Marred Surfaces Made New A scarred or scratched table, or a cnair on which the Inish is marred, or any woodwork where the finish &n't what you would like, can be made new with ACMEQUAUTY VARNO-LAO It's also good for floors. It will stand hard wear, liecause it*s made frpm the best floor varnish. Varno- i^c not only renews, but it also stains and varnishes at ®ne application. You can chailge oak or pine to a mahogany or walnut or dark oak finish, or any of the expensive hard wood finishes. And it^s easy to do— you can do it yourself. '• * Our book, “Home Decorating** tells you how to do | all kinds of home painting at trifling ^ost. I j ^ • Ask for a free copy^ ^ * CoMe-Bradshaw Company Burlington, N. C. HEARD IN 6URUNGT0N How Bad Backs Have Been Made Stroeg'—Kidney Ills Correded. Doan^s Kidney Pills are keep* Ingup the good work. Burling ton people are telling about it— telling of bad backs made sound again. You can believe the tes timony of your townspeople. Thev tfell it for the benefit of you who are suffering. If your back aches, if you feel iaiije, sore and miserable, if the kid neys act to frequently, or pass ages are pjiinful, scanty and off color, use Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that has helped so many of your frienc^s and neigh bors. Follow this Burlington citizen’s advice and give Doan’s a chance to do the same for you. Mrs. Lula Helm, Webb Ave. & Anthony St., Burlington, N. C., says: “It is a pleasure to reccommend Doan's Kidney, Pills. I hope my statement will help other people suffering from kidney complaint. I have used D(mn’s Kidney Pills with the best results and they iiave cured others of the faipaily. I am just as glad to praise this remedy now as I was when I publicly en dorsed it some years ago/' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the Uijited States. Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. Anti'Hog Cbdlera S«mm; Preveih tstive For Hog Cholera. The North Carolina Depart ment of Agricuirure has for. the past three years prepaired and distributed to the farmers of this State anti-hog chokYa serum at cost of production, Tnis serum is used for hog cholera, and if injected before the hogs show any signs of cholera, it will prevent them from developing a case of choleia even ii they are exposed. It is not claimed for this serium that it will cure a case of cholera, as it is a preventative and not a curative measure. We begun the preparation of this Strum in a very limited way and have found that it has met with uniformly good results. The demand for it has continued until it was impossible to meet tne demands at the plant where we first begun the work. In order to be in position t) meet all demands made by the formers of this State for the Serum, we have built and equipped a larje new serum plant which will be used exclusively for preparing anti-hog cholera serum,* For full information and dir ection for using this serum, ap ply to the North Carolina Dep artment of Agriculture; Raleigh, N, C. B, B. Flowe, - Director, Veteriny Division. mim Tou k ffiSttlL F [GROVE’S The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System, For Grown People and Children, Ton know what you are taking when you take Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic i*3 tJbe formula is printed on every label showing that it contains the well known t'Ssnic properties of QUININE and IRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter tisaic and is in Tasteless P'orm. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing ^3bxther9 and Pale, Sickly Children. Reraoves Biliousness without purging. '3£lteves nervoaa depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and gorifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthener. jfofcuaaiSy should be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c. For Cuts, Burns and Bruises. Ir. every home there should be a box of Biicklen’s Arnaiea Salve, ready to apply in every ease of burns, cutp, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polanco, Delvalle, Tex,, R. No. 2, writes: “Buek- len’s Arnica Salve saved my i tie girl’s cut foot. Nonne jlieved it could be cured.'’ world’s best salve. Only I Recommended by Proeman Drug Co. You want to play in the world of today. High Art Suits have the dignity of I quality mi the smartne s of disiifictive fashion. This isn't general y true of ready-for-wear Suits but High Art Clothes are more truly what you under stand taiioi'*madt: to meaD than the average cubtcm- tailor can produce. Every hand that touchis them I is a master-hand. Juit I compare them with the I best you can find at $5 I more than our High Art styles are marked. Thales the answer. $15 to $25 other makes $7.50 to $15. Big line of Keeth^s Kon- queror Shoes just arr’ved. B. GOODMAN Home of Good Clothes, Burlington, N. C, $TROVStiGI»S' PWWSM \ No. 666 This ia a prescription prepared especially lor MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomei end does not gripe or sicken. 25c Hast Children Rave Worms. Many mothers think their children are suffering from in digestion, headache, nervousness weakness, costiveness, when they are victims of that most common of all children’s ailments —worms. Peevish, ill-tempered, fertful children, who toss and grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains iMf all the symptoms of haH|t^ worms and should be given Kick- apoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, which expels worms, regulates the bowels, tones up the system and makes children well and happy, Kicka* pooWurm Killer is guaranteed. All druggists, or by mail Price 25c. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia ?nd St. Louis VV hand holes. n;ED-Ail sack? mast Merchants Supply Co. WANTEB Two or three furiiishc-d rooms suitable for light house keeping must be in desirable, lo cation and reasonable rent. In quire State Dispatch. Notice Farmers. The Dixie Miiling Co., will pay $1.05 per bushel for go(d willing wheat for the next t n days. RERV08S HEUDACHES Heavjr Feelmg, am If My Bn&i Was PrdMiiif Down Mrs. Hill say»: They Part The Southern Railway Co. will have an educational exhibit at the county fair. This will give dirying and horticultural de monstrations. We desire to call the attention of our readers to the date of our county fair which will be held Oct. 7th ttflOth. arrange to be present. One of the things we are look ing to with much interest is the Alamance County fair Oct. 7th 10th. I Nice young mule for sale cheap. Ellis Mch. & Music Co. •I cannot tell you how mueh I have siifEered during the past twelve year s.” Twelve years Is a ioilg time for any one to suf fer. A great mul titude of women in this country know cxactly what Mrs. Hill means when she says, “Heavy feeling, as if my brain was press ing down. So nervous get my rest at night, sinking spell& and then I couid not do my many women in will recognize their own MRS. EFFIE KILL* Blftnchester, ClintOD Co., kinds kinds second be free from New $25,000 Gymnasium Thii comthodious building sample of the complete^ ness of the £lon College $300,pod plant. Every modern conven- _ to modern* ' Bess 'through* out, the rates arctlieltwestiii tfie entire South, from $131 toSigitoi Jen school, months. Terms easy Eton College grad 11.-lies /i!I with success lesponsi ble positions tn every department of life. Write at once {or loo page catalogue and full particulars to l^esident W. A. Harper Box Eton College N. C. Business Man Praises Dr. Miles^ Heart Remedy SuccsssfuT JVIerchant Ar’:2r InyeEtigatlc*^ Found a Re/nedy That Re- storeid His Haaith. ‘“■J’his is Thanksgiviiig day , in l.lie state of Pennsylvania, and I want to devote a part of it in v.’riUngv a leftw to you. On t!io 2!>th clay of November, '10, I was stricken with heart t r o u b 1 o. My family physician ca)io3' it Angina' Pectoris. !■ had froin one to five at to oka in 24 I i:'3, ill the latter p art o f Dc;ccinber,. -lOIO. 1 wrote to tlie Miles Medical Co., for infoviruition con- cerninc;,' mv f'fisc. nntl in rtj./ly I.received, a very kind and iiisuu live letter, v,iiii.;l) I I'.unded. I1*) jriv fnmiry doctor, lie told UJO to U::.' ill rr-^ncciion 1’: f-V'!','!S iTit'. ro I (I:.!. 1 ' .Ur., ii. lu- - '•!' .r>r. I .iii'd li.. 1,10' L- - 'i'ii;'. ii r:.( ii.i;') li V, M !!■! ,h;\R ]:'•■ M 1 ■ i'").n T ' Jjf. N 1'; (k> wnM■ 1 lii'v ■’i u«(kl- arc'Oj’fli'ng. tv 3i ••• • khi'ih' foi' {,(;■ . rny rnuti'thly ]' KON'en y(.'arw.ol' mere.’uitiie bu:-iii)i: foi' .t,' ,Vo,;r. Roiviedif'S • iiicK’i'.’ivie .he ''■0 ' ,'ii-d scvi.n ■- j'!'..- 1 . w:;K r ..aJjout four jjiy lifftj't i.s : ! lor tlio Tnst :’,v rt'.f'jinjnio.rid ; O'M't !H!,wiedy , fi )!’, if " J thank i)'j ansAV'T to ■ in now sixty- ’r'v'v'n in the ii'l v -'fjve .vofirs and iived retired for ti;c! ir-st thirteen, years." ■ A. B. I.10!..r:iNp;ER,- ,, .P^nna. Dr. IVllles' Heart Reiredy Is so^'J and guaranteed by all dpuaeists. 10 MILES MEDICAL CO., Eikh^rt, Ind. rrtr* - 1 I could not Would have so weak that work.” A great the United States in this description experience. Mrs. Kill found a remedy. Aft^r taking four bottles of Peruna she gained in strength and flesh and wrote us that she was a v/ell woman again. She says, "I cannot thank you enough for my recovery.” This is ho ordinary incident. Twelve years suffering. Four bottles of Peruna. Bestored to perfect heaUh. If Peruna can do this for one woman why can it not for another? Is it not wcft'th your attention? Is it not worth trying? Those who object to liquid medi cines can now obtain Peruna Tablets. »^Cardi . Eye Specialist Wee Over C. F. Neese’s St Burlington. - . Dr. J, S. Frost Dentist, Burlington, - n Office phone 374.J. .J. F. tSitoon, I). V. S. \V. a: ilornadiij Spoon & Hornaday Veterinarians Otlice and Hospital Oflicfi Ph«n Residence PboBe'2! j C A. Anderson M. Office hours 1 to 2 p. m. 7 toSij! First National Bank Buildi^ day calls at Bradleys dJ, Dameron &Ton ATTORNEYS AT LAW E.S. W.DAIKEfiOfli RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your RheuEnatism Nqiiralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains. Bruises, Cuts and Barns, O^d Sores, Stings of lftsects Rtc. ABtiseptic Aaodyne, used in ternally and externally- Price Prescription No. 666 i* prepared eapecialty M^I>ARIA or CHIULS A. FEVER; Five or six doiea will break any cate, a|id if taken then as ■ tonic the Piever Will iiot return. . It acts bn the liver better-* than Calomel and ooc* not or licken. 25c iiurliugton In Piedmont Building Phone ADOLPB LOi Office iE f Bolf-NJcholsflB M 250 Phone ioo.i!l John H. Vernon] Attorney yjio UDuii.soIJor ■Jt r,,,i Burlington, N. C ^ Office room 7 and 8 SemJ iioor First: Nat’l .Bar.-k l^uildipl .office/phone 3 3 7-J liesidpJ 'phone 337-L John R. Hoffmai Attorney-at-Law Burlington, North Carolin Office* Second Floor f'irst Nitioi Bank Bmldiuit. DR, J. H. brooks] Surgeon Dentist Foster Building £(JRL1NGT0N, N. C. DR. J. E. HOLT DENTIST P»HCE OVER FKEHmDtDliSni PBOSE • ■ • ■ - . BUKUIIIGTOIII, N. C. N b‘ W Norifllli & Western I) IOC. H, \ LEAYE WINSTON-SALEM. 7:00 A. M. daily for Roanoke and intermediate stations. Con- [ nect with Main Line train North, East and West with Pullman Sleeper, Dining Cars. 2:05 P. M. daily for Martiiis”- ville, Roanoke, the North arid East. Pullman steel electric lighted steeper Wihstoh-Salem to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York. Dining Cars North of Roanoke. 4:15 P. M. daily, except Sun* day, for Martinsville and local . stf^tlons. Trains amve Winston-Salem 9:15 A.M., 9:35 P, M., 1:55P. M. Trains Diirham for Roxboro South Boston afatl Lynchburg 7;00 a. ni' di ilv.aiid 5:30 p, m.dailvexoeptSnnday ' W. rt. HKVn^L. Pas^’r. Traff Mcr. \\ C. SAUNDERS,Gen’l Pas. Ajcr Rnanoke, Va. C.V. Sellers Alt StorsI BurliagtSD, N.C. Carries In Stock over 300 Dif j ierent Patterns o! Nensetoorder-Ooseelt MUSICAL TUITION Piano, Organ, Singing, Specialty), Theory of Musi Harmony, etc. MR. G. Scott-H unter, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC Organist and Choirmas “Church of the Holy pomforti Barlington, N. C., gives lessf’ in the above subjects, len (which are reasonable) information, apply G. Scott-Hunter, Burlington, N.C. tel lolio DO YOU Receive Piedmont Interest Checks? IF NOT, WHY NOT? ITS A SIGN OF PROSPERITY. YOUR NEIGHBORS UNDERSTAND. hig] ma; avei secri Wee! for ■ . D-- ■ 1 I i •i i .