! i I:, I ; Mi I’f Burlington;« $20M.Oo ;; Burlington i; 1400.00' h* of^Me-1 i 2750.00 i ^s SoutK of 5000,00; of Mebane 12500.00 « ' . ’ i J y). IJ J rvflham, N. C., June 3rd. r^leUrd of County Commis- ■ of Al^manc^ County .inet ^%’Conrt House on the ab9ve »^ • „ r^aular monthly meeting, o’clock a. m. with the fo>. members present: ^ ' \v H. Turrehtine ' t'e. Barker . - ^ £ L. Dailey , T. Williamson being ab- bridge be »eonsideredf at 'M next melting of. this Boai;!. Vust Co n: c. 5azi. »v^' rf’ TV^as y SeUsirs (Tjhs D Johnson H Brows lers. 11 kinds of au- Ihe most satis- |e but skilled 5u give us an Idency of GUI fijs in the line of I PANY I . N. a m It's RCt May 1st and. nor least fault of my easing for the past d I am gping to Ople is the only ices tell others if :k., ngerous thing to rouble yoxi should eyes and explain eeman Drug Co. s of each ^e^k. inston, a list. , N. C. NDSEY IBER !ty. ington N. C. with - a frightfu} ^ ik. 1 had spells 20 wreathe or spe^k-fof . Mv doctor conl«J cotjie ? R. ICfNO’S ,,,^tpon motion W. H.'Tu^rren- f.^was elected Chairman. pro- The following busmes^ was '^nTde^ed: That Chas. ■ J. Ed-- ^•ards be relieved of poll tax he That Walter R. Har- re relieved of tax oh‘; 32 acres Jnaod valued at $512.00 same „„vinvrbeen erron^usly. Jistprf. "oSied; ThatCaJvin^,M:9r.- be refunded tax on ^00,06 the same having been ei-rone'ou^- ]' t (i ' . * ■ ^ I * ^ ■ *-Q;^ered:; That John ShatiterTi j be relieved of t^x on 49;acr^s of land valued , at ^ si^me ,:rroiitousiy listed. . j- ‘ordered: ' Thsit the ’ of J H. Tarpley Sapt. o-f. County Vonie be received and filed. “'Ordered: ' That the report of [ir Geo. W. Long bej receiv^ ar;d Hied. ' ; Ordered: That the'arhount of ;^ven dollars turned in by -J." H. farpiev Supt of the Cdunty home -Vr ti'.e saie of straw be turned ov^er TO the s County; Treasurer to credited to the. Road fund. ,• Ordered; • Thai A. S. McBafte ronu'any be allowed five dollars lur coffin- for Chas. Bradsha;v«-i, 1 *, * It is ordered, by thi^ Board the Superiiuendant of the Roads be instructed to take the road force and grade the Road! f roni Ala*, mance Factory to the' L. 'Banks' Holt home place in Coble ,li>.wi|4 s.hip ready for the macadam, as soon as possible. : . ' Ordered: That W. 0. Curtis be permanently relieved oft poll tax and road duty on account of infirmities. Ordered: "^hat the petition from citizens in Cobles jtownpliip asking for a ptiblic rosCd begin ning at some large hickory trees on the new road opened up run ning from Albert Isleys, Gi*over Shotfners and others be received and advertised and the' Supt. of roads is instructed to investigate the same and report to this Board at its next meeting when, the same will be heard. / Ordered that the petition irom' citizens in Thompson township by T. A. Morrow and others ask ing for a new road beginning at or near Mr. J. A. Mays mail box on the Saxapahaw road and run ning West to the Graham and Saxapahaw road South of the- bridge over Meador creek near Mr, Thompson's be filed and the Supt. of roads is authorized to in vestigate the same and report to this Board at its next meeting when the matter will be heard. Ordered: That the petitiji from citizens asking for a pub i cartway to be opened up a. to We lands of William Shaw, J. T. Vvrenn, W. S. Bennett,* J. Barber, G. T. Keck. 'D.'D. M'icir- at^ G. T. Sutton, Jas,i.t$at(5tiS.u. 2i^d Nash Price and exteuo i>r- Hicks creek to R. A.- Thonip«,uii ^tore at Altamahaw, N. C. ,.U- fifed and advertised and'the-Sdpt.' 01 roads is instructed to investi gate the same arid report to -this ^oard at its .next meeting, when ihe matter will be acted' upon. • Ordered; That J. H. Tarpiey' ^upt of the county home be and ■s instructed to receive as an in flate of the County Horhe' Currie Wxon. . . „ Ordered: ThatJ. H. Tarpley ?upt. of the County home be and ;3 instructed to receive Kate Wal- as an ihmate. .It is ordered: That the peti tion filed by Mr. J. H. White arid other citi?:ens in regard to ™ange in the road from Swepson- to Hawfield near Mr. Whites nouse be received and filed and matter be placed in the hands Ab. Fogleman Supt. of Koads for adjustment and settle- tf^ent and his section in th^ mat- a final settlement, io the Board of County Com- “'Jssioners of Alamance County: ioiir committe visited the, place viewed the location for the ^ndp across the Alamance Week below Swepsonaville andaf- ^King.all things'into consid- ^^tion you? cominitte^ would fecommendihat a,.^t;ee! bridge a l2^Qot 8]^5 be ereo- ^ above b^h watei^da the', a- ^ of ^e committ^'‘ S ' iclerk to tiito w inatructed io adyer^ for bub for a 125 loot spftin S tfe next meftijng of this ir Oreered: |Tfeat th4 mat’ bndge near Mr? Getfrg^ R^g^., be laid over until the next meet ing of tbis 'Bosirdf and H. Tur- jentme andthe Supt. of roads be appomted a committee to ih- the same and report to this Beard at its next meeting, In the matter of Public Cart- sw^ay J. G. Ma.y%.miatl box to Oak pump on G%yF!, iGrutchfields line: It is oM^d lOiaf the re- pprt be rejeetea and.tihat as par- Jies have all ago^i that- said C. yy. May haye opened as! his agree inent: It is so upon par ties paying $7 60 :dkiAages and May to ojpen saad s^d;; ; The out side pc^r li^ was ; re vised and thfe usuil ; allowances made. . ; The Bosffd adjbuni^d to meet the firsp^onday^ ii>' Jiijy. : V iCferk; to ;iiie Board. f: [Growdet? Our neiig|bbi|fedp |^ very ■UMii Green & Me€I^e Furuilure Co. -■ Mti!-.?.' I ■"if , ■ it \ I* ■ bors Mr. ; 1 who lived ih Liberty^;’6f typhoid fever contra;0t6d WhiMn the east selling fruiit tfeesi; ;He was bur ied in Liberty'Ma|: 3l,k, 1912 by the Junior Ojrder ^f Which order he was a miE^ber.i Euneral by the pastor oj the Bkpti3t church of that placj^. He leav#^a de voted wife and one child, 2 broth ers, 2 sisters and some half sis ters and brdthers/i ahd rnany friends:behind. . They a!ll have our sympathy. • ' The nice shower^refreshed our hearts and crops last Sunday ev ening,’ the ground was getting Very ary. . • - Some of our heighbors went iHshing a few days ago andiiaught a nice lot of fish. Good. ' I Qdite a number of our t>eople attended the Children's day ser vice at Pleasant Hill church last Sunday of which service they give highest honors and praise. What has becorpe of our road man Mr. Fogleman? Oar roads ar4 ^d yet. { J ' Pi)iem are ripe. Charrfes are ripe. “Oh" give the* b^ one is the old familiar saying which we have not been able to do fdr many years until this year. Tell No. 7 that he can live on a few cherries and it won’t be long .until he can gather a few black berries for the “orphans" he so often speaks of.. .Ther^f is plen ty of peaches but fewl 4pj|les with us. Some havig begun harvest cut ting earli. We think harvest Will be on in f good time. Every thing appears to be on time if not a licijie early. of' ^Grabaipa. ^ ’'W,'-;' ' ' ' . ii-fi!. -.if*-;,'! .('■ i'i.ii.jv h'/,. ! reciateihe platrpjia^: pie of Alpndtte^; Co; , ^re giving ’ Thek aim h^s 4ways been to give tlieir^ mers perfect, s?itisfaMbiiiri'i||66ds and prices and the liberal p&trihr'. age they have reqely^ed; jjb’pj^ How the people! appreciate' tiici, ^ sq^ajn^deal., , : They have ii?\^e® j ,befqre.had ai larger stock than this S'pniig‘ana are prepared to five die ,Neatest ¥aWeS fbr tii6 money levtfr givdn in the County. See them hetoi^ ;,■! sr >. M: 1- r 'hi;i i;lM : 1 . ' MV’ !,!;* ♦ . ■ . ...i:.,,Ii =1 you .buy. I—T- I -4J— m - M I- ' iRLMIDNIHICIAlS 71 n;. « mi T? ' M.V •It; Mi,;-■■ sltri/; ^ r ‘ ^^ % the’i*kpn-tiv^’to'rUn^;the ctildVAte shalld^, ’pftieh ;if you w^uit, ,;r .ihCfCMsei^ii|!ii|^ in the oaF^erSv viB^y^t^he? Bc«e ahiliet ■ V •• ■ ' • 41' ^} IV-1 ■ ji ' • \ Jf' tr {J ^ >' -' • ■'*‘Sec; :■ the' 'Vfilteir^ 5^, Mqw^ .tb© grm ■ high: pr..*: falter Av Wobd/15^ yeacsi^ DQught ; jsjacfc gc^ for many te-cohiei*rCost l^ fm upkite^;, S''’!,! 'yy ‘2.S00‘Sdctidfts"fit'^al*5^^ hig.fsitiwWir^ I HayrE^res^esy tPeed C Shclkl^S^'fiQeSi’shdVifels, i foirks '■ ^ Best! 5dc/ loijijg handte sh6vd ipWii;:wh^ I t » f.vl'j-t ■, 'i ) I M Jofi. H, Freielarid* ■ ,• c it. >M.aydr."'* , W. iP.t i JreIand, , , ., Aldermam, First Ward. , l?i 3.( Fauc€(ttej ,t 1 H M , Alderman, > Firgt^WardJ , A. A. Apple, . i. ,( ,, . I .M.Alderman, • i .Secopd Ward, fliynn B.; Williamsop, , , ,. iAl^ermap, Second ?S^(ard. ,H.(;C, I$tOUtii ' I ' '/ ;, J. G. Rogers, , Eugene Holt, J, L. Scott, Jas. P. Montgomery. E.rS, W. Dameron, . i Dr. L. A. Walker, ^ J. L. Patillo, i A. Ai Eussell,*' i W. f: 4mick, ' I L. P. Shephei'd, ; Jerry Sellers, j John A. King, ^ R. J^ Hall, #4 : I'" ( li I).. U.r^ it . . , , i' ■■*}' t■ ‘.r. ^ '. f, ”ff.-'j >.U|. nj ■», r* V-' r BHOm '■H..S (f,-: i? i' l.:.U >■' i. Alderman, Third Ward. . - Aiderman, , Third /Ward. Alderman^ Fft«nh Ward, Alderman, Fourth W’ard. Secretary & Treasurer. , City Attorney..:- . City Health Officer. Chief Policc. ' TaX^Coll^ct6r and Policse." J Niglit Police. Cemetery Keeper—White Cemfeier , Cfemetery fC€fsper--Col. Cemeter\ Street Commissioner. , City^caverfger.^ ... • BOASD.OFSEDUdlkTION.' * ■ ; B. R. Sellers, J. W. Catfes, feugetie^Hblt,^ •T, S. Faycette, 0. P. Shelton, Jos, A. Isley, Jas. -P. Mohtj^omery. ^ 'wAfE&^LIGHII;^ P5weR dOMte R. M. MbrroW,' ‘ ■ llugenis Holt, J. Ei Scott, ’ ‘ ' Thi thih^' td;:i:»eMBM^ body ;iS;;^;:RiefjEect-fitt^ ■ .Hla^e;’yo:u/ribt^^«i hoiw lopk ;m^e;|)t "I •fV’’ h'A.’' Na 112 No. 108 N6. 144 Nd. 22 S«iidi«ra Railwar Paiseager Sdi^ole ' \n\' ^ East 4( ' *•«* ■ 1 1:32 A, M. 8:12 A. M> 10:20 A. M., 5:00 P. M. No. Ill No. 21 No. 139 : No. 131 West ti if t* 5:32 A. M 11:18 A. M. '6:25 P. M 9:17 P. M Fails in Faint After Whipping Norfolk, Va,, June 5.—A sen* sa' ion was ci'cated today at the Chapel-Stre^t school when Joe Tuschmari, a fifteen-year-old boy, after being whipped by Miss Gol die Andersorr, leache: n the fifth gratiej fainiej on the street and; was carried to St. Vincent’s hos pit^l ip ap un^on&ciijus condition. It was several hours before he ivas r^’iv^d by sthe physicians and jpronounced out o| danger. it'was firi,t. reported that Miss ,Ander^iA»n.h^,chucked the boy, and tMt this Caused ’him to sink into Mpconsciousness. The boy’s parents imn»eidiately'filed a com-* plaint against, the teacher with thd school board asking an inves; tigation., Examining physicians; however-declare that there was sbsqlutely no indications that the boy had been choked or injured in any way to cause the unconsci ousness. They declared that ov er-excitement was responsible for the boy fainting. An investigation showed that Tuschman yesterday declined to perform his drawing lesson and: Miss Anderson attempted to w hip him. The boy resisted, and finally after a long struggle,' succeeded in breaking away from the teach er. He bolted for home. He was a square or more from the school when he fell in the faint, How ever, in deference is the wishes of the parents, the ^ard has or dered an investigation. 92 Takes Bridle »f 55. Albany, N. Y., June 7.—Miss Elizabeth Geer, 55 y^ara old*;of Wate?viiet and EJdward. Boypi'^r snanr* lyears .old, of Port JSjchuy- ler, wone^in^rieu home|{f (til© /feride^, a romnce, which a i^eaithy, 46 Mr, Bowerman, who ilhiJ • Gel ia thei Diipatch Contoal! Post>QfHce Honn. ^neral Delivery^of Mail 7:00 a. m. to 7:M K m 7:00 A; M. to 6:00 P. M: 4 wear .'M '-'i thos^ you secure iieauttf 111 $18.lttO paiterns, they oea^- f ■: ? ’ i'n-V' i "'r !.*; • : /V s ' AD work at their ^ The .) .‘iff ,V. • TrrrrTr ,'■1 11 froi^ Street, •1 I 'I. fi-J. '.j-j U • ‘^ ^ •h f r' ' ' ■ i i 1 '■ ■ -I (i m Moneyi^order and Regiatralion fioum Sunday Hours. -:kr General^DeJivery" .' /. Ijbbby affeh -all hours /to 7^00 ?.|m: to^’^130 P. M / i . . ; ■ . / 1 .! 1.'^ « renters.r ^ J ' Zeb JiVALLER, ^Ppsti^ster. ^ iffTfrf W w ■ i'‘ Md^el ‘T**' 5 Pas^enger^Forii to Bei giveij away in The State IHspatcb Votiiig CoVft^ JUST THIHk TWEIOT^ '■{ : f .:r . V,/ :• vi, beautiful prizes and! the iisrf esaded by a Ford AwtoinijibiJ^, an Indian Motor cycle, a Pony and cartv and . ine othej| beautiful PF|z(|s. Who e ter list of prizes. ■ .-'v /''r .> ;■> JOIN THE CONTEST Join the contest now., 3y just a little hu^tie you uneasily go leaders. See us or write us, rhone 1^. ; r v i' PREMIUMS OF GREAT VOTING ClIM 1 FORD, faod^l. T.^>Pass^hg^l’ouring Qar If Indfetn jlotc^ycl^ -. ? i 1 Pony^amesa aild C^? ^ * 1 Gold Watch, Diamond set in back. Ladies or Gents 1 Diamoiii f>14di« or Gents 1 sp^edlMorefiieyide'Ladies • ’ ■1..: i DwWe b»wl bre^ hammerless Gun 1900.60 250.00 250.^ 75.00 ti Tocas Totea ten y^tira poaa gif eh anikmtM»h i^baenptioni. 60.00. , 50i0t':H. : 4DidO-■ . 26.00 V' . I ■■ '.M'i!'../ . J,, tf 'i '. i:'t- yfiii '■ i'.- . •iv J,:-' ■-v. V' : i &ikjmaLaiik \Mat. &. M ;• , •• .

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