting the fugitives, though it is believ ed- Go vendor Mann’s prodama,- tion, warning people against as- isting the outlaws, will have a good effect. . Detective A. H. Baldwin ■ re turned here today after a twen- ty-foUr-hour visit with a posse in the Blue Ridge, but declared no trace of the two men , had been found.' He said no trail had been obtained for the blood hounds to work on siMe the fugi tives were lost in the fo^ last Tuesday- “Qierry Blossom,’- a Japanese PIi^. The charming Japanese play , ‘ ‘Cherry Blossom’* by Van Tassel Sutphen vnll bf given at the Graded School AuJitorium on Monday April 22 at 8 p m, ^ This play will be impersonated by Miss Florence Davis of the faculty of St. Mary’s School, Raleigh. Also by social request Miss Davis will repeat the most inter esting parts of “Merely Mary Ann'’ forthe bepefit of those who were not so fortunate as to hear her when she was in Burlington ^ before. There will be music be-' tween teh acts, \ . Under the auspices of ladies of ' the Presbyterian Church. :'V.- Freeman Drug Co, line of garden seed. have a full •"'I Rev. Wade P. Bostick of China will speak'^t the Baptist Church Thursday night at eight o’clock. Everybody snould hear him tell of conditions in the newest and largest republic in the world. Rev. Si L. Morgan, Mr. J. H. Vernon and others Will speak at Glencoe next Sunday afternoon and organize the work of the lijtemational S. S. Association. All Sunday Schools in Faucette township are asked to send dele gates. It will bean all-day meet ing beginning at 10 o'clock. - V-- , -‘•'J'* OF GREAT 1 FORD, Models T. 5 Passenger Touring Car 1 Indian Motorcycle, 1 Pony, Harness and Cart 1 Gold Watch, Diamond set in back. Ladies or Gents 1 Diamond Ring. ^,a.dies or Gents 1 speedmore Bicycle Ladies or Gents 1 New Home drop head sewing machine 1 Bed Room suit ^ , 1 Scholarship Draughon’s Business College 1 Double barrel breech loading hammerless Gun ^ 1 Automatic repeating rifle 1 Leather couch ' ■ ; . , . Three months subscription entitles you to 100 votes, six months 300, nine months .§00, on® yeitr 1000 votes, TolM ten yeora votes. No ooupens given unlms eash aesompaniee aabserij^tion. $900.00 250.00 250.00 75.00 75.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 Five ytars 10,GOO