5H 'i • t f Ml^ h II 1 ■ III M ’ IM Ji!l -^2. A I r*' •'C In October 1909 1,1,6 North Carolina Railroad Company had sar- Leyed and potted ail that trait of land which w own in North Burlington on Fisher Street Ijcd Big Falls road but this land had never been fjced and placed on the market until this isith. jliere are 58 lots ranging in size from 1-3 ot an acre to 1 4 acres and in price from $100- 10 to $300 00 per lot. However we are only ufferirsg 26 of these lots at present. We believe this property is good investment:^ price placed upon it and will be glad to show ap or land to anyone interested. Alamance Insurance Real Estate Co. W. E. SHARPE Mgr, ■1^ rSiiSm 'laeos L'JO a few . \ pretty exDftn:.e bei^tac *. — Piar?o Tinkers call verv olterj. Sh-'-^jy” i:.nd for i;onths sound vvcil-4ljen your ^ “In the Face of Death. Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 21.—“In the face of death I am trying to do something to put an end to the traf fic that sends girls to hell,” this, said Ruth Steel, a nineteen-year-old moun tain giii, is why she came twenty miles on a cot from her Puint Cveek home to testify against George Jor dan, a Charleston business man xvho viras charged with white slavery, I'he federal authorities allege that the girl was forcibly held in a resort where she was placed by Jordan be cause of his constant threats she at tempted to commit suicide by taking’ bicloride of mercury. and have the to f) Cl 0 •(I We Furnish •V' ;'1 A-. -V • V . 7 / $150, ^17S and $200 pianos if you want them, but don’t advise you to buy them. Our store is full ot good pianos, org&ns and machines nov^. and terms Get orices v5^ 5 S Ellis With. & Music ^ North Carolina. S Advertise in The Dispatch, SPECIAL TRAIN TO RiCtllViOND, VA, VIA • SOUTHERN RAILWAY THANKSGIVING DAY, Thursday, November 27tb, 1913. ANNUAL FOOTBALL GAME UNIVERSITIES OF NORTH CARO LINA AJm VIRGINIA. $3.00 ROUNDTRIP $3.00 This special train will be Sleeping Cars, also nice day coaches. P^LLMAJJ gLEEKNG VHLL BE OPEN FOR OCCUPANCY AT 9:30 P. M., Nov. 26th. This special train will also pick up extra steeping cars at DURHAM which will be open for occupancy, at Durfiam at 9.30 P. M., November 26th. Special train will v ^ ■ leave ChapelHill leave Durham ^ - ’ leave Oxford ■■■• ARRIVE Richmond ^ v 7i50^A. SPECUL TRAIN WILL ARBWE->BiGHMOND K^ITURNING AT MIDNIGHT, NOVEMBER 27. 1913. . . .. ,t • Passengers from Greenshproland sitv wi!l use regular traifi'iblo. ^,‘Novfei^'b^l?*26M, connecting with special T-tcAIN at Uurharp. ,! - *.;;i oru Passengers from Raleigh and 'yiil use regular train Ko.V l$l^>^^iy^.P!i.k^^ special train at Duriiar??.bpe wfi’^-renhji Have your reservations, ' l^or Pullman Reserva>tions and Information, . ^ ^nte, . :. / Af ?. TRAVELING PASSENGERS AGENTS t T?uioi5^h NoEtkCai^w^ai Chapei Hill Items. Chapel Hill, Nov. 25.—That the re lation of the banking interests to the agricultural interests is such as to in dicate that the North Carolina farm er is a thrifty class of people is the observation made by Dr. C. L. Raper, head of the department of economics of the University, and official repre sentative of the United States Rural Organization Service for the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Maryland. The govern ment representative of this new bu reau of the natioiial department of agriculture a^’rived at this conclusion after making a field investigation in to farrnera’ credits in twenty repre sentative North Carolina counties, visiting the rural banking centers in each of the counties. Two divisions of the State were visited—Dr, Raper making a personal tour of the coun^ ties in the central section, and Prof. Y'/, R. Camp, px'ofessor of rural eco nomics in A. & M. College, and in charge of the markets for the North Carolina Experiment Station, making inveetigations into conditions in the counties of the northeastern section of the state. The counties visited by the two economics professors inter ested in conditions of rural life in cluded the following: Pitt, Beaufort, Washington, Chowan, Perquimans, -Pasquotanlf, Gates, Hertford, Bertie, Edgecombe, Orange, Guilford, Meck- lonhurg, Union, Anson, Richmond, Ivioore and Lee. The facts relative to the size of loans made to farmers; i.he rate of interest; the commissions charged; the cost of abstracting the title to land, etc., are furnished the department of agriculture. From the iigures gathered Dr. Raper has form ed some very definite impressions as to rui-al conditions, particularly the i-eiation of the banks to the farmer; (1) That the farmer in a number of rural banking centers has become a comparatively important depositor in banks, especially the banks that pay 'four per cent, interest; (2) That the farmer in a number of banks are fair ly important shareholders; (3) That the farmers 3re in a number of places large borrowers from the banks; (4) That the farmers in many places re ceive the same banking facilities as the business men, as to rate of inter est and nature of security; (5) That they can in a number of places bor row from the banks more than they do or care to borrow; (6) That the tenant farmers are the ones that bor- low little from the banks and usual ly only when their notes are signed by the landlords; (7) That the farm ers, especially theone-horse farmers, are rtot desirous of bori'o\s^ng from banks as much as they really need for the most effective cultivation of their soil or the most economical handlirig of their crops. The great est obstacle to the farmer in borrow ing on farm mortgages is the coE-t of abstracting the titl«^ to .elands* .-p the observation made ty Dr. Kaper. The average cqs,i,,JE£a’,.^uch a service (u...aally is from as iiitle Church Directory The Chui’ch of the Holy Comlorfer. (Episcopal) IM ReTwna Joho Begacrs Gibblt, Rector. 'Services: Every Sunday, 11:00 a, ra. and 7 -3 ) p. m. Holy Communion: First Sun day, 11:00 a m. Third Sunday, 7:30 a. m. Ho’y and Saints’ Days, 10:00a. m. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. The public is cordially invited. All pews free. Christiaii Charch. Corner Church and Davis Sts. Rt’T. A. B KeodftU, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Jno. R. Foster, Sapt. Christian Endeavor Services, Sunday evenings at 6:45. Mid-week Prayer Service, eve ry Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary So ciety meets on Monday after the Second Sunday in each month. A cordial invitatiors extended to VA. A. Church Home for Visitors and Strangers. Burliagt^a' Chisrcli. Corner Front and Anderson Sts. ?.*?. k D- Aanfew, Fxstor. Sunday SchooS every Sabbath, 9:45 a. m. Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sabbath, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Mid-week Service every Thurs day, 7:30 p. m. A. ei3rdial v/eleorne to all Parsonage 2nd door east of church. BEmUL W OF FALL IDIIS J. D. ind L. B. WHIT TED HAVE the most complete line of Fail Goods this season they have ever carried. All the beautiful new shades in Dress Goods. GOAT SUITS FOR Quality Style and Fit inspect the beautiful ready to v/ear garments coal; suits. MILLINERY MILLINERY. Our miiiiners are kept busy arranging' the artistic aesigns or neadwear forou^’ many ca^tomers who call ea:h season. J- D. and L. B. Whitted, BURLINGTON, N C. ' re much i exto3|i|i|l||r«m fa3||^6r ; ernr^jpot,; '^pr^sepbbtiye sugge|p >lhr^ istr||i^^^very; ' o® Xsue^ wpi^“ Ooj aJa Mclver, Pastor. Services eveiy Sanoay at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m, Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. B. R. Sellars, Supt. Prayer-meeting, Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. The public is cordially invited to all services. Baptist Church. g.cy. Maitia W. Buck, Fa#sor. (Stated Services and Meetings.) Sunday Worship, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. 'Sunday School, Mr. J. L. Scott, Supt. 9:30 a. m. Praise and Prayer Services, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Christian Culture Class, Satur day 3:00 p. m. Church Conference, Wednes day before first Sunday of each month, 7:30 p. m. Observance of Lord’s Supper, first Sunday in each month. Woman’s Union, .first Monday,, of each month, 3:30 p. m. Have Your Thanksgivia^ Made at H. GOLDSTEIlSf: The Imperial Tailor Ali kinds of imported goods suits and overcoats H. GOLDSTEIN, Phone 217, Builiiigfbh, N. C; of hi^U the cosl'^;:j e all and could borrd*Pi|ftiSI^^^ small- ^r cost at the regular rate of int».T- est. ^ ;.j-. in work of undert^ers— not so miich • in tihe general part, but in the unseen detM}9. We perform our duties in such a *iftahiriifer skio welcome the illiams, Green iliJlelilure I Harry Thaw is the greastest serial |tory the y^'^inted. I Every husband..Jbas. two sets of ikiles, one f9r hi;tnself and ,one for J • •» v.v •) V fr ) ;vj his wife. I A man doesn't mind being up witn t^e early bj^d.i.i* i to ^rink and a taxi waiting at the door If the cabaret. (ossible these days a man is often • ^ down on the movement to revive the |o a. m. Jobh' ^F.'ltW^i; JSilp.t, | [ iJKOBMBApWi- l^amm ta hm '?o ’'-‘i The Methodist Frotestsiii ^hsiiscl, .Sast Davis Street. - - aeT. Ttema* E; Da7ia; Ta*tof - ^ - Parsonaj?e ne;it doo^ to Services. Morning, 11:00 E*vening, 7:30. Pra:>er meeting .Wednesday ^eyenii:iga.:'^'' ■’’^iaie^Aia ii nd'MiissioiJery So-- fii^ifi:^..avg-rv Monday afterrtoon after first Buiiday- in;each month. S-uday School 9:30. a,.-m. , ; J. G. Rogers, Supt. Excellent .Baraca and Philathea Classes. . Yoii are invited to at tend ail s^ervices. Front StTf^^' M. E. vSe Sev. T. A. Syket, Pattsir. , Preaching every morn- irt^ a,tid ^vettlngy ' ; ‘ Sunday Schbot; 9:S0 a. m. W. E. Shat^e, &a|)eriritehderit. ’ :pjay;er-^S*6¥^iee, Wednesday eviniinSr ■.>- '-r EpWdM f;^agae; 7:00'o’docfc ; MacedonU ^atemiFi^iirch ; Residenceoisxfitd0^'todGJhtll‘cb. Vespers at SundarSefeb6l9i4&‘a. Fro Teacjh^jii* Stkf^n^fW^dW^day :30 p. m. (Pastoi^^f ktudj^) Woman's 'Sc^iity M# ^ursday in S'SO i - L. g^^^ondOTiii^-'" flay irx every «#tftfem. Sundays at ^ oJ.ni 5'*9is0' s'iii vtfJ ' ! ->!■?■ inarii • ts ■.., ^ ii^boiG bn,a fArmi : Hundreds of mekii right here Burl»ngtoKii Alamaifici© aad> rounding counties ^ been wearing Goodman’s clothes for that'""Inoney' get ihd dui Wi dtylisiifJ^M.I T: largest and varied stock of all ■ "1;'4 siiltil k«(p ws a wide choice in every way.; iei'fj ♦ 1 ^jj* I aow^ u your inspection. Prici||rai^ni|'||:oin $7.50 to 25.00. •S. .► r '• • my Hr; yours lo serve, J.-W./V 3 mill . *if -sJiftrT i'Ui^SL: j. iihispdh, ‘Pr0^x^ihi^fet^y^^t^ndk at f!; :.l a; tn. aHd 7;^: |C mf'",,^cond; j luTiday \ "Sunday'scKdbfev^F^^'S'u^ ■' forth ■y- 5 li. • ■■ ' nlSiT"»» etti n n A K c:*arrTV