A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. ■oi V. BURLINGTON. N. C, APR. 9. 1913. NO. 45 E, L Qplhf& T' r' rerriains oi Rev. E. L. rector of Emmanuel ^■>v: Southern Pines, will ar- ;-,ere this afternoon at 5 - :,r-d be conveyed from the- t o Oak wood Ceinetery., v,V;. -.'/.e 'irsternaent wi\) take ;vlr. Og^ilby heid past(yr~ , Statesville Burlingteri - ■ .-.hern Fines, m the dio- vorth CaroliYisa a.nd wa-? o.it in the ccyandh of the „ : j; Ghfircb, ';.‘ath (tccured 'Sonday at ■ ... ,-n Pi«es and his fon-eral '[ , leld there today. Milton A. Barber of Ral- ■■ -.-.H called ig Southern Pjnes ■ and cond’act the services. 'ine Robertson who Now. If you expect to vote in the coming muiilcipal election it is absolutely necessary that your mame appear {on the prc^r re- gistratjon book of the city of' BurlingtOi'n in proper time. D®ri’'t forget to pay your poll tax. See that your name is prop erly recorded on the registration books, for it may be that in the coming election you will want to re^ster your protest against the present inefficient town govern ment, by voting against the pre^ sent board of aldermen. Poll Tax. If you 'expect to vote in. the n'teaching at’^Mech^riics- j’coming municipal election it. is necessary that you pay your coun ty poll tax on or before May 1st -- spected home this week . her sister Miss fclja will V. - ^v:;\;»ekeepine. Cct?j.!i?€Bce'aa€©l St :;,e C'orr.r.'ieKcenvdnt 'exercises :;;;!j;ams Academy wilS begin tr. the Expres^iion aijd musical Thursday evening April ’a: 7 o'clock. The literary ;d-eis will he delivered at 10;:30 * 3', Friday morning by Mayor hy, of Greensboro.. The .rad-js’vion exercise medal eon- :?s:eTc.. wi;! take place in the ^•■[ern'jon ai 2:30. The annual debate will follow in the :veninK at 7:(^0 These exercise promise to the good arid the public is cordiai- • irivitfo. much interested RcK>f^vel{ To S|Hak. VV-a;hin.?ion, April 4.—Frank- V>. Rome'iel'.. assistant secre- *ry of the Ivavy league of the . y, wil? make his speech as a e jera! offi;;.ai on Thursday next. 'r;t: oceasior) will be the opening : the Navy Leiig'ue of the Unit- State?, Mr. Roosevelt will. :ehver the address of welcome :: the navy experts and enthusi- 'i,s:g of the nation wh^ will be •...sijeribleil Washington isr this first speech of the man ^^'.10 l>ears the name of a former ^-^sistant secretary of the navy, -no attracted much attention in vhai ric»st. and passed from it U) -ven larger activities. 7 his will Assistant Secretary Roose- ■elt's formal presentation on the -.agt of national affairs. The I'enera; public knows little of him ihe Navy League knows ■;'n It knows of his activ- iri the organization of the History Society and the -t/orrant service performed by '■“tit society. It knows that he one of the greatest private "orsries on the navy that there i'H the nation, it ranks him '^-Aor.H of the few civiHaa autho- upon naval affairs. It ^-•'pr/ciates the fact that he was h ; noted to his present post --ause of his interest in naval naiionaly he has never ■'«-ie a .speech. The public -5^’s not know if he is an effec- - e sy>eaker. The address of -o.; e will be the first utter- if the administration on affairs. hour of this address is •'‘'61 in the afternoon. At the -pn.rT/t that Mr. RK)sevelt is -ddiv:ssin^ the Navy I^eague •“^/ention the base ball season ^ h L« in the very act of being at the grounds a mile ?: «-v and the President of the States will be throwing !•'“ fj St ball. The program of ;[•' havy League convention in- sessions for three days i rnoiift end Saturday, April ■' 'he start on Thursday was ■'U !■ :ive. Still Going Good. Whitsett, April 5.—In one of the best games of the season here this afternoon Whitsett de feated Weaverville by the score of 5 1. Weaverville has a strong aggeegation and was fresh from a victory yesterday over the Trinity Park School team. Ray was in his usual fine form and throBghout the nine innings held Weaverville at his mercy. Score: R. H. E. Whitsett^ _ ,040 000 01 *~5 6 1 W"eavervme_. 010 000000-1 6 3 Batteries—Buiberson and Snan- non; Ray and Vernon. Strike-outs—Ray 15; son 12. Three-base hit ! two* base hit—Vernon. 1:50. Umpire—Smith, Bulber- - Sheek; Time— LIST OF UNiililMED LETTEBS Eemaimng in Post Office at Burlington^ N. C. April 5,191o. Gentlemen: Capt. T. Jobe, T. S. Mixon. Sr., Josie S. Smith, L. W. Watson, Jesse Willsamson, Dof. Wagoner. Ladies: Mrs. Blorston, Miss Pyson, Mrs. Annie Graves, Mrs. J. M. Garrett, Mrs. Magg Hightwer, Mrs. JinnieShoffner Mrs. Blanch Simmons,, Mrs. T. W. DeWhitt. Persons calling for any of these letters will please say “Advertis ed." and give date of advertised list. J. Zeb, Waller, P. M. N. €. Millers Association. The North Carolina Miller’s Association in convention at Hotel McAdoo Thursday night, pledged itself to support the state freight rate commission in its work. The association voted to hold the next annual conven tion in Greensboro. The new officers of the asso ciation were elected as follows: President^ James D. McNeil, of Fayetteville; first vice ^president, W. A. Spe^, of Durham; second vice president, W. J.. Scar borough, of Asheboro, Directors: A. 0. Bray, of North Wilkesboro; L. P. Henderson, of Worry; W. A. Watson, of Greensboro; W. F. Redding, of Asheboro; and G. P. Harden, of Graham. Mo Ffeijieral Probalbfy Apil 14.. ' York, April 4. —Monday, probably will be set Hs the day for holding fun- ;-':'viees here over.the body 'Morgan. The exact date ■t'oeen determined today! i; depend upon the time of j • : of the liner Franc?, v^hich the financier’s bodv MaVrV:*. ' .-'yrvict's wi!' be fjield at Epi&eopa; church ■ .*'Terr,‘ent wi):' be at ^ :;;e Saine day. J^ydtn Fighting Senator Simmon s Washington, April 3.—Colonel A. H. Boyden, of Salisbury, of Salisbnry, N. C., former State senator, mayor, etc., is in Wash ington today. The presence of Colonel Boyden lends ineerest to the contest for the internal reve- nue collectorohip contest. Pitted against him is A. D. Watts, State senator till a month ago and re cently appointed secretary to Simmon^s finance committee. Colonel Boyden, who is regarded as the most pesonally popular man in North Carolina since the days of Vance, contributed $2,500 to the Woodrow Wilson fund in North Carolina. He voted and worked for Governor Kitchen in th9 senatorial primary. Cures Sid Sores, Other Remefiies Won’t Cofs The ‘woist c^ses; no matter of how long standing, arc cuifd by the woncierfulj old reliable Dr. i^orit r's Antiseptic iloaJiug OIL ^ It relieves Pain frUd Heals at the .saroe uroe. 26c, 50c, important To Township Sunday School Officers And Workers Of Alamance County. The date of our S. S. Conven tion has been fixed for April 22- 24 and it is not too early for those who expect to attend to send in their names to the Gen eral Secretary, J. Walter Long, 401-402 Banner Building, Greens boro, N. C. Below are the re quirements of an organized* township. Let each officer find out if his or her township is properly organized. An Organized Townhip. 1. Be organized alone or with another or others, auxiliary to County Association. 2. Hold Annual Convention and elect officers. 3. Return reports requested by the county officers. A Banner 1 ownship. 1. Organized alone or with an other a axillary to the County Association. 2. Hold an Annual Covention and elect officers. 8. Return from every school report requested by the County (using Township Re port Blank). 4. Pay amount apportioned to Township by County. 5. Be repreisemted in County Con^^ntion. Duties ^ T««fBship Officers, President: Shall Be heartily interested in the work of the whole Town ship and willing to do his or her best. Shall iX).— i. Arrange ifor^ at- , tend and preside at allex- ' ecu ti ve and €on ven tion meet> ings of the Township Asso ciation. 2, Visit all the schools of the Townahip at least once a year., study their needs ■brisiiig to their attentidn the best methods of work. rl. C0'0{wrate with the Gounty Association in every way - (a) by ur.giing every school to send delegates to County and State vt^nventions; (b/) attending feimself; '(c) by making a .fi'?/e-minute report to C®unty Convention of ^w0l5k done 3uring the year ^(on Wanks provided^ (d') .attendig Cosunty executive imeetings, ^te, 4. Answer corre^oiwience promptly, v^especi^ily that from County and State of ficers. ■VHS1S-.REESK?; E.TS: Aids the President aiad acts for him when absents toCKEDDiEilY-IllREASIJRER: i Shall—l. Gonduet the ceatr.es- ipondsence. X ,Eeep minutee of Con^WtR- ition,and committee meetings imcords and doesiments. 5. Handle the Township Coist- wentioEi offerings and render ,ati:*acc®unt of san^se to mexit annual TowiEtshipConveffition 4. iKeep an accmaite list of 'scfeools .€;nd superfetendents ,in tJie IT«>wna!aip. .Get eaok school to jmake lits .annaal atatistieal r^ort and iorw^rd sanie &ll totaled asid i2omip!ete to County Secretary when requested, keeping a eqpy safely foa* Towiiiship recorde. 6. Assist ithe iPresi^^ent m get ting each sefeool to obfserve Aswiociatgon Bay pr®yided for by the Ststte Association and to r®ake their anou^ offer ing m that day for County., State and Internationai work and forward saja^ direct t© County Secretary. 7. Any (oft&nng fmn sebools eoming into the hands of the Township Seeretary shoold be forwards at onee to the Coiinty Secretary, giving the name of eaeh school and the supenntendent and a note of same kept for Tawnship re cords. Township officers will take notice if their township has not had a convention to have one in the next two Sundays and report to the County Secretary, so that the delegates to the State Con vention may report Alamance as a Banner County, L, W. Holt. President. J. H, Vernon, Secretary. Great Voting Con •Large envelopes will be furnished at The St&te Dispatch Office for the contestants to use in making their last and final hand in. t hese must be in by 12 o^clbck. By this meth- od no one can tell how much anyone else has handed in. The envelopes will not be op ened until after the close, when they will be turned over to the contcst committee com posed of Messrs. S. A. Horne, W. W. Brown and J Zcb. Waller for counting. Be sure y^u have tne correct amount of money with the subscriptions you turn in as subscriptions without money do not count votes. ,The time for making public who has won will be an- nounced on the closing day which will doubtless be several hours after the close, as it will require some time to give each contestant a fair and square count. Remember, only six more days and the prizes will have been won. Subscribe now and help your friend, renew to-day and secure votes. AS IT STANDS NAME NO. VOTES Addie Ray 141,600 W. J, Brooks 133,900 Bertha May Horne 135,200 Mary Lee C^oble, R. No .1 67,600 Aureli^ EHington, Mebane, R, No. 4, 56,500 Waller Workman 43,200 W. I. Braxton, Snow Camp, 24,600 Lizzie Cheek 13,100 Bettie Lyde May 15,600 Martin L, Coble, R. 1. 11,700 Mrs. B, L. Shofjfner, R.IO 10,100 Carrie Albright, l^ tjOn Haw River. T, F. Matkins, 3700 Gibsonville. Nannie Sue Terrell ?,000 J. R. King, Greensboro, liOO May Garr Hall 1000 Margin Cheek 1000 Doyle Heritage 4,400 are Spring Farieers of this section busy planting corn ect. 4|uiite a number of Mr people attended preaching at Concord Sufiday. Rev. A. L. Zachary attended j the iBible School Conference 1 held at Cane Greek Saturday, j We regret very »ich to lean® ; of t&e recent itoessiof Mrs. H . ©. Moody. Mir. G^rge Mc®smes who lias beeyj very feeble of recent moBtihs isnowabkifeo be oiist of his im>m. I Spmg Graded Sichool w ill dlose J May Jnd with an intertamsment given. , Mr. Dd. Zmkmsy of fiagh Point is now with his Mother Mrs, Mary .Zachary ,wfe® is :?iery sicik. Miss. Lillie jSachary visiifted Mffs. S. F. MeBames Swday a^ernooBi. Mr. Garde Hargi^ove and ]£am- ily ^^sitedM. T. Hargrove Ssun- da.y. Hbll—Hawiey In tiie hsane of th'? birides Mother on Hall Street prom ptly at 2 p. m. April 6 1913. Mr. XJyless Craffit Hall and Miss Susiie Hawiey were happily united in the donds ©f holy wed lock. The beautiful services of the Beform Church repeated by ]^v. J. D. Andrew made hus band and wife. Only a few rela tives and friends were present to witness the ceremony. Alamanc4$ Girl Wins Honor. IVliss Mattie Elma Garrett of the Friendship School won the $10 00 in gold given as a prize in recitation in Greensboro at the State High Schools Contest on last Friday night. This is a prize much sought by the High School ^ ; of t •'e state and Miss Garrett i .and Friendship is to be congri-il-1 i ulatedupon this victory. ' R. F. D. No. 8. Miss Ida Simp son visited friends at Belmont last week. Mrs, W. F. M oore, of Reids- ville, N. G., R. F, D. No, 3^ visited her mother, Mrs, Geo. W. Foster last week. We regret to Bay thayto. Foster still remains.; right feeble. Miss Nettie Mitcheil is still on the sick list but is thought to bfe improving.; Hope she will soon be well again. Clyde Isley attended the Rural Carriers Banquet Saturday 5th. He behaved all right. ■ RurE^.fvamer'Ji "Ei-JsM-of .■ 'Me bane attended the Carriers meet ing Saturday night and spent the night and Sunday at our househ Jobe 13 a gccni fellow aSout seven feet long and he can tell some long yarns too, glad to have him come to see us. We will have to go and see him and spend about three days to get even. Glad to see our ugly friend, Sam Albright Carrier at Mebane here Saturday also. Talk about ^'big tales” Sam can tell them. W-e have a good Joke on John Cantrell but wilH hot tell it yet, J=o(hn is going to plant a great i^ig melon patch ahd we will wait to see how that pans out. It is^ a good joke all right worth se v eral melons. / Sam.Albri[|^ht, Carrier, of Me bane spent Saturday right with our “disting^aished'^ Carrier, D. S. Hall. He eat everything Dan had and left on the 8:12 o'clock train for home. Mrs. C. E. Tapscott and dau ghter Francis spent a day in town visiting Mrs. E. L. Morgan. Closing of the May wood school will takii place Saturday evening and night ApriM2. This is sure this time public invited. C. E. Tapscott and family spent last Sunday at Geo. Garrison^s. Snow this morning April 8. Hows that for Spring. May, Cheek, Amick, Blannchard and HaU W. H. A fter attending to such other business as come before the Association, the meet ing adfourned by all members present, voting Pres. Brooks a vote of thanks for his courtesy in the way he had entertained all present two new member? were added to the association. Rural Caimers Have Banqnet. The members of the Rural Let|;er Carrier’s Association of Alainance County was given a baniquet at the Pi^mont Satur day evening, April 5th by Presi dent W. J, Brooks members pre sent were J. E. and L. Vif. Jobe, J. S. Albright and Amick, of Mebane, Griffin, Brannock, May, Turner, Shoffner, Isley, Bran- chard, Tate, Hall, D. S. Hall, W. W. Workman, Fa es. Cheek, Brooks, Lowe and Postmaster White of Mebane who was the speaker of the evening. After an excelent three course dinner had been served, and a number of short speeches made which were enjoyed by all, the Carriers held their regular an nual business meeting. The following were elected of ficers for ensuing year, Presi dent W. J. Brooks. Vice-President J. L. Arnick, Secy, and Treas. J. A. Lowe, Delegates to State meeting: .J. E. Jobe, W. JV Bro oks, .J M. Workman, J. C. Grif-, fin and J. A. Lowe, il ermates' The Safe Place To Get Eyeglasses And Spectacles^ To Relie¥£ Yonr Eyestrain. At Dr. N. Rosentein, next Tue^ay April the 15th, he is stopping at the Burlingtott Drug Go store. He de votes Ms time to Optical work and nothing else. If you are in need of glasses he will tell you, and if not, he will advise you what to do. His pric es are as low hs it is possible to maintain and still furnish the exact quanlity represented. His examinations are exact and thor ough in every detail. Dont for get to see Dr. Rosen stein Tues day April 15th at the Burling ton Drug Co. Third Motorcyle Accident In Short ^ Mr. Erney Somer^, of Elon College while out riding his mot- orcyle Saturday night,' plunged into an automobile driven by Mr, N. L. Williams who works at the freight depot this city. Mr. Somers was seriously hurt and was carried to St. Leo’s hospital, Greensboro, N; C. for treatment He will recover. This is the third accident in the past six months. Somers is a well known motorcyle rider, having won several prizes at county fairs. Both were running at a good rate when the accident happened. The motorcyle was completely demolished. The American Manufacturers Association have sent a letter to the Chairman of the Democratic Caucus ad vising them if the tar,if . bill as presented ispa.ssed it will 'work unparalled injury txy the country at large. Tuesday April 15. At Builinfton, Dr. N. Rosentein of Durham, will make his regular call to Burhngton next Tuesday April loth for the purpose of examin ing ej^es and fitting glasses. His ten years of experence enables nim to guarantee results. If you are m ^eed of glasses Bont fail to see Di'. Rosenstein, he is stop ping at the Burlington Druj? Co store. ■ . will ^ Dr. Taylor and familjr lepe this week for where he will take up his ’ new practice. ^ Mrs, M.. C.; Bynum ^ left' last Week for Bunum where she wiii spend sorneiime the guest oj’ rel atives.

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