eei good >bsta- >r the busi- thc good [es o£ >ther3 life, >okiet SiMii '•' ' • f »* V'' 4^f DO YOU WANT A $25.00 Hornless Symphony Talking Machine for ASK- FREEMAN DRUG CO —ggA ew;Jt »rv>c''s-viri*r3mrvwwvygMef»MaBe iLOOi^L A.ND FER-SON AL ^a' r^.s!'• -.AJi^ ^‘f t' .^4B^4l5^«>;yS[3-^:^ ;48>^SL'. AiS y f»' i ,-t T- ?, V'«* fa ^V* a'. isynh:-^^t«,;4t :J.4 There will be Thanksgiving service at the M. P, Church at 7:30 p. m. Thursday. A pi-ogram will be render ed by the children. Haasl Greeson spent Sunday ho ;.'Uort of her parents on R. F. D. No. •*. jiv. J. !>• Payne, of Graham, R. I'. ■/ .v.-,s a business visitor in town on I ’ fV Mo’^kiy. jlr. K. M. King killed a hog a few ,jav;; fi.tco that tipped the scales at 2;17 poijnds. Mis. H. H. Montgomery returned .-ridivy frosa Durham, where she was i1k- c:ue5t of friends. Mr?. G. R. T. Garrison, of R, P. D. Ko. 2, spent Thursday night the guest 0f Mrs. J. Zsb. Waller. Mr. Richard Wynn, of Greensboro, spent Sunday the guest of his sis- iev, Miss Nellie Wynn. Tb.ero Avill be Thanksgiving service in the Lutheran Church Thursday fv.vrijiir at 11:00 o'clock. Tr.e condition of Capt. J. C. Wal- ran. wl’o has been sick for several rcniains about the same. Addia Ray and Myrtle Nich- vviU spent Thanksgiving at Ral- e;;-!' MVid Durham the guest of friends. Eobhers entered the store of Holt i: lUay one iiight last week and stole ouiie a nv.mber of pistols and other IJev, T. W. Sikes and E. W. At-' water will leave next week for Ox ford, where they go to attend Con ference. Messrs. George and John Wyatt, of R. F. D. No. 3, have gone to Roa noke, whei’e they have secured em ployment. Messrs. S. C. Patterson and son, L. L. Patterson, will spent Thanks giving in Orange county, the guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Shreaves and Miss Della Shreaves, of Reidsvillei spent Monday in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ausley. Thanksgivng services will be held at the Pi-esbyterian Church at 11:00 o'clock at which time an offering for Barium Springs will be taken. Miss Manie Malone, who has been suffering from an attlick of appen dicitis, was carried to Rex Hospital, Raleigh, Tuesday evening for an op eration. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Lowery, of Haverford, Pa., came Wednesday to spend several weeks the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawi'ence S. Holt. Mr, J. E. King, of northeast Ala mance, had the misfortune of failing while in the barn the past week nd received several bruises. He is much improved. Dr. and Mrs. Wells, of Reidsville, nccompar)ied by her brother, of Gil liam’s. and Misses Mary and Beulah Foster, of this place, are the guests of relatives at Prospect Hill- Mrs. S. G. Boland, who has been at Watts’ Hosx)ital, Durham, has re covered sufficiently, to be at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Langley, in Durham. She is expected home next week. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Crawford left Monday for Mocksville, where they will make their home. Dr. Crawford for the past year has been druggist for the City Drug Go. Dr. and Mrs. Crawford have many friends who re gret to see them leave. Apples! Apples! Apples! And then SOME MORE APPLES. FLORIDA ORANGES, TAN^ GERIKES, MALAGA and TOKAY GRAPES, NUTS, RAISINS and CANDY. Come to my store. One visit will convince you that I have the largest stock of FRUIT TO SELECT FROM IN TOWN. 1,C00 BUSHELS OF APPLES, 100 BOXES OF ORANGES AND TANGERINES. I have ail the best varieties in apples. Call Phone No. 526 when you w'ant FRUIT. F. J. Strader, 108 FRONT STREET, BURLINGTON, N. C. %| ALAMANCE COUNTY’S OLDEST AND LARGEST RANK. Your Money Needs Bank Protection YOUR FAMILt, YOUR CREDITOR?, AND YOUR FUlURE WELFARE DEMAND IT. Hera your money is safe from thieves, , ^ , from loss by fire, and unnecessary ex- , pertHitures. We offer yottr money the protection pf fire prooff vaults, burglar proof safe, $100,000 capital and , . . $40,000 surplus, all under the ma;hage- Hient of eiScient \ ficer*. SfJkCSi GOVERNMFNT DEPOSiTJRY UNI 1 iiu Mr. J. W* Cates and daughter. Miss Julia ■will leave Friday for? Tallahas see, Fla., where they wili spend sev- sral weeKs, the guest of relatives. Miss Hailie Rea Mebane will assist Mr. J. H. Vernon in his office during the absence of Miss Cates. The new buildng which is being erected by Burke & Williams is near ing completion. They hope to get in to the building within the next thirty days. When completed this building will be one of the best for the under taking business in the state. Rev. and Mrs. Robertson, of Suf folk, Va., who have been attending Conference at Danville, were the gnesta of Misses Mary and jtieuiui. :Oiiter the paf’t week. Mrs. Robert son is remembered at Miss Mary Pitt -ind was ;>nusic teacher at Elon Col lege for several years. They will be ioeated at Saiiabury, Md., the coming year. Chief of Police Patilio and United States Commissioner C. H. McCrack- an, of Graham, made a raid in a gro cery store qf L. C. Crater of East Burlington ^ last Wednc-day and found a real blind tiger and one that was well tanked with plenty of juice. Among other things found were 14 empty five gallon kegs and one bar rel containing twenty-five gallons. For some time Crater had been re ceiving the juice in various ways which caused the officers to suspect. Crater was placed under a $500 bond for his appearance at court. He ap peared at court and the bond was con tinued for his apearance at the next: court. I BUSINESS LOCALS. Car bananas, apples and cabbagf at Merchants Supply Co. For good things to eat, go u Ralph's Place, Call Phone No. 526 for Fish and Oysters. F. J. STRADER. lOS Front St., Burlington, N. C Butter is 35c. per pound, make more by feeding beet pulp, dairy'feerl ,‘otton seed meal and bran. Mereh- T.r.1.3 Supply Co.; Graham and Burl- iagton. Nice candy, apples and oranges at Ralph's Place. Alfalfa, hay. sugarine dairy feed oeet pulp, and cotton seed meal srr' milk producers, try it. Merchants’ Supply Co, M o FOR SALE PRIVATELY: 1 Kitchen table, 1 Heating Stove, 1 Parlor Oil Stove, Chairs, Carpet, Matting. The above articles are for sale at my residence and will be sold at a bargain. Respectfully, JOHN R. MEBANE, Lexington Avenue. The Church of the Holy Comforter, Rev. John Benners Gibble, rector. Service and sermon Thanksgiving day at 10:30 a. m. The Public is cordially | invited. i National Thanksgiving Proclamation. Only 4 WEEKS! . mid the GOLD PRIZES wi;i i'ie given away by The KDi'iii'igton Dr'.:g Co, By President Woodrow Wilson, Int in Vafins' C on- “The season is at hand in which it has been cur long respected custom as a people, to turn in praise and j;hiinksgivir.g to Almighty God for His manifold mercies and blessint;;s ■ us as a nation. The year that has just passed has been marked in a pe culiar degree by manifestation of His gracious and beneficient providence. We have not only had peace t*'agb- out our ov/n borders and with the nations of the world, but that peace has been brightened by constantly multiplying evidences of genuine friendship, of mutual sympathj'^ and understanding and of the happy op eration of many elevating influences, both of ideal and of practice. “The nation not only has been pros- ! perous but proved its capacity to take i calm counsel amidst the rapid move- i ment of affairs and deal with its own | life in a spirit of candor, righteous- | ness and comity. We have seen the ; practical completion of the v/ork at the Isthmus of Panama, which not only exemplifies ihe nation's abund ant resources, to accomplish what it will, ard the distinguished skill and capacity of its public servants, but also promises the beginning of a new age, cf new contacts, new neighbor hoods, new sympathies, nev; bonds and new achievements of co-operation and peace. “ ‘Righteousness exalteth a nation,' and ‘peace on earth, good will toward men’ furnish the only foundations up on which can be built the lasting a^'hievements of the humaa spirit, Tiie year has brought us the satis- fav,:i.iori of work well done and fresh visions of our duty, which will make the work of the future better still, . “Now, therefore, I Woodrow Wil son, President of the United States jf America, do hereby designate Thursday, the 27th day of November next, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, and invite the people through out the land to cease from their wont ed occupations and in their several homes and' places of worishipi render thanks to Almighty God. “In witness whereof, I have (Seal) hereunton set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. “Done at the Gity of Washington, this 23rd day of October, in the jrear of our Lord, one thousand nine hun dred and thirteen, and of the Inde pendence of the United , States of America, the one hundred and.thirty- aighth. “WOODROW WILSON. “By the President: “W. J. Bryan, Sec. of State.” test growing daily as nev/ candidates enter the field. Trade at Burlington Drug Co find save your votes, Burliegton Drag Co., Burlington, N. C. Ttsr-ov.'sng.i;-* {K.-.rcv i u'ihg ;^ , rein ^'rvei'y .ao-glc, t!'ie ' BANK :/00K sei'vt;» as u j.ei i ^ \,/c NO\.ir.'ii'»'e 'bu4l in.-lhe. (ihajUifJ Of t •• i...u . ».c ^ c u;l. rotis rocks of waut ■and tui erw OuKViiK^ li.o' I'Nioi- •«! sli' ■ .y -• i-• •-■■'c •: gin.iho matter' of uncni'eu for a. i .L's as. it is sure to !,o pi > ii ■ ' / You ca!i ullocs. .r Ptr o*h.n,you are and stiil not be i a 1.i'i tO’iaV:-- a Oi‘ IsVO . You 'vviD So >'s iind vh^- hMM?. .“sei” for g'o-.;i.‘,.-and k ..'li. erjw- ...'vxith-'^vour. : hi. ue.\'. *-'i rst national tSank, 'H i i.k ii, N. iJni’ t'd States Government Dtpasilory. Wat to Feed.. lyCW is the time to thirdc about what to feed for the DE^’T RESULTS. Seme peopla canr/ the. corn and oat habit ou thoir minds, and stay in the same old rat, but the wids awake per.iDn. ij alv/a-ys strivirig, to improve over: old mathodS; and are fookir4‘ for the best, feeditig vaiuR, their name- is legion, but yo\t canric't improve,upon ALFALFA;.HORSE AND MULE' FEED .and ALFALFA PKA GRE^N HAY for Horyss. and Mules,' and for eoY'’^3 v/e have the best, milk and butter producers in the world., DAIRY PEED, BE.ET P'ULP,. CO'ZTON SEED /MEAL AN1> rre the best for reJ?ults; but to those who cannot get away from the old method and th« old way, we have a large stock of UA'i'S, TIMOTHY: and CLO'V'fc.R HAY. at right prices. Call to ^ee US. MSKCHAN 5 SUPPLY COMPANY, BURLINGTON, N. C. GRAHAM» N. C. H .s'-'V '«■ A WONDERFUL CHANCE Honesty used to be the best pol icy, but nowadays you have to throw the bull to get the kale. A wom$n has more sense than a man in ^me. things. You can bet that if s^ie had the ballot she would know what she was voting for or she wouldn’t vote. To get a coat Suit at a Sub- stancia! Reductio i Qa sale td rorfow 50. 'Suits, Ranging in pri^'es imm |!21 50 t:> $27. 59 and 25 Coat> price t "o a 16.50 to $17.50 al a r.ikdii^aca 59 "io $3 00., These Suits an l 0 la:^ ar> o the sea sons best styl s, new, si \ ^ i of un- equaied values, this offer ? the ladies who have delayed buying: t eii Suits and Coats uncii now an actm l saving The selections ot colors ara the best, navy blue, blick, brown and trpe. SpecM^ in Wool Dress €oods. Remnants of the seasons best sellers styles I to 4 yds. pieces at 1-4 to I 2 former prices. 10 differeat styles w?r( Ifcto SOc a.t 25c 6 “ 5»cto65cal40e. 12 '' 75c to 8Sc at 59c The styles co isist of Strg^, Panamas, Mo hairs tB plain aii f incf weaves. Colors blue, blaCk, brown aad greens If yo I lik^ t» biy good goods for little money, if yoa ar^ iixious « o sive a few doliars yott waat to ^ isa w >«derfui values we are offering.. Many of the best bargains will fee cjosad out pf 1 n > iy so yoa will serve your «w6 interest b7 t eadiag early;. / 0 © 3011 Copyriiiit 1?U • t>y Ii. Stae>c.L’|.; The reason a learned man uses lit- !;le words is because he knows how little the big words really mean. B. L£AbMti CLOTHING Most men pay so much attention to their enemies that they forget their friends. Barlington A. . \iiina ..■I ■'1 -J '■a ■:4 P: "Mi ■ ssaaesa