HUERTA SAID TO BE IN HIS CUPS. Nervous HeBilanhss I f t .r I _ U ■ - ' ft*' i - * * - - n.- A ^ r, s.- i?T ' 1:9^^ • * r ■A- \ h' Strong Serviceable, Safe. The most reliable lantern for farm use is the RAYO, It is made of the best materials, so that it is strong and durable without being heavy and awkward. It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy to light and rewick. It wont blow out, won’t leak, and won't smoke. It is an expert-made lantern. Made in various styles and sizes„ There is a RAYO for every requirement. At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Waahsngton. D. C. Richmond. Va. Norfolk, Va. (Now Jersejj^ BALTIMORE Charlotte^ N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston. S. C. Torpid livef.conf^tipHfed bowels j and disorden^d srontac ! a)e the^ causes of rh(’se headf.chfs Take , Dr. Ki n g’s New Li fe P i! s You j will be surprised bov^ quickly you | will pret relief. They sJjmu.atei the diffei’fnt tf'> do their j work properly. No hctfpr resu- iator for liver ;;md hovvels Fake 25c nnd in-eptin n Itox iodav. At p]\ druggists or by niai!. H. Cu Bucklcn & Co., FhiUideiphia and, St. Louis. I ,Nearly Everj? rijlld Ha§ Worms | Hi times 3, flushfid face, unnatural bunker, picking rhe nose, great thirst, ets., are- indications of worms. Kickapoo, Worm Kliler ir a reiiable, thor ough medicine for the removal of all kinds of worms from children , nnd adults Kicknpco Worm Kill- I er is in pleasant cardy i'orra, aids i fligeRt-ion, tones svstem.overcom- j ing constipah4)n and increasing I the action of t’ne liver. Is per- i fectly safe for even the most del- ,'icate children. Kickapoo Worm Killer makes chiidren happy and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try it. Drug stores or by mail. Kick apoo Indian Medicine Co , Phila delphia and St. Louis. Read a case of it; Mrs. Sarah Andrews, Webb Ave., and Anthony Street., Burlington, N. C., says: “I suffered a great deial from pains in the small of my back. I had such bad headaches at times that I could not get about. I was dizzy too. Finally, I decided to try Doan's Kidney Hlls and got some from the Freeman Drug Co. They relieved me. RE-BNDORSEMENT. When Mrs. Andrews was interview ed by our representative on March 15, 1912, she said: ‘'All I have ever .^aid about Doan’s Kidney Pills holds good. I know that they are the best c»f all kidney medidnes,” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. rr II ■■■ I iiinWMi iHiT r/>.‘ JESSIE GETS HER DING GIFT. WED- COULD SCARCELY Censj'i‘ssn?en's . iiia'»Tiond Pcudant Was Sent to tht; White House Yesterday. Washington, Nov. 20.—Miss Jessie V/iisoB, the White House bride-elect I'eceived her $2,000 present from the house today. The sparkling dia mond pendant, resting in a satin lin ed jewel box with a tiny key dang- Ung from ist heart shaped lock v.^as taken to the White House by a mem ber of the Washington jev/elry firm which has been preparing the gift. The sentiment inscribed upon parchment accompar.ylng the present ladForTkee SiJmmm Mrs. Via* i l wovdd have died if l hadn’t read-. I taken it. ^ /’'The representatives of the people cent Was Usable t© Atiead to ... . . ... nr, a • t h" Congress send this gift to Miss ‘ began taking Cardui, ,1 was | Woodrow Wilon with their sin- cerest and best wishes as an evidence of the tender interest and hearty good will of all the people, on the WALK ABOUT Gray Hair Made its Original Color. (Clip This Notice Its Worth 50c) If you hair is gray, white, faded, brittle, falling out, itch ing scalp or dandruff, apply Q* Ban hair color restorer to gray hair and scalp. Not a dye, but it brings to the hai.' surface the original color nature gave your hair. Makes gray hair brown, black, suburn or its original color of 17 or 18 years of age. Never fails. Perfectly harmeless, de lightful to use Q-Ban makes hair soft, full of life, beautiful. Stops dancjruf, itching scalp and, falling hair, Complete directioins forborne treatment of the hair with each bottle. 50c by parcel post, or return this notice and $1 and we v/ill deliver you three bottles. If nyt satisfied by its use we give you back $150. Address Hessig-Eliis Drng Co., Memphis, Tenn. Mexican Governmeiit Or(d;i's all Gunir boats from Ports Where they . Have Been Anchored. Vera Cruz, Nov. 22.—It has been authoratively learned that Provision al President Huerta has been drink ing heavily for several weeks past. Realizing that a di‘unk6n man can not be held responsible the Washing ton government, which daily receives report.? of Huerta's condition, has simply matched Huerta’s statement with his condition ahd let it go at that. ; ' . Ill ipursuance of the fixed policy of the United States of keeping the sit uation clear and avoiding every pos sible chance^ of clashes Envoy John Lind today aidvises Prof. Tosser, th® Harvard Arhhaelogist against going to Mexico City with his wife urging him to drop hiis research work in Mexico for the present. The Mexican government today or^ dered all her gunboats from the ports where they have been at anchor. They are sailing under secret orders and it is reported that they will hide at sea. Washington, Nov. 22.—:Secretary of State Bryan issued a statement to day bitterly condemning newspaper “fakes,” in the Mexican situation, and emphatically denying the morn ing paper story that the United State?! had protested against Great Britian’s sending two vessels to the Mexicaii waters. Secretary Bryan said: “Surely in international affairs there ought to be the aptriotic desire to prorriote friendly relations with other nations and these cannot be promoted by the reckless publication of false state ments with regard to the acts of pub lic officials. I desire to condemn all publications of this kind without in- Quiring into the truth or falsity of theivi.” Prwesnonal Card* Amy of Her Housework. Pleasant Hill, N. suffered for ihree summers,” writes Mrs. Walter, of this town, “and the third and \airt time, was my worst. 1 had dreadful nervous headaches and fffostratson, and was scarcely abl3 to walk about. Could not do any of my liousework. I also had dreadful pains in my back ttcd sides and when one of those weak, linking spells would come on me, 1 would have to give up and lie down, antil it wore off. 1 was certainly in a dreadful state of liealth, when i finally decided to try Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and 1 firmly greatly helped, and all three bottles re iieved me eniirely. I fattened up, and grev/ so much stronger in three months, I felt like an other person altogether.” Cardui is purely vegetable and gentle- acting. Its ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the womanly constitution. Cardui makes for increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a million weak women, during the past 50 years. It will surely do for you, what it has done for them. Try Gardul today. Write to; Chattanooga Medicine Co., Lftdies’ AC- visory Dept., Chattanooca, Tenn., for Special In- StrnctioiiS on ytiur case and 64-page book, "Horae Treatment for Woir.en,” sent in plain wrapper. TEETH Why continue to suffer with toothache? Diseased and aching teeth causes nervousness, indigestion losi3 of v/eight and bad breath. Have ? our teeth filled and mouth placed in good condition. Have your badly decayed teeth removed by the most painless and safest method known, All work guaranteed. Prices reasoriable. Dr. J. E Holt J BURLINGTON, N. C. Office over Freeman’s rug Store. Phone 462 L. happy occasion of her marriage to Mr. Francis Bowe-s Sayre November 25, 1913.’ The names of the committee of the house signed to this sheet of parch ment paper, identical with that on which Congress prints its legislative work, were Speaker Clark, Democ'ratic Leader Underwood, Republican Lead er Mann, Progressive Leader Mur dock and Representatives Cooper. Wisconsin; Henry, Texas; Campbell, Kansas; Hardv/ick, Georgia; Page, North Carolina; Johnson, Kentucky; Palmer, Pennsylvania; Austin, Ter.- nessee; Townsend, New Jersey; Fowler, Illinois, and Chandler, New York. Secretary and Mrs. Bryan’s gift was among those received and it will be uncrated today. The present con sists of an inlaid mahogany tea table and chair. Among the other gifts were a dozen silver plates from An- drev/ and Mrs, Carnegie and a hand some silver bowl from the Spanish minister and Mme. Riano. Miss Margaret Wilson, it was learn ed today, has taken personal charge of the musical program at the wed ding celebration. In addition to the music by the full Marine Band, a choir of boys will sing during the cer emony. A compiimont wiii be paid by the bride-groom by the rendition of several of the compositions of his cou.^iin, the late Ethelbert Nevin. A WAY OUT. A Resident of Burlington Shows the Wny. Thcre’p o'.:e efTective way to relieve kidney backache. Liniment and plasters may relieve it; But they seldom reach the cause. Backache is cause to suspect the kidneys. Doan’s Kidneys Pills are for dis ordered kidneys. Burlington people back them up. Truth may be stranger than fie - t ion, but you can't get 10 cents a v/ord for it. State of Nordi Caiolina. DEPARTMENT OFSfATE' Dr. L li. _ Eye Specialist Office Over C. P. Neese's Burlington, ■ ■ Dr. «l. S. Krost' Dentist, ' Burlington, - N. t Office phone 374-J. Res.f874.T, J. P; Spoon, D. V. S, W. A. Hornaciaj Spoon & fiornaday Veterinarians Otflce and Hospitn J Office PhonA I 415 Main St. Residence PhoBe'21^ C'^ A. Andersoii M Office hours 1 to 2 p. m. 7 First National Bank Building ^ave day calls at Bradleys Drojj Ot;Ox G* Dameron & Lom ATTORNEYS AT LAW E. S. W. DAMM I ADfllPH LOiU offiie in , I oiTifio in PleifffiOBf Bufldiag } galt.RjcljoJson lliii- Phoae • 250 P.hoB8 joprE li. Vern Certificate of Dissolafion. To All to Whom These Presents May Come- Greeting: Whereas, ifc appears to ray sat isfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my of fice, that the Enterprise Drug Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal oflfice is situated at No, 700 E. Davis Street, in the town of Burling ton, County of Alamance, State of North Carolina (H, M. Mont gomery being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the require-, ments of Chapter ^1, Revisal of 1905, entitled ‘ ‘Corporations,’ ’ preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said cor poration did. on the 14th day of November, 1913, file in my office a duly executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissolu tion of said corporation, execut ed by all the stockholders there of. which said consent and the record of the proceedings afroe- said are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 14 day of November, A. D 1913. J. BRYAN GRIMES, (Seal). Secretary ot Stat^. Filed Nov, 15, 1913, J. D. KERNODLE, Clerk Superior Court, Alamance County. SaFed flfs Foot H. D. Ely, oi’ Bynia'm, 0., suf fered ij'oni j'iori ibUr ulcer on his foot for /our years I Doctor ad vised anvput.ation, hdthe refused and _ reluctantiy tried Bucklen’s Arnica Salve as a last resort. Then he wrote: “I used your salve and niy foot was complete ly cured,” Best remedy for burius, cuts bruises and eczema. Get a box today. Only 25c. All druggis.s or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co , Philadelphia or St. Louis. ;.s f Take One Pain Pin, then— Take it E.asy. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pilk will help you, as they have helped others. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, liend- :’clic, Nervou-snesy, Rheuni.-itisin, Scintica, Kidney. Painis, Lumbago,' i.ocomotor Ataxia, Backacjie, ' ■lomachacbe, Carsickness, Irri- ' ikiHty and for pam in any part the body. "I have used Dr. Miieis’ Anti-Pain I'ills w:;cri t-cxiblca -.vith hfiidrfolie, ana f.nd that Aine pill infallibly cfrfccts rcJl'.f ill a very sliort time. I j-m considerably affected with neu- -nlgria in tlie head at times, and find the Anti-Pain Pills of much benefit. The, Dr, Miles’ Remedies are beyond comparison and I recom mend them to all my friends.’* GEORGE3 COLGATB, 219 Oakland St., San Antonio. T«r. At all druggists. doses 25c, « MiLCS MEDICAL. CO., Elkhart, ln«. OB, 'ney aua Lh'funseilor i .. -. Burlingtoi:*, N. G, Office room 7 and 8 Seo.nnd floor First Nat'l Bank Ruildin^ office ’phone 3 3 7 - J Reside>^i 'phone 337-L John R. Hoffma Attoraey-at-Lftw Burlington, North Caroiii!^: Office. Secoivi Flo»r e'bit SaKm Bank Buildtitg. DR. J. H. brooks: Sur^eQn Dentist Poster Building BaRLlNGTON, N. C. N I, W I^Briflllt & lesterii DEC. 8, LEAVE WINSTON-SALEM. 7:00 A. M. daily for Roanoke and intermediate stations. Con nect with Main line train North, East and West with Pullman Sleeper, Dining Cars, 2:05 P. M, daily for Martins ville, Roanoke, the North and East. Pullman steel electric lighted sleeper Winston-Salem to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York. Dining Cars North of Roanoke. 4:15 P. M. daily, exc^^pt Sun* day, for Marfinsviile ;u.d local stations. Trains ax*rive Winsfi)--Saleiri 9:15 A.M., 9:35 P. M:,, ] ;o5P. M. Tminrt leave Durhurt iovhurti South Boston ani v 0(Va. n. daily.and 5:80 p. m. d;ij!v (-nc . . Suuday W. B. B15V PiiK's’r, M,»'r. W. a SAONDERS.Gen’I Rnaiibke, v Under SnMortS ecttted to ofOctober l)onds of ^ and records Register of County in heeo said bondi trustee m condition® of Trust, sale the rei therein to cash at ti Alamance lina. Mon( at 12 o’clo in said Dec Beginniw from an ir side of Da' S. 35 deg. Davis St. corner of > N. 55 deg. G. F. Blac E. 28 ft. t 35keg. E. son St., 7- thence N with Davi to an ironj thence, wi St., 55 dej corner w 35 deg. E, thence S. the iks'in- part or’ tb tract on D This tbel 1913. Geutr; The reason a man can be so good natured when he is down town is because he can save up his bad tem per and unload it when he gets home. FOR all kinds of Comraer cial and Job Print ing, -call PHONE DO You Receive Piedmont InteBest»Oiec IF NOT,\’WHY NOT? ITS A SIGN OF PROSPERITY. '10 ^‘j5£!3iTi9qx* toO .3 |-nv9 B&if ftd olam f0^T~nuxi ’’.’mrsia ■M lid .8 |,8S Jzwi f rft ? The ladij Guild V'/ilf Piedmont. P. M. on. work and besides ic( sandwichel Do not before Dei ro( Vs 0 H H B 0 w ti „ .dliH HEPUBLI' Chmirmsn gressi Waehuii ■V; .^ ,. .V J. ■: ... ■■