V 4 SUB- |ABLE ^y fire o?j ippcHrwfl 'ive ti;s mery h,s F better l^'ople of sulj. ■OU not kc flames N.C. A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN iNDUSTRlES: V. BURLINGTON, N. C, MAY 2i. 1913. N O . urprise Party. (:af^ant!v last .. lasher I Cream >hades. goods t--> \.yCy ioer 01 her triends ^surprised Miss Saturday night on Ea &T The s^’Cial was * • '*' ' > \ » ' C L“ . -I iror:i ^Reidiv'i]e been in school ■;;le Seminary. In ac :!i the pi aria of the > all n'ct at the :h. rron: '^vhich piace •nt logather to the ho .\ing. '^'he guest door bv Mrs. Kiv^i %vho ‘ Broad anned rturn* ■^'here '4 the ordan- invi- ^aptist ' ihey ‘me of > !net 1 ladies Mrs. James N. Williamson, jtJr., g^ave a delightful bridge j i party Friday afternoon at fuur! I o’clock at. her home on Parkj : Avenue. The spacious hand-1 soniejy furnished porches werej : used for the party^ and sweet I ; peas vrere used profusely for de- i : corations. 'Mr. Herbert Jackson I i presided over the punch-bowl. | I Mrs. Wiiliamson’s guests were: i EVANGELISTIC BAND AT BAPTIST CHURCH. I Misses Barnes and Saunders of ; Richmond. _ Mrs. Herbert Jack- i .son, 01 Cincinnati: Miss Mamie ; Parker, of Graham; Mesdames iLynn_ Williamson. A. K. Har dee, J. Elmer Long and J. W. _ iecep;.iun cojnaip...ee, j ]\fenefee, of Graham; Mrs. Banks and other parlor games - -- £j seiec- dered by guests, consist- f.ayeo wniietsevei 01 music was rer meiT;bers of the ious refreshments iruiis \vas served. Aii pres-; the occasion beyond ! v.-ere;,; illieii amson, of Glencoe and Mis- I darnes Eugene Holt, J. H. Holt, I Harris Moore and F. L. Wilnam- ijsof) and Misses Jessamine and iCorinn^i Gant, ofBurlinprton. j ‘J.* u sior:. Those presen: Amv Wilburn, New Telephone System. 7 ewis J no Sialey The Mayor and Board of Ah ,, except Capt. Walton, Oiine Le^, EUncrje „ates I Friday, J, reeson. Whitted, S. A. Horne, J. H. Vernon, J. R. I Hoffman, W. W. Brown, A. L. j Davis,^J, M. Fix, C, F. Neese, ! B. E. Teague, and R. P. Du)'an‘, ! they were met by representives ' 01 the Southern Bell Telephone ^ Co. and given a thorough ex planation of the Common Battery I System as used in that town. :ie Hobbs, Haze] vj ■'srs. Frehyr Wiliiams, es, Graham Fauceti. Clyde Andrews, arns, Bob Patterson. mmm ■-ans, Gorre :.n, Geor_ .. Hart, >'v jlhe ff- -f V hilsett CoramesGemeat. at commencement I * -s r i j- i vr^.p.,IA deiightiul dinner,was served ency lor ircycie" jnty an the lac ^noiher ;;e to a ciose Mi.nday a Institute with the closing -:2‘cise of the Star Circle in '.-.tion. The commencement been one of the best in the -:ory of the school, and a'ii the . ".t-stant from begining had - v. n excellent taste nci only :;:e selection of the piece but • :n the rendition. Saturday -.vhfen thirty-two boys and ",ho had been there from 10 '.firee years finished their •.-rrary w. rk and launched out sea of life. Sunday mor- Hev. W. E. Abernethy of -ensboro preached the Annual ; :. r;;on and also the Y. M. C. A, :::.on in the afternoon. Hon, hryan Grimes secretary of ,:e of Raleigh delivered the -Vary address Monday morn- His was a master piece in ■y:ght and words, Monday :ernoon four of the seniors re- :resented the Dialetic and Athe- n societies contested for the. :ritors medal Stonewall Jaek- Monday night the Star r:'e represented by five beau- gold medal. All the young 'tiles recited well. The Medal won byMiss Ollie Phillippie. s a most successful eommen- i.v.ent came to a close. u will onstrate ion ani) UU'tl these distinguished gentlemen at the Guilford Hotel after which a trip was made to High Point in automobiles and this same system investigated at that place, all returned home well pleased wuth the trip and appear to be of the same accord that the Common Battery System is the thing we need in Burlington. Any, and all information de sired by these gentlemen were furnished. It was found that Burlington and Alamance county has more country lines than any other county in the state. This new system will eliminate the ringing of the crank to secure central which will be done by the raising of the receiver. The expense of installing this new system wnil be paid by the South- ern Bell Telephone Co. The rates of the new system are as follows: Unlimited Special Line Business. Stations per mo. Mr. Clarence E. Brown, Gospel Song Soloist and C^ronaticn Choir Leader. I The abpye^ mentioned choir singer in connection with Revs. Howard A. Burlson, W. Warren Liscomb, William R. Sloman, will begin a series of gospel services at the First Baptist church Sunday morning May 25, 1913 services begin each night promptly at 1:45. The Rochester Evangelistic Band are all young men who have formed themselves together i.i a band, for this special work. Unlimiteds.Duplex Party ** Special Residence Duplex Party ha; Hi It Friendship CommenceMent. Tne Friendship High School ' “ i their commencement Friday 2 Saturday May 16th and 17th :.:rday beirthe big day. Izes for spf-aking were won Elma Garrett', Lafayette Jsley i ■ .orena Gari evt. The recita- ■' and declamations were very and spoke very favorably in ' if of the teachers. Special -ion should be made of Miss ■ "fi Garrett who iaught music -i'g the latter t of the '-i and rendered valuable ance in the exhibition. Friendship High School not • noldsits own with the other i'; Schools of the county and c but continues to grow ' .irer from year to year. $3.50 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 After 750 phones are reached the rate is as follow^s: Unlimited Special Line Business Stations Ver mo. Unlimited Duplex $3.50 Party 3.00 2.50 Special Residence 2.00 Party 2.00 yc'Xt s are sure H membe? ivnedy-^ Of Misses Barroes And Saiinders. . J. W. Menefee gave an dinner at her home at , thousaTida 50 vhy it is T^y I? €?ty >'2 n luesaay evening m - o: Missess Anna Franklin - - and Mary Bell Saunders, -C'J-niond house guests of iljgene Holt. The color e ‘^vas pink and this w^as ' • Out all over the house, a ^;on of pink roses and pe eing used, A large bas- the ftov/ers, tied with pink ... jorned the center of the An elegant six course : was served. • After the the guests played bridge ..ral tables. The guests Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mrs, Herbert Jackson, of ■^nati; Mr, Will White, of rn: Mr, and Mrs. James N, ^rnson. Jr., Charles Mene- GrahapT) and honorees. o'.or of tne sarne young Sodal by Miss Heleii Buck. The following social sWas held in response to the following invitation. The Committee of Education for promoting social cheer invite you to attend their school to be held at the Baptist parsonage on Friday evening, May sixteenth school begins promptly at 8:15. Luncheon provi e i by committee. G. E. Ography D. Rawing Committee: H. L Story S. Pelling R 0, Tany On Friday evening Miss Buck entertained the teachers of the Graded school and invited guest. The social was in the nature of school, Prof. Joseph Walker act ing as a teacher, Prof. Walker showed a master'hand in teach ing and imposed the proper penalties for the violatin of rules one being that the boys and girls were forbidden ,to talk to each other. Test were given in geography, drawing, Spelling, History and Botony and prizes for excellency were awarded to Summie Sharp, Miss Byrd Dailey and E. S. W. Dameron. Bridal tours were taken by the guests the total outfit being packed in a valise and a prize was awarded to the couple who could dona his outfit and make the trip the quickest. Miss Bertha Cates Cha^ SharD, Miss Helen Buck and E. S. W\ Dameron tied in this con test; Showers of rice were gi ven the bridal couples. The school was frequently visited by the committee Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Staley, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hay and Rev. Buck, The teacher imposed penalties on Summie Sharp, Blanche Robert son, Jimmie Garrison and E. S. W’. Dameron. As usual the com mittee were disatisfied with the teacher and discharged him at the end of the session. Prof. Wi&lker took the discharge with^, good grace and submitted with out protest. All seemed to en joy the occasion very much and the general scheme of the affair is the tribute to the social ability and taste of Miss Helen Buck. Hilarious laughter and merri ment were vhe chief charact eristics* of the evening and to ward the' close of the occasiori lunch baskets which had been prepared for each couple were sold at auction by Chas. Sharp. Beans were used Jor money and the competiting bidding offered much amusement. The baskets bid off contained elegant lunch for the recepients, this was duly celebrated by the guest up stairs down stairs and else where. Upon the v?hole the occasion was a unique affair and something new for Burlington. Those present w^ere: Misses Pearle, Lucy Robertson, Blanche Robinson, Byrd Dailey, Elizabeth Biinch, lola Lashly, Lillie Bulla, Bertha Cate«^, Margarett Mizelle. Messrs. Chas, Summie and Geo. Sharpe, Prof. Walker, Dr. Hornaday, Clyde Hornaday, Min ter Coble, E. S. Dameron, Mr. Vernon and Jas. Garrison. Business College to Open June 5th. Mr. S. W. Badget of the Caro lina Business College was in town Saturday and made the announce ment that a branch of that busi ness college will be opened here June 5th. This school will give a complete course in short-hand, book-keeping and type-writing and any other, study taught in a high grade commercial school. The school will be opened during the day and three nights each week, thus giving an opportunity to those who cannot attend a day school. The terms of the school .will be very reasonablf', as will be announced later. Arrange ments will be made with street the car co, to allow students who may desire to attend from Graham and Haw River the reg ular rates. Positions will be guaranteed to all gi*aduates. We are quite sure this will be of great help to our town and county and .be lieve it will be most loyally pat ronized by our people. Prof. Futrall Visits Alamance. Prof. Thomas A. Futrall of Marian/iay Lee County Arkansas Supt. of Public Schools, is visit ing sister, Mrs. L. L. Ker- nodte, at Graham. Prof. Futrall was born and reared in Randolph County, N.C. and was the last commander of “G,/'46N. C. Regiment, Gen. John R. Cook’s Brigade. This compafiy was made up of Randolph boys many of whom Were Professors and students from Trinity College and the first captain was the later Prof. 0. W. Carr. ® At the battle of Rean’s station Capt. Preston Troy was badly wounded after which Prof. Fut rall was promoted for gallanti'y under fire and commanded the company until the end of the war surrendering the company at Appomattox on Sunday, April 9, 1865. . . Prof. John Lee Davis of this place was a member of . Prof. Futrall’s^company, and was se verely Wl5unded at Rean’s station losing his left foot. He and his old commander met last Satur day for the first time in 50 years. Prof. Futrall has been engaged in educational work continually since the surrender and ranks as one of the most distinguished riational educators. After an absence of half a cen tury, he has returned to the home of his boyhood to visit for a few days the loved ones from whom he has been so long sep arated. The Professor is preserved and thinks he could take part in an other war if an opportunity should offer. Ward Committee Appointed. The ciiizens called a meeting to discuss matters of importance concerning the best, interest . of Buriington for 1913, ^nd they held the meeting Thursday'night the 15th in,St, The^Mayor called Dr. Fa ucette to the chair, and at the request of thosis present he explained the object of ., the meeting which was .to appoint three citizens from each ward and these men are to meet with the Boai;d of Aldermen when ever they deem it necessary to discuss matters of importance that come before them, also these men so appointed v,i I bring before the Board all mat ters that the citizens from each ward that they represent desire After the object of the meeting v*^as discussed Mr. C. R. Love was made chairman and he as ked all the citizens' preseht to give their views in regard to these issues. Most of those present took part and all heart ily endorsed these issues present ed. The chairman had the citi zens from each ward to get to gether and elect three men from their respective wai’ds and re- pprt back, and the convention as a whple endorsed the following names' Pirs'rWard B. R. Sellars J. H. Brooks, John Love, Second ward A, D. Pate, George Smith, C. D. Story, Third-ward M. B, Lindsay, Will Leath, E. , A. J, Wagoner, Fourth ward ; W. K. Holt, J. M. Browning, It. F. Wil liams. On motion each paper was requested to publish the minutes of this meeting. , C. R. Love, Chairman. W. E. Hay. Secretary. .■V EQUIPMENT PURCH ASED FOR NEW GEN ERATING ELECTRIC STATION ‘'The Piedmont Railway & E lectric Company made purchase of the entire equipment during the past week lor it’s new Gen erating Electric Station in this County for 3000 h, p. desigWd for an ultimate capacity of 6000 h. p. It is to be ready for op eration within four months un der penalty of $50.00 per day. A lake of 10,000,000 gallons of wa ter will be, formed near the present Railway Power Plant, for it’s operation.” Sylvan School Closed. The closing exercises of Sylvan High School, held last Friday, proved both entertaining and instructive, A class of eight, as follows received certificates of prohiotion, having completed the two-year course of study offered by the school, Julia Car ter, Louis Pogleman, j^ovella Foust, Hurley Lashley, Wane McYey, Ben j amine Owens, Ber nice Pike and Eugene Spoon. Of the orations prejpared by this class, “To-day, an Era of Oppor tunity,^' by Bernice Pike, was, awarded the prize, a beautiful fountain pen, In scholarship the best record in Second Year work was made by Bernice Pike, second best by Eugene Spoon and Julia Carter; In the First Year the highest average made by Earl Williams, second by Harry Johnson, Prizes for the best and second best attendance in Second Year Class, $10.00 and $5. 00 respectively, were won by Wayne McVey and Eugene Spoon; best and second best in First YearClasF, $5 00 and $2,50, won by Lonnie Teague and Earl Williams The first three of the number was present every day during the entire term of eight and one-half months, the third making a perfect record in that he was never tardy. The medal given for excellency in the Annual Debate was vyron by Wayne McVey, At 2:00 P. M. our County Supt. Mr. J. B. Roberson, intro duced the speaker of the day, Mf. W. H. Swift of Greensboro, whose address was a strong pre sentation of the child labor ques tion in North Carolina. This was listened to with deep interest. At 7:30 a Declamation Contest by First Year pupils was held, Earl Williams winning the prize. Following this a minstrel which was'the source ofTRUch merri ment. The past year’s work, under the supervision of Mr. Blake E Isley of BurUngton has been very satisfactory and he has been unanimously elected to. the prin- cipalship for another year. SUBSCRIBE NOW! Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our many friends who were so kind to as during the sickness and death of our darling baby Elwood, may the Lord bless each and every, one is our earnest prayer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Greeson, New Insurance Company Organized. The Gibsonville Insurance and Real Estate Company has recent ly been organized at Gibson ville v.’ith a capital stock of $50,000. and will begin business when $5,- 000 lias been paid in The incor porators are W. K. Holt, W. E, Sharpe and C. V. Sharpe. Death of / Ann Fogleman Mr?. . Ann Fog1eni£fif mother of . ^r. George Foglemaii of this totvn will be buried Wed nesday Mav 21st at Lows Luth eran Church near her home. She i.s:more than ninety five years old, being one of the oldest women in that community, A Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Childrey wishes to say to the good people of Haw River that words fail to express their gratitude to them for their many kindness shown during the sickness and death and burial of their child we can get but pray Gods blessing on them. Mr. and Mrs. Childrey, Haw River, N. C. Greeson—Shbffner. At high noon last Frida.yi May 16th in the Reformed parsonage here Mr. James G. Greeson and Miss Bertha Shoffner were hap pily united i?i the bonds of hoTjr wedlock by Rev. J. D. Andrew. These young people are from tht; Brick Church community and begin life together writh the good wishes of many friends. The bride is a niece of Mr. Geo. Wi. Fogleman of this city while Mr* Greeson is a cousin to Rev. Mr,. Andrews.., Union Republican Buys Caucasian ■ t ■ • The Union . Republican th« old - est Republican Weekly newspap er published in the State has re;- cently^took oyer the Raleigh Caucasian. The Caucasian has made quite a record as a Pro-' gressive Weekly, newsy and neatly gotten out. It has .beeij ran by Messrs. Butlers. W. K. Halt A Member Of JusI Freight Bate Advisory Committee. - In appointing officers for The Just F>eight Rate Associatioisi the President/ Fred N. Tate, of High Point in namirig an advisor^’ committee of seven nan^ed Mr« W. K/ Holt of this cityi Having the large amount of business Mr, Holt has with the Railway companies certainly no man the state is better qualified to serve than Mr. Holt. Death of A Baby. EliziaPage Way the twenty month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. W^y' died Friday morning after an illness of about three dkys. Funeral and burial services were con ducted Saturday at the M. E Church, Altamahaw by Re»„ T. E. Davis. In Honor of Miss Lena Banes. On last Thurday afternooa from four to six the home Mr, and Mrs. J. Zeb Waller wae a scene of much laughter and fuit for the little people. The oce- asion being a party given in hon or of Little Miss Lena Banes of Mebane. The little folks were entertain ed by games such as ‘ ‘Club Fist’V “William Trimble toe,” “Drop the handkerchief,’’ ‘'Homey Homey-' playing uiitil all were tired. After the games they were invited into the dining room where refreshments were served Those present were; Waller Workman^ Ruby Lea Andersxi, Dan Ireland, Lena Baines, A leii Moore, Margaret Whitley Eoj Whitley, Sadie May, Freelanii Workman, Myrtle Mebane, How ard Lowe, Pearle Freeland, Mildred Thompson and Neofnis Burke. List Your Property, Graham, N. May 17 th, 1913 To the tax payers of mance County. Ala- of We are glad to note that Mr, J, B. Cheek who has been spend ing some time at the Hospital in New York, has returned home. Under sections 23 the Machinery act for 131iS, property owners and ta^ pay«re; are required to list their propertir . for taxes during the m:>nth of i May. Please see your List Tak jer in your respective township jand list your taxes. Very respectfully, Chas. D. Johnston. f.