A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICA?^ HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. V. BURLINGTON. N. C., MAY 7, 1913. V NO. 4a Crows4>a At WasMogtoii. /ng news Charlotte 'We dip I lie folio?* rL'.im from Tuesdays ('observer: 0. F. Cro’^'son of The Burling-- tv® News, who has been appoin- i.ri(i clerk of the Sersate Gommitt- >-;e OB Rules, of which Senator Overman is chairman arrjved toiay. Before assum- iag his diities he will wait a few ^!ayg and see if F, L, Wi?!iamson, vvho defeated him for postmast er :j,t Burlington is appoin’-ed by FRIENDSHIP COMMENCEMENT MAY 15 m 17. Col- h resiaen indkaied t Wi son. M;f. Crowson ie would noi give up i he fight for the postmastership ■ i.ntji WiUiTjington vi’as nominated ;i.nd confirmed. Pesth O'! A Yosffii' man. ';katb /.sritec iVj.eae.ha ckhoo’ 1 messenger i Professor Spurce, of Triatfy lege To Deliver Address. Burlington, N. C., May 5.—The Friendship Comraeneement, May 16 and 17, promises to be a very interesting one. The school was fortuna^ insecuring Professor H. B. Spurce, a brilliant young facultian of Trinity College, asthe principal speaker. Those people who like to hear pfood thoughts focefully expressed will enjoy hearing Professor Spurce. He is an engaging speaker. The program for the cornmen ce- inent is as follow?: Friday eve»- ing at 8:30 o'clock, an entertain- horn^ - r Mr i. F I ^^^nt wili be given by the primary r.-:" V'PC. V thp”?'nniiHo! intermediate grades. This imisein program wil{_ consist of drills, Harlinglon at3 A. M.' April g j^ableirux, music and recitation. froni fearth to ^^tarday morning at 10:30 o clock I Rev. P. H. Flemiog Elected Sup- erinieadeitt of Graded School. Rev. P. H. Fleming was_ elect ed superintendent of Burlington Graded School for the ensuing year at a board at a raeetip^g of the school board held Friday night. Rev. Fleming is known in our mids| and needs no com- mentation. Until a little more than a year ago he was pastor of The Christian Church at this place having served a nombor of years. For two years he county superintendent of mance county. He soeceeds Prof. G. C. Singletary who has been with us for the past two years and has proved himself a daring disciplinarian, strong educator and a Christian gentle man of the highest type, jHe was not reelected because of his own resignation. Tarifi—-A Fer^nw^r Pifflgrtsiive Victory. of ■ Miss. Hasei Greeson was de iightfully aurpriced last Thurs day nighi, this beiTig her nin.e'l*T«HE DEMOORATIC PARTY leentb by a number of her friends j | in its adoption of’ a ruiuous who enjoyed the evening with | tariff policy i^nst, soon ali- Rook and other ga.mes. Refresh-1 eniate many of its staunchest menf . consisting of cream cake | supporters. Progress., does -not and fruits were served. Those | mean destruction;, real progress present were: Misses Amy Wil*! means constructive apbuilding. burn, Nina Ingle, Julia Cates> | along. the lines of. modern. ■ and Hortense Rimmer,, Lois Work-: humanitarian ideals. man, Eunice McAdamSj omi was Patterson, Mary Walton, Arlene Ala- i Lea Una May and Catherine. Eld- er^ Mamie Holt, Messrs. J'.'ihn McAdams-, 'WiUie Evans',, Wade .Hu.fiman,, Frehyr 'Williams. Joe ThoEXipsan, J, E. Foo.st, Cobfe, L?wis [923 and called oternity the soui or I. 30 Mr. Benjamin Meaeha;^ aged y’ears, 1 mon*h and 10 days. Young Mr. Meaeham had rtuffered for some time with Bronchitis. This perhaps will be the address by Professor Spurce, and the presentation of diplomas to the graduates of the high school department by Professor J. B. Robertson, Coun ty Superintendent, In the af ternoon at 2:00 o’clock a recita- affeeted bis iur;gs. , Before his severe sickness he i declamation contest will v/a£. boss of the spining depart- vaent of Elmira Cotton mills. On "be I2ih of April 1911 he u.nd Miss Vioia Mein tyre were cited in marriage. Their only child, a line boy of S months age, bur ied on Feb I3tb of this , A few week.* before the r. of this son Mr, -^ieacham be held. Saturday evening at 8:30, members of the high sebooi wil| present A Ke&hicky Belle which is a delightful play; no thing sentin ental ormelo-drama- tic. yet full of interestmg situa tions and originial characters. No admitance fee will be charged. There will be an ice-cream Cal Moser-Cok. F. weiii to MoBt Rose for treatment, , „ . , , . , on ^.ccoun: of tbe severe sickness i at Fnendsmp High ^hool ,)j t:';y iiiile son he returned home : i'*fg'ht. May 10th. There iT' his death, became too be f^ome good music. return. Mr. Meacham ^ ^ :-aber of Burlington May Locate Business College Here. I Observer,^^the p^ture being the e.i Church, and also of l:;.;rar:; Company. His nost happy exper- He;-.: ■ he Mr. Adolphus VIoser of R D. No. 7 and Miss Mary were joined in bonds of holy 'wed lock at the home of Mrs. Staff o d on East Davis street Sunday eve- ing at 4 o'clock by Rev. T. E, Dayis pastor of the M. P. Church. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Moser extend congratula tions and wish them a blissful life. Master Joseph Fix Wins Prises. Master Joseph Fix son of Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Fix, of this city was the successful winner of the $100.00 cupon to be applied to part payment for a beautiful piano given away by some con cern in Virginia in a drawing contest. The contest was ad vertised in The Raleigh News & Surprise Party. :te a .number of her fri surprised Miss Ruth Browning at her home on Morehead Street Tuesday night. The evening was spent pi ay ing. games and. en i oy-. ing delicious refreshments.. Those present were: Misses Margie Loy, Elizabeth [Garvin, Pauline Coble, Ruth Lea Holt, Gladys and Lucile Brown,. Cad Willis, Miss Height, Mary Teague. Messrs. John Meadon Walker Love, Dov-. er Heritage, Geo. Sharpe, . Carl Barrett, Erwin Montgomery, Mike Newlin, Frehyr Williams,. Wade Huffman, Ralph H.olt Norman Garrett, R. E, Crutch field ^nd Marshall Buck. Music was occasionally interspersed widi the joy of the evening. Decoratloa P®? May iitk. The Democratic Progressives in the first test of their power have adopted such radical stand ards that one can hardly believe thai they will be suecessfu 1 in winniinig over,'a..' maiority—even Herbert [In their own ranks. ^ ^ ■ j ■' The Prospective vTaxi'S- Bill, as- [anrsounced,, is uriques;tionably . a' ■i ruinous one to.'thousands of ^ in- I d:ii3tries which have grown■ .up.in ■ ' thi^ e.oimtry„ and v^hich deserve the protection of our laws rather than, destruction at its Jiands. Hardly any fair minded Progres sive will contest the fact that the present Payne-Aldrich Tarilf schedules are excessivieiV and a fair reduction on many itisnis is ■imperative. Ho'w«ver, the.Dem ocrats have rushed tON the esc- treme, slashing right and left w ithou t rhyme or reason, with out any scientific or . intelligent basis of action^^withoot^tny re gard for the results that are sure to follow. Their only aiin seems ■to be to reduce. th«- -.tarii^'' to .'-a Biinimum—as near as possible to a free trade basis-casting to the winds every basic principle of .■economies.' bent'only on wreck ing their vengence agaii.st es tablished industry in the country, i No fair-minded Democrat can he will et\ .sr the Pic^ressive ranks and take his pofiitioh side by side with that great army men who have already Jeft the ranks of old parties and |have pledged themselves to the ‘ ad- vancemerit of such i^ij^lation as will pi'omute the welfare and prosperity of both and labor~"poor man ai)d rich man, the great and the vmk, in a broad and statesmaiilil[« mahni.r without Jhidice, withoQt , hates, without ft^r, with(»it' favor. GBOIMJfe Bowe. MOORE WINS BY I^O MAJOWTY J. Ed. Mdore was elected Mayor of Burlington Tuesday by 190 majority ov«r J. H. iFVeeland an independent candidate. OnU' ICIl; called member ;.f h;:' lamiiy to his bedside and :^pednc dii^ections and made part^eaii;r requests as to how rhey \iull iive, urging them !.(■ haeuii Cf»urch and work for lio.:. Bis face beamed v/ith siiRlight as hi& father a,i.'d r.iother, brothers and sisters iM'DiniseO to meet him in the gior; land. When he had finis- "hese dhections he quietly his bands upon his breast ana ie]\ asleep in Jesus. It was observed ihat be never spoke of ih.’' But he always saidj tway, the sorrow.^ of earth,' in the Kingdom of God, sed in the new 'df hi' v/as going A waj i'i? 39-1, clear birth, ! Heavenly road has trod. ; b nineral was conducted i : tl)e home under the : :es of the Military Compa- A large congregation evidence of the high esteem hich he was held. The body juietlv laid to rest in Pine Mr. Padgeta of the Carolina Business College of Winston- Salem VvEs in town last week prospecting with the viewof locat ing a business college here. He has in mind the selection of the rooms over Holt-Cates store for this rf^rpo.5e. The college if: opened v*’ould run both day and ■ night giving an opportunity not only to persons who have timfe to spend in better fitting and preparing, but also a chance for the person who works during the day. Our town appears to be an idea!. place as many young people go away to Greensboro, j Raleigh, Reidsvilie and the vari ous colleges iota le th^se courFei. We believe It would be a pro fitable institution to the prop rietor and certainly a great as sistance to Burlington and Ala mance County. I head of Geo. Washington with -Ma/ the 10th vvi'sl beappropria,-; subsciibe to such, a program. 'X,h8 tely celebrated as memo: ial day | constituents of any Democratic when a speech he made by |congressEian will dispose of him. some prominent speaker at Pine immeaiately if in his.ruthlessae- ten sniailer mcturjs drawn with- i Hill cemetery in the afternoon i tion he harms Ws own district, in Younr M^ter Fi x who k a ‘ when 111 i.he gravesofti. e «.»fe()p>-- i H is onbehcveable that a Dem- natural born aSI entered the J a' e soldier, will be decon (e t v. I contest and drew the picture by re'&t.ves complete as to be one of the suc cessful winners. N ’ ‘ NOT YETOyTBF BACE FOR BUgLiNOTON JOB if you have a relative or ^^ho was a conied^^^te remember him. on this oceasion 1 by placing fio’-vers on I13.S grave V iV jittle U: •' war: i-h: lO await the glorious resurr- morrj. 1 OMBg Morion Iraproving '^'lie condition of the 1 sevenyear-oldsonof Mr.J.M. I ton wdio was shot the last of the past week by Dee Moore is im proving and is fully recovered to I be out of danger. The negro I gave himself up to the officers i and has been lodged in jail to await the result of the shot. Washington, May 6.— It devel oped here today that 0. F. Crow^ son who apparently had been de feated for the Burlington post- rna.'3tership, is not yet out of the race. In fact it is known that Mr. Crowson has an excellent chance of being appointed. Mr. Liberty. R. F. 'P. No. 3. Farmers are very busy |. ing corn and cotton., the weather is hot and we ali. w’-ant a good rain. Mr, L. T, Smith and family a. will , vote for' free sugai*, or that a ■ .I).emo- crat froro Mit h'g; u: for free lum ber—and so on ''ADJnFINi'TU'iVi.' The only resukc possible in our est,inflation will, be a series of log. roliiog and yotfe swapping* 'w'hich, unbal- under h' oera.t. from Louisiana i, loved ones friend soldier I'is sore to pro4uce jus.t as I'anced and'unfair a tariff- . ■ the DemocraSc ,adm:inis.iration„ as the Payne-Aldrich bill under the Republican achninistration, . If by an y . chance',the , .p.r^^^ ruinous tariff bi II is adopted every Moore nominated, on a straight demoeratic ticket 4nd Mr. Freeland indfependent. Much interest wa^ taken in theetection but no hi^ter feeling existed. In the first ward quite a bit of in- teresi WSMS n^amfested betwe^ the candidates of Dr. T. S, Faucett'and John Love both runnin g for aiderman. In the third ward the vote was nearly evenly divided between the f jur candidates. The vote vvas by wi^d as follo ws:" ^ - V ■ ■ ■ ■ Fiwt Ward ' J. Ed. Moore, 103 J. H. FVeeland ’30 W. Pt Ireland Dr. T. S. i'aueett 78 John Love 58 Second Ward j’ Ed. Mooie J. H Freeland J. C. Waiton Ed. R. Thomas ; Third Ward ’ J. Ed, Moore J. H. Freeland J. G, King H. C. Stout W.,Luther Cates. ' Rjljt:'Barnwell ', J. E,d. ■MQ.ore. , ■ J. H Fredand J, W. > Montgomery H. F. Moore ^ Gill Sharpe case i ’jies Towa^ship Smiday-School | :® v’entba T» Be beW Al Ala- | Fro® tie-Manger Cross. Jnance Factory, N. C* Smi&y May 11, mu, PROGRAM. ■-^’.'rning session gi* ! From the manger toifthe cross : was shown three different times I at the Grotto Monday night. W3ii The house was packed full each ession with the powers that oegini.L-— .n , , . ^ T . 'c)oek strieriv. . )-.r \K.. Choir -.‘ome Addre.ss W. I.-on.ce Dr. W, Choir L. Kenney A. Harper Choir time and not a single voice M regret was heard even the most chronic kicker agrees it was a good shoT,v. Interesting, inspir ing and full of’great historical knowledge of the new testament j and the history of Christ. Crowson has taken his the postmaster-general himself and in addition, according to authoritative information, strong letters of indorsement have been sent to the postoffice department in Crowson’s behalf. Finlay Williamson was recom mended for the Burlington job. It was thought by many that the matter was settled and that the nomination of Williamson was but a matter of time. Will iamson’s nomination was not sent to the senate today, nor will it be sent for spme time, if at all. It is known that Crowson has made a most favorable impr- be at the postoffice department and it is beheved Major Stedman, when he returns to Washington, spent Sundav at Mr: M. F. Horn-1 sane democrat will be forced, out aday; ! of hi sown party. .Wheiecanhe Mr. L". J. Cox of Elon spent Saturday night at Mr. W. ‘ E. Overmans. Mrs. Annie Hioshaw and Mrs. I Caroline Moody spent Sunday evening at Mr. John Moodys. see Miss ^9 i Mr. George Pike called his best girl Sunday, ask Bessie ali about it. Miss Dora Way .and Dennie Hinshaw visited Mr. Hornaday Sunnay. W^e are sory to,hear of Mr, W. F. Way being at the hospital at Baltimore, Mr. Lacy Workman called to see his best gir! Sunday. Miss Flossie Coble of Greens boro is visiting her many friends on route Mo. 3, will be asked to name Crowson Hurrah boys write on and make instead of Williamson, j The Dispatch a lively paper. The principal .objection to| Mr. Charlie Mofire called at Mr. go? Will he go to the Republican, fiarty, which has been his tra ditional opponent, or will he go over to the new ' Progress! v e .Party, which has .announced its support for everything that is good in I he ■ Democratic. party,, everything that is gODd in the Republican Party; and its op position to the wild radicalism of the one. and the stand-pat con servatism of the other., , The progressive Party believes in honest progress- even '•more than President Wilson and the Deraoeratic progress!vea do. It, however, opposes anything which tends to destroy conndence in trade and prosperity in our own country. The Progressive Party Mr, Kernnnia Overman of fJ>PPpses the destruction 'c?f big Alamance of Alamance is visit-1 because this destruct- ing on route No, 3. i simply means a return to the Mr, Y. R. Pike and family i of industry visited Mr. A. J. Overman Sun-! increase in economic (Jay j w’^aste, which nmkes the burden there will be meeting at Rock ?/pvilization heavier instead of Creek River next Sunday. , .. The Progressive Party benev 53 22 72 71 57 37 56 1)5 40 37 132 66 ■183 155 Dr The Model W, A. Harper laartette Teacher L. E. Sharp Duel Sundav-Schooi Fin- ' L. W, Holt Choir [he S. S. j Williamson is that he has a little ! Perey's Sunday I more of this world's goods than and the - j department figures that Crow- What w^as expected to be a | more inclined to de good game of ball but what prov- j ^11 of his time to the duties •S- va:ue of ViSKg j ^ Base-M Walkover. | Burimgton^^^^ Need of Preparation The Boys in Dr- :ine'= B. Kendall Quartel ee Election of Convention. Jervieo. wili be lio farmed 11 .A.„ M, nei-riE Sundny A>1 i'rit-nd having loved d there are asked to ^'1 d*corate ed to be a complete walkover qJ postmaster than Williamson, was played at the Piedmont Park charges have been filed Saturday between the last year against Major Stedman's recom- High School champions of the mendation; its simply a matter,- states of North Carolina and the postoffice department be- Virginia. The score was twelve of getting the bast man. to nothing in favor of the home team. The visitors simply being far out classed could not cope with their competitors. Much sympathy was expressed for one red sock Virginia who apparent ly was not over and fourteen and appeared to possess greai pluck and bra very. The feature iu Oghfer ¥ein. of th^ evening v/as ti7e b McAdams. oi Mi his uon N es-e h as res i R'n ed w;th Jos. A, Isley.' First Strawberries of Season. Mr. J, Loy of Meador Brook Farm presented The State Dis patch, with a box of nice straw berries Tuesday- These were the first we have seen this season | and were unusually fme large; and of an excellent flavor. Mr. | Loy is one of our wide, awake j farmers. The berries were im-1 menseiyenjoyed,smd we tip ou-i’i hat to Mr. Loy with thanks. j ~Co-ed~Are you going to the picture shovv’ again tonight? this is the this time this week! And you’ve gone with the same man every time! Fusse—0 the moving pictures dont distuT:b us!-“Winsconsin Spinx. ‘ ‘Thats a fine baby of yours, es in the ccmtrol and regulation S''sehoS's^m^'nori^^ in the of CooKty Coinmis' sioitm. Graham, N. C. May 5, 1913. i Board of County Com missioners of Aiamanee County met in the Court; house bn the above date in regular monthly meeting at ten o'lock A. M. with the following membeis present Geo. T. Witliamson, Chair- man ■ • W. H. Turrentine Ghas. H. Roney Ghas. F. Cates W, H. Fogleman \ The following business wai transacted. Ordered. That A. T. Holt in PaLtei*son Township be relieved of tax on 197 acres land valued at $550,00 same; having been soli and listed by A. C. Kimery.mii I^Ordered. that R. S. Shoffner be relieved of Graded school tax on land valued at $205. in Grad ed school at Alamance Factorv same not being in the District. ' Ordered. G. I. Beale be re lieved of tax on land valued at “800. (X) on land in Sylvan of big business so as to make it a weapon for good in the hands district. Ordered. That W. T. hf relieved of tax on one lot near Party believes in fair tariff re vision along scientific lines ad ministered not by a log rolling politicians, but by a Tariff Com mission which will make a care ful, scientific and economic study of the question, and suggest a revision of the schedules, item by item. This tariff policy will surely lead the party to victory at the next election, because the Bil ^ Democrats will certain]v kill said the joss to his chauf- theirs if they continue along the feur My Wife and 1 p’e pretty paths 'which they ha ve marked proud 01 mm. He s the latestjou^ mo^l, alright-s self starter, | gvery Democrat who wishes to with an autoraatic b )rn that | see this country, prosperous and would w.ake the dead..'' kly. K Wee arpers! been hor^e. . S, G,. B'olg?id v^'ho ut Durham is ; as at great—and this . means' everx Democrat, who is.worthy of cit' izei}sbip“-'will leave his party, wliich 'h,-;* shown itself so , in torftj.fcii'nr. to administer the iijf' biate. He will riot goove* to th0 Hepubiicaxi ranks, : .but Graham depot in Graham Town ship valued at $4.0000 same an error in the list taker. Whereas, this Board ordered a special election to be held is! certain territory in Pleasant Grove township to vote upon the question of levying a special t&z in said territory for school pur poses and whereas said election was held Saturday April 26th, as directed in said order and where as the returns show that there were forty-nine registftred voters twenty-three votes l-e-’ijg esii for said special tax i..^ twei5.tv ^voie? . being ;cast a.£ii:. special tax it is therefo ed that the election be hereby declared ca.iTied said special, lit: mrC' ^.orcier- in' (Gontinaed next week.)