GET 'UMMER JCTION id ENDs 5 BEST. ry day you off dttcndiii^ sale you are sing some of very best guns as we rapidiyclos- Rd sizes. ssented in this icr to buy as, we advantage of the v'hi:b in many ^ ‘o. First Ward. 'irst Ward. «cond Ward, econd VVard. 'hird VVard. 'hird Ward, 'ourth Ward. 'ourth Ward, reasurer. fficer. f and Police. per—WTiite Ciinretefy per—Col. C^et^ ;sioner. 'c. olt, T. S. Faucerte, Montgomery. MISSION. Scott. «le. West i t 11 (i 5:32 a. m. 11:18 A. M 6 .25 P. M 9:17 P, M D A. M. to 7:30 P. M. 0 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. 0 P. M, to 7:^ P. M Postmaster, 1.00 le, the astonish^ rd of before in oniv w or eciai. er before they Freeman for Drugs. I — — . ww'M Pi-e^icriptions especially. Special attention given to mail ■ When your doctor you a piescription or order that you want delivered, send or bring it to ^EMAN DRUG CO. phone 20 Burlington, N. C, Try our Delicious Ice Cream. None better. i local and PERSOISTAL Mr, and Mrs. L. F. Barnes of Richmond are the guest of tfieir daughter Mrs, Eugene Holt. Geo. R. Garrison of R. No 2 has been acting rather funny. A ten pound boy is the cause of it all. Oi Little Burch Lively, who has j'gver is reported better today, ]\ff Robert Cates is the guest /friends in Orange County. Mr Frank Spoon, of Oxford, spent Sunday in town the guest frisnds. v/> ■* Messrs. J. W. and Jim Cates ,p-ni first of the week at Pitts- b:'rJ- If you want shingles, flooring, coil>r)i{ or lumber of any kind see >iBrLindsay, in Ry. Shops. jfr. Willie Wilson is clerking for B. A. Sellars & Son during thf' vacation of Mr. T. L. Sellars. Mr. Eugrene Wilson, who has been working at Memdhis,Tenn. is af home. Ik r.’t forjret the Masonic bur- je; iue at Harden Park on the evenineof August 22nd,_ They pri^nise all a glimpse into the of that ancient myster- (oas order. Go and see. Caot. and ^^rs. Thos, W. Dav- js, Mr, Jno. N. Davis and Miss Penelope Davis of Raleigh are the gruest of Capt. and Mrs, Dav- lij’ daughter, Mrs, Erwin A. Holt. Dr. C. A. Anderson, who has been at Philadelphia for the past Itwo months taking a special I course for the treatment of wom en and children, ha? returned. A mai dog was killed by Dr. Wal Iters at Union Ridge, Monday, after biting several other dogs, i One of che dogs belonging to Mr. IL. H. Allred, was a valuable dog, ! One colored child is said to have 1 be€n bitten by the infuriated an imal befare it was killed. FOR SALE—About sixty-one , acres of splendid land. More 1 than one-half in fine timber in ^ light of town. Water plentiful. ^4nyone wishing to buy, call or I write Wm. I. Montgomery, Bur lington, N. C. FOR SALE, —46 acre farm 2^ miies from Haw River on maca daiR road At the Baptist Church next Sunday morning a memorial ser^ vice will be held in honor of Dk Thortas Hume and Rev. J. C. Hocutt, two former pastors of this church. Prol A. C/Hall who has been at Harvard University has re turned and is now at home the guest of his parents Esq. and Mrs. R. J. Hall. Mr. Henry Vaughn who has been sick for the past week or more remains adout the same. Mr. Fred Sellars who has been visiting relatives here, coming here from Kansas City, accomp anied by Herman Stancel, left Tuesday morning for Mon treat, making the trip in Mr. Ben Sel lars automobile. Miss Bessie Wilson leaves this week for Mt.. Vernon Springs where she will spend several weeks Vacation. . Miss Mable Long of W'inston- Salem spent Saturday and Sun day thp guest of Miss Mable Lea.' The Greensboro Legue Team will play the Burlin}?ton boys Saturday at 4 o’clock at Hardens Park. Tickets will be given and to the lady holding the lucky ticket "IS . 00 in gold will be award ed. DR. RAPPORT will examine your eyes and fit proper glasses accurately if you do not see as once you did your eyes shall have immediate attention at Free man’s Drug Store, Tues. Aug, 13 th. Mrs. W, H. A. Nance and daughter. Miss Lizzie accom- pani^ by Mr. LeRoy Nance, ai’e visiting Mrs. Nance’s brothers, Mr. N. D. Dowdy in Winston-Salem, N. C., this week. WATER MELONS Fresh Eastern Carolina, the finest of the s^eason, will have them every day from now until home crop comes in. Also have good line corn, Qats, meal cotton seed hulls and meal, lemons and late seed Irish Potatoes * > . Merchants Supply Go. Successors to The BurliagtonGrocery Co. Burlingtori, N. C. 1909. b, c. E; 2i«,m»rtniiii Co.-No. 41 PUT some money in the bank aibd you will defeat poverty. E^verybody has a horroi of povertyi There is only one 'way. tc insure against it; that is to cultivate a habit of thri|t which yous^an easily do by i>atting rnoney in the bank. Good four room two, . , ^ storj' house and tenant house. > Little Miss Mary Kivett, daugi\- Land adapted to the cultivation Iter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W« Kivett of tobacco, com and wheat. For of Greensboro, is the guest of infonnation apply to J. M. Bason, Wr grand-mother, Mrs. Mary E. Eimira Mills, Bnrlington, N. C, Way, and other relatives. WE WILL APPRECIATE YOURm% BUSINESS WHETHER LARGE QR SM\LL WHICH? Two men died aboutltbree years~ago, both leaving considerable property. One had a will and the other had not- . Today, the family of the man Who left no will is in needy circumstances, having lost their property by bad investment and unwise management. On the other hand, the widow and young ^n of the man who made the will have more property tJian ever, because of the safe and expert service of the Trust Company which was named as Executor of the will, ‘ _ . ■ This comparison tells its own story. It is typical of conditions today everywhere, it is of such common occurrence that people cease to be impressed by it. i _ HOW ABOUT YOU? , . If you love your wife and children you should, by all itneans, throw around them that strong safe^^d. that staunch friend of widow and orphan, —THE WILL— and think! it will not cost you a penny! When you appoint us as your executor, you may select "iny lawyer you wish to draw your will and we will pay his fees. Better be safe than sorry. f SS; J UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY The Baraca and Philathea classes of the Methodist Protest ant Sunday School enjoyed a picnic Tuesday night. They went to the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Coble, about three miles from town. Anybody loves a laugh. Come out and get youiself one. They are to be had at the Graded School Auditorium on Thursdiay night week when the Spinsters of this city give their “Come. Back.'’ Mr. Colon Vuncanon of High Point spent Sunday in town the guest of friends. Her many friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. W. J. Thomp son of Whitsett who has been spending the summer in Indiana the guest of friends is at home. Rev. J. C. Hocutt, pastor of the Baptist church at Graham died Sunday morning and was buried Monday. There is nothing that drives dull care away like a good hear ty laugh. W’hen you see Hannah Kgger staif Sloenm in that Garb of hers you are going to kill your self a laughing. Miss Trinna Gant of Greens boro is spending the week the guest of Miss Bertha Huffman. Miss Lois Workman is si>6nd- ing two weeks the guest of her aunt Mrs. A. H. Rimmer of Hills boro. The boys of the Episcopal choir are oif on their annual vacation this week. They are^ camping. Miss Mamie Holt delightfully entertained Misses Flossie Loy, Rebi Tuttle, May Speer, Margie Loy, Willie Pattersdn and Mes srs. Zack Malone, Dover Heri tage, Clyde Hornaday, H. Mont gomery, and Joe Thompson, at her nome one night last week. Jerushia Matilda Sprigging and Jane Josep bine Green Sol- femo (Gee, what a name) are going to be in the city iiext Thursday ni^ht in the play the young ladieVctf the city are get ting up, ' ‘The Spinsters Return, ” Mr. E. A. Holt informs us that he is just in receipt of a letter from Mr. Connie Mack in which Mr. Mack savs he will try to ar range a game in Greensboro next spring, while his team, the the American League, is in the South training. He also says he has not given up hopes of win; ning the pennanent this seawri and at present his team is doing well. Mr. Mack also says he, would like to see Teddy win. You remember the Maids Con vention. Well, it just simply is not “init” compared with its equal, “The Spinsters Return.” It will be given on Thursday night week in the Graded School Auditorium. Come out, and laugh, FOR SALE.-200 Bushel Ful- caster Improvedseed wheat $1.40 per bushel. See Gjtus Story D. R. No. 6, Burlington, N, C. Prof. Collier Cobb of Chapel Hill will be one of the speakers at the memorial service at the Baptist Church Sunday. Miss Mable Isley and Mrs. H. B. Wood of Mon trey, Va., are visiting Virginia Beach this week Miss Ada Bell Isley returned Satnrday from the Eastern part of the state where she has been spending several weeks vacation. FayetteviUe Bride Elopes. Fayetteville, Aug. 2—D, W. Woodall ran away with his broth er’s pretty wife yesterday and the brother, Frank Woodall today published a legal notice that he has applied for a divorce. Wood all and his wife had been mar ried but four months. Mrs. Wood all is a daughter of J. B. Matt-, hews, a butcher, of this place. The elopement, which leaked out to-day was partly by buggy and partly by train, it is alleged. The couple drove from here to Lakewood, a flag station, a few miles from Fayetteville and there caught an Atlantic Coast Line train. Nothing has been heard of them since. The train they caught was going towards Greensboro. The divorce action is retuniable at the October term of Cum berland court. Your discretion might look like cowardice in another. AND FOR Wouds Turnip sawiiif. Dhigs, cold drinks and best Ice * creip. try & s Hundreds have taken advantage of the bargains of fered in this Sale. We wiU keep up this inteiest by selling in the store just as we advertise on paper and by Further Price Reductions during these remaining weeks. ■ ■ ■"' ■. '— ■V. '■M-f Hundreds of Men’s Suits Light^nd medium weighty. Some good fpr all year round wear. $7.50 & $8.50 Suits Reduced to $6.00. $10.00 & $11.00 Suit?! Reduced to $7.00. $12,50 ^ $13.50 Suits Reduced to $8.75. $14.00 & $15.00 Suits Reduced to $9.50. $20.00 & $22.50 Siiirs Reduced* to $14.00. All other Suits reduced in proportion. None reserved. Cut Prices On Men’s Pants I ■ . ' ■ $1.50 Men’s Pants Now $1.00 $2.25 & $2.50 Pants Now $L50. $3.00 & 3,25 Pants Now $2.10, $4.00 Pants Now $3.00. $5.00 & $5.50 Pants Now $3.50. $6,50 & $7,50 Pants Now $4.50 One Rack of about 100 men’s all Wool Suits, only one iand two of a kind. Though newjly alLsizes in the lot. The prices Were $10.(K), $12:00. $14.00, $15.00, $18.00 to $^00, Now on Sale at EXACTLY HALF these figureis.' 190 Boys’ Pant Suits Placed dp sale at a reduction of one third. Newest colors and blue strges. Boys’ Knee Pants 50c. Quality at 39c, Boys Knee Pants $1.00 Quality at 75c. Boys’ Knee Pants $1.50 Quality at $1.00. Men’s Summer Shirts 50 Standard Shirts at 39c. 75 Percale Sjhiirts at 58c. , 100 ;‘F. & M.’' .Shirts at.75c., It is the Policy of this store not to carry god^s over to another season on any pretext. That is why we have reduced thes^ Suits and Paints Thirty tl^ree per cent Below their usual cost to you. B. A. Sellars & Son Leading Oothiers^ Burlington, ::: >V-’ • y m , ■, ■■ -v- N. C p ITISDilK, SDMIIIES, STAHmMtl, THIH liNIIS, UMIES,ICECIEiUI 01 flUtT, Clli. W D& ENTEIFnXlinii

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