COULD SCARCELY WALK ABOUT M For Three Summers Mrs* Vin- lent Was Uaable fo Attend to Any of Her Housework. wmmB y mm mm ARRIVES, Beasant Hill, N. C,~"I suffered for '3bree summers/’ writes Mrs. Walter ¥mcent, of this town, "and the third and l&rftime, was my worst. 1 had dreadful nervous headaches and IJfostration, and was scarcely abl3 to walk about. Could not do any of my Casework. I also had dreadful pains in my back *nd sides and vt/hen one of those weak, anking spells would come on me, I would have to give up and lie down, jcitil it wore off. 1 was certainly in a dreadful state of Seailh, when 1 finally decided to try Cardui. the woman’s tonic, and I firmly believe I would have died if I hadn’t taken It. After I began taking Cardui, 1 was greatly helped, and all three bottles re- iieved me entirely, I fattened up, and grew so much stronger in three months, I teitflike an other person altogether.” Cardui is purely vegetable and gentle- acting. Its ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the w'omanly constitution, Cardui makes for increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a million weak women, during the past 50 years. It will surely do for you, what it has done for them. Try Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga,Medicine Co., Ladles' Ad visory Dept.. Chattanooxa, Tenn., for Special In- stnuiions on your case and 64-pajte book. Home Treatment for Women.” stnt in plain wrapper. J-6f LADIES! DO YOU SUFFEB Morkthly HefatiacHes*? TaKe CAPUDINE for tHem THe prompt relief is magical iOc. 250. 50c. A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS Tmrnt IF ITS Flower Bulbs, Cold Diinks, Cigars, Toilet Articles, Drug fuhdries You Want ^ We Have ’Em and Can Get More. Mr. C. C. Seawell is with us and will see to it that your PRESCRIPTIONS and Dru^ orders are carefully and promptly taken care of. Yours to serve, Burlington Drug Co. Agents for Summit Avenue Green House Cut Flowers. PHONE 244J. Battalion of the Downie & Wheeler Show Decorate Town With ] Picturesque Posters. , One of the pleasant things for^ a newspaper is the announce ment of a first class circus com ing and this we have the pleas ure of''doing for the N'imber One.Advance Car of the & Wheeler Shows was in our city today and the small army of men in white overalls and jam pers pasted , every billboard, deadwal' and available barn in and about Burlington with flar ing posters of wild animals, petite ladies, highspirited horses, won derful trained ponies, athletic men and goodness knows what all. The ‘ kiddies’ are thrilled with joy and the “grownups” gaze at the pictures and remem ber the happiest moments of their happy childhood da s. Baseball is a national sport but the circus is the national amuse ment and it will never grow wearisom as long as managers and special agents scour every corner of the globe for new and strange beasts and snappy death defying acts. The Downie and Wheeler Shows have grown large through sheer merit and the everlasting diligence of the management, ' Every act must stand the most critical test and each performer, musician, official or attache must be a lady or gentlemen under* all circumstances or seek I employment elsewhere. This is an iron clad rule with the Dow nie and Wheeler Shows and to this feature they attribute the greater part of their wonderful success. We will publish further details and all we care to say now is for the “kiddies” to save their pen nies and for the “grownups” to I arrange to go to the show and I make the management prove ithat the statement “there is nothing new under the sun,” is untrue. The date for the exibi- tion here is OCT. 2nd. Be a child agianand enjoy the day from the arrival of the first gaudy train to the loading of the last baggage horse at night for circuses do not come every dav and a good one like this is not to be missed. FOR all kinds of Commer cial and Job iPi’int- i ing, call or phone us 265 For Cuts, Bfjrns and Bniises. Ir. every home there should be a box of Bucklen’s Arnaiea Salve, ready to appiy in every case of burn^i. curs, wounds or scalds. J. H, Polanco,, Delvalle, Tex , R, No. 2, writes:'' “Buck- len> Arnica Salve saved my lit tle girl’s cut foot. No one be lieved it could be cured.” The 'wftrid’s best salve. Only 25c. ^ofe • j New $25,000 Gymnasium This commodions building is a sample of the comjpletei ness qif the Elon College , $300,000 plant. Every modern, conven- ience. addiHo? to modera* ness throiieh- ont, the ratei are the lowest in tlie entire Sotith, from $i jj to $191 for ten school months. Terms easy Elon Gollege graduates fill with success rpsixiiisible positions in every !epartme:u of life. Writejat once' for zpo pjige. catalogue iind. fell p.'irticiilars to President V/. A. Harper Box ^ ' Eion College, N. C. Recommended ly I CATAWBA COLLEGE Fjlurntim), gnofl huifUh^'^, t'lil loi-nriun, iiiodvi- iitc ti^rins. Iwill ti’Vr/i opt-‘hs 2iul, lUlH. For v;tt;)U),uue write to Eev. J, D, Andrew, Pies,, Kewton, N, C. Executors Notice. Having qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Spencer Thomas, deceased, late of Alamance bounty, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said Spen cer Thomas, deceased, to expose them to the ursdorsigned at his office in Burlington, N. C. on or before the 10th day of April, 1914, or Ibis notice v. il! be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persnns indebted to said estate vviil please make immedi ate payments S. B. Thcmas; Executor OF I'Pencer Thomas, Dec’d Finds Cure for Epilepsy After Years of Suffering “ary d.iughtei- was affiictpd with epileptic for three yi'ars, the attacks cominji' civery Vv'eeks.- We en:ip!oye(l doctoi's tout sevcra ' / I NEW FALL ARRIVALS i ! You want to play in the world of today. High Art Suits have the dignity of quality and the smartne s of distinctive fashion. This isn’t generally true of ready-for-wear Suits hut High Art Clothes are more truly what you under stand tailor-made to mean than the average cui^tom- tailor can produce. Every hand that touchts them is a master-hand. Just compare them with the best you can find at $5 more than our High [Art styles are marked. That's the answer. $15 to $25 other makes $7.50 to $15. Big line of Keeth’s Kon« queror Shoes just arrived. B. GOODMAN Home of Good Clothes, BurliDgton, N. C. - **» snovsteROi OMWiM Most Children Have Worms. Many mdthers think their children are suffering from in digestion, headache, nervousness weakness, costiveness, when they are victims of that most common of all children’s ailments —worms. Peevish, ill-tempered, fertful children, who toss and grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains have all the syfnptoms of having worms and should be given Kick- apoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, which expels worms, regulates the bowels, tones up the systeRi and makes children well and happy, Kicka- poo Wurm Killer is guaranteed. All druggists, or by mail. Pi ice 25c. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia p^d St. Louis Malaria or Chills & Fever Prescription No. 666 is prepared especially iot MALARIA or CHILLS 4, FEVER. Five or six dotes will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver bttttei* than Calomel and does not £ripe or sicken. 25e Don’t Sleep Well No Good Reason Just Can’t Sleep They Look the Part I* The Southern Railway Co. will have an educational exhibit at tbe county fair. This will give dirying and horticultural de monstrations. We desire to call the attention of our readers to the date of our county fair which will be held Oct. 7th to 10th. arrange to be present. One of the things we are look ing to with much interest is the Afemance County fair Oct. 7th 10th. 1 Nice young mule for sale cheap. ElUs Mch, & Music Co. Some people can't, sleep. There seems to be no special reason. They have no disease of the nervous sys tem. Digestion is fairly good. Their habits are pretty good. They may smoke a little or drink a little, yet their habits are fair. Still they can’t sleep well. Just a little unbalanced in the nerve centers. That is all. They should have a little “righting up.” A tonic will generally do this. The right sort of a tonic. Peruna is ex actly the tonic. Digestion is hurried by Peruna. The stomach is empty and ready to rest for the night. The circulation is equalized. The brain is relieved of all congestions and irri tations. The Peruna acts on every blood vessel In the system. It acts on all of the nerve centers. One begins to sleep and hardly knows why. Take a teaspoonful to one table spoonful of Peruna before each meal. Sometimes another tablespoonful at bedtime is necessary, where the sleep lessness is very pronounced. Just try it, neighbor. Yo.u will be glad if you do. One bottle will con vince you. Peruna is no sleep medi cine. It is not a nervine. It contains no narcotics. It is nothing of that sort. It is simply a regulative tonic. Every home should be provided with the last edition of the "Ills of Life,” sent free by the Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. PILLOWS FREE Mail us $10 for 36-pound Feather Bed and re^iva 6-pou'd pair pillows Freight psrep&'d. Ne-*« feathers, best ticking-, ^satisfaction enaranteedt AUENTS WANTED TURNER & CORNWEUL FMtker Cealer*. Depl. A. Cliarlolte, H. C Befttraxine: Cenunorcial Natior>a,l BanV tly:'y . tijd h'>r no. good. About a year a g o /w e he;-;, rd of Dr. Miles' Nervine, and it ccrtainly has proved a blessing to our little girl. Slie is now apparently curpd and is en joying the best of health. It is over a year since she has had a fit. We cannot .«pcak too highly of Dr. Miles’ Nervine.’', MUS. FliANK ANDKRSON, Comfrey, Minn. Thousands of chiklren in the United States who are suffering from attacks of epilepsy are a burden and sorrow to the^ir parents, wlio would, give anything to restore health to the sufferers. ' Dr. Miles* Nervine is one of the best remedies known for this aflliction. It has proven beneficial in thousands, of . casest and those vvho have u.sed it have the greatest faith'in it. It is not a “cure-all,” but a reliable femedy for nervous diseases. You need not hesitate to give it a trial. Sold by all Druggists. If the first bottle falls to benefit your money Is returned. • MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and ladustnal College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to de crees. Special Courses for teach- • rs. Free tuition to those who as^ree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session, begins Sep tember 17th, 1913. For catalogue and other information, address JJLIQ3 I. F0J3T PRlCSmjSNT GREENSBORO, N. C. nm n ^P^cialist 1 umce Over G P , I ,Burli^^ Frosj ! i^entist, ' Burlington, . ^ r Offic^phone 374-J. ; J. P. ?Sijoon. !). V. K, jjyj Spoon & Iloriiadav yeterinarjans I Oince arid Ho«pita] ,>, C. A, Anderson M. Office hours ! to 2 p. m. 7 tosJ First National Bank Bui J at Bradleys t)' Dameron & Lq, A.TTORNEYS AT LAM' ABOLPH Id] office ic HdlMHtcbolsoii Phone N JtW NBriolk t Westcro DEC. 8, 1912. LEAVE WINSTON-SALEM. 7:00 A. M. daily for Roanoke and intermediate stations. Con nect with Main Line train North, East and West with Pullman Sleeper, Dining Cars. 2:05 -P. M. daily for Martins ville, Roanoke, the North and East, Pullman steel electric lighted sleeper Winston-Salem to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York. Dining Cars North of Roanoke. 4:15 P. M. daily, except Sun day, for Martinsville and local stations. Trains arrive Winston-Salem 9:15 A.M., 9:35 P. M.* 1:55P. M. Trains leave Durham for Roxboro South Boston and Lynchburg 7:00 a. m daily,and 5:80 p. m. dally except Snndaj W. B. BfiVILL, Passi’r. Traff Mgr. W. C. SAUNDER8,Gen’l Pau.^ Roanoke, Va. E. s. W. BAMEIIQI9 BarHTigton . office in PledBont Bullfllng Pbone • 250 John H. Vernon) Attorney ana Counsellor at I^I BurIiiigton,”N. C. | . Office room 7 and 8 Ll fl^or First NatU Bank BuiJ ^Jpho^ 337-J^esj John R. Hoffm^ Attomey-at-Law Burlington, North Carolia Office, Second Floor f’irit Nil Bank Bvilding. DR. J. H.^RO^ Surgeon Dentist Foster Building 60RL1MGTON, N. C. \ Dr. Win. E, Crutci OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICD of Greensboro, N. C., willbe The Piedmont, Burlington, N,l the forenoons of Tuesday Friday of each week; For further information, api to Clerk, or to Dr. Crutchfield] Greensboro. Offices—400-401 McAdoo OL Building, Gk^ensboro, N. G.I j Residence 12481 Phones I Office 133| DR. J. E. HOLT DENTIST OhFICE gVEK FREEHMNSDIIiCn PHONE - . - - • • BURUIIIiTON, N. C. C.V.SI BuriiDgton, N. C. Carries In Stock over 300 m!j ferent Patterns of Nousetoorder-Goseei New Resident Section Just Opened. Have You Staked Your Claim? If notrget busy. This property went on sale at 9 o’clock A. M„ r women had selected and purchased as many lots Your choice lot $200. $10 down- IHING—5c car fare to Everywhere. Let u^ show you. Say “geven-six” to Central, and our representative will call and take yoii to see the prop® This property went on sale at 9 o clock A. M., January 20th. Within three hous seven wide-a-wake men d selected and purchased as many lots. j Your choice lot $200. $10 down—^1 a week or $5 a month. No Taxes, No Interest. Convenient to EVES farnu assun - 1 follo'i 1 the Si endin . 1 high( man avers secre r Week for sj

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