^ «,Si ^ sr ; i 1 n in Night to lice. iLi.n- Ibest the r-v ■"T*C5^ trii The tOtale Jjioracv A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES mD AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. VOL. V, BURLINGTON. N. C. FEB. 26,1913. NO. 4e The Cc&test NCk VOTES 134,300 122W 109.600 6230e 53500- 3:3300 /Iddie iV. J. Brooks gertbiii May Honie l^iary hee Coble, S. Aurelta Ellington, ^ebane, R, No. WorkmaT5 ,V. 1 Braxton, Snow Camp, Cheek 131^ H?vte Lyde May 146G0 Martin L. C-oble. R. 8400 B, L. Shoffner, R. 10, ?100 Carrie Albri^t, t|^900 Raw ^Irlver. 7, F. Matkisi€,s GibsoTi^^ille, Nannie Sue J. R. King, Greensboro. May Carr Kali '‘lar^e Cheek f L* ivie Heritage To Our SahsGribcFS. S700 8000 l£|^ Sclkoe»l Debslters ^ in from €hi^p>el HlU but loose to GriiibaiiB The Ctiapel Mill debating tieam if©st iB j?in upMll argument last Friday night to the local hoyi. Th« visitors were not in the race 'during the entire *evening from the time Melvin Staffed took the ‘fk)or and toced the audience with a look of ‘determ ination backed up by David Curtis, The school auditerum was filled to oj/^erflowing, #ie pres ident Rev, A. B, Kesiidail called the house to order. Ml'. Sam Bason acted as secre tary, keeping aieoaMtely the time eaeh speaks w^ allow^. The local bovs 4o a stiff 1100 1000 1000 Piiiiatl«a Bftraca Eatertsdoment The Philathea Baraca enter tainment given at the Baptist Church Thursday night was Iwth entertaining and instructive. Several short addresses were made by different ones. Mr J. C. Loy-dl teacher of the Phikthea Class presided and was toast- mastier of the occasion In that room. In the Baraea Foom a very interesting debate was pul- led by Misses Lena Andrews aiai ©essie Miles. Mr. Bulla assisted by Mr. Vitus Holt whb w^as cialled on extemperaneously the other speaker for the oc casion being absent. The query Resolv^: That the women shall 4o the courting. The ladies to be sure took the aSirmative and lo«el boys put 4o a argume5it favorieag Woman Suff- , t* erage which coubJiSiot be by the negative. The negative e^blished fact in our i was represente? by Miss Minnie women m the courting i-Pickell and Ralph Andrews of i Chape? Hill, the aTS?ument of j the riegative was ^ciear and poin- ! ted bringing out imost empfaal- |ical*y that plaee for the woniaB was t]ie home and that she had been cFeated for ttee home, that Jsh€ could best i^r- form her funetione dy rema!m®.g Many ef our subscribers are Lie us on g«bsCi*'iptioTi while the amourts rmy be small to them yet if we hiid them in one ' Um they woulc mean a £reat ts> •us. We are mailing statements . each week to th;.se in arrear if tfje home. the-^estat^vTisnt? are n>m corr&^t Tbe affinogte v.e .beJieved that see us and w-c will h-etglad to ^‘M>2-''ence m the handling {>f f'orrect srv errors we may have ^^'^^vernmesst would placeithe iadef sjbscrkSrs' tak-e 1 ^^other in a .better posifion to '’ read ?-2guki!K’j trair: her dsildreK. The stage reteive a fcay they ix and widl takiiiig i.-ut a pap^r an out as £D€n gbs they uun they a:mmedlately ■>ever subscribs-d for ,ot pay for it. The iaw in a?egard r ews papers is as Anyone takkig a paper frocn :he Post 'Office is liable for _ it . ntil he has Efed a noti::e wifch The Postzsaster r f jsic^jto tiake : any loi^ger,.a copy oi which Ir otiee wjll :be fseld by ^he post- Tiaster. STp ts that ^time I parties getting papefs froms the ffice are4iie tc pay fcsr ’them. Take the papsc* pay far it rea&l :> you m^j-r-e thau> dollai* each year ^or other piirf-'oses tfe$rt GO not you >t't yo'iLr faniEly half ^ ;rrueh good^-s yoar couraty paper. They ar-e .educating your ;hiidren a^d ,upa‘uildii2£ to you; ;:ome. R^membe? tks. Great ‘ont3st 01 T:he State J -nd oaeh you hhat friend or relative in •.esr f ets the \yote -ight, more days aeticms of iM>tb teamg was esrcetl ent,, ^the hoiae (boys -showed tte spirst that the^F intended to win. Misr Pickett while her wice wasinot eqiiial to-tfcal of the boy and requirsii . justa bit snore att«s^ition showed .g]peat cofjitrage in . feeing aa .audien®e like ithat: That Mr. Andrews has had ^pod sockty tE^ijiing was -graced by the aadi^ce. i The Judges wer« JD, Md'^'er,, J. H. Vera€R ^nd W. H. CsffirolS Mr.-iOarroH «@rving, iB the of-E. S, W. IMmemn who not t'e prese»t. T I.A .Durfcam and Walker: Love debate ed,th>9 negative side of theq^y These who i?epresent®d Grabam were Mr. Coy Williana© and Miss Julia Cooper slhe Judges were •.Rev. >a. A. iSy^^es, P^of. Stacy oting of C?Kapel Hill, and Layer Oook Qikpat^! of Grsiham. Tteeauery waseveaaly pav see j^iscB^ed by foeth side? but the #i^fcon- of Mi®g ^.Cooper-iappeared Oailv'Wty-'to outclass that of ti;e yoitng. and willi'^^^-'Tihat itishard fo? boys t© but n©t until last Thursday night did we know that they should. Another great pa^eblem has beera settled. Offke Eadofed. 'Wire has recently been placed arcwjnd the o^ee lot which will keep off alHuteuders. The ob- aeet of this step is to bea®tify this property jand make ® City -Park. The Csvic League has the work in ^charge and we are -sure will push it to a finish. Mo ,p3ace in Burlington is mai?e «uit- >a,ble for a Park than thss pro* fPerty. it is ^nvenientiy situat ed beautifully shaded. We clip the following editorial ifoom The Greensfooro Me ws. The Civic Xeague, of Eurling- Son is, Ba&king a stroiag -sffort U$ establish a ? public paenk in the |own wb&pe children may play 4nd wfcere ^ownups iiaaay «pend a quiet hour and we wish the league well No tow«;or idty r«ver haki tooisoany pai*k^. Evesy muniei|3'aJJti^, in North Carolina if it tiiot already 4one |KSi^ or play Mi^ Anna DeMoss Conteads T1 at Fftiiare to Deliver Message Resaffed Breaking Off of Esgagement Mebane Sodal News. m Charlotte, N. C. Feb. 24. —Miss Anna DeMoss has entered against the Western Union Tele graph Comany alleged the negli gence of the telegraph company in failing to deliver with reason able dispatch a messaj|$ directed to her lovef^ one Joseph Flynn, apprising him of the fact that she was e» route to Charlotte “ready,’'willingand anxious to enter into the holy bonds of matrimony,'' agre^ upon, resulted in the breaking asunder of the. aforesaid ties which in turn occasioned great mental anguish, to wit $2,000. Extracts from the complaint are herewith reproduced: That the defendant, Anna De Moss, futher alleges that on or about the 20th of December, 1^)12, she had agreed and coLtracted to be come married in lawful wedlock within the course of a few days to Joseph Flynn of the city of Charlotte and had made arrange ments with a priest of the said city to conduct the ceremony. '^That on tijte 24th of Decem ber she WAnt to Burlington, with .full arrangementis as to the wedding, save as to the date. ‘ ‘That on the 28th of Deeem ber «he received letters from Joseph Plynn asking her to leave Burl ington the mext day. The plain tiff wired in reply that she could not d® as requeateaL This telegram was delivered in proper manner. “That on the 29th of December plaintiff found thatfihe j2ould Jeave Buidington at 11:1S in the ■morning £uad go to Greensboro. She then sent a telegram J:oseph-Flynn apprising him .air and -rsereation tesd to the health and,pleasure of ithe child and it is these tw© «ssentia;b that tfee ®nunicipal!ty to:5ts if uture estiaens. Mebane, N. C., Feb. 20.-The Tuesday Afternoon Bridjire club met with Mrs. W. 0* Warren. The playing was so interspersed with a variety of conversation, plans for the club and instruc tion to the initiates that the speedy approach of twilight left very little time lingerinff to enjoy to the fullest the delightful re freshments that were served. Members present; Mesdames Joseph Vincent and J. M. Thomp son, Misses Mary ahd Katherine White. Jennie Lasley, and Fan nie Mebane. Miss Sue Mebane was present as a visitor. The Benefit Book club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Paisley Nelson. James Russell Lowell was discussed. Mrs, C. J. Kee read Raub’s “Life of James Russell Lowell." Mrs. E. A. Crawford read “The Vision of Sir FittUnfar/ and Mrs. F. L. White read Julian Hawthorne^s “James Russell Lowell.’/ Mes dames W. A. Murray, J. S. White and S. Crawford are the program committee for the com ing year. Mrs. J. M. Thompson and Mrs. F. B. Noblitt were present as visitors. Club mem bers present: Mesdpoes R. H. Tyson, C. R. Garnt, Thomas Cruthfield, Joseph Vincent, F. L. White, W. A- Murray, C. J. Kee, E. A. Crawford, S. G. Morgan and W. S. Crawford., Miss Maigie Scott left today for Raleigh to visit Mrs. John Parks. Miss Katiei May Compton has suspended her school at Kloh and gone to Asheville for special tr^tment. Mrs. S* G. Morgan and Mrs. T. B. Pettigrew Id ft for Elon to College Tues^i^y^ of I R^v. J. Wi iGpodman, pastor her in teat to arrive in Chariotfce-of HawfieldPr^ssbytetian church. Mrs. C«siklkt Des^. The funeral-of .Mrs, W.. H. Conklit, who .die-sl Thsia^sday ^n^>rnin^ at hfir home iHi f£*ast Burlington, neai the fair gmunds vss eosducted Pirid^y afterji3on irom the home by the paster, He v. Thomas El ©avis, of'the -lethodist Frotestasit chsiriah, ^.-ssisted hy Rev. G. T. Milloway, f Greensboro, aK43 tbe remasES -ere burigd at Pine Eill cea^t- y. She ifs survfi^^ed by the :.;Hband aae eight dsiidren, ! h cers and three sons, besides | L of relative in eastern Ala- irr^.r ce and vOraage [M'i Conklic, was a p'i£cie womaB.;and will be great- ]y “iiissed is the coxjs^unity. I She had suffered for some time h^’th ancer of iihe stomaigh and rather complications. She was jaboui H years of age. tevin ^s'hen debating agaiiast ^womers.is plaia. The hmise wm i f i lledi U) overflowing, i A dclightfiil receptkjn wa« ^>en b.F ^he f^^nklin .Xiiterarj Society, £ifter debate «it thi« place. The resejition Wi£,s givea at the hame of a member of the SeoiorCi^ss, Miss. Pauline Coble. MusiC'^^'as rendered and an elegrant e?urse of refreshments served. .•.#'.11 pe2rratted to be preaam .enjoyed themaslves. iBox^Esrty Al fencoe. The ^ox Party at «Glencoe^was quite a suc^ss. The «um taken ] in from the .boxes asd coyjitest counties,, Iwas $1!?;55 miifSt esti-1 Miss Anna Mc-Caatkiry got §he @rize for theimost popular youRg kdy. Mr Walter Gai^ison ws ^i>ted to be the ugliest jTsan retJ*b a pmze. Psatb of Balf\ Ruth May Jatwate,‘r £w*o weeks '(aid dau- ..ghter of Mir, and Mrs, L, E. ,:i-itwatef died Friday s.t eleven ,ferty five, Funeral services were .conducted Saturday evening at ilfee home bylRev, T, A. Sykes, iburial at Eine Hill oemetary.. Thus another precious flower h«as been pl®sked from the flower garden of -earth and planted iiiivthe flower^arden of heaven. Lfhe WiMiamson \^holesale S©use with whom Mr. Atwater ig vgonnected was closed Saturday because of the .death of tfoii little one. The masiy friends osf Mr, aad Mrs. Atwater, many of wh©m have had similar sadness in tih^eir home, j'join in sympathy. ■^y !r,op |h~a; PO: |th' 1 OP P. M i »#* v’ i • •§ ‘/-I • Order Recei>liOD. ihe W^aehington-Lincoln Bhlii- celeferation gi^en Friday t by the Juniors in thdff •ver Freeman Drug store o ttendei by a large ^wd of ed frieads. The ^invited '.er of the evening was Mr. ij Mendenhall of Randleman aster there, who fepoke on ' prncipais of the orte, mak- ’ ery interesting and instruc- " speech. Hon. E, W. • :ron made a stirring patri- S 'eecfe bringing back the J picture of the time when ^^ngton and his friends trod rnerican soil. Rev. J. D. :' spoke at some length of : incipals of the order. All lieeches were very much ?. Refreshments eonsis- ' fruit was served. Bewars ofiPakers Mfr. C. B, ^llis;is in re«^eapt of lett^ from ilstey Orgia Co., statisg that vamous pentons have written them coneeisaaing one Msr. B. H. Johsson whm is travelisag in North Carolina pre- tendingto be reipffea^ting iMt eompany taking oedcafs for the the orgfiHbS, the eustoasisrs pay-- ing $1.00. The whole Jk>e^ine6« ie a fake and those who are trapp ed loose thelt dollar. that vught. This telegram was not d^^livered until a week later but, ,aJ^r4ing to information, Was ieit in the custody of a ticket agant. ’ ‘ Whe®sin,'' the plaintiff contends that the telegraph' company was unduly and grossly | negligent in not making proper: and reasonable effort to locate ’. - j • i the said Joseph Flyn and deliver i->eague gave admner and sup- the said telegram to him in per- i P®** Grotto budding one son. -^"The plaintiff further I alleges that because of the neg-' IS attending the laymen -s mis isonary eo^ye^tio^ in Memphis. Charles I4sfey has ^ frohi Macon, Ga., '" ^ '" " * to be at home for some time. Park For Buriington Burlington, Feb. 18— The Civ- ligence of the said defendant in not delivering the said telegarm, the said: Joseph Flynn beheveci that the £aid plaintiff had no de sire to become married to him as they had before agreed and that i than $100 to be used in cleaning up and beautifying the eity.^ It is the purpose of the organ- ixatioa to convert the Nort Car olina Railroad office lot into a park. The lot isir: thecenter Of town W. C. Lull. Notice. 10 Work or Leave Town. ' Vagancy law is being put -ectin BurlingtoD, Go to leave town. Mmrder At DttibaaBi. Durham, Feb. 22.—In the bright glare of an electric light tcmight at 6:^, Henry Green etabbed Dallas Welch to the heart with a pocket knife, the wounded negro dying before he could be carried to the hospital The murder hap pened in Hayti and was witnes sed by a number of people, but the murderer has thus far evaded the search of the officers. The negroes got into a dispute which | ended in a tussel, in which Green j pulled his knife and stabbed i Welch 5B the heart. ^ Thg: Sunday School t)epa£*t- ment -©f the W. (0. T. U. exfueefcs to make special effort to obtain pledge signers Sunday, MaFch 9th. T&ere are tmty- nine Unioufi in the State who;&re expected to get 40,^^ signers. Shall Bur lington ^nion fall far behind the Gth^s? Some of our S. S. supenntexnients kave alr^dy «^ified their wilingness to hdp. Will the otfeers do like wise? Pledge cards for tiiis purpose hav« been ©rdered a®d will be furnished any S. S. Kiperinten- dentt desirinjr them* before Marcli^ 9th. This .campaigii call was issued by Mr. Marion Lawrence Intema- ^onal Gen. Sec. who asks for oae million signez:^ before the latemationai Sunday-School CoEvention in Chicago, 1914. Mrs. T. F. Coble, Sec. .into. That as a result of the ^aforesaid negligence of the de fendant £;ompany. the said ./oseph Flynn quarreled violently .with the plaintiff and broke of .the engagement and withdrew from the ccfitraet entered into with the plaintiff. That as a result of the defendent comj^ny?' n€|gligence, the above mentioned break between the plaintiff and the said Joseph Flynn re sulted and the said plaintiff is deprived of the company and affection of the said Joseph Flynn for life, that she is de^ prived of the said Joseph Flynn for life, that she has endared much mental and physical anguish and is damaged in the sum of-$2,000. N4ice. The Finance Committee of the city hereby give notice that they will not 0. k. bills not having ordered of L. L. Patterson, Clerk attatched to said bills. Eugene Holt Avery A. Apple F. Com. T. S., Faucette she wanted to withika w from i location for a park the marriage contract entered enclosed and the Coiratfiyiiool The County Teachers Associa tion held its last meeting for the year on last Saturday. As the weather was somewhat unfavor able the crowd was not l£^e but the meeting was interesting and good, among several other thin^ done at this meeting, the date was set for the Cojjnty Com mencement and general plans about it were discussed. The date for the Commeneement i£ the last Saturday in April, or Aprils®. The program for Com mencement day in brief outline is as follows:—Morning s^ion will begin at 10-30, by parade of a school chirai^n, teachers, and committeemen, fol lowed by the literate address. The afternoon session will beipn at 1-30, with contest in recitation and declamation by graduates, followed by a field day program in athletics. The exhibition of school products, school pictures, and school reports, will de shown through the day. The Supt. is glad to announce the hearty cooperation of the Street (kr Company in this County Education day. The fol lowing letter has j list been re ceived from its President: Prof. J. B. Robertson, Supt. Schools, Graham, N. C, Dear Sir: Replying to your esteemed favor of the 20th inst. in regard to County Commencement, 1 have to say that the Piedmont Rail way and Eeleetric Company will be glad to cooperate with you in this matter the extent of i|pnat* ting 00 % of the gross repopj^ of th€| care on the day your pbnt)- mehcenient is he’d. ^ ^ We hope that you may have a good day and that this percent-, age may go a long way defraying the expenses of the undertaking. With best wishes for your succ^s ;ih . ^r^at work^ \you , hav e- e n,we; are. .^:yours/'-very'. truly,. ■ ■'.'■j. ■ " The Supt. is furnishing papeif of uniform size to altthe schools of the county fOri:he exhibition or school work. The Altamahaw school gave a splendid entertainment to a large and appreciative audience on last Friday night. The Oakdale school recentlj gaviB a pie party and voting con- test whose proceeds amounted to $17.40 which will be used for the benefit of the school. The schools at Mount VernOn plot made a lovely spot, together with a lew citizens have purch ased a nice fountain which will be erected at the corner of the park. and Glencoe are by subscription. to prolonged Citizens Meetisig Monday Evettiag. The newly proposed commi isi«ni form of Government a copy of which has been on exhibit in each of the banks has received much attention. A meeting was held Monday for the purpose of changing certain parts, but it was found that much opposition to the newly proposed plan ex- isted so the meetiilg was ad- loumed without its adoption. The proposed commission form of Government places the sup^- vision of the.work of the entire town in the ear of one person and specifies a salary of §1, 800 to be paid this person. It also provided two commissioners who are to meet in consultation with this person and are to be paid $5.00 for each meeting. It also gives this mayor and these com- I missioners the right to borrow j $10,000 each year without sub mitting same to people. These I are some of the features object- 'ed to at the citizens meeting Monday «fvening. A Delightfal Birthday Party. Little Margaret Thompson en tertained a number of her little friends Saturday from 3 to 5 at her home in honor of her 4th birthbay, one of the di vemohs of the afternoon was delightful games played by the children assisted by Miss Iva Coble. The dining room was a scene of splendor, ekquisit American Beauty roses carying out the central idea in the artistic dec orative arrangement, refresh^ mentfr consisting of cream and cake were serv^ by Mrs; W. N Thompson and Mpi. Charles Harden, the were^ ^Ruth H eritage Clara Hall, Miur^ Elizabeth Che^k, Martha Riddle, Florence Cruchfield, Eugenia Williams, Eebeca Hsurden. Master Paul Jones, Henry Hall James Hall, Leand^r Jones, Bennette Spoon, Jamies Rodges, Vernon JoneSi McBride Albright William Thompson Jr. Mrs. Frank Spoon, Mrs. Cad Albright, Mrs. W. B. Hall, Mrs* Charles Harden, Mrs J. G Rodgers, Mrs. G. W. Coble, Miss Ivey Coble. Countries. Are you interested in a trip to Foreign Countries? !. -LISTEN! . Z;.-.' I The Ladies Aid jj^;)ciety. of the M. E, Cbiireb are giving an Auto Trip to Foreign Countries for onlv 25 cents round trigt Starting from Ward Hotel whiS represents America then to Mrs, Sarah Daileys representing Turkey then to Mrs Hays China, th^ n Mrs. J. B. Thompson Africa. Mut and Jeff will be on hand to greet you in Turkey. Refi^shments will be served at each place. Automobiles will leave Amer ica ( Ward Hotel) every 15 min utes beginning at 8; o'clock if you do not wish to take the round trip, you can visit some country for 10 cents You aw cordially invited and a m st enjoyable evening isi expected. Death ONF Zacbariab Cbrssnoo. Zachariah Chrismon died near Apple’s Chapel Guilford County February 23. He was one of the leading ond most prominent cit izens of the community. He was 74 years 7 months and 19 days old He leaves a widow and nine child ren He was buried at Apples Cha pel on the 25th. Funeral by Rev. J. W; Bolt. Stiil M&rcli^ Ob ' Feet with BleedSuat ' Baltimore, Feb, 24.—The ftrat blood tb l>e spiUed in t)i« eause of woman’s suffrage in thi* country should be by the march ing army said General Rosalie Jones. “We pilgrims have al ready shed the first blood in our cause. Two of our army reported thier shoes worn out by the tra^ vel of muddy roads. They have cut fchier feet and bled profuselj These are noble wounsand we hope this will be the only sort &L bloodshed necessary.’’ The march will be resumed Wed. for laurel. I Lloyd George is beginning t^ realize what Pharoh suffered be fore he let the Israelites go. - Philadelphia Record.