Meod Styles A P&OGIJESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SlRte BURLINGTON, II C. SEPT. 24,1913. NO IX rnr!iogtm T^>»cco A Record Bre$iker. oyerv indication points toward a record fereakiug to- vleco market at Burlmgton this %r Never before in the his- 'ly of the market has so much Jferest been taken by the peo- ;ie of Burlington as is being .pifested this year. Large rjres are being offered each gek as can be seen by reading s large ad in this issue. The rlington ma^'ket offers you a etter price for your tobacco ourteous treatment -on the part the warehousenaen and a prize given by our merch- Who can ask for more, we not liberal people. Do :r.e JUie Soq^rmong mi Tbe Yontli of 21. “Few* several days the juky «cuppernong has been on the local market. the man who pays his nickel and carries the over ripe or half ripe, sticky berries home m a paper sack, littde ’ ealizes w*hat the soupper- no5\g is. ■“The secuppernong is at its best when yo-u are 21. Youth and manhood are fusing in nat ure’s great ^crucible; hope runs feigh and sordid care finds no resting place in the young heart, wheie each throb is a pulse of g)romise . and optimasm reigns without question. The Sunday dinner with not feel Mr. Farmer that j chicken pie and con^b honey, is VO'J -- i. u i. e want you to bring your to bacco to our market. There are: jamerous reasons why the far-’ jiers should sell his tobacco on -ie Burlington market. A large j’eope of territory around Burl- jncrton can reach this as a centr al market raueh easier and with less trouble than asy other mar- liet. These people we are espec- ialiy interested in and extend arj invitation to e ery tobacco rais er \x\ Alan-anre a^nd adjoining counties to come Burlington. vith tobacco. To Our Friends and Readers. It gives u« pleasure to announce that beginning Oct 17^^or soon er if possible, The State Dispatch will be issued Twice a Week. The paper will be improved in every respect, but the subscription price will remain the same, One dollar per year. The present management has contracted for four thousand dollars worth of new ma'chinery, every piece of the old machinery will be thrown out, and replaced with the best that money will buy suitable to our needs. We ask the support of every person who appreciates live prog:ressive and up to date methods in the newspaper field. In politttCb this paper will be Progressive Republican, but independ ent enough not to be subservient to the party lash. The expendi ture of four thousand dollars is a huge undertaking, but we are relying upon the loyalty of our thre« thousand subscribers to make the task a success, we shall make a personal appeal at some future date, just now we are too busy with the new arrangements to out line fully all our plans, but we promise you the best, cleanest, and eiewsiest Semi-Weekly paper in the Old North State. i U'Ct lonie \Tij. Found, j ye.«r old white Aiih shorthorns, same by calling near Hawfields aps: for cai^ spottej! Owner at my Charch adve^' W. J. .ne R, Gibson. F> D. No. A Bigger asd Better Fair this Year Than Eves, are pro\:d to know that the i uptunn^d and over, and with various wiles, perhaps Bot entirely misunder stood, you have enticed" her out to the seclusion of the scupper- nong arbor, where early fall is already turning the leaves to various s;hades of brown, “Dainty and sweet shv^ is her dress of white or maybe it is pink, or blue or brown, or gray—whatever the color, it is all li^ht, because she wears it. “With many jokes and much silly nonsense, you pluck from the vines overhead a golden globule^ filled with priceless nectar. After ma^y false starts and pouting lips and with a slight pressue the contents are emptied into her dainty mouth — sweets to the sweets, nectar to the goddess. “Emboldened, perhaps after I awhile you take one of the most j tempting grapes in your mouth I and, blushing fiery red, bent I towards her. After due tribute ( j has been paid to th-e proprieties ‘ j by way of sundry blushes and ^ 'omuch twittering, h-er mouth is _ Appointed Registrars. The following mamed persons have been appointed by the Chair man of the Board of County Commissioners as Registrars for the 'Vital Statistics in their respective townships, in Alamance County. Albright Township.. .. _Geo. F. Thompson. Burlington TownshiJ)____ : G. L, Amick. Boon Station Township-. Coble Township Faucett Tovvnship Graham Township__ Haw River Township Melville Township Morton Tow^nship Newlin Township Patterson Township Pleasant Grove Township Thompson Township. -- .Mrs. J. U. Newman. ---Green A. Nicholson. ...,_C, A. Wilson. ___W. A. Rich. -_-J. H. Blackmon. -__Miss Jennie Lashley. ,__D. M, Ireland. __John M. Foust. June Hornaday. -„J. W. Stain back. --G. W. Bradshaw. Charles D. Johnson, Clerk to the Board. ■ina2:enient of the Alamance’j air promises a bigger and:! «tter fair this year than ever'r^'hat efore. The farm exiai bit prom- ses to be gO(C d. The racing judging from the nomber of aces already booked will be ex- ellent. The free attxa^itions )i'on'iise tc be better tha© usual. 4nd a nevv’ featm^ has l>een ad- isd, The Southern Railway Com pany w/ll have OH exhitsi'tion a Bplay shojiving the different dndsof .soil, hoW;toget rid .of he diffei^entikinds of inseet^and Ufes that destroy :your erop^s nd with this.displaj’^ will ihave xpcrts wLo ksow aed will dem- nstrate ti^se things. Tbese; [entiomen of knowledge and xper^ance wiii also gladly nswer all Q'i.iestitons »that m,ay- rise, Heretofone these Jarge ex- ibits have oniiy .been'j^en in ^3 Northern and Westei^ states Alamance Eanmers .sohuM Did .5?®u ever?'^ “If not, you do not know, a scuppernong is. And now j?ou never will. Youth and the days of 21 are not to be ceclaimed at any price. But if !■ yiou were^o fortunate, the inei-( dent remains a gr^een oasis tiae desert^^pf life. iFerhap;; sihel is inow fat and past 40, if no 5 ioistger faic^ perhaps she is a fnail and weary mi5ther, witfc labor, and care;, perhaps she sleeps on ithe green hillside wheee the sen kisses the eartia and.i:oaxes tfee flowers to per«»- niai ibloom; the soft southerw biee^ies sigh a reqeiem, aiad bending pines murmur;.a lullaby* >Io matter wii^re shei&nor what| she i§, dfyou stood iu»nder the ^scuppernong arbor in itfee earJy days of tmanhoQd, you iaever see a scuppernong iiBOw, no matter where n€r under what cdreumst- anses, but wliat far an iR- First Teachers’ Meeting of Alamance Association 1913-’14 COURT HOUSE-GRAHAM, N. C. SATURDAY, OCT. 4, AT 11 A. M. ■ progrmme: 1. Some Things a Rural Teacher may do Miss Eeinhardt 2. Teaching the Lesson. Prof. W. A. Harper 8. Announcements About a—G^rading and Report Cards. b—Eeadiog Course. . * « C. Journal of Education, M d—School Improvement, e--Floor^:Dil. f—Report to Attending Officers, g—County Commencement. t 4- UnionlDinBer. Evwy ifreacher wiio espjects to teach tMs present erats Irom first to last have re fused to include a prohibition of interlocking directorates in their currency bill. The only attempt at explanation of this refusal that has been made is the states ment that to deal with the.prob lem in its application to banks would be to handle merely one phase of it, and the futher pro mise at some indefinate snd un fixed future date they will deal with the whole problem in a separate measure. The question arose on Septem ber 18th through a inotion sub mitted by representative Wal ters of Pennsylvania, a progres sive, to recommit the bill to the Committee on Banking and cur rency with instructions to re port it back with an amendment forbidding interlocking director ships. The Democrats promptly precluded debate on the amend ment by ordering the previous question, and then under the crack Of the party whip defea ted the amendment by a vote of 265 to 100 . The other incident, more signi ficant, if not important, was the vote on the amendment submit ted by the committee specifically .reaffirming the gold standard pledge of March 14, 1900. 67 Democrats revolted against the committee leadership v and the caucus authority, and voted a- gainst this ammendment. _ The special signiticance of this re fusal is in the showing it makes of the hold which free silver still has among the Democrats. These 67 rebels against the au thority of the caucus insisted that the reaffirmation of the gold - standard pledge was a gratituitous slap in the face for a large number of ■ Deraocratic voters., The committee had sub mitted the amendment /in . res- therecent Saa Andrews battle, and who were being ear^ *for at the Bustillos ranch were captureil by the federals. The building of the Bustillos ranch which >ongs to Alberto Madero an uncle of the late president ef Mexied were set afire and destroyed by the federals. Gen. Jose Ynez Salazar witk 400 federal troops, left Juarei today On a special train ta intercept Villa and the remuant of his force, who are marching toward the border. Vilia is re ported to be nearing Casas Grad" es. year in Alamance this meeting. present at ' wait to ®aaAce this a strong rally meeting, looking to a full open- of tfoe work. After ttee school items-of the program have been Etie^ished tih«*e will be a union dinner in €be town hall, served, as ’ year^ in picnic fashion. spcsal th;'..?, year, .and .should jnie out and prov’e to the Hail- ay Company that they ;appre- ftte the expense that they are ing fo our people, fia fact it -'i b?. an educational fair in ref;pects. If y«iu enjo§^ exhibits yoa certainly can- stai.ce the heart is youRig agam, ,and sings ,brief \WihieJi is Me." ^e! thenioeives .especially proud r ®taip( _ , . « - - ^ , ?have this convenience at their^.and smgs ,briefly a paeau ^fcolove -Jiifton Gazette. pasture fens e of the col ields the da« jscaped circs to nothing Her WinsloD*^ uicide. Sept y- dealer in sho shing n Oak str^ this mornioi f to a joisi', le rear oi ^ carried on lit cases, for the [le v/as in Salem, resident 'for ten years ' his v’in 'iforu to miss the Alamance, f which will be pulled off atj !t.’r ground near this place j ub;>r 7-8-9-10' The Manage-' "t of the fair are expecting a iii. 'h larger crowd than ever ‘=d at any previous fair^ 'i the exhibits promise to Cacd of Tlfeginks. Pleaee allow me space in yaur paper to retur^i thaaks to '.the good people and friends wko were so .kind during mothei^ .sickness and death, and also the floral offerings. May the bless“ iogs of God rest ^n t hem. Cornelia Stewart, i Notice FaTmers. )i.xie Milling Co., wiU ■3 per bushel for j^;ood ” i]eut for the next ten Marriage IJear Ossipee. At the residence of Mr. Riley I Sutton in Mortons Township I September 20th Mr. Dover Gerr- ' inger was married to Miss Lillian Pritchard. Both of^ Ossipee. The ceremony v/as performed by Rev. J. W. Holt. As.sociation Meets. Mmi.stcrial Association • ‘i-nday with Rev. T, A. Mr. .M. W. Buck was ''■-'-1 riecretari of the Associa- Y '\take the place of Rev. J. who was secretary 'Ho .‘association piior to his town. A schedule was whereby each pastor a his term each week ing the ooening exercis- i VrwflAri rh*^ )V tne ODening iraded School, ar monthly, iid in Tweatj-four Baptised Sunday. Rev. Martin W. Buck who has been holdin^^ a series of meet ings at Glencoe conducted a baptisimal service Sunday and twenty-four converts were unit ed with, the church. Many oth er converts have been received during the meeting. Two ofv, or three, , - j‘ur.riished- ncniy, .rooms'^uitable' for light' House- the Me t | keeping must be .in desira^ble, -jp- t Parsonage the second! cation and reasbhabie'%nt ’p ^ ^ Oi „ T'%y-.l.. ' V'. n- ■ . :UJ ic ■ . i 1 i;.:,'. ASti I Advertisement. 3 j quire State Dispatch. ' . — i FRESH fish and oysters L, i Gross Fruit stand Saturday. B. .News. Washington, D.'G., Moinsey Builditag, Septeniser 20,1B13. ■‘We are a® tifeis fight to a fin- afih, fregardless of resellts. ^ We bave just begun to fight.'* This is the message whkh Colonel Roa®eveit sent to the Pg.?ogressives In the (House of Bepresentatiwes Mpon the orgi nation of th^r CongrepionaJ campaign conMnittee. This com mittee was organized to take spacial . Charge of the Congress campaign next year. Represep- tati'V,e Wm. H. H.iebaug of Illin- oise was elected eiiiairfnan ; Rep. A. R. Rupley of Feonsykania, secretary; a«nd Representative W. J. Hulngs, ^alsoof FmnsylvsLnia, treasurer. The rk8w committee «mpha«iz- its organization by immedia tely announcing its determina tion to see that a Progressive easididate for Cengr6ss is nom- tionfi wilhbe -effective co-opera- tion. Tw(® linterestittg and signifi cant accidents anarked the pass age of the Democratic currency bill in th€ Hot^se on September 18th. One was the refusal of the Democrats to fulfill one of their favorite promises to the country by adoption of an amend ment alJined at preventing inter- lockingdireetorates among banks eligible to membership in the Federal reserve banks created by the bill. There is no special significance attaching to this re fusal of the Democrats to fulfil a •public promise,' however. They have sinned notoriously in this respect during the whole life of tiie Wilson administration. It is, in fact, rather to be expected now that they v/ill disregard the promise they majde so lavishly during the campaign last year than they will undertake to ful fill th£;m by legislative enact ment. Representative Murdock, j floor leader of the Progressives New Cttstp m Esta Uislied. At the Church of the Holy Comforter a custom was estab lished last Sunday night whicfe will no doubt be very acceptible to the music loving people of the town. The Rector announced that immediately after the ser vice, the organist, Mr. Scott- Hiinter would extend the Postlude by playing two or three musicle numbers and would con* tinue to do this until further notice. No one is supposed to remain unless they so desire. The numbers played were “Sim ple A ven'* by Thome and Bar carolle (from fburjth Concert® for Piano and Orchestra) by Sir William Sterhdale-Bennett (ar ranged for the Organ by G, Scott-Hun ter.) Next Sunday night he will play ‘ ‘Cavatina" by Raff. “Second Organ Sona ta’* by Mendelssohn. Dealli of Mrs.N D. D, DeMoss. Mrs. D. D. DeMoss died Thurs day at her home in Southeast Burlington, She has been a res ident of our town- for abourt tliree years and has made manr ponse to the charge widely made j ftiends whp haveiearned to love by-those; Opposed to the bill that | aiid respect her by her kind dis- its ianguaMe as originally propo-, sed was liable to be consuued as iri effect repjfealing the gold standard pledge.- This language has been employed for purpose -of pacifyihg the silverites, whose leader is still William Jennings Bryan. Chairman Glass of tlw committee hotly denied that the criticised language was vaug or ambiguous or that it w s capable of the suggested inter pretatipn. The committee refused to chaflge it^ but got around the difficulty by submitting an amendment specifically reaffirming the gold standard pledge. inated in each of the 435 districts ; in the House, had pointed out in in tke United States next year. It proposes to make the fight all down the line. Jn this det ermination the eongressional committee is in hearty aceord with the Progressive Natioisal Committee, which has . repeated ly announced precise the same purpose. Chairman Hinebaugh went to New'^ork the day after the or' ganization of the committee for consultation with Colonel Roose velt and brought back to his colleagues the message . quoted aboye. v /. ' . The new. Progressive congres sional committee will work upon an able speech during the debate ©,n the currency bill a consider able number of specific instances in which the measure failed to meet such promises. And inas much as the bill includes among those, respo sible for its language and its provisions President Wilson, Secretary Bryan, Secre tary McAdoo, and merribers of both Senate and House, it is . obr- vions that this disregard of pub lic^"/ pledged obligation is char ge- ole directly to the entire Dei^- ocf'si'tic administration-. '• In no single feature has Dem ocratic denunciation of Wall Street power and the iniquitious. Saxapahaw Items. Mr. Robert Isley spent Satur day and Sunday With his parents at Swepsonville. A party of the Holiness minis ters have pitched their tent just out on the suberbs of the villege. They hold two services dail^; In the afternoon and evening, Large crowds attend the services. •vir. Chas Lindley spent Satur day at home, accompanied by Mr. George Wayne of Elon Col lege. Miss Beulah Durharai will leave this week for New York City where she will enter college, Mr. Herman Penland returned to Ashville N. C. Wednesday after spending a few days visit ing at Mr. J. D. Durhams. Mr. H. Boyd Pickard will leave next week for Moncure where he has been relected prin cipal of the graded school for an other year, bis sister Miss Ber tha Pickard will accompany him as one of the assistant teachers. Misses Avh and Sarah Durham spent a part of last week visit ing their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Durham. position. She leaves four soai and four daughters, one and one Mother, Tlv^ i remains were shipped to BelU, J^a. her former home for biiriail,' She was sixty^two of agfc. EVEN MEN ar EMIIIiItt connected with our >are surprised at the careful and eon- scientious manner in which w6 attend to the unseen details of our work. Do you realize what this means, if you should need an Undertaker m your home? Williams Green & McClure, Graham N. C. Phone 251X. di.fferen.t lines.from_ th,e com^na-. ^Qf^ey 'Trust h6e!t‘''more sweep- 4^ejB,si of';the;>pl(ilP&Myk:/ -‘'Every j ing and savage than in its whole- tfotigress.ional district ^all Jbg en- sale condemnation of tlfe systfr the me ||ib| wiS ot\i; inteiifccKing wfla is F " diKectorat very center and form aneffeetiv^ local committee. | ijfe of the machenery by which Between’the Congre&sional com- the Money Trust . maintains its mitte^ and the’ Progressive Nat ional Committee the closest rela- cbntrol. But from some curious and unexplained reason the Dem- Rebels Lost Heavily in Ehgage- meat With Federals, Says Report. ^ El Paso, Tex., Sept l9. ~Three hundred rebels of Fr^ncisdo Vil’- la's cbmmand were killed oftyFri-; day in a battle with the -federkl forces of Generals Marcelo-Cara- veo ;^£^d . , A^ftb^io . at Chifi^hUa,' acd)rding to the^of- fi (^i. fed#^l Hfflmssagei^ri^g^^ j^ Geper».4 Mkcado-(#Climu® rebels were made prisoners by the federals. Among them was Col. PoT-forio Talamantes, Villa's chief of staff.* One hundred re bels who had been wounded in DO IT NOW Biiriinglon People Shodd Not Wait Until It Is Too Late. The appalling death-rate from kidney disease is due largely t© the fact that the little kicteey troubles are usually neglected until they become serious. The slight: sympatoms often give place to chropic disorders any the sufferer may slip gradually inco some serious form of kidnel complaint. \ If you sulTer from bachache, headaches, dizzy spells; if the kidney secretions are irregular of passage and unnatural in ap pearance, do not delay, the kidneys at once. Doan's Kidney Pills a,v cially for kidney disordf act where others fail. G ; hundred thousand peapie linva recon^mend them., Here’s a case at home. Mrs. Mary E. King, opp. Fair* grounds, Burlington, N. C., say s: ‘ ‘From my ov^n experience with Doan’s Kidney Pills, I ad vise anyone having kidney troul le to take them.; I had weak kid neys arid at' times I v^^as hervousi and di??y. Backa?he often both- ’ered me and I eoiild not sleep w§ll,.-.-^Dpan’&-Kidney vmade m^ strong'and v^il. Fo^sale i:w,^l deaier«. 5t}’cefits. ''-.^ds't ir-Miiourh ^^^I'emhw^he name and take noother. Co,, lOJ 1)08. n ■ WANTED-All band sacks must holes, Merehants Supply Co. kinds second be free froii.?