'1 A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BURLINGTON. N. C. OCT. 8,1913. The Alamance Fair. The Alamance Fair has num- , 5 attractions this week and ^Sidered by many that have one of the best fairs that ?-*-e been pulled off in this coun- number of years. The ^■p^bitsare exceptionally fine. has better attrac- k«5 th;an usual. The racing is .^•dered by all equal to what PJ1 niany Paiv^, 1: you are ' ^ v;v,vluctions Ul'- times at State interested in raised on the , ou should visit the fair, are a dead game sport and 'i-ol'V.; i runs at a 2:40 gate >our veins as the rac- ■'^!v ^ pulled off you die lair. If you do- rh;it >ou know all there 'X 'i-v- irrii-ned and wouldlike to ‘eum of education '■ off and go to the nor Craig to deliver an address that day. Besides the address es, the atheletic events and the various exhibits, farm products, handiwork, and relics will be of much interest. The program for the fair is as follows;' PROGRAM. Saturday, October 25th. 10. 00 a. m. Assembly of citiz ens in School Building. Formal opening of Fair. Address: by Gov. Locke Craig. 11: a. m. Short Talks on Agri cultural and Home Life Topics. 12:00, m. Basket Dinner. 1:00 p. m. Judges compare Ex hibits and award Honors, 2:00 p. m. Athletic Events and Contests. 3:30 p. m. Auction Sale of Do* nations to School. 4:00 p, m. Dismissal. J. D. Sto»kwell of R. F. D. 1, Gibsonville was a business visi tor Monday. Lectures from a number of prominent speakers have been arranged for during this term. J. R. Huffman of Burlington was a pleasant visitor one day last week. He is always wel come here where he once lived. Vote Unanimously To Accept ”'ed teachers associat- !..Hinty holds its first rVvir..:- -'f the year in Graham ;:uturday .Oct. 11th at n.j.c Pi ot. N, C. yew bold :■ ipt.'rvisor of Colored -.vi.; f'ddress the meet- r-, ; (.•,>;I.)red teacher is - preset't. H. Robertson, Supt. Letcer Fiom Joe Frazier. t.ii aii'.iVv' me space m your papt-r Vi rt-p'.-ri my visit as rep- rosvnia:;'. - ui your paper to one u! ux n.'.o;. progressive and up 10 aa'e cviinnunilies of our coun- jy, i reit-r lo Saxapahaw K, F. L). i. i lii.d mar ihese people m Keeping abreast with ihe ti!T.e>, niust of them have nice hoii.ts 10 i.ve in, and those who haveny: are contemplating build ing in ifte near future. iUr. W. h. ^^jciiane has a nice two story jjoiise which ]s nearing comple- tiorj. Your representative spent a couple of hours with Mr. W.Kiddie who is an up to date farmer. The work oi ginning cotton seems to require most ai the iime of iVlr. J. C. Tiiompson. Mr. J, C. McBane paid up his sin of omission by Bubscnbing ior The State Dis patch, he to runs a cotton gin ami saw miii and is also going to insiail a roller mill which _ is Jieecied to make the community compleie. i spent a most enjoy able night witn Mr. S. M. Lewis. Mr, Lewis is a man with a large faraily of children who have the appearance of being well raised. He loo is trying to educate his cnildren. One of his daughters teaching school in Wake coun ty* Mr, Lewis is a progressive iai'wier, he reports a good wheat and is counting on from Jjght to eleven bales of cotton, ne is also planning to build a resident in the near future, fiis home abounds in the old Jime hospitality. ■ After my through this fine territory ‘ stopped over at Swepsonville ^nd spent Sunday, attending ^.^’-JDath school at the Baptist Ltiurch which was largely atten- Alter Sunday Schooll at* ^fiued the old time revival jneeting v.'hich is in progress at we.M, Church. The Lord is o'eaiiy Diessing al^ who attend. , A. L. Baker is planning 'j'^send employees to the Baiiy Circus at Greens- Uciober lOt’i, of which 1 a full account next -Th. T W1 'HT; h ; F- r.ot tiip f Stenographer and Typewriter Examination. The United States Civil Ser vice Commission announces an open competitive examination at the following places: Asheville; Charlotte; Elizabeth City; Green sboro; Newbern; Raleigh; Salis bury; Wilmington on November 15, 1913 to provide a register of eiigibles from which to make certificates for filling- vacancies as they may occur in positions re quiring the qualifications of stenographers, typewriter, or stenography and typewriting in the federal classified^ civil ser vice in the vicinity of the places of examination. ' • ;* Age 18 years or over on the date of examination. Persons who wish to enter ex- aminati; n should applj at once for Form 1424 and apphcation Form 1371 to the secretary of thejocal board of civil service examiners at the post office in one of the cities named. Only those appli cations received by the hour of closing business on November 12, 1913 will be considered. Appli cants should state in their appli cations the kind of examination desired. Womem are not admit ted to the examinations for the Isthmian Canal and Philippine Services. Raleigh, Oct. 6.—House and senate Democrats in caucus to night voted unanimously to ac cept the proposition submitted by the carriers for a settlement of the western rates, voted 40 to 87 against creating two new members to the corporatiou com mission and voted unanimously to provide the commission with a rate expert. This action was taken after the governor, speci’i ally iniited to address the cau cus advocated the addition of two new members as a great achievment, but not as a reflection on the commission, whose members he gave full credit for their work in a great achievement. The action of the caucus is not bind ing, but it probably represents the sentiment of the legislature. Craig To Speak At Friendship District Fair. ‘ ^'■"'^ngton, N. C. Oct. 7, 1913. iiendship District Fair, to be held on the Friend- 00! grounds October ‘'V'fifth, promises to be i-'cessfuj, and interest- instructive one. Per- having attended the you may have surfe- that particular-kind of nraent; but be sui'e that novv the-nature of the r'wv.r] ; * ‘-.ivjrsnip before you decide attend it. It has been ttin sir ( 't.f. the promoters of this it an educational 'd interesting speakers Whitsett. At the rate students are still entering school it will not be long before every avaible room will be occupied. In the Iswt few days students have regis tered from Rockingham, Ala mance, and Guilford counties in this state and from Va., S. C., and Ga. A most interesting sermon was delivered before the students unday evening by Rev. Robert E. Redding on The New Life of the Christian. An entertainment is being prepared by the Star Literary Circle to be griven October 31st. M. S. Stone of Thomasville, and T. W. King spent Sunday here with their sons who are students. J. E. Webb of Chicago who is representing the A. N. Marquis Co., in the south spent Friday’ night here. Founder’s Day at the State Normal College in Greensboro was attended last Saturday by Dr. W. T. Whitsett who reports a most excellent address by Hon. John H. Small who spoke on the work of the late Dr. Chas. D, M elver. Several of the Davidson county students went down to Thomas ville last Saturday to be p-^igent at the celebration of Every i>ody’s Day. Myron Huffman of Spencer spent Sunday with his^ family here returning Sunday night. Prof. and Mrs. Wimbish spent Saturday in Greensboro with fi*i0ncis* Regular services were held Sun day at Springwood Church, and arrangements were made for representation at the Synod of this week. « tt- u ^ C. C. Barnhardt of HighPomt was a welcome visitor Saturday and Sunday. He made a pleas ing address before the Y. M. u. A. at the meeting of Sunday Mr!”£id Mrs. J. W.. Summers and a ' Is Craig After Overman’s Job? Raleigh, N. C.—That Gover nor Craig will be a, candidate for United, chutes senator to succeed Senator Lee S. Overman many politicians hereabouts say there is no doubt. The probate settle ment of the freight rate situa tion with satisfaction to the gov ernor what the politicians call “position. ” First he is a wes tern man, and the west is entit led to the senator, the east hav ing one in Senator Simniong*,; Second, Governor Craig has many strong friends who did not approve of the way Senator Ov erman stood off in the last con test and allowed Congressman Claud Kitchen to use his name in an effort to injure the senior senator. Third, Governor Craig w ill emerjge from the rate fight a ^reat big man, or he will not. ii he gets through the fjght with credit to himself and his auiiiinistration—and his friends bujf there is no doubt of this—he will be in the position to reap most from the field. The Gov ernor was the first state execu tive ever to start something really looking to a settlement of freight rates. None of the other governors made a beginning in that line. Representative E. J. Justice of Guilford has been a fighter, too, but it is apparent on its face that he would not have the posi tion occupied by Governor Craig. The governor in his message beat Mr. Justice to freight rates, and through the corporation com mission, Mr. Craig has secured a proposition that he believes is a start in the right direction. The other commission failed. ^^Ihe Little Millionaire “The Little Millionaire" pre sented at the Casino Friday night without question was one of the best threatricul shows that has visited this town for quite a while. This show presented to the people good clesn amusement which would come as near satis fying the persons who are look ing for amusement as is general ly-found. In connection with the blay quite a number of songs were used, eacL making a hit by being used at the prper time. Roman Catholic. He may not wear a crucifix and he ma y not attend mass, but he is the. avow ed champion of a policy more conductive to the spread of the Catholic religion than a south east Georgia swamp ia to the propagation of mosquitoes. “By their fruits ye shall know them.’’ “By throwing down the tariff bars and inviting the nations of the earth to come in to the United States with their cheap wares and merchandise, he in like manner, invites the cheap emigrant, because it is an invariable rule that emigration follows the tide' of trade, and three-fourths of the emigrants to this country are Roman Catho lics. And again, we are bound to admit that Free Trade means that the American manufacturer, to hold his own, will resort to cheaper labor, thus driving out the higher priced workman and filling their places with cheapen labor from the old coun tries, thus will the mills, mines and factories gradually be filled with immigrant labor whiie the American workingman will be driven into other lines of employ ment. We have noted how rail road and coal companies during the times of high wages, resort to the method of importing for- einers because they will work cheaper than Americans. Thus, Free Trade, in less than five years, will add at least a half million Catholics to our popula tion. And no one doubts for a minute that President Wilson is the strongest antagonist of the Protective Tariff idea in the known world. We have no doubt but that Woodrow Wilson would get down on his allfours and kiss the pope's ingrowing toe nail if he thought that would permanently establish Free Trade in the United States. At any rate, we know he was so deter mined to show partialitv to Rome that he selected and appointed a Roman Catholic as his private secretary, thus ignoring over twenty million communicants of the Protestant churches and singled out a m.an from an or ganization that cast less than a million votes. Thus summed up, we see that Free Trade Roman and Cathol icism go hand in hand. Protec tion is a patriotic protest of Am erican people against the indus trial slavery and low wages of other countries, just as a Protes tantism was a protest against the domination of the Church of Rome. No intelligent man will dare dispute this proposition. So, Mr. Protestand Democrat, if there to be and “R omaniz- ing’, of the United States, and we h«ar it on every side that there is, then just lemember if you please, that Woodrow Wil son is " ‘the greatest Eoman of them all, He is preparing the biggest dose of Free Trade that was ever stuffed down the throats of a majority of the peo ple of this cduntry and he is the first President of the United States t(T place a Roman Catho lic in his private office in the White House to open and read his mail and answer his letters. Yellow Jacket. Romanizing America. We hear a great deal being said these days to the effect that the Roman Catholic church is seeking.to supplant Prctestan- tism m America and bring the United States under the power of theppip§^. V/iJ:hout stopping here to ar^^a the merits or de- meits of either Romanism or Protestantism, The Yellow Jacket declares, v^ithout fear of successful con tridiction, that if these allegations are true, that we have in the Presidendal chair ffhfit cAT»f of ^ mau SChOOL NEWS The first teachers meeting of the year which was held last Saturday was a complete success. Miss Reinhardt, the county Sup- et visor for white schools read a paper on “Some things a Rural teacher may Do” that was full of practical instruction for the improvement of the various phases of school life. Dr. Harper, Pres, of Elon College, made a most excellent address on “Teaching the Less on.It was clear pointed and practical. The kind of address the teacher could take home with her and use. Many plans for the years work was given out by the Supt. and discussed. The interest manifested by the large number of teachers present 72 in number was very gratifying. It indicates promis ing hopes for a successful school year. The Qlenco school is adding a new room to their house. This will make for that place a con veniently arranged, two room house house which they expect' I to paint and equip properly j through out. I The, Friendship school will I have on the 25 of October, a dis- I tricC fair on the school grounds. A complete premium . list, has been issued for the occasion. This list comprises the following departments: Farm crops, Kve, Stock. Poultry, Orchard. Cook ing, pantry, sewing, Flowers and Miscellaneous Directors have been appointed for each de partment and a complete pi*o- grarh for the day arranged. Gov. Lock Craig will be the orator of the day. Prizes Awarded; The committee awards the following prizes for last week; Highest Price: One oak bed given by J. A. Isley Bro Co., and a bunch of bananas by Mer chants Supply Co—Eugene War ren, OO pounds at 46 cents. Hi3he’i Avera*?e, One - pair }vantp »jy C. Goodman an'' one buncr >f b-nanas, Blaylock IBros, 965 pt. ndb, 27.30. Largest Load, One half ton ot Fprm Bell - uano given by PI. W. Trollinger, and me- bunch of bananas Dy Merchants Supply Co. W. J. Turne , 2.098 pvLind.. The above winners will plea se cjil! on 0. F. Crowson Secretary to ^ he committee and get orderi for the above prizes. ^ We offer positions in our .ow ing room to sewers. We pay $3.00 a week while you are be coming accustomed to the work after which you can earn up to $10,00 a;id $12.00 a week. Scott-Mebane Mfg. Co. ' Burlington & Graham. T for tl'*'? ad The Sr.ntt-F Saxapahaw IteMs. Messrs W. Ed. Thompson and Elbert Hobgood of Greensboro were the guests of Jas. A. Win- ningham Sunday. Mr, Robert Isley spent the week end with his parents at Swepsonville. Mr. R. W. Foust and ' iss Mabel Moore were^ pleasant callers in town Sunday. Misses Flora Winningham ^nd Elizabeth Shaw returned Sunday after visiting their uncle, Mr. E. C, Thompson in Orange Coun ty for the past week. Rev. Oscar Cox of Greensboro cflme down Saturday aind preach ed four very forceful sermons at Woody's Chapel one sermon Sat urday night and three on Sun day. Rev, Gallaway pastor of the M. E. Church is expecting to begin a protrcted meeting here some time this week. Mr. Mannie May of Haw River returned home last week after visiting relatives in town fora few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Holt visit ed the latters fathers, Mr. Jas* A. Winningham Sunday, Some of the girls of the place are getting up an entertainment consisting of two plays “two much of a good thing’Vand “the face at the window.'' They will be given some time in the near future. The proceeds will go toward furnishing the new church which is nearing comple tion. that he, an alien, bom in Rnstia and never naturalized had beea promoted from the position the governor’s stenographer te the head of the deportation bu reau of the state hospital com mission. Rvari's storv of the govern* or's alleged effort to make p^ace with the leader of Tammany jflaf was his second recital of m tempt on the part of the gover nor to obtain political influence to the trial. Ryan testified Monday that Sulzer had asked him to persuade United States Senator Elihu Root to get the New York Republican state chairman, William Barnes, Jr. to influence the Republican mem bers of the court of impeachment to vote the Impeachment trial illegal. The latter testimony was stri cken out by a vote of the court, 32 to 18 but today on motion of Elon R. Brown, the senate RepU“ • blican leader, the court in execu tive session reconsidered Its ac tion and by a vote of 41 to 14 de cided to admit the testimony open the door for the remainder of the ypun g financiers story. Ryan took the stand immedia tely after the secret session. H& said that Sulzer had asked hins' to obtain the offices of Delaneej Nicoll, attorney for the elfe Ryan, as a “go-betvveen’’ in the proposed negotiations with the Tammany leader. This request^ he said the governor made a week before the impeachmenSi trial began and in the governor’jB New York office. Ryan said he made no effort to see Mr. NicdlL Ryan, did however, make an effort of his own, he said, te- “sound the Republican senti ment.” This, he said, he testi fied, through a friend." It appeared from his testiraoni that his friend had,vseen Chtet' mnn Barnes and obtained frorr; him a statement “that the Resjfc* blican organization would d/' nothing." Sarecky, much heralded governor's star witnessj took the stand amid a craniixg jjf necks and a buz of interest, JBe spoke in a light piping voice and his answers c?m3 without hesi- ation. “We received either from ammany Hall or from the see- etary of State,'' began Sarecky, ‘ ‘a blank form in which a state^ ment was to be made out of re ceipts and expenditures of cam paign funds, The question came up as td whether the committee of the governor's iriends, of which I was treasurer, had the right tfl> file a statement, inasmuch as had neglected, or some one neglected on behalf of the cora« mittee, to file with the secretarif of state a notice^ to the effect that such a committee had been. for med. So some one suggestel that I take the matter up witk Mr. SulzCT, I went into Jtiii room and told him of the Quand- ry we were in and he said: ‘ Well make up the statemeat anyway, it does not matter v«rf much who signs it as Jong as wc comply with the spirit of the law ’ So I went outside sn(} then work on the statement. Sulzer Wanted To Negotiate Bar gain With Boss Murphy. Albany, Oct. 7.--Governor Sulzer recently attempted to negotiate a bargain with Charl es F. Murphy, Tammany Hall leaders, to have his impeachment trial “called off"-so Allan A. Ryan, son of the New York, financier and traction magnate, testified at the trial todiay. If Murphy was willing to ‘ ‘get hi3 following to vote that the assembly had no right to impeach him." the governor according to Ryan, “was willing ; dp whatever was right" . The testimony, prec^edVthi ct ’ling by the defense of Louis A. Sa 3cky, the goye^pr's.^amr paign"secretary, an4 4l|e||lyiti nesses. " '' Sarecky, a youth of 27, shoul- d‘erd the blame ^'t|^ ^i|ifrnii5^ ion of unreport^ cgiii!ri^tip]|l from the gdv ■ qi-af ■ t Burlington Tol>acco Market. Good lively sales continue froiB day to day at the three tobacc# warehouses in the city tht farmers get better v better accomodations wh^a .i:;idl ing itobacco on the market is evident by the tact that such a large number vhavs been on the market for #.e latt. week dr ten days althou^ mkrif of the farmers are busy fsrepai?^ ing ground and sowing wheai, and have not begun strippjinc tobacco. Enough are selling ta make sales lively each day. That much interest is-in the Burlington i|ob^jcco market caii\eiisily 1^-; und^stood when |h€^1ist ,^ premiums to be given away by the committee which it published in this pajjeris notic- \ilver!^'^|air^iBr >Hio. raisefe tbbaciSo should fed^pefe for Ijbefi#^ beautiful prizes which wiE m^^sJway absohitely frefe. 06me Jbring your next load of tobaecPto Burlington AI*