il- w ir S e of fol ■ to M. 2 P. M. . P. M. i P. M. P. M. 1 P. M 4 P. M. 4 P. M. jth, ol p. m 5 P. M. 1 P. M. P. M. 3 P. M. 6 P. M. 1 P. M. 5 P. M. P. M. L5 P. M. 2 P. M, P, Xvl. 5 P. M. every ire long special :he law a]vcr~ dulged if you /e only $1 ’mWw f A PROGRESSfVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. V. BURLINGTON, N. G.. MAR. 12, 1913. NO. 4 The a iitest 5 IT STANDS Letter from Mr. White, o x.AV a May 1-iiorne R, No. ; y Goble, H. No.l Eisington, ' , ^:r Workman ,, i. Braxton, Snow zie Cheek :ic Lyde May ^tin L. Coble, R.,1. S. L. Shoffner, iL Albright, Haw River. 7. Matkins, Gibson ville. ‘ .'annie Sue Terrell , R. King, Greensboro, May Carr Hail ^iargie Cheek . Juvie Heritage NO. VOTES 134,300 128900 112,600 6230C To the Editor, Dispatch. Dear Sir: -- In my letter addressed to Hillsboro Trial Four Students. 1, 53600 34200 Can'ii's 24500 13100 15600 9400 10, 8100 9900 3700 3000 1100 1000 1000 4400 The overshadowing event of this week^s term of Orange coan- T T^.- 1 T Tn 1 criminal court will be the Hon. J, Eiixier Lang, ^i^ited Peb. ; young Univer- 21st in regard to the salary of students iov the causing of the sherifl; of Alamance i-oaunty, I stated, which appeared in this week’s Leader.) ‘ ‘ lam informed that the bill was drawn fixi-ngthe salary of the County officers with the provision that it would not affect his commissions on the taxes during this term.” I want to correct this as I am in error, and should have stated. “During this year or for the taxes of 1912.'’ I ask you to please publish this letter as I have through an error misquoted Mr. Charles F. Sheppard Veteran Runner, Retires-. N e V-; Y o rk, M irch 5. — M el v i 11 e A'. Sheppird, The veteran cham pion runner oi the Irish-Amer- 'can Athletic club, _ has notified the Ama :urr Athletic union that ne probc.i)iy v/ili be unable to aompetc in the senior indoor chainp;oni?bips tomorrow morn ing. Sheppard was slightly in- j sity students tor the causing the death of “Billy’’ Rand dur ing a hazing bee in the early morning of the 13th of last Sep tember. This case will be ^vatch- ’ ed with interest not only in Orange county, but all over the state, ^ and will attract more attention than any case that has been tried in recent years in North Carohna. The four defen dants are A. G. Hatch, of Mt. Olive; Ralph W. Oldham of Raleigh; and A. H Styron and W. L. Merrimon, of Wilmington. The young men, v/ho are indited Cates in this matter. However, \ manslaughter, have engaged; this does not change my coiiten- able counsel and will make a red in a train u'reck in Canada on iw. Many Congressmen Favor Woiren Suffrage. Washing’ion, March 7.—That corigre;-'* coritains enough mem- oers favorable to woman’s suf~| I'rage lo make possible the pass-1 the first regular session j tinendment to tion that it was understood and agreed with ail the parties who were responsible for this bill that the sheriff was not to be paid any commissions after his salary went into effect, and I still content that it is an injustice to the tax payers of Alamance Coun ty. I am informed that the fees turned into the County Treasury for the mo7>,th of December from the sheriff’s office amount to only about $10.00, and the County paid to the sheriff and bis deputy salary of $250.00 for December. I still content that the sheriff and liTs deputy should not be pa:'d the commissions in addition to kis salary. Yours very truly, W. E. White. hard fight. Among the attor neys interested in the case are w Oman In Chair h Burned To Death Winston-Salem, March 10, -- Still sitting- in_a chair, although burned to a crisp, Liliie Osborne a middle aged white woman, was fbuind in her little home just north west of the city about noon today. She had been dead for Some time, judging from the gen eral appearance of the corpse. Neighbors say the woman has fot been seen since Saturday.' he coroner is making a thorough investigation, there bfeing a sup position that the woman was murdered before her clothing was set on fire, Guilford Man Will Berth Get A / Washington, D. C.’ March 10 Thomas M. Rodertson, forrherly pJudge J. S, Manning and Senator of Liberty, N. C., but for the V. S. Bryant of Durham Owing to the fact that Senator Bryant will be detained in Ral eigh by the legislature until Wednesday, the case will hardly be called Wednesday afternoon past few years an expert in the bureau of coropration, is being seriously considered by Secretary of Commerce Redfield for first assistant secretary of that depart ment. If Mr. Robertson is not or Thursday' morning. J adge' Siven this berth he will be of fer- Peebles is president and Solici-the place as commissioner ot tor Gattis wilMook after, s the IMade a state’sinterests, i efficient offical in his preF/ent position and the promo tion will come as a reward for meritous service more than for poM i al ress®ns. A Waffle Supper. Mr ■. . ^ ^ '.■n ea lal suffrage Bnchana.'?! Back From York, Mr. J. C. Buchanan, ■New The Junior Philathea class of the M. P. Sunday schooi will; give a wafffe supper next Sat-L , . p, ■ urday night March 15, 191':;, for j Graded Sciiobl faculty a^d is a the benefit of their new class of Alamance County, be Mr. Robertson is the father of Miss Pearl Robertson of the as re- City, room. They will also serve hot «.®:fee, hot ^chocolate, ham sand- witches, and creaEi and cake. The public is cordially incited to go out and help these young ladies in a good cause. It will ^30 held .in the old Grotto 1 ing closeb? related to our County Superintendent, Prof. J.. B. Reb- e?tson. Oakdale Item, Mrs. Ann Simmons wife of Mr. J. 0. Simmons was buried at Mt. Zion,Feb. 21 after an illness for several days with a stroke of paralysis.' She was born and raised near the old church was E consistantj memcler of the old church. For several veai^s about 4 years ago she and her husband . moved to Greens boro where she died. The funer al was conducted by her pastor Rev, W'^alker of Ashboro Street Babtist Church. She leaves a husband 2 daughter 2 son 2 sis ters 3 brothers to mourp her gain. A place in the home is va cant that can . never : be filled. Her grave was covered with flowers showing the love and re spect of thse left behind. The Pleasant Hill school,closed March 8 with a ball game and contest at night. The school at Oakdale we un derstand will close about April 4 or 5..-'. Our old friend Spoon Tine says he is doing spmething bet ter than sawing toMh picks he has got up to sawing pick handles. Hello N:>. 7 what have you got to say about the ground h og • now? It appears to us winter has just beg. We did not get to make a say last week but I guess Mr. Wilson is out of the now we can have our say. Living is getting cheaper since one of our neighbors went to Burlington a few days ago and took a load of wood and turnip greens and got6 cts for his load purty good for him. I guess he will go again soon. Hum. Haw River Items. Revival Services Church, M. P. :he federal constitution was the i tm-ned from New York ^lief expressed today by Senator I where he attended, the 4th an- fe^iiaing.. ifirom.7:00 tol0.:€0 P. M^^On next-Sunday morning a series roind€;:tor. j nual convention ©i the Associat- . .... I ed Sou them ■5- 10 & ■f.5 Store, of Vvhich he is a Cent member. M I’s. ,]••?''Ieese, of :he Mrs route T J .1. • Barn- 'iay ana on visiting' their sisterr'., yo::)ne and A'llss Laura a-’dt. ’ ' 'l9S ;ett spent At this tim3 The Associated '-'OutherrL'is operating ever 3&1 Stores in the «c-uth, which gives I’sifisi.ay. .M.arch ISlh, Dr. L. D. Crawford In Jail At Graham Charge^ With Assaulting A Woman. Dr. L, D. Crawford of Okla- homa^ who, with his wife, has been in this «ty for several days i of Revi^^al Services will begin at ' the Methodist Protestant Church ^ • i. this city. The pastor Rev, selling land in that state, was arrested. here Saturday night ipon the sert>us-;.’'ek#ge-:-':sf s Mrs. Hari.f White, who conducts •Mr. Floyd Greeson and .ucy i^ionri ■und?y ,r AiipaoF 01 VV hii on thft route t' i-:ora an Aariyc' Dr. N. Rosenstein, of Durhsm ,; E. Davis, will foe assisted m thi^ will makffi hia call to BMrljngto?>:hneeting by R^t. G.- ¥\ Millaway . , . I , next Tuesday Mffirch the 18tk of Greer.sboro, a former pastor. > mi-s. rj-firia hfrf«vSUf I stopping-at the Burlington Drug'i who is well and. favorably -known I a boarding house on Front St, S 'St purpose of examining j to .nearly all oiu? citbens.. .this city. The complaint as filed operating in tne larger cities I ^ ,^^^^1 fitting it | The fiublie is coidialh; in '■ ^ ^ ■ Mr. Buchanan says tney are ' ' ^ doing great things, especially are they reducing the high cost of living. He also reports having T'oona. I.’uriing-: ::'ieasr,ni etd’or at Mr. ^ A -I';uii(iytVite.r- purchasHd the JrListe novelties. best showing of and been canaies, nas e-.-er to pre::e.nt for tV : i J:, bu- t Mr. Oi' nd .rompson Mrs, ■v;. 1. and' of! :)n.v wr h ihei.i’ i,'.. /X, iiO- neckvvear that thei!.’ pleasure y(iui inspectior;, all at"' prlcf»s. New goods arriving daily at 'i'Uh- ii-U CH AN AiS o—TO &2-y X'nt Store. BuvUngtoU; N. C. n your don’t ia.Ll to see liim his charge? ia part-in them, and help to mak« are ver„v ireasoaable. Mi"; was in t‘; ^ ... I^and iipon wliich the ioctor was needs anj; glasses j to attend all tk-ese servi'Ces, tak€arrested, is in the nature, of .a, civiil action and is for damages in tfce sum of |l,.9i99 for. hfrself anda like am6n£ fo.r her husband. I It iss understood ; thiit. criminal I will 'also be instituted a,g.ainst :ere -tei'Dr. Crawford is, now in ’l.jy-j G raham, refusing to try to make. a'|4.,000 bG;-nd fixed fey the elerk fchool ..Mews McKimnon of County ]-ast them. £ success. Wl .sett, IS f aairi rriipperv vb- . Lit h e ' H ? . ! .rJ . ; u.i e, 01 i and i of ^ ?. W. i his F:':;r- 1 ■.(.‘''iiA i There svill be a Box S\:i.-:)per and : Frien-ii .>3r'iaTi)Ui';-n ;hi;) S CODtest the.inte-R.'-st of the 'ionislo Club- Work. >lrs. McJammo" iS the state c-Jal’orator for grov-jng g; d canning" tomatoes, . S-hi w;tu Miss MargaietScott, our County Co]aloi:a;'or vis't.?d a few places in Aiamarice. T.liia wosk was-: started by 1 Phc i*!n hs March 8, —vvn ^ and Bi-Kghamschool met h 'ctR in 1 i ) T 1 0*1 ;:;ne licu-ne diamond The I lay at the graded school Saturday night was a success and the enjoyment was great, , ^ Mr. and Mrs. AJex' Blackman and family of Sampso/i County are visiting relative&;here. Mr. Blackmain will attendi the W. 0. W. Convention at A|heville this week after which tHey will re turn to the land of “liuckle ber- ri^s.. ' ^ Mr. George Thorton, ofSmit^ field, N. C., spen^ - ^ r town Sunday shaguO£ friends. ' ^ J. H. Blackm?xn Jr, of High Pdintj N, is on the sick list. Hope he will soon be out W. J. Hill was call by telegram the bad side of his mother, Mrs. Harrnah Basenian at' Durham who is visry low. We wish he may find her better. Miss Myrtle and Elizabeth Pur cell went to Greensboro Saturday to visit thejr mother who is sick ih the Hospital. Litle Elizabeth Vaughan is on the sick list this week. Some of the mem bers of A k- mance Council No. 10 f). of L,: visited Purity Council No, 22 of Burlington Saturday night. They report a good time. We regrete that Mr. W. H. Trollinger is very feeble. He has lived hi? fojr score with long life has the good Lord satisfied him and he is just abiding the time. We eongraulate Mr. and Mrs. Hetiry Fisher upon the arrival of a beautiful little daughter. Mrs. D. R. Purcell went to St. Leo’s Hospital last week for treatment is getting along nicely. Hope she will soon be well and at home. Mrs. G. T. Pendergast and Master Tigue, of High Point, N C. visited her pister last- week Mrs. T. Lasley, She returned home Sunday, accompanied to ’ Greens.boro by Missei ■ Lasliley, Bspa and Liila Bullard 'wh^re.;. they •visited.., J.-.: 0. Morris. They report a delight' •ful tirne. Mr. T. Lashley who has been ill for some time, is-improving. Hope he will.soon be out again. The plays given by the Alethian Literary Society of the Aycock Graded School on ;Satu.5’df3.;v night Vi^ere well rendered.- - ; .... ' , There. wa& some dis.tnrkvrxce on the part of .-sorne of the boys of ;nG /' -I ,lu. 1.5. Everybody night, v'roduced - • • ? A T * V S/. 15} •• 7% When h? I ihi r\ - Eoiiday eaci:>. .Qtate ; per ni ■>*1 ^ i HShU::.iv .i ■ v: C VVJ[::-Oj 1J,, .1 -J I i: eel vv ani b Th- :;y W !! o ■ i:-/' 11): '.ue r*-' Oi"; A.ta! tion oi Honor IvLVi.rch 7, --0!-i a! ‘ .sjibie v/hich .Presi- i kissed in taking- the ; been engrO;?.‘i-,'d the • president in! oath. It- . ^.-5 y; j' ^ ? i' t:' . \ i ^ and ’C;:ief Jcsnce; the court, i rt‘ c'. -■ f) 0.1 .re tui'.ii.ei a lew a> tbat jae:ii bers ties in t)i to the White'ch !..) i.-' i-nc U:'.ea Loek Hie oath ocrsey, Jan., here ov I! ■:.! i'TO-i. remoriSOB! I. [ C \V;.;S Her ■f-i ii'. i 1.t/O ; cn 4, iind .iiere an inscrip- i "t.!i.e gi.! ui-.riici-bO.ri.i-.',! eerie ... ■ -as**- Cien Hope Gr&dcd eri'i.' VVOSd rn^v-rii made si L\\.- i y.Ji -.Ji p.ictar'3^ :l also pair■ schoo; gr begin v,'o budding m iViiS.-. ?vi" year. last ye^r in tius ■ jounty jOOO (!an; 3 f i, I'l-d t'nese ‘kd to wei^h 4'> -ounce other /-■ J,n t V ,' ■ n tn t; :!ced ash : u-U'iV to:; :":sil;oes ir as did ■ y laii-^a.G . ;e. ii -e thac t-:' iC work ; grovs' ■ pru; cr.,-- th:.-; : trom th-* state 1.1 i.CO ; .i-igo hr; " ;.-fS tilC hiev’. £; :-;eee nui D3'r« a U\) I'. Iii8 h -Si’Ti ‘ ' r.i',.' 4'j Ther;.; a:,'v. ■ y otl'it. sif\'.e i:h s" nur av-rcfd C' .1.. -L'..-; -, y e i ■ i. ■l.i i. Ov), :vj;-;t-inue t .•, \i. : r.iVU'- (}V iliddi'K. i W ' - .c- i.- •. ■.J 1 1^ r,“ '■ w e'. enir i ’ e h "■ t i'' ■\ p J, j*j j • r.ts sun. ::t and i‘h' i 4 boUi/'in, iarri..; and >r die sen ■ !')l ri'j rn an;] Hi shade trees on the and, The pain^e. rs win k on Hig) 1 Land .scliool i a few d ay s. tne W-hitsett team had a earn- ple-te ’>yalkove.r t? the score of V/hitsett, 16; Bin^zhani 0. Th.e €-eeming* one-sided seore does not represe-it the interest in the game, as Bingham played, but at every import- j ,ant time 'was cheeked by the | Whitsett team. Ray for Whitseti: • whiie Blancard ! •le-S V;:>! ,iid f-apuirb work. of -r/ie court. tO'\VI Th ey were prostxiuted. by J^rof.' Smith . and ucait^ with o the Sforiiog /* tor bo rn' i Th;e first gam.,e of the - season he Bui'hngton High S fvj wih be Friday . evening Dy a.sevei--e pun/ishment law; .While-Prof. Smith isacon* genial friend of a I. the l-’-crvs; He' has the '. nerve and. iVarkbon.e to' “stand up’’.for 'the}-,jght ret^-rd- k'ss of “.who' it is.'h you T3,' :-iu si^^^'>:n^«ei c T: o 'ori ac -zi Score iw.nin; Lj:ani, Ow - t t laeaed i nionie-nts. ■jet vice at iedmont Park, when they will -try theilr hand with the Gra- am H’igh Schoo-) team:.. The. 'gaiae will be caTled a,t ^kOO o'clock | Kea^sii o w;)!] find- the. way of gressor is hard. tnedranS". isotii teams .report to be in iaractice and a--good «ame.-is veniKse- Bing ha ■i-UO oGO'Lttz .1. .000 000 OuO i j:l- 10 ■i tecced ,5.- ys > -Mi 'O.^r : l \j jf. r I.Tj ^ I • .'tf.J.i t.h‘-: -v'sonh t -■-imce. 0 Wi;han)5on > to visit th same 'K-.S vf 'VlhQ battorioa for Gra- l;ain -win be Brownia.g axid Har den. xer Burhngton ijjvans Aj'.drev/s. Our home team is unusually stro-og. this aeasou as oaiy a :fcvv changes liaae - .been i'me i J-’'; , L I iJka'ia.ber (■: X - Sceretairy Of ft f 'I'ea-sure'f X- %J A 6a ■c and I 1913, 0, .r„ 0;'iiWSQl\ I '"■( rr.kan:ls went; to give (.-o-ngress-! t 1.' o ^ siiice.last year lae ■. been I _ ^ when-., the!Daes . and •,donations- . i -» i X I .U, :.! . . V0rr;0n,.-Trea‘h:ier-- Sejo. li d can re -!• Newa I on I lean c,'. Tues'day f,I made ti-e u.Q s/une nja nrpose. Tik' f.. ■ ir. .r. 3. line ;.n for boys won th e' -cham pi or) ship.. On. Saturday evening t)a.k .Ridj,?e aed. Bingham . w-l;U ih:- ;the Ihrdniont Fafky thl;-^ nron';-' i ises also to b'e a good gan-ay. • i.'otal .DTS'BlJ-'Rth i Y\l Th i 115- y -W.; T's'; ' 7 ' - I vv iiiuunson! M(>ndv>y Mr. W. W, n-iember of the Water. .e.ov,H:;r JC 00-01. ^■'d.rst Grade. Clh«rc!i £cH:iaI. X Clarence ■'..'i- Coia Jefi’reys, Johnny ! V ;Tys, I rai'Ks, rutnneld, Nettie Jef- :’reys, Jc _ Cheek, Bii'da Ft esbV a.nd Uoserver Hiiinss €t Messers ane Crowson as - having' msde ai.'plication for this position, not Keying anything'abaut the num-; Greensboro to see '.-M b-r of other t^ppiicants v^ho are j.Sheldon of th.;.Soutliern Ral snpposed to be in the ring, this was written froir ton vv'e suppose the other appli " riro'r high I 'wehi -■ A:. 'I H p,-i : :.'h.'ihii,ii'j .l.k'i-.a.rd iiiight-St; ; r'arkerde Baj-keri la'^vyer j-Pate Frinti-iig (h:)n';n;d-;y, ■ Glass do j Knteriainn-r.-in ’ p-iittees, ■' ysS; dost Ot\ --ag- h/5.20 dO 0] oa.iO ■.-Lad .incidentals As Washing- at the church'and held social O'pf- . -['od'' by the Democratic : today for secretary. It iivalent to an election. He " 'e- ed 2.: votes to 23, which ' ered among Joseph L. Wil- the President’s brother, for- V Senator Obediah Gardner of ■ : - srie and others. itar renominating Thomas i ' ii: r ol'West Viiginia as as- : -ant doorkeeper on the Demo- , side, the caucus adjourned. Henry Cheek, JtJiraa j meeting for the purpose of . .. . iCreihfield, ' I ting better acquainted vdth each s[p.rc!\ M. I Third Grade. j other and enjoying a few hours Ca.^’olina, assist- j Cruthfield, Braxton i together sociable^ One of the n of the Senate, was i p-']ova_ Kirkpatrick. features of the contest in which twenty of the counties of the state were represented and each one presented ask to guess and see how many they could get right. One duett and one quar- tett was rendrerd by voices of the choir. Refreshments con sisting of chicken salid sand wiches and coffee was served. At the Christian Ckurh. A sermon studies on the books of Daniel, and The Revelation will be started in the Christian Church next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, by the pastor. Theme for the evening service The Divine Provision for Human Need. All are welcome. The members of_ t' ^ terian church -met'-rifesday night | cants are not so well _ known to ' the reporters of this city of fame. Cleaa up the Town. A day v/ill be set in the near for the purpose of hauling off all the old rubish from the different parts of the town. Get busy and clean up, place the trash where the wagon can get it and make our town present a better appearance for cleanlin ess. Not only clean up but stay cleaned up. Commission D- ay about furnishing water for- the b'hiers of.' this.eommi.s.sion known _ in. a very 'fewdays, thinking the (Jash on hand..' i’reasurer, ■ 60 tctions- , / y] i oer eern, Total The neg0“ j.-.-'t' .L:x Now is the time to help y:>ur ^'or headache Dr. Miles' .AJiU-Pain PiBft ; friend in the COnteSt, need can be supplieo Coh') miss ion is at present taling with the Piedmont' .Liiiec trie Company-wdth a view of of securing water from the Gra ham well. It is' thought this transaction can be closed end the water funished in twenty or thirty days. ’ —She: ‘ ‘Are you sure that you ’ ve never been engaged to any One before”? He— “Certain. Why do you ask?" —She: “Becanse you kiss as though you had a lot of practice. r'. aaa- oi: ■ colh. ^SO.4) $555, li Jd2.0l6 J. W.' Treasurer. Cates. .S(;cretary & Post Office Building Appropriation Congress has recently made an appropriation of $65,000.00 to be used in Burnngton for the purpose of erecting a buildinja: on the lot purchased near the Chin ese Laundry for the home of the Post Office. Although the lot has been purchased and appro priation made it will be some time before the bJilding will be erected. 9:M I J

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