rii I A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF ^U^ERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. /OL. V. BURLINGTON. N. C, MAR. 28, 1913. - NO.41 Mr. Crawford Out of Jail Mr. Crawford who was placed in jail some days ago to await trial charged with having had improper coBduct with Mrs. Harry White of this city got out T jesday. According to the laws :f this state if a non resident is srrested on a civil charge, and he r;fis no property after remaining jail twenty days he can sw^r : as a pauper. All claims against the def-esid- Fnt have been released and be is I'/am a free man. CMd of UtaDks Vv'e wish to express our 'heart- ::lt thanks to each and ever^ ;ne that contribuated to the cjunding given us on Monday i , ening. This came as a great Surprise to us and words fail to :onvey our appreciation. May ■iod bie^s each is our prayer for /ou. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Libby. Stor« at Haw River Brokenisato. Sonie one broke into the store of Mr, Small at Haw River Sat urday night and took almost veftithing from the store. No arrests have been made and it is not known who got the goods. Wolselsy Is Dead Loedon, March 2-5. Field Mar shal Viscount y/oiseley m.e cf ihe most famous uf modem Brit’ «h soldiers died today at Men tone, France, in his eightieth ear. Lakeside Public S.::kooI Close, The talisside closes on Saturd ay, Public School March 2§th with an entsrtainisent afternoon and night. The afternoon -exercises' wili vegin at 2 c’clock: and consist of iialogues an! songs ii>y :he Primaiy and Intermediate grades. The evening exercise wilLcon- i;ist of a contest gzven by pi^ils :f seventh grade followed by dialogues and shoit speecfoe& The Public is invited. Sbffra^eMLes Os ^Rampage. Manchester, England, Mgs-ch 24. —Suffragettes today belted, barred and chained the doone of I he hall w here the >annual eon- lerenee of the labor party is pro ceeding after fthe delegates had taken their seats. The practical ; jke was not discovered until the lungry delegates at^jempted to go out to luncfe, whenithey found themsel^/es prisoners. The pad- ocked chainE had to be filed through .before they ceuld ieavie ihe hall. i London, March :24.—SsifTragettei incendiaries lE^vaded Becken ham, a sc^theasSern surburb of loedon before dawn toda^, set- 1 fire t© ,a ho^ise under con- nruction. The championship golf Irnks at Sand wick, Kent, were the scene t another early morning raid by Tiilitaiit suffragette^ who wreck ed the greens. Tbe EilOF Of Appeal To Eeason A Salclde, The Edit or of Apical to reason of O'klahoma City gives a detail ed ^ory of the leading facts in the life an i suicide of J. A. Way- land, editor and owner of the Appeal to Reason the leading socialist oi gan in America, and tells why Ise committed saicide. The fact« ire these; J. A. Wayland was a m&n fifty seven v-sars old and in his office ■was a stenographer seventeen years old with all the hope that life could offer to a girl so fair and young. Year after year Waylai^d preached -he doctrine of free love and the abolishing of the marriage ’ ows and the relation of men and won^en should be free under all circumstaitces. After h^aring years of reason ing like tbis, -this young lady grew into womanhood and was deluded by 'the deception of this vtie wretch and his confedeisates. A few mo rths ago ihe fact was learned that she was soon to be a mother and, J. A. Way land the father of an illegstrlm ite (C .ild. Jd his effort to ©onceal the crime he sent her to Aurora, Missouri t > a supposed sainitarium where she was taken in ^charge by his companions, and in stead of letting nature take its course a crimi-nal operation was tperfor-; med that carried this once fair woman to an untim.'ely grave> without hope. In liis d isire to conceal?kis acts his confederates attempted to. convey the body to Ganaia for buriai I he officers learned of the atien'j at and the c^me com mitted an iJ. A. Wayiand rath- than b"J exposed wetapped the about him with a Old Rye Dead. A serious accident occured on Front Street Saturday. A glass jug containing >ne gallon of mean rye liquor slipped from the hands of its thiraty owner and broke its neck on the pavement. Many anxious friends stood ar- oiand trying to save it, but it was ^impossible. The R. F. D. carriers on No. 7 and 8 spent so much time in an effort to raise the body that it was early Sunday moring before they reached home. The total loss was $5 in cash, twentyfive drunks and 125 head aches and an Easter drink. Wibolesale VacdBatioD. Everybody at the Wlnite House neluding President Wilson, nembers of his family, aides, -lerks servants and domestics^ about 150 in all are to be vaccin ated as a precaution against smallpox. White House physi- 'ians began the work today, accinating Mrs. Wilson and the Three daughters, and tomorrow -he President and Secretary Turauly are to submit to the ope- ation. Though there have been a few :ases of smallpox discovered in :he public buildings of the nation^ ^ * cai>i a’ it did not became known ntil ioiay that the parents cf domestic employed at the Vhite House had become afflic- ed with the disease. Dr. Cary jrayson, one of the naval aides, nimediately began an investi- - ation, and by nightfall most of ne people living in and about the Vhite House had been innocul- ■ ed Ir. J. \T I Hocutt Way of Ram- C.. returned to his home ■sday after spending the Eas- hoiidays in the city the guest er drape?:y o ‘ his .couch and took his own pistol -shot. . ; Eugene Debs in wopds of mis-' repreEentation says that he die^; a martyr to sc^ialism. .If fthis is:; a fair sample of socialism its; doctrines and its harvest; we are fully satisfied that' time has arrived wSien man' must fight desperately to ward; off and o/ereome if poesible such vile beiiels, teachings and .acts. It may be best that J, A. Way land ii dead and gone" but the price for his departBS!?e jis too great Moid^easitty Bal% ^ftirt Troy, March 22.—Dr. A. F. Thompson was called to the^CJan- dor Mineii compsmy this after noon to ;attend a Jtoiner w:ho jlaas a spine teroken. IThe man \was riding OF one of the ete^aiatta's. He will p-obaly live. Mr MckersoB >fiesigidL Mr. 0. P. Dickerson wfa® tJoe* fche past t€® or more years .has charge of tiie plant «f the Water, Light & I 'ower Comsnission will;- isender b s resignation to feake;' effect the fiist of Apsjil. It is Dot: known w lo will be elected to fill; the vacarey, i)ut the name ofl Mr, Avery Barnett has .been fav orably m antioji as a good man for the 'i^ acaney, Mr. JSarnett has bad ample experigaice in electric work and is a good steady sober iman. Saved Babv^s Life. Spartay burg, S. Mardi 24. --Fiom near Campobello there eame tonight a story of the rare presence of mind shown by a three year old girl, the daughter of Mrs. Samuel Petty, when hef mother, holding a nine-months- old baby m her arms, fell into an open fire place. As Mrs. Petty was nursing the baby she was ever *ome with vertigo and pitched f owaid. The little girl the only )ther occupant of the house at the time caught the baby, w?o was not severely' burned. Mrs. I etty’s head struck an andiron. When she recovered conscioui.ness her eyes were both bur ied out. Carrying the baby in one arm, the little girl with her other hand led her blind and staggering mother to the home of the nearest neighbor, who lived about a quarter of a mile disvant. Little hope is en tertained for Mrs. Petty’s recov- lery. Starr—Hdt. Mr. Lacy Starrof near Greens boro and> Miss Bettie Holt of Saxapahaw were married Sunday afternoon at five-thirty at the Reformed Parsonage, Rev. J. D. Andirew officiating. Mr. Star is the son of a prosperous farmer, he laavihg been connected with Mr. J. T. Plott a contractier who'^ did grading in this county more than a year a^o. It was at this daie that he met Miss Eolt who is the daughter ^©f the late Mr, Seymore Holt and is a 'neice of Mesdames J. G. Rogers and Edv Moore of this town. Dei^ Of Walter 'Core. Walter Gore died the beatae 'of his aunt Mrs. J. C. Siiepard :in East BurKngton fet 2 o’cloek A. M. last Sunday at the age of about 28 years after a br&ef Sll- iness of f)n©umonia. A s^rt service was held in the bimiie on Monday Morning by Rev, J.. ®. Andrew and M. W. Buck, IThe body was then taken t^ .Migh Point, then ©ut in tfee coun try to FJcasant Grove, M. P. Church where another ^ort ser vice w£«^held Rev. X D. Andrew «nd the body was 7lhen, laid to rest near his pa®&ntcwho “died when he was m infant. IThis d«ss£h t leaves Mra. Sh^rd with no felation© closer ?iianifirst *eousins -except ®ne auet. The ^flora! ^sign rprese^ited ihy the i^aptist Baraces Class i^iiich Sae was a member was beautiful. Manager llie Gould Estate Des perately Shot By Dog Trainer; ^Greensboro, March 25.—At 2 o’clock this morning a large posse of officers, including the High Point night force and two bloodhounds, a number of Ran dolph county deputies and sworn citizens "^vho had volunteered their services, were reported still to b} in Randolph connty searching for Lert English, who shot and desperately wounded John Armstrong, manager of the hunting ipreserves of George Gould, yesterday afternoon at Ajrchdale;. The poaise, who went on the search at nightfall, were thrown off the track by John Lee Lowe, a brother-in-law of English, who told them the man they wanted had gone to his (Lowe’s) home near Archdale and would give him^lf tip. The officers im mediately v?ent there and lei.rn' ed that their man had not been there. They lost no time in securi?jg a warrant for Lorn, whom th€jy placed, under arrest as an accessory after the fact. Efs^lishi, who is a dog trainer and 'hunter, and who knows al most every inch of ground in the section where he is in hiding, is supposed to be attempting to make his esca^pe tihrou:^ Ran dolph county to some railway line. From H^igh Point were Chiaf of Police Ridg^^and Of ficers Stooe* Welch and McGhee the entire night force. At 2 O 'clock this morning Mr. Armstrong was reported to be sp€^ly sinking, aod little hopes were entertained ifor his coveiy. ApDarently he nots^rviwe the deslicate oper®' tion reqm?>ed and for which Dr. Strokes inmi Salisbury was rush ed tteoui'g^ the eoRantry by auto- mobile. The shooting of John or ^^Jack' Armstroing’, was reported as a s»4d bloBdedaffaifcr, andoce.iif^ed at As^chdale at 5 -i®'clock, a li ttle village three miles south of High PKii^^ The contents of a were emptied at Armstrong. 19 More Days and the Great Cmitest April 15th at 12 o’clock the Great Contest wfll close, and $13^«00 woi^ of valo^ and Beautiful Prizes be ail arded. At Present the list is as follows:— ^ ' AS IT STANDS NAME NO. VOTES Addie Ray , 136,600 W. J. Brooks 128,900 Bertha May Horne 129,900 Mary Lee Coble, R. No .1 66,600 Aurelia Ellington, Mebane, R. iNo. 4 53,600 Waller Workman 37,200 W. I, Braxton, Snow Camp, »24,600 Lizzie Cheek 13,100 Lyde May 15,606 Martin L. Coble, R. 4. 11,406 Mrs. B. L. Shoffner, R. 10* 8,100 Carrie Albright, 9900 Haw Riveiti T, P. Matkins, 37C9 Gibsonvilie. Nannie Sue Teiroll jmn 3.000 J. R. King, Greensboro: 110© May Carr Hall 100*^ Margie Cheek 1000 Doyle Heritage 4,400 Registrars and PoJIheildeiSo The iFoUowing iEegistears sand Poliliolders have feeen^s3lee- ted to seiv/e for the elecljlon to be iheld luesday May ®tk. .Eirst Ward, Registrar, 5)d, Moore, jPollholders Messrs. fi, K. iMall and C. KiEllis. Seeoaad Ward. B^s trar^ B. 0. • Guthrie^ ;Poll- feoiders, sHoraer aadtQeo^ge. ©. Smith. Third Wa«8. dElegfe- traff R. L, Sutf^in, P.@ll]aoldE‘s MeaJ Browm and RiehaM Sey- nioBs. Founth Ward, Re;^trair. Hcuiaon Cates, Pollholder^, W.'N. Snyifier and £i. C. jFogleiiSKWE. registration books wsil be Qpeii from April Sid 1913 to May^ 3rd and the pegistrator is hereby *direct4Bd tO;hold said tb®oks open for said fcime and to ^st noticethree public places in their re^ective wacds and o^&ter wise coiaply with the ilaw cw«r- iiag said ^^ction. By order ^f Board of Aldeimasi. Story ai Eye Wltofiss Kansas City, Mo„ Majich 24— C. C, Davis Jof this citg?, who was in Omaha when the tornado struck* today (bold of the desola tion wrought. “I was crossing through the storm zone” he said, “and saw bodies being carried out of the ruins. Frame houses were wrecked and porches of stone and brick dwellings were torn away. “The worst thing about it all, except for the dead, was the helpessness of the suffers. Hos pital and ambulance services was far below the requirments and doctors had more than they could do. The motar car companies car ried dozens of injured to doctors home. No one could hire a motar car unless it were wanted for some one injured. “Many private motar cars helped in the work”. Cures Old Seres, Other Remedies Wcs’t Core The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderfui, oid reiiafaie Dr. Porter’« Antiseptic. Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and H^ls at the saiae time. 35c, 50c, fLOO. to escape feiehind a tree. Ob€ bujilet strack him in the of the ba^. Mr. itrnistrorag, with one of his imen, vwas at Archdaie an automobile, whien they met EosgiBsh near the kittle siom in the icentisal pant of the valiage. Arfflastrong got oist of the auto mobile and the two talked fir a few fmimutes, supposedly s^bout a lease. Apparently nothing unesual was between them. The report was .that En^ish suddieBJy, and withseut any warn ing, 'vrhipped outshis gum and began Jiring. Mr. Arrastoong made ■,& futiie e^ort to escape, but israe ^of the bullets struck ihim befoa® hB could find «o ver. lish tiiien mades his €^ape. wousaded man was hurried i:o High Pabt, where ,lse was gii^n ;mediea)l ^ten^on. The physi cian att«)p[]ing him stated thsiA he was iin a desjierate ’^condition.. IThe wiMind was of sucii.a natur-e that Dr. Stoke, of Salisbury, was called £i3 perform the diffiult: operatioiA which it was hoped' the man's Me could be saved. So far^ is known no effort wae made lio prevent English from escapism after the affair. Officers from High Point got on his track with iRan^lph county ofRcars after might. The High Point Jbloodhotasids were reported at 11 o’clock laet night to be on the triad of English in Raddolph county. The shooting occured about a (luarter of a mile the Guil]f(M*d county line. Death of Mrs. Grover Moore. At eleven forty Thursday March 20th the death angel en tered the home of Mr. Grover Mo6reand claimed as its reward his beloved wife. The summons came as great suprise to her many friends as Mrs. Moore had not been sick. Before her mar-^ riage Mra. MoOre was Miss Ma,y- mie Bay Davenport daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Davenport ^11 known and highly esteemed dtizens of our town. She 'married six or seven years ago to Mr. Moor]b and since their marriage have made their home with her parents, she being the only daughter of the family. Mrs. Moore was a refined and cultured lady, graduating at Whitsett Institu te 1906. She was a devoted wife and patient mo ther, one who believed in makr ing home an ideal place to live. She w^ a oonsecrated christiah being a member of the Presby terian church. Besides ia - heatt striekened hasband, father and mother she leaves one brother Mri Kelly O^a^enport a photog- r^her located at Durham. Be* sides these one bright little boy of 3snly twosijmmers and an in- fast ^rl of 'orily a few days of are ie£t tnotiaerless. The siaifant has keeaj taken rby Mrs. Ma-t- tbews .sister of Mr. Moore who lives .at Hii^Ih PoMt who will ear« for it and gi ve it the ten^ der (cai?e of a mother, i^unearal .^ei'vicefi were con- dwetfcd ilMday from the (hcBSfte by, Rev. D. Mcl^^er, ,ani the body laid :at iits saored iresting (place in Fine iHiH ‘Cemetapr-y. Mfijs. Moore was twenty-four yeai® of .age and wiifi be sadly missed by manry relatives and fdpMis. The large i&itmber of ilojrai 4eaigns;asid.imai}y friends wfeo ^teiKied the funesral prove the ibiirh esteem in which Mrs. Moioine was held in this town comiEniasiity. ' just from 0 Ye Tears! Druing a Bible lesson the teacher was trying to explain the parable of the tares, “Can any of you tell me any person virho is like the tares?'* She asked. A little hand shot up from tho foot of 1;he class. “Well, Tommy/^ She said, ‘ ‘what person is like the Evil One?'' “Please, ma’am,’’ replied Tommy, “my mother.” “Whyt asked the teacher, in astonishment. “Bect'iuse, ” answered the boy, eying his patched trousers, “she sews tears.” Highland School closed last week. The years work has been successful. Sickness in community prevented a closii^ exercise. The closing exercise of the Haw fields High School will be held on April 3rd and 4th. The lower grades and department of music will render a; program on Thursday night the 3rd. On Fri day the 4th a ball game will be given in the morning, dinner on the grounds, just after dinner Dr. Hill^ Pres, of the A & M. College will deliver the literwiP address* Friday night the ior class exercises will be giv^ While the county will be oa Saturday the J26th of April, ia number of days the time ‘till the Commencemeen t is j ust one month, this being the 26th. M March. Every day will be use3 in shme way in making readr for the occasion. Within the iiekt few days the Supt. will ^ stie in prihted form froioi his of fice a complete program an^ plan for the commencement. E«alth\0£Bcer £l«tsted. Mr. ilacfcs®n Isfey has reeent- Jy be^ idected Heidfch C)ileer for •the town of Arlington. He fills (the olD^oe CT€sa;ted at J>be last sneeting of the boai*^ of Alder-^ -ffisen. To *iee tJaat tibe t?wfi is k^pt in £i saekitatrsr ieondition will be hisdwty. Kke Bodies Foun4 in Riiiikk Giassboro, N. J., March 23. - in the cellar of their ruined home, the bodies of Lee W harton, 38 years old, his wife Mary, 32, and thtir 6-year-old daughter Lillian, were discovere*! following a mysterious fire earlF tod^y which destroyed the little farm .house about two miles fro« here. The body of Johnsoot Heniphill. 42, a farm hand ofi a neighboring farm, was in a shed behind the house with a load of shot through his hearL Mystery surrounds the fotip deaths. 1 Ccmtest closes April 15. Br. W. E. Walker Offkcs. f Dr. W. E. Walker of Gralhan who will locate here first of the j month is arranging three nice! offices over Sellers Store. The offices were formerly used by the Water, Light & Power Gom- n^ission. Dr. Walker is having them nicely papered and when completed will be in first class condition. School News. The McRay school closed last Friday with appropriate exercis es. The part given by the child ren consisted of dialogues, songs recitations and concerts. An ad dress on “Some essentials for Success” was made,by the Co. Supt. The exhibit of school v^rork in drawing composition and be- spoke some splendid work for the year. The teachers are ranging for an exhibit at county exhibition. Help yo^sr friend before Apr. ar- the Boy Sconts Go Fulibg. On ^I^ter MondayHev. A. BL Kendall and six other Ek>y Scouts '.went fisihirig^ ^ everyone enjoyei the trip. Thirteen fish and one eel were captured the boos teft about four o’clock hopinjr Jfchat they could eo again soon. Spc^DjfNews. Easter Monday ^e street were kept busy ^during the *faoure jiust before the game •carryinjg' the numerous visitors to The Piedmont Park where Oak Ridge and Trinity Park played a.rather slow and uninterestii^ gam^ Oak Ridge far out classiiur Trin ity on this occasion. The scon; was 13 to 1. On last Friday the Burlingto» highs and Mebane pfayed an oici- time ganie, con sidering it froiK the point of runs Ahe score beinc twenty to nothing in favor at the home team. Saturday was the scene of sou interesting game between Haw River and Grahani highs at The Piedmont Park. Both teams be ing about evenly matched, the score was 5 to 4 in favor of Haw River. The special series of revival services at the M. P. church am continued through this week. Rev. Mr. Millaway, a iormts pastor, is doing the preachsngj, and much interest is shown the large attendance of unsave^g people. The Rev. Millaway is a I splendid evangelist and his ser mons are j)lain, simple and far* 15 xeach^”^

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