i. Jfij; j-i., ^)? ?«f^!T' . \ ' ’' , ' eek ' w >■ p , o;:i:x - h m G.Ol-OMAN DECKMAN & CQ Gocxf dofiiea »sed out at jackets at IAN lier in Coiinty Sale ore wide special 85 cent. 8 cents. $1.00 novelty sale 59 cents. $1.00 cents. Just received it you want $1.50 and ices in long coats iSM >6,95. Poney skin and id Boucle coats $10.00 ~ohnnie c»ts special |?4.95. $12.50 ladies $9.95. $15.00 la^es mens and boys suits. ’OUT wants. We will boys suits. See!new its and 60 cents, ladies avy fleeced underwear ust arrived. Prepare ikets large size nicely ts special $2.^. Ni» sheeting 5 cents fyd. Pine Sea Island y and warn and b«y I, box calf shoes for il, vici, patent leather, al at $2.95. Have you al prices for Thanks- er c(»ts $2.89. and fancy goods. « rtment. See our *ine jum, carpet, Jap rog»» thing to beautify yo’^ full, Fine and fresj j supplies here, Ev'ery supplied ). Co. N.C m ... f Wto^AI^ A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAFER l^VOTED TO THE SJPBUffiDING QF AMERICAN HOMES ANP AMERICAN VOL. V. BURLINGTON. N. Gy 1#?:. 11,1912. Mm NO. VOTES 100000 9580C 76500 AddieRay W. J. Brooks Bertha May Horne Aurelia Ellington. Mebane, R. No. 4, Mary Lee Coble, R. No.l Waller Workman Lizzie Cheek W L Braxton, Snow Camp,lo^ Bettie Lyde May 12800 Mrs. B. L. Shoffner, R. 10, 5100 52500 52800 27300 Carrie Albright, Haw River. MartiB L. Coble, R. 1. 'f p. Matkins, Gibson ville. Igannie Sue Terrell I R. King, Greensboro. May Carr Hall Margie Cheek Doyle Hentage 4900 4300 8700 3000 1100 Apiil 15 at noon the Time The Great Contest Will Glose. Dear Contestants: Remember the $5. 00 in gold to iSlOOi be given the Contefetant who, turns in*the most votes during the month of December. Its easy to secure subscriptions for the State Dispatch. Its easy to collect, Therefore the Ford auto will be won in an easy manner. We will gladly help Write or come tQ see us. 1000 1000 you. 100© 12 BEAUTIFUL PRIZES! 12 ford Model, T. 5 Passenger Touring $900;00 Indian Motorcycle, , 250.00 Pony, Harness and Cart 250.00 Gold Watch, Diamons set in back. Ladies or Gents 75.00 Diamond Ring. Ladies or Gents 75.00 Speedmore Bicycle Ladies or Gents ^.00 New Home drop head sewing machine 60.00 Bed Room suit . 50.00 Scholarship Draughon's Business College 50.00 Double barren breech loading hammerless Gun 40.00 ^ Automobile repeating rifle 25.00 1 Leather couch 25.00 Three months subscriprion ej.titles you to 109 votes, six months 300, nine months SOO, one year 1000 votes. Five years 10,000 votes ten’years 25000 votes. No coupons given unless cash accompies subscription. Progressive Leaders To Chicago Meeting. New York, Dec. 8—Col. Thec»- diore Roosevelt and 150 other Piogressive party lea-iers and memders left for, Chicago today on a special trsiih of 10 cars, from the rear of which in elec tric letters was emblazoned ‘Bull Moose Special, *.’, ::-The sign j 01 this mid-Vkinter political activ-! iry is the proposed solidification; of ihe new party and the making | of the plans for future camp-; aigns. iVlembers from other States are on the way to join in the Chicago conference. Colonel Roosevelt and his par ty were cheered by a small crowd as they left at 1 o’clock. Although the Colonel had ^ no comment to make upon the situs ation, several members of his party, particular Oscar Straus- and Frank A. Munsey declared that if the Republiban pai*ty hoped to rejuvenate itself it v/ould have to be by turning Progressive. These sentiments were in reference to the decision of the Republican Goveriiors' confer ence in Washington yesterday to wait another year before taking steps to reorganize the party with the hope expressed that Progressives would be brought back into the fold. Mr. Munsey said that those attempting this task ’’had a big job on their hands.” He added ibat the only way to achieve the union was for Republicans 10 accept the Progressive plat- lorm and politics and come into; the parto as formed. If he did this he said the two parties i )uld be united. | Similar sentiments were ex-1 pressed bo several others of thej V,! than a score of women 1 v/ere ifi the party which tookj ine train here. I R. F. D. No 7. We will now open up our bat- eries once more but the continu- ence of the battle will depend upon your furnishing the necess ary amunition each week. They have at last completed the bridge at the T. C. Foust ford by patting up the railing or banisters to the end spans. Hand uB aiiorse shoe naii a hammer and a half gallon of nickory nuts and watch for re sults. Jacob Sharp went to Ashboro on business the 30th of last month returning home last Saturday and reports.a good time. Miss iMpmie Ray and Georgie Isley of no 1 Misses Leorna and and Elm^ Garret and Messers Early G&rret and Alvis Sharp all of no 7 were pleasant visitors at W. B. Sharps Sunday alter- poon. Guess Jacob will wont to spend another week away from home if it induces the young ladies.to call like they did this time. The young people of the neigh borhood claimed they were going to have an apron hemming at Mr. A. B. Isleys last Saturday night but from what we can learn there was not an apron there so they turned it into a fiddlers convention with Sidney Russell, Lea Albright and Will Garrett competing for the honors. Mr. T. R. Harden is the only one now left with energy enough left to work the road without hay. He has our thanks anyway. A. C L. Trains derailed. Th .masville, Ga., Dec, 8—An VtlurJo Cost Line passenger running betv/een Thomas- Ga., and Monticello Fla., •ya:- -.-railed at Wades crossing, ■ ia . loday, as the result of a being open. Enginer ;ee was seriously injured, but ‘K> wHssengers were hurt. j Kaiiroad officials believe the' ’‘■itch was opened by train j'Vrfc;:ker,:i and dectivos with ‘-'icu]hounds were sent to the S-eno in an attempt to run down respnncible persons. Sam Bomed J he barn of Mr. Ed. Graves lives on R, F. D. 10 was burn- ‘ u ivlonday night* The origin unknown. It was discovered shortly after 0,clock. Besides the barn norses were also burned. Girl Kills Her Mother. Port Jervis, N. Y., Dec. 8.— Mrs. Adam Hess, 44 years old, of Blooming Grove township, Pike county, Pa., was killed in her home Thursday by being shot through the head by her daught er, 11 years old. Mrs. Hess was seated at a table in the kitchen. The girl climbed on a lounge and took down a loaded rifle suspended from the walL Her mother spoke to her about the danger of handl ing firearms While Mrs. Hess was speaking the girl discharged the rifle accidentally.* The bullet struck Mrs, Hess in the mouth, passing through the neck, caus ing instant death. The frightened girl and her 9 year old sister ran out of the house, and after hiding in the woods for a time went to the home of John Kleinhans, post master at Blooming Grove, and told him that their mother had shot herself. Later, it is said, the girl confessed she had killed her mother. The coroner’s ver dict was accidental death. Patronize home mdustry. Ct n- vert the heathens at home first. Wliite Co. Gets a big Hotel Contrtet ■ ' ' 1 • Jil ■' J. Inoompetilion^ith manufacturers through the nation the White Furniture company, of Mekane has just been awarded a magnificent contract for furnishing the handsome hew Grove Park liin at Asheville. The Mebane con cern is one of the foremost on the soutJi and North Carolinians especially will be interested in ihe following facts, takeii from a news story in the Ashevillfe Citizen: “Through the firm of J. Xi. Smathers and son, the o^- ers of the new Grove Park Inh yesterday closed a contntet wim the White Furniture company of Mebane, N. C., for$22,000 wortkj of furnitt^’e which will he* in the Hotel. . In this, bill the! pieces for bedrooms, ladies parlors and the offices which is to be stained silver gray, the furniture ordered yesterday will be furnished in the natural colors. All of it will be con structed, accoiding to the William Morris pattern of two- year-old Indina quarter sawed white oak. ' All of the handles will be hand hammered. “Frey Seely stated last night that the selection of the White company to furnish the material for the new hotel came after the owners had confered with furniture manufacturers frorri all parts of the world and had witnessed the products of scores of factories. He stated that when the question qf furnishing the hotel was first taken up it was thought that northern and thiie affair* of J. R. F. D. No 8. P. N Pritchette j^)^nete>rio is visiting: parents Mr. ^d Mrs. W. Mitihel . M|rs. i^an Barnwell and chil- dreil of PleasantGrove spent Satifrday and Sunday in the dtyiyiB^tirig relativi98a^ shopp ing. I If BarnweSI is one of ^0^ iold friOTds aiid we were to see her. ;I%SM3ks.toR. A. Matlock'J, B. Banielt and sons Geo and Will’ for ddsg some good work on our ^d^i.|i^totheri9v'^fbilow' l^dButtten, crazy again was singing and even tr^ng to dance last Friday^ Bud ought to behave It is$ new boy at his house. Ri . A. Lowe went across the riveit lately to look at some hogs debt: think he found what he waited. He said he saw iM^be that looked like a cross cut saw, Now what do you think of that. Thanks to our friend Mrs. H. T. Husly for a nice lot of turnips to cook with hog jowl if we had one, now we have the turnips alnght but where is the jowl Our Nr. 7 is the champion Hog raser in the city killed one 18 nionths old that weighed 125 lbs cost him just 49 cents per lb. Who says it dont pay to raise P. S. It was a “razorback.” Brother Workman says he afways buys a razorback hog: so easter dealers would have to be dealt with exclusively if the j he can have streak of lean *^and best grade of furnitur was J st^feak of fat. Gu£ss he had the obtained. How ever Mr. Seely le^ allrighc, stated, the samples of the White i ;^isses Carry and Bessie Leath company’ which arrived here by • visited at J. W. Somers Sunday and Monday. There wei*e other visitors there Sunday even- Ethel. would not tell us his name. Guess it was Lester B, hows that for a guess? express Saturday night, are the best which has been seen and the owners of the Hotel are der arig :b£rt Miss lighted with the manner in ’ '■ which the furniture has shown up. It is precisely what is wanted for the new hostillery. ’ v * r> r i “The Roycroters recieved a; ^ contract for a large bill of furn- . p^ at the Baptist iture for the hotel several weeks' mornmg and ago and last week, the owners; purchased their materal forj Let S. R. Boland’s’ transfer furnishing the lobby of the wagon bring yoUir trunk to and The Foar PielEertV The Four Pickerts who gay? a play each night' at tl^e Casino uud6r themanagemetitQf and Freeman was quite a succeiss^ The play from night to night was of. a, high ordei? ahdi atttiftpfeed numbers wIm) neveir^?^ show?. The courteous t?^tm^nt; of the management; was all that be expected arid the complete week was a sticeess. cars were seen €»eh nig})it;g^njg On one or more ni^ht** th^ hoviB^ was packed eyeh the room. .■ "a- Messrs. Beirett & Broiip Pected Messrs. A. F. Barretts W. W. Brown have been elect^, ceed Mesisrs. J. K Scbtt afld Eu gene Holt who resi|rned as mem bers of the Water Light arid Ppw- er Commission. This is a in which good busiifiesB men suc ceed good business men ^ iutm03r Death of IMbrs. Whitsell Mrs. ‘ ‘Dill’e’ Whitsell widow of the late Jjio. Whitsell diied Saturday at her home near St. Marks Church paving been sick but a short, whilfei She was an aged lady and had been very feeble foi* many years. $he was buried Sunday at Freidens Luth-i- eran Church. Funeral by Rev. C. J. Sox. ^ Wall— The wedding bells rang in the Reformed parsonage last Sab bath Dec. 8 when Mr. Je^, Wall and Miss. Nanqy A. J^g]^ of Gi bspn ville wer6 joined to gether in matrimony by Rev; J. D. Andrew. A large nurti her of friends accompanied the coup le and w itnessed the c^remdiiy; The Ala^n^ and Ca a |^sy this iMk. Thei ing out C^dBthias checks to their f have ove^-:IKve,)>andii^ me^tm and the inore thati jp^d' put-lust a- traniofiey.- : rbisis ^th^ bestj^n^l^jE^^ f^ Chxi^^ swtt you pay ic. first 2^ th^ second w^k, ^c week, and so on fw fifj^ two weeks^for^piiSraaiiUf vtrill m^l for $1ZM with Interest at # 1a class No. 2 you pa^ finil week, 4c the secona w«l^ ^ third week aiid 9d for fil^ weeks and two wc^k# befcjp Chnstnms they will mail jr^ a check for $25.50 and^ i)M»Feet «li 4 per cent; In cte Jfe; 5 3^ pay 5c first week; ‘1^ second week, 15c third and so on foir fifty weeks and two wediu before Christm^ they will ma^ you a chcMik jijr 163^75 with in- terest at 4 per cent. : You may reyeree the order payments if you that is begin with the lai»er amount and decrease it each week. You will pay in the same amount money this way as the other but. you wilVget more intere^ Their next Club opens Dec. 2B and they have airanged to have extra clerks on hand to wait or you promptly. T expect double the present club and - vne know of no better otan to sa^ money. Call on and them explain it to you thoroughfj" They will t^ke pleasuro in doiiifr so.- ■ ■ ■'• V- »■ ‘ ■•.•.Hi ■ ■■ W] "SiP' I. il building. The order for the silver ware for the Inn has been given. "It will b ready for ship ping. by the time that it is need ed here and will be very valuable. It will be hand hammered and the designs while very elobrate, will be unusually unique. “The White company, which yesterday recieved the contract for a fortion of furniture for the hotel, several years ago re ceived the contract for furnish ing the United State goverment with $100,000 worth of furniture. This firm was selected after scores of othtrs in the United States had subm’tted bids.” from the train. Phones 84 or 167L. Going away to spend Christ mas. Trunk is ready but where can I get aDray. Thats simple. Phone S. R. Boland’s transfer. Phone 167 or 84. prompt service and careful driver. Gastly Find in Kentucky Hotel. Cattlettsburg, Ky., Dec. 5.— When a door to a hotel was battefd down today the body of a young woman who had been d^id probably 48h-:urs was lying on a bed. Near-by a man lay dying, while the third occupant of the room a—women who had registerd as the man’s wife- seemed unable in any way to give account for the trag« dy. The trio reached the hotel on Monday night. The girl who was found dead registerd as “Minnie Turner.” They man gave his name as James York, of Huntington, W. Va., and the second women registered as Mrs. York. They did not appear aboiit the hotel in two days after their arrival,, and the hotel proprietor determined to break down the door to their room. Mrs. York seemed to know that the Turner girl was dead while York was so weak he could make no statement. Cor oner Swope, of Ashland, began an investigation, He said he believed the Turner girls death was caused by poison and he ordered the York Women held. The name of the York woman was registered as Mrs. York is said to be Mrs. Edward Gullit, of Huntington, W. Va. She has been taken into custody to await futher investi^tion by the coroner. One theory of the tragedy. R. F. D. No. 4. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Jenkins of Long Island N. Y. are visiting in the cummunity. Rev. Jenkins filled the appointment at Spring- wood Sunday and preached a very impressive sermon. Mr. William Beal has returned from a visit in Catawba Co. , The community was greatly shocked by the death of Mrs. Dillie Whitesell the widow of the late John Whitesell which occured Saturdoy morning. She was buried on the following day' at Freedoms Lutheran church. Miss Etta Compton one of our popular teachers of Highland school spent Friday and Satui- day on No. 6 the guest of Miss Willie Summers. Miss Wilsie Greeson spent Fridaoand Saturday with her j parents Mr. and Mrs Charles ' Greeson. ! . Mr. R. F. Whitsell has return- ei from a visit on no 8. ! Misses Neada and Myrtle Hewitt of Catwawba Co. is visiting on the route the guert of Misses Mary and Cora Beale. Two Men Edly iajured Mr. J. E. Stafford and Mrj Albert Brown were both severely injured Monday while working in a well at Mr. W. L. Spoons, better known as Spoons mill. Powder dad heed packed for to blast but failed to. go off when the two men decided to dig It out causing the explosion. Both were taken to the hospital one arm of Mr. Stafford was blown of, the other and both legs bad- ley mangled. Mr. Brown wai severlyhurt loosing both eyes. Both were resting very well at last account. R. F.D. N0. 5. Mrs. H. C. King is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. A. Horn of Burlington. Miss. Myra Anderson spent Saturday might and Sunday at her home. Aniong those who visit^ Miss Hattie Rogers Sunday weie: Miss Daisy Wyatt, ^ Myrt^l Hester and Dean Graham, Missers Dallas Anderson, Walter Wyatt and Jessie Tingen. Mr. Ander^n Johnson visited his brother Mr. B. W. Johnson of Graham, No. 1. Sat night and Sunday The Box Party given at Longs Chapel School House proved a success. After the selling of the; boxes and enjoying of the nic3 lunches, a voting contest was held, Miss Estelle Doug las wpn the prize for being the most industrious young lady and Mr. Dallas Anderson the prize for ths most handsome young man. Mr. J. A. Dickey filled his regular appointment at Elop Sunday, there, seems to be a great attraction there for “Jimmie.” Blease Condemned. Columbia, S. C., Dec. 8. — Pub lic i opinion of the better class throughout South Carolina gen erally depreceates and condemns such utterances as those of Gov. C jle L. Blease at the governor’s conference in Richmond, where he indorsed lynching and promis ed his acquiescence in mob viol ence. His action, howevet*, was not a surprise. He nas always conducted his campaigns on this basis, one of his most notorious declarations being “I stand by my friend.” Statistics are quoted to show that since he has taken office there has been a great increase in the number of lynching. In the last Democratic, primary Governor Blease wag renominated by a majority of 2,000 in a itotal of 140,000 votes cast. It was freely charged that there had been ballot box stuffing, but the state executive committee declar ed it unable to fiud proof of frauds sufficient to throw, out the nomi nation. 1 Gov. Bleas^s declaration that he will enter |the senate in 1915 undoubtedly means that he intend to run for the Democratic homing, tion for, the senate in oppoisition to C. E, Smith, who^ tSin'ex pires in 1915. It Is probable that Senator Smith will run. S * At Burlington, jii the Rlntc of North. (iaroHha, at the close of bti^iness Nov 26thi 11)12. . .. kebouhcks; ‘ ..,' Loans aud diBCounto *1^11,3212*2 Ovirdraftfl secured & Qn«ecnred 9,197 ’^T North Carolina 8t»t« Bjiuis , 1 QOO Furniture and*.5,000 etji Diiuaud loans ' , 2 OOOlfikf Doe from Banks axi3 Banlter.H 103,350 3g Cash items " 2^.8 # Gold coirt Silver coin, including all minor coin curveiu’y ■ 22J6'iR National bank and ’ other U. S. notes 12 920 flOOOOO.; . 35,006; Undivided Pfofit«i. ]ti(BS eur- ' ront expense and'^xes P^id . g xjA Qe Pividends unpaid ’ jo'^ Notes and bills rediscoiiatwJ 16,006.dd 3il)s piftiyQib]^ ' 10 OOOi04l> Bme^rtificatee of 90,02^:8(5 Deposits subject to check 133.744 6g Sairintfs deposit* 74 Dae to Banks and'BanJtert! 1 Cashiers Cheeky ontetS- lISSI . Accmed interest due diepo^ic’ts 3, A ..•4' 1 Total State.pf North; Carolina. Oounty of Alamant^} ’ ‘ I oi th^ afeor® named bank, do solemuJy s^vear that tW above stetement IS twie to the best ot m, knowledge and beKef, , ' J. M. FlXy Ottshier. Bnb^ribed and sworn to before jbc. thi* 27th, day of Dec. 10] 2. v J. C. ST A Notary Pijbiic Correct, Attest: J. H. ijour L. B. WHrPTEB . W. K. HOLT ■ Direct-oyo . The Lords suppar VI if] fe oA mmistered in.:thejHt. - gregagon at H a. m. nexr bath Dec. 15 apd in the ton^congre^tioh of the RefoF^ med church on the 22!ndi. pastor R^v, J. D. Andrew, ask« that eaCh^ipember m both cofr, g^aUons read ^.^gtudy the 10th chapter, of I. Conihthian« preparatory for the Lords SupRw , S6me of the nicest apples of the se^on we saw at P. J. Strad er s stand. They w^ Black vmesap. . Mr. VStr^er exp^cte a car fo ffuit soon. He does both both a wholesome and retailliiisi.. nesa. ■ TTink" Horne had the rf falHne wate the^ window ol the SaBitm T^onng C3o., the otherS TVm^ above the wrist The^hiaatexy^s^ ■ ■ -I i) jS I A V :!r