A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES A^D AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. ■■ VOL, V. BURLINGTON, R C.. AUG. 21 1912. feddy” for ;ad is The t tells what :stants lets icks on’s Sale e bargains of- s inteiest by Dn paper and se remaining iargains In Men’s uits .00 men’s all Wool Saits, i kind Though nearly 'he Drices were $10.00, , SlkOO to $22.00, Now HALF these figures. lee Pant Suits reduction of one third, blue strg-es. 50c, Quality at 39c, LOO Quality at 75c. >1,50 Quality at $1.00. nmer 1 at 39c. t 53c. rts at 75c. Son ‘r to another season I and Pants Thirty ; Dispatch wil NO. 15 Fron. Kr QF PUBLIC SPEAKING I son. i have just received a copy of the. i-esoiutions as adopted by the Kepublican State Executive Com mittee at its meeting held in the City of Greensboro, N. C. on the 7th. day of Aiagust, 1912 and two of these resolutions follow; Resolved, We endorse the Nomination of William H. Tait for President, and Jas. S. Sher man for Vice-Pres., and pledge our loyal support to their } e*eiec- tion, and declare our abiding faith and belief in the principles of the Republican Party as enun ciated in the National platform adopted at the Chicago Conven tion held June 18th., 1912. Resolved, Further, that in view of the existing political conditions the committee.^i^ms it proper to announce t^i tl '.i.epubhoans of the State holding their County atr^tFownship conven tions none\4it ttose who endorse the Nationbi* ...^,,epublican candi date for President and the Re publican Convention held in Chi cago, II!., June 18th., 1912, are in any capacity entitled to parti cipate in or represent the party, and that in organizing all town ship, county, senatoriai, congres sional and State Conventions none but Republicans supporting the National Ticket and the plat form of 'jui‘ .party, nom mated and adopted at the Convention held in Chicago, 111., June 18th., 1912 be allowed to participate in said Convention. As National Committeeman of the Progressive Party I want to ask every man in Alamance County to read these two resolu- tioTiS, and ask himself the ques- tioi) if he would be in fnvor of adopting such resolutions, I think I can say for practically all the Reuublicans of: this CounLy, in regard to the first Resolution that they would not, under any cir~ cumsti^nces, vote .'the adoption, of such a resolution, as they _ know theTSft nomination was stolen by the thieving National Republican Committee. Now tfjen 11 Mr. Taft has accepted a st ilen nomination is he any worse than the Party and its ccj^s of thieves which gave it to him? I say no, and this be ing the case it seems to me in consistent to repudiate Mr. Taft without also being willing to break away from the party who placed stolen goods into Mr. Taft’s hands. , We, the Progressive Party, knowing that practically every Republican in Alamance County intends to vote for Colonel Roose velt, ask that all loyal supporters of this great man break entirely away from both old parties, and join in our march to better the conditions of the Cornmon peo ple and Laboring man; let us join the Progressive Party, keep a- ’^ay from the Charlotte Republi can Convention, and fight our own battles. I hope that the i’ood people of Alamance County v jil by their ballots in November next, show to Mr. Taft and the Kepublican Party that we will not 'tote to sanction such a nom ination or endorse such a party and such a man. The Republican party of Amer ica was on June 18th. last strick en with the dreaded disease of in curable Corruption, and in No vember next it will die the death that it justly deserves, for being the willing recipient of this di§- ease. Respectfully, Jas. N. Williamson, Jr., National Committeeman. In ordt r : hat the voters of the differt-.it townships, which have been h'- tied to vote bonds for the Gi e- rii;,.. jro. Northern and At- la'iue iiailroad, be well inform ed as (>» the facts in the case, the following dates and places have, been named whete there will bej well informed speakers to ad-1 dress the people and give all the information possible on this most important question; Tuesday August 27, 1912. Gilliam's School House at 10 a. m Elon College at 4 p. xn. i A.t the Hub at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday August 28. McCray at 10 a. m, Carolina 7;o0p. m. Thursday Augusi 29. Sutphin’s Mill 11 a. m. Clendenin’s Shop 3 p. m. Graham 7:30 p.m. Burlington 7:30 p. m. Friday August 30. Saxapahaw 7:30 p. m. Swepsonville 7:30 p. nri. Eyerybody is urged to attend these meetings to the end that all may be informed as to the merits of this proposition, and the de sirability of its acceptance by the various townships through which the road will be built. vV. E, White, J. A. Long, J. Q. Gant, Eugene Holt, H. W. Trollinger, R. M: Andrews, J. M. Cook. J. W. Cates, Jno. R. Hoffman, Committee. refsjhre Conventioii Notice To School Children. All school children who expect to enter the City Graded School at its opening who, have not been vaccinated are required by law be fore allowed to enter. The health officer Dr. W. D. Moser requests that this matter be not delayedtbut be attended to at once, as he has a fresh supp ly of vaccinating points on hand. ’loin The State Dispatch sub scription honor roll now is the best ti^e. Maryland Deraoicratic Leader For Roosevelt Baltimore, Aug. 14.—General N. Winslow Williams,; former secretary, of state of Maryland, a lifelong DemKrat who has tak en a leading part in councils of his party and who is also one of the foremost lawyera of the state, created a big political stir today by declaring in a letter to Colonel Caring his belief that neither of the old parties could meet the nation’s needs at this time and that he intended to support Colonel Roosevelt for presi dent. He says Wilson's speech of acceptance is not satisfactory; that the situation demands at the head of affairs a man who is purpose and postive in action; the reins should be put in the hands of one who knows the road he is driving and is not afraid of his horses. Mr. Roosevelt^ is that man. He has been president and knows the office, and the people know him. If he be elected again, there is not a class nor an interest in the country which he will not be prepared to deal with him and this will as it should be.” The executive committee of the Republican state central comm ittee to-day'adopted a resolution instructing State Chairman John B. Hanna to direct a letter to the presidential electors named by the Republican state convention, ask ing them to state how they stood in the present contest. The information applies not only to the intention, so far as their vote in the electoral college is concerned, but also to their attitude in the present campaign. In case those in favor of Roose velt do not make known their purpose of ■ getting off the electoral ticket in that period, Mr. Hanna will issue a call for the state convention which will attempt to remove the elec tors. Some of the electors declare they will vote for Colonel Roose velt. Two have resigned from the ticket. For Register of Deeds- “I hereby announced niy can didacy for the office of register of deeds of Alamanace County, sub ject to the aetion of the democra tic convention to be held on the 7 th day of September, 1912. H. D. Lambeth. The State Comrnittee of the l^rogressive Pirty met in Greensbofo last Saturday and issued a call for a state ma«s convention. The Call is as fellows. Tothe People of North Carolina: The provisional executive committee of the Progressive party of this state, pursuant to the aulhority of a conference of a number of representative citizens and the approval of the nati^TiarcomTO- itfe^^the party, calls a mass convention of all quaJil^d el^tors iregardless of past political affiliations, to be held at Gi^nsboro on Tueis^y, September 3, at 2 o^ciock p. m. All Qiialifi^ voters attending who wish to identify theposelves with the progressive movement are urged to come and will be deemed delegates from their respective counties. The convention will be expected to indorse the platform of the na tional Progressive party, nominatean electoral ticket in support of Roosevelt and Johnson, adopt a state platform, nominate a state ticket if deemed by the convention advisable, and to provide for the permanent organization of the party. The friends of the progressive moveihentand supporters of Roo sevelt and Johnson in each county of the state art urged to imme diately take the initiative in airanging to have each county we], rep- rest^ntedat the convention an# to sink all past party differences in the splendid movement now sl^eeping the country to restore this goverment, state and national|tothe substantial rule of the people relieved of machice bossism, |and to effect progressive legislation in state a nd nation for the hpetterment of the people. We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord. ’* « ' Jas. N. Williamson, Jr., Chairman. W. S. Pearson Secretary. ^ ?Greensboro, N. C., August 17,1912 Uncle Sam Hitchia’ Up. It’s a Darned important jourfaey, an’ I’m calculatin’ which Of the critters in m> stable it ’ud be the best to hitch. He’ll be up against some haulin’, for I’m loaded like the deuce, The Elephant? The Donkey? Or the Old Bull Moose? I - ■ ■■ When last I tried to make it, with fhe elephant along Well you couldn’t hardly blame me, for he looked so good and strong; But he Vasn’t pachydermic any deeper than his hide. An’ as soon a& he got started^there was something else inside! He’s standin' here a-trumpetin’ the way he use to do, An’ he’d like me to be thinkih’ that h«’s elephant all through. But. he^s goC so meaiji an’ orhery he ain’t a bit of use. So I’lLhave to hitch the Donkey or the Oy Bull Moose, The-Donkey’s done some hauMn'—just around the stabliB yard,: : But he’s Bever had to tackle any goin’ that was hard, An’ because the trip I’m takin' ain’t related to a cinch; Why, he’ll mebbe go an’ founder when I need him in the pinch. Then, there’s somethin’FREE an’ easy in the way I’ve heard him bray '> An’ I wouldn’t want him smashin’ EV’RY TOLL GATE on the way No, I never knew a donkey, ANY donkey, to produce— So I better be a-squintin’ at the Old Bull Moose. I haven’t druv him lately, but he’s prancin’ in his stall. An’ he looks as if his lay-off didn’t hurt him none at all; ' Tho’ it wouldn’t be so awful if he is a little slower. For that other time I used him—jumpin’ hemlocks, what a goer’ When we’d hit the hilly places you could bet your bottcm dollar That he’d eitherpull ’er over or go climbin’ through the collar! Oh, he wasn’t very showy, but he got there fresh an’ spruce— For I never saw a puller like the Old Bull Moose. It’s a darned important journey, an’ I’m calculatin’ which Of the critters in my stable it ’ud be the best to hitch; But he’s got to do some haulin’, for I’m loaded like the deuce— So I guess I’ll put the harness on the Old Bull Moose. Edward Morrissey Miss Bertha Krupp of Germa ny is now said to be worth $70,- 000,000. Gr^at guns! Mr. Brown, Resigns. At a meeting of the Republican Executive committee for Alam ance county held in the office of the Central Loan & Tirust Co. Saturday August 17th Mr. W. W Brown resigned as county Cha irman, and Mr. E. S. W. Dam- eron as secretary, Mr. J. Zeb. Waller, was elected county cha irman , to succeed Mr. Brown, and Mr. W. E. White, secretary to succeed Mr. Dameron, at this meeting the Executive committee authorized the chairman and secretary to call a county conv ention, the call for which app- ears elsewhere in this paper, the resignation of Mr. Brown will make interesting reading in that he cut loose from the G. 0. P. and casts his political fortune with the Bull Moose party, it is understood that Mr. Dameron has also cast his lot with the new parly, this is a serious loss to their regular repudlican organi- ztion and will seriously deplete its ran^s in so far as leaders are concerned. Burlington, N. G. August 17,1912 To the Republican Ex. Committee, of Alamance County Gentlemen:, Thereby tender my resignation effective from this date as Chairman of your body, I fell impelled to take this course for the reason that I am not in sympathy jfs?ith the RepubUcj^ party, and will found in the ranks of the newly organized Progressive party. Very Respectfully. W. W. Brown To The Executive Comm ittee of the Republican Party of Al amanace county. Gentleman: I hereby tender my resignat ion as secretary of your commi ttee, to take effect at once. Very Truly Yours, E. S. W. Dameron. Progressive Head-quar ters Progressive Headquarters will be opened Saturday night at 8 p. m. August 24th in the did Ar mory Hall over Riuhauts store on corner of Front and Spring Streets. Everybody who wishes to join is earnestly requested to come. W. W. Brown, Chair man. The biggest angling story of the season might encouraige St; Leos to come forward with some sort of a progr^ fo^ winning the Ami^ean League penant. Penrose May be Fited From Senate For Accepung $25,000 From Standard Oil Co. Prof. and Mrs. E. C. Rumbly arrival of a son. Burlington, N, C. Aug. 19 Mr. Jas. N. WiliiamsGh, Jr.; of this city. National Committee man and Chairman of the Ppvi- sional State Executive C?ppimit^ of the Progregsive Party -being interviewed today said: Thi State Newspapers' report or the inepting of the Executive committee of the Pro^essive party were so incorrect (probably inadvertently) as to the divisions in the committee that I wish to issue a statement conceriiihg the s^e,' ... ■■ ;The meeting of the Proj^essive State Committee in Greensboro on Saturdiay last was for the purpose of calling the State Con vention. The policy of taking absolute independent action had previously been decided upon. Our meetmg was held in the open and we granted the privilege of discussion not only to the ipem- beys of the committee but also to 50*or 60 other gentlemen who were presen i and friendly to-the Progress! > e niovemtfrtt I asked for a free discussion of the mat ter i.nd inaskihg for thiis discuse sion Tdid not for pne moment think that the 70 to 80 nien pre sent v^ould be of one and the same opinion, had they been there would not have been any r. e iessity of any discussiph what- tver. Our action was limited to calling the convention aVid leav ing that body to decide upon its detailed course. Jn executive session t here wa s a motion put to the corhmit>ee -md duly second ed that the Progressive Conven tion be held pn Tuesday Septem ber 3rd one day prior to the R^ publ can Convention and to the motion ther^ was not a dissent ing voice, There was then put a mption as to where the con vention should be h0ld and there was a difference as to whether it should be held in Charlotte or Greensboro, however Givensbofo won out as being the place by a large .majority ih thfr e^ We Progressives did not under take to foretell the aetion of the Progressive Conveifition, one thing we know is that the Pro gressive party has b|^n launched with enough enthusi^tic support ers to make its life ; loog and lasting. We shall certainly have an electoral ticket in the field and probably a' full State ticket. We advise all counties to cut en tirely looses from the old Re*- publican party, however we do not propose to take any active part i« local county tickets and each county will be allowed to govern itself as to all local ritiat- ters and Progressives in each of the several countries on loc^l is sues can do as they prefer. The Prog]^ssive party has. not been organized to proriiote Col. Roosevelt or any other man’s ambitions,—Col. Roosevelt, how ever being the greatest living American citizen has been chosen as the standai^ bearer of the Progressive, party; It is admit ted there are rnafiy Progressives in each of the old parties but their hands are shaken by the reactionary bosses Who are agreed in an effort to defeat all Pro gressives le^slation. The Progressive was born out of the conscientious convictions of thousands of American citizens Republicans and Democra ts alike hence the necessity of a hew party for the purpOT of uniting all patriotic citiz,eBs whether in the Deraiocratic or in the i^pub- lican party. We want all whose h^rts and inihds are in sympathy with the Progressive movement, now sweeping this great couniry of ours to join in this cause; Do not overlook the fact that this Progressive piarty isa permanent organization to secure the needed legislation in state and nation. We will appeal to the people o^the state vath clean hands and earnestileaders and a state and national platform looking for ward and not backward to strive for social and industrial justice to be achieved through the gen eral rule Of the people, this is bur purpose as our great leader fur ther declares: “In brder to suc-^ ceed we need leaders of inspired idealism, leaders to whom are wanted great visions, who dream greatly and strive to ixiijake their dreams come true; who caii kin dle thepeople with t^e fire from their own bumnk The leader for the titae being whoever'he may be is but the in- st^'ument, to be us^ until broken and then to be cast aside^ and if he is worth his salt he wilt care ho More Vheh he is broken than a soldier cares when he is sent where his life is forfeit in order that the victory may be won. In the long fight for righteous ness the watch -yord for all of us to spend and b€s spent. It is of little matter whether imyone mkn fails or succeeds; but the cause shall not fail forit is tbe cause of mankind.** Now we appeal to all patriotic people of the state of N. C to as semble at Greensboro on Sept ember - 3rd whether they have been formerly Democrats or ^publicans to unite with us in the high purpose to attempt and do great thinfiffl for our state and nation. * *We stand against all tyranny, by the few or by the many* We stand for the rule of miahy in the interest of all of us for the rule of' m iny in a' spirit of courige, of common sense, of high purpose, above all inaspirjt of kindly justice to wards every man and every wo man,.';■■■■■ I attended the National Con vention at Chicagu and partici-' p.^tfcd in this convention wnen.it nominated Roosevelt and John- a,m advised constantly SOii of tbe movement an i the cool- headed determine and earnest men who are fully informrfd of the nation wide situation and who are cohdactiri^ the National cam paign are satisfieil that there will be a landslide for Roose velt and Johnson in November —n®t so much for - these two gentlemen as men but for the great cau^ of the people which they represent. ' Let the people of the O’d North State instead Of hampteringttiem- selyeis with past party affiliations stand fo'*th in this great move- me^nt and N. C. is sure to give her electoral vot« to Roosevelt and Johnson for the people of this state will fhow by their ballots that'^esr are^ Progressive mpyement. Certain ly we cannot serve tw(T masters —that is the law o f the Holy Writ Our leaders are making a stra^ht fight for eternal prinii pies. Let all patriotic North Carolineans join usin in this m.vgnificeht fight whether they hive teen in the pa,st Democrats or Kepubiicans ^ and if we stand fi q|t we will not be whipped when the battle is over and you vrill find that we will win in state as well as in nation. Do not forget the fact that the aroused conscience and the de termined purpose of the plain people and the laboring min is with us. ' . Names of tliose Who Have En tered the Dfopatch Cmitett. name no. yOTBS Bertha May Home 63000 Addie Ray 54000 Aurelia Ellington, Mebane, R, No. 4, 45800 W. J. Brooks 44700 Mary Lee Coble, R. No.l 41S00 Waller Workman 15^ Lizzie Cheek 13100 Bettie Lyde May 9000 W. I. Brsucton, Snow Gamp, 7900 Martin L. Coble, R l. 4^ T. F. Matkins, 3700 Gibson^lle. Carrie AlbrighV 3600 Haw Biver. Mrs. B.’L. ShOffner, R. 10, 8000 J. R. King, 1100 Greensboro. May Carr Hall lOOO Margie Cheek lOOO Doyle Heritage' 1000 Endorses ike Progressive PcuKcies. Mr. Editor: Every since the Chicago Con vention The State Dispatch has been an eye sore to myself and to all former llepablicans that 1 have h^rd express themselves about it. I believe that the maj-. ority of the subscribers are ag ainst justsuch sentiment as exists, in the old Republican party. And if we are to believe what Mr. Kitchen said in his speech at the Briclchouse on the naght of Aug 13th, those same conditions exist in the Democratic party. 'I^e only right thin^^ for all honest PeniCKirats ajid Republicans is to come otit from the old parties and join the progressves and stand with us fit Arm^g^don and battle fouf the IknC !

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