and fabrics at ?A GOOD VAL 4f P A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DtVOTED TO THE UPBUaDINfe OF AMERICAN HOMES AfJO AMEM^IU^ VOL. V. BURLINGTON. N. G., OCt; 1912. .; r: ‘f (■! ‘.j^iv'j'.>H 1 ivi’.)-ferj/;5j’;^'-ht'Sifjlj ©fl'r ' .!• ■/««;«'.vi Electors of President and Vice- president of the United States VIRGIL S. LUSK, Tenth Congressional District. JACOB F. NEWELL, Ninth Congressional Distrtet. JOHN B. RBSPASS, First Congressional District. ALBERT C. BROW. Second Congressional Dictrict. D. P. HENRY, Third Congressional District; W. S. BAILEY, Fourth Congressional District, JAMES R. VOSS, Fifth Congressional District. SIDNEY MEARES, Sixth Congrsssional District, Z. I. WALSEa, Seventh Congressional District, ROBERT V. THAEPE, Eighth Congressional District. T. N. HALLYBURTON, Ninth Congressional District. JOHNB. SUMNER, Tenth Congressional District. Gcvemoi': IREDELL MEARES, New Hanover County. Lieutenant Governor: CHAS E. GREENE, Mitchell County. Secretary of State: D. H. SENTER, Harnett Gouncy. Auditor: J. F. CLICK. Catawba County. Treasurer: D. L. GORE, New Hanover County. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion: GILViORE WARD BRYANT, Duiiiam Cotmty.^^ ' Attorney General: JOHN RAYMOND McCRARY, Davidson County. Commissioner of Agriculture: JAMES M. MEWBg»]^N^ Lenoir Count;fi Member of North Carolina, Corporation Commission, Term Ending Jan. 1, 1916: THOMAS McMULLAN, Edgecombe County. . Member North Caztolina , Corporation Commission: GEORGE E. BUTljER, Sampson Couritj^ Commissioner of Labor and Print ing: J. Y. HAMRICK, Cleveland County. Insurancfe Commissioner: CLYDE EBY, Craven Cdurtty. Associate Justice of the Suprewie Court: ' ' THUSTON T. HICKSi Vance County, ' W. S. O’B. ROBINSON, Wayne jGc^hty^ Judge of the Supreme. Court Ox the Ninth Judicial District: F. 0. CARVER, Person County. Hurt Wbile Going to Fire. Saturday morning, Grover Moore, member of Hose Com pany No. 2, was seriously injured by being thrown from the hose wagon wbiie responding to a fire alarm; At first it was thought that the injuries were fatfiil, but further eaLamination showed that while they are serious they are not considered fatal. Fire was discovered in the store of Smith & Qualls about 7 >'ciock laist Sariirday morning anid thfe alarm was turned in. Hose wagon No. 2 was making a quick turn of a corner in response to the alarm and Moore was tJarown heavily to the street where he was picked up in an uneotfsdous condition. His back WMsvpretty badly hurt and he rec^-ived other injuries about the bxly. ^e fire was quicKly extin- gui^ed with very little damage. Polls Everywhere Indicate Roo^ velt Landslide Is Now On. Straw votes taken in every se ction of Pennsylvania indicate that the expected landside for Roosevelt arid Johnson is now well under way. Reports from a majority of the counties tiell of the prevalence of a great 'Wash ington party sentiment, and i^en in every walk of life are out spoken in their championship 6f the cause of social and industrijil justice. ; In shops, factories, ofiices, mines, theaters and trains^ jn fact, everywhere that peopfo gather, Roosevelt almc»t 8^lwa|% leads in the [polls taken. The|b seems to be no (Hlference in cit^, town or country—he is eV;ery- where the favorite with the ma^^ of voters. r • T. R. And Straus Lead In Hip- podrQme Pell. ’ Meeting at Reformed Ciiurck Closed , The Special Gospel meetings closed at the Reformed Chuich Tuesday night. The interest was ^Jie through the whole meeting. Aine new members were receiv ed the Sabbath. There will be a special service at the Church at *jP. M. next Sabbath to receive •^tners who wish to join the '^nurch. Rev. Dougan C. Cox returned to his work in Guilford tcunty this morning. He made good inmpression here by pure gospel sermons in the ^•naj-ch and his excellent advice in the homes. The congregation kindly follow him in their prayers. lowing are some of the stmw 10^, Wilon 27, Tiift .8 votes token in, tte different * jftasttags, Pa., Ocb ’ departntente of the Pennsylvania straw vote cohducted’dfer'a'Ttfeek' ^ ^ iat tlie general st^4:^ E^t Ak^na maclnne andng|,j Supply /(^jmpanyn b^cksmith shops, CoLI^ Wilson. 27 Talt^- 38; Wilson, 18; Debs, 16; Taft, 14 i q. T)phs fi ; Shop clerk force—Col. Roosevelt, » ’ • 19; Wilson, 13; Taft, 8; Debs, 4; The metel ^d of East Altoona dep^ment; Theodore Roosevelt, 88; W^ilson, 5; Debs, 4; Chafin, 2; Talt, 2. The Pennsylvania Railroa,d freight shop at Fourth street department: Theodore Roosevelt, IM; Wilson, 48; Taft, 35; Debs, ^3 Altoona and Cumberland train on Bedford divi«»ion inbound: Theodore Roosevelt, 31; WilsQn^ 16;;i^ft, 11. . The steesl car plant: Theodor Roosevelt, 71; Debs, 40; Wilson, 13; Taft, 13. Dntch Colony Gives T. R. SOD 327 ^ ^ fiolland, Mich., Oct; —T^e results of a reniarkabl# test vote was made public here t6da#‘ disclosing an overwhelming Jiiia- jority for Roosevelt in districts foi'ein,erly almost solidly Repub lican.^'■ , ■ / " '' ' ' In^ western Michigaln' is' 5 the Jargest colony , of Dutch v^ot^fis in America. For nearly half a centuryJthie| Dutch ha^e supi»r|- ed the Republicaii ticket unsweri- ingly. It has . beep la question whether thfeir" loyalty to their Earty;or :the ties?; of M&csd; they nd in Roosevelt would pull thi^i? votes’liiis■'■year; , f So,a lest vote was made ip factories, in Hope Ooilege andijh a stoiNe. ' Altogether;il5i4; votes were takeii; pf which,, iloosevelt received 843; Wilson, 327; Debs, '246; and Taft bu 198. Amazed At $t)rejpigth ,OfI^ R. In %ofh iOct. 23.—The New X 6r& Herald which is velt got inter^ting. ireii^tls. from the poUti^l poll taken by its reporters of the audience at the Hippodrome last night Six hundred ?ind seventy-two votes Mr. Roosevelt leads, with ^ votes, Governor Wilson is second with J148, and Mr. jTdft third with 135. In the state vote Mr. Straus has a total of 260, Mr. Sulzer is second with 72. Sixty- two are credited to Mr. Hedges.' Of the total vote cast, 55 indi cated no choice for president and i2S6 no choice for governor., 0ie wide margin between the presi- deniial Jand governorship Jvote was due to the fact, np doubt, thy inany 6f>^ the iS^dt^rs ' were from othfer states, thus not being entitiled to Ja vote for governor of New York. ^ , Usher’s were supplied with bal lots, inclosed m envelopes and as the men enterM ballots were supplied to them. Many i»ef used to v6te. Some thrust the ballots under the beats, but most those canvassed seeifted eajger to re- cOTd their preferences./ ' ■ • 11^. J - ■ JR. 6. U. A. M. Of jersey Gives T; R. 192, Wilson f Trenton; N; J., OctJ 2^^, —Pro bably the most mgriificanit straw vote taken so far in thie presi dential compaign in New : Jersey was polled today during the noon recess of the annual con vention of the New Jersey State ‘ Council of Junior Order United Aijierican Mechanics here, with this result* Roosevelt, 192; iWiJson, 76; Taft, 51; Debs, 3; and Chafin, 4. Ballots were especially prepar ed by the Mercer iQounty Pi’Q- gressive League and distributed to the delegates as, they c^me from their Jmorning liieeting and were cast as they returned to the opening of the afternoon isession; The State Council js made up. of men from all walks of life and from every section of New Jersey., The poll is an indication of the general sentiment in the presi dential contest a.t this time in New jersey and bears out the claimsof New Jersey Progressive that Roosevelt; w^ll carry New J ersey by bet We^ 10,000 to 20, - oba‘'-.: Loiiis S,t Louis,.]^., Oct,^^ ^.—The majority of ik>iiti«i4? lelfdm ■in; this City hive isndert^timated the strength of the Bull MtKJsera’’ said Chairman Fitzsimmons, uf ithe^t. iLouas Ifemocratic cotq- "mitl^e yesterday. “I was mySelf amazed when I reviewed the Democratic canvass of the twenty eight wai^s just completed. “Our records show that in the presidential preferences 22,000 Sti Louisans have openly express ed themselves for Roosevelt. Many .othervvoters have.declined t6 ^ve our canvassers any politi cal information, but from nints that we^ ,dropped our men be lieve a lar^fb nbajority of the silent vote also will go to R(K)seveltaiid to Norton, ..the Progressive nominee for goyernor. ” The Democratic canvass sub- fVhitfietf id . thet Democratic city committee ?.gives these totals: Democratic, 60,000: Republican. 48i000; Progressi ve,, , 22,000; Socialists anpl scattering, 10,000. Mis. W. W. Brownl^sreturn- from onslow county where she went to the bedside of her father who, we are glad to say is -'mDrovPf! • Betliieh^m Steel Men for T. R. BetiiMherri, Pa., 6ct.A poll taken ^at the»|No. 1 depart ment di^ itJie Bethlehem steel works resulted aisfollbws: Roose velt, 76; Wilson, 10; Taft. 7. Dek 43, T. RL1^, Taft 2, Wilson 1 l^ewmstown, Pa., OcL 23.— Ertipoy^ «f' J. Witler^s cig^ factory (Voted as fpllpws in a straw poll; Debs, 43; Roosevelt 15; Taft, 2fWilson, 1. Chair f iaot Impt^y^^ ?bi ‘^'koose- Gai;$per. : ?4a$s., Ofet. 23, — A poll ot the empli>yes of the John A.vDttiiniGompany’s re»uh^ as' ’ folbws: Roblisvelt, 53: yihoft, 6; Pebs, 3. Roosevelt 17; Sind Ti^i 1 Middleburgi Oct 23.-^ A straw vote for presidentpin Swe^t Hdjpife;, the hpVthi end o|/ grove resulted s® follows: Rb^ej- velt, 17; Wils^fij' 1^ ;Tait, 1; In the sn^e sectioil foiir y^rs ag6 tvote wa$: ;Taff, ■ 15; 2. HoB4H^ Roll of JifLW Second Gra'#.-^Lillie 951^4 ai?erage, ^Idna Clark average/' Fifth Grade.—Anfiat Gant 9S| average.,-..-: ;- , ' T J Fe^s ’j^lly’, Ready To Plangfe: into Work Today OVster Bav, Oct!,24. / ; i Cdbnel Roosevelt supri^'d hi^ houaehold today by dressing him self without assis^nce and walk^ iriginto dining roo?n, where’^ the family! was gathered, with ai de mand for breakfjast. ”I feel ■sr^^ a^ ro .fI C»J]/i/i j.- :U )■( t; leoa Tti MCTStdirid ■' und. Qver or-'adfdibt ilfc/'ki whiqS coiittii^s'-bf ^jls' ''.u'■! i’j-iuij' a patent systeih *w I !)- r^a^f^6^)Qre(i.fbr ’ ^1^' t!o Vi^Qus, c6Bht^^9:‘:bf oliiqa;. 'a^'i^ •' I ''.I fqr Alawan-ce: a^Mtedrj^y'ME-' bbt ^pti riiaj?' calf dtf 'eomimisfe^Qn^^ sik'yeaj^'''ahdi.iHe'‘'^^6nw |i'^^?:^^exc|ai]i|e!||>p{|^ gnte m in fact; give me ,^meth4 ‘ 6^c§e:^ th^ mg to eat, : f: , ; i ile was permitted to remain;^^i(f 'Hoi' do^ stairs the greater part of §ij!i|^erp]f|is^s the day, putting in hiSt tipae m W(^e the kha khicker bwiker suif iflvivhich he is accustoijtied w ntfe'aiid play teniiis, andhelocfc- lfr| S’ lh ed likeliis old self. He was witht pf^ lilie,;;^ rreii, nestfby at the home of W.Emlen j i^ia^’iia'stialled bir "6b^itent Roosevelt, and a brief visit from; of help wmcH s^nt h Dr. George W. Fulles, who ma^e the cpmji^hy a routine call for the purpose of wdrk ivaiB' dohb l^y thii hfel^j taking the colonels tempera- klp^e, arid 0a^'^ ture. / Hooii*?, “Wherd tn^y wo^uld'ttibt’ The ex-president retired disturb'any of the PffiHei^ m^ tonight in splendid shape, appar- Court, Hbiise riof interfere ^th^ ently unfatigued by his first (tey-tlieii’ wp?k'^' .i. out of bed. Those who aTeatten- j These facts shpuld Ji>b l3iboVe dug him express giieat an^e^ politics arid ithe Indent system; I. Ri Leads in Bncknell Poll Lewisburg, Oct. 23,—A straw vote taken by Bucknell University weekly,'the Orange and bluei results as follows: Roosevelt 122; Wilson, 121; Taft, 22; Dehs, 4; Chafin, 3. rr. : POUNDS RooseveU Leads in train Polls Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. A straw vote taken on tta|n 24, ber tween Lewistown and this city, gave Roosexelt, 52; Wilson, 35; Mt, 29:. iDebs,, Z Another poll between Obisoriia and Mount ;IJ,nion •gave Roosevelt, 12; Wilson 4‘ * ' /■ L ' ; 1 j r. : [ Harness , JS^o^veUj. ; Quakertown, Pa., Oct., 23. — A strM Vote taken in J. fii3ftai^ey''k harness factory gives RooseveJltl 22; Wilson, 10; Taft, 1. ment over the i)romptness with which he has recovered hisi ^strength. He sW several visi tors in the library, among theni Robert J. Collier, Finley Peter Dunne and Mark Su}livan, who joruneyed down to.Sagamore Hill together, .. - . , , The Progressive ^ leader con fered with his visitorjs over, the active part which-Coliier’sWeek- ley is tP take in; the rernaind,er of his cancipaign, vf , ; . , Tomorow Colonel. .Roosevelt f laris to make his .fiirst inpve toward gettings, into harn^ess again. ^ One of hi^ ^pretariep has been directed tP'be, o?^ hand, and if he feels as well as he did today’ they will tcsge-ther tackle' the* last fortnight’s, ,accuinu% tion of mail: arid telegrams. Jifc is now certain j unless some i^e^ contigency arises, that , the, colonel.will speak briefly; at the meeting in Madisn Sgure Garideni on October 30. . It is likely that by the end of the week his conferences wi|th his leaders will be in full swiiiiig once more. should iiiQot^ be mispresented to! the acclaim personal honor or to ■Miiiiitp persPnal emplument. 1 '' The ^p’i*esent courity icomnus oriesre arid the ex-edunty comimiaei? are^the witness, they willwitnes^^ the' tinith, and this' case should b^ brpught before the - pebple of thfe county - that' alL naV ha^e- jiipr^e Stre^ A valuable horse belon^iig to Mi* Glen Hall was so^badly injured by the Street ,Caf Tuiefday breaks- ing its leg that it WiSI 'necessary to kill the. iiijuredji Hg,ll\vaS'riding:ithe/ ^ a^d wasnearthe streetcar; tracl^^i.^^ Fi^nt street when ^he i, i^riimal becariie frightened: ?md j?^)^ed on tlie tfracki: mri tiaW , iriarrp^Jy escaping,injury!. ■ vh,}'. Sale Made at Brick .Ware House. John H. Tapscott and Vaughn TOTAL I- 92 16 50 15 18 165 27 00 44 55 22 35 00 ■ ' 7 70^ 12 ■75 00 -r 9 00 18 . , 36 00 r; 6 48 , 34 ■■■' ^-OOV-"- 9 86 15 - 15 00 X ^ V. 2 25 200 ' 20 00 ' ■' 40 00 232 >-^:■:.6 50'" ''I' ■ • r A vJ4 00 700^^ f , ■ V-- ^ $149 10 t ’’''Y i f t- To (Jet^OiOOO If SHe WSris iijijib and . San Erancisco, Oct. 23. -f A letter ■sigried'-'^^'Miss Radcliffe: general delivery, Elgin, III.' was recievedfyestei?44yj?^y Mayor Rolbn: imploring, find a husbarid fq^ thef h|efpr4 close of 1912, lest' being urimari- ried she looses a foHune Of $30,- 000. She asks that! the mayor insert her letter ini^ a leading pap^. ^r$! Riadteiiw herself as 27 yeatis ila,' 'J^thlir g(tod-l()Mnfe anS-?|w#d®^^ of- western men. The man must be at least 5 feet 7\^ inches tall. ■ 5{j I. UdV*iiith0^^' ‘ ■' - ' ■ ■ - a/t thie H^use ^turday tlte)Repu were treats to tms exhil^^ioii ^i butfoon^y.. , , , V : Mee^ih^ the' the h?«:h of Mngj J„ ustj^iedftiai mei^hfe chaRg!^ ti^;ijat,.ther ^ i,,t^nri,e|_r t'at., ;sti*eet to Jein^y Gity,|,^iiir a sign up ,^00 for i|)itting dia & stz^ caWahd w’eii^ tb'a^it ffii; hpthinsitf ■ Npvir: nobadi^® 'biit a riiiiiidhaire ‘4an isMi ib And cpmmpn :folk^ Ith^isf' y:ei Wer ■ pnNew. Jer8ey;**'■"^'‘^"”‘ Here are a fe# ^ixp«rts—agra- ments fclf ilgiIjtliB ;;ijQ^ti)iidacy— tal^en frpni. the,, official .^tisno- ii^pfe’s'rejj^ pf■ ■!»' 6t ; K wu|; I . unipn^. ,*ShPW me *^ny ' lead^? pil^e Sull MocMsie i aJjpnglthe hne, Ijforia d0wri,/ £^d I; iyil* ifhp^ yjpjl jpiiiifl^ :b^yrw|p the Bull, Mpc® party has, fl6 hioiwi show than a > fclp^fe^ge^ . girl in the tojwn, where ih.e;w^ riised. ’ ■ , ‘i iyas ,cpniiji!ariit;;y OPt ipng ag« whei*e,! ^he\ pebW^^ glflpmly, he^ui^^;’;Jtfr: jpay hai a -'Jilia^^w^kV' th^' wei;e r^egretjtmif; iihje, Ip^g ,ipf .time, -ii, ‘ttnme'4;a I;Week.'1rit^;-.'a; Bu^;'a, Qouhtry Mx^r ^.‘ w ..pptin^jl^t;'-'He :A v-^feek is j fe, ';a;^y w. Ijaijied., i^hauld- ^e: eom- |)^ys eribu^ a vir^k ^ot the uttei^rii[^^^ men mred t»“db^'^ R^d^velt, men selected {[by the ; EepubIibaii national coriimiii;^ because pf their pe^Uai^ fitriras) tb Present the claims f>f Mr. Taft. ''This^^^m^ wallow which we niye qubted is the'^^t^ Mr.' Taft’s' ;ad!riir3ti6tt' • Waa I. R. Is Far Lead At Pennsylvania Shops. Ii '■ Altoonai'l^-‘,^cfc liSI^TSBfoK.^^ ■, ^ v- m -- c.:i- ' I JMOtl WV¥U'CM^iV' -ailOY 1 The' babysborncp^ ai fkt Ne^ ITP#. ^ least; ,had .a {goi 'fartiii"life"r"^^- 30 yeara pld. §smm i) , preS^nl^dat the Umwi L^igue • me^tiri^ by Franklin MacVeagh, his secretory of the treasury, Who indorsed the two ‘‘trailers’' df R^ev«lt in thfe^pl- Ipwing language: V ; “My friends, Harlan and Bede have been dpingjsuch relharkable work that 11 h^ye b^n crazy te hear theril krid that's Why 1 here. They are here and they cannot ^et away from iiere.v^d I am j^(»hg have a VeVy gr^t arid nmih‘^ I especially want to> listen to the gentiemeri be'eauro theyente^n a feeling and cpnvictibn of ibdng of my oWa th^t theso-cisJledjSlro* p|r|y is perhaps^/ t prpglpessive pM-ty is the Mr4.^.„T.- pr I ham. M L. Reh WANTEp-Good abte^ iM