is Week LDMAN BECKMAN & CO Good Clothem led out at ackets at AN er in County Co. N.C aie vide special 95 cent, ents.$1.00 novelty e 69 cents. $1.00 ?n ts. J u^t received Fou want $1.50 and 3 in long coats $8.00 )5. Poney skin and Boucle coats $10.00 innie coats f^pecial 4.95. $12.50 iadies ^.95, $15.00 ladies >ns and boys suits, r wants. We will ys suits. See'new and 60 cents, iadies f fleeced underwear t arrived. Prepare ts large size nicely (pedal $a^. $5.00 ice sheeting 5 cents . F^ne Island ind warn and buy box calf shoes for nci, Intent leather, it $2.95. Have you )rices for Thanks- coats $2.89. You id fancy goods. H lent. See wr line a, carpet, Jap rai^t ngto beautify youy II. Fine and fresh ippli^here. Every pplied. PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED tO THE UPmM^WNG OF AMEKCAN HOMES Mm VOL, V. BURLINGTON. «. BEG. 4. 1912. m.m jS5 4ME no. votes Addle Ray 86000 W. J. Brooks 8580C Bertha May Home -?4500 Aurelia Ellington, Mebane, R. No. 4, , C^te, R. No.1 Mary Valler Workman 525(K) 49800 OKOAA J2zie Cheek 13100 V, L Braxtc»i, Snow Camp,15600 Bettie Lyde May 12800 idrs. B. L. Shoffner, R. 10, 5100 Carrie Albright, ^ 4900 rtin L. Coble. R. 1. ‘ 4^ F. Matkins, 3700 GibsonviJle. Kannie Sue Tei^ll. I R. King, Greensboro. i r»Iay Carr Hall 1000 j Margie Cheek 1000 Doyle Heritage 1000 IS at Bo«n &e Tim^ Tbe Dear Contesfeants: Remember the $5. 00 in gold to be given the Gont^tant' who turns in the most votes durmg the month of December. Its easy to secure aubscriptipns for the State Dispatch. Its eiasy to collect. Therefore the Ford 3000 * -1100will won in an easy help mann^. Wewili Write or come to see us. you. 12 BEAUTIFUL 12 J FORD Model, T. 5 Passenger Touring $900.00 i Indian Motorcycle, ^.00 I Pony, Harness and Cart 250.06 ] Gold Watch, Diamons set in back. Ladies or Gents 75.®6 J Diamond Ring. Ladies or Gents 75.09 Speedmore Bicycle Ladies or Gents 60.0d i New Home drop head sewing machine 60.0# Bed Room suit 50.00 i Scholarship Draughon^s Business College 50.0® j Double barrel! breech loading hammerless Gun 40.00 I Automobile repeating lifle 25.00 ] Leather couch ' 25.06 Three months ^bscriprion eatitles you to 103 votes, six months 3i», nine months 900, one year 1000 votes. Five years 10,000 votes tpn years 25000 votes. No coupons given unle^- cash accompies Subscription. nUNKGIVlNfi. Oasinsgi^g, N. Y., Nov, 28.— ’Thank God. Thi$ is a real Ti^ksgiving ..4ay- for m©.^ tIi€^ woxda by Lawyer Albert T. Patrick today who was pardoned by Governor Dix after a 10-year fight for freedom. He has twice been ^rlthin the shadow of the death chair for th?! murder of Willmm Jarsh Rice, millionarie. It is ex pected that Patrick will be re leased at noon.*' Death tai Agedi Wonea. '^‘■Sarah Jas^ r JBlolt was bom March 24 depalted this lifeNov. 28, i|ir 8 months and 4 \y#hington, Nov; . 29. -^Il!*h^ appointment of WHUam ¥. Jackson, a republic^ as the sucscessor to the late: Rayner of Maryland, the supposed Demo^^n^^ ty in the new Senate to a p^nt very near tife vievidiEig line^ Before Senator Raynors- death the Demiscratic le*»^^ 3couHfted- tfh having 49 vot^ or ofte iiBtorQ; than a majority of 96. ||o^ they can count on only 48 with Dejaaocratic ¥ice Pres»£eiii to c^t the deciding vote in of .i tie.- ^'5' mmm claims s Mmiicale At Efam A large and ehthasiaid^ ence greeted the members c^ithe isKjctcaffs class jh^;^i| ing at their twejnty^third Sud- yi^ar musical given in lion College Aaditoriuip^ The pi^ilil ^owed his progress and ^ with credit to themselves and the institution a^pzt>gr£^ ^ich was made up of the testsejeetlons of Chaminade, Bendel, C^iQianr and Moszkowski. Miss Wilson, the Director, liow in her-fifteenth consecutive j^ia* with the College, received num* erous expression of appreciation from the musical lovers present. ABSCONDING CASHEIR T^ES TO KILL HIMSELF West Point, G^a^ Dec. 1— H. W, Parker, abs»>adinir b^nll! cushier, of Wianelmgo> Mif^^i^ who yesterday confess^ to' i shor^e in his «ccountsDf 000 attiempted::to cosi^triiuisde , in the local jail; late bst;. iii|^t« iThe prisoner Ricjbtmond ,' Nov. 28.—An eyent of much interest was fiol- emAized Wednesday afternoon at 4a*ctdck in the Bainbrid^^Street Baptist ehuch, when Miss Cor- laielm Ti^lor Hancock, daughter Mrs. Beverly A, Hancock and ^he late Judge Hancock, of For int Hiil, became the bride of Dr. Wi^Kam Dexter Moser, of Bur- Rev. Dr/R. J. Willing^ ham,, of Richmond, vsras the datini^ minister. Tlib church was beautifully in potted iloweni and The wedding, march w^ piay^ by Mi^. T, E, Burton^ Just befdre me bridal pstrty cn^ ter^ a solc^ "Because GodMade The Mine/^ wsm rendered by T. W. lioehniger. 1%e bride entered on the arm of her uhcl^ W. Hi Taylor, whogave her away tit the altar. She was beautifully gowned in white satin with p^rl lace trimming. Her tulle veil wa® crowned with orange blo^ mtm, and in her arms she car ried a presentation bouquet of Bride’s rosins and lilies of The bride’s attendants were l^ses Helen Hancock and Imo- jS^ne Gregory. They were attir- ^ in bluecharmeuse chiffon !^tn gcild trimming and hair dressing of pearl. They carried arm bou- guets of yellow chrysanthemums.^ Thedamesof honor were Mrs. F. H. Hardaway, a sister of the and Mrs. J. Beverly Han New Oil^nis, ^.—The? cold wrive which s^?|repi; doV^^ from the Bnhsh; Northwest OiKMigh the Roflj* MoBBtain region early this w^k idlt grip - # tne .^^ Souihv^t eftriy ^ Thursday Wheisw* Vlt ^liipoefim iriy incttiiin® w^ihg^ iisiuira ^f^her Bureau today. Terjjperaturea are scheditli^ to below^ freeze ing^in Ixfeu^n^; A Ok- l^qma »nd Te^ i|n4^j6|^sider^ to the sugar indiisfe ing. V;,.. ■ ^ In ,^i|»]as^ temjpe^urefl are 32,%Oklahoma^^l3 20 to 24 in 32 in tlw s ‘ rei^o?! of ^ Goh^bi;:^ Ml h(^ timetjiisi|^t(^ o^lock the ftill onii h^ In Albany, N. Y., Nov. 28.—AI nert T. Patrick, who is serving a ’life sentence in Sing Sing prison f or the murder of William Marsh Hiee, an aged millionairi^, in New York city on September 23,1900, was pardoned last night by Gov ernor Dix. Patrick, who was saved from the electric cha r, by fthe late Governor Higgins in December iS06, has made a remarkable rghi (or freedom. A lawyer by profession, he protested when (-overnor Higgins commuted the death sentence to life imprison ment declaring that the governor had no legal right to cancel the orginial sentence and impose punishment of life imprisonment. ‘ ‘There has always been an air :t mystery in this important • a?e/’ Governor Dix said, “quot- ng from the minority opinion of the court of appeals, ‘the atmos- pbere that sureoanded the de fendant showed that a fair and 'rnpartiai trial was scarcely pos sible.' , “I trust that Mr. Patrick will ievote his energies to a complete indication of his declared in- 'x--n2e. ‘Daring the past year I have given much consideration to this ■ ase and am convinced that the df-fendant is entitled to have, a ^1: pardon.’' Governor Dix said Saperinten- ient of State Prisons Scott and -:ores of prominent citizens ap pealed to him in Patrick’s behalf. I he pardon was mailed last night to Warden John S, Kennedy of >"3ingSing and Patrick will be - eleased t^y uwn its recept It is saidjthat^Patrick plans to ieave for St. Lc^, the home of John P, Milliken, his brother-in- but may re\ura later to New a claimant for the millions left ■ y the aged man with whose " irder he wa« charged. 87 y^!;rmeScir'^leta' s«tBSd Mra, H^way woiw gpld V. v„ J XV. n him as a headiishe remidy^ Bi «h?ni»ww.»«P?d « - ^ifinailywas rein^ by phyafdans. years w the teat After. makii«r iM^iaren, thitei^ins The cl^dren Miaii; l^ti?e. Bauer, Cleyelaiidi 0., ^ ;^ki. ^ her ho^ | despite the fact that he Juus a vnth her nephew John R. Holt, i^irlfe and three childien itfwinne- Mrs. Dr. A. Phipps, Mrs. | porker b^me morose M mi? ' and despondent. He refused to ing R^k N. C. Mrs. Thomas | g^g ^ny visitors and late in the night complained of a severe Shoffner, 4* Lewis Holt andl^^dache. Wm. S* Hd^She has 31 ^rai^ ^ m^gsenger was sent for children 3 dead 42 headache tablets. Shortly aftei* gr^t^n^hildren living and | receiving the tablets Parker and 6 d^d, and 2 great, sreat g^j^Howed ^he entire grains. gmnd clnldren living pid 1 dead, One of the tunkeys heard sigs of 1 ^ w Mif f distress from Parker's ceil and late Wm M. Mebane df Guilford discovered his condition. Phy- isicians were at once summon^ ^ and succeeded in reviving the .. , . vbanker. i^tea witnj ^hen he became conscious Onurch and Parker begged the physicians to County and the late Robert Mebane of the St. Marks neigh borhood of Alamance County.i In early life she the Presbyterian quiaette witi^ld trimintg. Her was gol4 i^d ciC^hor, i^a^zedia^ cha^eufl^ veiled in i^ld kotder' ing ii^quisette. The trimMiiig , was of gold and the hair dre^img aigrette. She carried an arm bouquet of golden chrysanthe mums, R., C. Mbser, brother of: the groom, of Oak Ridge, N, C.V was the best man. The gi^isis- men w^e Messrs. George: l&lfey, of Burlini^n; J. C. I^reeihan, Burlington; Dr. C. A McCal^ of Jlodsy Mount; C. W. Greg^y, F. H. Hardaway and J.~B. Han cock, of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Moser left last night for a Northern tour and after December 5th they will be at their home in Burlington, N. C. ■ Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 27,- first snow of the season began filing h^j^brMy noon and raged furioiislir Sfeverai hours Memphis, Tenn.^b^^^^^ era ^^Kansas Was cover ed with aninch pr^ore of snow which fel^^rii^g^e Amarillo, Tex. N&v. 27—Snow eariy tod^j: drive* 1^ a 60^mile wind covered the plains in a short time, the thermometer di^pping to. 30 aboy« ■' 7*^ snows^rii M llpoit blizzard pro* tbrou^hoot aMt nix Birmina^i^’, AJ^., gaK faliin^ tCNiiiy. ea almei^;t as tombed the^tL as Senator Gore of Oklahoma, selected to be floor leader of Democrats of the Senate tSiete may be ah instance of the physically blind leading the oth- kind if the party does not t«nave itself, when her children jdned the Reformed Church she transfered to Mt Hope Reformed Church in order to have a united family. Left a widow with alarge fam ily of children in the hard times following the Cival war Mrs. Hoit hj.d to work hard. But she was fully equal to the de mands and succeeded well in rearing and training her large family. By trade Mrs. Holt was a tayl- oress and many men can remem ber the garments made for them before the days of ready made clothing. Her funeral was held in Mt. Hope Reformed Church Nov. 29 and was conducted by her pas tor Rev. D. C. Cox and former pastor Rev. J. D. Andrew. [Rev. Cox spoke from the 10 ^rse of the 90 Psalm, while Rev» Andrew spoke from the ^ verse of the 9 Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. Rev. Andrew who is a son pf Mt. Hope Congregation spoke from his own observation of Mre. Holts visiting the sick in her counanity and of her earnestness to her Church woark-. Sh® was a good wtHoaan and'Hill be great ly mi^d in hercomdmty. The ladies of the Episcopal Guild wiU have a doll and apron sale and oyster supper Dec. 17. 1912. i^ ll cordiaUy invit^. SHINGLES, SHINGLES, SHIN- gles. We have just reeved a lot of fine shingles and several car- Icads of i?^yiini^ed lumber. See us. W. B. lins^y. save his life. The Cleveland woman Parker married while going under the name of Carles A. Long, today arinouhced that she would not accompany him to Winnebago. Yesterday she declared that she would return to tho Minnesota city, but now has decided to return to her home in Cleveland. Officers are expected to arrive in West Point tonight. They will return with the prisoner immediatly as he has expressed a vrillingness to face the charges against him. Deatib of Geo. Urns. Stdley. George Thom^ Staley died at Carolina Mills on last Sunday morning Dec. 1st aged34 years, 3 months and 15 days. He leaves an aged mother, 4 living children 3 brother and 5 sisters. ' His wife tmd two children preceeded him to the spirit world. George was a good man, fond of music and fiBiithful in Church work and iattohdance. He was a member of the M. E. Church and usually led the singing. His fo^r&l was conducted in the Ghmrch at Carolii^ Doe. 2nd by Kev. J. D. Andrew of Burl- ins^n andRev. T, J. Pi Muc- Cuiloch of Greensbf^ and he was laid to rest in the gi^aveyard nearby with the Jr. Order of of United Amirican Meehaniea of which he was a member. There will be a box party at Lonji^ ChiEtpel School House on Dec, 7th 101^ ; Banning at 7 p’eiock. Proceeds for benefit of schooL Public invited. Speaking of a,foreigii post for. ^ ^ i. Col. Bryan, have we established I Help ;^our favorite inj&eGreat diplomatic rektoa-y^t with the I by pa^ng your subec^|»- southpole. ^^0®* BOW AMONG OWE DEm- Dujham, N, C., Nov. 29.—A row in politics that is likely to prove serious for the Demo-' cratic. party in Orange County is now in process, and is likely to continue for some time. Besides this it is likely to involve sever al citizens of the county in litiga tion, and perhaps do damage in other ways. The row comes aftor theMefeat of Mr. Browning for the offiob of County Commis sioner in the recent election and l^e varibus causes for his defeat. It S is generally believed that stickers or white slips of paper were used over .. Mr. Browning's name, by whom this was done is not sta^. WILL BE HERE TUESDAY. When in need of glasses consult Dr. Rapport at the Freeman Drug Store, Tues. Dee. 10th. I am a speciaist in the fitting of glasses and devote my ratire time to tliis one practice. CohsultaticRi F)ree.. , She m^t well, but she got things jnst a little mixed. She said: "That poultices’ the most unyaiuable remedy I know of draw the infimation out. Joel et samething that didn’t asnree with him and got homemade poison. The doctor says hts temperature is moral. We^ve sp^ta gbed deal oh doctors, and 111 have to be comictl for some time.-----^v:-'V^ ■ ;v-- Western J^vocate. Open seaac^ for a^^ in-'SuEpip*^.;.. the by i^iinan^^ thestockholc that the tfui!, ' •Cbmpany^'S^ojiitJ^^ of this Stater ^ fice is situat^ oh (Vont Street in the towii of ty of Akuaaii^: State iofNortii the agent theriii and io d thereof, uM whWQ^ be aerYed)i.,hi the jpe^olremen 1?h^i Sc therStateof hereby certify pomtion did,^ ^? November 1912, file in my lofSiee aduly^eeated con sent in of said eoii>«EStlj^ all the Btockholaer9 v thereei which said con^Mnt an»d the re cord of the proceedinjBT ^oresaid are now file ib mj^ saSli office plai)vid^■;by^l^^\M In T^timony "Vinfief^, l have hereto set Iny haadiiad affixed • my official thia of A cU^ of lifi resoeak lit Sun^y, a (mom ■AM^- Jackson, Miss..J^ev. 27—The heaviest fall 6f snow evi^ re corded in this Sect^n be^n at 11 o’clock this morning aha eontin ued for three ho^rs, B^n had fallen earliejjl^nd ihe anow soon dieiappeaI^.^:■>;:;,;^^.■;^^^^^ Vicksburgr Misf». >Iov. 27. Snow be^n falling here about 10 o’clock this moriithg and record ed the first snowfall for Novem ber in this section. It melt^ rapidly ' : ■ Danville, va. Nov. 27 —Snow began falling here at midnight, the first of the 8^013. It is,melt- ing as it touches earth. The temperatuine is 40 but ^hei M is falling slowly. Chattanooga, Tehn. Not. 27— A furious snowstorm caged here throughout the day ahd for sev eral hours the ground was cover ed. Late this afternoon as a re sult of rising temp^ture the snow had practiciUy all peared. -vv;::’;" mem orphaii> Mr. Glefi Adeunii boro spent Crn the Walter GrWa- and Frij^y of Me. Mrs. Elmira in the home of her son, Mr. Lonnie Jones at Glen Ray^i D^. 2nd 1912 aged about # yeara. She had been married tl^ee times and wat the mother of 9 children. She leaves Indiana and one in IlKhoia and one sister in Chath|i]jis 0ouiiity N^ C. She leaves 33]ppi»nd cMidren, 25 • living imd 5 children. Her funei^i waalsonfuctetl in the home by; Rey. J* Andx^w >n Dec. 3rd^ All; lic^ iidbil^^ cept onesftn who lives In Alaba ma wei^ present at the funeral. The body was buri^ in Pine Hill Cemetery; Was a member of the M,, B. Church and assured h^pe4)li^^^ ready to di€). Notice of Notice iSshereb^r Mven that by mutual cbilsent fin & Casket Co. b^n dkh solved. All persons indebted to said Con^ray ari^hiei?^ to make pxompt|etti(emeat. Pay ment majr be iiuwte to either Green & McChire:"^ to W, A. ThiaD^eempi^ W. A. . |le4#G^c»ck route Sunday:^ of Mien Mr. of _ fhui^y niglit MCi A. Beal. &jt' i^lleire :aiid liarly Sharp of Buri> ingtbn sjj^nt Saturday night and Sunday on,illM i^ute the guest of Miss. BoHigham. ^ me and M of No. lO a^nded sendcQS M St. i^nd^s ^tex^^: wi%ilKe&^ andMt»..jSo^ Bew is gone k CataWbi iCsf. visiting relative* and friends. 1 ■m hereby The nott n c^ ess at CttttlMim , > N. pui^e of dditf i 3:i a,lor ing.bttsi in tmL _ .iriLlRjrormghi Mr, Rv petcknr i'c. h'M J I Mr. R. Fteteher JiViiUiktm mht has beenj^n0ei^ with tii0 hi^BttQii m m _ ^urfa^^mifaaiii husihi^^ thiir pres&hi ^^ timeiiiCti^hiaiL Willfami, hew oil ^ The tat6" Dir““ ■X ' V JfP ■":c: