:..‘,, ,,.... , . -^ .. K M (dtffgn, «r« M, j^trfmsk 9tand» for fpT 4M e Co. N. C. Disoarch wil Itise in Th( t will pay. LE 912. Suifs^ Ladies^ >ons, at Panic istomers the lowest 7^' can come to them % tiiem to buy what ^ largain counters at g price. If you want \ cents. itl j Inow 5o cents. i , 0.\ >rds. ( 50c. now 25c. /« lF]-ieiid of Ours some % of from one-third to »/ lie along- with our July ^7 [. tlse yard. 4-inch % |ard, 2 yards for 25c. 0 % [i a special trip to take 4/ When we have a saie 0 uidard and at panic 0 tted [gton, N. C.; Freeman for Drugs. Prescriptions especially. Special attention given ,to mail orders. When your doctor gives you a prescription or j>r^r that you want delivered, send or bring it tb FREEMA!^ drug CO. phone 20 Try our Delicious Ice Cream. Burlington, N. C, None better. j LOOA.L A3ST33 PFJE^ONAiL | Miss Sallie Foster spent the f( urth of July at Prospect Hill the guest of her relatives. Miss Oliva Smith spent from Thursday to Sunday at Mebane the guest of friends. Mr. A. P. lioyd of Sapulpa Oklfi. is spending a few weeks with friends in this county. Mr. W. H. Bullard was called to Chad bourn Saturday bn ac count of the death of his brother who \vas drown at Beaufort. The Consolidated Bridge Go. have been awarded a contract to biiiid a bridge o\>^r Yadkin river near Rural Hall. Miss Bell Cates of Fall Riv^, Mass. has been visiting Miss Marv Cates who is now the guest of friends at Mebane. Haw River gave Burlington a close game last Saturday the sco'-e being four to three in favor of Burlington. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. P. Church will have a cake saie at D. M. Moore’s, Friday and Saturday. Housekeepers are invited to come and buy your cakes for Sunday. Saturday will witness the second game of the season between the Durham Hosiery Mill and Bur lington. The sock boys having won the only game the home team has lost this season. A lively game is expected. Tuesday July the 16th—Dr. N. Rosenstein, will be at Burling ton, stopping^at the Burlington Drug Co. for the purpose of ex amining eyes and fitting glasses. Don’t fail to see him about your eyes and let him fit your glasses. Miss Mary Ross, sister of Mr. Tom Ross, died near Stony Creek Church, Julv 8th, 1912, aid was buried at Stony Creek, July 9th, funeral services being conducted by Rev, J, W. Holt, assisted by Revs. W, 0. Sample and A. S. Isley. Many friends attended the funeral and burial. Promply at 9 p. m., July 3rd, 1912, Mr. Eddie Quakenbush and Mrs. Edith - Wade of Graham were happily united in the bonds of matrimony in the Reformed parsonage in Burlington. The ceremony was performed by the bride’s pastor, Rev. J. D. An drew. Dr. Bohannan will be out of town torifiorrow, Thursday, ac companying Miss Lillie Clapp to St. Leo's Hospital Greensboro. Miss Minnie Smith of Gi^ns^ boro and Miss0a Emma and ^llie Shepard of Gibsonville are th^ guest of Mra. M. B. Lindsay this wpek. Miss Flora B^l Morro)?^ en tertained a few friends ait her home one night last week in hon or of Misses Price^ and Bi^dgea of Durham and Raleigh. For Sale. Saw Mill at Benne- ham Station, Cranvflle County Complete outfit in good condition. Will sell at bargain."^ Apply to D. L. Huffnian. Burlington, N. C. R. No 4. Mrs. Bettie Holt, wife of Mr. Isaac Holt, died in their home at Alamance Mills at6 p. m , July! 6th, 1912, aged 52 years and'5! months. She leaves a husband i and six children, the youngest of | which is nine years old. She was a member of Mt. Pleasant M. P. Church at Kimesyille and was buried there, the funeral being conducted in the home at 9 a. m. on Sunday by Rev. J. D. Andrew. She was a good Christian mother loved by all who knew her. Water Melons, Lemons, Late seed Irish potatoes, Corn, Oats, Meal, Flour, Cotton seed, Hulls, and meal. Feld peas. Red I)og shipstuff, and all kinds of feedstuff. Candies, toilet soaps and Axle grease. Merchants Supply Co, /Successors to The Burlinlgton Grocery Co» Burlington,, N. C 1 MONCir Am t Cpii)rricbt'isM9, by C. E. 2immennkn'Co,.*No;'4i. banj| aunil poverjty. Evierylidc^^^ M of ppveFtg^i 'Ihere is oiUy t6 insure it;-^at is ^ thrift Automobile Bum^dl. One of the worst automobile wrecks yet ever seen in these parts occurred near Whitsett Thursday night last. An Over land five passenger car in making the turn in the road just north of Whitsett. ran into a side ditch and the Jar was suffcient to so , break the machine that the gas- ; oline began to escape, and was soon afire. In a short while the car was consumed, leaving only a mass of twisted iron to show where it had fallen by the road side. The name of the owner has not been learned, but the e ir is said to have come from Me- baije. It is said that the occu pants r f tlie car escaped with onli siigb^injurie!*, but the car was of course, a total loss. CLAUL ALLEN 18 AGAIN ON TRIAL Wyt^ville, Va. July I.-Cla ude Allen, who was recently con victed of the murder of Judg« Massie and sentenced to fifteen years’ imprisonment was today arraigned for the murder of Com monwealth’s attorney Foster, who was slain by the Allen gang on March 14th last. Immediately alter the arraign ment Allen’s lawyer protesteda- gainst the trial on the ground that his client cannot thrice be placed in jeopardy of his life. B: . i .1' Oy Saw- Tramp. ‘“Your known the sayn' mum, ‘He that giveth the the poor lendeth to the Lord.” Mrs, Subbubo. “Very true. And since you speak in prove rbs, I’1! refer you to another old saw." Tramp. “Which one is oat, mum?” Mrs. S. "The one back in the wood sheb.”—Boston Transcr ipt. oven es vitARS' EXPERlCNCe N. TRAbe Marks Designs CopvniaHTS Ac. Anyone seiidlng a sthetoh nnd description diiit '■ quioiily sacertuin oiir o,,..:; -v frae whether''ar myentlon-la probably patemnWe. Conimunloa* 'ions strictly conaaeutkil. HANDBOOK oa Patents aent frea^ Oldest agsnny lor aeeunug patents. Pat(jut« taken through Muiin^. Co. lecolre tpecial noiice, without charge, la the Scientific Jlinerican. A handioniely lliugtTftfed weejily. Lawst trfr- culstlon of any scientiac Jouriml. 1'ems, |3 a year; fonrinonttiB, tL SoUbyall isewadealers. '^rsncb Offlca, F WMblnetoa; ]>, 0 C. V. SELLARS ART STORE, BURLINGTON, N. C. Carries in stock over 300 different paterns W/HL PAPER No use to order go see it. MOLES and WARTS Remove4 with MOLESOFE, without paia or danger, no matter how large, or how faur raised about the surface of the skin. And they will never return, and no trace or pcar will be leffe MOLESOFF is applied directly to the MOLE or WART, which entirely disappears in about six ^ days, killing the germ and leaving the iskin * smooth and natural MOLESOFjF is put up Only in $I,OObottles. Each bottle is neatly packed in a plain case, aecorn ' panted by full directions, and contains eneweh remedy to remove eight or ten ordinary MOLES dr WARTS. We sell MOLESOFF under a positive GUARANTEE if it fails to rehiove your MOLE or WART, we will promptly refund the dollar. , Fl0ridia Distribating Company Dept., Pensjwsola Fla. A Year T’ \ th V rn velvet SO soft as a K'i s : T'o rose so lovely i r\!. r-. r. o path SO fiowery ?:■’ ; avis nr.ied with her foot- ■ - .. Thompson, OLDEST, LARGE 'r and S RONGEST Bank in A arpanse County. " ' Acts As Executor, Trustee, Administrator,*^ Guardian, Etc S''!: , Ir- Take a Stitch in Time. When one stops and considers seriously for a mom ent the daily toll of human lives that are flickered out, without a moment’s vvarning, by unforeseen accident^ he realizes the necessity of having his affairs in such shape ai all times that, in the event of a fatal accident to himself? Ws loved ones will g?et the lull benefit of the !'i2’operty he has worked hard to accumulate, and not lose a part, or all of it, through some freak of the law, or the trickery of a dishonest executor. A wil), properly executed and lodged for safekeep- under lock and seal, in the vaults or a strong irust Company, such as this, is the only sure way. You can make a will today and, if you accjuire more Droperty tomorrow the will can be changed immediate ly so as to include the^new possessions; in lact, a, will can be altered at will by the testator, or revoked en- iirely. YOU can rest assured, there will be no errors m your will and that your wishes will be carried out faith- ^'uiiy according to the provissions of it, when you ap* i.ioint us as your Executor. —And there is no charge. , Diamonds in a Rat*s nest. (From the Milwaukee Journal) Seven years ago Mrs. Charles Delong lost trace of two diamond earrings valued at $200. Car penters, remodeling the house, today found the jewels in a part ition where rats had a nest. In cidentally, an apology was made to a servant who had b^en indir ectly accused of the theft. The North Carolina. College of Agricul ture and Mechanic Arts THE STATE'S imSTRIAL CgilESE Four-year courses in Agricul ture; in Civil, Electrical, andMe- chanical Engineering; in Chemistry; in Cotton Manu facturing and Dyeing. Two-year courses in Mechanic Arts and in Textile Art. One-year and two year courses in Agriculture. These courses are both practical and scientific. Examinations for admission are ‘ held by the County Superintendent at all county.seats on July 11th. For Catalog address THJ] REGISTRAR, ; West Raleigh, N. C. ; I UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY •vi V ' > TKe North Carolina STATE NORMAL and INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five i regular Courses leading to de grees. Special Courses for teach ers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins Sep tember 18, 1912. For catalogue and other information, address JULIUS 1. FOUST Pres. Greensboro N C Hot Prices fCM* July at I Isley’s Great Department Stare. 0 _ • y y: $1.^, $1. i5, and $2 00 jadie.«i waists ut $1.00 •.75 .85 a>nd 90c ladies waists at 50c; 7ci 8c figured voil, lawn and dimity at 5c. 10c bleaehirig 1 yd. wide at 8c* 12 l-2c 15c and 20c fancy white goods and pajariia checks; 9c. 25 and 30e ribbon 15c.' V 75c arid $1.00 childrens and misses dresses 59c. Ladies hose, blacky slijghtly imjperfect, special at 5c. ^®se and black at 5c. 1 lot ladies oxfords and shoes ranging from $1.75 $d.OO, all on one table at $1,29 perfpair. 1 lot mens and boys shoes and ojtforiis, patent leather, vici,_gun metal, tan and black, values $2.00 to $4.00, your choiise at $1,29. Ladies wash coat suits $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.spedal at 79c. $1.50 and $1.7^skirts, sjpecial $1.00. $1.00, 1.25 yd. Wide messalme, plain ahd fancy, your choice 95c. Crood wid^'flounc- mg worth 12 l-2c, special at 5c. Ladies silk hose/ black, tan and white at 25c; Mens silk ht*se black, tan, navy and helio special at 25c. Just received a large lot of nfew neck wear for men and ladies special things at 25 and 50c; Ladies if you want the best :x>rset on' the market try the R & G, We are sole agents for this section. 60 and 75c mens shirts at tached and detatched collars at 49c. 50c mens shiibts special at 38c. Big lot of mens, boys and childrens pants, special prices for July, Dont'forget when you want^ to paper you want to buy. your canvass here. 1 yd. wide sheeting at 3,l-2c per yd. Good sea island sheetmg 39 in. wide special at 5c. Fine heavy sea island sheeting 7c per yd. Close out millinery. 75, $1.00, $1^ ladies ready to wear hats special for July 39c. $1.- 50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 ladies hats special for July 98. Big values in mens and boys clothing Big reduction for July. If you want to travel you waht a good trunk, suit case or bag We can supply you at a saving. $5.00 leather suit cases $3.85. $1.00 suit cases 6!9c. $6.00 and $7.00 suit cases $4.85. SpeciaLprices ori^trunkfe Special prices for July^ Glass ware, crockery, china w^are and decorated'ware. This department has many attractions for you 4.-, for Jnlv. It will nay you to see what we have here. Picnic plates special at 10c per doz ?• 1-qt. Maisons fruit jars for July special 59c.- 1-2-gal. Maisons fruit jars 79c per doz. See K our ofterings on our 10c, 25c and 5Gc tables, of enamel ware. You will save about half on these tables and they are loaded down with nevv things; Second floor is filled with house 0 furnishing of every description., Let us, furnish and beautify .your home. ' We will do « it for you at a saving. Come in and look through our immence stock. Look at these Z# prices on Jap artsquares and rugs. 27x54 in. Jap lugs value 50c for July 19c. 36x66 % eXap rugs 65 to 75c value special 39c. 6x9 ft. Jap rugs $2.60 value special $1,49,; $5.00 % Jap artsquares 9x12 ft. special for this sale $2,65, ' - ■ v Give us your trade and see how much you can ^ save../ ■ ■ . .A. Who is able to help is not yet poor;, who is able to love is not yet oldi —Ivan Panin Self-indulgence deprivesia man jf everything tliat might make him great.—Feneion Great' Department Store. 0 • ' N. C p ..lO: ; ■J^y " wi-i ■'7?V

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