. ij ,■ LI jt^.i.»,jLK]iiu^jjiaiui.piPiHgia^^ eailersa p-osS L No. 4. .1. Alamance ggj iinci Coi’g t> I pent WedneM n BurhngtoT)\fl aunt Mrs. and EailyeShsJ tertrined a rail Tiends SatuSI candy stew *' visiting ^ n, Misses Lin-i Sarnie DanieJ were piayed p. I he evenih* - most enjoya| ^'hitesell had j chopping’‘ y ?e crowd J oyed the oce inder there ^ Jid no less y larpe has rett, kton after \i a Shepherd aa spent Saturdl n bussiness. highland sck It has bee veeks instead 3 of MissCreesol iS been right Mtal. John Wagon,j n Burlingtorij Rumbley is filled his reg!]]| Marks Suns excellent No. 7. low getting lotj [-ery rapid last Thursd )d many fp t>iit seemed toj the shade tr ihut's farm tli is widening! Burlington Mill. )wdt;rmilk vsj day with thei liug Mrs. Lo^ Ithe Hospital -. esta] who | ne lime is of Greel |\ e-; k visiting i| n:. H. Isley leJ: County at Ulhv's paren] M. Ward. N’choison of 1 •; I, P. Nicl^ iyr;je has afc his recent Ion and wife' , Va., last! ;ted home i If f orestry C ion. ps probable t of Goverr l>e held on VV 15th. the I Jlor the til In of North C Isoeia'ion, it* to change r'"v rneetinf ; lGth._ ' ention I cj'i the day I duration ui’*! further _pf was origin^ rjration i3„ tl’“n ti)t; ril: be held! >n |e made *ied upon by le inaugui’i^' C^nve!i rnursday, ‘ I; ilie ina'^?^ Ivtic and jling. Imrnerce Im. and B P' It 8. b '.ve told ]ip ana yiiirt ^'he ho turni;' :jnri *: r f A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES ANi;> AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. -/OL. V. BURLINGTON. N. JAN. 15, 1913. NO. 3^ Coble Deadl. A. Cob’H was bom 1831 in eascern Guilford Co'jnty near the old homestead Luv'] died January 11, 1913. While a voung man he was married to Mrs. Martha E. Adams daughter 01 Dr. Adams of this county who was called from earth to eternity teacher in the county, both city and rural, both white and black. Such a distribution will be large ly ett'ected at the next teachers meetings. There have been some plans running through the entire years work, lor the county Commence- meijt next spring. At theteach- meeting, on Saturday, Feb. about seven years ago. the first', the plans will be diS' cussed and made more nearly perfect. It is therefoi^ doubly imptrtant that ■each a*nd every teachers attend the Feb'y meet-i mg. The Glen Wood scliool at Ala mance Factory, had a box parley a Jew nights ago. I'he proceeds from the «vening^s entertain ment, inckdiimg $5.*0O given feiy a &'iend of the schbdl, who was jpteared in tfoe'Community am^nt- ••€d to mom than $24.00. ffney iiave already invested tae money Km window -shades, biacK boards i''or seven years be jxracciced dentistry -.afLer tftat pt^actisin^ ■fiedicine .and surgery for the .remainder- 54 years of -his life, making .a great succce* out kis chosen profession, having a territory of aboii’t fifty mites square. -His grejj^test ambition from youth was gai^n knowl edge thu€ he became a student during nis entir-e life, and w'as well vjersed .n th(£ best of litera- tare. Not only was.Br. W. .A. Ck)ble a .rrofessionai Sian and a student but a ca&secraied chirist- iafi gentleman, being an aetj-ve member ef Mi. Pieasant M«t.h- ®di-e.t Ghupch fui’ Eixiiy years. Dr. W. A. G©i.\li -was one-of the nrst-citizens {,!idrsioeknoiders to,4^;rasp the (coilifGrd .Ba;£tle Ground pi?oposition aod was .al ways fouind loyai to -this historic scene of which pjj^ges have fef^en The.great thatiiaigiit be&ceom- ji^shed from a jrior33!?al school first sp2*ai2g up -in Lbe mines of this noted physk.ia.B and .iaiter the-Btate .Normal w.as erected. 'For forty-six year&tiie characi- er of this sketch was. a member a the ma&onic orsier. We clip the fd)c.\^:mg .fr£?m The Greeks boro J>lewg 4ay vmich y^3?;p^aiRi‘^ itself. Pecple fr£>m G.^eensboro wiio aiteEded the fune^:at yesterday o: Dr W A Cob e 'Irh was h6l.d at Mt. Pleasant chiiicb.. say that fene of tne lari-.>,esL procession eVi^r vvjtnes'sed in Guilford couniy ■dtiended and.that Qnlj the wm- ter wepther p^.;evented,ari atten'd- ance '.;f 2,04K' people. It w^iS esiimat'^d that 100 fciinxired car riages .were present,, while 4^)0 people attenderl the faiie'^al^ sei> fiees. ,J')r. Goble wbs widely known in feeen a i>ractio.n£r union was born nine children- Bt'ven of whom survive. These^ being: Mr, G. M, Coble and Mrs. M. A. Hultman of this place, Mr. Jno. R. Goble and Mrs. J. 0. Sho:ffi®er of Greensboro, Mr. Thos. L. Coble who resides at t^ne old home place. Mrs. B. Sheppard of Whitsett and Mrs. Nanie Goltrane of Mor^anton. br. G@ble soured his.£rst’;e4uca-> lion at old mill later attending an old £eld -country school and one term at Graham the 'County; jree scnool In tMs way he^^^^^ secured '.education enoa^h a!tend the lectures his‘chosen ;! a conference ;vas held ^ar the profession ^iven at Fmladilptiia.; -Sohool a few* days ago, between the teachers and the committeemen, for the purpose of considering plans for the devalopment of the school. It was .decided (I) to select some -speaker to address the scho3i once each month, 'till the school closes, (2) to do some repair work on tne well; and (3) to ap|>oint some one member cf the committee, on whom the teacte®7s may -eall wheffi they need Something done by the com. Dr. Hill^ ^of tne A,^& IVI. College, and the County Si4pt. wer-e choseia to make the first two acMresses. Thfi'Oakweod schotoi in Mar ton: TowoDehip -gave a boo? party last; Sat42Kday night. ^Jae wetdther' was somewhat unfai^orable, but | The 'eifoEt waLs a««iccess. The! proaseds am©unte,d to more than .This amotsjnt wiO be; spent .for . school ej:|siiipment -and; supfsiies. > i T^e schoes^s thai have s(ai.ledi their floors, withawt the p .&t: wee^s are Friendship, Haw Fi^s, and Swepjffi>nviiie. Tl'ie reports that come from lihose that.'have used the ©it, run some thing. like this: ‘ ‘Tiiiis oil is ?such a help ®that I only wish I had us.?d it sooner” Special Anniversary Seryice At St. Marks Reformed Church next Sabbath a special service will be held at 11. a. m. The music will be led by Prof. J. P. Far low of Aitamahaw. This special occasion is the 350th-Anniversary of the publi cation and adoption of the Heidelberg Catechism, the Stan dard of faith in the Reformed Church through the world, ■irhis Catechism was written by Casper Olevianus and Zacarias Ursinus and published by :the Elector Fredrick III. of Ger many. The first edition Was published Jan, 19. 1563. Thiis little book is based strickly upon the word of God with speciaj reference to Rome. 7:64 d,nd 215 The Catechism gives full expo sition of the Apostles Creed, the Ten Commandments and the Ix)rds Fray^er. Also the Sacra ments Baptism and the Lords Sup per. The $>astor Rev. J. D. Andrew will preach on the Hidelberg Cate&ism and Prof. W. T. Whit sett Ph. JJ., will deliver a special address (20 minutes) on the subject of the Reformation, Tiiis is a Juiibee year for the Reformed Church in the United States. Iin addition to its being the 350th anniversary of the Heidel berg Catechism it is the 75 anni versary of the Board of Foreign Minions, the 50th an?*ivesary of the .Board of Home Mission, the 50 .anniversary of the Sunday School Board and the-50 anniver sary of the organization of the ^General Synod, In addition to the above interes ting historical facts St. Marks jReformed Church is just 5Q. The program for St. Marks will be repeated at Whitsett at ;3,p. niL Te.U your friends. Cotton Miii DevelopmeEt W; shingtor, C., January 9. — President Finley, of the Southern Raihvay Company, commenting to-day upon the record of cotton mill construction during the calandar year 1915, sdri d * “The Southern States led Wl other sections of the country in cotton mill development in 1912. There were 37 new mills built in the United States during the year. Of these 20 were in the Sontheastern States. Out of 533'1000 new spindles 427,000, or 80 percent, were m the South- Eastern mills, and out of 9,774 new looms, 6,450, or 66 per cent, were in the Southeastern mills., These figureCreferr only to new mills and take no account of the large additions made during the to existing plants by whicn the manufacturing capacity of the section was largely increased. The aggregate increase has been so great as practically to insure the maintenance of the record made by the cotton producing states in the year August 31, 1912 when the mills of the South consumed more cotton than those of all other sections of the United States.. The Road Superintendeot. Rockingham County is" a dead lock over the election of a super* intendent of county roads. Three candidates are in the field and after three days the com- issioners have Mjourned. About one man in a hundred is com petent to fill such a position. Truth is a civil service exami^ I TkeCoiiM NAME NO. VOTES Addie Ray 122,300 W. J, Brooks 11790C Bertha May Horne 107,600 Mary Lee Goble, R, No. 1 54900 Aorelia Elline^"'' 4, 52500 ^xKman 31300 ation should be required Braxton, Snow Camp, applicants, in which case Rock ingham would probably have about one applicari t. ~ Greehsbora Record. In Lighter Vein. Clara—Did the bride look natural? Bell—Decidedly; even her flow ers were artificial.—Judge Warden—Your wife’s ouisi3e and wants to se6 you. Prisoner- Oh tell her I’m out. Ulk The Wife-Dont you think marriage has improved you, dear? The Husband—Stare thing. I was an idiot when 1 married you Yonkers Statesman. ’ ’Mabel is engaged. ’' ’’Whom to?'" . ’’She dosen't say in her letter. All that she knows so far is that his first name is Frank”, -r Detroit Free Press. —Aunt (With her two nieces at a corner) —Oh but this is ted ious! Let me take your fan, Ida, so I can hide my yawning behind it. Olga^-Take mine, auntie, it's bigger.—Filgende Blaetter — ”He in vented a dandy story to tell his wife when he got home after midnighi.” ’'Good one, Lizzie (3heek 13100 Bettie I.«yde May 12^00 Martin L. Coble, R. 1. 9400 Mrs. B. L. Shqffner, R. 10, 5100 Carrie Albright, Haw River. T. F. Matkins, QiJENSonville. Nannie Sue Terrell J. R; King, Greensboro. May Carr Hall Margie Cheek Doyle Heritage 4900 3700 300G 1100 1000 1000 lOOQ if ■ ^ Formal OpeniDg ol Ebn €radle! Sclbool A memorable event in the town and surrounding conlmun- ity was the formal opening of the new $6000.00 brick graded school building this week. Present were the County Board of Education, County Superin tendent Robertson, Dean New man of the college facul ty. Dr. J. q. Atkinson, Editor of the ^ peach; it Christian Sun, Rev. L. I. Cox, . satisfy gfny woma Gtiairman of the School District i+ oofiaiFM i Board, and Prof. W, P. Lavt^- rence, who was chairman of •‘fhe Rosary’' Tkose who complain abotist tjie decadence of the ara.ma can offer no sound criticism of "The Kosary” which was the sensa tion of the po.pular priced houses last Ssfawon. it is n©t a religious di'ama of the heavy sort, lacking in entert?inin/g qualities. Oe t) e contrary, it.is a deligihtful s-o y of every day .Hfe, in which tne plot hingles upon (the misery wnich creeps into a jhousehold which pn-intv havin^ 1 through circiimstances the CO ^^^.^ -jead i^.su^picLon and jeatey, , and of ..a part which a .priest, )Rev. Bdan KeMv, play£ in Dring- sws. Ung aboiLi a corj^ect undertaking. J y* T- 1 *A rosary of pearls figures in the The Chanty B^^ard ot A4uca-' the plot, .and it .is at its regKier sess^QK j^g^ppy vvo^k, apjtortioneu the ■^‘^Jhool haEdsome^jy stagad .r.d for the schoiaBtie year J.9i2- The total .fund for the ( jLjnty as ealculatied and .esti mated. whijrh in^^liides the re- guiar fichooi? taxe§.. hnes ,and forfeitures, the state appropda- t>on and income from the state, h.nd the three, communities nn which the state High tschools a^’e located, for High schOGJ.purposas a.’Dounted in ail to ^32270.0(s. 4-fter reserving the alotment .for the thr.se High SehcK)ls, the; b.i?]dl;ig fujod and the contingent,' salaries and commissioiis, there lemalned $22895.00 for the.school term. This amt made a per- ^apits -of $2.20, on 9443 children, t’le number in the county, be- :.des a residue that was used to- equalizing thesci}ooi„terms. ■" :s make!3 possible about a four nths term in the rural dis- ' 's withoat the aid of loc^.1 tax. ■'.oe county Supt, sent last -J!-, to the State 8upt. :>■ waH the ani^ eoilec ! :rdl schools tor tl^e Ay cock fund, county Bupi. .-;i-;hed a neat £ Tuesday, iafi 21st. Dr, N. Rosenstein the apeciaiifet of Durham will be at Burlington stoppin^at the Byrl- lington Drug C®., for the purpose of examining eyes fi tting glasses. Dr, Rosenstein’s service in the 'Optical Ime is well known, so if :7ou are iiu need of glasses- dc«a,t fail to se.e him Tuesday Jan 2Ist. $27.10. d from ' directory '! udcs for me i progs J ’ >r tne |>r. change' ;ust had Complete county. ;.he najiH?: of every ■ 111 the countv by town- ■ the name an(i avidress oi and leachers, also the name and presi- •; or principal of the private •• >!s. iti.s planned to furnish oi! cae Directory to eacrt '.'O:".’ eorn^i’'i'and the producers, Rowland and Clifford aed is enacted by a pow erful acting cast, consisting of Harry Nelson, Virginia .Lewi^, Mabel Thosn, T. J. BartoE^, Geo. J. Clark, Ritchie S&waal, Harry: Weiker and ^others, “The Rosary” is a play which everj lover af clean and enter- tainir^g stage .productions should see. Bix conipanies, ,all eqimlly formed as to ^strength of cast, are toii?jing tMe coun^try again .this season, repeating the tremend^’Us hit that this play made every where last y,ear. It will be seen at ths Casino Satur- day night, January 18th. Prices 50-75-100 seats on sale at .Pree- man^’s. City Tax For Side Walk Improve ment Passed Dh£. This is to notify the abuttiffg property owners, who have not paid for their side walk improve ment, that the tax is now long passed due and they are earnest iy reQuested to make payment t( the undersigned at once. This the 15th day of Jan D- H. White, Tax-Collector. 0 Last Survey for New Ry. An engin.eering force was busy ■the past week .surveying a new ■route for the ,nev/Jy proposed iKBilroad which will pass here. The survey was begun near the Coffin Factory w.here the last one went and started west coming Montgomery’s woods _ crossing ■Main Street aaear tfae Brick Ware house passing near where Messrs. J. - A. and G. L. Isky live going under the Southern Hallway just above Bellevue Mills, passing south cf where Joe Murray lives near Ed. Hodges.,., running in para:allal with southern to Mr. .Peter Hughes at Elwn College,^ Leaving the coirporate limits oi Elon it runs .almost paralled with southern to former survey at McLeansville, making a total of 12 l-:3 mile-!. The purpose of this survey is to see which line will be better :and eaiSi be secured the cheaper. Fifth iiational Cora Expostitioa Columbia, S. C. Januaif 27-Febuary 9lh 1913. Account the above [occasion the Southern Railway will sell exceedingly low round trip tickets to Columbia, S. C. and return. Tickets will be on sale on Jan. 23-25-27 and 31, February 3-5-7, with final return limit Febuar> 12th, 1913, or by paying fee of $1.00 you can have limit of tickets extended until April 13th, 1918. For full and complete informa tion ask any Southern Railway the building committee- All ot these gentlemen made appropri ate speeches, the exercises be ing largely attended. From a single room 16 by 20 Did it satisfy her? It Would’ve,' buthie cd^ldifi’t tell it.’'—Hous ton Post. ■ ■ bn Tttes^lay r. Dr. N, Rosenstein, the es^e , , ^p.„/^Upeeialist of Durham will be at handsome editice m abouc Ijiteen; Burlington, Drug Co, if you years spells progress m large; ^eed of glasses, don't fail letters. .'to see him. * !' He can fctop yowr eyestrain, as Troy, Ohio, the sup^inten^nt: g Consnltation of the Christian Pa Wishing j . Association, whose handsome $15,000.00 plant is now nearing completion, arrived today and! enters upon his duties at once. ( He is an all-round printer ot thirty years By the way does anybody know \vhether Tom Marshall ot In diana is liviiag? We can hardly wait until Cip Castor’s book about the United States comes out; , It is the to be hopes that N. V. Bulldog sent by parcel post did mot like the goat sent by ex press “eat up whar he’i3 gwine.'' For Mr. Bryan tp accept the post of Amba^wulor to the court of St James might be construed as a confession of plutocratic means. Sometimes it lias seem^ that the Government was being ex- cesisively potite fafeout serving that s«bpoena on ’WiHiam Rock- feller. Don. Jorge Wickerahan has dropped his snit ag^ the coffee trust as he h^ 0at there were BO; Congtess has appropriated $23, - (KK) for the protectton of life and property durifig the inaugura tion. What are those Democrats igoing to pull o|Ej^^ Colored feacbers Meetlag All the members of the Ala- ^ experience and | mance County Colored Teachers will bring the gifts of an expert; Association are hereby notified to this industry of ^ the Christ ian Church. Dr. Martyn Summerbell, Lakemont, N. Y., will deliver the Summerbell Lectures for 1912—1913. begining Sunday moring with sermon. The college has prepaired a neat folder which announces the six items of the course of lectures as follows: Sunday, Jan. 12, 1913. 11 o'clock, A. M., Sermon: "God's Free Gift in Jesas, ” Rjm. 8;32, 7 o’clock, p. ni , Address: ’’uhristian Educa tion in our Christian Schools.” Monday, Jan. 13, 1913, 8 o'clock, a. m., Lecture: "The Protestant Ref ormation in England.” 7 o'clock p. m., Lecture: ’’Henry ViII. and the Break from Rome.” Tuesday, Jan. 14, 1913. 8 o'clock a. m., Lecture: ”Henery., Edward VI. and Mary.” ' 7- 0. clock, p. m.. Lecture; Elizabeth Establishing Protestantism.” Dr. Summerbell's recent book, ”The Life and at 25 to meet in the Court House Graham, Saturday, January 1913. It is hoped that each teacher will be prepared to report all the children (boys and girls re spectively) in his or , her district and, also, the number of boys and girls respectively, enrolled in different grades. Please meet promptly at 11:00 a. m. ' Wilson Formally Elected President Washington, J an 13. ~ The electorial college met in 48 states today and formally elected Wood row Wilson president ot the United States Thomas Marshall, vice president. Wilson and Marshall reeieved 4S5 of 531 votes cast. House Endorsed Josephus Daniels Raleigh, Jan. 13. —The house of Austin Craig" is recievmg a large welcome among students of theological thought in this country and the second volume of this work is now being prs pa.’ei by hi:n. i? Pi'o>3- dent of Palmer I i: 3 -.-s: i!:-; j Seminary. One of the few re- representatives this afternoon adopted by a rising vote a joint resolution urging that Josephus Daniels be appointed postmaster Writings of!general in President Wilson's cabinet. New Physiciaa Agent or write the undersigned, j maining, high-grade, old-time 1913 J. 0. JoneS, Traveling Passenger A.gent Raleigh, C. S. .D. Kiser, City Ticket Agejit Raleigh, N, ; preparatory schooif 01 New * England, and of the Francis : Ausbury Board, which despeses ■ large sum.'i of money to reiigioizs ■education.. F4>ir Sale at Bargab. li If all the people who flock the White House reception Good new live room located three blocks office. Addre.ss l & patch, B'jrirngtor, ' the d;rncu.(tie5 m WiKson’s plans to to ■ obliterate Bectionai lines, we have f those sweet ; s^peakmg o Lo' the way of >m cottage 1 shake hands with President Taft j heard oi &orne o r'ro’-n P*’o.'^r-' had voted for him, he wouli j Dixie g rls who are such unre ' State"Dis- i have been re-elected by an over- j conitructed rebels.that they won’t ^ whelming majority. tv-.in vrear Dr. William E. Crutchfield, of Greensboro, N. C. is spending the fore-noons of Tuesday and Friday of each week in Burling ton for the practice of osteopathy. Dr. Cratchfield was formerly associated with Dr. A,. R. Tuck er,^ at Durham, N. G. and is re cognized as one of the best, and foremost Osteopathic Physicians I of the State. It is through the influence .of some of his patients that he hasconsented to make these special trips to our town and give to the people this, op portunity. TfiitRg Lady Coaiffokf Largfe Sum •f Mmey. Atlantic Gifey, * Jan. 14.—A forcible argument in favor of woman suffrage and living proof that women are capable of hold ing important positions is Miss Elizabeth Townsend, This pre- posessing young woman—she is twenty-four—exercises absolute authority over the two and a half million dollars annual reve nue that 19 received into coffers of Altantic City. She is controller of the national seaskie resort and not one r:enny may be withdrawn from the city treasury without an order bearing her signature. 'M-isg Townsend has oiider im mediate charges mpce than $6,- 0p0,W6 ca$^ 2^^ bondls in the sinking fun(J» She supervises all bond^ j^ues and personally directs the auditing of the month ly roll of $75,000. She is ‘3»^er $50^000 bonds. Will Train At {rharlottesville Charlottesville, Va., Jan. 14— Clark Griffin, manager of the Washington Americans, it was annoaiiced today has completed arrangements whereby his team will engage in their early spring practice here. The deal was made possible by the Delta Chi fraternity of the University of ya., giving up its fraternity to the Washington players, for one month, Griffith Will have 36 men in his squad, the ies reporting March 1, tl e r ^ a week later. The te«in tra.r^ed here last year. JT uni siiit. Advertise in the Dispatch Directors and Officers Reeiectec!— Both Banks Made Fine Showing. two banking institutions oi Burlington held their annual meet-mg of stockholders Tuesday and the financial reports render ed by. the cashiers were most gratifying to those interested. The old board oi directors in,both institutions were reelected,*who ■ieelected the old officers. The Alamance Loan and Trust Com pany, the oide.yt of tlie two insti tutions, in 1902 had total assets cf $11U, 976; at the close of the year 1912 had total assets of $501,301; The deposits have in creased in proportion to the in crease in assets, which is a v-^.-ry ■?r,at)fying report. M I 1^1 m li-ll V ^1 ; pi it i>| “t i^i'l I f