7.) is un- justi- that a two- i i- U \ V , ?sts iu >i’^, is > mOi mined inn -.: Kv-r^ ■T ror TesTv-.; )ngres- hope? will iber uf 1 Person is oi a law I'jciety, sm ti-t editor place ig aii.,^ )lace i: asserr ireste^; lat be yinr uinai:; in so- IS Tij pher ir )sitive It of a EE hd rtce;vc ^'■3, N^'V Baramt t j, ED !. N. C. '' M ■ •■...' •"« •• '•. • ^.- • 1 r rnJ—r A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. V. BURLINGTON. N. C., FEB, 5, 1913. ,v>..S7 The CoiileS; of t;)t: 1 1 ■ ■ i d or. iy 1 I t. make 1 1 ’ Brooivx' 122000 ^Vho j; I 1 :.... ..a May Hortte l'i’f,600! 2e ring -; . i.ee Coble. R-. No.l ^2300 ings cl a Elhngton. new Mel.*ane, I-t. No, 4. o3G0{.' ‘y un. V_ .-r Workman ;i3300 ^ great t i, Braxton, Snow Ca' T;r>. 196C0 re an.J, - .Hf Cheek 13100 latest -,^t:ie Lyde May i'»f>00 ! insidf ’..^f.rtin L. Coble, R. 1. mob B. L. Sheffner, R. 10, 7100 i\m i-.. Carrie Albri&'ht, •4900 Kaw River f th‘c T. Matkin-s, 37t 0 tog'oiher with such indorsements as yea rn&y care to file, and the Gibsonvi«e. ;;5:nnie Sue Terrell R. King, Greensbcro, 1100 M ' v Carr Kail iOOO luST'gie Cheek iOOO /.•le Herit'a;^e 44W same wijj be given cordial and earnest eonsideration when the matter of the appointment of a postmaster for W'est Durham was taken up. With Ir'nd rej2:ards and best wishes I am. Very truly yours Lee S. Overman, H is evident that there are so many applications for postmas ters that the seTiatGcrs and «on pressmen ha\-€ a regular formula for their secretaries to fotiow, the same as in the replies re garding seeds and other matters. ?*0001 Senator 'Overman’s secretary no doubt got *>i!s re?>lies mixed Water Light an>^ Power Statement | estimate showing 74 per-c^nt, to the Electric Plant, as a^ai^ist 26 Mr MasoM Have C?eat’feast. iii'Ch K'-:es down I tne Ap occa>:ion w ;:>jn r. the r:‘-'rfiorar-ie .'Story was th.it 'V; t •'.;;div nifht ~otei when t •?,rge nuntoir ,:ecasion e.-.-en- r roncunc- :l ' ^ t . -.ncrci'".. , the era: rdmont b.-:j 'ueted a lierds.^ q'he ith a b’etf inj^ ■Rbv. J. D. : v\'. Cates res- ' '‘"Yesie-'day j Mr, Me ride At of C:-aaara ^-nadt. an tLter- r^iini? talk on ''i^ov B .ila 1 jdge Ei]iinKtn appear to a evidently ^ent a better to _ some applicant for the postoffice in West Durham Ir which reference is mack to seeds. Th>;s appli cant no doubt suprised when he ap^plied for a postoffice and got a iymckage of seeds with a nice krlter on the courtesies of the season -mid not s'W0K« on I the pistil job. If tTae aspirant Masons for the West Durham postoffice vail ‘no'vs- publish his letter it would make good reading as Feburary 1, 1913. Eugene Holt, Finance Commttee, City of Burlington, N. C. Dear Sir: In accordance with your in structions, I have made a special investigation of the affairs of the Water, Power and Light Com mission of the City of Burling ton^ North Carolina, for the year ePided December 31st. 1912. The investigation was made for che purpose of obtaining such ■a stat€;ment of the affairs of the Light and Power department of th« Commission as would deter mine tile expense of the Electric Plant to the City so that a com parison might be made between the present cost of electric cur rent to the city, and the charge for'Current w'hich would be made the City, if the Electric Plant were disposed, of^ aod the offer of those proposing to sell you csirrent accepted- Owing to the very limited time permitted for the work, no at tempted, whatever, was made at r%f fhp 'rAr*nvils snbi ;nued 1 \i Ai Tixiav' f. .bur bar. Cav-t.-J. up. This publication ^is made esiet'day jfor^'the ber^ifir. of applicant for the West Durfeam )|K)stoffice who may rs-jt be able 'to under- s^tand the reply he -.got from Senator-t>-oerman. ^and who A. I ^rren- j |i&‘-v-e the «8eds jthat were nn- ;:ne told “What Th€ Boys Do/’j t-ended fOT Ben Muse. While this momerit a bK. or rorj.ance jimS'Ster B©:i is on,r;y 14 -y^Gars old ^as iri-ternii^^gied %vherj Mr. ; l^e is perfectly Wiislling to t&ke M. Atwatsr-denk-'d tfte^ti.argeowor the West Dui'rham postof^KJe attempting to defeat Capt,4f-.the sectors Gesagressman . jir^'entine in Lts :]-ove a^'fairs. JSteadrnaii so dew’ee. .As-he iias Mr. .R. J, HsU aDc: Dr. -^JooreMcJcne efi'id'ent v>^rkfer thesB'ur- -formed the ^loastzmaster thatjihum Sun. These lis fio d0t;bt t^r and Bot thev- was the •■SDeak-| -^^atev€r'that fee ie 'compefent tr cf th€ occasion, Wo^^bipfu! j^asad wou-‘lx! be ri^vht-aiito the,i|ob. master .il. H. V«mon directed | .v,s remarks to ladies. ,Hoa. i " " '. |i. Csrroli ^loke. very CT.'eres-; '“Tfes Southern; iliss0®aali$t/' nd t^e tilt pot^ t on i ■ ^nty.and Miss j The iSijSte Di«patch'is in 're- ihe - Johnsiva ot Gree.ssboro j^sejpt of. s copy of "'‘vThfeSouthem • '...£ present and pr-esentec the j.Jcurna1i£r.,” offiaial^organ ol'ilThe ; aims of cthe :rg£nization . la-oe. ji^tern Df 2. Prrof. Ovff.;; co'infii ] 'G. for at S. Noble of the faaiiRy of t^: Uni- . ersity ofl's. C. was the k' vited '..'eg.ker of the ■Q}2t.Bs]on: He ' poke on ti e isany phaies of .■ias^:>nry. .... Thi _ sp?ead very fine -■vrle.2ting ;redit ©r. the iIMed- .rjont and .management of Mr. :ouna:. The lady ^L^ests cf the 'tvening were very tunstinted in tr.eir praise )f the bandleES of tnetrcweJ. .Jn factC^^pt. Tuyren- t.ne rcada a .-special request ^Shat another like occasier; be rJ^eld '0 he niigi;t have increased '.'pportunity fo taJk v/ith v-his '*dy friends. The evening was rie of real ex-pression for 'the - ''and old fraternitv. It wae a hcur which might often ■- repeated with pleasure. •Special mention should be ■ of the exeelient manner in | who k; President of the Assoda- iit is largely a matter of opinion. Southern Ama4eur . ff-ournaHkts’ i.fe3sociation. It is 'issued-ewary it'hree msr.ths, ^id :pi^blishes ;re- p>orts of she officers ar#d other of- ;Scial m^iCter pertaining to 4h^- sesociatiG^n. The Soktthern Amateur J®ur- !Ralists’ .A.rBsociat3!)n is literary (seganization. Jts : membership k5composed of >'?aung people of b©th sexee residk-ig inilhe Soiirth- e-rin statefs, wha have literary talents and ambitions, whowtrJte literary compositrions sSor pleas ure and in^provement. Itsmern- bearship also includes those w:ho are eitherHBngage£ in or interest ed in the ^firts of printing aisd I attempt at ,a departmential di«- joci^irnaiism. All younr people tribution-of many Expense Ac- whc are desirous of improving''counts, it ia, of tcouirse, impos ed from sources outside of their covers. Relative to the investigation, the following Statements are submitted: EXHIBIT -Statement of Assets and Liabilities, as per the books- unverified, at December 31st 1912 EXHIBIT -“B'"-Statement of Expenses awd Earings [Exclusive of Depreciationi)—as per the books, unverified, for the year ended December 31st. 1912. EXHIBIT “A" requires but littie comment, as it presei^ts simply a Statement of Assets and Liabilities as per the books at December 31st. 1912. it sh^^u^d ibe noted, however, in connection with the Plant! .siiown :by this .Statement, that liotteing ha-s been charged off from theJ.guresat which they are «earried on the bo^sks, to care for Depreeiati on. M@n€ of the items appearing up^B the ^ages^oif this Exhibit have bees -ver’ified: neither, has the >eol Jectibility of "the Accoun ts Reeeived (been subjected to in- vesitigation. EXHIBilT ‘‘B” fo. preparing^ this Stategnent, an effort was made to separate .iei so far as practicable within a limited time —the FxpeEses and Earnings of. the Elecfcrie iPiant fi?om those of the Water .and Sewerage De- partsaeot. As tiie iiieeords .kept by the clerk of the GommisBion made no thek’ literary talents and those interested-it thearits of-printing and LiOurnaiHjm are eli^ble for men^bership sible to present, here, such a distribution of Expenses as may be considered -exact and final. Instead in eases wfeere the re- Mr. C. B. Way, af this city, ixords are .dient on tiie subject. -n Hom. E. g. W. ; ‘--d as tcastmaater. 'lisic vV£.s furnished -,:ion Orchestra f Whitr^ett. ' bers. L'ameron Ition. v/ill De glad to answer all : inquiries or letters from tho^3e by tlie I who may desire to bttcome joiem- Bfo Muse Out For Post My.ster >: xster Ben M uie, one of the! boys in the Durham high ■ ': w rote .Senatc r 0 verenan rrie gardt.n Seeds and fc^ere I pel Sunday : .’’epiy ths t was received; V/ashinj'ton, ,D. C. Jafi. 2-3 1^5.13 '.'en Muse, 309 Morris S.t. ^^vrham, Is, C. .R. F. JOt, No 5. Rev J. N. Holt filled his ret'U- lar appointment at Lt^n-gs Ciia- .as to how the expenses should be distributed-—,particularly is this the condition in instances where tio audit of the records was made. ov authorized. Although, ordinarily, in prepar ing a statement of this character. Genera! Expenses such as Salar ies, Superintendence, Stable Ex pense, Rent and Telephone— wou’d be distributed between both departments, in this inst ance—in order that the oast may index the future, the statement .! :t>ir acknowledge I'eceipt Miss Dai-sy and Ora \Vyat.t sj^-at Sunday afternoot; with Miss. Mamie Anderson. ^ 4. u Mr. and.>f,rs J. A. Aldredge: has been so arranged as io shoa; visited at J. M. E. \V?aits. I«t>arged against the ft ater and Sunday. P. X'L , _ Mr. Kalpn Rogers and Mi.sses penses .;on. Inasrnuc;: as b-'*n .'.vns at id i • ur -\onr. ('iiroiina .>\r:ivnvn‘:.^, me C' >-■ I ?t./Iis;M t v' teemed f&vorol recent Hattie Rogers and Myrtle Hester . me 01 vour /-andi- were pheasant wallers at L, M. appointment to the Johnsons Sunday P. M. or' po,-;tiiiaster at ■.^^'e;st| ,Mr. WaJter Aldridge of Cas- ■'•na'T^r the V\';!son iid- vveil, attended services at Longs Cha;.)el Sunday, seems quite a will defer a.iStance for Walter to have his ir.'ion: in the i preachin^-^' doJ?e. Oiiess tiiere ]>ost-j must be some attraction close We^t 5 by. Mrs. LUu’bai'y Allen li ing whiie in Hiu'ti Poirit w i Sewerage Department, all ex- — which, if the Light Plant were so'd, would continue as per-cent to Water and Sevyera'geS The items, disclosed by. this Exhibit as Inventory A.djust- ments, represent amounts charge off from the accounts indicated, in order to bringthem into agree ment with the amounts recorder as representativ^e of the values of the actual inventories, as re ported taken. Since there appeared to be a doubt as to whether these items should be included as expenses of the ilperiod reviewed, or as to whether they were merely indi cative of errors made in the tak ing of former inventories, it was thought best to present them in such a manner as would enable them to be readily distinguished from the current and usual ex penses. RESUME OF FINDINGS. From an eKamination of the Exhibit, above commented upon, it will be noted that the profit from the Electric Plant for the 5?ear of 1912 is stated at $4,432,62 And that the amount chaiged to the City for Street Light was $4,800.00 Making the cost of current to the City ^^367.-38 (as per the books, after con sideration of all such ex penses as Superintendence, Salaries, Stable Expend. Rents and Telephone as chargeable in whole to Water Department, which is the condition which wOald probably exist, were the Electric Plant soldi) This Cost should be added: 5 Interest on $28,^)O0.O) Light Bonds 1,400.00 ;and Depreciation on Light Plant as estimated by Mr. S. W. Myers, Engineer 1,500.00 Making the total estimated cost per annum (based on 1512 re^ cords) for lighting lamps, equivalent (according to Mr. E. Myers) to 75-^5-100 lamps of 350 Watts each $3,267.38 •Under the terms of tile proposal which you have under considera tion, it is offered to supply the City current for lightin;g: suf ficient to serve the equivalent of 100 350 wattsLamps at a cost per .annum of $6,000.00 An excess of $2,732.62 over your present lighting cost as set forth by ExhiWt “B” and the comments thereon containsd in the text of this report. From .this excess, it would, however, probably be.permissible to deduct: An increase in the annual Revenue of the City, which would be derived frdm Taxes up on the Electric Plant if sold $300.- 00 and A decrease w’^hich could be effected in the City’s annual ex penses, if the $10,000.00 (amount t>tfered the City for its Electric Plant in excess of its Light Bonds outst^anding) be applied against interest bearing indebtedness $600.00 $900.00 Leaving a net difference of $1,832.62 per annum, in favor of the pref ent arranement for sup plying tile City with its lighting current. In making this comparison, it should be borne in mind that the proposal submitted you offers to furnish electric current in ex cess of that which is now being consumed-such excess being equivalent to the current required for the lighting of 24-35-100 350 watt Lamps, Also, it should be explained in connection with these figures that the difference if any be- ween the “free lights'’ now afforded, and the free lights which are offered the City under of 2 cents for Kilowatt H'our-the total cost for ■eac'h ■ of the first two years not to be- charged for at a figure in excess^ $800.00 per annum, • • IN; CON C LU.3I0N. Although the in vestigatiw-which has been made was not of .that character which customarily includes *sug- Cowoty • • I The Qpnty ;ICe»che3;rs; associa- tioh held.its- thii?d.meeting of the? year last Satordaj?;.; • sTbe busi ness was .traa«acfeed;.;at one sessiioi^. .Thenu .,|tdl>wed the Union- ;dinner iiii f thejtown . bali The attendancfev .was - good and gestions for the 'improvemeiDt of»program- wais-carried out^^^ accounting methods, in my ; topic opinion, it would be advisable i Honor Sy^stem;’ w^s omiti/ed. in the future to have the ac counts of the Comniission so arranged that they would reflect the operations of the Electric Plant and the Water and Sewer System, separately. Further, it would be well to have the purchase records kept by the Clerk of the Commission, so that full information regard ing purchases may be on file at his office. Respectfully submitted, J. L. Hightower, Certified Public Accountant. Gty of Enriington, North CaroHaa^ Water, LigKt & Power Commis sion Statement of Assets andl Liabilities, (As per tfee Woks uEiverified) Dec, SI, lfl2. Assets. expenses of the City in administ- the proposal made—has not been enng- its affairs in connection with the Water and Sewer system. Should it be concluded that, by reason of the disposal of the Electric Plant, any or all of these General Expenses could be considered in this statement, for the reason that no definite figures as to the current novv consumed for these "free Lights''^ are obtainable. In regard to the proposal which furnish- nas been made vou ior reduced, it would be proper to ing current to the City for ramp Ko ■f U Major I ing y. while in Point that;her three sons. Major I Mr. .Ander.son Thomas of ! decrease the amount of expenses rt ith ! here shown against the Water ‘ ' I and Sewerage Department in the Havv I amount of the reduction. CASH $176.98 ACCOUNT RECIVABLE: ; current 384.38 Uuncollectable 42.15 426.53 INVENTORIES: Books and Stationery $180.30 Electric Sup plies 832.97 Electric Lamps 129.50 Electric Light & Power Repair Parts 256.66 E^lectric Light & Power Tools 440.25 Lubricants 112,70 Water & Sewer Tools 128,15 Water Supplies 134.00 2,274, 53 PROPERTIES AND PLANTS: Water. WorkS:.^'.-*-^,^J System $76,687.99 Sewer System 50,461.98 Electric Lighi i ' and Po wer Plant 45/803,23 Water Line Extension 677.39 Furniture and ■ Fixtures 123.15- Live Stock and Equipment 134.38 173,938.12 PREPAID EXPENSE: Insurance Unexpii-ed 222.70 $177,038.86 LIABILITIES. OVERDRAFT-Alamance Loan & Trust Co. $147.0() ACCOUNTS PAY ABLE 33,123.08 CITY OF BUR LINGTON 147,896.97 PROFITAND LOSS ACCOUNTS: Balance in Account— Jan. 1, 1912 $19,282,83 Profit from Operations— ' year ended December 31,1912 -Exhibit 6,583.98 25,871.81 $177,038.86: ToThePuWic It will be to the interest of every farmer in Alamance Co. to have a dog law passed by the present general assembly. We are all intere.sted in having ple nty of game during the game season,_ and in order to have this it is absolutely necessary to have some restriction put upon all dogs in the county during the breedingand raising reason Hundreds of dogs roam over the fields and woods of county during the summer months and. suck all eggs and destroy the young oi: birds and rabbits and we want to put a cheek on this by having a law passed.that wili. Fir.-3t tax each dog. .$2.00 per head and have him either confined or under control from April 1, to Sept; of each year. ' as Supt. Smith ot Hawnver, who was to discuss this subject, was aibserit. t this mepting plans for the county commencement were discussed, Pa|J|er for schopl^ exhibits wa6 giveft' and the general program for G^mmence- ment day was outlined. The next teacher^ meeting, which will be announced next week wdll be the last Jhe onefc»r the year. ‘' Week before last -the Cross Roads schpoi jgave a pie party and voting contest that netted $li72 for the school; TheBellmont School gave a box party Saturday night ai last week and cleared abbut . $12.00. Bellemont has been e^uiping the school with steel framed desks* One of the eommitteemen at Saxapaihaw has offered a prize for the best paper written on the subject of English. The Supt has observed in the past few days, pathways built to school houses of three diferent matetn- als,—cane stalks at Haw River, Cedars at the Fairground, Stabs at Green Hiil. , . , : . The primary and. iiptermediate departments gave a , deligbtiui entertainment on last night, to an appreciative audi^- ce The proc^^ds cl^|i|«d for tne of the school were $^50. On Saturday. 15th the Haw Fieldi sch^? will give ■ ‘The spihisters |iet^. ’' The plap is the seqiial to ‘ “Old Maids Conv€tntio/' an4^ .faypisfeea the same kind Mr-, On account of bad'Heatth J. Ede Lasley has resigned hi* position of asfii'stant. jQashier of the First J^atiohal and Mr. Roy W. Malone, ii^ho, feas held the position of bdok-Jt^elper with this institution, jfeejn promo ted to the^ position px.Ass^.tajqi? Cashier.».: MtV S. ..(Qa,rn''' Warehbu'^,-:.tl^s" ' the position or bfookriieeper to suc ceed, -Mr... Aiaiion'e.;,; ■^;--Gamso» will be pieiased tph^^ ciall on bim.ijrlii^ pew - busin^s^' 7';V,-.'.; This institution is fortunate in securing the services of Mr, Gar- ri.^on as he has had consideralale experience in book-keeping, has a great many friepds in the City and surrounding country and is one of our most promising young business men Sja Kill Father in Qiaarrel Wood ^ Raleigh, N. C. Jan, 29,- John L. Weathers was shot and in t inty killed this afti^rnoon at his home near E'^gle 'Eboe this county ,by his son, HaywoM Weauters. The twp qyarreM about some wood, the: son ran up stairs, pi'oeured a revolver .anti came back with it, opj^ping fire on his father. ' 'V The fourth shot p3netrated his heart: The df^sea^e years, old, the' yourig He has. given hlm^i^ fL ■, j-. the officers of. the la.w will, be brought to. Raleigh. conferi River died iast Tuesday and was laid TO rest at Longs Cnapel on Wednesday Fune al sen/ices being conciucted b} P^ev. i’. H V-,, snyono for !..u d^'sire r6 pf.stj'pos- ir vvii! Pi ei'*iint.rs. A. cro'.vc, ol ! r I ..; 1 i i t ! in t re- L'O i friends mtm* reiat.fv';-s was pi to pay spec^ ih P.* r :ri. c ! In making a distriS.'Uiion ween the Eletric Dight I’iant and reduce the Fuel the Water and Sewerage System of such accounts in common as Fuel and Lubricants, the^ esti mate furnished by Mr. E. .W. Mver>. Engineef. huR been r:--ed mg' purposes: Mr. E, W. Myers, your en gineer, lias advised that he esti mates that the periorman-je of that service for you would not EK a f-if' i i '^r disini I expenses oe/ow that shown upon Exhibit 1). of tills report. From, this, there fore, it appears that no advantage WOUid Pe given- the '-^ity by its ace-";-tanee of the offer to supjdv c .irrent ivr pamplpg .at ' the Blind Tiger Age 1116 Yeats To.ilay,. .Hartford, C’onn, Jan. Fiaed 27---'The De- ap- oldestprisoner ever brought fore the bar of justice here peared in_ court today m the per-, son of William Ray, aged 1.06 years,., wi.'o was fined for .illega.l selling, whiskey. This- ..is fh*:? riflir time he has. beesi io- c^.irx Miss ABme Morrow Entertaiift Miss Annie Morrow tc^acher of the Jr. Philathea class of the Prc'^by terian Ghureh delight fully entertained her class and the Jr. Philathea cte of th^ Christian Church,: after^ noon. The hour.i ' w4e from 4:30 to 6:3J during whitih time many interesting add amusing games were, played, delightfp; reir sfunents werfrf-erved. ane the gins left ff^eling:’it '\^?as good to have . been .there. mean- I cacber -- ‘ ‘What in- the iiig of.the word "ieisure?- .., ‘Jf. is the name of th.^-.. p’.a-te w:h-t:re.. married people P^rtU'' - Lippincott^s Magazii? ? ior. 'oi :er,se Sioce '4 ■ .V-IAt '1^ '-..i - t-; !.'i

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