for A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UFBUILDiNG OF HOMES AND AMERJCAN INDUSTRIES. yiji Vi BURLINGTON. N. C, JULY 16 1913. SOB by ^ ;ii(C i- af Reform®^ Cieniircli. ■t; ua,y -was observed the Kefonned o-i by Hoi^- ;hf i^- ’.It' i-'- upo' ■ wrif" -))g: The exercise rendered eniidren was under the Misses Ethie Garrett, Hiorr^atlay, Fa.DDk Clapp Huifiman. The oi tbee^orcb was artisti* loraied with wreaths of ;-r>v. After the service j'hj'idren Mr, John R. - d}sc'jssed at some length interest the boys are ■or the nature, very emphatically ■ork b-: '£ ancJ parents that ■ lails to frrasp every Mr. Eucliaiiae EDtertaiss. Mr. J. C. Buchanan gave a very pleasant afternoon to his help one day the past week, go ing to the Piedmont Park where dainties and refreshments were served. Those who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. I. C, Buch anan and two children, Mrs. Ada Patterson, Misses Grace Patter son, Una Mae and Katherine EK der, Sallie and Lala Patterson and Addie Lynch. A!i appreciated the outing and extend kindest regards to the 5- 10 &25 cent store and its clever Proprietor Mr. Bucnanan. Oaklale feenas. erops are corn very sick on. the ■ ;,acco-arit ol' hot weather a,nd no rain.' Threshins will S'oon be over, and then lihe farmers will test in the shade, and a.lso attend the protra'iited meetings whicb. will soon come. The meeting De beings at Mt. Zion the 2«d Son- day in next month of Greensbor pastor W. H., ing. The services at. presented, he is i fjself. rJis remarks ! '■ tv ihe large! Mrs. Jf. A. Isley- at Home. I 'orr;];'« hr-'.. it; ^ . J 1 the Hjeo ? nas ng ihere h&s been £. false report v-.’hich e'i 10 injare the charae- ci the stoekhoiders of ;\'S i J.' t;rs' o: ‘0 su Nc' to i: ’ Stocii. have factc- lereas. a]] the st.ockhold- >: cc2T;^:^.r‘y anxious :i‘ false report.. rereiore thiss r/oiice is i in response to an invitation I the friends and neighbors of I Mrs. Jos. A. Isley raet at her i lovely borne on Davis Street I Wednesday evening and enjoyed I the occasion very much. The hours were spent in discussing the topics of the hour and each were busi'y engaged with their sewing. The daughter of Mrs. Isley Miss Mabel assisted her in serving a salid course^ ice-tea, sandwitches, ice-cream and cake. Those present were: Mes- dames Walter Mebane, J. W. Murray, L. A, Walker, R. F. Durant, J. W. Lashl .^y Chris Isley, Luther Atwater, Walter Sharpe. T'«^v aJ] TSh trouble between of saiid cons pan y setiied in away satis- said stockholders, of said false charges ■b: arid are hereby denied. ;i2rh 1913 ill. M. Lon.g- J . G. Rogers VV. F. Irelaiid o: the stockbo.iders DiDoer. Mr. Atlas Tho^npson. celebrat-; ed his fiftieth birthday last Thursday at his home when he and his wife served an elaborate birthday dinner to a number of his friends. The good things to eat were numerous and his friends who have lived with him for a number of years were de lighted to be served in such a royal maner and to such a loyal feast. Mr. Thompson is one Of our best citizens and although his hair is becomiiig' silvery caused by the many ye^s be witnessed day were very go€ come and go he is apparently one | pastor fiakhed the of our boys and he is as Jovial i ~ as a lad of sixteen so miners. Among those present were: Col. J, H- Hoit, Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Faucett, A. F,, Barrett, Ckrence Freeman, J. G. King, Rev. and Mrs, T. S. Brown, W. W. Brown, Mr. Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Fogleman of Gibsonvilie; Mr. Jim Foglemio of Blacksburg, Va.; Mr. Martin Murray and mother and Miss Mary Spoon of Frien- ship; iVlr. Webb Foglemaii and family of Kimesville; Mrs, Ed- Shoffner and family of thiscity; Misses Nora a.nd La,ora Fogle- man, Mara Black and Paul Black. looking the FeiiumetBSjb}p at Car»liio8 Busmess The faculty of Carolina Busi ness College have arranged to give penmanship for the bene fit of all students. whO'.may. care to Improve their hand writing. This is an excellent opportunity for any one '.whomay care to Rev! Walker ’ excellent hand. assist the in the meet- Zion Son- A.ft«r the 1.1k, Dr. Jv aiiade an interesting '"'Foreign .Missions,"^.' ■dreDS- It was HeuntGB of Former Stssdeuts. There will be a dedicatory ser vice and a reunion of the former and present teachers and stu- ^ dents and friends of Sylvan ac- ' ademy in the new academy build- ; ing 22 nd 23 rd, to which lail present and former students I and the public generally are cor- ;diaj)y invited to be present. 0 Wli t .• Ko;j L ■lO'i": o;l Re: Kiei:;' ini; iiine hr*-'"' ■' dr;n.: Has of OVP; abi^v' fia: ■ t C', . Inv; hh!,- l't>V / ley , ■ Kinvr- r,' A . i 1.'* ' i^U'r. V; ‘V ' ^ f I hr f.ji.err^oon seven J was loaded down )i: people pleasure bent, 'jedirjont Parli i o:r i Mr. E'fyaa May Retttris. i Asheviiie, July 14.--Dr. L.^E. ; McBryer, who v»'as appointed to I invite Secretary of State Bryan i to speak here during the Western I North C-erolina fair this fall, had a conversation with Mr. Bryan State Forester Sirvej m Alamance Mr. J.- S. Holmes who Is mak ing a survey of the forestry of the state has come to Alamance County. The survey began in the western part ,of the state. After spending some time in the western part of the state making addresses on forestry in connec tion with the Farmers Institute Meetings, Mr Holmes will re turn and resume his work in this county. The object of this survey is to find out how tim ber and woodland there is in the ^ state and hov*; miich is being cut' Gentjl,eme:n: each year. While surveying in' W. D. Aldrig-e, 3-L this county Mr', Holmes will Bright F, Garrett, T, n),ake Burlington keadQiiarters.'j son,. H. Welsh. ^— 1 Produce Co,, G,. A. B D.' Gregg speee’h: od Then at 2 P. ,M. 'the chi day services were held, short but. very good.. Mr. i- loyd Spoon is at . home' again. We are glad to know that his spelll of sickixess was not so very serioGS,.- Several of the young people attended the singiog S'UBday night at Mr Jesse Alexander’s;' The next will be held at M.r. Willie Isleys nest Sainday even ing. All are invited to eome and sing. Mr. A, R. Spoon and family visited Mr. F.. L. Spoon Sunday evening. Mr. Dolph'as 'Kimreys little daughter fell, and broke it's arm last week. We hope it will not; be a very serious injure to it. The black places 'tinder the trees are the most enjoyable pla ces that can be found daring' this hot weather,. LIST WliifLmEBS penmanship course will be given on Tuesday and Thursday nights of e^ch week and the price of course is very', moderate.. Few people write a good, plain b'osiness hands and; with ..this- tiiere can certainly be no excuse for not d.oing:so. should have - a ..large. ni3.mber of stiad.ents.'especially on these two'nights. If you de sire to write a nice .hand " call - at the office of' the school and in- vestiga.te .'the me.rits and we be- iieve you will enroll .and. become student,- ■ ^ 'H- «a A IE€EMD ;OE.:WIL0WOOD. beneath", the slant-roof Mew Grocery Sj:©re. ::LKers rxset ana the even- v.’a? of rare and gen- Baskets that v.^ith the dainties they j;nc-overed in the cold I'avijiion and the s->ipper J. e"e;r de-ereasing because i':aade up-on it, yet an ev- and pleas are. In Bessie Bennette, i 5-ist.ei' and gaest of i” .r rKA! stateman expressed the opsnjon Mtr.ow. be possible to be here at the time mentioned. , ^ , Mr. Bryan told-Dr. McBrayer | Pettiegrew im that he had to go to FloridaU’^^eral year has been connected about the time that he is invited i Jos. A. Isley and Bros. Co._, to speak here and that he mightlar:d .^as resigned to go into bus:- , be able to arrange it so that he r-ess' for himself. He has had lots ^ could stop here either on the beca-ase of the M, Burke,. A.- Thom-p- Buriington ord & t;o,' T-o WIU Messrs. J. A. Pettiegrew and E, M.. King have rented the Lasley Building on Front ^treet; persons calling for any of these iiave opened a Groiiery btore. ! please say ''"Adver- { of adver- the of U2Y- Mor- . The theatre was and nrasiic and the avvhile, f this pieasare .-'^i'rses Onie '.'■d Lula Zachary, ; , Anyj'e TiU t .Sharps., .Annie .'■e*s.>e Bennette, Lola Lash- .-•r-de and Nettie Dailey, Barn -A^ell; M esdames - Smith, E. y. Speed, of ; Lr. W. A, Walker, P. rruv.-, J. M. Browning., Jno. and John ■'1, Chester Smith.^ Dr. R. r-.ari., E. S. W, Darner on, rowning., Clarence Free- ■orgeis^ey, John Lashley. Paul Morrow and j.Florida I Mr. Bryan was inviied to de- j store will be a ; liver an address on Brotherhood ! King has also i or' experience in this kind of _ busiiness and it is without .hesi- I tation that we predict the new success. Mr. experience in day and if he speaks he will ^ probably deliver the address on i Brotherhood of Man/’ Mr. R. F. Opeas A Picture Show. the grocery business. Both will v/ill be glad toha^^e their many friends give them a call That Mr. Pettiegrew is a hustler can not be denied when it is remera- mmmg jeered what a nice and 't ■Mr. R. F. White or Point was in town a few _ days ago and rented the Hay Building on Front Street for the purpose of opening a moving picture show. Mr. WMte has had vast experience in this business, and proposes to put on the latest and most up to date improvements. It is reported that he will also carry vaudevilles in with the show. ous bo.siness he as j-manager oi the grocery departme.nt has built for Mr, isley. ■ shed, ■ The fisermao’s'pale daughter, Alone she sat, her. father dead - -. -Beneath, the. deep blue' water. ;He left her but''a. paltry sum ' -.To live on shores' of Wildwood, What would-she d.Q when, winter , comes ■; '■ ■... ' _■ ■ Ob the wandy beach of ' Wild wood? Joyful she'was, this little girl . ' Of only fourteen, summers, Happy and pleasanf,, —a. story' to tell ■ - To all t|ne strange: new comers. The lo'?ing kindhes'sshe .displayed ^ ( Made one r«an-to'take a notion, Reniamtng ;m Post office at I'o take her-to'the'town he made Burlington, N. C., July 12, 1913. .' Avi'ay from the breezy .ocean. a pl'ayaate's .heart .was grieved-. they -.hear|\- the..- new.s ^ssijifiess, ti-hink '' the -.^--one ^'they . -^'woald-ieam ..,-r S-o fuli of joy' and..g-iad..hess. He? favorite iriehd was-. Cap Ban o rowed-:.'th-e'seining, dories, plaed hewas a fii^h.erman told' herQiiainf -old' •stories, ' ■' This little girl came to--A.iamanee A County in North Carolina,. Whert. .Real l? in .'.advance ' And still'keeps going higher ” " so it came about, this .'man' Who took "her to'oor Cit.v, • Made’ rich .' this girl.-who--once, was poor A.nd looked upon, .with .pity. When F.ummer comes .with pierC' ing- heat maiden.-, goes . .to-Wild wood, . iD3om'9s’ large -enG-'-jigh' j LADIES': j Miss Mamie IC. Haralett. ''per, *Mrs. J. I tised, ” and gi ve ^ tised list, J, er, P., M, Miss Ollie Kemp will leave next week for Char]'jd-.te and Statesville to visit. ! Just received car.. No. 1 sap I shingles. See J', W. Cates„ i M.r, Everett Brow'n of Tay- ! lorsville is the . g-aest of Mr. Thos, S. Moser this weelL ,nd I L ora Whitsett o: liSS" prosper-1 ouri who is living with her uncle EryamS. Miissi: Lectiiire to Ecdls Mef)i 12.- Make J-'J 0--, ' .,'i-; of ? ftj ]; er ii- l.r 'I’ur- ‘-Ut ; '-''fiyy filK- - 'iH;--. b ,y r?'. Bar ^iit; 'ihd -ay, N. 'U, Joly 12 F'annie Turner, wi dow •■.r-''-iTn Turner vv’ho was kill- ■ Cjvil War. Mrs Turn- r tjje last yea:rs of her life ;'iO?5ie of her son, W, J. where she died at oi about 70 years,, She o';,'sistent member ofPro- ' •'"'■t'lhodist Episcopal church bi the home and inter- ' "_'nion church conducted L W. Holt. Aug'usta Hailey, in- ' 'A E. L. and Fannie ■' Dorn August 15th 1912 .'ujy 11 1813. Funeral , ■'■’f.^’i'a] at Long's Chapel '-"■.'-t comfort the bereaved Ci Laad Sale a Great Saiccess, The land sale pulled off Frid ay by the Interstate Realty and Auction Company under the care of Messrs. E, W. a,nd J. E. Lasley was a great success. All the sixty'three lots offered were sold at a fair price. The sale was witnessed by a large crowd. The free lot was received by Mr. W. C. Hunley and the five dollars in gold won by Mr. Will Daily. The auctioneering by the two men at the same time was a feature which was quite a novelty to those who attended. To Prevent BSood PoIsofisSimg apply at ouce the woBderlui old reliaWe rORTER’S ANTISBFTIC HEALIKfG Oil.,, a siar- Kical dressing that relieves jjain stad beaJs at the saxae time. JJct a MmsEt'Jst. 2Sc,. 50c. $!.«)- ui; ■J- itH;.- . '-.'O.ri'feif'eBee Af Frorol Street 01 4 ' of no I'/'/” , the absence mere v;ll be i^t Front Street M:, E. Sunday- but im- afie? the Sunday be *a, church y- fce v- ry ;.viember is AntomoMIe to MesL The Alamance , Automobile Club will meet in the office of the Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Co., ■ at 8.00 o’ clock J u 3 y 21st. A full attenderice is re quested as mattejrs of impc*"^ - ance will c.)TT3e before meetin^% "W. E. Sharpe., Asheville, July 12. —During the deli very of a stock lecture at Hendersonville near here to- i day Secretary of State William connection | Jennings Bryan paused in the course of his lecture to state that he is compelled to deliver chau- tapua lectures in order to sup plement fc is government salary which he declares is not suffi cient to meet his expenses. "As this is my first Chautau qua lecture since becoming a member of the cabinet,’’ said Secretary Bryan, 'It may be out of place to say that I find it necessary to lecture in ' order to supplement the salary which I receive from the government. As I lectured for 18 years, this method of adding to my income is the most natural one to which to tur^a and I regard it as ex- tremly legitimate. . I did not thinklt proper to go from the platform intx> a presi^ dential race, and if 1 had been elected, I would have thought it no steeping. down to return to the lecture platform,. ' Thousands of people were pres.- ent to hear the .Secretary of state. near here has,ed a posi tion as clerk,, with L- J. M.aaur. ■ Miss Jennie Ccnn of Baltimore who visitsJ-71 our midst each sum mer is the guest of her sister Mrs. I.'J. Mazur., Mr. Leonard Ready of Rich mond, Va., spent the past week the guest of Mr. JL K, Lively and family. Miss Francis Cheatham Henderson is week the guest Ward. hack into wfio . want ■ your earn of ,ing Miss Trixie and Ethie j M'isses irjs i Garrett spent Tuesday in Greens } boro on business. of Ice cream supper Thui evening from sevsn 'to eleven at office lot. The Philaiheas of the M. P.. Church will give an ice cream supper on the office lot Thurs day evening. Yo'u are inyited to attend. Mrs, Henry Allen of Memphis Tenn. is visiting her parents Mr. and M.."g, J, M. Fowler. Miss Sufie Stafford who has, been taking . the teachers course at Chapel Hill returned home the first of the week. Miss Sallie Foster left Tues day for Prospect Hill to be the guest of her grandmother. She will also visit Virgilina while away. A, mo'oth hood., Now those of you make' Good iqterest ing,. You must invest in Burlington- To stem.' the.'tide, when torn- ifig. And keep in min'd .the li itle maid. , Whose destiny . was larking,. Each one of her investments paid For shes* without working. ELMER ALBERT RILEY. . Wkitfett. There were no religious ser vices here Sunday except the usual Sunday Schools. The pas tor of the Methodist Church is away on a vacation at Maeon Springs; the pastor of the Pres byterian Church is at Mount Airy assisting in a revival meet ing, and the Unformed ChiJK'h is without a pastor. Nuinbers of our people last Friday in Greensboro shopp ing among them Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Joyner, Mrs. Lizzie W. Srpith, Mr. J. W. Summers and Prof. C. C. Wimbish returned from Wilkesbpro last week and after a day here left for Hurdle's Mills, N. C, and Soudan, where he will visit relatives for a few days, Lacy Summers of R, F. D. h' Jarnestov^n was in the commu nity last week. He is thinking of moving b \ck to this commu nity where he once lived some years ago. Miss Pearl Johnson has retat- ned from a visit to Gr^nsbor© where she spent some days with Mrs. Wm. Porbis and other relat ives. . Mrs, Lucian Moore whose home is near here has not beeK well this summer. Som': yeawj a^ she had^ an operation at St Leo’s Hospital and has never fully reco^?ered her health. . S. P. Whitt, the mail carriejt R., F, D. 1, Whitsett, has been enjoying a part of his vacationi the last few days. Sentirnent seems to be gener ally united that the propbsecJ Presbyterian manse shall be located here and that work upOBi same shall begin at gome early date.' It is propose# to buiid a home with about e:ight r^ms and (ne r two desirable ]oc»' tibns have been looked over witiii a view to an early seUectiori. J,. Frank Swift, who is, han d ' n the . Pord..automobiie..£or ...'.laiii,.. sefctio!) h^ to one or two parties during the past week, and has others in view for aarl^Y sale^. Thie cars that he has ail- ready placed are giving good satS isfaction, apd the purchasers are.'much pleased. ■ L.asi week" was ■ a . .v'ery 'busy one for the mails h re, -.- ' Hun-.. dreds of copied of the new cata logue were sent out with the mails, and the office force of the Institute. kept q.uite .busy all ■the week. W. J, .Thompson wa.« a purch aser some - week s ago of the shareB of the lands of the late Joseph :W. Foust. It is supposed that he will be alloted his pertiori: on this north .side of the tract although the final division has not as yet been made. The recent speech of our young I friend Chas... C, Barnhardt of . I High Point at Mt. Pleasant at tthe Convention has been highly [complimented-.. . He is t. .clear ■ thinker, and usually pleases his hearers*.-'.-" M.,r„ and Mrs. G'.-. W. Daven port write that they are greatly enjoying their st^y in western North Carolina. They are ex pected home the latter part oi this month. n to Kis»ed By^‘Loojiy-Faccd. (Chicago^ Dispatch to The New York' - .V^-orld,) -this Sec. & Treas Boa ‘L.rcirM.hy 1'^se .! ■ IvTIlt;?'’ TfiWtt.!?. air tor a siujf- .{f-lsb lUver. l,Aciv€.rU'oej:,-..e.i)t,j Mr. W. A, Lovett of Asheboro is_in town spending the week with relatives.. Mr. Lovett for merly lived here and oiir people always welcome him back. v'fes’srs. Grahara Hard'en and Cla'jd Ho-k spent Saturday., .Sundd-v and Monda.y .at Chapel Hill with friends. Mr. Luther Atwater- went . .to St. Leo's Hospital Monday for examination it was first thought an operation would be necessary but it is now-belie ved that> IWr., Atwater may be treat ed and avoid an operatian. The family of Mr. Atwater went ,to Greensboro to visit him Wednes day. The ladies .of .the ^ -Lutheran church will serve refreshments on the church lawn . Tuesday evening.from seven to ten . ' A number of girls will carry beau- .tifuibaskets of flowers which wii be sold. The lucky buyers to have an escort for. the ' evening. Everybody is most- cordially invited. M.r, J, R.' Foster left. Tuesday for Waverly, Va., and . other points. He will be-gone ten days or two weeks-; - £" -,'i ti .1 tiitviil .hSiVt S t.^r, Cirjk-i.-t'-ij of '’ju-itsdJcjfie.... I.Ad!v.fertj«eiiifeEt J saucy . rei.orts t‘i Uj-l?.- ' ; ; guests patronizing the: news at the Auditorium Hotei have won her the sobriquet of ' 'Breezy Alice, ” was arranging her pap ers and magazines when she noticed what she calls a 'loony- faced'’ man staring at her. She said it was the funniest face she ever saw, and she stared back in amazement. She crossed the lobby to get change from the. cashier. Mid way she was seized by two strong arms. Then a kiss was plant^ firmly on her lips. She yelled and tore away. The "!oony>i faced” man sprinted down the corridor, with Miss V. alsh, the cashier, a porter and two beli- bpys in full cry behind. He es caped by bounding through the bar room ■ into. Congress street. "The first time,_ and that . ^ |true.” Mis;s Walsh indignant.'v i beclared, "‘The very first, and dy a man with a face like thatl’’

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