A PEOGRLSSJVE NEWSPAPES DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDiNG OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRiES Bl/RUNGTON. N. C. JULY 9. 1913. )v:ng DeH-i ;]>\”Two inci- descratiori of which marked id ay are expected ujc .^^.b,ject of complaint e department though has been heard i; .'};e sta ^ -,t >#■•>'!« - ffntneni.^ ^ • air 'iS t J' in€ from Winnipeg, ;n vOiving the trampling of 'iniei'ican flag at, a British )bab5y •T: officjt) that B©y^s Scoiit b Camp, The Boy Scout champeroned by Rev. A B. Kendall and S. A, Horne accompanied by Walter Btory lefi early T^jesday morn” ing foi Ro€.k Greek where they will spend the week camping. The boys carried their masieal instramewts and will spend the time fishing, swimming and hav ing a good time. Those who went are: Harvey Horne, G!en Bail, Tom Faucette, Adrian Car rol), Russell Coble, Bennie and -Wiliie Terrel, Ned SheltOB aod. De voe Moran. K'liisslojaiarf S®ckty ■ Fregram. The followmgr program v;as ;• in- ,verr ' i- v'’’ cannot be made protest for international guarantee protee- iag: of a foreign t where they float ;ates. ueson, Ariz . incident, _ , r -, viere fjag over the by the Lutheran Mljss* c'^nsufate^ was torn 1 Society at the home of •;.ri.T,e depariment pro* jec'i obliged to request authorities to make ;>!^v. v to the Mexican hEi can 'oe done witn- re cog nit ion of the iich appears to be irehension of the Maay ,..^ Pec^ple Visit, Biirliiigtoi!’ Jttly 4tH. July the 4th many people visit ed Burlington and the Piedmont Park. The prizes which were offered were given to Master Ralph Carroll of near El mira who won the $15.00 holding the lucky nttmber which was se cured by the purchase of street car tickets, about $17.OC worth of tickets having been sold, this amount to be given to the Daugh ters of the Confederacy to assist in the erection of a monument at [Graham. Mt. J. L. McKinney of the northern part of the cou Deatli of Mrs. J. C. Hoit. Her many friends and relatives learned with solemnity of the death of Mrs, J. C. Holt at her home on East Davis street last Wednesday afternoon. For the past thirty years Mrs. Holt had been an invalid, having recently sustained injuries frcan a fall from which she never re covered. Mrs. Holt had been married more than fifty years, being at the time of her death 69 years of age. Mrs, Holt was a daughter of Mr. Austin Whit: sett of Graham Station and leaves four brothers, D. W. Whit- jnty received the $5.00 prize of-1 sett and Mr. A. W. Whitsett of fared to the person purchasing. Greensboro, Mr. Joe Whitsett of I i t nieni at this jisneture i rs Meet at Wilsisssgtaa, S'irstl Csrnc ’betenth convention ?hg \oriri Carolina Earal Let- .. As£Ociar.ion meet in -‘ostorfiee building at Wilm- [^gton Thursday morning with ’■ president C. H. Howard of Paul v-resiiiiB^, and about lundreo cie!egat^>s in atten- were wel- Taylor that city and r. V. Howell of .n^e. The visi’ by CoL^ ;s:ness irsan of • “iDO/'iSt 0«' -ors, Walker ;re 0: inursoay session e:>v Congi'essmat) '■.':;dv>v':n »vho spoke ard its relations to Misses Liszie and Ju?ia Fogkmai;? Tuesday ojght JuH' i^st. Program Hvmn — Jesus calls us o’er the tumuk. Bible— Beading—Fourscore and four years of service,. Mrs. Ado lph. Foglemaii. Prayer for those who. have re mained faithful in jfj service Rev. Bro'S-’n. Musical Seketion—Eva . Christ man. Hyn'in —Tbou Whose Almighty Word. Y ocai Solo —' ‘ Fa'Cf Lucy rown. Reading-A call to of the Eeiormation Sellars. Musica: vSejection- Julia Fo'i^jeman, Reading—The pathetic irony ^of oar Missonary Enthusiasm for Afric-a. Mattie Brown. to the Chareh “Miss Clem Dyinug Poet, selected as the ir, waieh.ihi next annual u!' the c^rriKTs will j;e Tjit loilo'isHng officers ^;ri citcU/d, President E. L irigKt. Roeking-hani, Vice Pre- deni, I). B. H'.:neycutt Raleigh, tere;c.’-y A. Lo'-’e, iBui'ling- ;;.:Cnapiain. D. N. Hunt, Ox- |;’rd;:Execu[ive Committee, Tnad Chairn'ian, Henry; S, Barnes, Wilson: J. H, s: Monroe. Tne following lesoiuiions v;ere oassedr Garaf'C. L Aitssrs. Brown of R. C. isiej u,p a new; Ga.]ifag,e in the b.mldin^’ ion 3-I.ain sweet opposite the, sewing room, forrnerely the Holt; the largest bill of goods from our local merchants. The pur- chas being made from Holt & May and the amount Being $101.- 00. Dr. J. L. Kernodie recei ved the prize for the largest"am ount of money deposited. The deposit having been made with The Alamance Loan and Trust Co. Mrs. J. G. Pritchett received the prize offered to the girl mak ing the largest deposit. Miss Nannie Ray received the prize offered to the girl making the largest deposit. The deposit having ,,been placed with the First National Bank. The total amount of deposits during the one hour which the banks agreed to remain open amounted to $12, 000. Mr. E. M. Quinn received the prize offered to the person buying the largest number of street car tickets the amount paid for these tickets being $8,00. The evening and the night was spent by most of the people at ! the park. Two base ball games : were played luring the day be- , tween Saxapahiaw, in the morn ing the score was ,two to three in ! favor of Burlington. The game being very close was played with Y/hitsett and Mr. Henry Whit- sett of Missouii. Only two weeks prior to the death of Mrs. Holt, her sister Mrs. Jeramiah W. Holt was bur ied. During her entire life Mrs. Holt has baen a resident of Ala mance county ' and is familiarly known and will be remembered by many of our best citizens. The funeral service was conduct ed at New Providence church, near Graham, where she from chiidhood bad been a member. Dr. P. H. Fleming and Rev. J. W, Wellons had charge of the service. Expressions of deepest sym pathy are extended to Mr. J. C. Holt during his hours of sor- ow caused by the death of his beloved life long companion. Abmance Automcvbile Association Organized. A large nurnoei^ of the owners of automobiles in the county met Monday night and perfected an organization by electing Dr. R. M. Morrow, President L. E Atwater, Vice president and W. E. Sharp Secretary. The pur Th; 1* carriers inadequaie: (2)that ;«!.'!iv nKnce of equipment should :aid oy 'he government; (3) ' owjn^ 10 increasing duties, should be attached by i,o«ting the package or ; that mail b'oxe^ should ro accommodate the service (5) that the •r U.uniform; 6 j that sub- --j/iven the preference (7) thai com- shoula be given for i-'i-diiional mail pouches ■iCttd directiorfal with r\ D. service; (8) :'ai*riers ask that an an- vaeatidn with pay i;'.'. C. Hodgin and' C Greensboro and . - . , - -a o: this city wijl open tew errors and was consid- q£ organizatidh is the pro- teilding’ '' tiferetioh of .automobile interests ent game. Ihe real game of the ^ more friendly relation one day was pulled off m the after- toward another. it is the Garagi built bv Col. E. L. Holt. when these two same teams TheL'necf tW new concern ^^^eption ot a few re will be tne Motor Company and, M r. B. C. Hodgin a man of eight a years espereince having served ; clock a. five years ifi the factory will foe ^ the machifiiS't of. the new con-., m f I umpired by Mr. Memtee of will do all kinds : In the aft jncmn v^at mi2':'.t be considered the best cern. The company of automo'Dile and 'motorcycle - i j ^ 4-u^ work awd will carry a complete. season played at the line of supphes. aim and desire of the’ organ ization to put forth an effort to enlist all the owners of auto^ mobiles in the county. With I he Gity Fathers. The Board of Aldermen met i Monday riip:ht in regular session. Messrs. Opble at;d You r g applied for license to conduct a bowhng alley in the building where the Express office is now - located. The applicatiofl was tabled. A motion was passed that the first side walks that are built by the city be on Webb avenue and be built to the Chinese laundry. Mr. King moved that the first praposition of the Sputhern Bell telephone be accepted. Motion carried. Work will begin in the near future on this newly pro posed Common Battery System. The contract specifying that that the work on ^ this new system shall be conipleted within 18 months. Messrs, B. R. Sellars and Fletcher Williams represehtinig the school board were present and explai^ned the congested sit uation which exists at the Gra ded School at the present time. These gen tl'emen stated that the new law would mean that 250 or 300 more students would attend school during the ensuihg year which would necessitate more room.. The committee asked that 10 percent nipre of the tax money be given. Which would mean about. $2,440.,00 to the school during the ye.ir. The board asked that the finance committee meet with the school board an d decide as to what they think the best plan to relieve the present situation. Messrs., W. W. Brown. J. E. Carrigan and Rodger Gant were pi*esen t represen ting the o w ners of automobiles, and asked that the street between Holt-Gates and S. A. Thomy^s corner be re paired, and also thali the street near the, Presbyterikn church be repaired, and thjjtt the street car track be arranj^i(| so that wag ons and automobiles,, caii pto ov er, The board agree(i to hav€ these places fixed. ^ sanitary pdice^v Was pre tH I'.rv .* r»i!icwVy\«Qt C was The County Board of Education Die^ Piedmont Park was pnlled off. i For ten innings both teams tus- u seled for the victory which hung | fssionm Graham, :io the balance and-not until the I This raeet- NV»rH^ ,- P. vev N C Jolv:>d !ast half of the tenth waseither fgf »"'y V-®!®'' .N, w. jujy u.. a .’ I aeorine At this I ly n^eetmg but it is tfee meetmg 1913 in tne sex’timy-third yeai of d ^ i to take account of thinss of the oert. T-lnv'r'rq A Allpn ' thp i time Burhngton succeeded m ■ miuihss int? her agii. .bai ,jia a. Anen i.ne - .u Unmp nlate* anrl thus past scholastic year endmg June wife of the late Levi W. Allen jne nome piate ana.tnus ^ tr'. Qhp marripd lunp '^^^tied the scorless game, j ™ ^ Tim. She fJTcltJZl ■ The game errorless 1 of Longs Chape! Chris-few Bhght furnb.es being,advancfsKe been made tisin Oliurcn wht^rs iicr junpr^l.|^ ’ /• ji • i ’in v^trioLis dGDs.rtmprtts of wprP(*nndnftMl hv Many of the visitors visited :various ut^parimenis oi int and inierment ^ ere conducted by., i work~70_ graduates bition at the park. sent and handed in tils resigna^ tion. After ac,coping the regsi- nation of the police the bogiri- ^ , voted to abolish the officer when jmrealitytherewas no offic^r^^ Progress in Education Two extra j What certain members of I board wanted wai to give the 1 police the dirties which are now I under the discharge of th.e sanit- Session. jarK P>lice.r / This prOpo^ failed and applicationfe ’were 1 Supervisors for Akmanee County, County Board in order for the position of sanitary policeman. Messrs Geo. Cook and Jackson Isley made appiica- ■tion Mr. Isley'-^eceivirig j00- place. ’ The board adjourned. ■ her paatO'r assisted by Rev. P. Fleming of Burlington, N, C. She rests jn„peace, .v,.;.Jeramiah W. Holt. ■ as O’enegate to nation al E vans1 Harnlin, of Durham, atiot ivilie, ind,, r:.ber, address was deliy- 0. f. Groivson the dis- ftdiior. of the Burling- who vvas sent from ■on Qv Senator Over- ' VA)ia not aiiend. The ;=■ earriers were present :■ ;ace to enjoy the hos- ihe occasiori': Messrs. J. A. Lowe, W. J. and W. H. Hall, Criffin of Sr.ow Camp. of Elalce Pr¥®r, Prj, - 'fxi k i V -T/f v;ho met his s.'i VC reck near .'OJgb: 1.0 this city ig. He v/as 26 Viive^ two sisters ]ive at were Vi? rtma. by Dog. Last Tuesday tine Brooks dau Mrs. J. H. Broo ni Mrs. " has two Mrs. s. M)iHe evening Gferis- hter of Dr, and s was bitten by« a dog belonging to Mr. Geo. Fogleman which was supposed to be suffering with hydrophobia, on the same evening John Isley Jr. v/as bitten by the same dog. Both are at Fvaleigh receiving the Pasteura treatment. On Friday John Faucett son of Dr. and Mrs, T. S. Faucett was bitten on the face by an un known dog. h Note of Tfeaoks. I hereby wish to express my sincere and grateful thanks to the many friends for kindness shown to my deceased wife and to me during her long and last illness and death. .My heart overflows in gratitude to God our Father for kindness of friends service rendered and sympathy manifested. Again I thank vou Vv’ith all my heart. J. C. Holt. work—70 graduates from the Public School^riTftGood Houses The good behavior of the day might cspedally be noticed as: ptete sshool DireeW issued, and only a few disorderly conducts were noticed. other improvements. But even larger things are ‘ planned.' jay the occWon more then thirty nnV»v*."kinnrl\ fVici U..r^4wrL-w-4-* Miss Datis Entertains. : Miss Margaret Davis. :the popular and esteemed teacher of the Junior Philathea iC.ass dl the Methodist J^rotestant Sunday School entertained her class at her home Tuesday night the hours of weight and About forty wer^ prere t to nS Longest English Word. However, it might interest your readers to know the longest name in any civilized tongue in the world. It's the name of a littietown in Nort Wales. It is Llanfairpwllgwyngyllogerycew- yrandrobwllduilandisiliogogoeh On an address it is usually writ ten Llanfair, P. G., for short. Its meaning is to the effect: St- Mary’s Church by the white ha zel pool nearby the black whirl pool by St. Teilo's Church near the redcave.-W. H. T. inPhil- adelphia Press. MebaKe. | ! er.i i'^rthe! pe? te IS I erring j . ... VvANTEi)—to buy all . the wheat we eari get from the farm- are now paying $100 Du?n «bei. Dixie Milling Go atia liuiids V /rl'i'ft.U'tir, I r-d Loss of .4ppetfte- ^ voir.r;^ T0K.1C, Jnve^Ou; p :be systc'fi. >r ad'i'iks axi(i cjjiM«en. oO&t A Reusion. Thare will be a reunion of the former or present teachers stu dents, and friends of Sylvan Academy Snow Camp, N. C. and a dedicatory exercise on Aug. 22, 23, IE the new school building in Sylvan District, Prominent Educators and speakers from all over the State will be present to join in the exercises. Many old stu dents have expressed their in tention to be present. ' Homes .will be opened for^the entertain ment of all visitors. Those interested in the past present'and future of that' com- rrmnity are iirg.eiitiy iijvited to ’attend. Through the invitation .of the Supt., Mr. L. C. Broden of the State Dept of Education was pre sent and offered to co-operate with the County Board of Educa tion by giving from the Peabody School fund money to employ a'sent Rural supervisors for the White Schools. A fter hearing Mr. Brog- dens proposition, the County Board of Education readly accept ed his offer. Following this tlie Supt., repcrted that he had se cured means from the Jeans fund to employ a colored supervisor of the colored schools of the county. So as soon as they can be secured the county will enter upon the work with two special supervisors. These supervisors will endeavor to build up the schoDls and^communities in every possible way by working with the teachers students and the people of the community. Bet ter school lequipmenis are to be provided, more beautiful grounds to be laid out, more thorough and practical work is to he done. This is a long step forward in the educational w^ork of the coun ty. of the number beihg hiembers of the class and the others a few very intinate friends of the class and teacher. We regrfet we do not have the names j)f tho>e who were so fortunate as to be pre- County Proceeiliags. Graham, N. C. July 7 th 1§1S. The Board of County Coift missioners^f Alamance County met in the Court House on the above date at ten o’clock A. M* in regularly monthly meetmsr with the following mem berg present. ,C Gep. T. William9o4 W. H. Turrentine Chess. H. Roney. Chas. F. Cates. W. H. f^ogfeman. The foUowihg^ business transacted. : Ordered. That John Capps be relieved of one poll tax same er roneously listed. Ordered. That Chas, F. Catet be appointed a committee t# have road worked near Chas,. Htirris. Ordered- That the County allow Mr. Henry R. ireland the sum of one hundred dollars to ward building bridge . acrose Haw River at D. M. Gefringers mijll and the said amount to all the charge against county in r^ard to d&e bridge and the road leadinut and from said brieve. Itisfuther ordered that Wi H. Turreiitine be appointed a committee to have oversight in building the bridge. Ordered, that G Ab. F^lemam and County Atty J, H. Veraoni have some compitent Engineer to make pi'bfiles of the grading: to be done on the Bellemont road knd the cost of making the grad ed and submit to this Board at its^ nieeti n g the fi rst Monday iii A usr.'• Ordered. That Ishraeal Jonet be allowed to peddle in ce Couh ty free of license 1 account of disabilities. Oird'ered. That the Saut Roads ^nd W. H.^ Turrentifte b® authorized to. buy what tejams they dt^em necessary to^ r th.^; ' .Ordered, that the Board app-fj priate Two Hurtdred and Fifty dollars for the , trealment and eradicatibp of the , hook worm di.fease;in;Akmahce or .wh^ieV'i&ri^ori ofthis amoii.ni. i$:'hec^l^M^‘y,' .■ ■ Qrde*«d'; That the report-^of A.- B. MeEeei Supt.; of.,^ b& received'and fiied^ Ordered. That Cornelia Odam be recei v^ as an iwmate\ of the County^ hoi^e|.vC--■ • ; ' Ordered. vThat t^e report of. Chas. i). Johnson Regist^ of Deeds be received and fitefi. • Ordei'ed. That this Board pay $13 ,80 on the burial expenses of Ellen Martin and , surrender the , insarancepolicy. : Ordered. That G. Ab, FogkmaE. .bS ihstructeo t;/ ^look after the bridge at, Alamance creek and at Ossipee. , Ordered That this Board ad journ to ’m6©t .Monday July 14tk. 1913 to receive the tax list.for . an.J to,..;hid.r.an!V ' ; c#ip|)^fc^iiiat any «ijait:^eia to make in the regard ■ the value Of his property. Chas. D, Johnsqn, Clerk t© this Board*. .' Fkak at Haw River. Prof. C. F. Brown gave a car ride and picnic to niemlaers of the chcir and Junior choir of the Baptist church Tuesday night The picnickers spent a very plea sant evening at the. Gov. Holt mansion at Haw River: Miss Helen Buck very Unfortunately sprained her ankle butit is hoped the sprain will not prove serious. LIST DFICLAIMEB LEHERS CAT.WVBA COLLEGE- education; good buildings Heaith- ful location, strong facity mod erate terms. Fal’ •tQTO l-. f .L‘J. wr iii terms. 2nd Cu Vw J, D, term 'jr opens Cdrn}j^ue Remaining in Post office at Burlington, N. C., July 5, 1913. . Ladies: Marv Compton, Mrs. Baraba E. Tickle. Gentleman. . ■ v J, M. Aldred, M.' -B. Harrison, J. M. Isley, Harry - Reid,: R. . B. Roberts, Eddie Starkey. ■ ■ . Persons calling for'any of these j- let tens- v; tised,'-'' si' ■■-pieasa.j sa,y ■. Adv.-jr- date of ' ad'v^r- Jury list as drawn for the term of Supreme Court Meets Augnstthi; 18th, 1913. R. G. B, Stancii No 12 G. J, McGbuley .No 10 MEilo Pace IMo 8 vV. C. Saftin .Np-5 P. E. Mor- row Ho Ig E...M. Long No' 12 W'. L.. AicPner.r^n ' No}.. vVtm-. Marlevt JSu 8: L. -V. H^A\. W. MePane i -T, - Pherson No 6 J. A. 10 W. 0. ^wain No 12 Ciias. V:. Holt No 6 W. .H. ‘Marshall No S W. F. Jones No 9 A, G. Porter field No 5 JB. Tickle No 3 B N, Davis No 12 J B. Jones No! J. A* Hornaddy Nd 1 Sterling Foster No.,5., W. H. Stockard No. 8., -L W. HoitJNo, 6., S. A. Tate No. 12 0. M. Gant Na 12., Geo. L. Tho mas No. li, J. W. Thomas No., 13., C, W. Winhingham No. &, H. B. Roney No, 11.. R. 0. Brown ing No. 12,, Ed. S. Cardwell Na 12., C. B* 'Amjck, No. C. A, Dillard No. 10., J. H. Wiikins No. 5., 0. D. Gienn No. 12,, M., Anthony. No. 12,. A, M. liobersiat: No. 8.,. T. R., Hughes No. .5., IN.. D.; Murcherson No. 1,. R. E. II. Holt'No, 12.', J'.:Hunter No. 1.8,' K,. . L,.-. Su;nmers No. 3, W, ]1 Winningham'IV^S. 12. . ■ R£W, ties. .1 I'-vort., I'i'h iis .'’a;edjC'j3ie. i'. I' Tfc tilfcis Jiave. «evf?r think oJ ; Ad.v wtisemen 'V-i ■ ,T 't 1: .

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