Card eese's c; 3?4.r ^f”n3.dav nans !-^i-e P^. ^*- 'Ha 2ii.: ^''ne 2B2, Q^f Jumbo Bananas Pure Wheat Bran Best Oradle Slu^stuflf Best Bread Meal Best Patent Flour Best Straight Flour Best Timothy Hay White Clipped Oats Horse and Mule Feed Sucrene Dairy Feed Bsst Table Salt Best Chicken Feed Table Irish Potatoes Granulated Sugar all-Mason Fruit Jars Jeily glasses, jar rubbers, all kinds candy, chewing Sugar House molasses, pure apple vinegar, and Beet Pulp Jlie best dairy feed on earth. & LomI I MERCHANTS’ SUPPLY CO, I AT LAV?-- i ,.! loss! Pboae loo-s e^ion,' isflior at Lay f«. N. C. S 3t" I6d. ron M. Buiidi '^d.'eys o4 a a ii n a i it ii n 44 44 44 •offman. Iit-iaw. |rth CaroliiiaJ _ f’ir$t Nalioaali laiag. Ibrooks Dentist luilding N, N. a CriitcliUll PHYSrCIAN! [. C., will be atj [rlington, N.G.J ' TuesiaF afidj feek. I formation, apply! Crutchfield all McAdoo Office! biboro, N. C. tidencs 1248 ice 133 HOLT 1ST lMANSDROaS»| - - d \m, u, c. Is M store ton, N. C. h over 300 Oil' sllerns of (ier-Goseeit msn o EVERi^! property I Recognized Leadei' Among Typewriters” RemmrKMn i i 1 i I! 1 i i 1 i 11 i Consider all that is meant by these words II n \i i? ? • rS \ } i I i i H i;? u. Leadership means superiority of product—a superiority which produces leadership and is proved by leadership. It means more than this. It means everything associated v. ith the word FIRST. The Remington Typewriter is first in history, first in prestige, first in quality, first in recent improvements, first :n size and completeness of organization, first in distri- and firsr in service to the customer. wot d FIRST in every department of leadership* 'T1 '.i.iies odIv to the 'f-: e m i n gt o n U.tmmgton Typewriter Company (Incorporated) ms L Main StJlctimoaiiJa. V J. D. & L. B. Whitted The nnual Summer Clearance Sale of Ladies suits, White goods, Emby, Tis sue, Silks, Shirt waists. Straw hats, Ladies trim hats and shapes. H )' th ese goods are from our own stock, offered the first time, today, at Greatly Reduced Prices, he vdues in this dearance sale are such as should iavite immediate purchases. The gar ments are qualities that no one will hes itate over before purchasing, there is no need for this, as every one is from our own stock—nothing belter. le Store foF Values J. 0. & L B. Wlii j;. /, t t^’ks Cured in 6 to 14 Days ' '/M'Jiit V. ill refund money if PAZO ■ X T fails lo Cure any ca-.e of Itching, - V ;TiC to M days, u’.»ciiV,i\^U V&0C«- To Prevent Blood Poisoiiiogf apfcily at once the wonderful old reHp.blr DR. PORTER’S AM'iSHFTIC HEALING Oil,, a sur gical dresbi.iiS- ih!jl ri-lh-vis paiu and beals af the saxue tirae. Not a liciment. 25c. 50c. $1.0® (Sw^h IHrc^ory ris Qmi^of iIm Hell' iSMIt, RcctoK.- Kvery Sunday, 11:00 a. m. and 8 00 ^i. m Holy Communion: First Sun day, 11:00 a m. Third Sunday, a. m. Holy and Saints’ Days, 10:00 a. n. Sunday School, 0:30 a. m. Tfee public is cordially invited. All pews free. ChrisBaB Chvorcli. Coraer Church and Davis Sts. A. B Ketkdall, Patlfitr. Scrricet: Preaching every Sunday, 11:00 4. m. and 8:00 p. m, Sunday School, 9:45 a. m, Jno. Foster, Supt. Christian Endeavor Services, Sunday evenings at 7:15 Mid-week Prayer Service, eve- y Wednesday at 8:00 p. m. Ladies^ Aid and Missionary So- fgty meets on Monday after the idcond Sunday in each month. A cordial invitation extended 0 all. A Church Home for Visitors md Strangers. Ear|uQL2ton Reformed Church. joraer Front and Anderson Sts. Rev. J. D. Aacxrew, Putor. Sunday School every Sabbath, 5i45 a. m. Preaching every 2nd and 4th iabbath, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. a. Mid“Week Service every Thurs* i»y, 7:45 p. m. A cordial welcome to all. Parsonage 2nd door east of iiiurch. Presbyterian Cfaorch. Rev, Daiafii Mclrer, Faster. Services every Sanday at 11:00 .m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Prayer-meeting, Wednesday ?, B:00 p. m. The public is cordially invited ali services. Baptist Church. Iter. Mcttis W. BDck/P«itw. Preaching every Sunday 11 a. 8 p. m. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Sunbeams, second and four- h Sundays, 3:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday ? p. m. . Church Conference Wednesday H'fcre first Sunday in each month Communion, first Sunday. Woman’s Missionary Society, ir't Thursday 3:30 p. m. Laiies’ Aid Society, first Mon- S[fy 3:30 p. m. The Methodist Fiotestant Church, East Davis Street. R«t. TIttHM* E. DftTis, Pa«tor Pawsonoge next door to Church) Services: doming, 11:00 Evening, 8:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday venings. Ladies^ Aid and Missionery So- Iflifeies ^very Monday afternoon ■J?*er firat Sunday in ^ch mcnth. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. J. Q. Rogers, Supt. Bxellent Baraca and Philathea 'iaiBea. You are invited to at- #od all services. ^roKt Slre^ M. E. Omreh, Sondu “ -Ret. T, ki Syket, pMt«t. Preaching every Sunday morn- and evening. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Prayer Service, Wednesday «BlDg. Macedosk Latheraii Chwch. Front Street. l«v. T. S. Stowb, PmIot. {Seridence next door to Church.) Morning Service at 11:00 a, m. Yeispers at 3:30 p. m. (No services on third Sundays.) Sunday School 9:45 a. m., ev- fy Sunday, feachers^ Meeting, Wednesday «I0O p. m. (at parsonage.) Woman^s Missionary Society Sifter morning service on fourth laadays.) L, C. Bs., Saturday before cird Sundays, 3:00 p. ra. L. L. L., third Sundays at 8:00 i, m. Vabe of Cover Crops. 1. It prevents loss of soil fer tility by washing. Lands ^that lie bare during the winter may lose more plant food by leach ing than is used by the crop that grows there during the summer. 2. It furnishes grazing to stock at a time when food of all kinds is scarce. It also produces health and vigor in animals and keeps up a good flow of milk of dairy cows. $ If we establish an enduring and prosperous agriculture in the State we shall have to get humus _ (vegetable or organic matter) into our soils. Growing a winter cover crop is one of doing this. All farmed lands should grow at least two crops per year, a sale crop and a soil improvment crop whether this is left on the land or first fed to the stocjc and then returned there. A decline in soil fertility is not always due to the absen ce of nitrogen, potash or phos phoric acid. It is often due to the absence of humus. There are ten or twelve plants that are suitable for winter growing in North Carolina. One or more of them is adapted to the varous soil types and sec tions of the State. We shall be pleased to enroll all farmers who will carry forward this all important movement. .Cordially yours, Raleigh, N. C, C. R. Hudson July 25, 1913. State Agent, Demonstration Work. Vital Educational Quesbtions Di« cussed. Fuhlicalion Bristling With Interest. Free While They Last. New Buildings Approach Complet- Wehh Avenae M. ti, Chnrch, Rev. . T. Hnrley. Ps«tor. Preaching every first Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., second Sunday at 8 p. m. Sanday School every Sunday morning at 10 a. m. John F. Idol, Supt. Everybody Welcome. ion. Elon College, N. C. August 8, 191S. The Vacation Number of the College Bulletin is Just from the press of the publishing house here. It is dedicated to the out going senior class and stamped blue, the class colar. This num ber is beautified by bright new views of the College building and grounds. The views that will attract most attention are those of the new $26,000 g;y*nn- asium for men and the New dor mitory for the young ladies, which is to furnish board on the cooperative basis at cost. But the most remarkable thing connected with this num ber is the straightforward, frank, masterly way in which the most vita! questions of the modern day are discussed. The elective system, specialization, piactical education, vocational training, spiritual development these and kindred themes make it a most valaable addition to educational thought. Dr. W, W. Staley discussed a trite theme in his article on Christain Education, but the discussion is not at alia trite. He gives a new interpretation to the matter and grips the read ers interest from the start. Information from the Presi dents Office authorizes your correspondent to state this pub lication may be had free post paid while the issue lasts. The Opening Number of the Bulle tin is now in the press. The work on the New West Dormitory is rapidly forging ahead and will be completed be- fore the opening of the fall term Most of the rooms in it have al ready been engaged and it bids fair to be most popular centre of college life and spirit. THe new water tank is also nearly com pleted. Preparations are being made for the Farmers Institut here August 21. It is to have the picnic feature and the farmers' wives and daughters will also have parts of interest to them and helpful to their work, aside from the big dinner they will prepare. The picnic will be on the College Gamous and the in stitute will be held in the Ad ministration building. UST OF IMUIp LElTEliS BemMningin Post office at Burlington. N. C., Aug. 2,1913, Gentlemen: , ^ C. A. Jlurke (5), Janjes Way, George W. Hoks, Lester Pink- mond. Ladies: Mrs. J. D. Christopher, Miss Lena Coble, Miss Jnice Duylic^ Mrs. Friank Gibson, Mrs. M. E. Gibson, Miss Ada Kells^y. Persons calling for any of these letters will plejise say “Adver tised/' and give date of adver tised list. F. L. Williamson, P. M. I; I acre red lani farm 1^2 mik Sovtli of 100 acre red land farm 2 m3b Soutb of llebai^ 200 acre red land farm 2 miles We»t of Bkltim. 240 acre gray tobacco land farm 10 miles Norlji of Mebane, N. C 41 acre red land farm between Mebaiw and Swep^ sonvilie, N. C. 126 acre gray land farm 1 mile of Elon Cbllege. 80 acre gray land farm at Glen Raven, N. C. 191 acre gray land farm ai Glen Raven, on the macadam road. If you want a good farm, write or call OR the Central Loan & Trust C. W. W. Brown, Mai lager Burlington, - - North Carolina the great 1913 cross ountry Rambler ar with the Unit Gaso line Electric Motor If you are in terested in the purchase of a car that is absolutely high grade, refin ed and second to none at a mode rate price write us today for cata- log. We would also place an Agency with the right party in Ala mance County. 111-113 East Mingtoii St. Teiepticne 619 Greenstioro, N. G. to The telephone aids the busy farmer to keep in touch with neighborhood afers even during the rush season. He can call his neighbors in the evening and discuss the events of the day and arrange plans for community work after the crops are laid by. Every farmer needs the help of the telephone. See the neareist Bell Manager or send a postal for our free booklet and iee how small the cost is. F^IWERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY S. PRYOR STREET ATLANTA. GA, Woods Turnip Seed by Weight And Ice Gream While You Wait