A PROGRESSiVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. VOL. VI. BURLINGTON. N. C.. NOV. 12.1913. Siorts To Close ThsBksgiving, i Williamson, Prest, Burlington, N. C.. I Nov. 10, ’13. t J. W. Cates, j Best qt. of vinegar, Mrs. G» I W. Patterson, I Best honey in comb, Mrs. J. tt ^ i {Albright, The President ot united, | Besthomema.de cheese, .Mrs. Prx-blSlionln M. Graves. - ■■ ' _ „n -.-P ■ «fiin Best pound of butter, Mrs. W L. Is!ey. Best display of can fruit, Mrs ^ I Columbus Loy, prizes 25c given ■ of tfl0 Kt^pubilC, W6, tllC I CobiB- Vs upon all citizens^of America! ship District Fair. thanks unto God for thei Best grade made by boy under bestowed upon thern as I years old Is-s*:. year, '’,,\\.rrio-ned, merchants and bu- U nt-n of Burlington, N. C., ':X':\eclded to obey the man- " ■ oi that Proclamation. r.ust tliat each merchant iness man in town will! Best Grade i)y girl under four teen, Fairy Graves 25c J, M. Cobie. G. W, Patterson, |2,50 picture, Green & McClure. ^ Best can of tomatoes, Eunice Homewood. Best of corn, Eunice Home wood. Best display of pickles, Eunice Homewood. Farm Crops Depurimtnl. ^ . ^ ,-..ness man in lown wmi ^est clover seed. Early Gar- r petirion atia inake^ this rett, $2 50 razor, H.o-lr. & Mav, ? jeh.e&, n.. n of com, L'lnn I^«sseli. Homewood, 50e, Best peck or rye. J , Isley, 2DC. town on that day /i rest and Thanksgiving for the day our offices ' ' virt(*::S of business. Wereal- on tlrit day man.v willi Bast peck Dovatoys, Earlv Gar- ?r.r.U.‘ taroagUtheir teiir?.. 25c, ■; •••• ini itching siearts, nnoj peck Irish potaines, Ea e l‘v ' hi> -ct of sacnfict; Qarretr, 25.:. i:: ' ^ - ’*■' CrerUor our BvSt peck oni - ’ f-':‘rnn»n-::> us .0 oe ‘- j Patterson, 25c larly onions, Ivir^s Let'se ;• .. r s Ur- i i a ■ . 3 Vi-- ' 1 • • • ? '• : : I' ’ ^ J--;.. a ■ .-■■ a =a:- the V .. tayv'-a; li:a - ^ i.a ; ao: by rh.: ,;:g v;ar* i-es ‘I Best pecK peys. Hub'U't i.uey. . .'i'eov ornx ■. u .i;h .h- nwL-fu 1! r,mc'r-s :6i bt pfCk, p...>-u-iunl‘S B. SevviOR- DeprirLment. By Women of The VMstrict. Best knt lace, I'*,rs. T. L. Moser. Best e^iibroidered cor^set cover ?s Sarali Moser. Brtsteneire piece, Ine^zHorna- ciav. i'j e^st ta^ile cove?', Isley. Georgia ic 'j; (jrcii I G. W. Paltcr^^on ■•‘I; i.iU.’■: l!l ] v-^ , , T- . I , . , ! ji, 2 .vl i-bh-y, iM -cne s>me „ ..i Ldtie 4iaoa and ctose City Drug Co. L'^:^n & Trust Co , per A. V R:vy, Sej. B-.h’iir,gton Botihng Works. C. if. Durham Grocery Co. ^I;:\'C>iants Supply Co. C. B. Ellis. P.?psi Cola Bottling Works. J B. FarreU, Mer. Taylor. H. Go'dsiein. J. ii. Ang'i;!. B. Goodman. B. A. -Sellars & Son. Cutes Undertaking- Co., ^^by Cates. D ^;1ingion Drug Cc. H. M. Love & Son. W, J arret t. Stendard Realty & Security Co. i.), R. r'nnviiie. I, J, Mazur. T.'" -StLi.ic Dispatcii, J- E. Foior, M^^r. Lj:iira Cotton Mills Co. Di^i'sy Hos, Aiills, H, Vernon. •V- )-;• 'H'fi In;mc-.irice & Real , f. V>. Per W. B. Sharpe, hVn:- ^ viorray. ih ounci; o; e-'.!; rv; .vi.j Patterso.r E oiUidit o; loadeG ^5. I:'-ley. 1 .LarK'er-t ?ann:K.iu, McCkinley 'Isio, Bebt trn ears o;: pop corn, Linn Homevvof.'-i Besi jjb.'Hv?, Miss Letiie Patt erson. Largest turnip, iiovvavd Lsley. Largest ear of corn, Linn Homewood. B-st .•^pron. Eunice H(anew{>od By Girls Under Fourteen Bei^'- sp'-‘cimen (.f se;-inj^, ivlar- j?avet Bornewood, Comb and Bi-ush, i'Veeman Draw Co, one half floz-n button ■m Grave Constable Hall is Accused \ Of Assaolf. Durham, Nov. 2,—Raymond Hall, township constable of Dar- ham, was arrested today on a charge of assaulting N. A. Gee, Saturday afternoon in the police station. The arrest w^as not made till about 16 hours after the assault had been committed and not until after the publica tion of the article roasting Hall and the police department for not swearing out the warrant at the time of the alleged assault. Jule B. Warren, city editor of the morning paper here, has been summoned as one of the wit nesses in the case against Hall. number of the other members of the pohce force, who were present at the time of the as sault, have also been summoned. Ti'ie warrant was drawn up and signed by^R. A, Harris, clerk of the recorder’s court. The article regarding Hall's assault CD the prisoner has been the talk of the town today, Cobl? V'/KKts t© Ead Eal! Pays VVi/li Dgti'oit. Detroi'% Mich,, Nov. 10-—.Print ed reports that Tyrus Cobb was anxious, to he traded caused Frarik J. Navin, president of the Detroit American team today er.so; Best spi-^cimeo oi' embrokiery, Nellie A.!bright, Book, C. P. sse & Best iiemsticning, VlvaEuliss. Flower Departmer>t. Best .collection of flowers, Mis.?, Best peck ot wheat, Linn | ,\iaude lyley, \Tases, J. Nicks Homewood. ; Best boston fern, Mrs. G. W. Livestock Department. ^Patterson. Best horse colt under one year ■ I'viisce.Oaneous Department, old, $2 00 A. M» Hadley, j Olihomsmade naii.^ Hobart Second best colt under oner^j, .Patterson, year o:d, $1,00 A. .”1, Hauiey, Best, collection of creiics, G. Best mule colt, $1 00 bucket Isley. of stock salts, Coble Grocery Q.afst deeds, Early Garrett, Store. ■ I $2.00 given by- the A)aman;co 2 Best co't $1.00, J. Al-^ Loan and Trust Co. vvas distri- brisht. > buted. Best p:-'r of draft horses, G. ; $1,0:.) given by the -."entral A. Nichols,-;n. _ ^ !.Loan and Trust Go, vvas disiri- Best drivir-j? horse, J. M. A1 : buted holes Liilian Graves 1 Beit mm viOow, Felrfa Patt | to n>ake puDiic a letter, &o!a the er.son. Unibfi^Ua, ,4. Sioo-'jman. - oatsman in_ which Gantt—IsleT. On Wednesday evening at 8 be organized within the next week or ten days. Mr. G. Scott- Hunter, organist and choir diree*- Choral Union. The Music Lovers and former members of our Choral Union o’cloQk in Front Street Methodist will be gratified to knbw that a Church a beautiful wedding ceremony was solemnized when Miss .Mabel Isley was made thfe bride of Mr. Sam Gautt of Beau mont, Cal. tor of the Episcopal Church bfi The church was artistically de- this city will be direetorand this 1 corated with potted plants, ferns assures its success. A Choral [and was drapped in white. Miss ' Union of which he was formerly director has to say that he is a musician and directoi of great ability and was considered a suc cess in this work. Our readers are familiar with Byrd Dailey, presided at the piano while Miss Christine Cur rier of the Coservatory of music of Durham played the vioiin., Miss Selma Thorton sang '‘0, . Perfect Love,’■ and “T Love You the history of bur Choral Union i Truly." As the bridal party _ ^ _1 £* J 1 1*1 \ 1 _t? and from this we know that ic is needed in our city. The great aid it has been to our church cnoirs should alone be the cause of our people giving it their very heartiest support this year. The place of meeting cannot be announced as yet but this will be of central location, which to gether with tiie time of meeting will be announced later. Keep the Choral Union in mind ana don’t fail to attend its first meet ing. ' laken bri}/ht. Briddle given by Gr.,..\ham .B;- uob.b said he was anxious to play in Detroit as long as the ma'.agement and public Vv?ere vinliing tchave him, Cobb’s letter also indicated that there would be no dispute over the terms of his 1914 con tract. Last season he^did not sign until two weeks after the opening gapie. T«e letter from Cobb to Navin reads in part; VI am entirely satisfied with condit ons and I want to end my playing days in Detroit, The understanding vye reached pleas ed me i nmensely andfl wiU sure ly 'give my heart'to playing with Detroit next year.’' President. Navin _ said “The understanding’' referred to con cerned Cobb's salary for 1914. :vjr. Navi;-! intimated the Geo-- ; gian would receive the largest siilary ever ' played a player in Great interest is in the Organ Recital to be gi.ven in the Church of the Holy Com forter, Burlington, next Tuesday evening, 18th November, at 8 o’ clock. Mr. G, Scott”Hunt0T,-the Organist and Choirmaster of the church, will be assisted by the full vested ch'-.MV, who , wiU rend er two be^i^r ii'uS - ai)tHe!n,s. Mr. Poultry Depart nent Best draft horse, S. Patterson,; ware Co for fastest mule, won I by G. vV Pattei-son’s male. Suit the .history of baseball by Seilars foi. J • I T» .V....V1' of clothers siv^n by :sei!-ars loi." Best hen, any kind, iw , ^oy under eighteen. Mr. Sellars Hornaday. _ i \s: will select the winrseri.-; later. —f,., 1 1 \y(7 , W1' I ot M i-Cii.v.'i Best pair ol Silverlaced di,' ectors of the fair h( Gottes H. Patt rc^an, Pan Oi ^^ the people or the suspenders, Foster bhoe v.o hearti- dis- At the M. P, Church Next Sunday. . The following services will be held at the Methodist Protestant Bvnum pai ir White Wyandottes, , • . church next Sunday, Nov. 16, tncc tor t!'ieir co-oper;., aun wh;ca beBt pair .an conians, Bynum : ; A . Tr Wood J, L. t. Co. .made i'air a suc'te-'.s and, es- i : pedally do they wish t ,thoi;e people who I Isl'c’y. „ . . ' f>-«-,)'p rn-i/.fi.-i Hid wav! Bos i: paiWnite Or Ding tons, ' Knoiii^ .L;W;:.o i ' 'V-': * Bunday School at 9:30 a. m. "‘in - i Berroon -:.:y rhe pastor at 11 a. i m. :..y follovdng the I f I i J A ru>uT.'i7.. Vt. ... 0. ! jl \. ! '• i COvO 'i' I,;;-. \v:).::rr ^ 2 B"‘'i :- h' ' • - ' ‘1 ; Oreo;:..: ■::) •v'h. > X i' t_j , ' J. e i. - ' ' ■ J ' ,jess- 5 pi a ■; h - ' !" wh-; ■ J../. » ) iji. - '.I-” ‘ J.;an;' \ i' ■ -.■>■ ' -V !'- i i - V ■- J \ I.. I - ■ ■ - • . ,; r .. i !:. ' ' i', -I V-': ! ! ■ ■■ i :■ ' ! - A', : hu ; eo.. o,,'i U'Miv V ',0 ; /,!i a v.o'.-. 0 i'. ■■■ -■ ^O b..; l-iS" .; ■' ..c ■, ■ 'hi;- -vh ■. Os- 1 V. in i . t' V;.; l>: if' e-.i to ^.• v".w;-.h;y;' t- ■ I .p ai, T, i'nn-iial career c ■ i ■! ' iJ ^C.V V :;!■ ; ,'. ■ !' 0 . : ‘V. i.;)::, f 0 .V .: i 'i\ I' !’.i Ut^rnioo, a ini;.:aog oi: the church I will bfc a;:h; vJ: vvhieh matters of I vast in.iXMi'.ia- 'O will be co'usider- ...i '. r things, the -,hur;;. union with JhurCii wiU Bv::--; rvieni-)er oc F-m. ■ church I ■ u, .:]ahv ut Scott-Hunwljose groat repu tation as a Eeei'.aiisi: i.s' ■ well-, known in Wash^ogtira. I'i. C_., v^here he was Organist and Choir | ■; m'a'ster, of “St. Michael and All Angels” Church, prior to comin.g' to Burlington, has prepared a ■splendid programme, ., vvhich is, sure to be keenly appreciated by all lovers of good music in our midst. We trust the nmsie lov ers of Barlington will embrace this qpportuaky of ;hsteolng to a programme of the best music, renderen r,)y an artist of ac- knowkaho'd ability and wide rep utation. TOe programme as .as follows; 1. “Organ Sonata in F, No, Mendelssohn, 2. x^nthem, “0 Lord our Gov ernor,” —the Choir—Gaul. 8. “Intermezzo,” -Hollins. 4. (a) “The broken melody,” “-Van Biene. 4. (b) “Andantino,”-Lemare. 5. “Meditation Elgie,'' —Borowski. 6. Anthem, “As pants the heart, ’ ’ — the Choir—Spohr. 7. (a) “Death.of Ase. ”--Sui4^3. 7. (b) “Morning,” .(Frora the PeerGynt.) —Grieg. ‘Grand Selection from. sntered the bridal chorus from “Lohengrin was played. Litt le Misses :Mary Murray, Mildred, Sharpe, Gatherine Buchaiiah and Elizabeth Isley were the ribbon bearers. They were dressed in white and v/ore pink ribbons. Messrs. E. S. W. Dameron, Jno. La^-hley, Charlie Sharpe and H. E, Lee wereurshers. Misses Loia .Lashley and Fanny Kilgo w#o e bridesniaids. Their attire Was pink charmeuse trimmed with. (. tickess lace and peurla, carryio pink chrysahtKemums and wear ing' pink tuli veils fastened wir.h & wrea.th of pink ; roses; and pink , butterfiy. M jsses Trj xie Vvrd and Joiiette Jsley served ms flower girls. They, were dressi>d in pink crepe de-china o’ cr ■ ha.r- rneusie and.carried baskets filled with Killarney roses. .Messrs. Hugh Isley, of Trinity College; Th C,., Forb, of S lie) by; : A. W. Horton and B. S. Hurley were groomsmen, Mrs. Geo. Sum mers of Columbia, S. C., was dame of honor.. She was dress ed 3?* pink satin drapped with and trimmed with pearl trimmings. Miss Aiia B.eVl Isley • ' ■ I* ' - T . ■» .1. _ * J • ^ Jf sister of bride was maid^ of honor, she v/as dressed in pink brocade charmeuse drapped with chiffon arid trimmed with mara- bon and pearls and carried white ehrysanthemums and wore in her hair a rhinestone band and aigrette. The ring bearer was lit:tie Viola DuRant.: The groom entered accompanied by his br(?ther Mr. R, M; Gantt. The bride entered leaning on the arm of her father who. ^ave her av/ay. She-was dressed in white brocade ^ charmeuse trimmed with . princess lace, pearls and orange blossoms made en traine. 8. raniihau:^^er,.” ^:ir. (Including “Pilgrims.Chorus ■ ‘.Bliza-b^th's Prayer, .• blossoms wearing also a lavalliere the gift of the gOoom and carry ing a showers of brides roses arid lilies of the valley. The cere mony wa’fe perforihed by Dr. R. C. Beamon, presiding elder, of Durham ■ Af t^r the : ceretnoriy the bride and groom left on ao entended northern tour aft-r which they will resid.e at • mont, Cah . _ ■ . Many' and beautvful Vi/ere too ■ costly prcf-io;it'-;.._ The grooin ;s a BuccB'.s.s'ul• OuGinti.i'% )0^0 ot. :'■> home town l-u.ving b..;Ci) a stuoto.it “ElisabPth’s Prayer, ”Wol. ,»oinK;i.oW!i ^.arii4 ; fci!n-9 Prayer.”, .and the 1 ac i.na:ty.ntle;;B , msrd) f«m th;. “Toutna- or, Ph; .Kappa .'.,1;;:.; . in-toi;Soa«.” : , an.niUBraM ^ r/.'U) d . O o' U: a: '-u -a , ■ i I ' ' ■■ i -I I'"..' I y;;-.a la- :a.'O'■ ■y : .. -b;.-;-.' J s. ,Iji i i t,- ^ ' ' 01: ll'- Hot Gat't^v.; Snstr-. . If you 'na.oit the bes.' glasses, i' ;H '0 '--&r Dr.. K.. iiosen- j-.hf: ey.'i ;j;rX'Ciahst( h : !i"! O: ‘ ■ 'i'u aa! I » ' iNoy'tciO-. by” IStii, i'turi;ag:.,v-a't Di'ag .Vj... O):- \]\r :;;X;aiaEnng (’\ea and gaisaa? " ,l>r, W'^rk- cayds ’ ac ..5o- troduCi.a-.i. ■■ lie h:ay. rl;3 o'-' thi:^ hfj b^'a:t Por--' lint; 11 yeaiaa and r,.i;.C' O/'vv a.,S i./, ■ p.J-; r;p /\ vaa; )or la '- being preBai.i-. Tap oraaM::' * ..-r • I «.:* ■- ■ , ; aa-1 ■ LuO ; ;■ ■..., :u. I a.: ■ ^ a, ,,1- ia-:; ■ -y a;.- C' o;: .' iia a til K ' "a::. y ' aaa- .aid by .; a i ,;a' . -..u-.ii^a ' r;:; -^;a^.-, ■;;y; va..av-H r:.:. r::E '. ' ' iCrviava-: i/i' ^aaia o:L the. jTioa: ca;;.%,ao.',a y >a a^ iad.fe;.} o'ytha a>;-vn ,o-:y - -i- a;,v. , 0/ite V';h,h ail aav aaaa.vaa .laf.^-vs. .,1 . ■ , ■ ri', ... ■ .. ■ ... 1 , , ■ ■ aoe IB a gj aau.avi: u. ■ i-.; i-.’;'-jy-'i \ ■ ' ■ - ■ ■ ■ :■ ■ i'i. h\ f'■*a: \.a:^V/a’,a'ii a^a bG;-aaliad '.h^iay ;. aa.v'-'oa D-;:al.a siaa;;a/'\.lor';h-,y'Vna- si'a.g av l:a.a^o5’ Oi. th';;r baiaa;, p.t'^y- ^ T^o-^-..a.- corada,,a:' c ^ y \yac^' santheyn.aos'..■ T'y. ;a^^ ■.wai'ved a"; '■ .aa cou■ ,■ 1 beirar aha(''. ..a.i."a'ar^-; a ta :.^'^; vVSS ■ ,;J V V '■ i, .h'ufio), K!;y.a f - !aay. yyre yh:.'V :■■■. ; y a' , : h; .th' ,y . is':/; V ■ I ■-J. .r"r.\']C ■ ' I ‘ ; . . . : -.1 ' ivcr V:':\;:ay .a/'. ■/. ca^'/:.. . , Tae i)a .i^at , ;,;ivo a. ■.':aaj;.;a;,- ua:n a ; I.: - ■/. 'a.- Oalh ah ■fc on oaeha ta- :ra'- y:'‘y- y.'y-' '■■■' ! ^yahaa‘>icya:..r.Ilya a’,..:.. ■■■ .;a-.-. .. '.a'a ;aa'a!y:a- .y^.^' V.:.... ' 0.VU.'-a'.Ts a..:: (. i.- ,1 .OI ■Vi.H: ' f'-Ki :.v . I..; 1. ■ aj.r;5, '.air-' : , : ‘ a.u^h, ,5oa:-vai...uie t!,"'?ay, iTO- .... r;; ■ .'li'" .a:.‘ )r I.. ■: :-..a.- ^ ; ■ h,,Na; :i ! ; a .■ ^ia-ot r i\ : -• ■ ' • J ;.i ! I.U.V h' a..: a ■; ;’'a : li.-.' Oi;t i InO'v. I’/i. ;.-0 .'‘O : ‘ i ]aoier=jh. 'h..?n la.' Ba- ;a'.'- aoay ic ) f .-.I. • i'- ■ . ... .. .. ijs; , >[ : -1!". 0, a .V i.a ;va'aaa. ,. i'- yay - ty- ■ , /v.' ^ ; ' ^ ‘'■’■■'a >a y. a a r.:, V;.., j'-'..-- hi ; i . .'■'/a ■ ..'a; a!--;, ■ :.,y {_ (■ '.^''^a t :-i;* .ai.is- ■ e.y'’’0' 'a'a.a.>i it;- ’ ■ ■ - o I ...J ....' ' -i-i'' . • I • I rieit':'’.* l'. >IU* .yf-'vo.-'"- a ■'■ ■■ i ioh;-yaa-v - C'>f-i.jv(i yi->-'.;^ r-'a-- ^‘'ytTmy'^■■.■a. y.'rTai ^ ah ' I ,;'h ■, , - ,.i a :s.:\(.;:0l-0 pi'i- ' .i-.a’v'i U. A - v-O, O : ■■ .-iviiv > a'tO] .(i ■ ik a'i in-'Vor ai o a/T ! Vj.(.los ,. noH,y Tor ahi; -i ii'L'ure a;;us- C.'A. vViukc.r, VV- iVl ,pendencvi at the woman woo :'y y .O'.,.; ^ co.,„3,„_ i W5-!.B so kjod to him. h‘auc:\a.t-:iia''!:i ga> ■ -'’:o ;n-i:-o. i.n y;-!iri. Oihthe Hi;'itayo. ';0 >£i0 ^ofoe ti-oie hunting.