.I'" A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPE^JILDLNG OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. 01^ V. BURLINGTON, N. C. JAN. 1.1913. MO. 32 Kines-Strader. N. Liem, weddin!? -,ston-Sf nrprise ’■iSton-SaU’nni o'clock, :M) C. Dec. 24, occurred this morning- when Miss ; ;o Hines bccatne the bride ,,,,, W. F. Strader of Atlai.ta, ’ ’ 'I’hevcouple, had kept their .V,' v.'t'il and sprang a complete ' ii>e to Ihoir many friends. , !'emony was performed by 'l aylor at the home of Mrs. ‘:u!?on at 627 Liberty St,, ■ a few intimate friends . contracting parties wit- ihG,Gve‘nt. The bride is ■ ractive daughter of Mr. ; Mrs. R. P. HineB of Greens- o.nd is highly esteemed know her. : j ;.,room is a splendid yoi who holds a responi with the Va. Bridge n >-0. of Atlanta Ga. i'.-e hap}>y couple v;ill lea^^e Cup of Whisky Was Fatal To Young Gsr! Raleigh, Dec. 26—With the two dolls that Santa Clause Vvas to bring her in her arms, Alpha Lashley, the four-year-old daugh- of Mr. and Mrs.’ Geo. T. Lashley was lowered into her grave. The little child, playin,? about the room, drank a cup of whisky that a visitor had left in the Lashley home in this city and as a result death ensued. Alpha went to sleep and all effoi'ts to arouse her failed. The that she had longed for placed in her little ^neral was held in Dixie Roller Will Improved. | now on file m my. said office as The Dixie Roller Mill a home I , industry situated where we hear I, Testimony Whereof, I have the whistle blow has resumed I hand and affixed dolls were arms. The Burling toa. ck ‘ t'h V, i for Atlani reside. p' V r vvhero rewara. N. C., or Stolen. female, Bla ^t on rump at tai 1 name Dor. liberal D. Papne Burlington E. L. Pickard Dead. ^•r. E, L. Pickard died at the (■ of his parents Mr. and Mrs. ii. Pickard Thursday evening .■ernbei' 19 after an illness of a few weeks with pneu- nia. He bad recovered from ! first attack sufficiently to • Christmas Marriages, 'f Rev. J, D. Andrew reports the following Christmas marria* ges Dec. 20 at 3 p. m. Mr. Jamiie Loy and Miss Stella Holt of Burlington Dec, 25 at 2:30p. m. Mr. Linviile _ Jerrell and Miss. Carry Evins of 1 i^^sident Di. J. L, Kernt^ie, ;>e .re. but was seized v.'ith and only lived a Pickard was man anci Year‘S • f --ible po :ginee2‘. ,iier-d an l(>r t-fie has Alamance Mills, a I’e-1 Dec. 20 ai 11. a. m. Mr. Ned short I BaY‘6 of (vraham and 3iiissc Dellie Aired of Alamance Mills, excellent I These are alll popular young past two I peopig and their friends vv-ish heSsl a re- j them much happiness a nd itic-n v.'ith the state V joy in tlieir married life. operation in full after being re modeled, on the interior and all modern and most conven;ent machinery added. The present putput ot tliis manufacturing^ industry is 1G5 barrels each 24 hours or the iminense sum* of 990 barrels per week. The new iy added machinery takes the wheat from car standing oh siding and by elevator carries it to the various-departments com^ ing out the staif of life when baked. That cleanliness is next to Godliness was the first thought which entered the minds of the owners of this progressive enter prise so machinery which thoroughly scoures and cleans the wheat was purchased. This cleaning machinery and in fact all their machinery, does the. same work as is done in any of I the large mills of the south or west. As the same process is i used. The aim of the proprietors is first quality ki^owing wellquanity will follow. A glance at the names of the officers of this mill will at once siiggest business. . V.. President L. D. Ripply, Sec. A, H. Fogleman, Treas. and Mgr, C. R. Love and ‘iVIiller .3, T. Lead well. The last of these Mr. Lead well is a man of wide mil! experience having been connecr;- I ed with g mil! a Lynchburg, iCarrlina Mills, Durham and tlie ! local mi)is. my ofhcia.1 seal, at Raleigh, this 26 day of November, A, D. 1912. J. Brya/i Grimes Secretary of St-1,te.' filed Dt:c. 4, 1912,, J. D.; Kern- odle C. S. C,, Alamance County, North CaivUna. Mr. WiiSon is said to have a fine flow language. He also must have an immense reservoir of it. Mr. Bryan, we assume' hasi invested in a Maxim silencer. Those 15,748 mail sacks which have just leached New York from Europe were probably emp ties coming back for another Christmas money. BirHliiday Eatertaiomeist Snow Camp, N. C. - Dec. 28th, 1912, Ed. Dispatch: > We have been --aving a gala! time down on Cane Creek today j and perhaps some of your readers | would like to hear about it. It was this way. . ' The neighbors somehow learn ed thst the 50th anniversary of| School News. The school news of the Co. will be given in this column each week till the schools close in the spring. The teachers of the Co. are asked to send an account of the progress niade in their re- ! spective schools along any line i of school work, to the Supt. so .Jie may report it to the paper not later than Monday of each week. There is now a campaign on again*=it dust in the school-rooms. The Supt. is furnishing to the schools floor oil at 20c a gallon. It requires from two to four gal lons to the rooms. This is a cheap method of doing a;way. with niost of the dust which is; both dirty and dangerous. The schools that have aiready used the oil are Green, Glenwood, Brown’s chapel, Highland and others will use it soon.' $30 libraries were ordered just before the holidays for G-Ienwood and the Fairground schools For each of these schools, the district colntributed $10, the Co. $10, and the State $10 as the library law provides. Union Ridge -and Wood^awn recently ordered $15 supplemental lib raries, ■ ’ Nearly all the schoo's of the County celebrated “N. C, Day’^ on the 6th of Dec. and took a collection for the Ay cock monu ment, The proceeds are not all Tile Contest NAME NO. VOTES J c! ■ Pic ok; hi 'if ices '.vere co from the Pres-1 r;v Pov. I). Me-; it Vine I nil Cem- ;;:,r i v.'as twenty- o sa icith- r i.rothers and concourse ’.''’.M'i: ;ijs (i*.'b'art” Birthday Dinner. 1 Mr. ar;d Mrs. E. 0. Way gave j birthfl.ay dinner at their home | 1 on Flanner street last VVednes-1 Walker-’"«rton. and Aj.i h: ,;ttic -ic • n"est da in ughter of hui'stcsn ned "or; tiie :r, and W. C. Thui'stcsn v.'a=^ l^adly MoTiday morninf^. Jos- ■ t'iine was standing b-;fore an (,'n fire place vvhon her Ciothf'S ■'i^'ivna igni*ed. She ran out oi e room ar-(! was fir.st seen by ■-J cook who nut f;;;t tlio flames :'ily burning her hands in the fort. .losephine was badly burn- : but is improving nicely. Her Vv-as so !)urned it was neces- ry 10 cut it off. Happy New Year To All. '.Ve have just closed the most .'--perous \-ear this store has - r enjoyed and for this magni- :'-nt increase in patronage we r.ruly th v,’ish ■:'-.'Mf-rous 1918. i.’uehanan Co. A-—f,-'-.iated 5, 10 and 25c Store -V:) Star. day Dee, 25. the occasion being ^ the birtiriday of Mr. Way. About ;20 of their relatives enjoyed the I dinner v/'th tliem, A reading ' appropriate for the oc;.'asion was (rendertv.i, by M\ Kd. Fumh^, b ithH’' --K Airs. \Vay. . ^^Ji^very • ■ /:f Li'ie '"dP'-L.e? V and wisn M,r. and Mrs. Vvay many moie happ\'_and prosper ous years in this life. I)! Mr. Ross Walker Blanche Burton were rnarried at the Guilford Hotel, Gr!’eensboro, Thursday, December 19th,' by Rev. John M,. Walker, brother of the groom. Those who were W. A. Harp- .1 _ „ • « „ , . rin in but A.lamance will give i several dollars to this worthy, iV^alon ULvon and Lis u i.e,Lydia ' cause. The- program'for the day I was approachnig so they xormed i this'vear was based on the life a,conspiracy to supnse them by \ vfOf-k: /. jceiebiatiiig their Golden \iedj s\ipt. has :'pu^^ omg. At first it was proposedof:^he: ■prihiip^i]:Pt, each to keep . the whole the whole-; ’ . - ...-t thing a profound seoxt until time ai’i'ivf-d, but knowing Addie Ray 122,3(H) Bertha May Horne 104,600 W. J. Brooks 11090C Mary Lee Coble, R No.l 54900 Aurelia EllingtQn, Mebane, R. No. 4, 52500 Waller Workman 2930GI Lizzie Cheek 13100 W. L Braxton, Siiow Camp, 15600 Bettie Lyde May 12?^00 Mrs. B. L. Shoffner, R. 10, 6100 Carrie Albright, 4900 Haw River. Martin L, Coble, E. 1. 4300 T. F. Matkins, 3700 Gibson vilie. Nannie Sue Terrell 3000 J. R. King, 1100 Greensboro. May Carr Hal) 1000 Margie Cheek 1000 Doyle Heritage 1000 With i he Contestants. Miss Addie Ray won the special prize of $5.00 offered to the con testant who would turn in the most money daring the month of Deeembeic. Several of the others did good work. We might mention the names of W. J. BrookSj Miss Bertha May Horn and Miss Mary Lee Coble. We hope to make Janurary a hum mer. Remember only three and ia half months more and the great prize will be given. • if.j I is* M. >l;c Islev of Bur- 1 .V t.)resent were Mrs. er of Elon Collegi-^, No' J, Gross and ?»lr. Geo. lington. ■Miss Burton is an accomplish- jed and loveable young lady with j hosts of friends. Her. home ' is I near Mightov^er but for the past Good-seasons she has been 19121 saleslady for the millinery de- & the antipathy oi the venerable couple t.o any kind of display it Vv:as decided to give a short notice for necessary prepaI’a gain its school ion and to try their consent by considered arguments. j persuasiorvfinally won,1 county. J. D. 1 Mr. Walker is the son or Mr. f^.^ j j,oe /vValker of this county, is' a gradu ate of Elon College and lankful this day: all a Happy and Faucette—Hughes. In the bf'me of Mr. B. man at S;oO p. m. Dec. 31 , +■ t i \ t i ’ 'r. Clifton R. Faucette and Miss ! partment tor Joseph A. Isley Ruth Hushes were happily united ! in holy vredlock by Rev. Andrev,’ in the presence of a 1 invited guest. lmmediately[atter, the ceremony all repaired, ,toj has-many friends. the dining room whe;re delicious j refreshments v;ere served. | Mr. Faucette is the efficient operator for the Southern R. R. at Haw River while xMrs. Faucette is the accomplished youug daughter of Mrs. B. Goodman by her first marriage. The happy young couple vrill reside at Haw River. to well Insiste iheir consent and,today the wed ding ■juliiic^'' can: A. bou t 75 relatives fortunate that the,committee every scnooi a blank 'statem for sh 0 v^ih g . w-h a t is d on a ted to^ each school, ih4 any .way,V^ from; ■what, ,'so.ufce it''^;coil:ieS,,; apd for wbat purpose ' ik is-spent.'',, This is done to stirnuk\:e' each, school and each ^community a] so'to: Pecprar Turnip. The State Dispatch is in re ceipt of a very peculiar turnip: left in our offi ce during the Christmans Holidays, The turnip resembles the growth of three tgmips all together with a sepa- rate root from each all thi'ee joining tagether. I’he: turnip is abput the siz0 of a 'half gallon tin..: We have, been looking at the, tuimip ;and expect to soon put it to safe keeping. ' ly; o Quests, ,. 1 ',, , 1 j at'e pasy, .f I SO)tie have-,done, special were pr.esenL and it was ' ' - ■ ' ■ I sc , , T . , , !ed tre,es, othei’ have bought airangementshaa wise Y boards:and'.other, intenor^ ed invitations clnefly I'-o l.V , gqujpmetit,: Several' schools persons. After prayer by. Rev.! giYe:h , entrertainrtients, re- ‘ \ ^ Dixon,^ the simpie rnarnage ■ gently to r;ii*e .-mpney for, this ceiemony ot the F nena s cliarch of endeavor. ' Kings school pwas gone through. The see at;, the year what has been each and by the,entire ,A nnember'.of schppli^l.g^s.velt-^^^^ ■aipngplhis\iitiie'now-"-"';,:v-■ >■■ ■ )ric: orr,i ^ V.'C*iveisti©iis, , grounds, som.e hay© plant $28.00 a ,nox and groom staiiding with clsspi-aj I'ais'-d l>i at a box irs * hands iVIorrov/—BennetL 'i:' Paul Morrow and l>ennett were married -• rnorni’^g at nine o’clock - riome of the bride Rev. Craig or _ ■z" !'reformed the ceremony | '-''M,: from I his ijlace v/ho| the wedding were W. J. Fix, r.jarence ane Mr. Ben May. hVri yjoi.iu’ar young people • 'Y'' ’''wn Mi,S3 Bennett have- ;■-' '' ■■?'! stenographer for the Trust Co.. While Mr. is connected with B. A. ' ;'.--;d srrn. They wil’ reside Call Meeties of Reformed Classes. Rev. J. D. Andrew spent Mon day at Salisbury attending a meeting of the north Carolina Reformed Classes. In connec tion with this special meeting of , clas.^is a committee wasappointe- led for the ‘’Simultaneous Every- I Members'’ canvass v^hicb is to be made in the month of April in all the Reformed ]!hurebes in the L^nited States. Rev. J. D. .Andrev; was ir;ade Chairman of this con,'.mittee anl Rev. W. W. Rowe, Sec. Dr. C. B. McNairy of Lenoir was the other member of the committee. Death of Rev. Gardner Bryan. Gardner Bryan, a Primitive Baptist Minister of Richland, Onslow County, died Friday night December 20th after an illness of only a few months. Some months ago he was strick en .with paralysis from which he never rejovered, Mr, Bryan was the father of Mrs. W. W. Brown of this city. He was 60 years old. Mrs. Brown has the sympathy of her many fronds. party. ttliUlHX- vyiui ClHSpt'U I -'ftO'/l no of under _ auni a xnouu UI vuc o. U'fvi \vedding bell, declared to the , $20 mort-' on that occasion: j assembled guests to their ae- i j;^£ide $4-1 for McCray at .1 ce]jvance of each ot,ier as hus-; effort and . the . seasson not j band and ' half gone'yet. We shall report and love until death. S the results next week of efforts A well timea congratulatory j address by Rev, Dixon followed i next Teachers meeting alter which an o d friend read a Lyjj) Saturday, Feb. 1st, at poem j'' 11 The program will be tier, entitled The Goioen Wed- published in next weeks >nc;..M^ss., .Dec. 27--Col. Theod,ore Roosevelt, speaking on the :^'Bistoi,y of Literature,in Symplipifiy liai * tonight, addres- :sed;;ii^enibeirs"^ s^ix national asso- ciatiohs hpidif'g conv-eption here. He is t>i'esideni^^o^^^ one of. these sbcieties^.^the .American, liistori- cal asspciatipn. The other or ganizations I the American as- secjation fpi- Labor Legislation: the iLmerican Sx:iologioal society the American Sta,tistical associa tion, the • American Econoniic assoeiation ^ and the American Political Scien 56 agsociatioii. Colonel Roosevelt discussed the art of the historian from the standpoints paper. of science 1 i The colored Te. ch rs will meet I - literature.. He With fifty years bet\veen you in Graham, N. C. Saturday, Jan. ®J^oald wel- and your w'ell-kept wedding | 95th at 11 A M ' i come the entrance upon its do* vow. i i main-of every scien^ and that The Golden Age, cld friends of I -i futui e' hist,f)rians^^ s make Slate of^North Carolina, Depart ment of State. CERTIFICATE OP DISSOLUTION. To A*ll to Whom These Presents May Come-Greetings; Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticat ed record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof mine, is not a fable now. And, sweet as has life's vintage been through all your pleas ant past, Still, as at Cana's marriage-fast, the best wine is the last! And lo! from all the country-side come neighbors, kith and kin; From city, hamlet, farm house old, the wedding guest, come in. Older and slower, yet the same, files in the long ana^^ And hearts are light, and eyes Coble—W illiams/ use of material from every pos- On last Wednesday mo^nin0-1 vivid and Dec 25th at 8 o’clock at the' l^ke pictures to others, of the r/sidem-eofMr. and ilrs T, j!i^ and Mrs. T, Hargrove, on M^eans St., Mr; E. H, Were happily married; . Davis ^ pastor of the Williams Rev. T. I M. P. Church, w^as theofficiit I ing minister. ’ The bride and ^ groom are very popular among a I circle of frien ds ; wh 0 v,-i s h for them a long and happy life. by the unanimous contest of alii are glad, though heads are c3f/-»r*b-ViAl#^prs Hpnnsi^flr] in mv I Daogei-giay. And haply with them, all unseen, .ji) V/eighs Seven Pouads. h M. Workman, R, F D. '- •v'MH the happy recipient •‘j; 'on yjO'ind turnip Tues- ^ dona.tor was Mr. J. ' who c;)nducts a store ’! •’ ;nr. The turnip was have eve;: seen ire sure will niFike our j;'k man a (In3 New Year -^lann's prompt action in H negro prisoner pro- from a Va. mob at any .S ', that the Rev, Cole i'riske any converts Birthday Party, Mis-s Una Mae Elder delight fully eriiertainment a number of her friends at a birthday party given at the home of her father ’ Mr. B-. T. Elder Monday .^^ight celebr-aitirig her sixteen birthday. Numero-us games were played fruit served and ail present ap- ,peared. to enjoy the occasion immen?ie!y. Music was rendered by .\lr: Frank Renigar and her father. Many beautiful presents were received by the hostess. Those present hope her _ many other such splendid occasions. the stockholders, deposiled in my office, that the Seattle Store Com pany, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the village of Altamahaw, County of Alamance, State of North Carolina (W. W. Oaks being the agen fc therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has com plied with the requirements-of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1915, entitled “Corporations,” pre liminary to the issuing of this certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, 1, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 26 day of November 1912, file in my office old comrades, gone before. v 1 ,0 i • 1 Pass, silently as shades pggs, I within your open door. : made a veiy interesting program. We thank you for the lessons i scene^of the program was your fifty years are teaching i performed m a splendid manner. The great historian of the fut- cSbte' -WWW be the Ooble. anrt Miss. Retta genius to re construct for his readers the im mense ponoraraa of vhe past. He niust possess knowledge and wisdom.' He roufil use his' mat erial with such potent wizardy “that we shall see the life that was not the death that is. ” I Whether it be' Egypt, or Mesa- • M. P. Christmas Exercises. Scandinavia with The Christmas exereises given to^'ian' 1 by the Methodis Protestant Sun.) They sa.v that Harvard students ' ^ duly executed and attested con- pay m'ore’for cigarettes than for | gent in writing to the dissolution nnnL'Q- To remedv this statistical For honest ' lives that louder speak than half our noisy preaching. May m^any more of quiet years be added to your seem. And, late at last, in_ tendered love the beckoning' angel come. Dear hearts are hei'e, dear hearts are there, alike below above; Our friends are now in either world, and love is sure of love. Next came a concerted attack on a heavily laden table, then will put before us the m^n ,!:,i women as they actually Mived so that we shall recognize them from what they w*ere, living beings./’ The church interior, was -very beautifully decorated with holly ...i n ^ and evergreen . A large audie-f ine M. r. Baraca Glass, nee attended the exercises, the j The Baraca Class of the mam auditorium of the church | M.ethodis Froiestant Sunday and a part of the annex ) being; School eler-ted officers last Sun- occupied, The exercise were rather in the season but were j.ust as interesting as if they had been given sooner. New Hotel The new hotel erected to the rear of the Piedmont Trust Co*,, books!' To remedy this blepiisb it may become rieces.sary to charge more for the books. congratulations, good wishes and Tslid crpSV":xecu7d b^iK^d-bye and the guests depart- bmlding will be opened at-riieht ^Uhe sSholders’thereof which beTn'^HsDent fith ^banguet Tull detaite^rf said consent and the record of been well spent. the opening and banquet will be the proceedings aforesaid arei Reporter. given nsxt day morning. They are as fol lows: Dr. W. A. Hornaday, President; J. H. Boon, Vice President; T. T. Stafford, - Sec retary; Paul Davis, Assista-nt Secretary; C, B. Way, Treasure; and press reporter; L. W. Holt Teacher; Rev. T. E. Davis, Assistant Teacher. This class extends a cordial invi tation to all youngmen of the town who do hot attend any Sun day school to pay it a visit and become members. A hearty welcorne awaitfi all new comers.