Ati* A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEV0T1P> TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMEWCA^ AND AMEWCy^ INDUSTyb; VOL. V. BURLINGTON, N. C, JUNE 10. 1912. Na« Getiiog Rea^y ^ ^ Happy. foo many of us are looking forward to happiness in the fut ure years instead of getting all the enjoyment possible out of the present/ It is well to remember mt the time will never come in this world when we shall have everything we want, just where and when we want it. The only way to be happy is to ei?joy all we have to the xitmost, just as we go along. It is right t(Si lay up for old age in youth; preparte for a rainy day for it ■ will surely come, — sometime, somewhere but it is not right to bend all our energies to this end, &nd put oif until the future the happiness we might enjoy every d:ay. It is far too common to. ,see people working and saving, denying tiiemselves ail recreation and many comforts to lay u]p money to buy more land, to build a lar ger and finer house, or to save for their children, thinking that when they have accomplished this they will i)fe happy and begin to take comfort. The hoped- for point may never be attained or if it is sickness and death may come first and the dear ones we expected to be happy with may be gone forever. How much better to use some of the good things of life as we ^0 along; make our homes as bright and cheerful as possible now. Don’t starve today, either mind body or soul, thinking you will riot tomorrow. Don’t hoard and scrimp through all the best years of your life, that you may be generous in your will. Life is uncertain, and it is better to make your children happy while they are under the home- roof; to call to that home every pgency that will make their lives sweeter and better, than to deny them these, that you may, leave them a large bank account when you are gone. Dont keep the parlor shut up and *live in the kitchen, unless you want the boys and girls to be anxious to leave you. Take time , to read to rest and to enjoy the society of friends. Especially take ti me to e’^joy the companionship of your children. It Will be only a few years at best that iiiey will be with you, and these ought to years of happiness to both you and them. If we are ever happy in this life we must enjoy what every day brings us. must be grateful and glad fdr the good that comes into our lives, and patiently bear our trials, beliey ing that all, if rightly used will fit us for the enjoyment of per fect happines hereafter. Picmc The Junior Philathea Sunday School class of the Christian Charch went to Coble’s Pond on a picnic Thursday. The Class was chaperoned by the tocher Mrs. A. B. Kendall. The day was spent observing the beauties of nature and playing interesting games, A dinner prepared by tlie Junior Phiatheas was served at the noonday hour as a very pleasant repast. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kendiall, Misses Ella Khea Carroll,- Sallie Foster, Pearle Fogleman, Ms Holt, Chloe Freeland, and Lois Work man. Noteii fro$n Eton 6REENE TOWNSHIP SI- CMty has been chosen Director of | DHm ASSOCIATION the Art" Department in Elon Col-' — tege. and has accepted. Miss Long Will also teach mechanical drawing in the cources in Mathje. matics ot the Literary Depart ment which require such instruc tion, She enters upon her duties September the fir^t. MiG» Jjong is a native North CpoUnian, her home Ijeing in Ch&tl^lkm County, N, C., and is ^ sister of J; Adolph Long, Esq G^ham, !N. C, Miss l^ng re ceived Jhier literary ^ueatioh iit Elon ^Iso studied Art Most successfully here, but later went to N«w York to study in Cooper Umon. fojC'^ p^t loijr; years she has b^B ddhg graduate work in Art under the world famous Art spfeciaiists who are conn«;ct- e4 with Cooper^Union and has al so taught Art in that institution. While thei^ is reigret here tl^t Miss Cornelia Bryan, who for three years has filled with such genuine succ^s th^ pwition as Director of Fine Arts, is not to retuni, because of her recent marriage to Mr. J. T. Hobby, Raleigh, N. C., yet there is uni versal satisfaction that she is to bd succeeded by such a gifted and talented successor as Miss Long is. Elon,s Art Department includ es instruction in freehand draw ing, water colors, pastel, crayon, sketching, crafts, normal train ing, china painting of all kinds including tinting, flower painting figure painting, miniature, and ornamental work, and ^veS courses in the history of art, ar chitecture, and sculpture. The Department issues a Teacher^s Certificats after three years’ sat isfactory work and a Diploma aft er four years’ such work. An ex cellent china Min has just bieen installed and a new and commodi ous studio provided. Three dip lomas in Fine Art and two certi ficates were awarded at the re cent CojtM^ifetocement “as ft>ilo#s: Diplomas: Mrs. J. L, Foster, North Carolina;; Miss Helen Hay wood Machen; Virginia; and Jifiss Margn*et Jelvel Michael, North Carolina* ' ■ ■. ■. ■ Cei1;ificates: Mjss Bertha Vir ginia, Garrison, North Carolina^ and Miss Lucy Rebecca Gregory, Virginia. At Lows L«theru^ Orarch, 1912. Jose PROGRAM ~ Song Service. M.—Devotional gxer- Meet^ 10:30 A. 10:40 A. 'ciSe6.-\- Music. Riding Mihutes~of rx-:- UiOO^ M.~the Cpnf^nce. 01 . 3. an Aid to the i#^i)i?ty o| Fa^ent8— v, Troxler. Music. M. —Addir«ss—What cm we do for our young people —Dn W. T. Whitsett. , usic. 1:50 4. -Reports rom Schools Appointment of Committee and Collection. Dinner. 2:00 P. M.-Special vic6. 2:15 p. M.—Report tee, Awarding Banner. 2:30 P. M. Address—The Church and Her Children—Rev. J, D. Andrew. Music. 3:00 P. —The Sunday School and Sonie Present Day Problems —Hon. E, S. W. Dameron. . Organized Classes—Dr. J,S. ' Betts. Music. 3:30 P. M.—Closing. Song Ser- of Commit- l(iTes>~Greeii News has been received from Ashville that Mr. W. S. Rives of Graham and Mrs. Nellie B. Green of this city were united in marriage in Ashevllte Tuesday. Mr. Rives went to Asheville Monday, Mrs. Green going^ome days teWe in company of Dr; and Mrs. Taylor. Mr. Rives is a successful mer chant of Graham with many friends. Mrs. Green is a member of the firm of Morrow Bason & Green, milliners and is very popular in this town and country. Thcsy will be at home at this place after their honeymoon. We hasten to extend (congrat ulations. New Knitting Mill. Mr. W. Jess Thompson has placed an order for twenty ma chines whiclT will be installed within the next thirty days in the building near his residence on Davis Street, Additional JHaehines will de added when fiecessary. Sunday Concerts. After a friendly conference ■ 1 the managers of the Street ■'-'o,, as to the proposed use park on Sunday, w.e, the ■ington Ministerial Assoeia- , dosire to express our decid- 'riviction that the. present " the Company tends 0 L .ord ■ fi d ay of its san;ctity. ■refore call, on our people ” in their power to dis- Sundey concerts and ‘■'day traific, and in every way possible to stand for a quiet, SfiCi’ed observance', of the Lord's ■L>ay. ';, S. L. MORGAN, Secty. Oat Of PolidcsSays New York, June 14.—To friends who spoke to him of the reports from Chicago in which he has been mentioned as a pos sible nominee for the presidency) Justice Charles E. Hughes, of the United States Supreme court today declared that he was .com pletely out of politics arid would not permit the use of his name under any circumstances. H$ gave his friends clearly to under stand that they must regard this as final. Death of J. H. Tarpley tTohn H. Tarp^ey Sup't of county Home died Tliursday morning at seven o'clock, i-iaving been strick ened with paralysis only a few minutes prior to his death. He was about his morning work when the end came, but had not i^=.r^iL»a»ell for two. ,GE^three days. > Mr. Tarpley had been Supt. of the County Home for several years. He wa;s kind sympathetic and very faithful in the perfor mance of his duties. ' He was seventy years bid and is survived by his widow and three children. Chas. A. Tarpley of Greenville, S. C., Geo, A. Tar, pley of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Andrews a widow of this county. All the children are pf a former marriage. Th(^ remeins were laid to rest at Stoney Creek Presbyterian Church of D?hich he was a life long membCT. Atiratic Inventors. The following patents were just issued to Atlantic Coast In ventors, reported by D. Swift & Co., Patent Lawyers, Washing ton, D. C„ who will furnish cop ies of any patent for ten cents a- pieceto our readers: Va. Harry R. Booae, Buchan an, Wire-clamp; Emilio Brunello, Appalachia, Sword and Scabbard; Geo. W. Foye, Fredericksburg, Electric Magneto machine. N, C. S. ,W. Cramer and W. R. Hodge, Charlotte, Making spray Nozzles: Ivey H. England, Henderson, Wagon standard. ^ i Siindaj Coii€«rts. v The Editor generously opens ^ Columns to me and td all our bth^ pastors to discuss this sub-! iect.--^"^ At/pre^nt I oppose Sunday concerts and Suhcky traffic to the i^k;^^uR^ntarian grounds. 1 gl^ithat possibly a necessary mintip^ of Sunday tralBc has tb tfflSuHied. But all Sunday work shpuUd be reduced to the car pen shouM forc^, as they mow tcr Wiurk harder on Sun days itbathpn^oi^er d^s. iVnd should not be penptied by a tol^tit i* public sentifiieiit ^o ni^e a 4»tihet bid whelEi it aavj^iniiies Sufitdiiy coh* (^rts. My pMitim, as e:ipressed in The ]$arUns(ton Nftws of last wee]^ is ecxtsidered liberal. If other ministers and other citisehs have more pronouhc^ views than I have I trust they also will expi^S them through the col- umni of our newspapers. We are n^w i» a transition period as regaitds the use we shall make of Sundfey. We are 4n danger of losi^t Sunday as a day of rest and^orship. We. shall save it only provided we shall crea^te and keep alive an inteiiigent, whole some public sentiment in favor of the proper observance of the day. To save the day will re quire the combined effort of pul pit mnd press, of school and hoT)fle. Unquestionably the com ing of the street car, with with its Sunday traffic and its park, has i|troduced a new fa^toi* in the cpilization of our community. It ppiBents a grave problem in- deedl The future of our Qommu n?ty m morals and religion will be determined very largely by what shall be the sentiment of the public toward Sunday traffic by aur Street Car Co. I shall en deavor in every proper way to keep the subject before the pub lic mind. For a tiijne I shall fre- }uentli^ have something to «ay in tfce columns, when others do not wish to use the space offered. Since it can not be fairly said as yet that the Sunday traffic to the park has become disreputable, and since most people have thought too'lit tle as yet ta' have any decided conviction ott the subject, I shall for the tinle being Speak with moderatiotJ, trusting both the Car Com|jany and the public to be amenable to reason. I «till trust tjie Car Co. to abolish Sundi^ concerts by and by; ^ I prefer that they shall do so of their own free will; but if they will yield only to pressure. I shall trust an enlightened pub lic sentimeat shortly to supply the pressure. ^ Last week I gave what to many wUl appear conclusive reasons a- gainst Sunday concerts and Sun day travel—except possibly a necessary minimum—vrithout touching upon the more distinct ly religious argument. This lat ter argument, by agreement of the pastors will be presented next-Sunday from most of our^ pulpits. S. L. MORGAN. mm BROKEN U tfi^ the NAMiB NO. VOTJJSI 5^ 4. 44000 Bettha May Horne Aurelia Ellington, Mebane, R. No. Addie Ray ; W. Jp'Brooks i 1 Mai^ Lee Coble,! K N0.I Lizzie Cheek ' Waller l^orkman Bettte Lyde May , * , #000 . 1. 3i^ton, StK>w Cam;c^ -"iia L. Coble, R. I, Ijaatkins, v- ';'iV '■ 'GibsoiMlle> :1100 Greehsboip. Carr Hall ; W . 1000 MiM^pe Cheek Bbyle Heritage' S700 ;$^*s For fi^ Chicago, June" 12. -^Psatrick Door and his wife! of Westvillei Okla., arrived last pight, the former prepared to do j^attle in the interest of Theodor^ Roose velt and Mrs. Door to support President Taft., Boor was poso master of Westville until CoJ. RooSeveit tossed his hat Into the the ring. Then Door reigned. Mrs. Door remained a supporter of Taft and was appointed to her husband’s place* They agreed before leaving home not to politics with each othfer. Bank RoUied Fort Smith, Ark., June 14 The Bank of Huntsville, State, was robbed early to^y by a band of four cracksmen who escaped with booty said to amo^t to §14^000. , ■.'■■/■■"nn-'- A Pleasant' ETenmg was Scotjt-Brighain, Mr. Edwin Scott of Graham was recently marriod ta; Miss Tuh'a Brigham of Augusta, Ga. The ceremony took plase at St. James Methodist Church ;,of: Augusta. 4^d to attire were very elaborate which, proved the - popularity of the contracting^ p^rti e!|,’i \| “Everything I touch seems|t0^ turn to money.” f ‘‘Then I hope you don’t to|ch me, as I don’t want somebpy to point to mM ks 'M. play of wealth.”—Satire. Nfw York, June 13.—Bertha ^^inihsky, young girl bent on suicide, today jumped from a six story building in Brooklyn. She landed on her feet a;!!^ although her back was broken she walk ed sohae distance before she drop ped unconscious: Miss Kininsky was taken to the hospital where ^he died, a few minutes later, "An examination showed that the patient died of a broken^back. It is said the killed herself because%er'Sweetheatt, said to be, a Brooklyn youtJi^Cff.good fa®- ■ ily, 'had goh^'away a '^hoft time; ago^ild^'^iled^to ^writQ. ; ii -‘%iss‘GKuggly, :Said^: Mk; Lingers,; would nevpr tire,. gazing into your e;^es. ’' ' be lieve you are sincere in wha| you Tepli^the fair, one, bSe]^ topresslng J A v^y pleasant evening spent by a number of friends at the .home of Mr. arid Mrs. W. L Montgoniery Tuesday evening when their daughter Miss Grace entertained. Croco- nole, flinch ‘ect., substituted by a number of other games “wink’' for instance caused the evening to pass all to fleetily. A delight ful course of refreshments con sisting of cream, cake and fruits was served. Mrt>. irelaimd Mrs, Mary Gerringeir |reWrid died at Altamahaw June 13th IS- 12in the eightM^^^ age. ' H^r hiisbaad: 4ie^ seventeen yekrs ago. She leaves seven cnildreri. Our townsman Mr. Pete# Ireland being her son. She had been a worth^ nieniber of Bfethlehem Christian Church for about sixty yearsv Funeral and iniermeht at Bethlehem con ducted by ReV. J. W. Holt assist ed by Rev. A. F* Isley. Her death canie after only ,a few minutes of sickness, God bless the bereaved; J. w; Joe Thomns Wmi Satt CMbM. Joe ITiomas was awarded the suit of clothes given away at the Gro tto Tuesday night to tfae peitvoii holding the lucky ticket. The suit Was made by the Inti^feril Tni^ lorihg Co. Mr. Thomas is a resen tative of ^efim Ilie Bur lington Bargmn House Who have a half page ad. in this issue calK ing your attentiod to a gr«M,t gain safe which will bei^n > June 29th and 30th arid contiriue until July 15th. 2d tiie Bwlingtoii Siuidayy Jnhe 16, t9l2>. Sunday School Totals: The average married man does hot feel sorry for a bachelo^. A woman-8 real secrets never show up in Her diary. It is natural that Col. Roose velt would want, to up^Rdot things. my eyes are not like some, 0^ the •'restaurants in this town. ’ ’ How ;iS:,#i^t?^' : ‘>T]5ey do,n't stay o^en dll night.—Birmingham Age- 5Heral4.v .-s. . M. E. Baptist Presbyterian German Ref. Christiani M. P. Webb Ave. Elmira Chpl 397 V 286 165 215 127 Collation .14 10.05 4.80 2.12 4.14 $S0.1S MEN’S BIBLE AND BARACA ... .,:CLASs!^iS^-.Tciiv^ " _o, Julie. 14 —PreisideBt Taft received six delegateB «t tte hands of tlfe Eepul^oiii na^onst committee in dbnt^ti 1M i&eees of Cotoiitel T9> tl)at riuihb^ the add ed 8 by the eettknttent fight between Taft riviU - del tioiis. Oppoeed i^the^a^i of fourteen by JPrwaiil #as tuiothar;^^ Colonel Roosevelt When ed at 2:60 6’eMlc tbit " the Texas, Viij^iiia ' ington opnt^t9 : st^gffk» in whii to sti'enjirtfa tomorrow. ■ ' ■ :v« i^ulted at ‘ In com relV ; T« trict 2; riintk dittrici Z tests between >1^./ V South Carolina first Tena^tsee fir^iJliitiisC^2; diw^ct 2; Alaska Z Total contests decided 186. , For Taft 173; for Ri>oseyeJt 13; remazrj ifig undecided 68. None of the ccmt^ts todlay bi ougiit out the strong feeling that lias chi^adi^sedi ~ nmny of the arguments and de> cisions in the committee room. In the three districts where Roosevelt contestants' appeared, . the Colonel’s partisans on th^ committee voted against the seating of the Taft delegatcNi, . but the only Strong comment was / on the decision of the ninth Ten> neese case which Prandis J. Hin« ey asserted Was a “cl^ steiiL'' ' A contest' from Alaska tfeat ^ had not figured in committee*! lists was dispose of without a% gument j ust bef6re adjourom^r* Credentials from a eontesting delegation elected at Viailde^ l^i^ 29, had been received by tary Hayward, but the coopoit- t^ decfined to consider tb^ Th^sudden and'eaciy termina* lim tiie,dajf -i suited from the^ire of P'-esi- derit Taft’s attorney* for 'more time tb prepare the cases involv ing the thirty eont^ted deit^tes from Texa«. Col. Cecil Lyon, the Texas ccMnimittemah, declaim ed the IkK»evelt forces were pre pared and desire to continue, fofit former Senator Dick asked, and was granted a continuance un^ tomorrow morning.' ,, An attempt to take up the Vim ginia and Washington cases xa^ similar opposition from the other side, „ Ormsby Mel&txig, the Roosevelt fConteat attorney, said his side was prepared to pnwent the Texas cases, but wouUt not argue the others. > By an ajgnt^enwAttoconsolidaie the Virginia oontesta and to at- tenipt a consplidatlbili 'of Washington casesi it wra possible to presiaiit all the ; )»- maining conteste tomorrow, it is believed. The remaining cbo- t^ts include those of Texai^ ViF- ginia, Washington, the District of Columbia arid the third dis* trict of North Carolina. In idie fourth N(»th Carolina dl«triet both dele^tioris are und^tood to be for Roosevelt In Virginia the ciiief issoi^ is whether or not the convention electingTaft delegates were held in districts or buildings, at which neg^s were excluded. The W^ington contests center a- bout the control of the. WaslaiuE- ton State convenfion. The contested delemtes in Texas number thirty; in^irglni^ 20t in Washington, l4; inthe Di^^ trict of Cplimibia,^; andin N(»th Carolina, 2. - ■ ■■ v'.;. ■0m ■'M . .-it -■ ^..4 Collection Baptist '■nS-y. 3.44 Presbyterian 11 iw 2-00 Christian •f" V ■ M. P. . ,36 , W. ■ Gernmn Rei.' ;VV0S>0 AVQi / .:m. e. . ■ Elmira Chpl 39 .>■■■ .49 Total twlay at !v J. D. Andrew will preach the home of. Mrs, Mollie l^tween.; St ay at John H. Vernon; Secretary Vinceot’s Mill Bimied. Poller Mill of Mh R. W. Vincent of pleasant Groye Town ship was burifed Suaday morning about£^ne o’clock. ^The loss is par tiy covered by insurancei* It isest imated to be riear foui* IjliouBaftd doljarsi mill,^ p^ctically new riot- of the nre» is: ■ & Kicker—So Jones has a invention? lil' - Rocker--Yeir W'; liahdle that let^tins ^ Ihe, brint. “Neww^drk.’^Hv*^ m Jbhnsbn is our idea dark horsie. , V -..'ts ■■ ii i The American, gpod conyey' fot le makel^'^a le dove f^^f If peace. • I :■ • j. ■ ■: ■■■ . . - .»• What we ne^ if hot a |(|w ■