_ .y. , -fv'. lules i a car load mules. AH s. I good brood Stable jton, NX. Dispatch wi] to The Stati r Vote for on( ^VARTS -vithout pain or r how far raised And they will ar will be left, to the MOLE or ars in about six aving the skin n $!.00bottles. plain case, accom ms enouffh remedy OLES or WARTS, ive GUARANTEE WART, we' will Pensacola Fla. bacco [ining coun account of ►p of tobac will bring leasons had this, is 0 ds. Price ad been 1th Carolina the general per hundred le. I expect toj Ihe Builington^ )ry, with ali thej s represented' you a hearty r your tobacci^ iig to grade. « , Uhankyo” hope I E. n Lil)ni)*y A PkOGRESSlVfc I^SPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUIU)IN(» OF AMERICAN HOMES AKD AMRBICAN PURLINGTON, mmm iuM}fei»e i^lished by the (Md me On Saturday night N. WiQiaib^h mitteeman of the Pit)gilBfi8iv€! Party of North a telegram fjfcan Mr. 0. K. Davis^ Sec^yv of th$ Party, in wMeh Davis states tfcat O’"*"'^ ‘The Old North Stete’’ on Tuesday Oct ing wiil be ki» il3ni»ra^ while in the Bt^te: Am-ve vAsheville at 5:50 A. M. Leave Asheville at 7:10 A. Airive Salisbury at 11:55 A. Leave Salisbury at 12:05 P. Arri ve Greensboro at 1:40 P. Leave Greens,boro at 2:00 Airive BurKh^pii at 2:40 P. Leave Burlington at 2:50 P. Arrive DurhaSa at 3:50 P. Leave Durham at 4:00 P. Arrive Raleigh at 5:80 P. M. n. M. w M. M. M M. M. By Special Ti aih* At Salisbury, Greensboro, Burlington and Durham, Col. Roose velt v/ill make to the citizens who assemble to hear him, short spe eches from the platform of the rear car of his train and in I^leigh at about eight-to eight-thirty at night in the big Auditorium there, the Colonel will deliver Uis Speech on Progressiveism, Names of Those Who Have En- tered the DispMch Contest. NAME , NO. VOTES Bertha May Horne 63000 Addie Ray 56000 Aurelia Ellington, Mebane, R. No. 4, 48000 W. J. Brooks . ' 4570C Mary Lee Coble, R. No.l 48500 Waller Workman 11700 Lizzie Cheek . ISlOO Bettie Lydi§ May 9000 Gettysburg la 1913. On the 1st, 2nd and 3rd days of July, J913, there will be a na tional and never to be forgotten reunion of the surviving veterans of Americans’ great Civil War on Gettysburg field, and the gra ndest procession ever forced on earth will march under one flag over the ground, which, half a century before, were crimsoned with the blood of broth^^V.#^ are now united in one edniiiiion Efurtihirtp^ N, To the.:’^' ^ntieav^^- €.. Sept live of Atowtiipe Ccv W, 1. Braxton, Snow Camp, 7^ bond of brotherhood. Martin L. Coble, R. 1. 4300 T. F. Matkins, 3700 Gibsunville. Oarri? Albright, ■ 4900 ±iaw River. Mrs. B. L. Shoffner, R. 10, ,3000 J. K, King, , IlOO Greensboro. May Carr Hall 1000 Margie Cheek 1000 Doyie Heritage 1000 North Carolina Mooses. The Bull Moose Party nametia State ticket in North Carolina. Tliey named one man for an of fice who dosn't want one but iJ the people of this Commonwealih wouid call his blulf and nnme Jas. N. Williamson, Jr., as Cor- po! aiion Commissioner they V. ouid secure the most able and btst fjuaiified man that ever held this office. Mr. Wiiiiamson is a -uccessfui cotton nianufacturer arif.l owns several retail stores. He is one of the largest shippers in North Carolina. He is a well t'ducated, well poised ana erni- rt-ntly successful. We are not ad .'ocating the Bull Moose party nor have we anything to say to ii.s discredit, but if “a square fif ai'’ is really wanted^ by those '.v.f.have been compiaining a,- ga;n.3t unjuft, discriminatCry and essiveiy high freight rates, can secure it by voting^ for ni '.n cjualifted to administer the fi'n.ies of Corporation Commis- Pittston, Pa., Sept. 3, 1912. si foer. Mr, Williamson is* head an I shoulders above every can- di iaie named by any .other party. , 'ir e late Henry Clay Brown was qu ‘ It is b^fttting that the survivors of the greatest battle; ever foi^ht,o%i^eeontin|s^ti and th^ir'comrades of four long years of war, denolation, deaths, tears and mourping,’ should have the Chief Magistrate of a restored Union, ride at the head of the Union and Confederate heroes, who still remain with us to march shoulder to shoulder on the fiftetb anniversary of the battle fought between Americans, with a valor, and heroism un before known to the nations of the world. The American people will soon decide who is to lead the proces sion at Gettysburg. I predict that it will be Colonel. Roosevelt the gallent rougn-rider of the Spanish-American War, Gettys- buVg in nineteen hundred and thirteen, without a Roosevelt in the saddle, will be a funeral pro cession knd anoninental failure, so let the Union and Confederate soldiers, whose camp-fires light ed up the valleys and hilltops of the southland, in the long ago, rally on the colors next Novem ber and vote for Theodore Roose velt, who never has been led by bosses, nor is he a Sir John Fals- taff warrior, but a leader of leaders, and a captain of cap tains, whose watchword is *‘We stand at Armageddon, and bat tle for the Lord.’' . Frank O. Hosier, 19th Penna, Inf. Vols. irMx ^ eaxnestl^ to meet at Roosevelt HeadqtMurteTi on m !f list at eleven o’clock oar t»>\inty candidates for the purpose of discuraing and formulating plans for the man agement of the campaign in Al- amani» County. This will be one of our most important me^etp* ings and I have purposely named this day for the reason that our great leader, Col. Roosevelt will speak to the people of the Coun ty ciuring the afternoon of that day.' Please advertise this thor oughly in your neighborhood and let as turn out one of the largest crowds ever assembled. I suggest and urge that you call meeti ngs in your various precincts for next Saturday and elect a Precinct Executive Com mittee in accordance with the plan of organization adopted by our County Convention last Sat urday. Please be prepared to report your action when you come to the rmeeting on October 1st. It gives me pleasure to say that our ticket has been most highly corhpiimented from num- eroUftt sparcesv t»u much ^so,; in fact, that J am hopeful of success now than I have ever been. I earnestly urge you to act promptly in the election of your precinct Committees and to al low nothing to prevent your be ing present at the meeting of the County Committee. Yours for success, W. W. Brown, Ch’n, County Executive Committee. Two native born Pennsylvania Dutch farmers from Lancaster by reason of long service County called on. ,us last week, c!erk to the Commission and and informed us that we should' '’^al desire to remove the bur- Eastern farAiers of our imposed by the railways; ■ Williamson is qualified by .'lai experience as a large ship ! Pfe; ond a selfish and public de- I S'! ^ ro remove these acknowled- 1 ‘i'i' 'ils. Party lines should be j pi > .n to get a qualified man. I exception Jas. N. Wil- ! - a r,son, Jr., of Alamance is the ^ti\.r;ge!jt man who has ever be- a candidate for the office of ' Poration Commissjonor in W ( Carolina.— Merchants 1 and Commerce. Notice to Teachers. i ne fall examination to public teachers will be held in tvaham. Thursday, apd Friday, , .'anam, pet. 10th and 11th fusi pablic This is the examination for the V‘2ur. The first day is set apart [or white teachers and the sec7 pnd for colored, , ' - \ J. B. Robertson, Supt fertile lands, our genial climate and our hospitable people; and that the Pennsylvania farmer would come South instead of going West. Therefore it be hooves us to tell Our -Northerner in true, clear and concise terms of' our Sunny South land and unto him daily a real w“elcome and invitation to come and till the hundreds of acres of fe:^tile cot- ton, tobacco, corn and wh^t land of North Carolina. J^eth- ern,. we have a far better country than we think. That’s why. so many native born are returning to the Tar Heel land every year. Uncle Sam may soon be able to hold up his head among the s civilized nations that haVe the parcels post Committee ^ppoioted to Welcome Col Roosevelt In response to call issued by Mayor Freeland and the Chamber of -Commerce a number of cit izens met in the Mayorg Hall Tuesday night and selected the following ; committee to have charge of arrangements for the coming of Col, Theodore Roose velt next Tuesday October 1st. Ex' Mayor iBarrett, J. L. Scott, J. P. Albright, E. S, W. Damer- on, B. R. Sellars, W. E. Sharpe, Mayor Freeland, E. A. Holt, W. W. Brown, D, E. Sellars, W. P. Ireland, .Esq. W. A. Hall, Capt. J. A. Turrentine, J. C. Holt, J. M. Cook, J. W. Murray, with Mr. J . W. Cates as chairman of the committee. . This committee are to appoint such other committee .- as they may see proper and are to give the board of. Aldermen an invita tion, also an invitation will be- sent the Secretary ot the Min isterial Association inviting the ministers of the town, to act as a part of this committee. It is hoped to have the Chamber of Commerce'but in full force wear ing badges. The City Graded School, Gra ham Graded School ai^d Haw River Graded School will all be ask to close and come to hear thii greatest An^erican citizen. While students at Elon College and Whitsett are especially invited. It is hoped to have the largest crowd of people present that has ever gathered at Burlington and to this end all committees • are working. It has been suggest(»i that all the whistles of the vajrioug inills blow upon the entering.of Col. Roosevelt’s train. Music for the occasion will be fumighed by one or more bands. This may be your only change to hear and see the man of whom you have heard'so miich. Remember you have a ^rdial welcome to com© to Burlington Tuesday October 1st to ^ and heat ‘’Teddy'V D^nH Ifciss the opportaaity, i 80 imieh iitfith my *^^‘Bejpatient madam, W; a great iirithout Ifai^ *{iuilu4 br6the^’’ called jahar the other day and ^ him if he o»sld "make a spelhti* book/’ On being ans- in the affirmative the darkej^ Inquired the price, ^ying that he and his wife had been thinking for sometime of getting one for the children, as they were not at>le to send them to “no ■college nor huthin’.” , . * He said he could get one at the stO]^ ifOr ten centsv but thougni- perhaps he could ha ye one made cheaper. Being told that it would cost him several hundred doilaiis tohave a single issue of a speili|g book printed, he opened wide ;? his mouth displaying his ivory^ his eyes enlarging to sometl^ing near the size of saucers ^nd ^i-airting ofiE up the street like a' 'streaK of greased lightn ing" #as heard to exclaim, ‘ ‘Dat man’s de biggest fool I efeer seed; spec I half to go to de store aftier all!’'.;f ^ ■ Cv Sbwrd ^erefc^ w it re- solved (1) That webow-ln ble «}b^s8io)ti to him tl^it 'ali’thiniiis;we}l;vv. (^IHiat w&le tfe have loet one: of our mpet jEi^l^ul iaembim we feel that our loss is hit gain. (8) That we aroui^ th0 bemvi^ family of our most Jsihosre s3fm*, ^thy in thig trying hd^v^ ^4) That a copy of these resblutions, be* spread on our miijtites a copy be sent to the grief stricken famr ily and copies to our city pi^rs for publication, ■ J.,G. Rogers^■■-hh.'f T. S, Cheek Committee 'D..J. Fitch■ J^~¥es Tommy,,it is quite |»^sssible that there are p0- pie ^wn^ 1^^ iyhafe bec(M*^ of them when there isn’t any moon. Father—Tommy, stop pulling that cat's tail. Tommy—rm only holding the tail; the catspulhng iL “Oh, Freddie! you mustn’t dife any deeper! Our teacher saiu Che, Chinese lived right down through the ground, and what would papa say if you should them right into our garden?” % ' \ V Ruby Everon About Mr Porter When the delegates were chosen for the Republican | national con vention, the Sixth Indiana dis trict was for Roosevielt. It was not contested by the Taft forces. Porter wanted to goas a national delegate, but there was doubt among many Roosevelt men as to his loyalty. He protected, and went so far as to sign writ ten pledge to support Roosevelt throughout the convention if he were selected. He was elected. He broke every promise he had made, and violated his written pledge. Ke voted for the Taft forces, or refused to vote at all of every roll call at the Republican national convention. When he came home he was ostracized politically by all politicans who believe a man in public life should at least keep his word. Last week he was rewarded for his treachery and deliberate deception by being made a mem ber of the Taft executive comr mittee of Indiana! He couldn’t be elected dog pelter in his own district Such is the political charter of the rnan whose support of Taft is being advertised thi'oughout the east as a gr^t asset. Philadelphia Times. Sunday Papers. Realizing that the public gen erally is interested in the pending poUtitical contest, and that their only source of information is through the Newspaper.4. I have decided to distribute all papers on Sundays from now until after the election, prbvided of course this course meets the approval of the post office department oh Sundays. Trusting this action will meet with favoi? by . all classes of our citizens, I have the honor to remain.: ItespecMlyr'-'V J. Zeb W^ler, Post Masteir. , Mebane, N. C. ■■^'■.'■ ■iSept;v28'19lS: Mr. Editor;.'^\ - " ■' I want to call your attention, also ihe attention of the people of Alamance and sur rounding counties, to the gr^t North CiiToiina Jl^^taie fair which, ^ill be held in Raleigh from October: l4th to llEN;# inciui^ti. The County fails in North ■■a, good,. educating ihe^ eti|^omic line ifi agrfct^ltural^ tiorticuiture, an4 invtiie improve- meht of live ' kinds: however, the North Car olina State Fair is Id- stitutioh and is making wonder ful Progress alorigr^hefier lines and should be patronizied by the entire ita e. There is no" fair in the iouth that has made the progress that the North Caro^ Ilna State Fair has made within the la&t few years. There has jiiist been completed a large, mi^ern cohcrete building to be used exclusively for, agjricuitural exhibits, and alsoa large concrete building to be used exclusively for poultry, the management contemplates making other very decided improvements in the near future, and with the co-, operation of the farmers and manufacturers of North CaroUna the mianagement hoiies to' make this the greatest-Fair of the en- tiire South. , The management also:- wants to call the attention of the people to the fact that the fair is how run: on an absolutel;y clean?biasis having eliminated; all obj ection- able side shows, and there will be no shows allowed, on the grounds which would be the least bit objectionable to anyone. This year th(fe mahag^ment is making an extraordinary effort along a^riculturial and hofticul- turial lirles, and stock especially and expects to have the greatest exhibit along these lines that has ever been shown at any >fair in North Carolina. ' ■ The management also wants to call attention of the people to the fact that this Fair belong^ to the state and all of the receipts and proceeds are paid out in prmiums and in making imi^b^tnent^^^t take care of the largely increased exhibits'. V' ■ r We urge the faimers of North Caroli^na to take advantage of this opportunity and if they have any products of their farms which they would like to exhibit, trust that they will iham^iately ask the management for ^pace, which is furnished free, and we trust that every farmer will ’make an e:ffort to visit this; State Fair in October as it wilt yepay^ anyone to do so. ^'V ' Very Respectfully )V. E. White Member . Executive' Committee for Alamance County. ^ : LOST—At carniyai in Graham a Ladies Gold Watch with black Fob aad cham attached. Alib- he paid when church Sunday night at the delight of our , Hi: s^iool^tli ind w back to tammr Im iiito ihew » of # turnip,.crop 8ow«C 1 ^ J. L. Vart; If ill: t(i^ in 'tiMl ; picture butitteMi H6«^eBisbuii|r all the^tiioe.■■■■ On last 8at the mill ftood and gave the Sunday ^dkN^a clunoa for their annual picnic whidt was greatly enjoyed by old and young at Harden’s Park. They were carried over the car line which was delightful to. them and at twelve o’clock and as good a dinner was prepared and spread as appetite could crave Plenty for ail and plenty left so if anyone did nqt get dinner it was their Own fault all honor to the ladies of Haw River. ^ They know how to prepare for such dccajsions. / Rev. Mr. Bass of Scranton, S. C. . pr^ched at the Haptist nday night at 7:30 to. .. „ e. He id a. strong ai^moiii. ^ Dr. Wicker preach^ S« moirning at the Ch^tian at the regular hour. The 0r. 'al- way&^mes to us with a delight** Tb^S^wk* graded school will open Sept:»^ with Pwl Smith of Sylvia as-Supt ve expet^t it ?wiii be a succei^; Will give tiira teachers names next week. We look for a large attendance ^d a good yi^r’i Prot Smith is very busy/this week getting ready for the opening. Parents. come and eveirybody invite to attend the first morning at the opening. ' ■'Mi Miss Emma Cat^ who s^nt a > few days with her- paitnta last week, Mr. and Mrs. John -7* Cate left for Petersburg to re sume her work. Mife Emma it O.K. M; j, pavis^ 0^^^^^ N. C. is canvassing our ixyf(h in in the interest of a well gotten up Bible nicely arranged for studying the Sunday School les son. /■;. •; Mr. ^d Mrs. J. H, Blacl^mbn are visiting his old home in the eastern part of the state and to - look over, the paths of his youth ful d£^s/ He vidll sho w her the beautiful truckingfield of the east. We hope their trip will ^ pleasant as they grasp the pleas- \ ures as they go and return at the proper time much refreshed. Rev. Bass of S. C will preach at the Baptist church Sunday eyening Sept ^ at 3:30 P. M. Everyone invited. Rev. G. L. Curry will begin a series of meetings Monday night after the first Sunday in Oct. Everyone invited to come and help in the good^ work and enjoT a blessing. . ' M. C. B. Wright Was in town for a few houre very pleasantly. We are always glad to ^ hinfi. Where is the ^oung nian who got in the buggy with his best girl and tried to drive off before -. he unhitched his hors®. We wont teii on you this time.. , To The Fnblic, 1 understand my name was be fore the Progressive convention at Graham Sept 21st for Regis ter of Deeds of Alamance county. This was done without my knowledge or consent, while I am deeply grateful to niy friends for the confidence they repi5>se in me. I have npt been and would no: accept a nomination for any 0: ftce in Alamance County*; Haw River N. C. 1912. _ ^ Bula Lodge No. 409, A. F. and A. ,M.' will meet next night in lodge rbOm Vivef man*8 Store for tiie ptdpose of trwsactingaiiy and afl l^nesf coming; beicahe it ■' ’ - . ■ vr.; ■■■■■■■ .y . ■' /’V -"m ■ -3:

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