. I ■ li:' ■ i”'.-' V, b?:- ■■ ^ •, *'7 I*-! s '. '-^^T - r «/ n‘- ■' .•" '3..C . h fe. It'.-' I- ' -r Es-; & S? V • ■ ■fi Pl"^' i - ifr/- n:. f ;.ji' ? * pK fc •:i^ ’■'/, > ■ ,^->t ** £• r.* pK" it ;, .: "".^ ■ * i-'" : ^ I t ,1 ii^^v / !p r ; : .' 'I IliU^ j iil.r'- ' SrV. ■- rf •i f’' ’ g •' 5.|' .' r.i/' ■ ■ A’ 3 Si'.' 1 ■ TV >•,.“ ■' ;,■ iit. PuhUsiied Kvery Wednesdar —By— fke State Ditpatcb Pablishmg Company, ^oadinjrloa, N, C* -j'?', .5. A. Pickett, ' - President ,,,■ ■ . ■ —, - ■■■, , I4MES E, FOUST, Secsretary and Treasarer an4 Busimss Manager. First Floor, lOiuluit Building, Telephone No. 26;1. i'il:;5Ctr ition. One Dollnr per jear, pay able iu advance. ctiiiiniijmcati jns in resjard to either ^*'ivs ite'Uo or busice.s's /tiatters should .iih »d ressed to TKe State Dssuatch and Dot isft y.fty iodividua! connected v,'ith the A.l Hfcws note!^ H iui eoiiiniiinicatioiit! of X*ii,)r.;iuce-nnu-.t f'C Hi^ntid hj the writer. >Ve art not responsible for opinions of er>rryts5»oi.!denta. ??y}>H{rrii;^rfi v, il} take notice that uo re- 'Mpt for rt!il);^cription For The State Diipatch iyi;i I*'-! i.fc.Tored a i: thi.s oliice (inless it in iSC'i.;ii}\‘Tit6 witji gta,iaped tisjures. Entered an aecond'class matter May M, !?«: the post (dSlce at Hui'linp: ■fria, Xorth Carolina, under the Act of oi March ‘J 1H79 j; ;st«0 1] O ja O Cu 0) O £ 9RM V ' ' tut Q ^ '»® 3 J» rt> n> E2 P sr jS5 £5 ® ^ 2 n % % PJ 0> > o- O ^ c/> 05 ri sa p (c z k; ^ 0 SS“S-& g-#> t S !? s» fS> O —■ pa 04 P 3 o 2 SSV) ChUm M 3 jsr* p s» e S 0-3. •X dp I CA Wednesday, 4iig. 13,1913. Compulsory Education, The conditions of our educa- :don systeir* has reached that point where the people were of :r:8 opinion that it was necessary ,;o force an attendance at our Schools for the Children :^vr.g' from eight to twelve .• ■•vifH of ag'e, for a period of four TM.nths during' each yeai\ This 2s.r;0'ild r.ot have been necessary ■;n r!,s great an industrial nation •■nd as a progressive p>eople as r/e are, but it is necssary. This ^aw must be enforced, because it is a very necessary condition :hat now confronts us. It is a ■■^"lurence to see loafing’ uqon J3i;” streeta during: the regular iv'/iOOi months a large number >f boys tha.t should be in school irj,rtndance. However, aadition- 2J. -rouble is confronting us. be- iiaase many of these boys are I'ver twelve years of age and is no authority execized -;.;v them except that of their own parents, which in many eases is far lenient. We have ■larefully observed for the past Hvi’ and numbered by the hun- u-'i'ds boys of our town and 30 ;mty ranging from the ages of iwe^ivs to eighteen who are year- y dropping out of our schools an incomplete High school fducation. Not enough to fit them for college much less pre pare them for life. When they reach their maturity as far ^3 years in concerned they be gin to search very diligently for some good job that extends mo^ pay. There is no job with ■vith good pay for them because they are not qualified for any work except that of the usua iay laborer and i’^ many cases rhf-y h'ave Ui.'t bo ’?i trnined for 'iiaiV t'4l, ov tr> uukind treat- V.: :.: 'y,,! un'.nouguted I^’ather >r uh^u\^T. I’he result of all this 3a l-i-.i'.gy dab s of regular joafers ■’lat .are now lounging upon our being supported by their father. Mother or gambling acts dr low lives of vice nature. Har- /est time will come soon or late and will gathe*’the tares, weich will be burned by the Judge Supreme. Many a Father and Mother will spend night after night in sleepless agony grieving aver the wayward steps of an mtrained, non educated, lazy ambitionless boy, with the final exclamation that they cannot 'mderstand why it is that he ^j^ould appear in ,a gamblers or a drunken broil or harb- ■r^ed in a den of vice. This is not m. ujiifair or ovredrawn picture Masonic Picnic-Public Speakino ■ . - . '■ .. Bula I_o3y[e No. 400 A. F. & A. M. NEXT SATURDAY AUG. 161B BURLINGTON, N. C.PIEDMONT PARK A Great Day for the People of Alamance and Surrounding Counties. THREE OF NORTH CAROLINA’S MOST PROMINENT AND DISTINGUISHED CITIZENS WILL SPEAK Hon. E* J. Justice will speak at 11 A. M. Hoa. R. 0. Everett will speak at 2:00 P. M. Dr. W, S. Rankin will speak at 2:45 P. M. Mr, Justice is very likely to have something to say that would Interest merchants and • hippei s, he is fall of the freight rate idea these* days. Mr. Everett will tell fathers and mothers how to raise babies, and discuss in a-general way Women Suffrage, having recently completed a course in this line in connection with his lav/course at Cok-mbia University. ■ - Dr. Rankin will speak on Public Health and Sanitation, Doctors, preachers, teachers, fathers and mothers and all good citizens who' wish to see the death rate lowered in our community should hear our distinguished Secretary of the State Board of Health THERE WILL > BruHswick Stew and Barbecue, Light Lunches, Brass Band, ter Dinner speeches, toncertUxrord OrphanageiSinging Class Skins, Burlesque in Casino, Display of Fire Works, Wrestling , etc. .•. • Dr. B. E, Washburn, of the State Board of Health, who is conducting the Free Hookworm Dispensaries in Alamance Connfv will hold a dispensary at the Casino from 9 A M. until 4 P. il. Any or.e wishing to be examined for intestinal parasites can S their specimens to the dispensary. There will also be an interesting exhibit on topics relating to Sanitation and Hookworm 0,^=... and literature on public health subjects will be distributed. Let every one visit the DispensarJ see the “ the literature. All examinations and medicines-Free. / • . . oyino but one of dally occurence. ■it does i^not have the sting of pairi or a life touch except when \i comes to our own community 3,nd takes some young man, or 'Ha hand of disgrace is thrust the brow of some fair wom- ari.. There is only one conclusion, Boys must be energetic in mind, trained in.hand and truthful in spirit and'the desired reward will .be the resul-ti Saa brcpth? ITpo Or Miles’ lAxativ® they are escenlent .for a slwe* Uvcr, [Afivcrt-ibement.j A good many of the cotton mills in the County Have agreed to close their mills for this the Old County of Alamance. Five Thousand People are expected to be present. Come big day in Everything Is For The Benefit of the Oxford ■ a ts o c ts o a a I Miss Ni3 Lville who friend ft’or the pa jfriday lO i\lisses I' ^ogleman ^he [lives m Misses for \^ ash| Vliss Gar] time at i: iTiilln ine is pJej Mr: C. loke, Va. II [in town t \Ir. J. Wf Mr. Ei btate \ few daysl is parenf Miss Kiniersvil brotiier family foj Mr, R( Elmira U ■ed Sundj_ to Washij other poij Mr. rI Cashier ional Bat weeks stj other citil I lone is tion. For Sal I town at lomson. Miss. Monday Ition, she! flier pare] The closed tl l^mployej weeks. Mrs. I Mr. ThI I Orange 1 guest of Mr. J. past fe) r A3i 'o\ I