re A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BURLINGTON. Ni C., APR. 23, 1913. M9. ^ From Gimlet Head'5 &n-in' law. Mr Jr.o ing beca^jise we died, for dead voters in a North Carolina elec tion cour.t iust as much as live ones. What are you going to give us they all askek? St. Peter with one accord? Give you H because that is what you have been hollering for with members inie'ital reservation or secret eva- iearned, ision 01 mind. "With tottering that has i steps and trembling forms we 'B.go, that! were walsed off for the last time ' to that botteniiess pit, the top of which is red hot fire, and ■ the botteiTi Oi,v;hieh is covered with ice where all the democrat Saints _are ia&iened to the taiJ end of a us ; he-haw, havv-he jack and when .any years I g, thinking', rnocrat Par- very ;ne 'lad to die .;r5!;d Jordan r: com pan- -rai‘:rnal O!’- C'V, or walk , r r ^ f- . i CA V V, i J 'L- :'i was IE; i 1 W & i ■> ci' ,1J. . " X Oi. Miss Cora May Entertains Miss Cora May proved a charming hostess last 'Wednes day evening" at the beautiful home of her father Mr. J. J. May who lives near the Graded School. After the arrival of the guests who were receivedby Miss May and her sister Miss Lula, tables Vvere arranged and the games of flinch and rook were in order. After numerous amusing jokes had been passed aroundt hecard tables and the lu > ky v;inners had been announed a deli :ious course of refreshments consisting of cream and cake :i «i,fma.jthev get real good and hot they . ufiered in- fhis, verj aU msmi i are jlrnped into the ice cold side! into ace-1 of the bad place and when thev :.ainted rx^oi: ihat there v^s£ a .-ie coming vrcr)d' And LUght place a; ways a good Vv'here the ,i folks went t.o when they lied up their toes for the last e and are shuffled oft feet, •emost towards that new i unexplored country to ,ich all good folks need have fear to go, a»d that there i? :ad, bad place to which all bad :ks whether they are democrats publicattf, progressives,, ts, prohibitions socialists, inde- ndents, mugwumps or what t, are sure to go unless St. ;ter should be so good as td ; down the pearly gates and the whole craft in, but this 1 i sure he wilJ not do^because I ned by reading over in the eat big good foook that it tells lere, not in so many words, I can’t tell it verbatim et eratum, but it reads some- ng like this; And the hearer tars with great trembling, for fc iiar and thief -shall be damm- and sent down into every- ling punishment there to .e forever. Every time ■ I ds this passage of the scrip- e. everlasting tears-of sorrow w down my unwashed cheek ] leave furrows of irremovab- jrri-ef, that will not be even Lshed away by the flood itself, cause I think of so many hun- eds and thousands and millions .ne-eyed, p g leg, non prohib- n. red shirt democrats, both and big, old and young, und ;ooor, honest and dis- politicians an-i non poli- ..ns that have already quit :g iri person, but are now by proxy in the hands of ti'LU; and lawful attorney's and have iong since gone I p}'eB6;';ce ■ '.rr:; ki^Of:ke^ :>f Old St. at the door of Peter it re? They e accord "a said, who all answered I'ji of hftie become frozen well enough to put them into a refrigerator they are jerked out of that place as cold H and -thrown back into the fire and roasted one time more and this the devil and all his lieutenants continue thr^gh out'eternity, for these subjects that Woodrow and all his followers are now growing in America, in such large quan tities, I eertainljr am afraid tbat the bad place is going to get to Mttle and Salt can’t tak« care of them all 'because i saw in to* day’s News and Observer where Mr, Moore a Clev^laod demo crat who had hdd office for twenty years telling the sun when to rise and the stars when to cease to wink, had got too good to be a member 'Of the Wilson democrat Party and Woody made hj^n git right into heav^iK at once. What do you suppose will b@exme of al3 th^se fallows? Do y«ou think that any of them wili get to ikeaven where the good old rads are rejoic the amusers. After an express' Ion of appreciation to Miss May had been extended the crowd departed. Those who were so fortunate as to be present were; Misses Vivian Walker of near Watson in whose honor the occa sion had been planned, Josephine and Jennie Brown, Lizzie and; Julia Fogiemari, May McAdams, Bertha Burgess, and Cora and Lula May. Messrs. John Loyd, Lex Pat terson, Ben May, J ames Garri son, Joe Fogleman, J. E. Foust and Eugene May* The last of these namel being so unfortuate as to have previous engagements was only permitted to spend a few of the last fleet ing moments with the jovial crowd. Burlington Hosiery ISill Destrc^il By Fire Shortly after six o’clock Fri day morning it was seen from the mass of flames which consuming the roof of the Bur lington Hosiery Mill that this inff^with'tirfktrpr^ ^ buUding was due to be dea^oyed try to glory? My hair is getting the scen^ndTnTfe^mi"^^^^ mTbc5yifXwrreX*'for thel^d “Sw'ffaiTOS grave .and I have talked to these flames. This errmg scoundrel for low these sixty-five years with the only hope that they might be sa’/e,d soon did effective work and had the firemen reached the scene before the flames gotten con- 01 poiiucai p;e, nervine, and Wilson’s purifier, all kicked off - ^ue years of 1S97 to 1913 : .e. St. Peter said what ' you a Democrat? They •vrered with one accord: lieve in a protective tariff, oney and every body at a prosperous country, never learned any way to the way our dady done ' - .ii^st g> up and vote the -■rat ticket from year to i:;d it don’t make any dif- :n:;e hovv many negroes voted and how many million v.'orth of bonds Locke and his gang have to every two years ' > we get our pay now on, -^0‘n'th and forever.” but thev are meaner todav than burning througn the ever because they are bigger ! liaS'^S tLn eTer,%id^y^^ and mac- notice how all of them cotton H- *c -w mill fellows said last fall give water. It is leained that free cotton goods, and we will , amount of be allright, and now they have l^.OOO was carried but tms wiil almost wore the marble floor out pot cover the loss. 1 he mill has of the capitol, running in to see , success:^l Woodrow; and the Southern , p^o- W. Fogleman who Railway has been operating 1^® pi’esident and manager of this special train to carry them gave employ the Die brigade to and from the n uni her of hands thp Hrv ‘ said that an order for more I suie do feei awful sad be- i than 1 000 would have been fill- r.he scriptures ask the j Am I my brother’s pP^rally understood that the * building will be replaced by a modern up todate brick building. The orgin of the fire isiunknown but may have caught by defec tive wires. cause question. Miss Willie Patterson Entertains Her Friends. / Last Friday night was the time. The home of Mr. and Mrs. S. _G. Patterson the place, and iviiss Willie Patterson was the' charming hostess of the occas ion. Flinch and rook wero the | chief games of the evening, andj cream and- cake the refresh-1 ments. Ali present enjoyed .the! occasion very much . and only i hoped that a similar occasion! may occur in the near future. ' Those present were; Misses Addie Ray, Olivia Smith, Liszie and Julia Fogleman, Beulah Pet ty, Nida Webster, Bessie Wilson, Rosa Patterson, Eva' Height, Josephine Brown, Cora and Lulu May, I'lossie Stone, Ola Evans, Ruth Dameron, Mabel Lea, Willie Allie and Sallie Pat terson, Mrs. Ada Patterson, Mrs. Boyd. Messers Thos. Boon, Lex Patterson, Ben May, John Loyd, Aubery Loyd, Joe Thom pson, Clyde Hornaday, Eugene May, Dr. Spoon, Frehyer Will iams. Meeting at Eeformed Chmrch Closed Sunday Night The protracted meeting which has for the last eight days closed been in session Sunday night. Excellent sermon was preached by the blind man Mr. Beacon Hoifman and while only a few professions of religion was wit nessed it is evident that the meeting did great good. Large crowds were present each night and oa several occasions the church was filled to overflowing. Miss Addie Ray Becomes a CJiauf- eur. Miss Addie Ray,who won the beautiful auto given by The State Dispatch was presented this valuable prize Fnday eve ning, upon the return of Mes srs W. W. Brown and J. E. Foust who secured the valuable prize from The Ford Garage, Greensboro. The machine is a dandy and Miss Ray is giving amusement to her friends who are watching her become a chauf- eress, a distinction not possessed by many women of North Car olina, and very few if any in Alamance County. Her first ex perience in driving Friday eve ning to Altamahaw. She now has the machine under excellent controll and goes out fora “joy" when she feels so disposed. . With The City Fathers. The city- fathers met at the Mayors hall in regular semi- mom thly meeting Monday night. Among routine transtraction was the election of Mrs. W. H. Car rol to- serve as. member ofthe school board to take the place of Mr. J, W. Cates whose* term of c'fli'ce had expired. Mr.. Montgomery v«?as re-elected to succeed himself. The name of .Mrs, H. M. Montgomery, and Mr. J. M, Malone were also consider ed for this position. The date of not ; later than A-pri! 30th was set for a settle ment to settle with Messrs. Abee, and Hart for grading. The finance committee was instructed to advertise .all out standing accounts, and to verify all claims against the city be We the-expiration of the office of the present board. The matter of reimbursing Messrs. J, N. Williamson and R. L. Holt for building an experi-^ mental sand clay street was set for next meeting. Order that a surface side walk be placed from Front street to Davis street on east side of Trol- lenger street. The report of all the commit tees weie handed in and accept ed. I -locrats that starveo for i keeper? and it leaves the infe^ Q}0Y0.. ience that w*e are. I can’t. ' have ti'ied so faithful^ jand every these little time 1 get one of w'eak kneed stinking democrats almost ready to open his eyes and behold the greatness of the glory land, all of them think of that little pie that Major is giving out over in Washington and they just jump up, cuss, snorts and rare so 1 have turned them aloose and if they want to break their necks and go to the devil I am not , going to say another word. Most sincerely yours. Gimlet Heads Son in law. Burlington News Moved. The Burlington News and The Pate Printing Company who have been located on Worth street induced you to become a have recently moved offices, composition and press room to the » ! : at? That we might stuff ..=ot box, if necessary or ^-sary, so that we counted >tes in Halifax County :ere was registered voters County, Malays, Hotten- d Negroes included, and we ". ning to do anything under :^-aven, don’t make any ■ nee how low we get, pro* >Ios Woodrow and Willie said so. In fact we are ‘.rnocrats, just because we •‘ ever expect to learn any " sense. We refuse absolu- ' study the Questions of the read anything excepting -'>vs & Observer. Graham ‘-•i'. and The B'ariington Some limes we read The ^.y.>uniy Observer and -r^ceviiic Times, . expect lo be a As LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS .ing do yo tSiied .ve i;\eand wnen we are fd-w. the Hood building next to Grotto, on Main street. The new building is much larger and will accomadate the two companies by furnishing ample room. The Burlington News'has also install ed a modern and up. todate press in their place. Both companies are to be congratulated upon their excellent arrangements. Philadelphia Fire Caused Three Deaths, Philadelphia^,^ April 18. Fire in^ the Wescott Candy factory was still smouldering at noon today, after a desperate fight by fire- Confederate Veterans Reunion, Chattanooga, Tenn., May 27 29, 1913.—Low Bound Trip Fares via Sou thern Railway, Tickets will be on sale on May 24th-25th-26th-27th-28th, and for trains scheduled to reach Chat tanooga before noon on May 29, 1913. Tickets will be limited return ing to reach original starting point not later than midnight of June 5th, or if you desire to re- { main longer, by depositing your j ticket with special agent Chat tanooga and paying a fee of fifty cents final limit will be extended until June 25th, 1913. Tickets forthis occasion will be on basis of one cent per mile. For complete and detailed in formation as to ronnd trip fares, schedules, special service etc., ask your agent or address. S. D. Kiser, City Ticket Agent, Raleigh, Noirth Carolina. J. 0. Jones, Traveling Passenger Agent Raleigh, North Carolina. Dehate at Elmira. There, will be a public debate men, the result of which three | at Elmira SchooF house next men were killed, tvyo are dy'ing | Friday night at seven thirty, and a score of persons Jsvere in-1 Query, Resolved that women jured. The origin of the fire is | should be allowed to vote. Af- Remaining in Post office at Burlington, N. C. April 19, 1913. Gentlemen: M. W. Ellison, M. Nowell, George Haizlip (Special), J. W. Johnson, Lawrence Kirkland, C. R. Walter Lee, Monroe Men, slow, Frank Packard, Johine Langley. R. R. B. Strong, Peter Nome. Ladies: Mrs. Nanniei Campbell, Miss Dora Hen eh, Mrs. Betsey Me Cauley, Miss Merme Murray, Rebeca Puim, Miss Nellie White. Persons calling for any of the se letters will please say “Adver tised,'' and give date of adver tised hst. J. Zeb. Waller, P. M. Base Bail News. Burlington defeated Graham in a game of ball at Piedmont Park last week to the score of 10 to 4. On Saturday the local team played Durham, a very in teresting game > was the result, the score was 7 to 1 in favor of Burlington. Saturday the boys will go to Winston Salem play the second game of season with that school, generally expected that will be another walk-over as it is remembered the score was 12 to 1 in the other game. Several other interesting games will' be played during the season. Wkitsett Commencement. The commene^ment of Whitsett Institute will be held May 17, 18 and 19. The annual sermon will be preached by Rev. W. ,]^. Aberne- thy, of Spring (^rden m. E. church, Greensboro. The literary address will b^ made by Hon. J. Bryan Gnmes, Raleigh, K. of State. Tfee are thirtyrtwi) griaduates ♦^his year in the literary depspt- ment. The Whitsett cornet band is filling a number of engagements at_ surrounding commencements this season. COONTy MOL NEWS i he County Commencement In Graham A Great Day For Educa tion, About 75 Graduates, 3000 School Children Expected. If the weather will permit, the indications predict that the County Commencement in Gra ham next Saturday w-ill . be , a great day for the cause of Edu cation. The program begins at 10:30 with a great parade of schoolchildren, teachers, com Democralxc Co«iv«i&tiolQi Nominate J. Ed. Moore. In answer to a call signed by several of the prominent citizens of the town any of .the demo crats . met at the iVJay ors hall Monday night for the purpose of nominating a Mayor to be voted i on by the people of Burhngton May 6th. As this was the time and j>lac'€! for the regular semi monthly meeting of the board of Aldermen, the convention was adjourned to the Armory. The convention was called to order by J. H. Vernon, and J, M. Brown ing ^named as 4;he temporarj chairman, with J. H. Vernon and O, F. Crowson as temporary secretary. The temporary org- animation was made permanent and nominations for a Mayor was in order Mr. J. M. after a few brief and enthusistie remarks placed the name of Mr. Leslie Meadors, Mr. W. H. Car rol nominated A. F. Barrett mak ing it clearly understood that his nominee was a straight demo crat. Mr. Bason placed tfef; name of Mr. j. M. Browniaif before the convention, Mr. Li®* sav Ponville nominated Mr. I. H. Vernon Mr. Vernon stated very frankly tliat he could not or would not accept the nomina tion so his name was withdrawn. At the moment Mr. Meador seconded the nominatipn of Mr. Barrett and asked that his ng^me be withdawn. This request was consider^ a joke qoipiven* tion. Afewminuite elasped and it wou|t tW all nominations were in, Whe» suddenly Rev. J. D. Anclrew addressed the and ncmin^te^ Mr. J. M. Dr. L A. Walker nominatediDr. -R. Jkr Freeman,: ,0. F. Grewsdjoi: nominated J. A Turiientine sonieone nominated Mr. Fl«^er Williams, R. J, Hall broughitihe nomination to a; dose % nominting our distiiijg^aish»^ ed townsman Mr. Kirae which brought laughter and appiaa8e,> Mr. Kime told the convention that he could not give up his work to accept the honor . The nominah'bfl closed and !votM^,ii®- gan. The nomin&tim ..closed;' and,jyoting began.' The i.names of J, W. M on tgomery, • J, vC, Freeman an^. C,. I), Story were’ announced as tellers. The tally of the first vote stood as follows.: Bari^tt, 38,' Moore 28, Meadow 114, Freeman , 12, Williams 6, • j Kime 2; Turrentine 1. '': ' The nanies of the three highf^at were then placed before the . feonven- tion which resulto.d as follows;: Barrett 44,.. Moore 43, Mea- dov»'s 18 On the third ballot Moore received 72 votes thji.f; declaring J, Ed. Moore thf mitteemen, and friends of the of the demoraticconvex and the It is this tion for Mayor; of the city of Barlirigton.' The different wards will meet' Thursday night when men will be nominated to run or the democratic ticket for aldfer- men. Those in the tirst ward wiil meet in the Mayors hall second ward Waddall’s store, third v/ard Graded School, fourth ward, Dorsetts store. Taft Accepts. Washington, April.20.-Form er President Taft has accepted j an invitation to read a pa^r oc- a subject to be announced later at the annual meeting of the American Bar Association at Montreal in September. Chisf J ustice W hite of the Supreme ' Court of the United States wiil preside at the session of the as* soeiation and Viscount Haldan^; the Lord Hi]gfh Chancellor of England will mak^ the aijnuaV address. Chief Justice White, the hij?hest officer of Amencan courts, will introduce Viscount Haldane who occupies _a, .s^imiliar position in England. / Senator EUifeu Rppt of New York will preside at the annual, banquet September 23;; ? These close I featui-es of the association meet ing were announced today after a conference between Presi- dent Frank-B. Kellogg, Secretary cause. This parade vvill start at the graded school building and proceed down street and back, led by the brass band. Three thousand sehool children are expected to take part jn the procsssion, carrying banners pennants and flags. The literary address will be made at 11:15 o'clock, by Dr. J. Y. Joyner, State Supt. of Public Instruction. About 75 students will gradu ate from the public schools of the county. These graduates represent every section of the county. A contest in public speaking will be an important feature of the day. A splendid exhibition of school pictures and' school products win be made. Athletics will not be neglec ted. A field day program will be rendered by the home school and by the three State High Schools. The medals and cups v\ron in Athletics by the Alamance boys this spring at the State Meet at the University wiil l>e presented by the president of the Senior Class of the University. The days program will about 4 o'clock by an (Exhibition of floats filled with children. This exhibition will be made at, , the Court House Square just be- Treasureif fore people leave for home. i Frederick E, Wadhams. The Spring School will close The loss of life was jfirmative, A. A. Apple and Geo. frequent explosions ' Smith. Ne?ative E. C, Rumbley vi'aiis. The money and El. Han'iford. Everybody was--H00.000. ,J invited. unknoA'n. caused by and loss Mr. Soloman Homewood having a deep well dug. Solly • runs a dairy and of course need. I lots of water that k pure and free from germs, May the 6th. with an exhibition by t he school. The program wi 11 Ig^t all day and promises to be i good. The Liteirary , Address be made by Prof. D; D. Will. A severe wind and hall stonmJ isited Mccksville Tuesday lafternoon. The hail coverini? the ground, and some of it Wik^ nearly as large as eggs - birl f'i- 4'f r \ V I- •• 1;

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